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编辑:chenghuijun  成考报名   发布时间:11-07    阅读:

  They are qualities of behavior, temperament, character that are achievable, they are not forbidden to anybody in this group.下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了巴菲特中英文,希望对大家有所帮助!


  If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy.


  No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.


  Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.


  Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing。


  “Indeed, who has everbenefited during the past 238 years by betting against America?”









  开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的好习惯。 我从十一岁开始就在作资金分配这个工作,一直到现在都是如此。










  1、 "If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy. 如果你打了半小时牌,仍然不知道谁是菜鸟,那么你就是。 ——巴菲特"

  2、 你人生的起点并不是那么重要,重要的是你最后抵达了哪里。 ——巴菲特 《未知》

  3、 "当有人逼迫你去突破自己,你要感恩他。他是你生命中的贵人,也许你会因此而改变和蜕变。当没有人逼迫你,请自己逼迫自己,因为真正的改变是自己想改变。蜕变的过程是很痛苦的,但每一次的蜕变都会有成长的惊喜。 ——巴菲特"

  4、 竞争并不是推动人类前进的动力,嫉妒才是。 ——沃伦·巴菲特

  5、 "No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. 无论你多有天分,也无论你多么努力,有些事情就是需要时间。让九个女人同时怀孕,小孩也不可能在一个月内出生。 ——巴菲特"

  6、 "你们到了我这个年纪的时候就会发现,衡量自己成功的标准就是有多少人在真正关心你、爱你。 ——巴菲特"

  7、 当大浪退去时,我们才知道谁在裸泳 ——巴菲特

  8、 Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. 永远不要问理发师你是否需要理发。 ——巴菲特

  9、 如何定义朋友呢:他们会向你隐瞒什么?(www.siaNDian.com 闪$点情 话网) ——巴菲特

  10、 一生能够积累多少财富,不取决于你能够赚多少钱,而取决于你如何投资理财,钱找人胜过人找钱,要懂得钱为你工作,而不是你为钱工作。 ——巴菲特

  11、 形成自己的宏观观点,或是听别人对宏观或市场进行预测,都是在浪费时间。事实上这是危险的,因为这可能会模糊你的视野,让你看不清真正重要的事实。 ——巴菲特

  12、 我们之所以取得目前的成就,是因为我们关心的是寻找那些我们可以跨越的一英尺障碍,而不是去拥有什么能飞越七英尺的能力。 ——巴菲特

  13、 我只做我完全明白的事。 ——巴菲特

  14、 如果你不愿意拥有一只股票十年,那就不要考虑拥有它十分钟。 ——巴菲特

  15、 "关于蜕变的句子: 我见过蚕蜕皮的样子,我以为那是会疼的。而现在,我将孤独的一面翻转,将胸膛向世界敞开,我就知道自己错了,原来蜕变是种温暖的自由 当有人逼迫你去突破自己,你要感恩他。他是你生命中的贵人,也许你会因此而改变和蜕变。当没有人逼迫你,请自己逼迫自己,因为真正的改变是自己想改变。蜕变的过程是很痛苦的,但每一次的蜕变都会有成长的惊喜。 ——巴菲特"

  16、 就算美联储主席格林斯潘偷偷告诉我他未来二年的货币政策,我也不会改变我的任何一个作为。 ——巴菲特


  Buffett: (holds mike) Testing: One million $, two million $….three million $. I would like to say a few words primarily and then the highlight for me will be getting your questions. I want to talk about what is on your mind.


  I urge you to throw hard balls, it’s more fun for me if you follow speed and speeches come in end. You can ask anything about except football game last week in A&M, that’s out of limits. We have come here for some from Sun Trust, I have just attend the top meeting and I sat next to Jim·Williams who runs Sun Trust for many years and he wanted to be sure that I wear this Sun Trust shirt down here.

  我希望你们扔些高难度的球,如果你们的投球带些速度的话,我回答起来会更有兴致.你们几乎可以问任何问题,除了上个礼拜的Texas A & M的大学橄榄球赛,那超出我所能接受的极限了。我们这里来了几个SunTrust(译者注:美国一家大型商业银行)的人。我刚刚参加完Coca Cola的股东大会(译者注:Warren Buffet的投资公司是Coca Cola的长期大股东之一),我坐在吉米.威廉姆斯边上。吉米领导了SunTrust多年。吉米一定让我穿上这件SunTrust的T恤到这来。

  I tried to get the sponsorship from the Senior Gulf and I was sluggish and now on the back of the store I am doing much better .He said I get 1% of increase in deposit ,profits ,so all I gets for Sun Trust, yell for Sun Trust.


  Your Future


  I would like to talk for just one minute to the students about your future when you leave here. Because you will learn a tremendous amount about investments, you all have the ability to do well; you all have the IQ to do well. You all have the energy and initiative to do well or you wouldn't be here. Most of you will succeed in meeting your aspirations. But in determining whether you succeed there is more to it than intellect and energy. I would like to talk just a second about that. In fact, there was a guy, Pete Kiewit in Omaha, who used to say, he looked for three things in hiring people: integrity, intelligence and energy. And he said if the person did not have the first two, the later two would kill him, because if they don't have integrity, you want them dumb and lazy. We want to talk about the first two because we know you have the last two. You are all second-year MBA students, so you have gotten to know your classmates. Think for a moment that I granted you the right--you can buy 10% of one of your classmate’s earnings for the rest of their lifetime. You can't pick someone with a rich father; you have to pick someone who is going to do it on his or her own merit. And I gave you an hour to think about it.

  关于你们走出校门后的前程,我在这里只想讲一分钟。你们在这里已经学了很多关于投资方面的知识,你们学会如何做好事情,你们有足够的IQ能做好,你们也有动力和精力来做好,否则你们就不会在这里了。你们中的许多人都将最终实现你们的理想。但是在智能和能量之外,还有更多的东西来决定你是否成功,我想谈谈那些东西。实际上,在我们Omaha(译者注:Berkshire Hathaway公司的总部所在地)有一位先生说,当他雇人时,他会看三个方面:诚信,智能,和精力。雇一个只有智能和精力,却没有诚信的人会毁了雇者。一个没有诚信的人,你只能希望他愚蠢和懒惰,而不是聪明和精力充沛。我想谈的是第一点,因为我知道你们都具备后两点。在考虑这个问题时,请你们和我一起玩玩这个游戏。你们现在都是在MBA的第二年,所以你们对自己的同学也应该都了解了。现在我给你们一个来买进10%的你的一个同学的权利,一直到他的生命结束。你不能选那些有着富有老爸的同学,每个人的成果都要靠他自己的努力。我给你一个小时来想这个问题,你愿意买进哪一个同学余生的10%。

  Will you give them an IQ test and pick the one with the highest IQ? I doubt it. Will you pick the one with the best grades? The most energetic? You will start looking for qualitative factors, in addition to (the quantitative) because everyone has enough brains and energy. You would probably pick the one you responded the best to, the one who has the leadership qualities, the one who is able to get other people to carry out their interests. That would be the person who is generous, honest and who gave credit to other people for their own ideas. All types of qualities. Whomever you admire the most in the class. Then I would throw in a hooker. In addition to this person you had to go short one of your classmates.


  That is more fun. Who do I want to go short? You wouldn't pick the person with the lowest IQ, you would think about the person who turned you off, the person who is egotistical, who is greedy, who cuts corners, who is slightly dishonest. As you look at those qualities on the left and right hand side, there is one interesting thing about them, it is not the ability to throw a football 60 yards, it is not the ability the run the 100 yard dash in 9.3 seconds, it is not being the best looking person in the class, they are all qualities that if you really want to have the ones on the left hand side, you can have them.


  And if you look at the qualities on the right hand side the ones that turn you off in other people, there is not a quality there that you have to have. You can get rid of it. You can get rid of it a lot easier at your age than at my age, because most behaviors are habitual. The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. There is no question about it. I see people with these self- destructive behavior patterns at my age or even twenty years younger and they really are entrapped by them.


  They go around and do things that turn off other people right and left. They don't need to be that way but by a certain point they get so they can hardly change it. But at your age you can have any habits, any patterns of behavior that you wish. It is simply a question of which you decide.


  If you did this… Ben Graham looked around at the people he admired and Ben Franklin did this before him. Ben Graham did this in his low teens and he looked around at the people he admired and he said, "I want to be admired, so why don't I behave like them?" And he found out that there was nothing impossible about behaving like them. Similarly he did the same thing on the reverse side in terms of getting rid of those qualities. I would suggest is that if you write those qualities down and think about them a while and make them habitual, you will be the one you want to buy 10% of when you are all through. And the beauty of it is that you already own 100% of yourself and you are stuck with it. So you might as well be that person, that somebody else.


  Well that is a short little sermon. So let's get on with what you are interested in. Let's start with questions………..


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