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Analysis on the Protagonist’s Psychological Changes in A Sunrise

on the Veld from the Perspective of Setting

A Sunrise on the Veld, written by the outstanding British novelist Doris Lessing, narrated a fifteen-year-old boy‟s hunting experience in which he witnessed a cruel process that an injured deer was nibbled away by a swarm of ants. In this story, the boy‟s perception of man‟s power experienced a set of changes along with the shift of scene and time. Originally, the beautiful landscape convinced him of nature‟s vitality and he was embraced by the passion to control the world. Nevertheless, having experienced the bloody scene of the deer‟s death, he realized nature‟s cruelty and his powerlessness. This paper is aimed at concretely analyzing the boy‟s psychological transformation from the perspective of settings.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Setting, in literature, refers to the location and time frame in which the action of a narrative takes place. Émile Zola has maintained that environment determines character(also see Encyclopedia Britannica Online) In A Sunrise on the Veld, setting likewise has a great function in the protagonist‟s character shaping and his psychological change. In the process of hunting, the young boy totally experienced five scenes. The first scene was in the boy‟s home when he believed that his body and thoughts were in his control. It was half-past four to the minute when the sun hadn‟t risen, the innocent boy triumphantly pressed down the alarm-knob of the clock as usual after a relaxed sleep. The clock actually did not play his part as a reminder since the boy could wake up whenever he wanted. Nevertheless, he still insisted in setting the alarm clock each night only “for the delight of the moment when he woke”. In addition, “he huddled down for a last warm moment under the clothes” merely because he was convinced that such a weakness could be “defeated without effort”. At this stage, he was confident in controlling himself.

Two hours before sunrise, a scene in which the courageous boy departed from home accompanied by several dogs happened. At first, those dogs‟ haunches “crouched in reluctance at the cold, but ears and swinging tails greeting the gun ecstatically”, which shows the boy‟s pride of his own charm. To keep those dogs secret and silent, the boy warned them and those animals seemed to understand him and did not yelp until the house was a hundred yards back. In this period, the boy succeeded controlling the dogs. Walking on the the dark tunnel, although „he felt

the chilled dust push up between his toes”, the young boy still believed that “ I could walk all day, and never tire!” In this period, he was so energetic to confront the uncertain future.

When sun broke through clouds, sun shining and the sky becoming gold and crystal, the excited boy passed through a bush when his confidence to control himself continually grew into the ambitious to conquer the world. In this process, “the exultation and pride of body mounted in him till he was shutting his teeth hard against a violent desire to shout his triumph,” “All the birds of the world sang around him.” He thinks that he becomes the center of the world. Meanwhile, his monologue that “ all the great men of the world have been as I am now, and there is nothing I can't become, nothing I can't do; there is no country in the world I cannot make part of myself, if I choose. I contain the world. I can make of it what I want. If I choose, I can change everything that is going to happen: it depends on me, and what I decide now” powerfully revel his ambitious—— he is almighty; he has the power to control the whole world. At that time, sun was completely exposed in the sky, and the boy‟s confidence culminated.

Time went by. The boy moved on the Veld and then happened to witness the scene that a big deer was eating up by a colony of ants which usually serve as the disadvantaged in nature. For the first time, the confident and ambitious boy realized his powerlessness and nature‟s cruelty. The deer‟s shortened scream made all his madness gone. “Now he was clean sober.” He suddenly felt something was wrong. When the boy was astonished by the ground black with ants and the convulsive deer, “it came into his mind that he should shoot it and end its pain”. He raised the gun but eventually lowered it since the found that “ The buck could no longer feel; its fighting was a mechanical protest of the nerves.” It was at this process of raising and lowering gun that the innocent boy‟s perception of his almighty suffered a dramatic change——he was powerless in front of nature; he couldn‟t stop the deer‟s life and death; there was nothing he could do.

When it was getting very hot, much too hot to be out roaming the bush, the boy picked up his gun and walked homewards in low spirits. The death of that small animal stimulated his thought concerning his powerlessness, and he had to think it out thoroughly. At this stage, the boy‟s thoughts became more mature.

In this story, the shift of time and scene are crucial in the process of the boy‟s transformation of emotion and psychology. As the sun rose higher and higher, the boy became more and more excited and confident to control the world and this sort of passion reached its peak when the sun

completely broke through the clouds. Yet, as a Chinese proverb has it, “everything starts to fall after it has reached zenith”, when time elapsed, the boy‟s emotion became low bit by bit and his suspicion of man‟s power turned to be stronger and stronger. In the journey starting by departing home and ending by gonging back home, the young boy experienced the psychological transformation from innocent to mature.



















马群、牧民、毡房、忙碌的人们 如巨大天幕中的动画剪影,




















嘘——谁都不许说话!只见天空的五彩从左边移动到右边,天空的颜色慢慢地、慢慢地,变得越来越淡,又移回了左边。咦,怎么中间的那一道橙色光线变亮了?哈哈,太阳这个老家伙终于露面了,当它露出半个脸的时候,天空中的五彩全部消失,只有太阳的上方有橙光点点。 “快看,快看,太阳爷爷升起来了!”哇!太阳光芒万丈,草原映衬着美丽的太阳,似太阳要融入草原,可惜太阳不属于草原,太阳要普照大地,给予世界光明。太阳越升越高,天空的七彩全部蹦了出来,太阳非常地灿烂,金黄色的光芒充满了能量,








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