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英语口语friendship友谊主题4人对话5分钟 (1)》


赵云:Hey,my dear roommates!(愁眉苦展)




丽萨:Are you ok?


赵:Yeah,I'm fine.The teacher arranged about the composition of friends or friendship.I think as a saying says "at home we count on parents,staying out we count on friends."That means nobody is utterly independent in the world . What do you think about friends or friendship.


章:From my point of view,friends are better than lovers,when I’m in troble,I always get help from friends.They treat me patiently .Oh,how luck,I have friendship.I remember zhoulin have a interesting friends.


周:Yeah!He is chuanchuan.

耶!他叫川川 张:I have a lot curiosity,can you introduce your friends?


周:Of course.He is a fat men but humorous and strange He often very confident. He have excellent acting talent, but sometimes very proud.by himself. One time we went to Shanghai, to help him take a posture I spent half an hour.他对食物精挑细选,Because he’s father good at cooking. His mother likes playing mahjong,so he also like it.


章、张、赵:Oh! He is a really interesting friend!


赵:How do you deal with the relationship between friends,lisa?

Lisa 你觉得应该怎么处理朋友间的关系?

张:Yeah!I want to know chuanchuan.I think have friends is a happy thing.for me ,a life without a friend is a life without a sun.About how to build friendship I think first you should be careful in making friends. We should tolerant to friends and we should share with friends.As usual,we can go shopping together for dinner or watch movies.


赵:Yeah,I agree with you!When you suffer from difficult problems or sometimes you feel helpless, a friend will get you out troubles and give you a hug dear you up . As we say ,a friend in need is a friend indeed.


章:I just agree with the half of your point of view. Friendship can build a bridge to make we communicate with each other.But I don’t like to make friends with people who don’t consider other’s feelings. They are selfish.If I meet people like this,I would rather stay alone.


张:Every coin has two sides, you're nice to people, people will be nice to you. I think the most important thing is do not let our friends down!And we should keep our friendship alive. Do you have many friends? What kind of people you want to make friends,zhoulin?


周:No, I only have a few best friend! I would like to make friend with the people who always talk with me. When I am worry he would encourage and help me .And we should share our happy and sad with each other!


赵: I can’t agree with you more! As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Echo as one of my best friends. ……………………(补充) 我很同意你!作为学生,我们可以分享更多时间与我们的朋友。在我们年轻的心是纯洁的友谊,新鲜和简单的。我常常觉得有很多的好朋友很幸运。尤其是当Echo作为我最好的朋友之一.(„„„)

张:In a word .A friend in need is a friend indeed.I think a life without a friend is a life without a sun. Let us happy to play.


周、章、赵:OK!Let’s go !





A:What’s your view on friendship?

B:Well,I think friendship is one of the most important things in life-whateveryour status,married or single. C:OH,I feel the same way. But some people don’t know the real meaning of friendship.

A: So, what’s the real meaning of it?

B:I think a saying:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Don’t you think so?

C:Yes,I do.

A:Then, what’s your opinion?

B:I think it is only partly true.As far as I’m concerned,a real friend should also be able to share

your happy moments-without feeling jealous.

C:You’re right.I’ve been promoted recently,but one of my good friends just pretended to be happy about my promotion. I could feel that he was actually very unhappy.

A:It just goes to show that he is not your true friend. C:Maybe.

B:I haven’t finished my definition of friendship. A:Well,tell us,we’re all ears.

B:A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults,understand moods,and don’t feel like seeing you.

C:Any more?

B:Honesty is also an essential part of any friendship.we should learn to accept our friends for

who they are.

A:You’ve got a point there.

C:Will you just make female friends after you get married?

A:Although family life is fulfilling,it isn’t enough.I can get tremendous satisfaction from my friends,male and female,married and sinfle.I don’t I will marry a boy who objects me making male friends. B:I have the same idea.

C:You know, in China,many men will not have women friends after they get married.

A、 B:Why?

C:There might be two reasons.First,their wives will not be happy if they continue their friendship with female friends. Second,probably,there is no true

friendship between a man and a woman. A:Oh,But I hope we are friends forever.

B、C:Yeah,so do we.



Nero: Dennis! The day after tomorrow is lily’s birthday, how about a birthday party?!

Dennis: Well, you must haven’t know what happened between us. Nero: en? What’s wrong?

Dennis: We have finished.

Nero: What?! Why?!

Dennis: Last Sunday, I had an appointment with her in restaurant. I wait for her since 12 o’clock until 6! When I ask her the reason she didn’t came. She said that she was watching movie with another one! What a fucking day! (你给改改。。。)

Nero: oh! That is terrible! But, everyone will make mistakes. Maybe she forgot it!

Dennis: But how can she forget?! I have prepared for this appointment for a whole week!

Nero: calm down, calm down. Do you forget what she did for you? One year ago, you broke your leg by a traffic accident. It is Lily brought meals for you every day, it is Lily came to see you after school and told you what happened in school. Have you forgotten?

Dennis: But all of this is became preterit.

Nero: I don‘t think all what you say is right ,I guess that a true friend is a friend that we can help each other, especially when we need help greatly and when we are in trouble or in danger. There is a saying:” a friend in need is a friend indeed”. She helped you when you are in trouble, it prove us that Lily is your real friend. Maybe you need to talk with her.

Dennis: Well, well. I will give it a try.

Nero: I hope to see your face on her party.





A: what’s wrong with you? You look so bad!你怎么了,你看起来很不好

B: Nothing.什么也没有。

A:There must be something happened on you,you can tell me。别这样了,能和我分享下吗

B:I Don't Want to Say,Let me stay alone for a while. 我不想说,让我一个人呆一会

A:Come on, maybe I can help you if you tell me what happened。来吧,让我听听发生了什么让你伤心的事,或许我能帮到你 B:Ok, well,I feel like my friendship have finished, I am very confused。好吧,我告诉你,我感觉我的友谊完了,我很困惑

A: What?! Why?!


B: Last Sunday, I had an appointment with my good friend to go shopping.

I was waited for a long time。上周日,我与她约好去购物。 我等了很长时间!

A:It's just a little thing.


B: When I ask her the reason that she didn’t came. She said that she was watching movie with another one!It makes me very angry and sad。

当我问她原因,她不来了。她说她和另一个朋友看电影! 这让我即生气又伤心。

A:oh! That is terrible! But, everyone would make mistakes. Maybe she forgot it!

哦!这是可怕的!但是,每个人都会犯错误。也许她忘了! B: But how can she forget?! I have prepared for this appointment for a whole week!

但是她怎么能忘记呢?我已经准备好约会!整整一个星期! A: calm down, calm down.Don’t forget when you were in trouble ,she is the one who helped you.冷静,当你遇到困难时,是你的朋友帮助了你.

B: Well, well. I will give it a try.

what do you think about true friendship ?

好的,好的。我会给它一个尝试。你认为什么是真正 的友谊

A:I think ,true friendship is like health,the value of which is seldom known until it is gone .

我想,真友谊是像健康,这是很珍贵直到它失去后才懂他的价值。 B:I see, I will treasure my friendship。

我懂 了,我会珍惜友谊的

A:good luck to you。祝你好运。 B:Thank you.


A:Hey, you look so down!What have happened?

B:I’m all at sea. Though a year since I came to college has been passing, I don’t have a friend to be with me.

A:Oh, it is so sad. But,why do you feel so? Are not your roommate at least good to you? B:Yes,but...

A:What is a friend in your mind?

B:I think my friend should always be with me and consider for me.Whenever I have difficulties,he or she can help me and support me.My friend should care me!

A:My dear!What you said is just one side.

B:What is your mean?

A:I mean that Friendships are two-way street,you know?You shouldn’t always ask your friend to do what you want but to do some your friend like. You also have to put your friend on the bottom of your heart.Friends should be sincere,frank and honest!


A: And one is important that you should give space to each other.

B:Yes, you are right!Both of us have our own friends and we should allow our friends to make friends, with one who has different idea with me ,or even has had conflicts with me.We should be compatible.

A:You should believe your true friend, no matter how many fiends he or she have ,you are the special one.

B:I agree your opinion.But if I had got a friend, how to take good care of the friendship? A:First,you can keep a contact with your friend.Be moderate!

B:You mean the amount and the time should be right?

A:Yeah,and try to adjust your behaviors which the other don’t like.Second, stop comparing.If not,it will makes you vain or inferior.Both will hurt your friendship.

B:I think we also should improve us to be a better man.Be honest,generous and modest. A:You say right!Be positive and listen to the other carefully is very important.

B:But...If I have quarrel with my friend. How to deal with it?

A:That is a good question.If that sad thing had happen,at first, be calm.Think about the reason why you are both unhappy and have a try to put yourself to your friend’s situation.

B:Just like the saying goes “Friendship is love with understanding”.

A:En,and If it is your wrong, apologize to your friend.If you were shy, you could use QQ,massage,or WeiXin.

B:But I may prefer to write a litter. I think it is a much more sincere way.Sometimes,I may buy a little present for my friend.And,what shall I do when my friend should be responsible for the argument?

A:You may also have to be generous.Try to have a good talk with her to resolve the conflict.

B:It is true! A good talk can express our real thought and reduce the misunderstandings.And I think to have a date with my friends may is a good idea too.Don’t you think so?

A:Yes,to do what you both like.We must value our friendship.A friend is easier lost than found. B:I’d really appreciate what you told me. And, hello, how are you?Can I make friends with you? AB:Haaaaaa.....



A: Hi xiao yang

B: Hi xiao chen

A: The holiday is around the corner! How do you spend your holidays? (节日是在拐角处!你怎样度过你的假期?)

B: I will to meet my friends ! I miss them very much! And there is a party between our classmates!


A:Do you have many friends? What kind of people you want to make friends? (你有很多朋友吗?你想要什么样的人交朋友?)

B:No, I only have a few best friend! I would like to make friend with the people who always talk with me. When I am worry he would encourage and help me .And we should share our happy and sad with each other!


A: Yes! A friend is another of ourselves and you buy is not worth the price! Friends always gave us a hand when we meet the hard! And what do you think is the most important thing between friends?


B:I think the most important thing is do not let our friends down! And we should keep our friendship alive.


A:You are right! Many friends can’t last their friendship long! Many reasons caused our friendship end. The common reason is we don’t keep in touch with each other!


B: Yes! We should always keep in touch with our friends. I always make calls for my friends and we meet each other regularly!


A: More friends, more ways! We should make more friends. Have a nice holiday! (更多的朋友,更多的方法!我们应该让更多的朋友。有一个愉快的假期!) B: The same to you! See you the next term!


A : See you!





A: what’s wrong with you? You look so bad!你怎么了,你看起来很不好

B: Nothing.什么也没有。

A:Don't do that, can you share with me。别这样了,能和我分享下吗

B:I Don't Want to Say,Let me stay alone for a while. 我不想说,让我一个人呆一会

A:Come on, let me hear what happened to make you sad, maybe I can help you。来吧,让我听听发生了什么让你伤心的事,或许我能帮到你

B:Ok, I tell you,I feel like my friendship have finished, I am very confused。好吧,我告诉你,我感觉我的友谊完了,我很困惑

A: What?! Why?!


B: Last Sunday, I had an appointment with her to shopping. I waited for a long time。上周日,我与她约好去购物。 我等了很长时间!

A:t's just a little thing.


B: When I ask her the reason she didn’t came. She said that she was watching movie with another one!It makes me very angry and sad。

当我问她原因,她不来了。她说她和另一个朋友看电影! 这让我即生气又伤心。

A:oh! That is terrible! But, everyone will make mistakes. Maybe she forgot it!

哦!这是可怕的!但是,每个人都会犯错误。也许她忘了! B: But how can she forget?! I have prepared for this appointment for a whole week!


A: calm down, calm down.Don’t forget when you meet with a lot of difficulties ,it is your friend to help you.冷静,当你遇到困难时,是你的朋友帮助了你.

B: Well, well. I will give it a try.

what do you think is true friendship ?

好的,好的。我会给它一个尝试。你认为什么是真正 的友谊

A:I think ,true friendship is like health,the value of which is seldom known until it is lost .

我想,真友谊是像健康,这是很珍贵直到它失去后才懂他的价值。 B:I see, I will treasure the friendship。

我懂 了,我会珍惜友谊的

A:good luck with you。祝你好运。 B:Thank you.


1. What kind of people do you want to make friends with? How can you keep friendship alive?

龙(引题):we all know that we need friends, because we are people not God . But different people have different ideas about what kind of people they want to make friends with. Besides everyone should know how to keep friendship alive .Now let’s share our ideas about these topics.

林:ok. Everyone has his own friends.They always share their secrets with each other.of course, I also have my friends. I like making friends with someone who is helpful ,friendly and easy-going. In other words,I won't make friends with those who is over proud and selfish. What ahout you,吴?

吴:as for me ,friends are not noly someone we need but aslo we believed. My friend shoud be honest, generous, sloppy and have a sense of responsibility. Even if he can’t help me sometimes but he still accompany me. Once he has an opportunity to make a fortune, he will share with me.

陈:I need some friends who may make me fun and relaxation. No matter which friend , he mill be the first one who you want to talk to when you are in trouble . Friends would be good listener who allows you to show yourself in front of them. I need this kind of friend, because I always have some annoyance in my daily life.

龙:I wil make fiends with some people who can help me to achieve my gold. I believe that they can inspire me all the time and let me strengthen my strengths. Such a friend can also be called a tutor. they are so experienced in some areas that they can often provide me with a lot of suggestions in career, family, interpersonal relationships and other aspects.

林:I agree that.

吴:But what should we do if we want to keep our friendship alive? 陈:En~~~I think ,first of all, we should treat friends sincerely. Even we are cheated by one of our friends, we should keep sincere attitude to your other friends as well, not to trick people in turn. 林:yes, Based on my experience, it’s normal that there are some problem between friends. But we shouldn’t lost our confident on friends although one of your friends have hurt you once.

龙:besides,we should try our best to care about our friends. We should care for all sorts of little things and all kinds of details about our friends.

吴:that’s right! As friends, we ought to be a good listener who listen to the mind from friends’heart when they are complaining. 陈:a friend in need is a friend indeed,if they are real friends we have no reason to hurt them. Cherish each other! Only in this way,will the friendship last forever.




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