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美国哥伦比亚大学本科和研究生留学入学条件介绍美国留学网小编总结了美国哥伦比亚大学本科、研究生留学申请条件如下,希望对赴美留学的同学有所帮助。  哥伦比亚大学本科生入学要求:  1、最高学历公证  2、成绩公证件平均成绩不低于85分;  3、托福成绩不低于600分;  4、GRE成绩不低于1100分;  5、GMAT成绩不低于680分。  哥伦比亚大学研究生入学要求:  1、提供全日制4年本科毕业有学士学位;  2、提供大学成绩单,成绩优秀;  3、GPA:B+以上;  4、TOFEL:80以上或IELTS:6.5分以上;  5、部分专业可能需要学生提供GMAT/GRE和工作经验。




哥伦比亚大学简介 ................................................................................. 2

哥伦比亚大学研究生专业介绍 .............................................................. 3

哥伦比亚大学研究生申请要求 .............................................................. 8

美国哥伦比亚大学排名及介绍 ............................................................ 10

商学 ........................................................................................... 14

法学 ........................................................................................... 15

医学 ........................................................................................... 15

工学 ........................................................................................... 15

社会与人文科学 ........................................................................ 15

艺术 ........................................................................................... 15

世界排名 ................................................................................... 15

美国研究生申请热门专业的冷思考 .................................................... 18

美国名校热门专业详细解读 ................................................................ 21

哥伦比亚大学学校详细介绍 ................................................................ 24

哥伦比亚大学简介 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大,是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿上城的世界顶尖研究型大学,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,属于私立的美国常春藤盟校,由三个本科生院和十三个研究生院构成。




法学硕士 TOEFL总分不低于105,阅读和听力单项分别不低于26分,口语和写作单项分别不低于24分,学费$58,292美元/年,申请截……

法学博士 GPA 3.69,LAST 171,学费$58,292美元/年,申请截止日期2月27号

法学研究博士 托福 105,申请截止日期2月2号

应用语言学与英语外教 托福或雅思 7.0,学费$21,810美元/15学分,申请截止日期:MA 1月15号,M.Ed 4月15号,D.Ed 4月1号

课程与教学 托福 100或雅思 7.0,GPA 3.0,学费$21,810美元/15学分,申请截止日期:MA和M.Ed 4月15号和11月……


应用数学 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

应用物理 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

材料科学与工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

生物医学工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

化学工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

土木工程与工程力学 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 1月15号,PhD 12月15号

计算机科学 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

计算机工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,GPA要求3.2以上,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期2月15号

地球与环境工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

电气工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

工业工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

金融工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期1月6号

运筹学 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期1月6号

管理科学与工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期1月6号

机械工程 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期MS 2月15号,PhD 12月15号

数据科学 雅思 6.5或托福 90,GRE,学费$41,040美元/年,申请截止日期2月15号,只招收非全日制学生


国际事务 托福 100或雅思 7.0,GRE,学费$48,940美元/年,申请截止日期2月5号

公共管理 托福 100,GPA 3.0,学费$45,978美元/年,申请截止日期:12月4号,3年以上工作经验

经济政策管理项目 托福 100,GPA 3.0,学费$45,978美元/年,申请截止日期:12月4号,4-5年工作经验

环境科学与政策 托福 100,GPA 3.0,学费$45,978美元/年,申请截止日期:12月4号

发展实践 托福 100,GPA 3.0,学费$45,978美元/年,申请截止日期:12月4号

可持续发展 托福 100,GPA 3.0,学费$45,978美元/年,申请截止日期:12月4号


工商管理学硕士 托福,GMAT 716,录取的平均GPA:3.5,学费$60,720美元/学期,申请截止日期4月9号

《【Admission】哥伦比亚大学 入学要求&费用》

Columbia University Admission&Fees

(Undergraduate/Graduate) 哥伦比亚大学 入学要求&费用

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)位于美国纽约市曼哈顿,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,属于私立的美国常春藤盟校,由三个本科生院和十三个研究生院构成。哥伦比亚大学的校友和教授中一共有87人获得过诺贝尔奖,包括奥巴马总统在内的三位美国总统是该校的毕业生。此外,学校的医学、法学、商学和新闻学院都名列前茅,其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖是美国新闻界的最高荣誉。

本科生 Undergraduate Admission

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Graduate Admission

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columbia law school

General information for admissionFall 2011

1 columbia law school | an introduction

admission to the J.d. Program

The Admissions program at Columbia Law School is designed to identify and select a student body of diverse backgrounds and interests that shares a discernible commitment to excellence—individuals who have dem-onstrated unusual promise for distinguished performance at the Law School and, subse-quently, for high service to the legal profession and the community.

In evaluating the applications of the approximately 8,000 men and women who seek admission to the Law School each year, we place primary emphasis on demonstrated qualities and proven skills we regard as neces-sary for academic success and intellectual engagement at Columbia.

We also value highly personal strengths that we believe predict professional distinc-tion and public service. We endeavor to identify how and to what extent candidates have forged their values and achieved their goals—how they have actually chosen to commit their time, energies, and talents, and how they have made use of their opportu-nities. Applicants are evaluated, therefore, not only on their potential but also by their demonstrated motivation, self-discipline, and industry. Our Admissions Committee weighs carefully the elements of the application, which speak to the candidate’s background, interests, and goals, and which evidence sound character and judgment.

This approach to selection yields each year an entering J.D. class (of approximately 380 students) with especially strong pros-pects for academic success; for educating one another; for challenging our faculty; and for enhancing life and learning at Columbia Law School—learning that goes forward in our classes, seminars, clinics, internships, workshops, journals, conferences, brown bag luncheon discussions, and countless hours of conversation.

Our student body is international in char-acter and origin and truly diverse by standards of training, experience, and perspective. Members of recent classes have come from virtually every state in this country and from many foreign countries. They represent over 200 undergraduate colleges and universities located across the United States and abroad and reflect the broad range of economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds found in America.

Typically, two-thirds of Columbia’s entering class has spent some years after college fulfilling professional and/or family responsibilities. And usually about 15 percent of our entering students will have earned at least one graduate or professional degree before studying law at Columbia. Our Law

School has consistently been strengthened by the maturity and experiential enrichment that older students bring to their classmates and faculty.

We have been strengthened too by sig-nificant growth in the number of women and minority students. During this past decade, more women and people of color have cho-sen to study at Columbia than at any other time in the Law School’s history. Currently, women comprise almost half of our student body. Approximately 33 percent are of American Indian, Asian, African American, or Hispanic background—one of the very largest student of color populations among America’s leading law schools.


Evaluation of an applicant for admission to Columbia Law School includes a determina-tion of the candidate’s intellectual and aca-demic qualifications, aptitude for legal study as measured by the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and an assessment of whether or not the candidate has demonstrated personal qualities considered requisite to scholastic success, professional distinction, and public service. In addition to evaluating a candidate’s overall academic history and performance on the LSAT, the Committee examines the applicant’s personal essay or statement and letters of recommendation, as well as the course selection, special honors and awards, fellowship opportunities, pub-lications, extracurricular involvement, com-munity service, political activity, professional contributions, and other work experience.Regrettably, because of the large number of applicants from all over this country and the world, it is not logistically possible for interviews to be included as part of the selection process. As a substitute, the

Admissions Committee depends upon the insights provided by letters of recommen-dation and the applicant’s personal essay or statement. In addition to providing the Committee with a more personal sense of the individual qualities of the applicant, this state-ment affords the candidate an opportunity to present any special information or factors that may prove useful to the Committee’s deliberations.


Competition for admission to Columbia Law School is exceptionally keen. In recent years, approximately 8,000 applicants have applied for nearly 380 spaces in each year’s entering class. And, in any given year, the majority of applicants to Columbia are highly qualified academically.

In addition, admissibility to Columbia is difficult to predict because, as previously

described, personal accomplishments, professional achievements, and other non-quantifiable factors that serve to enrich the student body affect an applicant’s chance of admission. Thus, although Columbia is

among a handful of the most highly selective law schools in the country (as measured by grade point averages and LSAT statistics), it is not possible to predict with precision the probability of admission using those numeri-cal indices alone.

UNDERGRADUATE PREPARATIONColumbia Law School subscribes to the curricular guidelines provided by the Association of American Law Schools’

“Statements on Prelegal Education.” These guidelines recommend a prelaw program involving education for “comprehension and expression in words, a critical understanding of the human institutions and values with which the law deals, and creative power in thinking.” A review of undergraduate majors of recently enrolled students indi-cates that approximately 25 percent have backgrounds in political science, 14 percent in economics, 7 percent in pure sciences and engineering, 12 percent in history, 8 percent in humanities such as classics and religious studies, 10 percent in literature, and 7 percent in other social sciences like anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Other concentrations include international relations, business/finance/accounting, phi-losophy, and policy studies.

application information

For complete information about Columbia Law School’s admissions policies, applica-tion instructions and checklist, and a copy of our application, kindly visit the “Applying to Columbia” page on our website at


The Early Decision Plan is designed for prospective law students who have thought-fully considered what would represent for them the most effective legal education, have investigated carefully a range of law schools, and have concluded that Columbia is clearly their first choice.

For Early Decision candidates, the

application process is simplified and expedited considerably; it is less expensive in terms of time, effort, and money. Early Decision candidates must complete their application

by November 15 and are generally notified of the Admissions Committee’s decision in December. This early notification enables applicants to be assured of having successfully completed the law school application process, allowing them to resume professional, family, and educational responsibilities without any uncertainty. These benefits, however, are accompanied by the cost of self-restricting law school choice. Candidates applying on an Early Decision basis commit themselves to matriculate at Columbia if admitted.

Successful Early Decision candidates may not initiate any new law school applications, must decline any acceptances they may have

received prior to admission to Columbia and the Early Decision Plan, and must immedi-ately withdraw other applications once noti-fied of their Columbia acceptance in

December. Failure to honor these commit-ments will result in Columbia revoking its offer of admission.

Some Early Decision applicants not offered admission will be reviewed again in April as part of the regular applicant pool; others will be informed that their application for admission has been denied and will not be evaluated again that year.

Regular Admission

Candidates for regular admission should sub-mit their application as soon as possible after September 1, 2010. Applications are not eval-uated by our Admissions Committee until all required materials have been received and are generally evaluated in the order in which they are completed, a review process which begins in November. Candidates who have complet-ed their applications by the end of December may expect to be notified by March. Every effort is made to notify all applicants of their decision by the end of April, provided that their files are completed by February 15—Columbia’s application deadline for regular admission to the J.D. program.


An application is considered complete when all required application materials have been received by Columbia, including receipt of the candidate’s Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Law School Report. In taking steps to ensure that his or her applica-tion to Columbia is completed before the appropriate deadline, an applicant should factor into his or her planning the few weeks that it will take the Law School Admission Council to produce the LSAC Law School Report and our Admissions staff to process the application.

Submission of Additional MaterialApplicants are expected to be diligent in

providing all necessary information for review

of their candidacy prior to the completion of their applications. Once an application is complete, please do not submit additional materials unless they convey essential information, as there is no guarantee such materials will be placed in your application prior to the evaluation, and may potentially slow down the review of your candidacy. Essential information includes address

changes; updated transcripts; information that clarifies or corrects responses contained in the submitted application; notification of events occurring since the date of submission of the application that are responsive to questions 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17, and the certification; and a statement of continuing interest if the applicant is on Hold or Reserve.

Dean’s Certification Form

A Dean’s Certification Form or an equivalent certification of good standing will be required from all students after admission to and prior to matriculation at Columbia Law School. This Form will be mandatory from each educational institution where you are currently enrolled in a degree program; from which you have already earned a degree; and at which you were matriculated toward a degree (regardless of whether a degree was received). Please note that it is not necessary that the Dean or other Administrator respon-sible for such certification know you per-sonally. He or she may complete the Dean’s Certification Form (or equivalent certifica-tion) on the basis of official records.Deferred Admission

An applicant who wishes to defer matri-culation for one or two years should submit his or her request, in writing, to the Dean of Admissions after having been offered admission, but no later than June 1. This request should include a general statement explaining how the intervening time will be spent. Permission for such deferrals is generally granted.

Committee Decisions

In addition to its “admit” and “deny” deci-sion categories, Columbia Law School main-tains both “hold” and “reserve” groups of candidates.

When an applicant is placed in the hold category, the Admissions Committee has opted to postpone making a decision on his or her candidacy at the time of initial review; in other words, the Admissions Committee has not yet made a determination on the application, and it will be reviewed again by the Committee later in the admissions sea-son. Hold category applicants can expect to receive a decision on their candidacy (admit, reserve, or deny) by the end of April.

Unlike applicants who are “wait-listed” at some law schools, candidates placed on

reserve at Columbia are at no point ranked ordinally. Rather, each application on reserve is reviewed again in its entirety by the Admissions Committee on a periodic basis during the summer months, as openings in the entering class materialize. Upon each review, some candidates will be offered or denied admission, while others will be asked if they wish to remain in consideration for any future openings in the class later in the summer.

The difference between the hold and reserve categories is that the initial review process is completed for candidates placed on reserve. Reserve candidates will not be reevaluated for admission until the sum-mer months, as openings in the entering class materialize. Applications placed on hold are still being actively reviewed by the Admissions Committee, and hold candidates should expect to receive a decision (admit, reserve, or deny) by the end of April.

Columbia Law School reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission if an applicant: (1) shows a significant decline in academic performance or fails to gradu-ate; (2) misrepresents any matter in dealing with the Office of Admissions, Financial Aid Office, or any other representative of Columbia Law School; (3) behaves in a manner that indicates a serious lack of judg-ment, sincerity, or integrity; or (4) reserves a place in our entering class and simultaneous-ly commits to enroll at another law school or submits a deposit to another law school. Columbia Law School further reserves the right to make the continuing validity of an offer of admission contingent upon an applicant providing further information or authorizing the release of information from other parties in connection with any matter relevant to the foregoing.

Checking on the Status of Applications

Applicants are expected to monitor the sub-mission and completion of all application requirements. Applicants are encouraged to manage the completion of their file by utilizing our online status check at

checkstatus. In the event that the status check mechanism is unduly delayed, applicants may submit requests in writing by email

(admissions@law.columbia.edu) to the Office of Admissions.

Candidates should understand that all Committee decisions regarding applicants may be communicated to the applicant only in writing. Under no circumstances may an applicant be informed of the outcome of his or her application by telephone. This policy is designed to protect the confidentiality entrusted to our Office of Admissions by each candidate.


financial aid, and housing


Tuition for 2010–2011 is $48,648. There are additional mandatory fees for health ser-vices, student activities, and University facili-ties, which will be $1,780 for 2010–2011. Insurance for hospital care and standard medical coverage is also required ($1,778), unless students can show proof of compa-rable coverage. The total budget for the nine month academic year, including tuition, fees, room, board, books, and personal expenses, is $74,000. Budget components are adjusted annually.

FINANCIAL AID FOR J.D. STUDENTSAdmission decisions at Columbia Law School are made without regard to an applicant’s financial need. Therefore, grant applications are reviewed only after a student has been admitted. If you are interested in grant assis-tance, you must complete your application as early as possible so it can be evaluated soon after you have been admitted. Students admit-ted under the Early Decision Plan are remind-ed that they should not expect to be notified of their financial aid package before the end of March, at the earliest. We strongly recom-mend that all applicants file the required forms by no later than March 1, even if they have not yet received an offer of admission.

The Law School awards grant assistance primarily on the basis of demonstrated finan-cial need. However, there are a number of fellowships not based on financial need that are awarded by the Office of Admissions at the time an applicant is admitted to the Law School. There is no separate application for these fellowships. Each year a substantial portion of the entering class receives a Law School grant, which is in the form of a partial tuition waiver. However, the largest form of financial aid for all law students is educational loans, with most students borrowing to finance a part, or all, of their educational expenses. To assist J.D. graduates pursuing public interest and public service careers manage what might be a significant educational loan burden, the Law School provides continuing financial sup-port through its Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), one of the most generous in legal education.

U.S. citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loans. Currently, the annual limit is $20,500 for this program. In addi-

tion, there are several alternative educational loan programs as well as the Federal Direct Loans only: Submit the following by no Graduate PLUS Loan program that provide later than mid-May to ensure timely financing for law students. Since these alter-processing:native loan programs require applicants to • Free Application for Federal Student be creditworthy, you are strongly advised to Aid (FAFSA) to the federal processor obtain a copy of your credit report to deter-(U.S. students)mine if there are any problems that might

• Columbia Law School Financial Aid make you ineligible for such loans. If you have Questionnaire to the Financial Aid an adverse credit history, and are unable to Office (admitted students only)correct it, you may not have access to impor-• Loan application materials to the tant sources of loan funds. If this is the case, Financial Aid Office (admitted you will need to have others borrow on your students only)behalf. Law School funds will not be available to replace unavailable credit-based loans.

Loans and Columbia Law School grants:International students (not U.S. citizens Submit the following by March 1 to and not holding a U.S. permanent resident ensure timely consideration for a Law visa) are eligible to apply for Law School School grant. Do not wait to receive grants and for loans from private educational an offer of admission before filing the loan programs. They are not eligible for feder-FAFSA and Need Access applications.ally guaranteed assistance programs. In addi-• FAFSA to the federal processor (U.S. tion, they need to provide a U.S. cosigner in students)order to apply for credit-based educational • Need Access application to Access loan programs. Since there are no fully funded Groupfellowships for law students in Columbia’s J.D. • Columbia Law School Financial Aid degree program, international students needing Questionnaire to the Financial Aid to finance their education may need to arrange Office (admitted students only)for cosigners for each of the three years of law • 2010 federal income tax forms for all school.

persons included on the Need Access application to the Financial Aid Office HOw TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID (admitted students only: by March FOR 2011–2012

1 or immediately after admission)The following is a current summary of • Loan application materials to the application procedures for the different Financial Aid Office (admitted kinds of financial aid. For detailed infor-students intending to enroll— mation on financial aid policies and pro-preferably by mid-May)

cedures, costs, budgets, and various loan programs, please review the financial aid website (FINANCIAL AID FORMS

Before completing any financial aid forms, FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student it is important first to decide which types Aid): Completed by all U.S. citizens and of aid you are seeking:permanent residents applying for financial aid • Loans only

and submitted to the federal processor. Online • Loans and Columbia Law School grantsapplication is strongly recommended Deciding the type of aid will deter-(Paper applications are mine which forms you need to submit, available from the Department of Education and when. If you are uncertain about

(800-433-3243). Columbia Law School’s Title whether you should apply for a Law School IV School Code is: E00488.

grant, please refer to the section entitled “Eligibility for a Scholarship Grant” in the Need Access application: Completed by all appli-section “How to Apply for Financial Aid” cants for Law School grants and submitted to on the financial aid website (processor (Access Group). To apply online columbia.edu/finaid).

or to download the Need Access software, go to The Need Access application must include information for the student, the student’s spouse or prospec-tive spouse (if applicable), and both of the student’s parents, regardless of the student’s age, marital status, dependency status for tax purposes, or parents’ marital status. A grant decision will not be made without all required information. Consult the financial aid website for further information.

Columbia Law School Financial Aid

THE LOAN REPAYMENT Questionnaire: Admitted students receive ASSISTANCE PROGRAM

this form shortly after their offer of admission. Columbia Law School’s Loan Repayment Admitted students applying for any type of Assistance Program (LRAP) is one of the most financial aid must send the completed form to generous programs at any law school nation-the Financial Aid Office.

ally. Our LRAP program supports Columbia J.D. graduates who pursue public interest and 2010 federal income tax forms: Admitted stu-public service careers by providing them with dents applying for a Law School grant must financial assistance to service the educational submit to the Financial Aid Office complete debt they assumed while at the Law School. tax returns for all individuals included on In addition, several fellowships for public their Need Access application. If 2010 returns interest have been established, and fellowship are not available by March 1, 2011, admitted recipients may receive assistance for all loan students should send complete 2009 returns payments on their Law School debt. A full by March 1 and complete 2010 returns by the description of our LRAP can be found on the end of April.

financial aid website (or may be requested from the Financial Loan application materials: Admitted students Aid Office.

intending to enroll at the Law School should submit completed loan application materials to HOUSING

the Financial Aid Office, preferably by mid-Housing accommodations for Columbia Law May in order to ensure timely processing and School students are excellent in terms of the availability of loan funds at the start of a

vailability, quality, variety, convenience, the school year in August. Please refer to the and—relative to other New York City law financial aid website (schools—expense. All admitted first-year law for detailed information.

students who apply for housing by May 1,

5 columbia law school | an introduction

2011, are guaranteed some type of

University housing for all three years of law school.

All Law School student housing consists of apartments owned and managed by the University, and most are located within several blocks of the Law School. Rents are significantly lower than New York City market rates because our housing is heavily subsidized by the University.

Detailed descriptions of the University housing programs are provided to prospec-tive law students shortly after admission. General housing information is also avail-able via the Columbia University Apartment Housing (UAH) website (









师生人数比例:1:7 所在州:纽约州







芝加哥哥伦比亚大学本科留学申请条件介绍加拿大芝加哥哥伦比亚大学大学是加拿大一流名校,每年都受到不少国际留学生的青睐。英属哥伦比亚大学本科留学申请条件如何?  芝加哥哥伦比亚大学本科申请条件如下:  1、托福或者雅思成绩合格。  (1)福iBT90(读、听各不低于22;写、说各不低于21);或雅思6.5(单项不低于6分)。  (2)高中毕业,平均分80%以上,或SAT成绩。  2、没有合格英语成绩  高中毕业,平均分80%以上,需要就读UBC大学预科,或先在UBC语言中心完成英语课程方能申请。  英属哥伦比亚大学(许多华人称为卑诗大学)的科研项目很突出,大学从政府、公司、非盈利组织每年吸引2个亿的资金。在加拿大,高中平均成绩在80分左右的学生才有资格申请。  以上是英属哥伦比亚大学的本科留学申请条件介绍,希望能为您提供参考。





此外学生还是需要考SAT或者ACT,这个主要是针对顶尖的名校,有些学校会明确如果学分超过30可以不提交标准化的成绩,但不少顶尖名校还是要求这个成绩评估的。最后,有些学校是不接受大一转学的,必须是大二下学期才可以转。我们之前有个学生就是这种情况,她在美国读大学的,大一的时候申请被拒了,大二重新申请就录取了。比如UC Berkeley的商学院,是需要学生在大三的时候重新递交一份单独的Application申请的,需要在申请的时候完成商科所有Lower division的课程。所以要明确每个学校具体对于转学生的要求,根据自身的情况选择学校,申请才有把握。




哥伦比亚大学要求转学生是必须完成24个学分以上才可以转学的,另外还是要求要评估SAT/ACT的成绩。如果申请工程专业希望能够在微积分、物理、化学等有比较好的成绩,对先修课程有一些要求。如果休学超过一学年,学校要求只能申请general studies,而不能申请明确的专业。每年大概有2500人申请,录取150人左右,录取率为6%。建议学生可选择转读大一、大二以及大三,但也有表明大二、大三的位置比较少,对于工程专业的学生强烈建议申请大一或者大二。



2014美国哥伦比亚大学录取介绍 哥伦比亚大学的金融工程硕士的申请截止日期比较早,在1月6日,不知道大家有没有收到Offer?哥伦比亚大学的Offer并没有固定时间,当审核委员会评估完所有的Offer以后,会把结果发到你申请中留的邮箱地址中,到时候大家只要留意自己的邮箱就好了。由于申请量比较大,大家不用急着往招生办询问,会影响招生官的工作哦。接下来就向大家介绍一下哥伦比亚大学的金融硕士项目吧。
















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