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考试时间:2015年1月07日下午15:00—17:00 试卷满分:150分


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、考号、班级、姓名等填写在答题卡上。

2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

3. 填空题和解答题的作答:用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。





1. How much did the food and drinks cost?

A. $30. B. $20. C. $10.

2. What does the man probably think of the woman?

A. She is old-fashioned. B. She is careless.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a supermarket.

4. Who is the man talking to?

A. Maria. B. Sofia. C. His sister. B. In a restaurant. C. In a cafeteria. C. She is a good student.

5. What does the man need a suit for?

A. A dance party. B. A business trip. C. A job interview.



6. What do we know about the writer?

A. He is a child.

B. He was an assistant years ago.

C. He was born disabled.

7. How does the man feel about the writer?

A. Impressed.


8. What is the problem for the woman?

A. She failed an important test.

B. She needs to learn more English.

C. She can‟t understand her subjects at all.

9. What does the man say at the end of the conversation?

A. The woman should quit trying.

B. The woman is doing a good job.

C. The woman is paying too much for her lessons.


10. How did the man get the car probably?

A. He made it by himself.

B. He bought it from a car store.

C. He bought it from another person.

11. What does the price of the car include?

A. All fees but no taxes.

B. Free service for one year.

C. A one-month service agreement.

12. What will the man probably do next?

A. Test out the car by himself.

B. Get the car keys for the woman.

C. Get the contracts ready to sign.

B. Envious. C. Indifferent.

13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a small classroom. B. In a large lecture hall. C. In a professor‟s office

14. What is no longer part of the course?

A. Weekly tests. B. Monthly Presentations. C. The midterm exam.

15. What should be discussed with the woman in advance?

A. Certain paper topics.

B. Where to do appropriate research.

C. Using films as sources of information.

16. What is true about the term papers?

A. They are due in four months.

B. They must be at least ten pages long.

C. They can focus on any period in history.


17. What does Jabbar look like?

A. He is tall.

18. How fast can Jabbar run?

A. About 35 miles per hour.

B. About 40 miles per hour.

C. About 50 miles per hour.

19. What can we infer about Jabbar?

A. He can eat too much.

B. He is usually outgoing.

C. He comes from New York.

20. Who might the speaker be?

A. A host. B. An animal keeper. C. A tourist. B. He is thin. C. He is heavy.




21. Sometimes it‟s a bit challenging to reach a _______ between parents‟ expectations and their kids‟ desires.

A. composition B. comprehension C. cooperation D. compromise

22. China‟s Ding Junhui will become the first ever Asian world No.1 when Snoker‟s world _______ is revised at

the 2014 UK championship.

A. category B. scale C. constitution D. ranking

23. Nineteen cities in China have _______ their metro system(地铁系统), with total mileage expected to hit

3,000 km by the end of the year.

A. extended B. expanded C. promoted D. constructed

24. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed a State Council decree on Friday, which announced a revision of

regulations that _______ several restrictions on the operation of foreign banks in China. That is to say, China's banking industry will further accelerate the pace of opening-up to the world.

A. remove B. impose C. resist D. approve

25. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't

be _______ with any choice of words.

A. advocated B. conveyed C. analyzed D. concluded

26. Sadly the reading room where Karl Marx did a lot of reading had moved from its _______ place into another


A. primary B. traditional C. original D. temporary

27. The ship‟s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _______ instead of mechanically.

A. artificially B. automatically C. manually D. systematically

28. In the park, every year about 800,000 plants are replaced because Disneyland refuses to _______ signs asking

his “guests” not to step on them.【nineteen,,cities,,in,,china】

A. put down B. put up C. put off D. put out

29. Though she was not a gifted athlete, her extra training _______ eventually, and she broke the world record for

the high jump.

A. cut down B. paid off C. got through D. gave away【nineteen,,cities,,in,,china】

30. His conduct was considered to be quite _______, because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused

more conflicts.

A. out of place B. out of mind C. out of order D. out of question



Dogs are amazing creatures and Lilica, a Brazilian stray(流浪狗), is a perfect example of that. She lives in a junkyard, with a motley(混杂的)crew, and she makes sure her friends never go Every night, Lilica walks four miles in the dark, braving the rush hour traffic, just to bring food back to the other animals in her „family‟—a dog, a cat, a few chickens and a mule.

Lilica was at a junkyard in San Carlos, Brazil, when she was just a puppy. Neile Vaina Antonio, the junkyard caretaker, took her in and cared for her. As she grew, she became friends with all the other animals in the junkyard. It appears that they offer each other warmth, companionship and solidarity.

Three years ago, Lilica was and had eight puppies. As her grew, she knew she had to find a way to provide food for her cubs, as there was little to be found at the junkyard. That‟s when she started going out at night, walking for miles, leftovers. During one of her travels, Lilica was lucky enough to meet dog-lover Lucia, who took on her.

Lucia, a teacher by profession said she noticed Lilica roaming the streets and realized the poor dog was

looking for food. “She walked and the garbage bins—that called my ” Lucia said. “I thought she was homeless because she was searching for food. It was then that I offered her some food.”

“One day, she stopped eating, the open food bag and ran away with it. And the food was dropping from the bag the way. Then, the following day when she finished eating I the bag. And she took it. From there on, that‟s how we do it. I tie the bag and she carries it.”

One day, Lucia Lilica, and discovered why she took the bag every night. It turned out that she was carrying the food back to the junkyard. “In the beginning, she brought food to her puppies, but in time she began bringing food for the other animals here in the junkyard as well,” said Neile. “Her attitude is different, the look of her eyes is different.”

The puppies were eventually but Lilica didn‟t stop. For the past three years, she has been walking the four-mile distance from the junkyard to Lucia‟s home every night. Lucia follows her daily as

well—she leaves home at 9pm and waits for Lilica at an empty lot nearby. The dog arrives promptly to eat and her take-away.




1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、考号、班级、姓名等填写在答题卡上。

2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

3. 填空题和解答题的作答:用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。





1. How much did the food and drinks cost?

A. $30. B. $20. C. $10.

2. What does the man probably think of the woman?

A. She is old-fashioned. B. She is careless. C. She is a good student.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a cafeteria.

4. Who is the man talking to?

A. Maria. B. Sofia. C. His sister.

5. What does the man need a suit for?

A. A dance party. B. A business trip. C. A job interview.




6. What do we know about the writer?

A. He is a child.

B. He was an assistant years ago.

C. He was born disabled.

7. How does the man feel about the writer?

A. Impressed. B. Envious. C. Indifferent. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. What is the problem for the woman?

A. She failed an important test.

B. She needs to learn more English.

C. She can’t understand her subjects at all.

9. What does the man say at the end of the conversation?

A. The woman should quit trying.

B. The woman is doing a good job.

C. The woman is paying too much for her lessons.


10. How did the man get the car probably?

A. He made it by himself.

B. He bought it from a car store.

C. He bought it from another person.

11. What does the price of the car include?

A. All fees but no taxes.

B. Free service for one year.

C. A one-month service agreement.

12. What will the man probably do next?

A. Test out the car by himself.

B. Get the car keys for the woman.

C. Get the contracts ready to sign.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a small classroom. B. In a large lecture hall. C. In a professor’s office

14. What is no longer part of the course?

A. Weekly tests. B. Monthly Presentations. C. The midterm exam.

15. What should be discussed with the woman in advance?

A. Certain paper topics.

B. Where to do appropriate research.

C. Using films as sources of information.

16. What is true about the term papers?

A. They are due in four months.

B. They must be at least ten pages long.

C. They can focus on any period in history.


17. What does Jabbar look like?

A. He is tall. B. He is thin. C. He is heavy.

18. How fast can Jabbar run?

A. About 35 miles per hour.

B. About 40 miles per hour.

C. About 50 miles per hour.

19. What can we infer about Jabbar?

A. He can eat too much.

B. He is usually outgoing.

C. He comes from New York.

20. Who might the speaker be?

A. A host. B. An animal keeper. C. A tourist.




21. Sometimes it’s a bit challenging to reach a _______ between parents’ expectations and their kids’ desires.

A. composition B. comprehension C. cooperation D.


22. China’s Ding Junhui will become the first ever Asian world No.1 when Snoker’s world _______ is revised at the 2014 UK championship.

A. category B. scale C. constitution D. ranking

23. Nineteen cities in China have _______ their metro system(地铁系统), with total mileage expected to hit 3,000 km by the end of the year.

A. extended B. expanded C. promoted D. constructed

24. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed a State Council decree on Friday, which announced a revision of regulations that _______ several restrictions on the operation of foreign banks in China. That is to say, China's banking industry will further accelerate the pace of opening-up to the world.

A. remove B. impose C. resist D. approve

25. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be _______ with any choice of words.

A. advocated B. conveyed C. analyzed D. concluded

26. Sadly the reading room where Karl Marx did a lot of reading had moved from its _______ place into another building.

A. primary B. traditional C. original D. temporary

27. The ship’s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _______ instead of mechanically.

A. artificially B. automatically C. manually D.


28. In the park, every year about 800,000 plants are replaced because Disneyland refuses to _______ signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.

A. put down B. put up C. put off D. put out

29. Though she was not a gifted athlete, her extra training _______ eventually, and she broke the world record for the high jump.

A. cut down B. paid off C. got through D. gave away

30. His conduct was considered to be quite _______, because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more conflicts.

A. out of place B. out of mind C. out of order D. out of question



Dogs are amazing creatures and Lilica, a Brazilian stray(流浪狗), is a perfect example of that. She lives in a junkyard, 31 with a motley(混杂的)crew, and she makes sure her friends never go 32 Every night, Lilica walks four miles in the dark, braving the rush hour traffic, just to bring food back to the other animals in her ‘family’—a dog, a cat, a few chickens and a mule.

Lilica was 33 at a junkyard in San Carlos, Brazil, when she was just a puppy. Neile Vaina Antonio, the junkyard caretaker, took her in and cared for her. As she grew, she became friends with all the other animals in the junkyard. It appears that they offer each other warmth, companionship and solidarity.

Three years ago, Lilica was 34 and had eight puppies. As her 35 grew, she knew she had to find a way to provide food for her cubs, as there was little to be found at the junkyard. That’s when she started going out at night, walking for miles, 36 leftovers. During one of her 37 travels, Lilica was lucky enough to meet dog-lover Lucia, who took 38 on her.

Lucia, a teacher by profession said she noticed Lilica roaming the streets and realized the poor dog was looking for food. “She walked and 39 the garbage bins—that called my 40 ” Lucia said. “I thought she was homeless because she was searching for food. It was then that I offered her some food.”

“One day, she stopped eating, 41 the open food bag and ran away with it. And the food was dropping from the bag 42 the way. Then, the following day when she finished eating I 43 the bag. And she took it. From there on, that’s how we do it. I tie the bag and she carries it.”

One day, Lucia 44 Lilica, and discovered why she took the bag every night. It turned out that she was carrying the food back to the junkyard. “In the beginning, she brought food to her puppies, but in time she began bringing food for the other animals here in the junkyard as well,” said Neile. “Her attitude is different, the look of her eyes is different.”

The puppies were eventually 45 but Lilica didn’t stop. For the past three years, she has been walking the four-mile distance from the junkyard to Lucia’s home every night. Lucia follows her daily 46 as well—she leaves home 47 at 9pm and waits for Lilica at an empty lot nearby. The dog arrives promptly to eat and 48 her take-away.

“I don’t travel, I don’t go to places and stay for too long because of her,” said Lucia. Because I know she relies on me, so it’s a 49 that I have with her, and an appointment she has with me too because she comes every day.”

“We as human beings barely share things with others,” Neile said. “But an animal sharing things with other animals is a/an 50 for us.”

31. A. hangs out B. holds out C. hands out D. helps out

32. A. upset B. desperate C. hungry D. thirsty

33. A. abandoned B. deposited C. ignored D. spared

34. A. permanent B. pregnant C. vivid D. tense

35. A. capabilities B. responsibilities C. properties D. occupations

36. A. in search of B. in pursuit of C. in consequence of D. in possession of

37. A. primary B. relevant C. personal D. nightly

38. A. notice B. highlight C. pity D. interest

39. A. sniffed B. kicked C. deserted D. hid

40. A. assumption B. attention C. quotation D. recognition

41. A. threw B. spread C. sealed D. grabbed

42. A. beside B. on C. beneath D. along

43. A. folded B. tied C. reserved D. withdrew

44. A. tended B. proceeded C. followed D. recovered

45. A. adjusted B. adapted C. accustomed D. adopted

46. A. routine B. route C. schedule D. track

47. A. concisely B. virtually C. correctly D. precisely

48. A. pick B. consume C. update D. collect

49. A. compliment B. contract C. contact D. commitment

50. A. experience B. experiment C. lesson D. capacity 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess, he wasn’t kidding.

Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a remote desert region of Africa to claim a disputed stretch of land in his daughter Emily’s name.

In a move that is either an inspiring display of paternal love or a case of major over-indulgence(纵容), Mr. Heaton planted a flag in the unclaimed piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after making a promise to Emily that she would one day be royalty.

After reaching the desert region of Bir Tawil in June, the father-of-three from Virginia planted a flag his children had designed, and made the first steps towards claiming the land.

On his return Mr. Heaton and his wife made a crown for their daughter and asked friends and family to refer to her as Princess Emily.

Her kingdom covers about 1300km sq of desert that has never been claimed by Sudan or Egypt.

Mr. Heaton found Bir Tawil, one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet, after searching for how he could fulfill his promise to Emily.

Several attempts to claim ownership of the region have been made online, but Mr. Heaton believes that by actually travelling to the site and planting the flag gave his claim an edge.

It took Mr. Heaton 14 hours to travel by caravan(大篷车)through the desert before he could plant the flag, which has a blue background and a seal and stars representing the family.

He may have completed his journey in June, but it began at the start of the year when he was chatting to his young daughter.

“Over the winter, Emily and I were playing, and she has a fixation on princesses. She asked me, in all seriousness, if she’d be a real princess someday,” Heaton said. “And I said she would.”

Princess Emily, who sleeps in a custom-made castle bed, is showing signs of being a generous ruler, and said that she wants to ensure children in the region have enough food.

Shelia Carapico, professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond, said the family’s claim will need to be recognized by the other African nations.

She said it was not plausible for someone to plant a flag and say they have political control over the land without legal recognition from neighboring countries, the United Nations or other groups.

In addition, she said, it is not known whether people have ownership of the land, regardless of whether the property is part of a political nation.

51. Why did Jeremiah Heaton want to claim the desert region?

A. He wanted to make his wife and family happy.

B. He wanted to keep his promise to his daughter.

C. He wanted to make himself famous someday.

D. He wanted to be a member of a royal family.

52. In what way did Jeremiah Heaton and his family claim the region?【nineteen,,cities,,in,,china】

A. By making a crown for the daughter.

B. By planting a flag designed by the children.

C. Inviting their friends to call their daughter princess Emily.

D. By measuring the area of the land.

53. When did Mr. Heaton make the promise?

A. After his daughter fell seriously ill.

B. After he traveled to Bir Tawil.

C. After he found the unclaimed land.

D. While they were playing together.

54. Shelia Carapico’s attitude towards the family’s claim can be described as ______.

A. critical B. neutral C. negative D. positive


Heavy snowfall and chilling temperatures of -30°C do not stop criminals in northern Russia.

Now police trying to maintain law in the region are struggling on their snowmobiles and want to use reindeer to combat crime on the bleak tundra(阴冷的冻土地带).

They say that that mammals are more reliable than their machines and can run fast on deep snow thanks to their adaptable hooves.

Some areas of the country’s Arctic region are only accessible by reindeer and the


湖北省 大冶一中 广水一中 天门中学

仙桃中学 浠水一中 潜江中学 六校



命题学校:大冶一中 命题教师:曹红艳 石娟 凡亚林

审题学校:潜江中学 审题教师:朱美芝

考试时间:2015年1月07日下午15:00—17:00 试卷满分:150分


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、考号、班级、姓名等填写在答题卡上。

2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

3. 填空题和解答题的作答:用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。

4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。





21. Sometimes it‟s a bit challenging to reach a _______ between parents‟ expectations and their kids‟ desires.

A. composition B. comprehension C. cooperation D. compromise

22. China‟s Ding Junhui will become the first ever Asian world No.1 when Snoker‟s world _______ is revised at the 2014 UK championship.

A. category B. scale C. constitution D. ranking

23. Nineteen cities in China have _______ their metro system(地铁系统), with total mileage expected to hit 3,000 km by the end of the year.

A. extended B. expanded C. promoted D. constructed

24. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed a State Council decree on Friday, which announced a revision of regulations that _______ several restrictions on the operation of foreign banks in China. That is to say, China's banking industry will further accelerate the pace of opening-up to the world.

A. remove B. impose C. resist D. approve

25. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be _______ with any choice of words.

A. advocated B. conveyed C. analyzed D. concluded

26. Sadly the reading room where Karl Marx did a lot of reading had moved from its _______ place into another building.

A. primary B. traditional C. original D. temporary

27. The ship‟s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _______ instead of mechanically.

A. artificially B. automatically C. manually D. systematically

28. In the park, every year about 800,000 plants are replaced because Disneyland refuses to _______ signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.

A. put down B. put up C. put off D. put out

29. Though she was not a gifted athlete, her extra training _______ eventually, and she broke the world record for the high jump.

A. cut down B. paid off C. got through D. gave away

30. His conduct was considered to be quite _______, because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more conflicts.

A. out of place B. out of mind C. out of order D. out of question



Dogs are amazing creatures and Lilica, a Brazilian stray(流浪狗), is a perfect example of that. She lives in a junkyard, (混杂的)crew, and she makes sure her friends never go Every night, Lilica walks four miles in the dark, braving the rush hour traffic, just to bring food back to the other animals in her „family‟—a dog, a cat, a few chickens and a mule.

Lilica was at a junkyard in San Carlos, Brazil, when she was just a puppy. Neile Vaina Antonio, the junkyard caretaker, took her in and cared for her. As she grew, she became friends with all the other animals in the junkyard. It appears that they offer each other warmth, companionship and solidarity.

Three years ago, Lilica was and had eight puppies. As her grew, she knew she had to find a way to provide food for her cubs, as there was little to be found at the junkyard. That’s when she started going out at night, walking for miles, leftovers. During one of her travels, Lilica was lucky enough to meet dog-lover Lucia, who took on her.

Lucia, a teacher by profession said she noticed Lilica roaming the streets and realized the poor dog was looking for food. “She walked and the garbage bins—that called my ” Lucia said. “I thought she was homeless because she was searching for food. It was then that I offered her some food.”

“One day, she stopped eating, the open food bag and ran away with it. And the food was dropping from the bag the way. Then, the following day when she finished eating I the bag. And she took it. From there on, that‟s how we do it. I tie the bag and she carries it.”

One day, Lucia Lilica, and discovered why she took the bag every night. It turned out that she was carrying the food back to the junkyard. “In the beginning, she brought food to her puppies, but in time she began bringing food for the other animals here in the junkyard as well,” said Neile. “Her attitude is different, the look of her eyes is different.”

The puppies were eventually but Lilica didn‟t stop. For the past three years, she has been walking the four-mile distance from the junkyard to Lucia‟s home every night. Lucia follows her daily as well—she leaves home at 9pm and waits for Lilica at an empty lot nearby. The dog arrives promptly to eat and her take-away.

“I don‟t travel, I don‟t go to places and stay for too long because of her,” said Lucia. Because I know she relies on me, so it‟s a that I have with her, and an appointment she has with me too because she comes every day.”

“We as human beings barely share things with others,” Neile said. “But an animal sharing things with other animals is a/an for us.”

31. A. hangs out B. holds out C. hands out D. helps out

32. A. upset B. desperate C. hungry D. thirsty

33. A. abandoned B. deposited C. ignored D. spared

34. A. permanent B. pregnant C. vivid D. tense

35. A. capabilities B. responsibilities C. properties D. occupations

36. A. in search of B. in pursuit of C. in consequence of D. in possession of

37. A. primary B. relevant C. personal D. nightly

38. A. notice B. highlight C. pity D. interest

39. A. sniffed B. kicked C. deserted D. hid

40. A. assumption B. attention C. quotation D. recognition

41. A. threw B. spread C. sealed D. grabbed

42. A. beside B. on C. beneath D. along

43. A. folded B. tied C. reserved D. withdrew

44. A. tended B. proceeded C. followed D. recovered

45. A. adjusted B. adapted C. accustomed D. adopted

46. A. routine B. route C. schedule D. track

47. A. concisely B. virtually C. correctly D. precisely

48. A. pick B. consume C. update D. collect

49. A. compliment B. contract C. contact D. commitment

50. A. experience B. experiment C. lesson D. capacity




When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess, he wasn‟t kidding.

Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a remote desert region of Africa to claim a disputed stretch of land in his daughter Emily‟s name.

In a move that is either an inspiring display of paternal love or a case of major over-indulgence(纵容), Mr. Heaton planted a flag in the unclaimed piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after making a promise to Emily that she would one day be royalty.

After reaching the desert region of Bir Tawil in June, the father-of-three from Virginia planted a flag his children had designed, and made the first steps towards claiming the land.

On his return Mr. Heaton and his wife made a crown for their daughter and asked friends and family to refer to her as Princess Emily.

Her kingdom covers about 1300km sq of desert that has never been claimed by Sudan or Egypt.

Mr. Heaton found Bir Tawil, one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet, after searching for how he could fulfill his promise to Emily.

Several attempts to claim ownership of the region have been made online, but Mr. Heaton believes that by actually travelling to the site and planting the flag gave his claim an edge.

It took Mr. Heaton 14 hours to travel by caravan(大篷车)through the desert before he could plant the flag, which has a blue background and a seal and stars representing the family.

He may have completed his journey in June, but it began at the start of the year when he was chatting to his young daughter.

“Over the winter, Emily and I were playing, and she has a fixation on princesses. She asked me, in all seriousness, if she‟d be a real princess someday,” Heaton said. “And I said she would.”

Princess Emily, who sleeps in a custom-made castle bed, is showing signs of being a generous ruler, and said that she wants to ensure children in the region have enough food.

Shelia Carapico, professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond, said the family‟s claim will need to be recognized by the other African nations.

She said it was not plausible for someone to plant a flag and say they have political control over the land without legal recognition from neighboring countries, the United Nations or other groups.

In addition, she said, it is not known whether people have ownership of the land, regardless of whether the property is part of a political nation.

51. Why did Jeremiah Heaton want to claim the desert region?

A. He wanted to make his wife and family happy.

B. He wanted to keep his promise to his daughter.

C. He wanted to make himself famous someday.

D. He wanted to be a member of a royal family.

52. In what way did Jeremiah Heaton and his family claim the region?

A. By making a crown for the daughter.

B. By planting a flag designed by the children.

C. Inviting their friends to call their daughter princess Emily.

D. By measuring the area of the land.

53. When did Mr. Heaton make the promise?

A. After his daughter fell seriously ill.

B. After he traveled to Bir Tawil.

C. After he found the unclaimed land.

D. While they were playing together.

54. Shelia Carapico‟s attitude towards the family‟s claim can be described as ______.

A. critical B. neutral C. negative D. positive


Heavy snowfall and chilling temperatures of -30°C do not stop criminals in northern Russia.

Now police trying to maintain law in the region are struggling on their snowmobiles and want to use reindeer to combat crime on the bleak tundra(阴冷的冻土地带).

They say that that mammals are more reliable than their machines and can run fast on deep snow thanks to their

adaptable hooves.

Some areas of the country‟s Arctic region are only accessible by reindeer and the Izvestia newspaper has reported that a gang of Siberia‟s indigenous(本土的)people are using reindeer to make a speedy getaway from crime scenes, leaving police on snowmobiles behind.

Russian police chasing the criminals told the newspaper that their snowmobiles can break down and run out of gas—unlike reindeer.

Irina Pimkina from the region‟s Interior said: “Of course we have snowmobiles in service, but one should understand that a machine is a machine.” “A snowmobile can break down or get stuck in the tundra, but the deer will run at all times.”

The force believes that the animals will give them an edge in policing the remote area and they have been asking for reindeer recruits for two years.

Reindeer‟s hooves are unique because they adapt to seasonal weather conditions, Mother Nature Network reported. When ground is soft in the summer, the bottoms of the animal‟s hooves act like sponges to provide traction(牵引力), while the rim(边缘)of the hoof becomes exposed in the winter.

This means that they can cut into ice and snow to stop them from slipping. They even use them to dig down through hard snow so they can find their favorite food—a lichen known as reindeer moss. a snowmobile‟s lights, because the animals can see ultraviolet light.

Snow reflects up to 90 percent of UV light and this ability helps the animals to see clearly in dim lighting and landscapes that are largely white, where may objects blend unto the landscape.

Things like fur and urine, for example, show up clearly in ultraviolet light, compared to what humans see.

A study by University College London (UCL) revealed in 2011 that reindeer can see light with wavelengths as short as 320 nanometers (nm), considerably below the human threshold of 400 nm.

Researchers from the University of Tromsø discovered that the eyes of reindeer change color according to the seasons too.

While it may seem funny that policemen could use reindeer like a police car, the country‟s navy already uses animals to enforce rules.

The Russian Defense Ministry uses donkeys to patrol(巡逻)the country‟s mountain ranges, while the Navy employed the help of dolphins to enable them to detect underwater mines.

55. Which one of the following statements is NOT the reason why police want to use reindeer to chase criminals on snow?

A. Their hooves can stop them from slipping.

B. They can see ultraviolet light.

C. Their hooves act like sponges to provide traction.

D. They will run at all times.

56. What does the underlined word “outperform” in paragraph 11 mean?

A. as strong as B. stronger than C. as good as D. better than

57. What does the last two paragraphs imply?

A. The idea of using reindeer as a police car is funny.

B. The idea of using animals to enforce rules is not new.

C. Animals are cleverer than human beings.

D. Dolphins can help detect underwater mines.

58. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Mammals are more reliable than machines.

B. Police in northern Russian want to use reindeer to fight against crime.

C. The version of reindeer is better than man. D. Reindeer‟s hooves can adapt to seasonal weather conditions.


Tests are not fun—but they‟re necessary. But in places like Colorado, Connecticut and New York, we‟re seeing a new and problematic movement within public education to convince parents to pull their children from participating in any standardized testing. They‟re opting out of(决定退出)the exams designed to measure how well our schools are teaching our children.

Let‟s look at why some parents are opting out. The most common argument is that standardized testing takes too much classroom time away from instruction. Yes, in too many schools and in too many districts, there is an overemphasis on

testing. As a parent, I understand that problem. My daughter came home from public school one day and said class was easy now that “the test” was over. And I thought, “what are we communicating to our kids if they think the test is the most important thing—and once it‟s over, learning ends?”

Those test-crazed districts need to change. But a new study by Teach Plus, an organization that advocates for students in urban schools, found that on average, in grades three and seven, just 1.7 percent of classroom time is devoted to preparing for and taking standardized tests. That‟s not shocking at all. Most people spend a larger percentage of their waking day choosing an outfit to wear or watching TV.

We also shouldn‟t accept the false argument that testing restricts educators too much, innovation in the classroom or takes the joy out of teaching. That line of thought assumes that the test is the be-all and end-all—and if that‟s the perspective, the joy is already long gone. Teachers enter this profession because they care about kids, believe each one has the ability to succeed and want to teach far beyond minimum proficiency. The most valuable teachers are those who impart knowledge, not just information, and do so in a way that engages students and makes school interesting.

“Okay,” the opt-out crowd replies, “what about kids who are stressed out and suffering from anxiety because of standardized tests?” You know what? Life can be stressful; it can be challenging. The alternative is to hand out prizes just for participating, give out straight A‟s for fear of damaging a kid‟s ego—and continue to fall further and further behind as a country. I reject that mind-set(心态).

Rather than encouraging parents to opt out of testing, it would be much more productive for the leaders of this distracting movement to help improve the assessments. Make the exams more reflective of student learning. Ultimately, students and educators need test data—opting out does harm to both. And it risks endangering the progress that all of our children need.

59. The author uses her daughter‟s example to show ______.

A. her daughter is not a good student

B. The test is most important

C. Some schools overemphasize testing

D. The quality of tests should be limited

60. The underlined word “stifles” in paragraph 4 can best be replaced by ______.

A. prevents B. encourages C. expects D. guides

61. In the author‟s eyes, stress ______.

A. can be got rid of easily

B. should be treated objectively

C. is more important than praise

D. affects children‟s development

62. Which of the following shows the structure of the text? A. B. C.


CP: Central Point P: Point SP: Sub-point C: Conclusion


Making your own stuff with a 3D printer is vastly cheaper than what you‟d pay for manufactured goods, even factoring in the cost of buying the plastic filament(灯丝).

Yet, you can drive the cost down even more by making your own filament from old milk jugs. And, while you are





1. How much did the food and drinks cost?

A. $30. B. $20. C. $10.

2. What does the man probably think of the woman?

A. She is old-fashioned. B. She is careless. C. She is a good student.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a cafeteria.

4. Who is the man talking to?

A. Maria. B. Sofia. C. His sister.

5. What does the man need a suit for?

A. A dance party. B. A business trip. C. A job interview.



6. What do we know about the writer?

A. He is a child. B. He was an assistant years ago. C. He was born disabled.

7. How does the man feel about the writer?

A. Impressed. B. Envious. C. Indifferent.


8. What is the problem for the woman?

A. She failed an important test. B. She needs to learn more English.

C. She can‟t understand her subjects at all.

9. What does the man say at the end of the conversation?

A. The woman should quit trying. B. The woman is doing a good job.

C. The woman is paying too much for her lessons.


10. How did the man get the car probably?

A. He made it by himself. B. He bought it from a car store.

C. He bought it from another person.

11. What does the price of the car include?

A. All fees but no taxes. B. Free service for one year. C. A one-month service agreement.

12. What will the man probably do next?

A. Test out the car by himself. B. Get the car keys for the woman.

C. Get the contracts ready to sign.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a small classroom. B. In a large lecture hall. C. In a professor‟s office

14. What is no longer part of the course?

A. Weekly tests. B. Monthly Presentations. C. The midterm exam.

15. What should be discussed with the woman in advance?

A. Certain paper topics. B. Where to do appropriate research.

C. Using films as sources of information.

16. What is true about the term papers?

A. They are due in four months. B. They must be at least ten pages long.

C. They can focus on any period in history.


17. What does Jabbar look like?

A. He is tall. B. He is thin. C. He is heavy.

18. How fast can Jabbar run?

A. About 35 miles per hour. B. About 40 miles per hour. C. About 50 miles per hour.

19. What can we infer about Jabbar?

A. He can eat too much. B. He is usually outgoing. C. He comes from New York.

20. Who might the speaker be?

A. A host. B. An animal keeper. C. A tourist.



21. Sometimes it‟s a bit challenging to reach a _______ between parents‟ expectations and their kids‟ desires.

A. composition B. comprehension C. cooperation D. compromise

22. China‟s Ding Junhui will become the first ever Asian world No.1 when Snoker‟s world _______ is revised at the 2014 UK championship.

A. category B. scale C. constitution D. ranking

23. Nineteen cities in China have _______ their metro system(地铁系统), with total mileage expected to hit 3,000 km by the end of the year.

A. extended B. expanded C. promoted D. constructed

24. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed a State Council decree on Friday, which announced a revision of regulations that _______ several restrictions on the operation of foreign banks in China. That is to say, China's banking industry will further accelerate the pace of opening-up to the world.

A. remove B. impose C. resist D. approve

25. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be _______ with any choice of words.

A. advocated B. conveyed C. analyzed D. concluded

26. Sadly the reading room where Karl Marx did a lot of reading had moved from its _______ place into another building.

A. primary B. traditional C. original D. temporary

27. The ship‟s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _______ instead of mechanically.

A. artificially B. automatically C. manually D. systematically

28. In the park, every year about 800,000 plants are replaced because Disneyland refuses to _______ signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.

A. put down B. put up C. put off D. put out

29. Though she was not a gifted athlete, her extra training _______ eventually, and she broke the

world record for the high jump.

A. cut down B. paid off C. got through D. gave away

30. His conduct was considered to be quite _______, because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more conflicts.

A. out of place B. out of mind C. out of order D. out of question


Dogs are amazing creatures and Lilica, a Brazilian stray(流浪狗), is a perfect example of that. She lives in a junkyard, with a motley(混杂的)crew, and she makes sure her friends never go Every night, Lilica walks four miles in the dark, braving the rush hour traffic, just to bring food back to the other animals in her „family‟—a dog, a cat, a few chickens and a mule.

Lilica was at a junkyard in San Carlos, Brazil, when she was just a puppy. Neile Vaina Antonio, the junkyard caretaker, took her in and cared for her. As she grew, she became friends with all the other animals in the junkyard. It appears that they offer each other warmth, companionship and solidarity.

Three years ago, Lilica was and had eight puppies. As her grew, she knew she had to find a way to provide food for her cubs, as there was little to be found at the junkyard. That‟s when she started going out at night, walking for miles, leftovers. During one of her travels, Lilica was lucky enough to meet dog-lover Lucia, who took on her.

Lucia, a teacher by profession said she noticed Lilica roaming the streets and realized the poor dog was looking for food. “She walked and the garbage bins—that called my cia said. “I thought she was homeless because she was searching for food. It was then that I offered her some food.”

“One day, she stopped eating, the open food bag and ran away with it. And the food was dropping from the bag the way. Then, the following day when she finished eating I the bag. And she took it. From there on, that‟s how we do it. I tie the bag and she carries it.”

One day, Lucia Lilica, and discovered why she took the bag every night. It turned out that she was carrying the food back to the junkyard. “In the beginning, she brought food to her puppies, but in time she began bringing food for the other animals here in the junkyard as well,” said Neile. “Her attitude is different, the look of her eyes is different.”

The puppies were eventually but Lilica didn‟t stop. For the past three years, she has been walking the four-mile distance from the junkyard to Lucia‟s home every night. Lucia follows her daily as well—she leaves home at 9pm and waits for Lilica at an empty lot nearby. The dog arrives promptly to eat and her take-away.

“I don‟t travel, I don‟t go to places and stay for too long because of her,” said Lucia. Because I know she relies on me, so it‟s a that I have with her, and an appointment she has with me too because she comes every day.”

“We as human beings barely share things with others,” Neile said. “But an animal sharing things with other animals is a/an for us.”

31. A. hangs out B. holds out C. hands out D. helps out

32. A. upset B. desperate C. hungry D. thirsty

33. A. abandoned B. deposited C. ignored D. spared

34. A. permanent B. pregnant C. vivid D. tense

35. A. capabilities B. responsibilities C. properties D. occupations

36. A. in search of B. in pursuit of C. in consequence of D. in possession of

37. A. primary B. relevant C. personal D. nightly

38. A. notice B. highlight C. pity D. interest

39. A. sniffed B. kicked C. deserted D. hid

40. A. assumption B. attention C. quotation D. recognition

41. A. threw B. spread C. sealed D. grabbed

42. A. beside B. on C. beneath D. along

43. A. folded B. tied C. reserved D. withdrew

44. A. tended B. proceeded C. followed D. recovered

45. A. adjusted B. adapted C. accustomed D. adopted

46. A. routine B. route C. schedule D. track

47. A. concisely B. virtually C. correctly D. precisely

48. A. pick B. consume C. update D. collect

49. A. compliment B. contract C. contact D. commitment

50. A. experience B. experiment C. lesson D. capacity



When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess, he wasn‟t kidding.

Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a remote desert region of Africa to claim a disputed stretch of land in his daughter Emily‟s name.

In a move that is either an inspiring display of paternal love or a case of major over-indulgence(纵容), Mr. Heaton planted a flag in the unclaimed piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after making a promise to Emily that she would one day be royalty.

After reaching the desert region of Bir Tawil in June, the father-of-three from Virginia planted a flag his children had designed, and made the first steps towards claiming the land.

On his return Mr. Heaton and his wife made a crown for their daughter and asked friends and family to refer to her as Princess Emily.

Her kingdom covers about 1300km sq of desert that has never been claimed by Sudan or Egypt. Mr. Heaton found Bir Tawil, one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet, after searching for how he could fulfill his promise to Emily.

Several attempts to claim ownership of the region have been made online, but Mr. Heaton believes that by actually travelling to the site and planting the flag gave his claim an edge.

It took Mr. Heaton 14 hours to travel by caravan(大篷车)through the desert before he could plant the flag, which has a blue background and a seal and stars representing the family.

He may have completed his journey in June, but it began at the start of the year when he was chatting to his young daughter.

“Over the winter, Emily and I were playing, and she has a fixation on princesses. She asked me, in all seriousness, if she‟d be a real princess someday,” Heaton said. “And I said she would.”

Princess Emily, who sleeps in a custom-made castle bed, is showing signs of being a generous ruler, and said that she wants to ensure children in the region have enough food.

Shelia Carapico, professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond, said the family‟s claim will need to be recognized by the other African nations.

She said it was not plausible for someone to plant a flag and say they have political control over the land without legal recognition from neighboring countries, the United Nations or other groups. In addition, she said, it is not known whether people have ownership of the land, regardless of whether the property is part of a political nation.

51. Why did Jeremiah Heaton want to claim the desert region?

A. He wanted to make his wife and family happy.

B. He wanted to keep his promise to his daughter.

C. He wanted to make himself famous someday.

D. He wanted to be a member of a royal family.

52. In what way did Jeremiah Heaton and his family claim the region?

A. By making a crown for the daughter.

B. By planting a flag designed by the children.

C. Inviting their friends to call their daughter princess Emily.

D. By measuring the area of the land.

53. When did Mr. Heaton make the promise?

A. After his daughter fell seriously ill. B. After he traveled to Bir Tawil.

C. After he found the unclaimed land. D. While they were playing together.

54. Shelia Carapico‟s attitude towards the family‟s claim can be described as ______.

A. critical B. neutral C. negative D. positive


Heavy snowfall and chilling temperatures of -30°C do not stop criminals in northern Russia. Now police trying to maintain law in the region are struggling on their snowmobiles and want to use reindeer to combat crime on the bleak tundra(阴冷的冻土地带).

They say that that mammals are more reliable than their machines and can run fast on deep snow thanks to their adaptable hooves.

Some areas of the country‟s Arctic region are only accessible by reindeer and the Izvestia newspaper has reported that a gang of Siberia‟s indigenous(本土的)people are using reindeer to make a speedy getaway from crime scenes, leaving police on snowmobiles behind.

Russian police chasing the criminals told the newspaper that their snowmobiles can break down and run out of gas—unlike reindeer.

Irina Pimkina from the region‟s Interior said: “Of course we have snowmobiles in service, but one should understand that a machine is a machine.” “A snowmobile can break down or get stuck in the tundra, but the deer will run at all times.”

The force believes that the animals will give them an edge in policing the remote area and they have been asking for reindeer recruits for two years.

Reindeer‟s hooves are unique because they adapt to seasonal weather conditions, Mother Nature Network reported.

When ground is soft in the summer, the bottoms of the animal‟s hooves act like sponges to provide traction(牵引力), while the rim(边缘)of the hoof becomes exposed in the winter.

This means that they can cut into ice and snow to stop them from slipping. They even use them



(二) 名词:

专有名词:表示人名、月份、日期、地名等。如 China, John, London, the USA, Harbin .



2.名词的数。可数名词有单复数,不可数名词没有单复数。 3.名词的格:名词有三个格:主格(作主语)、宾格(作宾语)、和所有格。其中只有名词的所有格有形式变化。 (二)冠词

1.定冠词-the .

○1 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。The students are very good. ○2 说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物。Where is the toilet ?

○3 重复提到上文的人或事物。I have a cat , the cat is white and black . ○4 表示世界上独一无二的事物。The moon moves around the earth .

○5 形容词最高级和序数词前和表示方位的名词前。I am the oldest . He is the first to school . I live in the south . ○6 乐器的名称前常用定冠词-the 。I like playing the piano / violin .

○7 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表某一类人。We should help the poor .

○8 放在某些专有名词前。We will go to visit the Great Wall next week . the people’s Republic of China . ○9 放在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇两人。The Whites are watching TV .


○10 固定词组中。In the morning / afternoon / evening . 2.不定冠词-a / an .

○1 指人或事物的某一种类。A horse is a useful animal. A table has four legs. ○2 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个。Pass me a pencil, please. We write with a pen.



○3 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。The book was written by a peasant. Last month we were working in a

○4 不定冠词还可以指“事物的单位”,如“每日”、“每斤”等。 Here is a letter for you . The meat is 18 yuan a kilo. .零冠词。

○1 泛指人类或男女。Man will conquer nature .

○2 抽象名词在用来表示它的一般概念时,通常不加冠词。Knowledge begins with practice .

○3 有些个体名词有时可以转化成具有抽象意义,其前面也常不加冠词。We had better send him to hospital at once. ○4 在专有名词前一般不用冠词。China is a great country. Mr Smith is an artist.

○5 在三餐饭何球类运动名称之前不用冠词。He often goes out for a walk after supper. Sometimes I play basketball. ○6 在节假日、星期几、月份、季节等名词前。October 10th is Teachers’ Day.

○7 称呼语或表示头衔、职务的名词前不用冠词。Granny is sleeping now. We call him monitor.

○8 在语言名词前,名词前有指示代词、物主代词或数词时,不用冠词。This is his book. I can speak English . ○9 不用冠词的惯用语。At night / on food / go to town / at home / in class / at work 等。




○1 简单形容词由一个单词构成。Good, long, green, large, bright, interesting, surprised, learned, developing, sleeping .

○2 复合形容词由一个以上的词构成。20-minute, second-hand, 500-word, 8-year-old, three-legged, round-trip, part-time, good-looking. 2.形容词的用法。

○1 修饰名词作定语。She is a beautiful girl . ○2 作表语。He is very strong.

○3 作宾语补足语。Let the door open. You must keep your classroom clean .

○4 “定冠词+形容词”表示一类人或物,在句子中可作主语或宾语。We should speak to the old politely. ○5 大多数形容词既可作表语又可作定语,但少数形容词只能作表语,不能作定语。如:asleep, ill, awake 等。 ○6 有些形容词只能作定语而不能作表语。如:many, little, wooden, golden 等。 3.形容词的位置。

○1 形容词通常放在它所修饰的名词的前面。A heavy box.

○2 与表示度量的词连用,形容词要放在它所修饰词语的后面。3 metre long. 12 kilometer away .

○3 与不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing 等连用时,可以放在这些词之后。 Something important . nothing serious .


○4 当名词前有多个形容词修饰时,一般按下面的词序排列: 冠词(包括物主代词、序数词、基数词)-描述形容词(brave, beautiful)-表示形状(大小、长短、高矮)的形容词-表示年龄或新旧的形容词-表示颜色的形容词-表示国籍、出

处或来源的形容词-表示材料、物质的形容词-表示用途或类别的形容词-被修饰的词。My nice small brown leather bag . those large round black wooden tables .

4.形容词的比较级和最高级。(一般加 er / est ,不规则见表) A (四) 1 now „

○1 原级的用法:“„„和„„相同”

A. 肯定句:A + 动词 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B . He is as tall as me .

B. 否定句:A„ + not as +形容词原级 + as + B (即A 不如 B 那么„)

„ + not so +形容词原级 + as + B = A„+ less + 形容词原级+than + B . ○2 比较级的用法:

A. A + 动词 + 形容词的比较级 + than + B . (A 比B 更„ ,在这种句型中,比较级前面可用 much, even, still,

a little, a bit, a lot, any, far 等修饰,表示“„得多”,“甚至„”,“更„”,“„一点儿”。 B. “比较级 + and + 比较级”、 “more and more + 部分双音节或多音节的原级” 译为“越来越„”。

○3 最高级的用法:(个体用-of ,范围用-in,最高级前面要用定冠词-the)

A. 三种最高级表示法。

最高级:Shanghai is the largest city in China .

比较级:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China . / Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China . 原级: No other city is as large as Shanghai in China . / No other city is larger than Shanghai in China .



○1 时间副词:often, always, usually, early, ago, already, before, ever, late, now, soon, since, tomorrow, just ○2 地点副词:here, there, above, below, outside, anywhere, back, down, home, out, everywhere „


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