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总分:100分 时间:60分

班级 姓名

Listening Part(听力部分) (50分)

一、听辨单词 听句子,从A、B两个选项中选出你听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。每小题听两遍。(10分)

( )1.A. she B. he ( )2.A. man B. woman

( )3.A. father B. friend ( )4.A. grandpa B. grandma

( )5.A. UK B. USA

二、听音标号 根据你所听到的内容给下列图片排序,将1-5填在相应括号内。每个句子听两遍。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、判断对错 听录音,与图片内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。每个句子听两遍。(10分)

1. 2 . 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) (


四、句子理解 听录音,选出与你所听到的句子相符的图片,将其序号填入括号内。每个句子听两遍。(10分)

1. 2.





五、情景反应 听录音,选出能回答所听句子的选项,将其字母序号填在括号内。听两遍。 ( )1. A. Yes. B. Welcome. C. No.

( )2.A. Hi. B. Nice. C. Nice to see you, too. ( )3.A. I’m from China. B. Yes, I am. C.What about you?

( )4. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my teacher. C. Yes, he is.

( )5. A. My mother. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isn’t.【人教版三年级下册英语试题

http:/ /

Writing Part (笔试部分) (50分)

六、单词理解 将单词前面的字母序号填在相应的图片下括号里。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

七、单词理解 从四个选项中找出不是同一类的单词,把字母序号写在前面括号里。(10分)

( ) 1.A. China B. from C. USA D. Canada

( ) 2. A. he B. pupil C. teacher D. student

( ) 3.A. man B. woman C. father D. boy

( ) 4.A. where B. who C. welcome D. what

( ) 5.A.I B. she C. he D. your


( )1. Who’s this man? A. He is my brother.

( )2. Where are you from? B. He’s my father.

( )3. Who’s this woman? C. I’m from China.

( ) 4. Who’s that boy? D. No, she isn’t.

( ) 5. Is she your sister? E. She’s my mother.


Amy:Who’s that (bay boy)?

Chen Jie: He’s ( me my) brother.

Amy: Is she ( you your) mother?

Chen Jie: Yes , (he she ) is.

Amy: Is he ( you your) father?

Chen Jie: No, he isn’t. (he’s He’s ) my teacher!

Amy: Amy is my friend. (he she ) is from the UK.

Chen Jie: Wu Yifan is a boy. (he she ) is from Shandong China.

Amy: That man is Mr Jones. (he she ) is my teacher.

Chen Jie: That women is Miss Green. (he she ) is my teacher, too.

十、句子排序 根据课文,给下列句子重新排序,组成一则对话。(10分)

( ) Hi, I’m Amy.

( ) Mr Jones , this is Amy. She’s a new student.

( ) Hi, Mr Jones.

( ) Where are you from?

( ) I’m from the UK.


总分:100分 时间:60分

班级 姓名

Listening Part(听力部分) (50分)

一、听辨单词 听录音,从A、B两个选项中选出你听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。每小题听两遍。(10分)

( ) 1. A. big

( ) 2. A. leg B. bag B. long

( ) 4. A. short B. small

( ) 5. A. monkey

( ) 6. A. cap

二、听音标号 根据你所听到的内容给下列图片排序,将1-5填在相应括号内。每个句子听两遍。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B. elephant B. map

三、判断对错 听录音,与图片内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。每个句子听两遍。(10分)

1 2 3 2 3 4 5 ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )




( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A.boy A.twenty A.orange A.bus A.chair

B.girl B.twelve B.apple B.bike B. desk

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A.fox A.giraffe A. dog A.rainbow A.tiger

B.box B.kangaroo B.duck B.window B.lion


A. teacher B. egg C. fish D. goose E. eighteen

F. jeep G. grapes H. squirrel I. taxi J. deer


( )1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______

A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers' Day!

( )2.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______

A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.

( )3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______

A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You're welcome!


( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________

A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!

( )5. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:________

A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks.


Father grandma sister brother mother Sarah grandpa


thirteen eleven

5+6= 9+7=

nineteen 18-6= 13+7= twelve

14+5= 20-7=

sixteen twenty


( ) 1. balloons ( ) 2. hamburger ( ) 3. rabbit

( ) 4. bear ( ) 5. eraser



( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.

( ) 2. May I have a look? B. Me too!

( ) 3. What's your name? C. Sure. Here you are

( ) 4. Happy birthday! D. I'm 9.

( ) 5. I have a bag. E. Thank you.

九、下面是一个打乱顺序的对话,请你将这个对话按正确的表达顺序重新排列,并将排列后的顺序号用阿拉伯数字写在句子前的括号内。 ( ) You're welcome.

( ) OK. Here you are.

( ) Have some juice!

( ) Thank you.

( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.


1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

十一、将每组单词中不同类别的词找出来,将序号填写在括号内。 例:(C) A. three B. four C. tea D. nine

( ) 1. A. bread B. milk C. ball D. coffee

( ) 2. A. boat B. kite C. plane D. car

( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. purple D. paint

( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear

( ) 5. A. crayon B. sharpener C. pencil D. brown




姓名_______________班级 ______________ 分数 _______________ (认真做好每一道题,再仔细检查,你可以得到更高的分数!加油!祝你取得好成绩。)



( )1、A. pear B. apple C. orange

( )2、A. eleven B. twelve C.twenty

( )3、A. father B. mother C. brother

( )4、A. dad B. man C. boy

( )5、A.on B. in C. under

( )6、A.car B. boat C. toy

( )7、A. kite B.map C.boy

( )8、A. friend B.today C. new

( )9、A. one B. two C. three

( )10、A.giraffe B. children C. tail


( )1、A.How many crayons do you have ?

B. How many kites do you have ?.

( )2、A.Do you like pears ?

B. Do you like apples ?

( )3、A. I’m from the UK.【人教版三年级下册英语试题】

B. I’m from the China.

( ) 4、A. A.Where is the ruler ?

B. A. Where is my car ?

( )5、A.Look at the elephant.

B. Look at the elephant.


一、连线。将下列字母的大小写形式连起来。(10分) U B P D V Q Y I J L

d v q u b p I l y j


( )1. A、mother B、father C、teacher

( )2. A、 desk B、map C、chair

( )3. A.、fruit B、pear C、apple

( )4. A、small B、big C、giraffe

( )5. A、fifteen B、 kite C、twelve

( )6. A、fat B、boy C、girl


( )1.apple A.苹果 B.梨 ( )2.grandfather A.爸爸 B.爷爷 ( )3.banana A.香蕉 B.橘子 ( )4.fat A.瘦的 B.胖的 ( )5.eleven A.十一 B.十五 ( )6.short A.长的 B.短的 ( )7.twenty A.二十 B.十八 ( )8.sister A.兄弟 B.姐妹 ( )9. map A. 地图 B.小船 ( )10. student A.教师 B.学生 四、将其正确答案的序号填在题前括号内(10分) ( )1.Welcome back _____ school.

A.in B.to

( )2. Where _____ the ruler ?

A.is B.are

( )3.Where _____ you from?


A. is B. are

( )4. How many _____ do you have ?

A.birds B. bird

( )5. Is _____ your father?

A. she B. he

( )6. _____ you like pears ?

A. Do B. Are

( )7. Have a _____ time.

A.so B. good

( )8. _____ feed the animals!

A.Don’t B. Do

( )9. Let’s _____ .

A. go to home B. go home

( )10. _____ is my brother .

A. He B. She


( )1、Can I use your pencil?

A、我能借用你的钢笔吗? B、我能借用你的铅笔吗?

( )2、It has a long nose and a short tail.



( )3、Welcome back to school!

A、欢迎回到学校! B、让我们一起去学校! ( )4、Do you like pears?

A、你喜欢梨吗? B、你喜欢桃吗?


( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

A、 Who’s that boy? B、Who’s that girl?

( )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:

A、Where’s my car? B、This is my car.

( )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

A、Thank you. B、You’re welcome.

( )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:

A、Where are you from? B、How are you?


cat bag hand dad ten

fun run under dog orange



出题人: 卢文

姓名: 得分:



1、 ( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4( ) 5、( ) 二、听录音,在图片下方表数字。(10分)

1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) 三、听录音,选出所读单词或字母组合。(8分)

( )1、A、ruler B、coke C、dog ( ) 2、A、grandmather B、boy C、sister ( ) 3、A 、AEF B、AMN C、KLM ( ) 4、A、thirteen B、seventeen C、twenty ( ) 5、A、peach B、pear C、quiet ( ) 6、A、bus B、taxi C、jeep ( ) 7、A、elephant B、giraffe C、deer ( ) 8、A、short B、long C、tall


( )1、How many kites can you see ? ( )2、Where are you from ? ( )3、This is my mother.

( )4、The book is under the chair. ( )5、Do you like peaches ? ( )6、You have sixteen crayons.



1. i 2. D 3. F 4. e 5. Q

6. K 7. G 8. r 9. W 10. y


father grandfather sister

grandfather mother brother


( )1、--This is my friend,John. -- .


m ten. B. Goodbye. C.Nice to meet you.

( )2、--Where are you from? -- .

A. My name is Mike. B.I’m from Canada. C.I’m a boy. ( )3、--Nice to meet you. -- .

A. I’m from Canada. B.Thank you. C. Nice to meet you,too. ( )4、--How many cats can you see? -- .

A. I can see eight B. Thank you. C.I have eight. ( )5、--Who’s that woman ?

-- .

A. This is my father. B. She is my mother. C. He is my father. ( )6、--Let’s watch TV.【人教版三年级下册英语试题】

-- .

A. Great. B. Really? C. Thank you.

( )7、-- Who’s this little boy?

-- .

A. He is my brother. B.He is my father. C.She is my sisiter.

四、根据所给情景,选择最佳答语。(10分) ( )1.下午遇见朋友。应该如何打招呼?

A.Good morning. B.Good morning C.Good afternoon ( )2.你想夸别人真幽默时,应该说:

A. How beautiful B.How funny C.How nice

( )3. 当别人帮助你时,你应说:_______

A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You're welcome!

( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________

A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!

( )5. 当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说:________

A、It's my crayons B.Look my crayons C.Look at my new crayons


( )1、A、duck B、sister C、brother ( )2、A、mother B、father C、mouse ( )3、A、fish B、apple C( )4、A、fifteen B、short C( )5、A、taxi B、desk C( )6、A、China B、Canada C六、读一读,连对话 。(14分)

1、Nice to meet you A2、Where are you from ? B3、Who 's that man ? C4、Do you like oranges ? D5、How many kites can you see ? E6、How are you ? F7、What's your name ? G

、banana 、eleven 、lamp 、school

、He is my dad. 、Yes I do. 、My name is Sally. 、Nice to meet you ,too. 、I’m fine ,thank you. 、I’m from China. 、I can see 12.



1、H 2、W 3、C 4、I 5、D


1、jeep 2、apple 3、girl 4、deer 5、twelve 三、听录音,选出所读单词或字母组合。

1、coke 2、grandmather 3、AEF 4、twenty 5、pear 6、jeep 7、elephant 8、long

四、听录音,判断你所听到的句子与所给句子是否相同,对的画“√”错的画“×”。 1、How many kites can you look ? 2、Where are you from ? 3、This is my brother. 4、The book is on the chair. 5、Do you like peaches ? 6、You have fourteen crayons.



一、√ √ × × × 二、2 5 1 3 4 三、 B A A C B C A B

四、× √ × × √ × 笔试部分

三、C B C A B A A 四、C B A C C 五、A C A B A C 六、D F A B G E C



一、 听句子选出句中所包含的单词:5分

( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed

( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry

( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter

( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes

( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong

二、 听问句选答语:5分

( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg.

( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat.

( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick.

( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did.

( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock.

三、 听短文判断正误:10分

( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend.

( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday.

( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes.

( ) 4. Father cooked supper.

( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper.


一、 按要求写词语:10分

one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)

tooth (复数) I (同音词) swim (现在分词)

have (第三人称单数) read (过去式) buy(过去式)

doesn’t (完全形式)

二、 选择:15分

( ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend ?

A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do

( ) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday.

A. wash B.washes C.washed

( ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow.

A. are going B.are go to C. are going to

( ) 4. I failed my English test. I am ______.

A. happy B.sad C.excited.

( ) 5. How____you feeling?

----- I’m feeling better.

A. am B. are C. do

( ) 6. It’s raining outside. Tom______bored.

A. feel B. does C. feels

( ) 7. What did you do yesterday?

----- I _____skiing.

A. go B.goed C.went

( ) 8. How _____are you ?

----- I’m 160 cm tall.

A. old B.tall C.heavy

( ) 9. My nose______.

A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurting

( ) 10. ______is it ?

-----It’s Tuesday.

A. What day B. What colour C. What

( ) 11. Look, they are_____the insects carefully.

A. watch B.watching C.watched

( ) 12. He is an _____, he draws pictures.

A. actor B.cleaner C.artist

( ) 13. I played ____piano.

A. \ B.the C.a

( ) 14. I get up ___7:oo___the morning.

A. at at B. at in C.in in

( ) 15. I like to go ____on Sundays.

A. fishing B. to fish C.fish


1. likes he listening music to

2. did you there how go

3. do you when Beijing to go

4. have I throat sore a

5. two years I’m than you younger

四、 连线:10分

1. What did you do yesterday ? A.I feel sick.

2. How do you feel ? B.I climbed a mountain.

3. What’s the date ? C.October 1st.

4. Where did you go ? D.Yes , I did.

5. Did you learn English ? E.I went to Xinjiang.

五、 情景交际:5分

1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( )

A.Let's go fishing this weekend. B.Let's go hiking this weekend.

C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend.

2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:( )

A.OK,here you are. B.Fine. C.I don't think so.

3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:( )

A.Not at all. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.You're welcome.

4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:( )

A.I' m sorry. B.Hi. C.Excuse me.

5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( )

A.You too. B.The same. C.Thank you.

六、 阅读短文,选择正确答案:10分

Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their

holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but Jonh likes drawing pictures. They often help each other.

1. What are they good at ?( )

A. English B. Math C. Chinese D. Science

2. What do they like to do in their holiday ? ( )

A. Play ping-pong and run.

B. Swim and ride bikes.

C. Swim and play basketball.

D. Play ping-pong and ride bikes.

3. Where do they fly kites ? ( )

A. Near the lake. B. In the park.

C. On the beach. D. Near the river.

4.Who likes playing football ? ( )

A. Jack B. John C.Jack and John

5. Do they often help each other ? ( )

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

C. Yes, they do. D. No, they doesn’t.

  • ·2016年三年级下册英语期末试卷人教版(2016-09-23)
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