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编辑:huangtingting  成考报名   发布时间:08-17    阅读:



  1. He is a new boy in school.


  2. These are my friends.


  3. Is this you pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?

  4. He has green pencils. 他有绿色的铅笔吗?

  5. Kim is drawing with her pencils.


  6. How many books do I have? 我有多少本书?

  How many books are there? 有多少本书?

  7. She is putting her pencils on her pencil case.


  He is writing on the blackboard with the chalk.


  8. Where is it? Where are they?


  9. Can you say the months of the year?


  10. What’s the date? 今天几月几日?

  11. What day is it? 今天星期几?

  What day is tomorrow? 明天星期几?

  What day was yesterday? 昨天星期几?

  12. When is it? 它是什么时候?

  13. How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?

  14. What time is it? 几点了?

  15. I have supper with my family.


  16. How old are you? 你多大?

  I’m thirteen years old. 我十三岁。

  17. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?

  18. When is your birthday? 你什么时候生日?

  19. Are you short or tall? 你是高还是矮?

  20. How tall are you 你多高?

  I’m 3.1 metres tall。 我高。

  21. What are you wearing? 你穿着什么?

  22. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?

  I live in a house. 我住在房子里。

  I live in an apartment.我住在公寓里。

  23. What is your address? 你的住址是哪里?

  My address is … 我的住址是——

  24. Do you walk to school? 你步行去上学吗?

  25. How do you go to school? 你怎样去学校?

  By car/ bus. 坐小汽车/公交车

  26. What’s your favourite colour?


  My favourite colour is blue.我最喜欢兰色

  27. I don’t like socks either. 我也不喜欢袜子

  28. I like to play basketball with my father and brither


  29. What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?


  There are many mice in the house. The man of the house has a cat. The cat kills(杀死)many of them .

  Then the oldest mouse says, "All mice come to my room tonight. Let us put our heads together and think what to do. We can do about(除掉)the cat.

  All the mice come. Many mice speak , but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, "We must put a bell(铃)on the cat.

  When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide. (躲藏) So the cat will not catch any of us. “But,” the old mouse asks, " who will put the bell on the cat?" No mouse answers .

  The old mouse waits, but no one answers. At last the old mouse says, "It is easy to say things; but it is hard to do them."


  A man of the state of Chu (chǔ guó 楚国) had a spear and a shield for sale.


  He was loud in praises of his shield."My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through."


  He also sang praises of his spear."My spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything."


  "What would happen," he was asked, "if your spear is used to pierce your shield?"


  It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable.



  There once was an impatient farmer who lived during the Song Dynasty.(sòng cháo,960-1279 AD).


  Everyday the anxious farmer would measure the growth of the crops.


  To his dismay, his crops were growing much slower than he expected.


  The farmer racked his brains trying to find better ways of planting in order to get quickerresults.


  One day he finally came up with a solution.


  He started to physically pull the crops out of the ground, thus making them taller.


  The farmer worked very hard and at day’s end was physically exhausted but mentally happy as his plan had produced the desired results.


  When the farmer went home, he told his son of his “brilliant” method.


  His son went to the field only to discover that all of his crops were all dead.


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