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1.火车tr__ __ n 2.电影院 ma 3.房屋se 4.照片p__ ct__ re

5.*读,阅读r__ __ d 6. *国际象棋 __ __ ess 7. 超市s__perm __rket 8.小孩k __d

9.船b__ __t 10.钟c__ __c __

二、单词归类: 18分

take milk listening boat doing train play watching soya milk

beside talk live flying singing near bus running next to

1. 动作 _______ _______ _______ ______

2. 现在分词_______ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________

3. 食物________ ___________

4. 交通工具______ ________ _________

5. 方位介词_______ ____________ ________


4 listen to 5 talk to 6 get on 7.me too 9 go straight on 10soya milk

四、单项选择: 15分

( )1._______ is the zoo? A. What B. Where C. When

( )2. I live______ No. 9 Guangming Street. A on B in C at

( )3. Where _____ the books? A. is B. are C.am

( )4. I’m playing _____ my toy bus. A. on B. in C. with

( )5. Look at ______ pictures. A. these B. this C. that

( )6. My friend is _______ pictures now. A. take B. taking C. takes

( )7. Look! Tom is ______. A. watch TV B. watches TV C. watching TV

( )8. __________are you doing? A. Who B. Where C. What

( )9. They______jumping. A. are B. is C. am

( )10. He is _____a bike. A.ride B. riding C. rideing

( )11. Let's get____the bus. on B. in C. up

( interesting things. A.on B.of C.in

( the people the park. A.at, in B.to, in C.at,on

( )14.He`s rowing a dragon boat the lake. A. in B.under C.on

( ! A. going B.go C.goes


( )1. Where do you live? A. It’s singing.

( )2.* What are they doing? B. They are drawing pictures.

( )3. Where’s No.2 Park Street? C. I live at No.2 Park Street.

( )4. What are you doing? D. It’s next to a shop.

( )5. What’s the bird doing? E. I’m watching TV.


【zoo straight next turn thank 】

A: Excuse me. Where is the ______, please?

B: Go__________ on. ______left. It’s _______ to a supermarket.

A: _______you. Bye-bye.

B: Goodbye.


A. What are they doing? A:_______

B. Look at these girls. What are they drinking? B:_______

C. Hi, Lingling! Look at the people on the lake. A:_______

D. They are drinking soya milk. B:_______

E. Me too. Let’s go. A:_______ F. Look at the clock. It’s twelve now. I’m hungry. B:_______

G. They are rowing a dragon boat. A:________


run_________ swim__________ dance_________ take________ ride__________【外研版四年级英语上册一模块】

九. 用动词适当形式填空:5分

1. My sister is ___________(talk) to her friends.

2. Fangfang is __________(take) pictures now.

3. Listen! Weiwei_______________ (sing) a song.

4. Look! Her friends ____________(watch) TV.

5. I _________(write) a letter now.【外研版四年级英语上册一模块】


1. 一般疑问句_________________________? I’m listening to music.

2. 一般疑问句__________________________? He’s swimming.



一. 抄写下列单词(用标准手写体书写)。


二. 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。

( )1.go straight on A.对不起,打扰一下

( )2.next to B.向左转

( )3.turn to C.十分,非常

( )4.excuse me D.直着走

( )5.so much E.紧靠……旁边,贴近

三. 单项选择。

( )1.This cat is _______________. A. lost B. look C. left ( )2.---_______ is your school? ---It’s beside the supermarket.

A. What B. How C. Where

( )3.I live in _______ 2, Park Street. A. No B. No. C. no

四. 情景交际。

( )1.当你向别人问路时,应首先有礼貌地说:_________

A. Excuse me. B. How are you. C. Thank you.

( )2.当你给别人指路,告诉说“向右转”时应该怎么说?________________

A. Go straight on. B. Turn right. C. Turn left.

( )3.当你告诉别人“它紧靠着超市旁边”,应怎么说?_____________________

A.It’s next to the supermarket. B.It’s in a school. C.It’s on your left. ( )4.当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该怎么回答?___________________

A.Thank you. B.Goodbye. C.You’re welcome.

( )5.当向别人道别时,应该怎么说?________________________

A. Hello! B.Goodbye! C.Hi!

五. 选单词或短语填空。

A. turn right B. turn left C.supermarket D. cinema E.go straight on

1.电影院____________ 2.直走________________ 3.向左转________________

4.向右转______________ 5.超市_________________


My name is Panpan.I live in the zoo.Now I am lost.Can you help(帮助) me? ( )Turn left.

( )Go straight on.

( )It’s next to a supermarket.

( )Turn right.


一. 给单词连接相应的汉语意思。

1.train 2.station 3.hill 4.house

A.山 B.房子 C.火车 D.车站


( )1. Up A. down B. live C.dog

( )2. Train A. turn B. go C.bus

( )3. right A .left B. hill C. station

( )4. behind A. near B. cinema C. supermarket

( )5. park A. door B. supermarket C. where

三. 写出下列缩写词汇的完整形式。

例:what’s=what is

1.where’s=_______________ 2.he’s=____________________

3.it’s=___________________ 4.you’re=__________________


up near down at

1. The train is __________(在…下面)the hill.

2. The train is __________(在…上面)the hill.

3. The train is __________(在…旁边)the supermarket.

4. The train is __________(在)the station.

五. 连词成句。

1.Where supermarket the is (?) ____________________________________

2.near the house It’s (.) __________________________________________

3.behind He’s door the (.) ________________________________________

4.on straight Go (.) ________________________________________________


A. near B. Where’s C. Excuse me D. train E. at the station F. so much

1. ---_______._______ the supermarket?

---It’s ______ our school.

2. ---Where’s the park?

---Turn left.

---Thank you ____________.

3. ---Where’s the ___________?

---It’s _____________.



一. 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。

( )1.go straight on A.对不起,打扰一下

( )2.next to B.向左转

( )3.turn to C.十分,非常

( )4.excuse me D.直着走

( )5.so much E.紧靠……旁边,贴近

( )6 train F 房屋

( )7 station G小山

( )8.hill H 车站

( )9.house J 火车

二. 单项选择。

( )1.This cat is _______________. A. lost B. look C. left

( )2.---_______ is your school? ---It’s beside the supermarket. A.What B. How ( )3.I live in _______ 2, Park Street. A. No B. No. C. no


( )1. Up A. down B. live C.dog

( )2. Train A. turn B. go C.bus

( )3. right A .left B. hill C. station

( )4. behind A. near B. cinema C. supermarket

( )5. park A. door B. supermarket C. where


A. turn right B. turn left C.supermarket D. cinema E.go straight on

1.电影院_________ 2.直走_____________ 3.向左转_________________

4.向右转______________ 5.超市_________________


例:what’s=what is

1.where’s=_______________ 2.he’s=____________________

3.it’s=___________________ 4.you’re=__________________


up near down at

1. The train is __________(在…下面)the hill.

2. The train is __________(在…上面)the hill.

3. The train is __________(在…旁边)the supermarket.

4. The train is __________(在)the station. C. Where


( )1.当你向别人问路时,应首先有礼貌地说:_________

A. Excuse me. B. How are you. C. Thank you.

( )2.当你给别人指路,告诉说“向右转”时应该怎么说?________________

A. Go straight on. B. Turn right. C. Turn left.

( )3.当你告诉别人“它紧靠着超市旁边”,应怎么说?_____________________

A.It’s next to the supermarket. B.It’s in a school. C.It’s on your left. ( )4.当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该怎么回答?___________________

A.Thank you. B.Goodbye. C.You’re welcome.

( )5.当向别人道别时,应该怎么说?________________________

A. Hello! B.Goodbye! C.Hi!


A. near B. Where’s C. Excuse me D. train E. at the station F. so much

1. ---_______._______ the supermarket?

---It’s ______ our school.

2. ---Where’s the park?

---Turn left.

---Thank you ____________.

3. ---Where’s the ___________?

---It’s _____________.


1.Where supermarket the is (?) ____________________________________

2.near the house It’s (.) __________________________________________

3.behind He’s door the (.) ________________________________________

4.on straight Go (.) ________________________________________________


My name is Panpan.I live in the zoo.Now I am lost.Can you help(帮助) me? ( )Turn left.

( )Go straight on.

( )It’s next to a supermarket.

( )Turn right.






left right

street live



( )1.go straight on A.对不起,打扰一下 ( )2.next to B.向左转 ( )3.turn to C.十分,非常 ( )4.excuse me D.直着走

( )5.so much E.紧靠„„旁边,贴近 ( )6 train F 房屋 ( )7 station G小山 ( )8.hill H 车站 ( )9.house J 火车 三、单项选择。

( )1.This cat is _______________. A. lost B. look C. left ( )2.---_______ is your school? ---It’s beside the supermarket.

A. What B. How C. Where

( )3.I live in _______ 2, Park Street. A. No B. No. C. no 四、情景交际。


( )1.当你向别人问路时,应首先有礼貌地说:_________

A. Excuse me. B. How are you. C. Thank you.

( )2.当你给别人指路,告诉说“向右转”时应该怎么说?______________

A. Go straight on. B. Turn right. C. Turn left.

( )3.当你告诉别人“它紧靠着超市旁边”,应怎么说?_____________________ A.It’s next to the supermarket. B.It’s in a school.

C.It’s on your left.

( )4.当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该怎么回答?___________________ A.Thank you. B.Goodbye. C.You’re welcome.

( )5.当向别人道别时,应该怎么说?________________________

A. Hello! B.Goodbye! C.Hi!


A.turn right B. turn left C.supermarket D. cinema E.go straight on 1.电影院_________ 2.直走_____________ 3.向左转_________________ 4.向右转______________ 5.超市_________________ 六、看图排序。(帮熊猫盼盼找到回家的路)

My name is Panpan.I live in the zoo.Now I am lost.Can you help(帮助) me? ( )Turn left. ( )Go straight on.

( )It’s next to a supermarket. ( )Turn right.


1.Where supermarket the is (?) ____________________________________ 2.near the house It’s (.) __________________________________________ 3.behind He’s door the (.) ________________________________________ 4.on straight Go (.) ________________________________________________



1.train 2.station 3.hill 4.house

A.山 B.房子 C.火车 D.车站 二、选择与所给单词属于同一类的一项。 ( )

1. Up A. down B. live C.dog

( )2. Train A. turn B. go C.bus

( )3. right A .left B. hill C. station ( )4. behind A. near B. cinema C. supermarket ( )5. park A. door B. supermarket C. where 三、写出下列缩写词汇的完整形式。

例:what’s=what is

1.where’s=_______________ 2.he’s=____________________ 3.it’s=___________________ 4.you’re=__________________ 四、根据汉语意思选词填空。

up near down at

1. The train is __________(在„下面)the hill. 2. The train is __________(在„上面)the hill. 3. The train is __________(在„旁边)the supermarket. 4. The train is __________(在)the station. 五、选择合适的单词或短语填空,使句子完整。 A. near B. Where’s C. Excuse me D. train E. at the station F. so much 1. ---_______._______ the supermarket? ---It’s ______ our school. 2. ---Where’s the park? ---Turn left.

---Thank you ____________. 3. ---Where’s the ___________? ---It’s _____________. 六、写出下列缩写词汇的完整形式。 例:what’s=what is

1.where’s=_______________ 2.he’s=____________________ 3.it’s=___________________ 4.you’re=__________________ 七、选择合适的单词或短语填空,使句子完整。

A. near B. Where’s C. Excuse me D. train E. at the station F. so much 1. ---_______._______ the supermarket? ---It’s ______ our school. 2. ---Where’s the park?

---Turn left.

---Thank you ____________.

3. ---Where’s the ___________? ---It’s _____________.

短 语(把下面的短语抄写2英2汉,写在横线上)

1. live at住在

2. No.2 Park Street 公园街2号

3. go straight on 直着走

4. turn left 向左转

5. turn right 向右转

6. next to紧靠„„旁边

7. up the hill 在山上

8. down the hill在山下

9. near the house 在房屋附近

10. at the station在车站

11. so much十分,非常

12. excuse me对不起,打扰一下


班级 姓名



( )1、letter A、these B、next C、live ( )2、with A、little B、right C、China ( )3、take A、have B、at C、lake ( )4、picture A.sister B.friend C.beside 二、选择不同类的一项。

( )1、A、friend B.brother C.sister ( )2、A、picture B.listen C.play ( )3、A、train B.car C.read ( )4、A、little B.toy C.big


( )1、Look at pictures. A.these B.this

1.run 2.talk 3.take 4.listen 5.play 6.swim

7.ride 8.read 9.watch ( )2、Daming is pictures. A.taking B.take

( )3、She reading a book.

A.like B.likes

( )4、He’s playing a toy. A.with B.at

( )5、I’m listening music.

A./ B.for C.to

( )6、What are you ?

A.doing B.do C.does

( )7、I’m doing homework. A.me B.my C.he

( )8、I’m TV.

A.watch B.watches C.watching

四、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。 1、He is w TV . 2、She is r a book . 3、Lingling is l to music . 4、Sam is r a bike . 5、They are p football . 五、根据问句,选择正确的答语

( )1、What are you doing? A. She’s taking pictures. ( )2、What is Sam doing? B. I’m talking to my friend. ( )3、What is she doing? C. He’s riding a bike. ( )4、Are you writing a letter? D. No, I’m not . 六、写出下列动词的—ing形式


( )1.当你问别人正在干什么时,你会问: A.Whar are you doing ?

B.I am playing basketball.

( )2.当你告诉别人Sam正在骑自行车时,你该说: A. Sam is riding a bike.

B. Sam likes riding a bike.

( )3.当你告诉别人Tiantian正在听音乐时,你会说: A.She is listening to music.

B. I’m listening to music.

( )4.你想问别人玲玲在干什么,你应该说: A.What is Lingling doing ? B.What are Lingling doing ? ( )5.如果你想问他们在干什么,你会说: A.What are they doing ?

B.What are we doing ?

附加题(写在家庭作业本上) 1、模块1、2单词5英5汉。

2、课文抄写P2-3②;P5②;P8-9②;P11② 抄写2英2汉。


短 语(把下面的短语抄写2英2汉,写在横线上)

1. look at 看 2. take pictures 照相 3. play with„ 玩„„ 4. read a book 读书 5. talk to„ 和„„交谈 6. listen to 听 7. watch TV 看电视 8. play football 踢足球



姓名 分数


live(第三人称单数)__________left(对应词)___________ up(对应词)____________ house(复数)_______ I (形容词性物主代词)_______hill(复数)_______it’s(完整形式) _______ where is(缩写形式)_______ you’re(完整形式)_______ foot(复数)_______


对不起,打扰一下__________ 住在__________ 贴近__________

near the house __________在山上 __________ 在车站__________

不客气__________a lost dog __________ turn right__________ go straight on__________


( ) I live _______No.3 Park Street. A of B at C for ( )________name is Doudou. A I B Me C My ( )________the supermarket ? A Where’s B Where C What

( )Thank you very much. ________ A I’m sorry. B You’re welcome. C All right. ( )We have got a big________. A houses B homes C house


This is a white cat.(变一般疑问句)

_______ _______ a white cat?

Where are you? (根据提示作答)

I’m _______ _______ _______ (在树后面)

down, is, it, hill, the(.) (连词成句)


Where’s the supermarket? (根据提示作答)

_______left. (向左转) (就画线部分提问)

_______ _______ the park?



A Sorry.I’m late.

B Excuse me.


A Where’s the supermarket?

B What’s the supermarket?


A You’re welcome.

B Thank you very much.


A The train is at the station.

B The train is near the station.


A Where is it?

B Where are you?



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