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人教版八年级英语上册1~2单元综合测试卷及答案-Go for it

八年级英语上学期Unit 1-2单元测试

姓名: 得分

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(30分)

1. Today is day at school.

A. first B. the my first C. my first D. my the first

2. In the first picture, he a little boy.

A. looks B. like C. looks like D. look at

3. —Your sweater looks nice. Is it wool?

—Yes, it is.

A. made of B. made in C. made for D. made from

4. Danny is playing and Tom is playing A. piano, football B. a piano, a football

C. piano, the football D. the piano, football

5. Mr. Smith asked Jenny some new words and let her to on the blackboard.

A. write them down B. write it down

C. write down it D. write down them

6. Jack to _______ China five weeks ago and he ________ back to school tomorrow.

A. went; was B. go; come

C. went; will be D. has gone; will come

7. I’m glad ________ the good news that he joined the Party.

A. to hear B. hearing C. of hearing D. for hearing

8. Jenny plays ________ piano, and I play ________ basketball every day.

A. /; / B. the; the C. /; the D. the; /

9. He ________ reading, but he ________ to read this novel (小说).

A. enjoys; doesn’t enjoy B. likes; dislikes

C. likes; doesn’t dislike D. enjoys; likes

10. On Sunday morning, I want to do _______.

A. someone different B. different something

C. something different D. different someone

11. A young man ________ John bought this expensive painting.

A. name B. call C. named D. calls

12. We have to ________ the wall ________.

A. have; painted green B. paint; green

C. get; to paint green D. paint; to make green

13. John Brown is our English teacher. We call him ________.

A. Mr. John B. Mrs. Brown C. Mr. Brown D. Sir John

14. He is ready ________ someone to his class.

A. introduce B. introduced C. to introduce D. introducing

15. I’m full (我饱了). I can’t eat ______.

A. another B. other C. some D. any more


1. I also go to the cinema. (改为否定句)

I _____ go to the cinema, ______.

2. Last Saturday my mother bought me a new watch. (改为同义句)

Last Saturday my mother ______ a new watch ______ me.

3. Jenny is in Class 2. Brian is in Class 2, too. (改为同义句)

Jenny and Brian are in ______ ______ class. 对划线部分提问)

______ ______ _______ Mr. Green _______ in the hospital?

5. May I have another question? (改为同义句)

May I have ______ ______ question?


Jane is a nice girl and likes small animals. On her way back from school afternoon, she always stops the animals in the pet(宠物)shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog, and Jane likes it the dog in the pet shop. She often forgets(忘记) the time. So she comes home very . One day her parents asked she was late. Jane told them about the dog in the pet shop.

The next day Jane stopped to look the window of the pet shop, but she could not the dog. She was very sad and went home early.

When she home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop. It was her birthday. Jane was very glad. From that day, she did not come home late. She ran home early to play with the little white dog every day.

1. A. each one B. every C. this D. ×

2. A. looking at B. looks at C. to look at D. looked at

3. A. very many B. very much C. very D. little

4. A. watches B. watch C. see D. saw

5. A. to play B. play C. played D. plays

6. A. late B. early C. fast D. first

7. A. what B. why C. when D. where

8. A. at B. to C. into D. onto

9. A. looked B. looked at C. saw D. see

10. A. got B. got to C. arrived in D. arrived at

Ⅴ. 阅读理解。(20分)


Do you have to carry a heavy bag to school? Does it make your back (背部) hurt? Well, students at a high school in Kansas (堪萨斯州), America, have a meeting with their city’s mayor to complain (抱怨) about their heavy bags. They say their bags are giving them headaches, and making their necks (脖子) and backs hurt. The mayor says he is very sorry. He says students may do more of their homework on the Internet (国际互联网) to give their back a rest.

1. A heavy bag may make students __.

A. headache B. earache C. toothache D. A, B and C

2. Kansas is in__.

A. China B. America C. Australia D. Canada

3. The students talk about their heavy bags to__.

A. the mayor B. their parents C. their teachers D. their friends

4. “Mayor”in Chinese means__.

A.校长 B. 队长 C. 市长 D. 省长

5. The mayor says__.

A. he has a headache B. he wants the students to do more homework

C. he is sorry D. he has to work hard


We talked to 300 people. One hundred were from 11 to 18 years old. One hundred were from 19 to 26. One hundred were 27 to 35 years old. We asked them what they like to do on weekends. Please look at the chart.

Favourite things to do (by age)

6. People of 19-26 most enjoy A. taking a walk B. playing computer games

C. watching TV D. going to the movies


A. talking a walk B. watching TV

C. going to the movies D. playing computer games

8. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 19-26 group?

A. 75 B. 60 C. 25 D.50

9. Which things do most people enjoy doing?

A. Watching TV and playing computer games.

B. Playing computer games and taking a walk.

C. Going to the movies and watching TV.

D. Taking a walk and watching TV.

10. Which of these sentences is true?

A. People aged 27-35 like playing computer games best.

B. People aged 11-18 like going to the movies best.

C. People aged 19-26 enjoy playing computer games more than watching TV.

D. Both A and C.

八年级上册Unit2What’s the matter?SectionA第一课时达标测试题(A)

一、通过本节课(1a),你掌握了那些身体器官? 并口头按从上到下的顺序排序。

1.a______ 2. b_______ . e_______ 4. e___________ 5. f_____ 6.h__________ 7.s________ 8.t_______ 9.m__________ 10.l______


1.What’s the mwith you,Tom?

2.I’m so tbecause it’s hot today and I walked for a long time.

(lie) on the grass and looking at the sky.


1.我牙痛。I _________ a ________________.

2.我累了。I am ___________.

3.你头痛吗?_________you _________ a ______________?

八年级上册Unit2What’s the matter?SectionA第一课时达标测试题(B)


1.If you have a t__________ , you should see a dentist.

2.The little girl’s i_________ (ill) is very serious, we must take her to the hospital at once.

3. ---I have a sore throat.

---You should drink lots of w_________.

4.She has a fever .She should lie down and r__________. 5. I’m not feeling w________, I have a cold.


1. I don’t feel _________ today , I feel as if I ‘m going to be sick.

A. nice B. good C. well D.badly

2. There is something wrong ________ my throat.

A. for B. in C. at D. with

3.He is not __________well.

A. feel B. feeling C. should feel D. felt

4. ------- What’s the matter?


A. I’m coming in a minute B.I have a bad cold.

C. I’m going to buy some food. D.I watched TV last night.

5.---- Do you have a toothache?

----__________ A.Yes , I am B.Yes ,I don’t. C. No ,I do . D. No , I don’t.

6.----- Are you tired?


A. Yes, I do .B. Yes ,I am not .C. Yes, I am. D. No , I am.

7.-----What about playing football?


A. That’s a good idea. B. I’m tired. C. Let’s go . D. Yes , I like.

八年级上册Unit2What’s the matter?SectionA第一课时达标测试题(C)


1.一个好主意___________ 2.have a fever ___________

3.lots of water ____________ 4.后背痛

5.去看牙医 6.躺下___________

7.休息 8.热的蜜茶


1. 你怎么了?_____________________________________________?

2. 我牙痛。 ____________________________________________.

4. 我认为这样___________________________________________.


1. 你应该去睡觉。You ________ _______ ______ bed.

2.你不应该吃任何东西。You __________ eat __________.

2014年新人教版英语(Go for it!)八年级上册单词表(与教材完全一致哟!)

2014年新人教版英语(Go for it!)八年级上册单词表

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

anyone ['eniwʌn] pron. 任何人 p.2

anywhere ['eniweə(r)] adv. 在任何地方 p.2

wonderful ['wʌndəfl] adj. 精彩的;绝妙的 p.2

few [fjuː] adj. & pron. 不多;很少的 p.2

quite afew 相当多;不少 p.2

most [məʊst] adj.,adv.& pron. 最多;大多数 p.2

something ['sʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物 p.3

nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西 p.3

myself [maɪ'self] pron. 我自己 p.3

everyone ['evriwʌn] pron.每人;人人;所有人 p.3

of course [kɔː(r)s] 当然;自然 p.3

myself [maɪ'self] pron. 我自己;我本人 p.3

yourself [jɔː(r)'self] pron. (pl.yourselves [jɔː(r)'selvz])你自己;您自己 p.3

hen [hen] n.母鸡 p.3

pig [pɪg] n. 猪 p.3

seem [siːm] v. 好像;似乎;看来 p.3【go,for,it八年级上册第二单元】

bored [bɔːd] adj. 厌倦的;烦闷的 p.3

someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron. 某人 p.3

diary ['daɪəri] n. 日记;记事簿 p.3

activity [æk'tɪvəti] n. 活动 p.5

decide [dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;选定 p.5

try [traɪ] v.尝试;设法;努力 p.5

paragliding ['pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ] n. 滑翔伞运动 p.5


feel like给······的感觉;感受到 p.5

bird [bɜː(r)d] n. 鸟 p.5

bicycle ['baɪsɪkl] n. 自行车;脚踏车 p.5

building ['bɪldɪŋ] n. 建筑物;房子 p.5

trader ['treɪdə(r)] n. 商人 p.5

wonder ['wʌndə(r)] v. 想知道;琢磨 p.5

difference ['dɪfrəns] n. 差别;差异 p.5

top [tɒp], [tɑ:p] n. 顶部;表面 p.5

wait [weɪt] v.等待;等候 p.5

umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n. 伞;雨伞 p.5

wet [wet] adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的 p.5

becauseof 因为 p.5

below [bɪ'ləʊ] prep. & adv. 在······下面;到······下面 p.5

enough [ɪ'nʌf] adj. 足够的;充足的 p.5

hungry ['hʌŋɡri] adj. 饥饿的 p.5

as [æz; əz] adv. 像······一样;如同 p.6

hill [hɪl] n. 小山;山丘 p.6

duck [dʌk] n. 鸭 p.7

dislike [dɪs'laɪk] v. & n. 不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) p.7 CentralPark 中央公园(美国纽约) p.2

HuangguoshuWaterfall ['wɔːtə(r)fɔːl]黄果树瀑布(贵州) p.2

HongKong [hɒŋ 'kɒŋ], [hɑːŋ 'kɑːŋ] 香港(中华人民共和国特别行政区) p.3

Malaysia [mə'leiʒə] 马来西亚 p.5

Malaysian[mə'leiʒn] adj. 马来西亚的 n. 马来西亚人 p.5

Georgetown['dʒɔ:(r)dʒtaun] 乔治市(马来西亚) p.5

Weld[weld] Quay [kiː] 海墘(槟城) p.5

Penang[pɪ'næŋ] Hill 槟城山(马来西亚) p.5

Tian’anmenSquare [skweə], [skwer] 天安门广场 p.7

thePalace ['pæləs]Museum 故宫博物院 p.7

Mark [mɑː(r)k] 马克(男名) p.3

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

housework['haʊswɜː(r)k] n. 家务劳动;家务事 p.9

hardly['hɑːdli] adv. 几乎不;几乎没有 p.9

ever ['evə(r)] adv. 在任何时候;从来;曾经 p.9

hardlyever 几乎从不 p.9

once [wʌns] adv. 一次;曾经 p.10

twice[twaɪs] adv. 两次;两倍 p.10

Internet['ɪntə(r)net] n. (国际)互联网;因特网 p.10

program['prəʊɡræm] n. (=programme) 节目 p.10

full [fʊl] adj. 忙的;满的;充满的 p.10

swing [swɪŋ] n. 摆动;秋千 v. (使)摆动;摇摆 p.10

swingdance摇摆舞 p.10

maybe['meɪbi] adv. 大概;或许;可能 p.11

least[liːst] adv. 最小;最多 adj. & pron. 最小的;最少的

at least至少;不少于;起码 p.11

junk [dʒʌŋk] n. 无用的东西;无价值的东西 p.12

junk food垃圾食品 p.12

coffee['kɒfi], ['kɔ:fi] n. 咖啡 p.12

health[helθ] n. 健康;人的身体(或精神)状态 p.12 p.11

result [rɪ'zʌlt] n. 结果;后果 p.13

percent[pə(r)'sent] n. (=per cent) 百分之······ p.13

online [ˌɒn'laɪn],[ˌɑːn'laɪn] adj. 在线的;联网的 p.13

television['telɪvɪʒn] n. 电视节目;电视机 p.13

although[ɔːl'ðəʊ] conj. 虽然;尽管;即使 p.13

through[θruː] prep. 以;凭借;穿过 p.13

mind [maɪnd] n. 头脑;心智 p.13

body ['bɒdi],['bɑːdi] n. 身体 p.13

such [sʌtʃ] adj. & pron. 这样的;那样的;类似的 p.13

such as 例如;像······这样 p.13

together[tə'ɡeðə(r)] adv. 在一起;共同 p.13

die [daɪ] v. 消失;灭亡;死亡 p.13

writer['raɪtə(r)] n. 作者;作家 p.14

dentist['dentɪst] n. 牙科医生 p.15

magazine[ˌmæɡə'ziːn], ['mæɡəziːn] n. 杂志;期刊 p.15

however[haʊ'evə(r)] adv. 然而;不过 p.15

than [ðən],[ðæn] conj. (用以引出比较的第二部分)比 p.15

morethan 多于 p.15

almost ['ɔːlməʊst] adv. 几乎;差不多 p.16

none [nʌn] pron.没有一个;毫无 p.16

less[les] adv. 较少;较小 adj. & pron. 较少的;更少的 p.16 less than少于 p.16

point [pɔɪnt] n. 得分;点 p.16

Claire [kleə],[kler] 克莱尔(女名) p.10

Sue [suː] 休(女名)

AmericanTeenager ['tiːneɪdʒə(r)] 《美国青少年》(文中为虚构的杂志名称) p.15

Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.

outgoing ['aʊtɡəʊɪŋ] adj. 外向的 p.17

better ['betə(r)] adj. & adv. (good和well的比较级)较好的(地);更好的(地) p.17

loudly ['laʊdli] adv. 喧闹地;大声地;响亮地 p.17

quietly ['kwaɪətli] adv. 轻声地;轻柔地;安静地 p.17

hard-working [hɑː(r)d'wɜːkɪŋ] adj. 工作努力的;辛勤的 p.18

competition [kɒmpə'tɪʃn],[kɑːmpə'tɪʃn] n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争 p.18 fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk] adj. 极好的;了不起的 p.18

which [wɪtʃ] pron. & adj. 哪一个;哪一些 p.18

clearly ['klɪəli], ['klɪrli] adv. 清楚地;清晰地;明白的 p.18

win [wɪn] v.获胜;赢;赢得 p.18

though [ðəʊ] adv. 不过;可是;然而 conj. 虽然;尽管;不过 p.18 talented ['tæləntɪd] adj. 有才能的;有才干的 p.20

truly ['truːli] adv. 真正;确实 p.20

care [keə] , [ker] v. 在意;担忧;关心 p.20

care about关心;在意 p.20【go,for,it八年级上册第二单元】

serious ['sɪəriəs], ['sɪriəs] adj. 严肃的;稳重的 p.21

mirror ['mɪrə(r)] n. 镜子 p.21

kid [kɪd] n. 小孩;年轻人 p.21

as long as 只要;既然 p.21

necessary ['nesəsəri], ['nesəseri] adj. 必需的;必要的 p.21

2013新人教版英语八年级Go for it上册全1-10单元(Units 1-10课文+翻译


Go for it 八年级上1-2单元测试卷



一. 情景反应 听句子,选择最佳答语,听两遍。(5分)

( )1. A.I went to Paris. B. I went there last weekend. C. The beach was crowed.

( )2. A. Yes, I do. B. Never. C. Beijing Opera.

( )3. A. It was so great. B. It was delicious. C. It was hot and humid. ( )4. A.I am listening to music. B. I was excited. C. I read a picture book. ( )5. A. Pretty healthy. B. A driver. C. Twelve. 二. 对话理解 听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案,听两遍。(10分

( )6. What does Sally do on weekends?

A. Surf the Internet. B. Watch TV. C. Read English books.

( )7. Who are you visiting the Summer Palace with?

A. His parents. B. His sister. C. His friends.

( )8. What is the weather like in Kunming?

A. It’s sunny. B. It’s warm. C. It’s raining.

( )9. When are you going to Hong Kong?

A. On May 2nd. B. On May 12th. C. On May 20th.

( )10. How often does the boy go skateboarding?

A.I went to Paris. B. I went there last weekend.

C. The beach was crowed. 听一段长对话,回答11—12题。

( )11. When are they going to the mountain?


A. This Saturday. B. Next Saturday. C. This Sunday.

( )12. What are they doing in the mountain?

A. For a picnic. B. For a hiking. C. For a camping.


( )13. Who is Liu Chen going to Sichuan with?

A. His parents. B. His classmates. C. His friends.

( )14. How is the weather there?

A. Sunny. B. Fine. C. Warm.

( )15.How long is he staying here?

A. A week. B. Two days. C. Two weeks.

三.短文理解 根据短文内容选出正确答案,听三遍。(5分)

( )16.How often does Zhang Lin exercise?

A. Five times a week. B. Six times a week. C. Five or six times a week.

( )17.How often does Zhang Lin hang out with his friends?

A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Hardly ever.

( )18.What does Zhang Lin do at home every day?

A. Play soccer. B. Do homework. C. Do housework.

( )19.How is Zhang Lin’s exam?

A. Badly. B. He doesn’t do well in them.

C. He always gets good grades.

( )20.When does Zhang Lin surf the Internet?

A. On Saturday evening B. On Sunday evening. C. On Friday evening.


四. 单项选择 20×1分

( )21. I ______ an English book about American history with my mother last night. A. reads B. read C. reading D. readed ( )22. What do you think of this book?

A. interesting B. delicious C. free D. expensive ( )23._____ nice watch he has!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

( )24. Little Tom can’t go to school he is too young. A. because of B. but C. so D. because ( )25. –Where did you go on you vacation? – I didn’t go .

A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. something

( )26. – Did you go to New York with your family last week? –No, I . I at home.

A. did, stay B. didn’t, stayed C. did, stayed D. didn’t, stay

( )27. –John, is in class today? – Yes, and A. anyone, everyone B. someone, anyone C. everyone, nobody D. no one, everybody

( )28. –How often do you go to the movies? –No, I go to the movies.

A. never B. sometimes C. usually D. often

( )29. How to find is quite difficult for a man in the desert(沙漠).

A. water enough B. enough water C. enough sunshine D. sunshine enough ( )30. – do you wash your hair? – Twice a week.

A. How far B. How soon C. How often D. How long

( )31. – do you think of the novel The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemingway. – I think it is a great novel.

A. What B. How C. When D. Where

( )32. Julie is beautiful her sister.

A. too, to B. so, that C. as, as D. as, to

( )33. Julie doesn’t like oranges at all, but her grandma wants her . A. eat, it B. to eat, it C. to eat, them D. eat, them ( )34. The ground is . It rained all day. A. wet B. cold C. dry D. hot

( )35. Eric his lost money in his own pencil case yesterday. A. look for B. find C. found D. looked for ( )36. Mary’s class decided _______ their holiday in Wuhan. A. spend B. spent C. to spend D. spending

( )37. – will they study Chinese?

– For three years.

A. How often B. How long C. How D. How soon

( )38. After finishing her housework, Joanna went on her son to do homework. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped

( )39. My father always newspapers in the morning. A. read B. reads C. watch D. watches

( )40. The policeman left the house without _______ a word. A. said B. say C. saying D. says 五.完形填空 10×1分

Sleep is quite important for all of us. We work and play during the day, and we sleep at night. Our better(更好__ tired when we get up. While in bed we can’t cover(盖住lungs(肺sleep.

( )41.A.sleeps B. sleep C. slept D. sleeping ( )42.A.again B. ago C. then D. too ( )43.A. fast B. many C. little D. slow ( )44.A. can B. may C. need D. must ( )45.A. while B. before C. so D. after ( )46.A. air B. sun C. water D. food ( )47.A.felt B. will feel C. feels D. feel ( )48.A. foot B. arm C. head D. body ( )49.A. open B. close C. draw D. use ( )50.A. happy B. interested C. helpful D. healthy 六. 阅读理解 15×2分


In England (英格兰人) nobody under eighteen years old is allowed (允许) to drink in a bar (酒吧). Mr Thompson often went to a bar near his house.But he never took his son, Tom, because he was too young.Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.They drank for an hour.Tom drank a bit. Mr Thompson said to his son,"Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson.How do you know when you’ve had enough(足够的)? Well, I’ll tell you.Do you see those two lights(灯)

at the end of the bar? When they seem(好象) to become four, you’ve had enough and should(应该)go home. "

"But, Dad," said Tom, "I can only see one light at the end of the bar." ( )51. Young people ______ allowed to drink in a bar until eighteen.

A.is not B.are not C.many D.must


( )52. When Tom was a child, his father often went to a nearby bar______ taking him.

A.by B.for C.with D.without

( )53. On Tom’s eighteenth birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for ______.

A.the first time B.once

C.many times D.eighteen times

( )54. Father wanted to tell his son ______.

A.the time to drink B.something about the light C.when to stop drinking D.something about the bar

( )55. In fact (事实上), there ______ at the end of the bar.

A.was one light B.were two lights C.were three lights D.were four lights


Shanghai is a nice city. The weather here is mild, that is, it is neither too hot nor too cold. It

changes from season to season. Now you can see many tall buildings everywhere. But at the same time, the city is full of people. So the traffic is terrible. Traffic jams(交通堵塞) always happen during the rush hours(高峰时刻). If you want to go to a place far away, the fastest(最快的) way is neither driving, nor riding a bike. It is often walking! The policemen in Shanghai are very helpful. Visitors can ask for help if they lose their way or lose something. But when you disobey(不遵守) traffic rules, they will be very strict with you. A lot of people in Shanghai speak English. Travelers from English speaking countries feel at home here. You are welcome to Shanghai. ( )56. The weather in Shanghai is ____.

A. mild B. hot C. cold D. cool

( )57. The traffic in Shanghai is terrible because the city is ____. A. full of many buildings B. full of people

C. full of bikes D. full of streets

( )58. Sometimes the fastest way to a place far away is to go ____. A. by taxi B. by bike C. on foot D. by bus ( )59. The policemen in Shanghai are always ready to ____. A. fight B. work C. talk D. help

( )60. English speaking people can often __ people in the streets in Shanghai. A. listen to B. talk to C. get D. ask


We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it, but very few of them know what to do with it.

There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east, the west and the south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a "tea party". When her friends came to the "tea party", the old woman offered (给) them brown tea-leaves (茶叶). The old woman's friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.

At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said," Mother,what have you done with the tea?"

"I boiled (煮) it,as you said."

"And what did you do with the water?"

"I threw it away,of course." answered the old woman.

"Now you may throw away the leaves,too," said her son. ( )61.Most of the people in Europe ___.

A. drank tea every day 300 years ago B. drink tea every day C. know nothing about tea D. like to eat the tea-leaves

( )62.One day the English sailor brought his mother some tea from ___.

A. countries in the west B. countries in the south C. India or China D. a tea shop in England

( )63.The sailor's mother asked her friends to her house, because ___.

A. the sailor told her to

B. she wanted to ask her friends what to do with the tea C. she liked to show off (炫耀)

D. she wanted to taste the tea together with her friends

( )64. At the "tea party", ___.

A. all the woman's friends spoke highly of the tea B. nobody knew what to do with the tea

C. t he woman offered her friends some dried (干的) tea D. the woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water

( )65. What mistake did the old woman make? She __________.

A. boiled the tea B. did as the sailor said

C. poured away the water D. didn't throw away the tea-leaves


A: Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? B: Yes, of course.

A: 66_________________________? B: I eat fruit and vegetables every day. A: 67_________________________? B: Because the doctor says it’s good for me. A: Do you like junk food?

B: 68________________. But I try to eat it only once a month. A: Why do you eat it only once a month? B: 69______________________. A: 70______________________?

B: I always sleep for eight hours every night. A: Oh, I think it is good for you. 八.词汇运用10× 1分

根据所给单词的正确形式填空5× 1分 71. It is healthy to wash teeth _________ (two) a day. 72. Dear, would you like some ________ (coffee)?

73. You can find many ________ (different) between Lily and Lucy. 74. Jack likes keeping ________(diary) every day.

75. We ______(hard) ever go outside at night. 根据句意及首字母完成单词5× 1分

76. Rose wants to buy the CDs, but she doesn’t have e_______ money 77. What is your favorite TV p__________? 78. The people in Hawaii are so f_______ . 79. Eating too much j______ food is unhealthy.

80. A_________ chocolate is very delicious, we can’t eat it every day. 九.按要求完成句子10× 1分

对划线部分提问) ________ ________ do you drink water?

82. He went to Hong Kong with his parents yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) ________ he ______ to Hong Kong with his parents yesterday. 83. She is not here tonight, maybe she is ill. (改为同义句) She is not here tonight, she _______ _____ ill. 84. How interesting the movie is! (改为同义句) _______ an ________ movie!

85. My cousin always feeds chickens. (改为否定句) My cousin _______ ______ chickens.

十. 书面表达10分


参考词汇:sunny and hot, went swimming, went shopping, went boating, friendly, take photos,

ate sea food and fruit, delicious, tired, happy

Dear Rose,

How is it going? Now let me tell you something about my trip._____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Li Lei (请将作文写在答题卡上)


66. ______________________________? 67. ______________________________? 68. ______________________________. 69. ______________________________. 70. ______________________________?

71.________72.________73.________74.________75.________ 76.________77.________78.________79.________80.________ 81.________ ________ 82.________ ________ 83.________ ________ 84.________ ________ 85.________ ________

Dear Rose,

How is it going? Now let me tell you something about my trip._____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Li Lei

八年级上册英语go for it Unit2第1课时

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

第一课时 Section A 1a-2d






1.housework ['haʊswɜːk] n.家务劳动

2.hardly ['hɑːdli] adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚

3.ever ['evə(r)] adv.曾经;在任何时候

4.once [wʌns] adv.一次;曾经

5.twice [twaɪs] adv.两倍;两次

6.Internet ['ɪntənet] n.因特网

7.program ['prəʊɡræm] n.节目;程序;课程;节目单

8.full [fʊl] adj.满的;充满的;完全的

9.swing [swɪŋ] n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转

1.how often 多久一次

2.go to the movies 去看电影

3.go shopping 去购物

4.every day 每天

5.be free=have time 有空

6.have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈和钢琴课

7.swing dance 摇摆舞

8.be full of=be filled with 被……充满

9.hardly ever 几乎不



①n. 不可数 some help

②v. help do sth.=help to do sth.

help sb. do sth.=help sb. to do sth

③helpful adj. be helpful to sb.


with the help of without the help of

help oneself to sb.

help with sth. help sb. with sth.

2.some time 一段时间

sometime 将来的某个时候

some times 几次,几倍

sometimes=at times=from time to time 有时

3.hardly ever,hardly,hard

①hardly ever=hardly 几乎不 ever起强调作用

②hardly=almost not 几乎不 用于实义动词前,其他动词后 ③hard adj. 困难的 =difficult hard work

adv. 努力地 work hard

4.How come? 怎么回事?

表示某件事情很奇怪,有点想不通。可单独使用,也可引导问句。 ※引导问句要求:How come开头的特殊疑问句用陈述句语序。 How come you didn't tell me about it?

=Why didn't you tell me about it?



2.Role-play the 2d.




完成名师学案Unit 2 第一课时。


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