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****** Unit 10单元测试

****一、词汇(A) 写单词 (10)

*** country with long history. ***2. Here is the m________. What would you like to eat? ***3. Why are you late? Tell me your r__________. ***4. He has two bowls of r________ every day..

线5.—What‘s your —It‘s 558 Bridge Street.

**6. I‘m a little h. Would you please give me something to eat? ***7.He usually o___________ food and drink in this restaurant. ***8.____________ is the fifth day of a week.

*** of noodles in this shop. ***10. We have many great s______________ in the restaurant. ***B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(20) 新| 课 |标|第 |一|

***1. There __________(be) some _________(beef )and __________(egg) in the noodles. ***2. There_________(be) some onions and ______________(mutton) in the bowl. 钉3. I would like you _____________(come) to my house.

**4. Look, they __________(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market. ***5. Would you like some juice _____________(drink)?

***6. She _______(have) an egg, a small bowl of _________(chicken) noodles and two

***_________ (potato)every day

***7. I like ___________(listen) to the pop music and ___________(watch) TV. ***8. They would like _________(see) the __________(animal) in the zoo. ***9.Would you like to drink __________(apple) or _________(orange) juice? **10. There are some ________(tomato) and _______ (porridge) on the table. ***11.He is _________ (like) his father. ***二、句型转换(20)

***1. He‘d like a 对划线部分提问)

* 装_ ______ _______ bowl of porridge _______ he _________? *2. My father would like beef dumplings.(同义句

***3. )My father would like ________ ________ _________.

***3. Can I help you?(同义句)________ can I ________ ________ you?

***4. She wants to eat dumplings. (同义句)She ______ ______ to eat dumplings.

***5. I‘d like ______ ______ noodles ______ you like? *** ______ you _______?

*** ______ _______ ______ the large bowl of noodles? **8. I like rice and fish. (否定句) I _____ ______ rice ______ fish.

9. He wants to have beef for lunch.(同义句)He _______ _______ to ______ beef for lunch.

10. He and I go to see the movie. (同义句)He ______ to see the movie______ me. the boy ? 三、根据汉语提示完成句子.(15)


We _____ have ______ _____ , drinks and ______ ______

2. 我想要一个中等的甜点.I‘d like a _________ ________ ,please

3. 我不喜欢汉堡包 沙拉和汤。I don‘t like _______,________ _______ _______ 4.你想要订购比萨饼吗?欢迎到比萨饼房来.

_____ you ______ ________ _____ a pizza ? _______ to Pizza ______ 5.你穿几码的鞋?_______ _________ shoes _______ you _______?

6. 早餐你想吃什么?_________ ________ you ________ ________ breakfast? 7. 你妹妹长得怎样?______ ________ your sister _______ _____? 8. 她有点瘦,中等高度,金黄色的长发

She _____of medium height, but _______ _____bit thin, and she _______ long and blonde hair. 9.他想要哪种类型的面条?________ kind of noodles _____ he like?

10.我想要有羊肉和西红柿的饺子。I'd like a bowl of dumplings ______mutton and________. 四、单选(20)

1. Jim doesn‘t like tomatoes,potatoes ___ cabbages.. A. and B. with C.or D. for 2. There ________ some food on the table. A. have B. are C. is D. has 3.----Do you like to see ______ fish? ----Yes, and I also like to eat ______ fish. A. a little, many B. a few, much C. much, many D. a few, many 4. Do you like noodles ________ chicken? A. with B. of C. in D. to 5.—What size shoes do you want? —________. A. Small shoes B. Size 36 C.36 size D. Big shoes 6. There are ________ tomatoes on the table. A. many B. much C. a little D. any 7. --Would you like _____tea with ice in it? -- Yes, _____ A. any, please B. some, please C. any, will D. some, will 8. The noodles with orange juice ______ only $1.5. A. is B. are C. for D. with

9.My daughter likes to eat dumplings ______noodles. She doesn‘t like cooking _____ swimming.A. and; and B. and; or C. or, or D. or, and

10. My family usually ______ bread,eggs and milk _____ breakfast. A. has; for B. eat; for C. have; for D. have; on

11. It‘s 11 o‘clock. Please ________ our lunch. A. ordering B. order C. to order D. orders 12.—Would you like a cup of tea? —______. A. I‘d love B. Yes,please C. No,I wouldn‘t D. Sorry

13. We have music _____ Monday and Wednesday. A. in B. on C. at D. / 14. He likes English ________ it‘s fun. A. when B. why C. because D. where 15. They usually go ______ home ______ lunch. A. to; for B. to; at C. at; in D. /; for 16. How much ________ your shoes? A. is B. are C. be D. am 17.________ is your address? A. Where B. Which C. What D. How

18. My brother ________ dumplings with beef very much,but I don‘t. A. like B. wouldn‘t like C. doesn‘t like D. would like

19. I‘d like ________ an action movie. A. see B. to see D. seeing D. watch

20. I with Mike ____ English now. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. am reading


A: Can I help you? B: Yes,please.A:

B: A large cake,please.

A: What would you like to write on it? B:A: OK. What‘s your phone number? B: 4 A: What‘s your address? B: 六 阅读理解(10)


Come to Murray‘s big sale on clothes,things for your room and things for school. We have jackets for boys for thirty-five dollars,sweaters for girls for fifteen,and bags,earrings,and pants for five dollars!

See our great dressers,beds,and chairs. Get a new bookcase for all your school books and notepaper. At Murray‘s big sale,they‘re only twenty dollars! And we have backpacks, pencils,pens and notebooks—everything for school! Come into Murray‘s today! 1. Sweaters for girls are ________. A. $35.00 B. $15.00 C.$5.00 2. Bags are ________. A. $35.00 B. $15.00 C. $5.00

3. ________ for boys are on sale for $35.00. A. Jackets B. Sweaters C. Belts 4. Murray‘s doesn‘t have ________ on sale. A. dressers B. tables C. chairs 5.________ are $20.00. A. Bookcases B. Books C. Papers (B)

根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)(5分)

A Frenchman wants to eat eggs in a restaurant. But he doesn‘t know how to say eggs in English. He thinks and thinks. Then he sees a book with a picture of a hen(母鸡)on the table. He asks the woman in the restaurant, ―What‘s the English for a hen‘s child?‖ The woman says, ― It‘s a chick(小鸡).‖ Then the Frenchman asks, ―What‘s a chick before they are born?‖ ―It‘s an egg,‖ says the woman. ― That‘s right. Give me four eggs, please.‖ ( ) 1.The Frenchman can‘t speak English. ( )2. The Frenchman wants to have some eggs. ( )3. A hen helps the Frenchman get the eggs to eat.

( ) 4. What do you think of the Frenchman? I think he is smart. ( )5. An egg is a hen‘s child.

Keys: I. large menu reason rice address hungry orders Thursday kinds specials B is beef eggs;

are mutton; to come; are buying; to drink; has chicken potatoes; listening watching; to see animals; apple orange; tomatoes porridge; like

II. 1. What size would like 2. dumplings with beef 3. What do for 4. would like 5. What

kind of would 6. What do like 7. How much is 8. don‘t like or 9. would like have 10. goes with 11. What is doing

III. 1. also great salad green tea 2.

medium dessert 3. hamburgers

salad or soup 4. Would like to

order Welcome House 5. What size

do wear 6. What would you like for

7. What does look like 8. is a little has 9. What would 10. with tomatoes


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar

I、单项选择 (25分)

( )1. Can you ______ English?

A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell ( )2. --- ________ can you play? --- The drums.

A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )3. --- ______ you sing?

--- Yes, I can.

A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Am ( )4. I want to ______ the chess club. A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for

( )5. Tom wants ________ to you. Are you free?

A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks ( )6. Can you help me with _______? A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance

( )7. ---What club ______ you want to join? --- Chess club.

A. does B. do C. can D. are


期末总复习试题(四) 语法知识复习

一, 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you (write) to me? 2. Be quiet! My daughter (sleep).

3. I

4. Mary (find) his father last week.

5. The weather was cool, so we wanted (play) tennis.

6. 7. What club your brother (join)?

8. --How --Great.

9. Li Ming often (exercise) after school.

10. Last year Linda (make) a lot of progress .

11. Jim often (get) up at six o’clock. But this morning he (get) up at eight o’clock.

12. How he usually (go) to school?

13. We 14. We have to (are) quiet in the library.

15. Don’t (are) late for school next time.

16. There (be) some milk and some apples on the table.

17. What your teacher 18. Mary (have) to finish the work today.

19. Could you (call) me back?

20. --Where is Xiao Ming? --She ’s office.

21. There (be not) any hospital in my neighborhood.

22. --What day (be) it yesterday? --It was Saturday .

二, 句型转换

1. Can we eat in class? (否定回答) , we (对划线部分提问)

School trip? (对划线部分提问)

Is the weather these days?

4. Tina stayed at home during the weekend. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

Tina at home during the weekend? , she .

5. It’(对划线部分提问)

is it from home to school? (对划线部分提问)

What does your sister 7. Listen to music, please. (否定祈使句) to music, please.

8.She can play the guitar and piano. (否定) She play the guitar piano. (对划线部分提问)

do you the new book? (对划线部分提问)

she at home yesterday?

11. My father would like a large bowl of noodles. (对划线部分提问)

your father (对划线部分提问)

does it you to go shopping with sister? (对划线部分提问) your parents

14. He is riding his bike now. (否定句) He his bike now?

15. She does her homework every evening. (否定句)

She her homework every evening.


1. Where your friends last night? A. was B. is C. are D. were

2. --What ‘s he doing now? --He is his teachers.

A. talking B. talking with C. talk D. talk with

3. I want an artist. A. am B. is C. be D. to be

4. Some of the pictures very great. A. is B. be C. are D. can

5.Listen! The birds in the tree. A. are singing B. singing C. sing D. sings

6. My friend Lily tall and curly hair. A. is; has B. has; has C. has; is

7. What you have to do next? A. does B. is C. do D. are

8. Can you the word in English? A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

9. --Who went to the museum last year? --Tom . A. did B. does C. was D. is

10.-- . Is there a bank near here? . I’m new here.

A. Excuse me; Sorry B. Sorry; Excuse me. C. Hi; Sorry D. How are you; Sorry

11. It’s time for sports. Let’s swimming. A. goes B. to go C. going D. go

12. Look! You can see a boy in the pool.

A. swimming; swimming B. swimming; swim C. swim; swimming D. swam; swim 四, 单句改错

1. Don’t running in the hallways. 改为

2. I am write a book now. 改为

3. Mr. Zhang always goes to work last year. 改为 4.-- Were they played soccer last weekend? --No, they played volleyball. 改为

5.In Sunday morning, the girls got up late. 改为

6. --What do you doing? --I am eating noodles. 改为

7. The students have to cleaned the classroom every day. 改为

8. --What is the weather? -- It’s raining. 改为

9. --How are the rules at your school? -- First, we can’t listen to music in the classroom.


10. There are some water in the glass. 改为 五, 综合练习

1. He goes to school at six forty five. (同义句)

He goes to school at 2. She gets home at five thirty. (同义句) She gets home at .

(提问) do eat dinner? (提问) does cousin like?

5. It’(提问) the today? (提问)

people in his family? (提问)

noodles your father ?

8. I was a student last year. (一般疑问句) a student last year?

9. Tom played chess last weekend. (否定) Tom chess last weekend.

10. Mary bought a new schoolbag yesterday. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答

Mary a new schoolbag? ,


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


概念:情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的__________。如: 需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。

特点:形式上没有__________和__________的变化,有的没有__________变化;不能单独作__________语,因为情态动词本身词义__________ ;必须和不带“__________”的________________连用。

意义: 情态动词一般有__________个意义。

否定式: 情态动词的否定式一般为在其后加_______。

一般疑问式: 一般疑问句通常将其提到__________。

Ⅱ. 情态动词can的用法

A. 意义

1. 表示__________。如:

He can speak English very well.他英语说得很好。

She can sing some English songs.她会唱几首英文歌曲。

2. 表示__________。如:

You can play the violin after school every day.


Students can‵t take cell phones or Mp3 players to school.学生不允许带手机或MP3到学校。

3. 表示__________。如:

Can you tell me an English story?


Could you help me with my English?


温馨提示: 上句中的could 是can 的过去式,用在一般现在时的句子中,表示比can更客气的请求。【2013年七年级英语下册基础知识复习试题(人教版)】

4. can't 表示__________ 。如:

—Is that Mr. Smith?


—That can't be him. He is in New York now.


B. 句型变化

肯定句: He can play the_drums.

否定句: He _________play the drums.


_________he _________the drums?


Yes, he _________. /No, he _________.


________ ________he play?

Ⅰ. 单项选择

( )1. —Can you ________ him to stop smoking?


A.tell B.say C.talk D.speak

( )2. The little boy ________ English very________.


A.speaks; good B.speaks; well

C.says; well D.tells; well

Ⅱ.用good或 well 填空

1. He is a ________ student; he is ________ and


2. The food smells ________ and it sells ________.


1. Running is good________ a man's health.

2. Parents aren't always good ________ their children

3. The lady is very good ________ her cat.

4. If you are not good _________ driving, you'd

better keep the car away.


1. The book is very ____________ (interest).

2. I need a__________ (relax) holiday.

3. Are you __________ (interest) in music?

4. He doesn't feel __________ (relax) when he is at


Unit 2 What time do you go to school?.

Ⅰ. 一般现在时态特殊疑问句的结构

1. 结构: 特殊疑问词+ be + 主语?

特殊疑问词+ 助动词do/does+ 主语+ 实义动词?

When/What time is the party?

When do you go to school?

What time does he go to work?

常用的特殊疑问词:________ /________ ________ (什么时候), ________ (什么地方), ________ (谁), ________ (谁的), ________ (如何)。

2. 对画线部分提问: →________ ________ ________ they get dressed? →________ ________ she _______ a walk? →________ ________ he ________ ? → ________ ________ Jack ________ to school?

温馨提示: what time 对具体某一时刻进行提问;when 对笼统时间进行提问。 Ⅱ. 英语时间表示法

1. 使用数字( ________ 数 + ________数)。如:

7:20 seven twenty ; 8: 55 eight fiftyfive。

2. 使用介词(past或to)。

当分钟数≤30分钟时,使用介词________ , “分钟数+ past + 小时数”。如: 9:10 ten minutes past nine; 10: 30 half past ten;

当分钟数>30分钟时,使用介词________ ,“(60-分钟数)+ to + (小时数+1)”。 如: 11: 40 twenty minutes to twelve.


(1)特殊时间段的表示法: 30分钟可以使用________代替;15


5: 30 half past five; 9: 45 a quarter to ten。

(2)在某一时刻使用介词________ 。

(3)提问时间使用: “What time is it?” 或“What's the


Ⅲ. 英语中的频度副词的用法

英语中常用的频度副词及含义: ________(总是;一直),

(从来没有),___________ (有时

候) 等,常用在行为动词前。如:

I usually take a walk after dinner.


He never goes to school late.


They sometimes eat lunch at school.





( )1. —Either you or she ________ on duty today,

don't forget it.

—OK, I won't.

A.is B.am C.are D.be

( )2. —My parents ask me to finish my homework

________ after school.

—It's a good habit.

A.one B.first C.ones D.once

Ⅱ.用first, one, ones 或 once 填空

1. He is the ________ in the English test.

2. —Please have an apple.

—Thanks, I have ________.

3. These apples are green, and the red ________ are

in the basket.

4. He cleans his car ________ a week.


________ (通常), ________

1. Either she or I ________ (be) busy this week.

2. Neither you nor he ________ (be) at work now.

3. There ________ (be) two books and a pen on the desk.

4. ________(arrive) at school on time, he gets up very early.


He has a job in town.

He has ________ ________ ________ ________ in town.

Unit 3 How do you get to school?

Ⅰ. how引导的一般现在时态的特殊疑问句

1. 特殊疑问词how提问动作的________。如:

—How do you go to school? “你如何上学呢?”

—I ride my bike to school. “我骑自行车去上学。”

2. 表达动作行为的方式, 使用动词take (乘坐)、ride (乘车) 、walk(步行)、fly(乘飞机)等;使用介词by等。主语+ take/ride/walk/fly + to + 地点=主语+ go to + 地点+ by + 交通工具。 如:

(1)He takes the plane to Beijing.

=He __________ _________Beijing.

=He goes to Beijing by _____________.

(2)She walks to school.

=She goes to school _________ _________.

Ⅱ. how far 与 how long的区别

how far是提问两地之间的_________,how long 用来提问 _______________或某个事物的_________。如:

It is five kilometers from my home to my school. (距离)【2013年七年级英语下册基础知识复习试题(人教版)】

→_______ _______ is it from your home to your school?

The river is 1,000 kilometers long. (距离)

→ _______ _______ is the river?

The meeting is 2 hours. (时间段)

→ _______ _______ is the meeting?

Ⅲ. hundred的两种用法

1. hundreds of + 名词复数,“数以百记的,成百上千的,”表示一种“___________”;

2. 数字+ hundred +名词复数, “„„百”,表示“___________”。如: There are hundreds of people on the island.


He has five hundred interesting books.




Ⅰ. 单项选择

( )1.The island is the biggest one ________ islands.

A.among hundred of

B.among three hundred

C.between hundreds of

D.between three hundreds

( )2.________ takes the old man a long time ________

the door of his own.

A.It; to open B.It; opening

C.That; to open D.That; opens


1.In the word “map”, letter “a” stands ________

letter “m”and letter “p”.

2. Look! There is a man standing ________ the

students.He is our teacher.


1. He has ________ ________(两百本) storybooks at


2. __________ ________(成百上千的) people are

relaxing on the square on hot summer nights.


1. The girl is five years old.

She is a _________________ girl.

2. He spends half an hour watching TV every


______ ______him thirty minutes ______

______TV every night.

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class


定义: 用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫__________句。 时态: 使用______________时态。

结构: 动词原形+其他成分+ please. 否定祈使句在动词原形前面加__________ 。如: Be quiet in the classroom, please.


Don't fight. 不要打架

Ⅱ.情态动词have to 和must

1.情态动词have to和must都表示“__________”的意思。have to 表示从__________条件上来看必须做某事;must表示说话人 __________必须要做某事。如:

There is no bus, you have to walk home.



I must study English well. (想学好英语是一种主观想法)


2. have to有__________、__________和__________的变化,而must 只有一种形式。如:


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词dancing 3. swim(现在分词) swimming 4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6. Write(同音词)

right 7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either

10. make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. Center(形容词)central

12. teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical


说英语_____________ 弹吉他___________ 参加美术俱乐部___________

下象棋_____________ 游泳俱乐部___________ 结交朋友__________

帮助某人做某事 在某方面帮助某人 在周末 想要某人去做某事 擅长做某事 讲故事俱乐部 善于应付(处理)…的 ;和某人相处很好 需要某人去做某事 对.......有好处 跟......说【2013年七年级英语下册基础知识复习试题(人教版)】


1.They can’t sing. They can’t dance. (合并成一句) They _____ sing _____ dance.

2. She wants to join the art club.(划线提问)_______ ______ _____ she want to join?

3.My sister can swim. (划线提问) ________ ________ ______ sister _____?

4. Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句) ________ Li Lei ________ the violin?


( )1.—Can you _______ Japanese? — Yes,a little.

A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

( )2. I can play ___ very well. A. guitar B. the guitar C. guitars D. a guitar

( ) 3. —Do you like apples________ pears? —I like apples.

A. or B. and C. also D. too

( )4. Maybe he can ______________ in their basketball team.

A. is B. be C. are D.am

( )5. I can’t sing Japanese songs very ___________________.

A. well B. much C. good D.nice

( )6. We want two good musicians __________ our rock band.

A. for B. in C. at d.to

( )7. Tom wants ________ to you. Are you free?

A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks

( )8. Can you help me with _______?

A. dance B. Dancing C. dances D. to dance

( )9. ---What club ______ you want to join? --- Chess club.

A. does B. do C. can D. are

( )10. Her sister can play ______ piano, but she can’t play _____ basketball. A. the;

the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /

( )10. My brother can play the guitar, ______ he can’t play it very well.

A. and B. so C. or D. but

( )11. --- Are you good ______ your students? --- Yes, I am.

A. at B. with C. for D. of

Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school?


1. up(反义词)down 2. brush(单三)brushes 3. tooth(复数)teeth

4. alway (反义词)never 5.early(反义词)late 6. work(同义词)job (区别)

7. night(反义词)day 8. half(复数)halves 9. run(现在分词)running

10. clean(现在分词)cleaning 11. either…or… (反义词)neither …nor…

12. life(复数)lives 13. Taste尝起来(半系动词+形容词)还有look.sound.smell


起床 ________________ 刷牙______________ 去上学 ______________ 淋浴 ________________ 在晚上______________穿上衣服 ______________ 迟到1._________ 2. ________ 散步 ______________回家 ______________ 对…有益 ______________ 吃蔬菜 _______________ 做运动 ______________ 要么…要么…___________ 尝起来美味 ____________ 六点半 _____________ 差一刻钟十点___________五点过五分__________差十分钟八点______________ 做作业 _____________ 大量、许多_____________一份好工作______________


1.Let’s ______ (clean) the classroom. 2.He ______ (not go) to bed at 8:30.

3.She ______ (do) her homework at 7:00 in the evening.

4.Scott ________ (work) very long hours.

5.What time _______ you usually _____ (get) up?

6.His sister loves ________(play) the piano very much.

7.My father ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

8. Can Gina __________(swim), do you know?

9. Do you want ______________(know) about my school?

10. We have four __________(class) in the morning.

( ) 1. I go to ________ work after _______ breakfast every day.

A. /; the B. /; / C. the; a D.the; /

( ) 2 . Rick ___________ early morning news on TV.

A. sees B. reads C.watches D. have

( ) 3.—_____ do you go to school ? — I often go to school ____ 7:30 pm .

A、What time,on B、What time , at C、What , in D、When , in

( ) 4. The bus usually _______ him to work. A. take B. takes C. / D. bring

( ) 5. I usually go to school _______even o'clock. A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )6. My sister ____ home at 5:00 every day. A. gets B. gets to C. get D. get to

( )7. We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV. A. in B. at C. on D. from

( )8. My brother ___ the morning TV every day. A. watches B. watch C. watchs

( )9. He likes ______ the radio(收音机)。

A. listens B. to listen to C. listens to D. to listen

( )10. Rick often does ____ homework at 6:00.

A. her B. his C. my D. your

Unit 3 How do you get to school?


1. Subway(同义词)underway 2. ride(现在分词)riding 3. bike(完全式)bicycle

4. far from(反义词)near to 5. km(完全式)kilometer 6. drive(现在分词)driving

7. cross.V (介词)across (名词)crossing十字路口 8. Village(指人)villager

9. leave/li:v/ live /liv/ 10. stop(同义词) station


1. take the train /bus/boat/subway 乘火车/公共汽车/船/地铁

=by train/bus/boat/subway (放在句末)

How do(does)+人+ get to+地方? 你怎样到达……

人+take(s)+交通工具+to+地方= 人+go(es)+地方+to by+交通工具 乘…去…

2. by bike=ride a bike=on one’s bike骑自行车 how long多久多长 how far多远 How long does it take sb. to do…? 做……花某人多长时间?

It take(s) +人(宾格)+时间段(sometime) to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。 How far is it from …to …? ……离……有多远?

3. How far does he /she live from…? 他/她住在离……有多远?

What does he/she think of sth?=How does he/she like sth? 他/她觉得…如何?

4. It is adj+(for) sb. to do sth… 做……怎么样 :it is easy to get to school.

He is like a father to sb.他像父亲一样对我……

It is one's dream to do…做…是某人的梦想。 go on a ropeway 坐索道 5. thanks for + n. / v. ing …感谢你(做)某事 get there到达那儿


1. 骑自行车 _____________2. 步行 _____________ 3. 走路上学 ___________

4. 认为 ____________5. 在…和…之间 _____________ 6.实现 _____________

7.开某人的车去上班 8.公交车站点_____________9. 火车站______________ 10.过河_____________11.一个11岁的男孩________________

12.喜欢做……_______________ ____________13和某人玩耍____________

14十分钟步行的路程____________ ___________15到达___________________


1. far, it, is, from, Beijing, Wuhan, how, to (连词成句)________________________

2. get, by, ten, takes, it, bus, there, me, to, minutes(连词成句)_____________________________________________

3. They take the train to school. (划线部分提问)______ do they _______ to school?

4. It takes about 20 minutes to go there by bus. (就划线部 分提问)

________ ________ does it ________ to go there by bus?

5. It is 5 kilometers from my home to school. (就划线部分提问)

_______ ______ is it from______ home to school?

6. She usually walks to school. (同义句) _______________________________

7. I often go to school by bus . (同义句)__________________________________

( boat.

A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take

( )2. In North America, most students go to school the school bus.

A. by B. take C. on

( )3. My parents are

A. reaching to B. arriving in C. getting to

( )4. –How –It takes about 10 minutes’ A. long, walk B. long, to walk C. far, walking

( )5. She often a bike to the school.

A. takes B. drives C. rides

( )6. do you the transportation(交通) in your town?

A. What, think B. How, think of C. What, think of

( )7. --Can you tell me --Yes, it’s fifteen minutes by bus.

A. how much B. how long C. how far

( )8.--The sandwich is delicious. --Would you like one?

A. other B. others C. another


The Best Way for Me to Go to School Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot. First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better. So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you?

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.


1. rule(复数)rules 2. hallway(复数)hallways 3. listen(现在分词)listening

4. fight(现在分词)fighting 5. outside(反义词)inside 6. wear(同音词)where

7. important(反义词)unimportant 8. bring to拿来(反义词)take to 带走

9. uniform(复数)uniforms 10.out(反义词)in 11. before(反义词)after

12. dirty (反义词)clean 13. noisy(反义词)quiet 14. relax(形容词)relaxing/relaxed

15. terrible(副词)terribly 16. luck(形容词)lucky


餐厅_________________ 不要迟到___________=_________________

许多,大量_________________ 安静be quiet=keep quiet

穿着帽子/穿着校服(按时)_______________ 不得不have to,has to 不必做……don't(doesn’t) have to do …=needn’t.... 外出(娱乐)_________________清洗餐具_________________

练习弹吉它practice the guitar=practice playing the guitar


在上学的晚上____________晚饭前____________在上学的晚上 _____________ 铺床________________ 做早餐 _______________遵守规则_______________ 对某人要求严格________________对某事要求严格________________

大多的 不要吵闹_____________考虑,思考___________祝你好运!________________ 学会做……________________ 过得高兴,玩得愉快________________

使…保持某种状态keep + 宾语+形容词 keep one’s hair short 某人留短发



1. go on I school can’t out nights.(连词成句)________________________________

2. He has to make his bed every morning. (否定句)___________________________

3. I can see my friends on school nights. (一般疑问句4. I must practice the guitar before dinner. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

_________________________________________________________________ (对划线部分提问)__________________ 对划线部分提问)_________________

7. Eat food in the classroom. (变成否定句) _________________________________

8. You can’t watch TV after dinner. (变成祈使句) _________________________


1. There is _____milk on the floor.

A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

2. There are ____rules in my family.


A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

3. Please help me _____ French.

A. speaking B. to speaking C. with peak D. speak

4. He often _____English with the foreign teachers.

A. practice speak B. practices speak C. practice speaking D. practices speaking

5、___ she ___ clean the classroom today?


A. Does, has to B. Does, have to C. Does, has D. Does, have

6、Don’t _____TV too much after school.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching

7、It’s very warm outside. You ____ wear the coat.

A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. mustn’t

8、The girl ___ red dress is my friend’s daughter.

A. with B. wear C. put on D. in

9、My mom ____carefully, but she ___ nothing.

A. listened, listened B. heard, heard C. listened, heard D. heard, listened

10、--May I take the magazine out of the reading room ?

--No, you can’t.. You read it here .It’s the rule.

A. must B. would C. may D. might

11、_____ in the school library.

A. No talk B. Not talking C. No talking D. Not talk

12、He arrives _____ here _____ a cold night.

A. /;at B. at; at C. /;on D. in;on

13、Where _____ did you go last year?

A. other B. else C. place D. others

14、We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce.

A. and B. or C. about D. of


Dear Tom, Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them. We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.



S1早上好_______________________下午好_______________________晚上好__________________________名单_______________________你好吗?______________________我很好,谢谢______________________ S2用英语______________________一个橙子______________________一件夹克衫______________________一幅地图_______________________拼写它_______________________一把直尺______________________ 一把钥匙______________________一支钢笔_______________________一个杯子_______________________一床被子_______________________






请拼写它。______________它是什么颜色?______________________它是黄色. ______________________ U1你的名字__________________名字_______________________姓氏_______________________ 她的名字_______________________他的名字_________________电话号码_______________________ 在中国____________你叫什么名字?______________________我的名字叫艾伦。_______________________ 他叫什么名字?_______________________他的名字叫埃里克。______________________


他是杰克吗?_________________是的,他是。/不,他不是,他的名字是迈克。________________________ 你是海伦吗?_______________是的,我是/不,我不是,我是吉娜。___________________________________ 你的姓氏是什么?_____________________________你的名字是什么?_____________________________ 你的电话号码是多少?______________________我的电话号码是358-6344_______________________ 她的电话号码是多少?_______________________她的电话号码是232-4672.______________________ 他的电话号码是多少?______________________它是358-6344。______________________



U2过的愉快_____________两张好看的我家的照片_____________在第一张照片中____________________ 在我家庭里__________________….的名字_________________一张我的全家福_______________________ 这是我的朋友简。______________________那是我的祖父。_______________________

这些是我的哥哥们。_______________________那些是我的父母。_______________________ 她是谁?____________________________她是我的姐姐。__________________________





这支蓝色的钢笔_________________安娜的书_____________________身份证_______________________ 电子游戏_________________在学校图书馆里____________________向…要…_______________________ 给某人发电子邮件_______________________给某人打电话______________丢失__________找到________ 一串钥匙________________…怎么样?_______________________这本字典呢?_______________________ 谢谢你的帮助。_______________________不用谢_______________________

这是你的铅笔吗?_________________是的,它是我的/不,不是,它是她的。_____________________ 这是他的绿色钢笔吗?_________________是的/不,不是。这支蓝色的钢笔是他的。______________________ 那是你的书包吗?_______________是的/不,不是。它是他的。_______________________________________

这些是你的书吗?_____________是的,他们是。/不,他们不是,他们是她的。______________________________ 那些是她的钥匙吗?________________是的/不,不是。他们是我的。____________________________________ U4在沙发上______________在我的书包里______________________在床下_______________________ 在桌子上_______________________快点_______________在汤姆的书桌上_______________________

在你的头上_______________________录音机_______________________飞机模型_______________________整洁的_____________在我们的房间里_______________________在书柜里_______________________ 有一个时钟_______________在她的床上______________






我爱整洁,但是吉娜却不。_______________________吉娜的书到处都是—在她的床上,在沙发上,还有在椅子下面。___________________________________________吉娜总是问。____________________________ U5网球_______乒乓球拍___________乒乓球__________足球__________一个网球拍__________________ 打篮球_______________________棒球棒_______________________喜爱运动_______________________ 看电视_______________迟到____________在电视上看…______________课后___________________ 去同一所学校_______________和我的同学们一起________________在同一所学校_______________

你有棒球吗?___________________是的,我有/不,我没有,我有一个排球。__________________________ 你有乒乓球拍吗?__________________是的,我有/不,我没有,我有一个乒乓球。________________________ 她有一个网球吗?___________________是的,她有/不,她没有,她有一个棒球。_________________________ 他有一个足球吗?_________________是的,他有/不,他没有,他有2只乒乓球拍。________________________ 他们有一个篮球吗?________________是的,他们有/不,他们没有,他们有一个排球。_____________________ 让我们去玩吧。_______________________听起来不错。_______________________

我们迟到了。_______________我没有足球,但是我哥哥艾伦有。________________________________ 我仅仅在电视上看他们。_______________________它对我来说很容易。_____________________________ 课后,我跟我的同学打乒乓球。_______________________________________

U6约翰的生日晚餐___________________下周___________________思考,考虑_______________________ 怎么样_______________________一些水果_______________________听起来很好_______________________ 体育明星_______________________吃得好_______________________饮食习惯_______________________作为早餐_______________________作为晚餐_______________________晚饭后_______________________ 最后一个问题____________________健康的食品__________________变胖_______________________

你喜欢沙拉吗?_______________________是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢__________________________他们喜欢梨吗?______________________是的,他们喜欢/不,他们不喜欢。_____________________________ 她喜欢西红柿吗?________________________是的,她喜欢/不,她不喜欢。_______________________ 我喜欢橙子。_______________________我不喜欢香蕉。_______________________


他喜欢冰激淋。_______________________他不喜欢蔬菜。________________________________________ 让我们考虑一下食物吧。_______________________是的,你是对的。______________________

体育明星吃的好。______________________你早餐喜欢吃什么?_______________________________ 是的,我确实喜欢它。_______________________我不想变胖。_______________________

U7多少钱_____________7美元_______________白色的包_________________服装店_________________ 以很低的价格_______________________对于男孩子_____________红色的裙子________________

28美元___________大降价_________________20元________________一双黑色的鞋子________________ 这顶帽子多少钱?_______________________5美元。_______________________





我需要为上学买一件毛衣。_______________________你想要什么颜色?_______________________ 它看上去很漂亮。_______________________我买下它了。_______________________


U8生日快乐________________多大年纪______________在八月________________再见________________ 英语测验______________学校郊游_____________篮球比赛________________艺术节___________________举办一次英语聚会_______________学校开放日_______________________体育节_______________________玩的愉快_______________________今天下午3点_______________________

你的生日是什么时候?_______________________________我的生日在5月2日。______________________ 他的生日在什么时候?______________________________他的生日在1月17日。_______________________ 她的生日在什么时候?______________________________它在8月。_______________________

艾莉丝的生日是什么时候?_____________________________她的生日在9月5日。______________________ 你父亲的生日是什么时候?_________________________她的生日在4月21日。_______________________那么,你多大了?_______________________你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?_______________________

本学期我们为大家安排了一些又去又好玩的活动。___________________________________下个月,我们举办一次艺术节。__________________________这的确是一个繁忙的学期。_____________________________ U9最喜爱的学科_______________________体育老师_________________玩游戏_______________________ 第二天_______________________在星期一_______________________上数学课_______________________ 上一节美术课_______________________两小时_______________________

你最喜欢的学科是什么?______________________我最喜欢的学科是科学。______________________ 他最喜欢的学科是什么?______________________他最喜欢的学科是语文。______________________ 她最喜欢的学科是什么?______________________她最喜欢的学科是美术。______________________ 鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?______________________因为它有趣。_______________________

弗兰克和鲍勃为什么喜欢体育?______________________因为它有趣。_______________________ 你的音乐老师是谁?______________________我的音乐老师是谢老师。_______________________

你们的地理课是什么时候?______________________它在星期一和星期五。_______________________ 他总是和我们玩游戏。_______________________

我喜欢星期一因为我上体育课和历史课。_______________________的确如此。_______________________ 我在星期五很忙。_______________________老师说它是有用的…_______________________







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