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饮可口可乐,万事如意 第一篇


1. 请随手关门 Close the door behind you.

2. 小草青青,足下留情Keep off the grass.

请勿触摸!Hands off.

3. 小心碰头Mind your head.

请勿打扰Do not disturb. DND

4. 买一送一 Buy one and get one free.

5. (厕所)有人 Toilet Engaged

6. 咨询台 Information Desk

3. 售票处 Ticket Office

4. 员工专用 Staff Only

5. 关门大甩卖 Closing Sale


Company corporation firm enterprise incorporation business office 坐落:be located in / lie

Our college is located in the southeast of Gaoyao.

Our college lies in …

Our college is in the …

成立于、创办于:be founded/established in/on Be built/ be set up/ run Our college was founded in 2004.

People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) was founded on 1st Oct. 1949. 合资企业: joint venture

外资企业:foreign-funded enterprise

致力于、专门生产:engage in/ specialize in

十强:top ten enterprises

位列于:be ranked


Our company is ranked the 10th of the top 500 enterprises in China.



The company was established in1988, and we have about 2,000 employees. 主要从事/涉及: specialize in/ be involved in


等级 1) The company is headed by MD.

2) The sales Director is supported by a sales team.

3) The sales Director is assisted by an assistant sales manager.


1) The Financial Department is responsible for accounting.

2) The R&D Department takes care of new product development.

3) The Administration Manager is in charge of personnel.

位于: be located in / lie in

占地面积: cover an area of

产品远销: be marketed in

年产能力: has an annual output

名列第* be listed as / be ranked in

名列中国企业***强第**位 be listed as the ** of the top* enterprises in China 年销售量: has an annual sales of

总资产达: has a total assets of

1. 太原钢铁集团有限公司Taiyuan Iron and Steel Corporation(简称太钢TISCO)


2. 至2001年底,太钢资产总额达23.711亿元,钢年产能力annual output达400万吨.

By the end of 2001, TISCO has general assets of 2.3711 billion and an annual output of 4 million

6. 四川长虹电气设备股份有限公司总部位于“中国科技城”------四川绵阳市.

The headquarters of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. are located in the "Technical City of China", Mianyang, Sichuan.

4. 泰山电器有限公司位列中国企业500强第121位.Taishan Electric Co., Ltd is

listed as the 121st of the top 500 enterprises in China.

5. 王氏集团是由家电\信息\通讯三大领域组成的现代企业集团.

The Wang Group, as a modernized enterprise, consists of three fields such as

household appliances, information and telecommunication.

1.Product descriptions 产品说明

1.配料 ingredient

2.功效成分及含量component and content

3.保健功能 healthy function

4.适宜人群 applicable people

5.治疗 cure

6.使用方法及用量 usage and dosage

7.规格 specification

8.净重 net weight

9.贮藏方法 storage

10.注意事项 precautions

11.执行标准 executive standard

12.生产卫生许可批准文号 produce license

13.国外总经销 abroad franchiser

14.生产日期 production date

15.主要成分 composition, main ingredients

16.警告 warnings

17.性质,特性 properties

18.用法 usage

19.药理作用 pharmacology

20.禁忌 contraindication

21.副作用 side effect, adverse events

22.不良反应 adverse reaction【饮可口可乐,万事如意】

23.保质期 shelf life

24.说明 description

25.开袋即食 edible after opened

26.美味的,开胃的 appetizing

27.烤 roast

28.烘 bake

29.菜单 bill of fare, menu

30.日常饮食 diet


1. Add sugar and milk to taste.


2. A nourishing beverage for all ages.


3. Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, comparatively high productivity.


4. For drinking hot: put two or three teaspoonfuls of Lacovo in a cup, then add hot water and stir until the grains are thoroughly dissolved.



5. The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the sellers fail to reply within 30 days after the sellers received the buyers’ claim. 若卖方收到上述索赔后30天未予答复,则认为卖方已接受买方的赔偿。

6. Keep the appliance out of the reach of children.


7. We are sure our supreme artistry will make your house more luxurious and beautiful.


2.Advertisements 广告 美观耐用:Attractive and durable

用料精选: Materials selection 性能可靠:Dependable performance

服务上门Door to door service

质优价廉High quality and low price

远近闻名 Be known to all

老少皆宜 For all ages

享誉中外:Popular both at home and abroad

规格齐全:A complete range of specifications

款式新颖New style

经久耐用:Durable in use

质量上乘:High quality

历史悠久:Long history

维修方便Easy to repair

经济实惠Economical and practical

服务周到:Courteous service

专业设计Professional design

交货迅速Quick deliver


畅销全球:Selling well all over the world

Swatch (斯沃奇手表)——天长地久Time is what you make of it.

Ericasson (爱立信手机)——倾听自我Make yourself heard.

Nike(耐克运动鞋)——只管去做Just do it.

De biers(戴比尔斯钻石)——钻石恒永久,一颗永流传A diamond lasts forever. Coca-coca(可口可乐)——饮可口可乐,万事如意Things go better with Coca-coca.

Nokia(诺基亚手机)——科技以人为本Connecting people.

Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.


1. Delicate colors 色泽素雅

2. Phase out 逐步淘汰

3. Durable in use 经久耐用

4. Complete in specifications 规格齐全

5. Commodity barcode 商品条形码

6. Superior quality 质量上乘

7. Quality and quantity assured 保质保量

8. Various styles 款式齐全

9. Operating procedures 操作程序

10. Electric rice cooker 电饭煲

11. Edible after opened 开袋即食

12. Guarantee period 保修期

13. Ratification No. 批准文号

14. Moisturizer 润肤霜

15. Professional design 设计合理

1. 我们生产的手机通常保修半年。

The mobiles which we produce usually guarantee for half a year.

2. 这种饮料男女老少皆宜。

This drink is suitable for all ages .

3. 因为工艺精美,我们的手表在东南亚很受欢迎.

Because of the exquisite workmanship, our watch is very popular in the southeast of Asia.

4. 该产品操作灵活,易于维修。

The operating of this product is flexible and it is easy to repair.

5. 不要将炉子放在阳光直射的地方。

Don’t put the stove under the sunlight.

Product Policy

Thank you very much for your trust and support. 谢谢您的信任和支持。 It is our pleasure to serve you. 我很荣幸能为您服务。

If you are not satisfied with our products or service, please contact their original purchase shop up to 7 days after your purchase. 如果您不满意我们的产品或者服务的话,请您在7天之内联系您购买商品的那间店。

If you have any comment or question, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Center.如果您有什么建议或者问题,请随时联系我们的客户服务中心。 Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction.我们的目标是确保您的满意。

3.PR Documents 公关文稿

公告 announcement/notice 主办方:Organizers / hosted by 承办方:Undertaker 赞助商:Sponsors

致辞 speech/make a speech 开幕词opening statements/speech 闭幕词 closing remarks/speech 祝贺词 congratulatory speech 祝酒词 toasting speech 感谢词thanks speech

欢迎词 welcoming speech 欢送词 farewell words

A. Welcome everyone. Merry Christmas. Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate this happy and joyous occasion.【饮可口可乐,万事如意】


B. 与你们一起工作的每时每刻我们都感觉非常快乐。I am happy every moment work with you.

C. 我很荣幸地向你们表示我诚挚的欢迎! I am proud of expressing sincere welcome to you.

D. 现在我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!同时也为我们进一步的合作成功以及在座诸位的健康干杯!

Now, I would like to propose a toast to the friendship between our two peoples, but also for our further successful cooperation and drink to the health of you here.

(E)Hong Kong is a forever bright/shinning pearl of our motherland. I sincerely hope it will be better in the future. And I wish all the residents here happy and successful. I wish all the residents here can live a happy and successful life. 香港永远是我们祖国的一颗璀璨的明珠,我真诚的希望在将来会更好,我还希望所有的居民都会开心和成功。

(F) 我们很荣幸今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且和我们的中国朋友话别 We are honored to have an opportunity to express our thanks and say goodbye to our Chinese friends tonight.

(G) 语言难以表达我对你们的感激之情。对于你们今天对我所表示的友爱和关心,我真的感到非常荣幸。

Words can not express our thanks to you. It is my honor to thank you for your kindness and attendance.


(H) 我希望你们能在这儿玩得愉快!I hope you will have a good stay here.

饮可口可乐,万事如意 第二篇


Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)

Coca-Cola 可口可乐 (Quoted from Internet).

Obey your thirst 服从你的渴望

To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷(轩尼诗酒)

The taste is great. 味道好极了

The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择(百事可乐)

Things go better with Coca-Cola. 饮可口可乐,万事如意

Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

《经典的 slogan 广告词》
饮可口可乐,万事如意 第三篇

经典的 slogan 广告词

1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.


10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20. No business too small, no problem too big.


21.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)

22.Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

23.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

24.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

25.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

26.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)

27.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

28.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

29.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)

30.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷)



3M: “Innovation”

Adidas : “Impossible is nothing”

Agere Systems: “How Communication Happens”

Agilent: “Dreams Made Real”

Airbus: “Setting the Standards”

AkzoNobel: “Tomorrow’s Answer Today”(今天提交明日答案)

Amazon.com: “…and You’re Done”

AMX: “It’s Your World. Take Control”

Anritsu: “Discover What’s Possible”

Apple: “Think different”

AT&T: “Your World. Delivered” 2006

ATG Design Services: “Circuit Design for the RF Impaired”

ATI Technologies: “Get In the Game”

BAE Systems: “Innovating for a Safer World”

Ball Corporation: “The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems”【饮可口可乐,万事如意】

BellSouth: “Listening, Answering”

Blackhawk: “Powering DSP Development”

BMW: “The Ultimate Driving Machine”(终极驾驶机器)

Boeing: “Forever New Frontiers” ·

Bose Corporation: “Better Sound Through Research” ·

Bowers & Wilkins (Speaker Mfg.): “Listen and You Will See” ·

BP Microsystems: “Setting the Standard in Device Programming” ·

Cadence: “How Big Can You Dream?” ·

Canon: “Know How” | Delighting you always(感动常在)亚太地区 ·

Cingular Wireless: “Raising the Bar” ·

Cisco Systems: “The Human Network”(新网络,人为本) ·

Cirrus Logic: “Leading the Digital Entertainment Revolution” ·

Compaq (HP): “Inspiration Technology” ·

Cypress Semiconductor: “Driving the Communication Revolution” ·

Datel (C&D Tech): “Innovation and Excellence” ·

Dell Computer: “Get More out of Now” ·

Diebold: “Innovation Delivered”(创新成就未来) ·

DuPont: “The Miracles of Science” ·

EM Research: “The ultimate source for miniature frequency synthesizers” ·

Ericsson: “Taking You Forward” ·

Fiber-Span, LLC: “RF On Fiber” ·

Ford: “Drive One” ·

Fujitsu: “The Possibilities are Infinite” ·

General Dynamics: “Strength On Your Side” ·

General Electric: “Imagination at Work”(梦想启动未来) ·

GigaLane: “Innovation and Excellence in RF & Microwave” ·

Griff Specialty Paper and Film: “Materials that Create Solutions” ·

Hitachi: “Inspire the Next” ·

Hewlett-Packard: “Invent” ·

Honeywell: “We are Honeywell” ·

IBM: “We Make IT Happen”(停止空谈,立即行动) ·

IDT: “Powering What’s Next” ·

IFI: “The Power of Choice” ·

I.F. Engineering Corp: “Your challenge is our progress” ·

Infineon: “Keep on Thinking” ·

Intel: “Sponsors of Tomorrow”(与你共创明天)2009 ·

Intersil: “Technology at the Speed of Life” ·

ITT: “Engineered for Life” ·

JRC: “You Don’t Need Wires to Communicate” ·

Keithley: “A Greater Measure of Confidence” ·

KFC: “finger licken’good”(有了肯德基,生活好滋味) ·

Kodak: “A Virtual World of Live Pictures” ·

Linksys: “At Linksys – We are making connectivity easier” ·

Linx Technologies: “Wireless Made Simple” ·

LG: “Life is Good” ·

Lockheed Martin: “We Never Forget Who We’re Working For” ·

Mazda: “Zoom Zoom” ·

McDonald’s: “I’m Lovin’ it” ·

MegaPhase: “Our Customers Connect With Us?” ·

Micrel: “The Infinite Bandwidth Company” ·

Micron: “The Future of Memory” ·

Mitsubishi Semiconductor: “Changes for the Better”

Motorola: “Hello. Moto”

muRata: “Innovator in Electronics”

mWAVE Industries, LLC: “Your Partner In Antenna Technology”

National Semiconductor: “The Sight & Sound of Information”

NEC Corporation: “Empowered by Innovation”(创新是力量的源泉)

Nike: “Just do it”(放胆做)

Nokia: “Connecting People”(沟通你我)

Nortel Networks: “Business Without Boundaries”

Orbital Sciences Corporation: “The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems” Panasonic: “Ideas for Life”

Philips: “Sense and Simplicity”(精于心,简于形)

PMC-Sierra: “Accelerating The Broadband Revolution”

Pragma: “Operate at Your Optimum”

RCAT Systems: “You push the limits. We measure it.”

RF Bites: “Helping RF Designers one Bite at a time”

Rohde & Schwarz: “Pushing Limits”

Thor Labs: “Photonics in the Fast Lane”

Samsung Electronics: “Imagine”(想像)


SONY: “make·believe“

ST Microelectronics: “More Intelligence Solutions”

Sun Microsystems: “The Network Is The Computer”

Toshiba: “Leading Innovation.”(引领创新)2008

Unisys: “We Make It Happen”

United Technologies Corporation: “This Is Momentum”

Verizon Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now? Good.”

vidaRF: “Simple Solutions for Complex Connections”

Vodafone: “How Are You?” ·

Walmart: “Save money,live better”

Xilinx: “The Programmable Logic Company” ·

XMA Corporation: “When Performance Matters”

other slogans:

3PARdata Inc.: “Serving Information. Simply.”

7-Eleven: “Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven”

A.T. Kearney: ”Ideas That Last”

ACCBank: ”Its All About”

ACE Aviation Holdings: ”At Air Canada We Are Not Happy Until You Are Happy.” ACN Inc.: “One world. One Vision.

AIMCO: “America Comes Home to AIMCO”

AMC Theatres: “Experience the Difference”

Abbott Laboratories: “A Promise for Life”

Accenture: ”High Performance. Delivered.”

Acorn Computers: ”No slogan” Adelphia: “Get. Watch. Do What You Want.” Affiliated Computer Services: “People Making Technology Work”

Albertsons: “Helping Make Your Life Easier”

Allegheny Technologies: “Specialty Materials That Make Our World”

Allstate Corporation: “You’re in Good Hands”

Altec Lansing: “Just listen to this!”

Aluria Software: “Security Made Simple” American Express: “Do More”

American Medical Response: “Patient Focused, Customer Centered, Caregiver Inspired” Ameritech: “In a World of Technology, People Make the Difference.”

Apache Corporation: “Sense of Urgency”

Apollo Group: “You Can Do This”

Arcelor: “Steel Solutions for a Better World”

Archer Daniels Midland: “Resourcful By Nature”

Astaro: “Network Assurance”

Avon Products, Inc.: “The Company for Women”

BI-LO: “Why Pay More?”

BP (British Petroleum): “Beyond Petroleum”

Bayer USA: “Science for a Better Life”

Best Buy: “Thousands of Possibilities. Get Yours.”

Bob Evans Restaurants: “Down on the Farm”

Booz Allen Hamilton: “Delivering Results That Endure”

Borland: “Excellence Endures”

Burger King: “Have It Your Way”

Buy.com: “The Internet Superstore”

CDW: “The Right Technology, Right Away”

CHC Helicopter: :CHC Moves the Industry That Moves the World” CVS/pharmacy: “Expect Something Extra”

Capital One: “What’s in your wallet?”

Century 21: “Real Estate for Your World”

Circuit City: “Just what you needed”

Citigroup: “Live Richly”

CityJet: “Travel Without Frontiers”

Claris: “Simply, Powerful Software”

CompUSA: “We got it. We get it.”

ConAgra Foods, Inc.: “The Right Kind of Food Company” Cracker Barrel: “Homestyle Cooking Done Right.”

Credit Suisse First Boston: “Empowering Change”

D-Link: “Building Networks for People”

John Deere: “Nothing Runs Like a Deere”

Dow Corning: “We Help You Invent the Future”

Dun & Bradstreet: “Decide with Confidence”

eBay: “The World’s Online Marketplace”

E.F. Hutton: “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen”

Emerson Electric Company: “Consider It Solved”

ExxonMobil: “Taking on the world’s toughest energy challenges” FedEx: “Relax, It’s FedEx”

GEICO: “15 Minutes Could Save You 15% or More on Car Insurance” General Mills: “The Company of Champions”

Global Jet Airlines: “Light is Faster, but We are Safer”

Globe Telecom: “Making great things possible”

Goldman Sachs: “Our Client’s Interests Always Come First” Hilton Hotels: “Take Me To The Hilton”

Honda: “Power of Dreams”

Hudson’s Bay Company: “We are Canada’s Merchants”

IRobot: “Business Mechanisms to Accelerate Change”

InFocus: “The Big Picture”

Infosys: “Powered by Intellect Driven by Values”

J.C. Penney: “It’s all Inside”

JVC: “The Perfect Experience:

Johnson & Johnson: “The Family Company”

Kohl’s: “Expect Great Things”

Konica Minolta: “The Essentials of Imaging”

Kroger: “Right Store, Right Price”

Lehman Brothers: “Where Vision Gets Built”

LevelVision LLC: “Engaging People”

饮可口可乐,万事如意 第四篇



























饮可口可乐,万事如意 第五篇
































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