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unit1 Welcome back to school练习题

Unit 1 Welcome back to school复习题


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、情景练习。( )1. 新学期开始了,英语老师会对你说:________

A. Good morning! B. How are you? C. Welcome back!

( ) 2.你想介绍自己是从加拿大来的,你应该说:_________A. I’m from Canada. B. I'm Canada. C .My name is Canada.

( ) 3. 介绍自己是迈克,可以这样说:________

A. Hi, Mike. B. This is Mike. C. Hello, I’m Mike.

( ) 4. 当班上来了新同学,你不可以说:_______

A. Welcome! B. Nice to meet you. C. See you!( ) 5. 你想知道对方是哪里人,可以这样问:_______

A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from? 三、选一选。

1. She is a ____. 2. The girl is a ____.

3. ___ is six years old. 4. ___ is from Canada.


( )1. A. friend B.teacher C.pupil

( )2. A. she B. student C. he

( )3. A. USA B. UK C. OK

( )4. A. boy B. girl C. body

( )5. A. cat B. China C. panda

( ) 6. A she B I C girl

( ) 7. A. pupil B. Canada C. student

( ) 8. A. panda B. ant C. bag

( ) 9.A Beijing B. the UK C.the USA

( ) 10. A new B . girl C. boy

( ) 11. A. she B. your C. he

( ) 12. A. hand B. pupil C. student

( ) 13. A. China B. USA C. zoo

( ) 14. A. boy B. pupil C. girl( ) 15. A. teacher B. tiger C. bear

( )16. A he B boy C girl

( ) 17. A pupil B teacher C student

( ) 18. A teacher B Canada C China

( ) 19. A She B He C. This


( )1.---_____ are you from? --- I’m from China.A. What B. How C. Where

( )2. This is Amy. ____ my new friend.

A. She B. She’s C. she’s

( )3. Mike is from Canada. He’s a ______.

A. student B. friend C. girl

( )4. This is Mr. Jones. ____a teacher.

A. I’m B. He’s C. She’s

( )5. –John, ___ is Li Ping.

--Hi! Nice to meet you.

A. He B. This C. That


( ) 1. Boys and girls. A.

( ) 2. Nice to see you again. B. 他来自英国。

( ) 3. She’s a new student. C. 同学们。

( ) 4. He’s from the UK. D. 我们喜欢玩耍。

( ) 5. We like to play. E. 很高兴再次见到你。

七. Look and write. 用正确的书写体抄写下列词语各一遍。【unit,1,welcome,back,to,school练习题】


八. Read and tick. 读一读,在正确的选项后面打“√”。

1. This is Mr Jones. 2. This is Sarah.

( ) A. He is a teacher. ( ) A. He is my friend.

( ) B. She is a teacher. ( ) B. She is my friend, 3. This is Amy. 4. This is John.

( ) A. She is from the UK. ( ) A. He is a student.

( ) B. She is from the USA. ( ) B. She is a student,

5. This is Wu Yifan.

( ) A. He is a boy.

( ) B. She is a student.

九. Read and order. 读一读,排列顺序。

( ) Hi, Amy. Nice to meet you.

( ) Mum, this is Amy. She’s a new student.

( ) I’m from the UK.

( ) Where are you from?

( )

Nice to meet you, too.

十、 Read and match. 读一读,并连线。

Hi, I’m Zhang Peng. I’m

from Shandong.

Hi, I’m an eagle. I’m from

the USA. Welcome back to school! Nice to see you again!

Boys and girls, we have a new

friend today.

’s play teacher and student. 十一、Read and choose. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。

She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. She

is a good student.

( )1. I have a new . A: teacher B: friend ( )2. Li Yan is from . A: China B: Canada ( )3. She is years old. A: ten B: nine ( )4. Li Yan is a good . A: student B: teacher ( )5. My friend is a . A: boy B: girl 十二、读句子,圈出正确的单词。【unit,1,welcome,back,to,school练习题】

Wu Yifan:Mr. Jones,( That / this ) is Amy. ( He’s / She’s ) a

new( teacher / student ).

Mr Jones: Hi, Amy.

Amy: Hi, Mr Jones.

Mr Jones: ( Where / What ) are you from?

Amy: I’m ( fat / from ) the UK.

十三、Read and match. 读一读,连线。



Unit1 Welcome Back To School 单元测试题及答案


学校 姓名 班级 评分

(时间:40分钟)Listening Part (50分)



( )1. A. for B. from C. friend ( )2. A. nine B. fine C. nice

( )3. A. go B. no C. oh ( )4. A. blue B. brown C. black

( )5. A. China B. Canada C. America 三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。(12分)


) (

) (

) (

) ( ) () 四、听音,按照你所听到的顺序给下面的图标号。(12分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. My name is Amy. B. Hello, Amy. C. I'm from China.

( )2. A. I'm from America. B. This is Mike. C. This is a boy.

( )3. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Goodbye!

( )4. A. That's right. B. No, thanks. C. Sure, here you are.


( ) I'm from Canada.

( ) This is my friend, Tutu.【unit,1,welcome,back,to,school练习题】

( ) Nice to meet you.

( ) Where are you from?

Writing Part (50分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )




apple dog student Coke elephant girl


( )1.A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm from America.

( )2.A. Goodbye, Mike! B. Hello, I'm Mike. C. A A A, say “OK”!

( )3.A. This is a ball. B. This is a balloon. C. Bounce the ball.

( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher.

( )5.A. Act like a cat. B. Act like a duck. C. Act like a dog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

五、 根据<A>栏中的问句,在<B>栏中选出正确答语。(8分)

<A> <B>

( )1.How old are you? A. Thank you.

( )2.Happy birthday! B. One cake.

( )3.How many cakes? C. I'm fine, thanks.

( )4.How are you? D. I'm nine.



( )1. 别人跟你说“I'm sorry.”你应该回答:

A. Come in. B. Oh, no. C. It's OK.

( )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:

A. I'm China. B. I'm from China. C. My name is China.

( )3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说:

A. Look at me. B. Watch out. C. Thank you.

( )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问:

A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from?

( )5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说:

A. May I have a look? B. Have some chicken. C. Can I have some chicken?




Unit 1 Welcome Back to School

Listening content:


1. Small letter e. 2. Big letter D. 3. Small letter b.

4. Big letter A. 5. Big letter C.


1. This is my friend. 2. Oh, it's nice. 3. Let's go to school.

4. Brown, brown, touch the ground. 5. I'm from America. 三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。

1. D D D, make a “D”. 2. Look, this is a cat.

3. How many pencils? Three. 4. Draw a girl, a girl please.

5. Show me A B C. 6. This is a boy.


1. Hello, I'm Amy. I'm from America. 2. E E E, drink some tea.

3. B B B, touch your knee. 4. Smell the chicken.

5. C C C, look and see. 6. This is a duck.


1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from?

3. Good afternoon! 4. Have some juice.


1. This is my friend, Tutu.

2. Nice to meet you.

3. Where are you from?

4. I'm from Canada.


Listening Part

一、e D b A C

二、C C A B C 三、

四、1 5 4 3 6 2

五、A A B B

六、4 1 2 3

Writing Part

一、3 5 1 2 4 二、(略) 三、(略)

四、A C B C C

五、D A B C

六、C B B C A


Unit 1 Welcome Back to School单元测试题及答案


学校 姓名 班级 评分

(时间:40分钟)Listening Part (50分)



( )1. A. for B. from C. friend ( )2. A. nine B. fine C. nice

( )3. A. go B. no C. oh ( )4. A. blue B. brown C. black

( )5. A. China B. Canada C. America 三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。(12分)


) (

) (

) (

) ( ) () 四、听音,按照你所听到的顺序给下面的图标号。(12分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. My name is Amy. B. Hello, Amy. C. I'm from China.

( )2. A. I'm from America. B. This is Mike. C. This is a boy.

( )3. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Goodbye!

( )4. A. That's right. B. No, thanks. C. Sure, here you are.


( ) I'm from Canada.

( ) This is my friend, Tutu.

( ) Nice to meet you.

( ) Where are you from?

Writing Part (50分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


三、看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线。(12分)xk b1.c om

apple dog student Coke elephant girl



( )1.A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm from America.

( )2.A. Goodbye, Mike! B. Hello, I'm Mike. C. A A A, say “OK”!

( )3.A. This is a ball. B. This is a balloon. C. Bounce the ball.

( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher.

( )5.A. Act like a cat. B. Act like a duck. C. Act like a dog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

五、 根据<A>栏中的问句,在<B>栏中选出正确答语。(8分)

<A> <B>

( )1.How old are you? A. Thank you.

( )2.Happy birthday! B. One cake.

( )3.How many cakes? C. I'm fine, thanks.

( )4.How are you? D. I'm nine.

六、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。(10分)新 课标第一 网

( )1. 别人跟你说“I'm sorry.”你应该回答:

A. Come in. B. Oh, no. C. It's OK.

( )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:

A. I'm China. B. I'm from China. C. My name is China.

( )3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说:

A. Look at me. B. Watch out. C. Thank you.

( )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问:

A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from?

( )5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说:


Unit 1 Welcome back to school复习题

一、情景练习。( ) 1.你想介绍自己是从加拿大来的,你应该说:_________A. I’m from Canada. B. I'm Canada. C .My name is Canada.

( )2. 介绍自己是迈克,可以这样说:________

A. Hi, Mike. B. This is Mike. C. Hello, I’m Mike.

( ) 3 当班上来了新同学,你不可以说:_______

A. Welcome! B. Nice to meet you. C. See you!( ) 4 你想知道对方是哪里人,可以这样问:_______

A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from? 二、辨一辨。

( )1. A. friend B.teacher C.pupil

( )2. A. she B. student C. he

( )3. A. USA B. UK C. OK

( )4. A. boy B. girl C. body

( ) 5. A She B He C. This

三. Read and order. 读一读,排列顺序。

( ) Hi, Amy. Nice to meet you.

( ) Mum, this is Amy. She’s a new student.

( ) I’m from the UK.

( ) Where are you from?

( ) Nice to meet you, too.

四、Read and choose. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。

This is my new friend, Li Yan. She is a girl.She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. She is a good student.

( )1. I have a new . A: teacher B: friend ( )2. Li Yan is from . A: China B: Canada ( )3. She is years old. A: ten B: nine

( )4. Li Yan is a good . A: student B: teacher ( )5. My friend is a . A: boy B: girl 五、读一读,选择正确的应答语。

( )1.Where are you from? A. OK!

( )2.Nice to see you again! B. Welcome!

( )3.We have a new student today. C. Very well, thanks.

( )4.How are you? ( )5. Let’s play a game! E. Nice to see you, too.

六、阅读下列对话,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 Miss White:Boys and girls ,we have three new friends toda. Mary: Hello, I’m Mary. I’m from the UK.

Lily : Hi, I’m Lily. I’m an English girl, too. Zhang Shan: Hi, I’m Zhang Shan. I’m from Beijing.

Boys and girls: Welcome!

( ) 1. Miss White is a teacher.

( ) 2. Mary is a new student.( ) 3. Lily is from the USA.

( ) 4. Zhang Shan is from China.

( ) 5. Mary and Zhang Shan are good friends.

Unit1 Welcome Back to School单元测试题


学校 姓名 班级 评分

(时间:40分钟)Listening Part (50分)



( )1. A. for B. from C. friend ( )2. A. nine B. fine C. nice

( )3. A. go B. no C. oh ( )4. A. blue B. brown C. black

( )5. A. China B. Canada C. America 三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。(12分)


) (

) (

) (

) ( ) () 四、听音,按照你所听到的顺序给下面的图标号。(12分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. My name is Amy. B. Hello, Amy. C. I'm from China.

( )2. A. I'm from America. B. This is Mike. C. This is a boy.

( )3. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Goodbye!

( )4. A. That's right. B. No, thanks. C. Sure, here you are.


( ) I'm from Canada.

( ) This is my friend, Tutu.

( ) Nice to meet you.

( ) Where are you from?

Writing Part (50分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



apple dog student Coke elephant girl


( )1.A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm from America.

( )2.A. Goodbye, Mike! B. Hello, I'm Mike. C. A A A, say “OK”!

( )3.A. This is a ball. B. This is a balloon. C. Bounce the ball.

( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher.

( )5.A. Act like a cat. B. Act like a duck. C. Act like a dog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

五、 根据<A>栏中的问句,在<B>栏中选出正确答语。(8分)

<A> <B>

( )1.How old are you? A. Thank you.

( )2.Happy birthday! B. One cake.

( )3.How many cakes? C. I'm fine, thanks.

( )4.How are you? D. I'm nine.


( )1. 别人跟你说“I'm sorry.”你应该回答:

A. Come in. B. Oh, no. C. It's OK.

( )2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:

A. I'm China. B. I'm from China. C. My name is China.

( )3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说:

A. Look at me. B. Watch out. C. Thank you.

( )4. 你想知道对方是哪里人,你可以问:

A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Where are you from?

( )5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说:



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