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在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 ( )26.Brazil, ____ country in South America, will hold ____ 31st Olympic Games in August,2016.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the

( )27.The broken ____ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful.

A. glass B. glasses C. candle D. candles

( )28.Please turn to page ____ and take a look at the picture on it.

A. the eightieth B. eightieth C. eighties D. eighty

( )29.—I am a little hungry, Daddy.

—See the cupcakes on the plate? But you can only take ____. Dinner is ready soon.

A. it B. one C. this D. that

( )30. With the development of science and technology, robot cooks ____ in our families in the future.

A. appear B. appeared C. till D. and

( )31. The traffic policeman took away Jim’s license ____ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.

A. though B. because C. will appear D. were appearing

( )32. Among the four seas of the coast of China, East China Sea is the second ____.

A. deep B. deeper C. deepest D. the deepest

( )33. Tommy, ____ play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car.

A. do B. don’t C. must D. mustn’t

( )34. —Mum, ____ I visit the Modern Art Museum next Monday?

—I’m afraid you can’t. All the museums in this city are closed on Monday.

A. would B. need C. should D. may

( )35. Many young people put mobile gaming ____ anything else, thinking little of their normal lives.

A. along with B. behind C. before D. in front of

( )36. Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting ____ an Oscar and finally be made it.

A. to win B. winning C. not to win D. not winning

( )37. Martin and Susan ___ for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday.

A. put off B. fell off C. set off D. kept off

( )38. According to a recent survey, ____ three fifths of working mothers in China don’t want to have a second child.

A. mostly B. especially C. partly D. nearly

( )38. School violence(暴力) ____much attention of the whole society and people are calling on the government to make laws against it as early as possible.

A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing

( )40. Unless the weather____ , we will have to cancel the picnic.

A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve

( )41. —It is reported that cancer be controlled at a temperature lower than 110℃ before zero. —Really? ____ nice surprise!

A. How B. What C. What a D. What an

( )42. He Jiang ____ to give a speech at the graduation ceremony at Harvard University last month .

A. invites B. invited C. is invited D. was invited

( )43. Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years, Everything ____ comes into sight is so new to me.

A. that B. which C. who D. whom

( )44. —____! Something is falling down from the tall building.

—Dear me! It’s too dangerous.

A. Look out B. Help yourself C. What a pity D. Shut up

( )45. —I wonder ____. —It will fall on a Saturday .

A. how will National Day fall on this year

B. how National Day will fall on this year

C. what day will National Day fall on this year

D. what day National Day will fall on this year



I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, material(物质的success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make pretty good money.

But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell

the poor and the weak. The sense of belonging (归属感) was great and suddenly I felt For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel

And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.

( ) 46. A. luck

( ) 47. A. sadly

( ) 48. A. if B. success B. hardly B. since C. safety D. hope D. honestly C. crazily C. until D. although

( ) 49. A. looked down upon B. looked up to C. looked through D. looked into

( ) 50. A. made up B. gave up C. set up D. turned up

( ) 51. A. in danger

( ) 52. A. strict

( ) 53. A. trust

( ) 54. A. throw【2016广东省中考英语真题】

( ) 55. A. true B. in order C. in need D. in surprise D. satisfied B. careful B. love C. angry C. money C. sell D. health D. lend D. terrible B. spread B. brave C. friendly




Welcome to the Painting Competition for Woodlands Students

The international Anti-Drug(禁毒) Day this year is coming soon. In order to raise teenagers’ awareness(意识) to fight against drug taking, the City Art Council is going to hold a painting competition for the students in our city.

Students who want to take part in the competition can hand in their own 2D paintings in either of the following two ways:

 Each school will be provided with a box for students to put in their paintings. Boxes

will be picked up by the City Art Council on Thursday, June 23rd,2016, before the end of the school day.

 Paintings can be also handed in on Friday, June 24th,from 8:00 am to 10:00 am of

the Woodlands Art Hall (175 Riverside Street).

All paintings are required to be 60cm wide by 80cm long or smaller. Larger sizes will not be accepted. Each student can only hand in one painting.





说明: 1.全卷共10页, 满分为120分, 考试用时为100分钟。

2.答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡的指定区域填写自己的准 考证号、姓名、考 场号、座位号。用2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。

3.选择题每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的信息点涂黑, 如 需改动, 用橡皮 擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试题上

4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区 域内相应位置上; 如需改动.先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案;不准使 用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的 答案无效。

5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束时, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。

—、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分, 共25小题, 每小题1分, 共25分) A.听句子(本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)

根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题, 选择符合题意的图画回答问题, 并将答题卡上对应 的选项涂黑。每小


1.where is the chair?


2.What is the shape of Amy's balloon?




3.Which bedtime story does the man's son like best?




4.Who is Peter's brother?




5.What was Jason wear when the man saw him?





B.听对话:本题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)

回答每段对话后面的问题, 在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黒:

每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话, 回答第6小题。 6.How far away is it to the bank?

A. About 300 meters away 听第二段对话, 回答第7小题。 7.Why does the man look tired?

A. He went to bed late 听第三段对话, 回答第8小题。

8.What kind of bus would the man like to drive?

A. A city bus.

听第四段对话, 回答第9小题。 9.Where is the man?

A. At a restaurant.

听第五段对话, 回答第10小题。

10.When should the passengers board the plane?

A. Before 7:40.

B. Before 8:00.

C. Before 8:20.

B. As the dentist's.

C. At police station.

B. A tourist bus

C. A school bus.

B. He got up very early

C. He played football for long.

B. About 400 meters away

C. About 500 meters away.



听第六段对话, 回答第11-12小题。 11.What are the two speakers doing now?

A. Making a phone call. 12.How long will the yard sale last?

A. 4 hours.

听第七段对话, 回答第13-15小题。

13.Why did the woman come back to the bookstore?

A. She left her bag in the store. B. She forget to pay for the books. C. She got the wrong bag with her. 14.How many books did the woman by?

A. One.

15.What did the woman do at last?

A. He paid for the books for the woman. B. He changed the bag for the woman. C. He returned the bag to the woman.

C.听独白(本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)

请根据所听内容, 在每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。独白听两遍。 16.Jack went to see Kong Fu Panda 3

A. Last Sunday morning.

17.Jack saw bird on his way to the cinema.

A. black A. left leg

19.To save the bird, Jack took it to

A. a pet hospital A. two

D.听填信息(本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)

你将听到的是一则关于飞机航班的广播通知, 请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。并请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。

B. his home B. three

C. the zoo C. four

20.There were steps of treatment for the bird.

B. brown B. left foot

C. blue C. left wing

18.There was something wrong with the birds.

B. Last Sunday afternoon.

C. Last Sunday evening.

B. Four.

C. Six.

B. 5 hours.

C. 7 hours.

B. Doing some shopping.

C. Listening to a concert.

二、单项填空(本大题有20小题, 每小题1分, 共20分)

在每小题的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 26.Brazil, ______country in South America, will hold 31th Olympic Games in the August, 2016.

A. a; a A. glass A. the eightieth A. it A. appear A. though A. deep A. do Monday.

A. would A. along with A. to win A. put off child.

A. mostly

B. especially

C. partly

D. nearly

39.School violence______much attention of the whole society and people are calling on the government to make laws against it as early as possible.

A. drew A. improve

B. will draw B. improves

C. has drawn C. improved

D. was drawing D. will improve

40.Unless the weather______, we'll have to cancel the picnic.

41.-It is reported that cancer can be controlled at a temperature lower than 100℃ below zero. -Really?______ nice

B. need B. behind B. will win B. fell off

C. should C. before C. not to win C. set off

D. may D. in front of D. not winning D. kept off

35.Many young people put mobile games______anything else, Thinking little of their normal lives. 36.Live or not, a famous American actor, was always expecting______an Oscar and finally he made it. 37.Murder and Susan______for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday.

38.According to a recent survey, ______three fifths of working mothers in china don't want to have a second

B. a; the B. glasses B. eightieth B. one B. appeared B. because B. deeper B. don't

C. the; a C. candle C. eighties C. this C. will appear C. till C. deepest C. must

D. the ; the D. candles D. eighty D. that

D. were appearing D. and D. the deepest D. mustn't

27.The broken ______may cut into your hand if you touch it, you should be careful. 28.Please turn to page______and take a look at the picture on it.

29.-I'm a little hungry Daddy. -See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take______, dinner is ready soon. 30.With the development of science and technology, robot cooks______in our families in the future. 31.The traffic policeman took away games, driver's license______He broke the traffic rules of drunk driving. 32.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second______. 33.Tommy, ______play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car.

34.-Mom,______i visit the art museum next Monday?-I'm afraid you can't. All museums in the city are closed on


A. How A. invites to me.

A. that A. Look out

B. which B. Help yourself

C. who C. What a pity

D. whom D. Shut up.

44.-______! Something is falling down from the tall building.-Dear me! it's dangerous. 45.-I wonder______.-It will fall on a Saturday.

A. how will National Day fall on this year B. How National Day will fall on this year C. What day will National Day fall on this year D. What day National Day will fall on this year

三、完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)

通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出_个最佳答案, 并 将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。

I'm sure many people are working hard for a lot of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on. Those are considered to be symbols of on the material level. When I was young, I was also reaching for material success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.

But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for customers. I become very unhappy I could make a lot of money. I no longer felt proud of my job and even myself for doing things like that. So I my job and took another job, this time helping people the poor and the week. The sense of belonging was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again, I made less money but I was with myself.

For my own past, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about my kindness everywhere go.

So, be to yourself: learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart. And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.

A.luck A.sadly A.if

A.look down upon A.made up A.in danger A.strict A.trust A.throw A.true

B.success B.hardly B.since B.look up to B.give up B.in order B.cheerful B.love B.spread B.brave

C.safety C.crazily C.until C.look through C.set up C.in need C.angry C.money C.cell C.friendly

D.hope D.honestly D.also D.look into D.turn up D.in surprise D.satisfied D.health D.lend D.terrible

B. What B. invited

C. What a C. is invited

D. What an D. was invited

42.He Jing______To give a speech at the graduation ceremony at Harvard University last month.

43.Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years. Everything ______comes into sight is so new








广东省2015-2016年中考英语试题试卷真题 (原卷版)


本试卷共10页,七大题,满分为120分。考试用时90分钟。 一、


第一节 听句子,选择最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

每句播放两遍,各句播放前每小题有4秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各句内容及其相关小题,在4秒钟内从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳答语,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A. Let’s go! 2. A. By air. 3. A. Both.

B. You’re welcome. B. All right.

C. I don’t think so.

C. It was great fun!

B. Sounds interesting! B. Fantastic!

C. Yes, it is. C. Me neither.

C. Yes, I really love it!

4. A. Nearly finished! 5. A. That’s cool.


B. Good for you!

第二节 听力理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


听下面一段材料,回答6~7两个小题。 6. Where is the man going?

A. To another city.

B. To a hospital.

C. To a hotel.

7. How much does the man pay at last?

A. 20£

B. 17£

C. 5£

听下面一段材料,回答8~9两个小题。 8. Who is Susan?

A. Mike’s elder sister. 9. Where is Carl?

A. In the middle.

B. On the right.

C. On the left.

B. Mike’s younger sister.

C. Mike’s best friend.


10. Whose pet dog is it?

A. Teddy’s.

B. Peter’s.

C. Jack’s.

11. What does Jack ask Mrs. Green to help?



A. To look after the house and feed the dog. B. To water the flowers and the trees.

C. To take care of the dog and water the flowers. 12. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Mother and son.

C. Neighbours.


13. What does Daniel look like?

A. He has black hair and brown eyes. B. He has brown hair and black eyes. C. He has black eyes and hair. 14. What subject does Daniel do worst in?

A. Biology.

B. Art.

C. History.

15. Why is Daniel’s mother angry with him?

A. Because he is too shy.

B. Because he doesn’t keep his room tidy. C. Because he often plays with his best friends.

第三节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


What to eat in summer?



阅读下列各题,从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. In my opinion, who you are is more important than ________ way you look.【2016广东省中考英语真题】


A. a

B. /

C. the

22. Meals are very boring. He ________ has the same thing to eat every day.

A. never

B. usually

C. sometimes

23. Do you think driverless technology will make many workers lose ________ jobs?

A. them

B. their

C. theirs

24. ________ I live in a safe community, I still feel a little worried when I go out at night.

A. Although

B. Since

C. Until

25. Jenny finally got the job because she ________ speak English well.

A. might

B. must

C. could

26. Last night, thousands of people ________ to see the stars arrive at the ceremony.

A. wait

B. were waiting

C. have waited

27. Times magazine says that smart Lego has become one of ________ favorite toys.

A. child

B. children

C. children’s

28. I don’t understand why more girls ________ to do housework than boys in today’s society.

A. asked

B. were asked

C. are asked

29. It wasn’t ________ match, but at least we won!

A. the most interesting

B. more interesting C. interesting

30. Most students don’t know ________ when their phones are taken away.

A. what can they do

B. how they could communicate C. who they can play with



Bert Manson, 82, slowly opened his eyes and turned to face the clock on the bedside table. It was 8:23 a.m. He cars on the highway and the shouts of the children running to school.

the window into the street below. ―And who would _______?‖he spoke quietly.

After Bert’s wife died a year ago, his son and daughter said they would visit once a week. But the last time


bad weather; no time. Nobody seemed to have any time…except for Bert. He ____steps to the bathroom. 31. A. pleased 32. A. listening 33. A. happily 34. A. hide 35. A. care 36. A. chance 37. A. excited

B. sad

C. surprised C. shouting C. carefully C. follow C. forget C. reason C. sick C. refused C. fear C. in person

B. pointing B. quickly B. wait B. decide

B. accident

B. perfect

38. A. introduced 39. A. hope 40. A. in time

B. missed

B. trouble

B. in pain


第一节 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



A 13-year-old American has made a cheap machine that can help blind people read.

– a system of small bumps (隆起物) that the blind touch to read the letters. The machine that makes these small bumps usually costs at least $2,000. It is called Braille writer. The American schoolboy, Shubham Banerjee, made a new Braille writer from a Lego tool that lets people create robots. Banerjee has called his new machine the Braigo – a combination (组合) of the words Braille and Lego. It costs just $ 350. It works by changing electronic text into Braille and then printing it using a computer or mobile machine.

Banerjee designed (设计) his Braigo last year for a school science exhibition. Since then, he has caught the interest of Silicon Valley in the USA. The big technology company Intel spent money on Banerjee’s machine last November, but they did not say how much money they put in. Banerjee also got $35, 000 from his father to help him start the project. His father works as a computer engineer (工程师) at Intel. He spoke about why he gave so


much money to his son, saying:‖We as parents started to be interested more, thinking that he’s on to something and this invention has to continue.‖ Banerjee told the AP News: ―My dream would probably be having most of the blind people…using my Braigo.‖ 41. What is Braile in Line 2?

A. A system of bumps to help the blind read. B. The name of a new invention. C. A very cheap machine. D. A Lego robot.

42. How much will one save if he buys a Braigo instead of a usual Braille writer?

A. Over $2,000. C. Exactly $35,000.

B. Less than $350. D. At least $1,650.

43. What does the Braigo change into Braille?

A. Photocopies. C. Electronic text.

B. Voices.

D. Computer languages.

44. Why did Banerjee design his invention?

A. He did it as a hobby. B. Intel told him to do it.

C. He did it for a school science project. D. He wanted to get money from his father.

45. Banerjee’s parents wanted him to continue to _______.

A. catch Intel’s interest

B. work on his invention D. use the new Braille writer B

Language students often think they have memory problems. They worry because they can’t remember words. In fact, the problem usually isn’t with their memory. The problem is with how they study.

To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear, or read something, it goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds. You will only remember something longer if it goes into long-term memory.


C. be a computer engineer



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