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一、 听力部分


( ) 1、 A,at school B,in Hangzhou C,in Beijing

( ) 2、A,They have the same birthday.

B,Yang Ming was born on Christmas Day.

C,Li Yan was 12 years old.

( )3、A,It’s exciting .B,It was wonderful. C, It’s

interesting .

( ) 4、A ,To see Peking B,At ZhouKoudian .C,In ShangHai ( )5、A, on your right B, across the road C, on your



( )1、I went to visit Hainan with my parents.

( )2、Bingxin was born in Beijing.

( )3、Dinosaurs never ate meat.

( )4、The students dug some holes with spades.

( )5 、We should make our country greener .

III 听写 (10%) School . Tom and Peter met at the . Peter told Tom his was .He to Beijing with his .Tom told Peter week he some interesting animals in the museum . They were dinosuars, but we can’t see today.

二、 笔试部分。(10%)

I 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。

( )1、A with B them C maths D their

( )2、A exiting B interesting C eleven D begin

( )3、A were B learn C her D near

( )4、A played B enjoyed C painted D called

( )5、A yesterday Bcertainly C,computer D wonderful ( )6、A born B story C forty D sorry

( )7、A told B only C ago D topic

( )8、A animal B ran C plant D plan

( )9、A cave B have C that D as

( )10、A last B was C grass D dance

II、写出单词的过去式(10%) do go see eat is\am spend buy learn study write


1、The tall (建筑物)are just over there .

2、Get off the bus at the (十二)stop,and then turn right.

3、I don’t want to play football .What about (play)basketball?

4、The famous (write)Bing Xin (write)us lot of books.

5、My mum (tell)me interesting stories every evening .

6、What he (do)last night.

7、My brother (not go)to school. Yesterday. Because he (be) ill.

8、Peking Man (get) water from the river .

9、They (use) spades to (dig)holes in the ground.

10、Excuse me.Where’s the ?(邮局)


( )1、 My new bike is the same .

A as hers A as her C with hers D with her

( )2、 Kate was born December.

A at B on C in D of

( )3、 We usually two PE class a week, but last week we only one .

A have,have B had,had C have,had D had,have

( )4、 They wanted to make their homeland .

A most beautiful . B more beautiful

C beatifuler D beautifulest

( )5、 They to Beijing next year .

A will go B wants to go C went D go

( )6、 were you born? On September 12th.

A where B when C which D what

( )7、 We on Tree Planting Day.

A went to plant trees B go to plant

C go to planted D are going to plant

( )8、Stop ,please . Let’s go on with your lesson .

A talk B to talk C talking D talked

( )9、Their house is made wood.

A to B from C of D with

( )10、 Did you any other languages at school?

A learn B learned C to learn D learning


1、There are few tall buildings near the park(对划线部分提问)

2、They were in Shanhai last Friday.(否定句)

3、I had some noodles for lunch today.(一般疑问句)

4、My father lives in Hangzhou (用 in 1980改写).

5、I saw a nice book in that book shop yesterday.(对划线


Bill Gates was born in October ,1995 in Washington D.C.

He was a very clever boy .His favourate subjects at school 1 science and maths . When somebody 2 what he wanted to be, he always 3 a scientist .When he was 13 years old , Bill 4 to play with 5 .At that time , computers were very large 6 Once he was interested 7 a very old computer, He and some of his friends 8 lots

of time doing unusual things with it At last they worked out

(设计出) a software (软件) programme (程序)with the 9 machine . Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was 10 17years old.

七、阅读 (T F)(5%)

One day Mr and Mrs Brown were on a train. The conductor

came to see their tickets. Mrs Brown took her ticket out of her bag and gave it to the conductor. But Mr Brown couldn’t find his ticket. He was a little worried. A girl picked up a ticket on the floor, she showed it and gave it to him. He thanked the girl for help.

( )1、Mr Brown and his wife were on a train .

( )2、Mrs Brown couldn’t find her ticket.【六年级下册英语试卷,,免费下载】

( )3、The ticket was on the floor.

( )4、The girl didn’t give the ticket to Mr Brown .

( )5、The girl was very kind .



以用上there be 句型和表示方位的短语。

My neighborhood



1、A:”Hi Li Yan where were you yesterday?”

B: “I was in Beijing , what about you YangMing .”

A: “I was in Hangzhou “

Q: where was yang ming ?

2、Tom’s birthday is on January the first ,1992.

Peter was born on January the first ,1992.

Q: Which sentence is right?

3、How was you holiday Peter?

Was it wonderful? Yes,it was.

Q: How was Peter’s holiday?

4、Where did you go ,Lisa ?

I went to see Peking Man with my mum at Zhoukoudian.

Q: What did Lisa do?

5.A.How can I get to the library. B.go straight along this road the library is on your left.

Q:where is the liabray?



( )1、I went to visit Hainan with my mother.

( )2、Beijing was born in Fuzhou.

( )3、Dinosaurs never ate meat.

( )4、The students dug some holes with spades.

( )5 、We should make our country greener .


三、 School begins Tom and Peter met at the street Peter told Tom his holiday was wonderful. He went to Beijing with his parents Tom told Peter last week he saw some interesting animals in the museum . They were called dinosuars, but we can’t see them today.





( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B选出与划线


( )1、

A、football B、piano C、chess D、computer games

( )2、

A、socks B、gloves C、jacket D、goat

( )3、

A、England B、Australia C 、Chinese D、Canada

( )4、A、ducks B、tomatoes C、mutton D、juice

( )5、It’s day. Let’s go hiking together.

A、snowy B、fine C、rainy D、raining 二、单项选择。选出最佳答案,把编号写在括号里。(共23分,每小题1分)

( ) 1--- Where is the bird? --- It is _____ the tree.

A、in B、on C、up D、at

( ) 2---How much ____ the socks? --- Let me _____. Seventy-four yuan.

A、are; see B、is; see C、are; have a look D、is; have a look

( ) 3---It’s cold now. _____ I _____ my coat? --- Yes, please.

A、Am; put on B、May; put on C、Am; take off D、Can; take off

( ) 4---Can you __________ Chinese, Mr. Smith? --- Yes, but just a little.

A、 talk B、speak C、 tell D、say

( )5--Excuse me, is this_____school? --- No, ____ is next to the post office.

A、 your; our B、yours; ours C、yours; our D、 your; ours ( ) 6、---Hello! _____ is that? --- is Amy speaking.

A、Who; It B、What; This C、Who; This D、Is; That

( ) 7、---I have many strawberries. --- Are they sweet sour?

A、or B、and C、either D、with

( ) 8、Mike ____ a small bedroom, but his parents _____ a big one.

A、have; has B、have; have C、has; have D、has; has ( ) 9、That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it. A、 a , is B、an , are C、an , is D、a , are ( ) 10、--- I want some grapes. --- OK. _____

A、Here it is B、Give you, please. C、Here you are. D、Have it, please ( )11、---May I take a with you?

A、door B、picture C、bus D、book

( )12、Don’t forget to turn the TV before you go to bed.

A.、off B、to C、on D、and

( )13、There are students in our school.

A、many B、much C、lot D、little

( )14、Please back to your seat.

A、goes B、going C、go D、to go

( )15、 a big cake it is!

A、What B、How C、Which D、Where ( )16、A: does he get up every morning? B: He up at six thirty.

A、When; gets B、When; get C、What; gets D、When; got ( )17、His birthday is on A、December the fourth B、December the four C、December the forty

D、December the fourteen

( )18、My first letter is in “black”, not in “back”. My second letter is in “tell”, not in “tall”. My

third letter is in “five”, not in “give”. My last letter is in “ten”, not in “pen”. The word is A、leave B、left C、key D、tent

( )19、 is she going to tomorrow?

A、When B、How C、Where D、What

( )20、 side of the road.

A、right B、left C、every D、middle

( )21、What day is the middle day of a week?

A、Saturday B、Wednesday C、Sunday D、Tuesday ( )22、I’m from China. Our lucky number is A、four B、three C、six D、seven ( )23、 your teeth before you go to bed.

A、Brush B、Clean C、Push D、Pull

Mum, you’re great!

M: Thanks, and have some vegetables. Here you are.

S: Thank you, Mum. I know vegetables are good for health. M: You’re right. S: Mom, may I have some grapes after lunch?

Mike and John are good _______. Mike is 164cm tall. He is 4cm ________ than John, and

M: Sure.

thinner. John is 14. Mike is only 12. Mike is ( ) 1、On Sunday Sam and his mother don’t have lunch at home. on Sundays. Last they went hiking and fishing. They happy. Next weekend, they are 、 There are some cakes, eggs and vegetables on the table. ( ) 2三、A、选词完成短文。(5分,每空1分)

to the zoo.

Allen: Hello! Mike: Hello. Allen: _____________. Mike: Hi, Allen. How are you? Allen: Fine, thanks. How are you? Mike: I’m fine. Allen: Sure. ___________________

Mike: There is something wrong with my computer. Can you mend (修理)it?

Allen: Certainly, but not today. _______________

Mike: OK. Thanks a lot. _________________


1、A monkey’s tail is than a rabbit’s tail.

2、Where does the rain come from? It comes from the __________.

3、In several days ,you can see the 4、---Do you know what letter is a kind of drink? ---It is 5、I is the letter. 6、 your hands before meals. 7、---What season is it in March in Beijing? ---It’s spring. What season is it in Sydney? ---It’s 8、In the Festival, we can eat the dumping. 9、She designs cars. She is an 四.A、阅读短文,并根据短文意思判断所给的句子是否相符,相符的写“T”,否则写“F”。(共10


( M: Mom S: Sam )

It’s Sunday. Sam and his mother are at home.

M: Sam. It’s time for lunch. Come and clean your hands first. S: OK. Mom. What’s for lunch? M: Can’t you see? They are all on the table.

S: Oh, chicken, fish and rice! I like them very much. Hm… They are so delicious! ( ) 3、 They don’t like vegetables.

( ) 4、 They think vegetables are good for health. ( ) 5、 Sam would like to have some grapes after lunch. B、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,把编号写在括号里。(共10分)

The USA is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is

a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and it’s one of the biggest cities in the world.

It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhattan Island ( 岛),a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty. ( ) 1、 The USA is the _______ largest country in the world. A、second B、third C、fourth

( ) 2、Washington DC has a _________ population than New York. A、larger B、smaller C、more ( ) 3、A large part of New York is on ___________. A、 an island B、the sea C、the lake ( ) 4、New York is one of the ________ cities in the world. A、quietest B、 biggest C、oldest ( ) 5、 is the capital city of Russia. A、Washington B、Singapore C、Moscow

( ) 6、 will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

A、Fuhua B、Fuwa C、Friendlies

( )7、The national flag of Canada is red and A、white B、black C、green ( )8、The panda lives in China. It live in mountains or bamboo forests. It can climb trees. It eats bamboo. The baby panda it called a A、cute B、cub C、pouch 五、小作文。(5分) 每位同学都有自己的理想,长大以后想成为一名科学家、宇航员、老师等,请以My Dream

为题,写一篇小作文。 1、书写整洁,规范,条理清晰,意思明确,标点正确; 2、可适当发挥想象; 3、字数不少于50个单词。



( )1、A. right B. light C. nice D. kite ( )2、A. what B. water C. want D.white ( )3、A. red B. bread C. bed D. bad ( )4、A. drink B. think C. thank D. milk ( )5、A. food B. fruit C. foot D. photo ( )6、A. make B. take C. lake D. grade ( )7、A. park B. dark C. card D. find ( )8、A. speak B. sleep C. read D. seat ( )9、A. look B. book C. cook D. good ( )10、A. dear B. here C. clear D. wear 二、听音,将对话补充完整。(10分)

A. Today is ________ day. Let's ________ and climb the hill. B. Great! ______Lucy? Is she _________ the _________ ? A. No, she _______ . She's ________ . B. What's wrong with _________ ? A. She's _________ .



1、牙疼_ 2、over there _________3、洗衣服 __________

4、on Monday __________5上周末6、go ice-skating _________7、弹钢

琴 _______________ 8、 buy presents _______________ 9、拍照 _______________ 10、learn English _____________


1. strong(比较级) _______ 2. tall(比较级) _______ 3. heavy(比较级) _______ 4. big(比较级) _______ 5. thin (比较级) _______ 6. learn(过去式) _______ 7. climb(过去式) _______ 8. is / am(过去式) _______ 9. see(过去式) _______ 10. go(过去式) _______ 三、把下列单词连成句子,并译成汉语。(10分)

1. on, did, holiday, you, What, do, your.__________________________ 2. did, go, How, you, there. ___________________________ 3. you, did, Where, go, yesterday. ___________________________ 4. matter, the, What, is. ___________________________

5. than, shorter, me, You, are. ___________________________ 四、改错,将错误处用“—”标出,并将正确答案写在题后横线上。(5分) 1. What do you do last weekend? ___________ 2. I played the football yesterday. ___________ 3. Did you went to the park? ___________ 4. I watch TV last night. ___________ 5. I goed to the park yesterday. ___________ 五、选择题,将序号填入题前括号内。(5分)

( )1、 ____did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Why ( )2、I ____ good food on my holiday last year. A. eat B. eats C. ate

( )3、I get up at 6:30__the morning.I go to bed at 9:00___night. A. in in B. at at C. in at

( )4、____ ,where is the toliet, please? ____ . I don't know. A. Hi, Thank you B. Excuse me, Ok. C. Excuse me, Sorry. ( )5、Can you help me ____ my homework? A. on B. to C. with 六、选出各组中不是同类的单词。(5分)

( )1. A. milk B. bread C. meat D. foot ( )2. A. window B. door C. desk D. fatter ( )3. A. better B. bigger C. bad D. fatter ( )4. A. often B. usually C. tomato D. aways ( )5. A. football B. ruler C. give D. muisc 七、根据问句选择正确的答语,将序号填入括号中。(5分)

( )1. What did you do last night? A. I'm cleaning the room. ( )2. Did you climb moutain? B. She washed clothes. ( )3. What did Kate do yesterday? C. No, I didin't. ( )4. What are you doing? D. I listened to music. ( )5. How did you go there? E. I went by horse. 八、选词填空。(5分)

1. I get up ____ six o'clock every morning. 2. This card is ____ you.

3. We have two lessons____the afternoon. 4. ____Tuesday, I'm going to Harbin. 5. What's the matter____ them. 九、按要求改写句子。(5分)

1. I ate an ice cream this afternoon.(改为否定句) I ________ an ice cream this afternoon. 2. The plate is on his head.(对划线提问) ________ the plate.

3. Sam goes to bed at nine thirty.(改为否定句) Sam ______ bed at nine thirty.

4. does, spend, How, Mike, his, weekends.(连词成句) How______ Mike ______ his ________? 5. Did you read books?(做否定回答) _____ , I ________ .


( )I went swimming. ( )Where did you go on your holiday? ( )What did you do? ( )I went by train. ( )How did you go there? ( )I went to Hainan. 十一、阅读理解,判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示。(5分) Dear Sam,

Last Monday was a school holiday. My friends and I had a great day at the Jinling park. The park is very big. We can do a lot of thing there. I flow a kite with David and LiuTao. YangLing, Nancyand Helen sang some songs. SuHai and Su Yang did a dance. We were all very happy.

At twelve o'clock, we had lunch. Our mums made a lot of food. We had pie, sand wiches, chips and some fruit, a lot of watermelon juice and some milk. In the afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees

and flowers in the park.On Tuesday, we put the pictures on the noticeboard ( 布告栏 )in our classroom.Do you like going to the park?

Love Gao Shan ( )1. Gao Shan flew a kite with David and Liu Tao. ( )2. The boys sang some songs. ( )3. We had a good time.

( )4.In the afternoon,we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the par k.

( )5. We put the pictures on the wall near our school gate.(大门)


一、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式 (10分)

1. has (原形) 2. good(比较级) 3. I (宾格)

4. big (比较级 5. see (过去式) 6. their (同音词)

7. go (第三人称单数形式) 8. sit (现在分词)

9. baby (复数) 10. tall (反义词)

二、选择填空 (10分)

1. Beijing is than Chengdu.

A. big B. bigger C. biger

2. He a stamp.

A. have B. has C. had

3. is the shirt?

A. How many B. How much C. What D. How

4. is Sunday today. Let’s home.

A. It, going B. It, go C. It, goes

5. There are seven days a week.

A. in B.on C. at D. for

6. Here is a postcard______Jhon to his mother.

A. for B. to C. from D. on

7. Where______Mike from?

A. do B. are C. is D. does

8. Mr. Green______a play last Sunday.

A. see B. sees C. is D. seeing

9. Jim often_______his homework in the evening.

A. do B. does C. did D. doing

10. They_______play sports next Sunday.

A. is going to B. are going C. are D. were

三、看问句 选答语 填序号填空 (10分)

( ) 1. How do you fell? A. No. there aren’t.

( ) 2. What colour are your pants? B. There are 15.

( ) 3. How tall is Zhangpeng? C. I have a toothache.

( ) 4. How many ballons are there? D. next summer holiday.

( ) 5. Where is the canteen? E. I feel bored.

( ) 6. How big are your feet? F. It’s on the first floor.

( ) 7. What did you do yesterday evening? G. I watched TV yesterday.

( ) 8. What’s the matter with you? H. He’s 160 cm tall.

( ) 9. Are there any books on your desk? I. They are red.

( ) 10. When are you going to Beijing? J. I wear 17 size.

四、连词组句 (10分)

1. taller am your sister I than


2. the with what’s you matter


3. going do what are to you tomorrow ____________________________________?

4. did what do you weekend last


5. was her birthday father’s it yesterday



1) I like ________( read ) books every morning.

2) Where ________ she _________ ( live ) ?

3) I can see many __________ ( people ) in the park.

4) I ________ ( go ) fishing yesterday.

5) She is two years __________ ( old ) than me.

6) I _______ _________ ( do ) my homework.

六、阅读理解 (8分)

1. Last Saturday, we went to work on a factory. We looked funny. It was 9 a.m. when we got

there. Then we helped the farm work. Some of us picked apples and the others carried the basket. We worked hard. We wre tired at last. But we felt very happy.

( ) 1. When we got the factory at 9 a.m. last Sunday.

( ) 2. Lst Saturday we went to a factory.

( ) 3. We helped farmer pick apples and carry the basket.

( ) 4. Last Saturday we were tired, so we felt very sad.

2. 读句子, 根据生活经验判断对错, 对的写T, 错的写F.

( 1 ) A rabbit is 99kg. ( )

( 2 ) A new pencil is about 18cm long. ( )

( 3 ) An elephant is bigger than a horse. ( )

( 4 ) I am excited. Because I have a headache. ( )

( 5 ) They went to Harbin on their holiday. I went skiing and skating there. ( ) ( 6 ) We usually go to school by plane. ( )

七、书面表达 (8分)

上周末, 你做了很多事情, 觉得过的很开心,下面是你做过的事情:




4. get up and have breakfast. do my homework. clean my bedroom. play computer game.

5. watch TV.

6. read a story book.

请给你的朋友张朋写一张明信片, 告诉他你上周末所做的事情和你的感受,要求:

1. 格式正确,条理清晰,意思明确,可增添词句。

2. 标点正确,书写工整,规范。

3. 50—60 个单词左右。





一、Read and write.(写出下列字母各自相应的小写或大写形式,共5分)


e f r t y




( ( (

( (



( (


( (

三、Read and choose. ( 根据图片或中文意思,选择正确的英语单词或词组,

将序号填在括号内,共10分) 1.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



四、Read and choose.(选出与其它三个不是同一类的单词,共5分)

( )1. A. older

B. heavier C. teacher D. smaller

D. June D. angry

( )2. A. February B. Monday C. April ( )3. A. think

B. guess

C. know


( )4. A. excited ( )5. A. row

B. climbed C. bored D. tired B. saw

C. had

D. got

五、Read and choose.(选择最佳答案并将其序号填在括号内,共10分)

( ) 1. -- I’m _______ than you, and shorter.

A. thin

A. head

B. longer C. thinner B. headache

C. tooth

( ) 2. --How do you feel? --I feel sick. I have a _________. ( ) 3. -- She often goes A. to;at A. have;have A. sing

B. to;to C. in;to B. has;has C. have;has B. sang C. singing

( ) 4. -- I ( ) 5. -- What can you do? -- I can ________.

( ) 6. -- How ______ you go there? -- I went there by bus.

A. did

B. does C. do

C. 500 cm

( ) 7. --How tall are you? --I’m tall.

A. 20 cm B. 164 cm

( )8. --What did you do last weekend? --I .

A. cleaning the room B. cleaned the room C. clean the room

( )9. --Did you help them water the flowers? -- .

A. Yes, I did. B. No, I did. C. Yes, I do.

( )10. -- did you go on your holiday? --I went to Xingjiang.

A. Why B. Where C. When

六、Read and choose.(读问句,把正确答句的序号填在括号内,共5分)

( ) 1. What’s the matter? ( ) 2. How heavy are you?

A. I’m 48 kg. B. I have a toothache. C. I like the yellow one. D. Thank you!

E. I went swimming there.

( ) 3. What did you do there? ( ) 4. Which monkey do you like? ( ) 5. Happy birthday to you!

七、Read and write.(根据图片写出正确的单词,共5分)

( A )

八、Read and choose.(阅读理解,共10分)

Hello, I'm John, an English boy. I'm 12 years old. I'm 160 cm tall and I'm 45 kg. I learn Chinese with my good friend Li Dong. Li Dong is 11 years old. He's 2 kg

heavier than me. But I'm 3 cm taller than him. We study in Hong Qi Primary School. It is snowy today. I have a cold. My throat is sore. Li Dong went hiking last weekend and his leg hurts. We look sad today.


( ) 1. John is a Chinese boy. ( ) 2. Li Dong is 163cm tall. ( ) 3. Li Dong is heavier than John. ( ) 4. Li Dong’s leg hurts.

( ) 5. John and Li Dong are happy today.

( B )

Chen Jie’s aunt lives in Hangzhou. Chen Jie went there with her parents last week. She went there by train. It was a long holiday. They left Beijing on Tuesday and got to Hangzhou on Wednesday.

Chen Jie played with her cousin. They ate good food. On Saturday she visited the West Lake. It was beautiful. She took many pictures. She climbed a mountain, too. They got back to Beijing yesterday. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

( )1. Chen Jie’s aunt lives in .

A. Shanghai B. Hangzhou C. Beijing

( )2. Chen Jie went to Hangzhou

A. on foot B. by train


C. by plane

( )3. Chen Jie played with her in Hangzhou.

A. cousin B. friends

C. brother

( )4. What did Chen Jie do in Hangzhou? She A. went skiing B. went shopping C. took many pictures

( )5. Chen Jie visited the West Lake on A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Saturday



班级: 姓名: 学号:【六年级下册英语试卷,,免费下载】


一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听一遍)(10分)

( ) 1. A. thing B. thief C. thin

( ) 2. A. down B. how C. town

( ) 3. A. red B. read C. ride

( ) 4. A. sport B. stop C. spring

( ) 5. A. game B. came C. come

( )6. A. on B. one C. only

( )7. A. some B. same C. come

( ) 8. A. sorry B. worry C. hurry

( ) 9. A. 14 B. 40 C. 4

( )10.A. 10:10 B. 9:50 C. 10:50

二、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 (听两遍)(5分)

( ) 1. A. About two kilometers. B. On foot. C. It’s on your left.

( ) 2. A. By bike. B. Only four. C. Every five minutes.

( ) 3. A. Yes, it’s over there. B. Bus No. 11

C. I can get to the History Museum by bus.

( ) 4. A. My uncle is. B. Yes, you’ re right.

C. My brother is older than me.

( ) 5. A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is.


A: ________ me, where’s the _______centre, please?

B: Go along this _______, then turn _______ at the _______ crossing. It’s ______ the Bank of _______.

A: Is it _____ from here?

B: No, it’s about a kilometer _______.

A: _______ you very much.

B: Not at all.



( ) 1. A. worker B. coook C. walk D. doctor

( ) 2. A. big B. long C. far D. tonight

( ) 3. A. bear B. apple C. pear D. grape

( ) 4. A. mouth B. ear C. head D. sweater

( ) 5. A.fifty B. seventeen C. sixty D. forty


1.fast (反义词) _____________ 2. thief (复数)_______________

3.early (比较级) ___________4.stop (过去式)________________

5. do well in(同义词组)______6.thin (比较级)________________

7. far (比较级) ___________8.get on (反义词) _____________

9.No. (完全形式) ____________ 10.same(反义词)_____________


1.更擅长于做„ 2.soumds great_______________

3.我的左手________________ 4.how far_________________5.每隔三天 6.run along the street_________

7.下火车 8.need help with„___________

9.和„交谈 10.all of the animals__________


( )1.Do you have_________brothers__________sisters?

A some; and B some ;or C any ; or

( )2. Yang Ling’s kite___________higher than __________.

A flys ; Liu Tao’s B flies ; Liu Tao’s C fly;Liu Tao

( )3.Lucy is taller than________, but I’m stronger than__________.

A me ; her B I ; she C me;him

( )4.Jim, Tom and I_________in the school.

A are all B all are C is all

( )5. We are going to meet_________the bus stop __________1:30.

A at;at B in;on C on ;in

( )6. ___________are you going to the supermarket?

A Where B Which C When

( )7. Which subject do you like__________(good), Chinese or English?

A. well B. good C. better D. best

( )8. Liu Tao _______ know about the weather in Guangzhou.

A. want B. wants C. want to D. wants to

( )9. The apples ____ the tree turn red.

A. in B. at C. on D. of

( )10. You are good at ____ kites. Can you make one _____ me?

A. make, for B. making, for C. to make, to D. makes, to


( )1.My schoolbag is new. How about your? _______


( _________


( A B C D

( )4. A B C D

( A B C D

六、句型转换,每空一格。(10分) 对划线部分提问)

do you usually do homework?

2. He has his party at a restaurant.(饭店)(对划线部分提问)

he his party?

3. We want to buy him a present.(改为一般疑问句)

you to buy him a present?

4. My parents have a lot of presents for me.(改为一般疑问句)

your parents a lot of presents for ?


1. Mike__________(come ) from America.

2. There _____(be) a desk and two tables in the room yesterday.

3. My eyes are not as _______(big) as _________(she).

4. To get there _______(fast ),you can_____(take) bus No.8.

5. I told him __________(buy) some fruit for Liu Tao.

6. Yesterday afternoon,I ____(see)twenty horses ___________(run)in the sports field.

7. Would you please how ________(get) to the shopping centre.


with ,eat, younger, watched, happy, cooked, was, goes, washed, tired, had, helped

Jim is a student. He is __________ than his classmates. He usually _______to the park ________ his friends on the weekend. But last weekend, he______ his mother do housework. Because his mother ________ sick. She ________ a cold. He _________ breakfast, then he _________ the clothes. In the evening, he was very ________, but he was very __________.[


A mother camel(骆驼) is looking for water and grass with her son .The son is asking his mother,“What do water and grass look like ?”The mother is answering , “The water is blue as the sky, and grass is not blue, it’s green and nice . ” After a day and night , her son cries(叫,喊), “Look, mother, there’s water and grass there .” “You’re wrong , child . The water and grass are on the left , and the desert(沙漠) is on the right .”The mother camel’s left eye is blind(瞎的) . Now , the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), but his mother thinks that’s not true . She says she knows more than her son and can’t be wrong. Her son is not happy . He doesn’t want to stay with his mother , so he goes away . He runs into the grass and eats his fill(饱) .

( ) 1. Three camels is looking for water and grass .

( ) 2. The mother says to his son, “ You’re right, child .”

( ) 3. The mother’s left eye is blind .

( ) 4. The young camel doesn’t want to stay with his mother ,because his mother is right.

( ) 5. The mother thinks she is right.



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