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成考报名   发布时间:09-27    阅读:








1.What does mum ask Mike to do?

A. B. C.

2. Where has Tom been?

A. B. C.

3. What belongs to Jeff?

A. B. C.

4. Which story has Jimmy read ?

A. B. C.

5. Which is the smallest animal of the three?

A. B. C.



6. What does Linda want to keep?

A.The toy lion. B. The toy bear. C.The toy tiger.

7. How long has Linda had it?

A. For 3 years. B. For 11 years. C. For 14 years.


8. What is Jack doing?

A. He is reading books.

B. He is picking up the phone. C. He is putting his books in order.

9. How many times has Jack read Harry potter?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.

10. Why does Jack like the main character Harry Potter?

A. Because he is independent. B. Because he is very important.

C. Because he is brave in the face of difficuties.


11. A. A reporter B. A travel writer C. A keeper

12. A. 20 B. 21 C. 5

13. A. it has clean air B. it’s a fun place C. it has everything he likes

14. A. three weeks B. three months C. three years

15. A. Japan B. India C. England



16. --- What do you think of the boy in _______ red over there?

--- Yeah! He is _______ honest boy. He likes playing _______ violin.

A. a; a; the B. a; the; / C. /; an; the D. an; a; /

17. --- Peter is ill. Do you know what’s the matter with him?

--- Poor boy. His illness is the _______ of eating unhealthy food.

A. end B. result C. reason D. cause

18. English is _______ of all the subjects in my class because our English teacher is friendly

to us all.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular

19. When Mary feels blue, she likes wearing orange clothes to _______.

A. give herself up B. cheer herself up C. pick herself up D. wake herself up

20. --- Many people like to use Micro Message to chat with their friends.

--- I have never heard of that. Could you please show me _______?

A. what to use B. why to use C. where to use D. how to use it

21. Ken always _______ his friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his


A. agrees with B. plays with C. argues with D. talks with

22. --- How clean the bedroom is!

--- Yes, I am sure that someone _______ it.

A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. was cleaning

23. --- I called you last night, but no one answered me. --- Oh, I _______ a shower.

A. took B. will take C. was taking D. have taken

24. _______ you read it, you can’t imagine how moving the story is.

A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. As soon as

25. --- Could you help me carry the heavy box, young man? --- _______.

A. Don't worry B. I’d love to C. My favourite D. You are right


I wanted risks and an exciting life. “I want to be a sailor(水手)and go to the sea.”

I told my parents. They were unhappy about it. “Please don’t go, you have never been to

the sea, you won’t be happy. You know, sailors have a difficult and dangerous life.” Because I loved him, and he was unhappy, I 26 to forget about the sea.

But I couldn’t forget it, and about a year 27 . I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship, and my friend said to me, “We’re sailing to London tomorrow. Why don’t you

stcome with us?” And then, we got 28 ready. On September 1, 1651, I went to Hull, and the next day we sailed for London for the 29 time. After a few days, there was a 30 wind, the sea was dangerous, and the ship went up and down, up and down. I was very ill and afraid.

“I don’t want to die!” I cried. “I want to live! 31 I live, I’ll go home and never go to sea again!” The next day the wind 32 , and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.

“Well Robinson, How do you feel now? The wind wasn’t bad.” My friend laughed, he showed great courage(勇气) 33 danger. After a few drinks with my friend, I felt better. I forgot about the danger and made a 34 that I didn’t go home. I didn’t want my friends and family to laugh at me!

I stayed in London for 35 , but I still wanted to go to the sea. So, when the captain of the ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa, I agreed. And so I went to the sea for the second time.

26. A. feared B. tried C. succeeded D. encouraged

27. A. late B. later C. after D. before

28. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

29. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

30. A. wide B. soft C. peaceful D. strong

31. A. When B. While C. If D. Whether

32. A. checked out B. went off C. died down D. fell over

33. A. full of B. instead of C. in order to D. in the face of

34. A. decision B. achievement C. communication D. success

35. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times



Accident Report Form

B. Mr. Green’s.

36. Whose left leg was hurt? A. Mrs. Green’s.

C. Their daughter’s. D. Their friend’s.

37. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The car crashed into a wall.

B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital.

C. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing.

D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital. B

A long time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully.


One day the emperor heard about this little bird’s beautiful voice. He asked his guards(警卫) to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale’s voice, he said, “Put her in a golden cage(笼子), so she can stay and sing for me when I want to hear her.” The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry and let the bird go. Then he ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully, too. The emperor was very happy.

Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldn’t sing any more. Suddenly the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.

After the emperor got well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness.

38. Who brought the nightingale to the emperor?

A. The guards. B. The scientists.

C. The emperor’s people. D. Another emperor.

39. Why did the nightingale stop singing one day?

A. Because she was too tired to sing. B. Because she was too sad to sing.

C. Because she was too thirsty to sing. D. Because she was too old to sing.

40. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. Both the nightingale and robot bird had a beautiful voice.

B.The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.

C.The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.

D.The emperor learnt from the nightingale what love and kindness was.


Ensenada(恩塞纳达,墨西哥西部城市) is a great place to visit. It seems that these days a lot of people arrive on ships and only stay for a few hours. But in fact, many Southern Californians know it is a wonderful place to visit for a weekend. There are so many things to do there that you won’t get bored. Or, if you simply want to sit on a hotel balcony(阳台) and enjoy the ocean sight, you won’t be disappointed.

There is fun shopping, dining and nightlife in the tourist area. Places like “Papas and Beer” and “Hussongs Cantina” rule the nightlife there, but there are many other restaurants and bars to enjoy. And the hotels are lovely. One favorite is Las Rosas. Every room has a

comfortable balcony and there is a very good spa where you can relax yourself.

There are two newer and larger hotels. The first is Hotel Coral & Marina. The second is Punto Morro Hotel that has a wonderful retaurant, a comfortable pool area. These hotels are located(位于) two miles north of the downtown(闹市区的) tourist area and you can’t go wrong with either of them.

41. Many Southern Californians often visit Ensenada __________.

A. for two hours B. for two days

C. for a week D. for two weeks

42. Las Rosas is a ___________.

A. beautiful city B. famous restaurant

C. famous bar D. popular hotel

43. Two newer and larger hotels are _______________.

A. Punto Morro Hotel and Hotel Coral & Marina B. Las Rosas and Hotel Coral & Marina

C. Papas and Beer and Las Rosas

D. Hussongs Cantina and Punto Morro Hotel

44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Ensenada is a good place to visit.

B. One won’t get bored if he visits Ensenada.

C. There are lots of retaurants and bars in Ensenada.

D. One can’t enjoy the ocean sight in Ensenada.

45. We can know _________ from the passage.

A. Punto Morro Hotel has no restaurant

B. the nightlife in the tourist area is boring C. Ensenada is an excellent place to visit

D. One can be lost in the downtown tourist area



46. There is a one-day holiday in most w______ countries on New Year’s Day.

47. ---What’s the p______ of Shanghai?

---Thirteen million people, I think.

48. I have trouble in ______ (筹集) money by the end of the month.

49. I have been to quite a few interesting places, ______ (包括) the Science Museum.


50. ______ (无论何时) you go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there.

51. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---I haven’t ______(决定) yet. Maybe I will just stay at home for the whole day.

52. Three q ______ of the earth is covered with water.

53. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters h______, and it is the most famous and dangerous mountain for all the climbers.

54. I bought two books yesterday. One is Little Women, the o______ is Robinson Crusoe. 55. He has made lots of money because of his new ______(发明).【台州市椒江区初二英语考试试卷】









1.What does mum ask Mike to do?

A. B. C.

2. Where has Tom been?

A. B. C.

3. What belongs to Jeff?

A. B. C.

4. Which story has Jimmy read ?

A. B. C.

5. Which is the smallest animal of the three?

A. B. C.



6. What does Linda want to keep?【台州市椒江区初二英语考试试卷】

A.The toy lion. B. The toy bear. C.The toy tiger.

7. How long has Linda had it?

A. For 3 years. B. For 11 years. C. For 14 years.


8. What is Jack doing?

A. He is reading books.

B. He is picking up the phone. C. He is putting his books in order.

9. How many times has Jack read Harry potter?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.

10. Why does Jack like the main character Harry Potter?

A. Because he is independent. B. Because he is very important.

C. Because he is brave in the face of difficuties.


11. A. A reporter B. A travel writer C. A keeper

12. A. 20 B. 21 C. 5

13. A. it has clean air B. it’s a fun place C. it has everything he likes

14. A. three weeks B. three months C. three years

15. A. Japan B. India C. England



16. --- What do you think of the boy in _______ red over there?

--- Yeah! He is _______ honest boy. He likes playing _______ violin.

A. a; a; the B. a; the; / C. /; an; the D. an; a; /

17. --- Peter is ill. Do you know what’s the matter with him?

--- Poor boy. His illness is the _______ of eating unhealthy food.

A. end B. result C. reason D. cause

18. English is _______ of all the subjects in my class because our English teacher is friendly

to us all.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular

19. When Mary feels blue, she likes wearing orange clothes to _______.

A. give herself up B. cheer herself up C. pick herself up D. wake herself up

20. --- Many people like to use Micro Message to chat with their friends.

--- I have never heard of that. Could you please show me _______?

A. what to use B. why to use C. where to use D. how to use it

21. Ken always _______ his friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his


A. agrees with B. plays with C. argues with D. talks with

22. --- How clean the bedroom is!

--- Yes, I am sure that someone _______ it.

A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. was cleaning

23. --- I called you last night, but no one answered me. --- Oh, I _______ a shower.

A. took B. will take C. was taking D. have taken

24. _______ you read it, you can’t imagine how moving the story is.

A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. As soon as

25. --- Could you help me carry the heavy box, young man? --- _______.

A. Don't worry B. I’d love to C. My favourite D. You are right


I wanted risks and an exciting life. “I want to be a sailor(水手)and go to the sea.”

I told my parents. They were unhappy about it. “Please don’t go, you have never been to

the sea, you won’t be happy. You know, sailors have a difficult and dangerous life.” Because I loved him, and he was unhappy, I 26 to forget about the sea.

But I couldn’t forget it, and about a year 27 . I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship, and my friend said to me, “We’re sailing to London tomorrow. Why don’t you

stcome with us?” And then, we got 28 ready. On September 1, 1651, I went to Hull, and the next day we sailed for London for the 29 time. After a few days, there was a 30 wind, the sea was dangerous, and the ship went up and down, up and down. I was very ill and afraid.

“I don’t want to die!” I cried. “I want to live! 31 I live, I’ll go home and never go to sea again!” The next day the wind 32 , and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.

“Well Robinson, How do you feel now? The wind wasn’t bad.” My friend laughed, he showed great courage(勇气) 33 danger. After a few drinks with my friend, I felt better. I forgot about the danger and made a 34 that I didn’t go home. I didn’t want my friends and family to laugh at me!

I stayed in London for 35 , but I still wanted to go to the sea. So, when the captain of the ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa, I agreed. And so I went to the sea for the second time.

26. A. feared B. tried C. succeeded D. encouraged

27. A. late B. later C. after D. before

28. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

29. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

30. A. wide B. soft C. peaceful D. strong

31. A. When B. While C. If D. Whether

32. A. checked out B. went off C. died down D. fell over

33. A. full of B. instead of C. in order to D. in the face of

34. A. decision B. achievement C. communication D. success

35. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times



Accident Report Form

B. Mr. Green’s.

36. Whose left leg was hurt? A. Mrs. Green’s.

C. Their daughter’s. D. Their friend’s.

37. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The car crashed into a wall.

B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital.

C. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing.

D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital. B

A long time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully.

One day the emperor heard about this little bird’s beautiful voice. He asked his guards(警卫) to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale’s voice, he said, “Put her in a golden cage(笼子), so she can stay and sing for me when I want to hear her.” The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry and let the bird go. Then he ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully, too. The emperor was very happy.

Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldn’t sing any more. Suddenly the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.

After the emperor got well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness.

38. Who brought the nightingale to the emperor?

A. The guards. B. The scientists.

C. The emperor’s people. D. Another emperor.

39. Why did the nightingale stop singing one day?

A. Because she was too tired to sing. B. Because she was too sad to sing.

C. Because she was too thirsty to sing. D. Because she was too old to sing.

40. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. Both the nightingale and robot bird had a beautiful voice.

B.The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.

C.The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.

D.The emperor learnt from the nightingale what love and kindness was.


Ensenada(恩塞纳达,墨西哥西部城市) is a great place to visit. It seems that these days a lot of people arrive on ships and only stay for a few hours. But in fact, many Southern Californians know it is a wonderful place to visit for a weekend. There are so many things to do there that you won’t get bored. Or, if you simply want to sit on a hotel balcony(阳台) and enjoy the ocean sight, you won’t be disappointed.

There is fun shopping, dining and nightlife in the tourist area. Places like “Papas and Beer” and “Hussongs Cantina” rule the nightlife there, but there are many other restaurants and bars to enjoy. And the hotels are lovely. One favorite is Las Rosas. Every room has a

comfortable balcony and there is a very good spa where you can relax yourself.

There are two newer and larger hotels. The first is Hotel Coral & Marina. The second is Punto Morro Hotel that has a wonderful retaurant, a comfortable pool area. These hotels are located(位于) two miles north of the downtown(闹市区的) tourist area and you can’t go wrong with either of them.

41. Many Southern Californians often visit Ensenada __________.

A. for two hours B. for two days

C. for a week D. for two weeks

42. Las Rosas is a ___________.

A. beautiful city B. famous restaurant

C. famous bar D. popular hotel

43. Two newer and larger hotels are _______________.

A. Punto Morro Hotel and Hotel Coral & Marina B. Las Rosas and Hotel Coral & Marina

C. Papas and Beer and Las Rosas

D. Hussongs Cantina and Punto Morro Hotel

44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Ensenada is a good place to visit.

B. One won’t get bored if he visits Ensenada.

C. There are lots of retaurants and bars in Ensenada.

D. One can’t enjoy the ocean sight in Ensenada.

45. We can know _________ from the passage.

A. Punto Morro Hotel has no restaurant

B. the nightlife in the tourist area is boring C. Ensenada is an excellent place to visit

D. One can be lost in the downtown tourist area



46. There is a one-day holiday in most w______ countries on New Year’s Day.

47. ---What’s the p______ of Shanghai?

---Thirteen million people, I think.

48. I have trouble in ______ (筹集) money by the end of the month.

49. I have been to quite a few interesting places, ______ (包括) the Science Museum.

50. ______ (无论何时) you go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there.

51. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---I haven’t ______(决定) yet. Maybe I will just stay at home for the whole day.

52. Three q ______ of the earth is covered with water.

53. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters h______, and it is the most famous and dangerous mountain for all the climbers.

54. I bought two books yesterday. One is Little Women, the o______ is Robinson Crusoe. 55. He has made lots of money because of his new ______(发明).


2014-2015学年度 最新台州市椒江区2015年初中学业水平模拟英语试题及答案






卷 一

说明: 本卷共三大题,45小题,满分70分。

第一部分 听力部分



B. 2. What will the parents get their son for his birthday?

A. B. C.

A. B. C.

5. How will the Mike’s father come back from London?

A. B. C.

第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 4. How did Tom tell his friends about the party?


6. Why does Johnson call Nancy?

A. To ask for some advice.

B. To tell her the new address.

C. To invite her to a big dinner.

7. When will Nancy and Johnson meet?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.


8. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To the bus station. B. To the train station. C. To the airport.

9. How is the weather?

A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Snowy.

10. How long will it take the woman to get there?

A. About 30 minutes. B. About 40 minutes. C. About 50 minutes.



12. A.$150 B.$250 C.$350

13. A.breakfast B.lunch C. dinner

14. A.passport B.ID card C.VIP card

15. A.August 15 B. August 16 C.August 17 第二部分 笔试部分


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When I was a little girl, I lived in Jamaica Plain. Rose, my best friend and I used to dream about raising a 16 of our own some day and living next door to one another.

In 1953,I got married to Dick. Rose joked that her marriage(婚姻) would bring us closer to our 17 . But in 1955, I had to say bye to Rose, 18 Alaska





1.全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟,试卷共8页。 2.答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。 温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!

说明: 本卷共三大题,45小题,满分70分。 卷 一

第一部分 听力部分

一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分;共计25分) 第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



B. 2. What will the parents get their son for his birthday?

A. B. C.

A. 4. How did Tom tell his friends about the party?

A. B. C.

5. How will the Mike’s father come back from London?

A. C. A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。


6. Why does Johnson call Nancy?

A. To ask for some advice.

B. To tell her the new address.

C. To invite her to a big dinner.

7. When will Nancy and Johnson meet?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三个小题。

8. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To the bus station. B. To the train station. C. To the airport.

9. How is the weather?

A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Snowy.

10. How long will it take the woman to get there?

A. About 30 minutes. B. About 40 minutes. C. About 50 minutes.

11. A. third

12. A.$150

13. A.breakfast

14. A.passport

15. A.August 15 B. fifth B.$250 B.lunch B.ID card B. August 16 C.ninth C.$350 C. dinner C.VIP card C.August 17

第二部分 笔试部分



When I was a little girl, I lived in Jamaica Plain. Rose, my best friend and I used to dream about raising a of our own some day and living next door to one another.

In 1953,I got married to Dick. Rose joked that her marriage(婚姻) would bring us closer to our . But in 1955, I had to say bye to Rose, Alaska with Dick. Rose was but wished me the best of luck. We kept in touch for a few years by telephone but soon we lost touch with one another.

Later I Jamaica Plain, which had changed completely. Rose was to be found. Fifty-two years and I’ve raised a family of five. My children now have families of their own. On my 80th birthday I a call. “Hello?” I said, “Hi, Natalie, it’s Rose.” The on the other end replied. Oh, my best friend Rose. We haven’t seen each other yet, but we have many hours on the phone talking about 52 years of our lives. The interesting thing

is that even after 52 years of separation (分离) , our personalities and interests are still very We didn’t just each other best friend, but we were truly best friends and now we can be best friends again. Real friends have two things in a compatible (能共处的) personality and a strong-willed character. It is just the two things that keep the friendship for ever.

16. A. friend B. family C. relative D. classmate

17. A. dream【台州市椒江区初二英语考试试卷】

18. A. keeping away

19. A. surprised

20. A. regularly

21. A. visited

22. A. everywhere

23. A. followed

24. A. received

25. A. sound B. plan B. getting to B. sad C. belief C. coming from C. happy D. hope D. leaving for D. free D. finally D. entered D. nowhere D. disappeared D. took D. words

D. spent

D. funny

D. understand

D. only

D. silence B. hardly C. firstly B. enjoyed C. saw B. somewhere C. anywhere B. passed B. wanted B. noise C. walked C. accepted C. voice 26. A. used B. paid C. shared 27. A. similar B. different C. strange 28. A. take B. call C. help 29. A. just B. rather C. even 30. A. normal B. common C. trouble




“Pass the salt, please.” How many times have you heard that? Salt is so common in our life that we use it to make our food taste better every day. But salt has many other uses that you may have never tried before.

Bug problems

If you have trouble with ants, put a little salt on the ants’ road. This should stop them from

going any farther. If you have been stung (刺) by a bee, wet the area. Then cover it with salt. This will stop the pain (痛).

Food problems

Before you throw away the wrinkled-looking (起皱的) apple, try some salt. Put the apple in

water with a little salt, and watch the wrinkles disappear.

Milk and salad both stay fresher when you put a bit of salt in it.


Put a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells. You can also use salt to remove(去除) the smell of onions from your hands.

Ugly marks

Someone left a glass on your wooden table, and now there’s a mark. Mix a few drops of

water together with a spoon of salt. Then clean the mark until it disappears.

Bad breath(呼吸)

Take care of bad breath with a mixture(混合物) of salt and baking soda (小苏打). Add the mixture to half of water, and wash your mouth.

To work out many of life’s problems, look no further than the salt in your kitchen.

31. This passage tells us _____________ other uses of salt except its daily use.

A. three B. four C . five D. six

32. From the passage we know _______________.

A. salt can be used to remove marks

B. salt can help apples to taste better

C. the smell of salt is enjoyed by ants and bees

D. salt will give out a bad smell when it’s put with onions

33. How does the writer show us the salt is useful?

A. By telling stories. B. By giving examples.

C. By doing experiments. D. By using people’s words.


Quite often we see people driving carelessly and paying no attention to anyone else on the road. In fact, 75 percent of the time, car accidents happened because of carelessness and drivers’ mistakes.

What about you? Are you a safe driver, or have you developed dangerous driving habits that put you and others in danger?

According to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, carelessness lead to one-fourth of all US accidents. And drivers who don’t pay attention to the road cause 10 percent of all the accidents. The following actions may lead to accidents every day:

◎ Eating, driving and smoking while driving.

◎ Picking something up off the floor.

◎ Reading a map or something else.

◎ 35 .

Studies also show that using a phone while driving increase one’s danger of a car accident by 400 percent! However, texting(发短信might be even more dangerous than drinking while driving. Our magazine last month has reported that texting drivers had slower reaction times than drinking drivers. When drivers are texting, their accident risk was 23 times higher than when they weren’t texting.

So, are you feeling sorry for any of these dangerous driving habits? If so, make some changes today!

34. Who is the passage mainly written to?

A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Drivers. D. Police.

35. Which of the following can’t be put in the blank(空白)?

A. Driving while tired B. Wearing your seat-belt

C. Turning to talk to someone D. Watching something on the road

36. The underlined phrase “” refers to A. texting while driving B. phoning while driving

C. drinking while driving D. careless driving

37. What can we learn from the passage?

A. 10% of the accidents are caused by drivers who are phoning.

B. Texting while driving increase a car accident by 400 percent!

C. Texting drivers had slower reaction times than drinking drivers.

D. It tells us how to give up these dangerous driving habits.


A mouse looked through a hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a box. “What is in it?” The mouse wondered, but he was shocked to discover it was a mouse trap(夹子). Running to the farmyard, the mouse shouted, warning everyone, “There is a mouse trap in the house! There is a mouse trap in the house!”

The chicken, with her head high, looked at the mouse and said, “Shut up. Little Ugly. This is a big problem to you, but it has nothing to do with me. I can’t be troubled by it.”

The mouse turned to the pig and told him. The pig said, “I am so sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray(祈祷). You are always in my prayers.”

The mouse turned to the cow, who said, “Moo, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but .”

Now the mouse had to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.

That very night,a sound was heard through the house, like that of a mouse trap catching something. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a big snake whose tail was caught by the trap. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever.

It is said that drinking fresh chicken soup will help treat fever, so the farmer took his sharp knife to the farmyard, the chicken was killed.

His wife’s sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig.

The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died. Many people came to her home. The farmer had the cow killed to provide for all of them to eat.

Next time when someone is facing a problem, don’t say that it has nothing to do with you.

38. The mouse was surprised because it saw_________.

A. a mouse trap B. a big snake

C. a box full of rice D. the farmer and his wife

39. According to the passage, the mouse is_________.

A. lazy B. hardworking C. kind D. foolish

40. What does the underlined sentence “it’s no skin off my nose ” probably mean?

A. My skin hurts. B. My nose looks terrible.

C. We should face the problem. D. It has nothing to do with me.

41. What can we learn from the story?

A. Traps can always cause danger.

B. It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

C. We should work together in time of trouble.

D. It’s our duty to keep the balance of nature.









1.What does mum ask Mike to do?

A. B. C.

2. Where has Tom been?

A. B. C.

3. What belongs to Jeff?

A. B. C.

4. Which story has Jimmy read ?

A. B. C.

5. Which is the smallest animal of the three?

A. B. C.



6. What does Linda want to keep?

A.The toy lion. B. The toy bear. C.The toy tiger.

7. How long has Linda had it?

A. For 3 years. B. For 11 years. C. For 14 years.


8. What is Jack doing?

A. He is reading books.

B. He is picking up the phone. C. He is putting his books in order.

9. How many times has Jack read Harry potter?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.

10. Why does Jack like the main character Harry Potter?

A. Because he is independent. B. Because he is very important.

C. Because he is brave in the face of difficuties.


11. A. A reporter B. A travel writer C. A keeper

12. A. 20 B. 21 C. 5

13. A. it has clean air B. it’s a fun place C. it has everything he likes

14. A. three weeks B. three months C. three years

15. A. Japan B. India C. England



16. --- What do you think of the boy in _______ red over there?

--- Yeah! He is _______ honest boy. He likes playing _______ violin.

A. a; a; the B. a; the; / C. /; an; the D. an; a; /

17. --- Peter is ill. Do you know what’s the matter with him?

--- Poor boy. His illness is the _______ of eating unhealthy food.

A. end B. result C. reason D. cause

18. English is _______ of all the subjects in my class because our English teacher is friendly

to us all.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular

19. When Mary feels blue, she likes wearing orange clothes to _______.

A. give herself up B. cheer herself up C. pick herself up D. wake herself up

20. --- Many people like to use Micro Message to chat with their friends.

--- I have never heard of that. Could you please show me _______?

A. what to use B. why to use C. where to use D. how to use it

21. Ken always _______ his friends about everything. In fact, he has no thoughts of his


A. agrees with B. plays with C. argues with D. talks with

22. --- How clean the bedroom is!

--- Yes, I am sure that someone _______ it.

A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. was cleaning

23. --- I called you last night, but no one answered me. --- Oh, I _______ a shower.

A. took B. will take C. was taking D. have taken

24. _______ you read it, you can’t imagine how moving the story is.

A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. As soon as

25. --- Could you help me carry the heavy box, young man? --- _______.

A. Don't worry B. I’d love to C. My favourite D. You are right


I wanted risks and an exciting life. “I want to be a sailor(水手)and go to the sea.”

I told my parents. They were unhappy about it. “Please don’t go, you have never been to

the sea, you won’t be happy. You know, sailors have a difficult and dangerous life.” Because I loved him, and he was unhappy, I 26 to forget about the sea.

But I couldn’t forget it, and about a year 27 . I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship, and my friend said to me, “We’re sailing to London tomorrow. Why don’t you

stcome with us?” And then, we got 28 ready. On September 1, 1651, I went to Hull, and the next day we sailed for London for the 29 time. After a few days, there was a 30 wind, the sea was dangerous, and the ship went up and down, up and down. I was very ill and afraid.

“I don’t want to die!” I cried. “I want to live! 31 I live, I’ll go home and never go to sea again!” The next day the wind 32 , and the sea was quiet and beautiful again.

“Well Robinson, How do you feel now? The wind wasn’t bad.” My friend laughed, he showed great courage(勇气) 33 danger. After a few drinks with my friend, I felt better. I forgot about the danger and made a 34 that I didn’t go home. I didn’t want my friends and family to laugh at me!

I stayed in London for 35 , but I still wanted to go to the sea. So, when the captain of the ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa, I agreed. And so I went to the sea for the second time.

26. A. feared B. tried C. succeeded D. encouraged

27. A. late B. later C. after D. before

28. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

29. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

30. A. wide B. soft C. peaceful D. strong

31. A. When B. While C. If D. Whether

32. A. checked out B. went off C. died down D. fell over

33. A. full of B. instead of C. in order to D. in the face of

34. A. decision B. achievement C. communication D. success

35. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times



Accident Report Form

B. Mr. Green’s.

36. Whose left leg was hurt? A. Mrs. Green’s.

C. Their daughter’s. D. Their friend’s.

37. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The car crashed into a wall.

B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital.

C. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing.

D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital. B

A long time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully.

One day the emperor heard about this little bird’s beautiful voice. He asked his guards(警卫) to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale’s voice, he said, “Put her in a golden cage(笼子), so she can stay and sing for me when I want to hear her.” The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry and let the bird go. Then he ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully, too. The emperor was very happy.

Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldn’t sing any more. Suddenly the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.

After the emperor got well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness.

38. Who brought the nightingale to the emperor?

A. The guards. B. The scientists.

C. The emperor’s people. D. Another emperor.

39. Why did the nightingale stop singing one day?

A. Because she was too tired to sing. B. Because she was too sad to sing.

C. Because she was too thirsty to sing. D. Because she was too old to sing.

40. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A. Both the nightingale and robot bird had a beautiful voice.

B.The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.

C.The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.

D.The emperor learnt from the nightingale what love and kindness was.


Ensenada(恩塞纳达,墨西哥西部城市) is a great place to visit. It seems that these days a lot of people arrive on ships and only stay for a few hours. But in fact, many Southern Californians know it is a wonderful place to visit for a weekend. There are so many things to do there that you won’t get bored. Or, if you simply want to sit on a hotel balcony(阳台) and enjoy the ocean sight, you won’t be disappointed.

There is fun shopping, dining and nightlife in the tourist area. Places like “Papas and Beer” and “Hussongs Cantina” rule the nightlife there, but there are many other restaurants and bars to enjoy. And the hotels are lovely. One favorite is Las Rosas. Every room has a

comfortable balcony and there is a very good spa where you can relax yourself.

There are two newer and larger hotels. The first is Hotel Coral & Marina. The second is Punto Morro Hotel that has a wonderful retaurant, a comfortable pool area. These hotels are located(位于) two miles north of the downtown(闹市区的) tourist area and you can’t go wrong with either of them.

41. Many Southern Californians often visit Ensenada __________.

A. for two hours B. for two days

C. for a week D. for two weeks

42. Las Rosas is a ___________.

A. beautiful city B. famous restaurant

C. famous bar D. popular hotel

43. Two newer and larger hotels are _______________.

A. Punto Morro Hotel and Hotel Coral & Marina B. Las Rosas and Hotel Coral & Marina

C. Papas and Beer and Las Rosas

D. Hussongs Cantina and Punto Morro Hotel

44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Ensenada is a good place to visit.

B. One won’t get bored if he visits Ensenada.

C. There are lots of retaurants and bars in Ensenada.

D. One can’t enjoy the ocean sight in Ensenada.

45. We can know _________ from the passage.

A. Punto Morro Hotel has no restaurant

B. the nightlife in the tourist area is boring C. Ensenada is an excellent place to visit

D. One can be lost in the downtown tourist area



46. There is a one-day holiday in most w______ countries on New Year’s Day.

47. ---What’s the p______ of Shanghai?

---Thirteen million people, I think.

48. I have trouble in ______ (筹集) money by the end of the month.

49. I have been to quite a few interesting places, ______ (包括) the Science Museum.

50. ______ (无论何时) you go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of people enjoying their meals there.

51. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---I haven’t ______(决定) yet. Maybe I will just stay at home for the whole day.

52. Three q ______ of the earth is covered with water.

53. Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters h______, and it is the most famous and dangerous mountain for all the climbers.

54. I bought two books yesterday. One is Little Women, the o______ is Robinson Crusoe. 55. He has made lots of money because of his new ______(发明).




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