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希拉里,健康 第一篇













希拉里,健康 第二篇

希拉里健康门成美大选焦点 US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had to be held up by three aides before she appeared to stumble off a curb and was helped into a van, after making a hurried exit from a 9/11 anniversary ceremony on Sept 9.

9月9日,美国民主党总统候选人希拉里•克林顿在参加9•11纪念活动时突感不适,匆忙离场。她在三名助手的搀扶下走向座驾,中途险些在路边摔倒,随后被扶上车离去。 Several hours later, her campaign revealed she had been diagnosed with *pneumonia and advised to rest.


The incident compounds an already difficult stretch for Clinton as the presidential race enters its final laps.


Despite Republican opponent Donald Trump’s numerous missteps, the

competition remains close but many Americans view Clinton as dishonest and untrustworthy.


And now the US presidential hopeful is sure to face new questions over whether she’s physically fit enough to run the country.


In 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion following a fall at home. This later led to temporary double vision and discovery of a blood *clot.

2012年,希拉里在家中摔倒造成脑震荡,后来还引发了暂时性复视,形成脑部血栓。 Trump and his supporters have been reviving questions about the *concussion and questioning Clinton’s stamina.

特朗普及其支持者近期一直在重提希拉里脑震荡的病情,质疑她的身体状况。 They are not alone in the close watch on Clinton’s health.


According to the Wall Street Journal, the US public has always had an interest in the medical status of potential presidents.


In 1995, the then-72-year-old Republican front runner and eventual nominee Bob Dole was asked by Time magazine to answer a question widely raised by the public: Is he too old to be president? In early 2008, several stories also emerged in the media suggesting that Arizona Republican John McCain, who was 71 at the time, may have been too damaged for the presidency after years of torture during the Vietnam War, as well as surviving *bouts of cancer. 1995年,时年72岁的共和党人鲍勃•多尔在党内竞选中一路领先,最终获得党内提名。当时,他在接受《时代》杂志采访时被问及一个公众广泛关注的问题:他当选总统会不会年纪太大了些?2008年初,媒体上也刊登了几则类似的新闻:当时71岁的亚利桑那州共和党人约翰•麦凯恩在饱受越南战争折磨,并深受癌症困扰多年之后,或许无法胜任总统之位。 Clinton, 68, is the oldest nominee in her party’s history.



Trump, 70, would be the oldest president ever sworn into office if he wins. 而70岁的特朗普如果胜选,将会是美国历史上宣誓就职时年龄最大的总统。

Both have reached an age when medical risks multiply, though plenty of

younger presidents have suffered health trouble: John F. Kennedy in his early 40s had Addison’s disease, which he hid from the public, read a Wall Street Journal opinion piece.


希拉里,健康 第三篇


Former NYC mayor claims Clinton has secret illness

Rudy Giuliani has joined the chorus of Donald Trump supporters peddling conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton’s health.

唐纳德•特朗普团队就希拉里•克林顿的健康状况频频发动阴谋论说,前纽约市长鲁迪•朱利安尼最近也掺和进来了。 “She doesn’t need to campaign,” the former New York City mayor, who has emerged as one of the Republican nominee’s most visible surrogates, said on “Fox News Sunday”. “She has the New York Times, she has the [New York] Daily News, she has ABC, she has CBS, she has NBC. She has an entire media empire that constantly demonizes Donald Trump and fails to point out that she hasn’t had a press conference in 300 days — 200 days, 100 days, I don’t know how long — and fails to point out several signs of illness by her.” 这位前纽约市长,同时也是共和党总统候选人的大力支持者,在《福克斯周日新闻》中表态:“她并不需要竞选,因为她手下已经有《纽约时报》、《纽约每日新闻》、ABC、CBS、NBC,受她掌控的整个媒体帝国正不断地将唐纳德•特朗普妖魔化,却从不提及她已经300天——还是200或100天(我不清楚具体时长)没有开过新闻发布会这一事实,而且他们对她的健康状况只字不提。”

Fox News host Shannon Bream noted that the Clinton campaign has said “there’s nothing factual” to claims about her health.


“All you’ve got to do is go online,” Giuliani replied. “Go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness’ and take a look at the videos for yourself.”

对此,朱利亚尼回应道:“你们上网看看就知道了,输入‘希拉里•克林顿生病’,然后好好看看那些视频。” The irony of Giuliani, the mayor of New York City during the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, citing Internet videos to prove a conspiracy theory was not lost on some viewers.

朱利亚尼在2001年9•11恐怖袭击时期担任纽约市长,他用那些网络视频来证明还是有观众相信此阴谋论的。 People reminded Rudy Giuliani about 9/11 conspiracy theories after he furthered speculation about Clinton's health.

— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) August 21, 2016

在他继续对希拉里的健康状况进行猜测之后,人们提醒鲁迪•朱利安尼不要忘记当年的9•11阴谋论。 ——推特时刻 (@TwitterMoments)2016年8月21日

The Clinton campaign has pushed back against conspiratorial claims about her health in recent days after fake medical records for the former secretary of state surfaced on right-wing websites.

有关前国务卿的伪造医疗记录在右翼网站出现以后,希拉里的竞选团队最近开始有力回击有关她健康的阴谋论。 “As Secretary Clinton’s longtime physician, I released a medical statement during the campaign indicating that she is in excellent health,” Lisa Bardack said in a statement released by the Clinton campaign on Thursday. “I have recently been made aware of allegedly ‘leaked’ medical documents regarding Secretary Clinton with my name on them. These documents are false, were not written by me and are not based on any medical facts.”


The same day on MSNBC, Trump national spokeswoman Katrina Pierson diagnosed the Democratic nominee as having “dysphasia,” a neurological condition caused by a brain injury resulting in partial or complete impairment of the ability to communicate using speech.


Pierson’s proof: “Observations” of Clinton’s “behavior and mannerisms” made by viewers of out-of-context video clips circulated online.


MSNBC host Kristen Welker read Bardack’s statement on air, but Pierson was undeterred.


“It is extremely important to note that Hillary Clinton has taken a lot of time off the campaign trail,” Pierson said. “It is something that needs to be addressed.”


Last week, Fox News host Sean Hannity hosted a segment dedicated to speculating about Clinton’s health by breaking down online videos, including one that showed Clinton rocking her head back and forth in mock surprise to rapid-fire questions from reporters at a campaign stop.

上周,福克斯新闻的主持人肖恩•汉内提专门用一部分节目时间讨论了有关希拉里健康状况的猜测,他把那些网络视频分解成几部分播放,其中一段视频中,希拉里在面对记者机关枪式的提问时,来回晃动着脑袋,假装很吃惊的样子。 “I saw the same video you saw,” Fox News medical correspondent Marc Siegel said, “and I’m wondering about a word called ‘aphasia,’ where you’re searching for words, you suddenly lose those words, and that can be the sign, again, of some kind of traumatic brain injury or the aftereffects of a concussion.”


Amy Kremer, a co-founder of Women Vote Trump, suggested Clinton, who suffered a concussion in 2012, is suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE — a condition that several former NFL football players were diagnosed with after their deaths.


Trump himself has made veiled references to Clinton’s health, saying in an Aug. 16 speech on national security that she “lacks the mental and physical stamina” to be commander in chief.

特朗普也曾经隐晦地提及希拉里的健康状况,在8月16日的国防安全讲话中,说她“没有精神和体力”担任总司令。 The Clinton campaign slammed Trump’s comments as a subterfuge.



“While it is dismaying to see the Republican nominee for president push deranged conspiracy theories in a foreign policy speech, it’s no longer surprising,” Jennifer Palmieri, the Clinton campaign’s communications director, said in a statement. “Donald Trump is simply parroting lies.”


希拉里健康受质疑 网友发声力挺
希拉里,健康 第四篇


希拉里健康受质疑 网友发声力挺:更担忧特朗普的精神问题

12 perfect responses to Hillary Clinton being a human and getting sick


On Sunday morning, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton unexpectedly left a 9/11 memorial event and footage of her leaving the event shows the candidate stumbling into the car with help from her security guards.

周日上午,美国民主党总统候选人希拉里•克林顿意外离开911袭击事件的纪念活动现场。在离场视频中可以看到,希拉里步伐不稳,在安保人员的搀扶下上了车。 The Clinton campaign later announced that the presidential nominee was

overheated during the memorial and was taken back to her daughter’s apartment. Later that day, the campaign released a statement from Clinton’s doctor who said she had been diagnosed with pneumonia after suffering from a cough the past few days.



Of course, Clinton’s critics quickly jumped at the chance to bring the candidate’s health into question. Some on the right are criticizing the campaign’s lack of

transparency, while others are questioning whether Clinton’s age and health might damage her ability to be president.

克林顿的反对者们自然迅速抓住了这个机会,质疑她的健康问题。一些右翼人士批评其竞选团队缺乏透明度,而另一些人怀疑克林顿的年龄和健康状况是否会对其执掌白宫有不利影响。 But many on Twitter have jumped to Clinton’s defense, pointing out that a) Getting a curable illness while campaigning 24/7 for months does not disqualify a person for being POTUS, and b) There’s nothing novel about a woman powering through an illness at her job.


Scroll below to read 12 spot-on responses to Clinton’s recent pneumonia diagnosis.


To press lamenting @HillaryClinton‘s health/transparency: “powering through” illness is what women do: Stoically, every. single. day.

— Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) September 12, 2016


—Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) 2016年9月12日

This is the first time Republicans have cared about a woman’s health.

— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) September 11, 2016


— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) 2016年9月11日

It’s possible Hillary didn’t think to alert everyone to her illness b/c like most women since the dawn of time, she works when she’s sick.

— Katie Klabusich (@Katie_Speak) September 11, 2016


— Katie Klabusich (@Katie_Speak) 2016年9月11日

Wait, so Hillary has PNEUMONIA and she’s still campaigning as hard as she is? You realize how badass that is, right?

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) September 11, 2016

等等,所以希拉里得了肺炎还那么努力参与竞选活动?你知道这有多混蛋了,对不? — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) 2016年9月11日

hillary has pneumonia and is still campaigning 24/7 meanwhile my back kinda hurts so i ordered delivery 3 times today

— jomny sun (@jonnysun) September 11, 2016

希拉里患肺炎还7天24小时无休地竞选,而我的背受了点儿伤,今天就点了三次外卖。 — jomny sun (@jonnysun) 2016年9月11日

All we learned today is that Hillary Clinton is not like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable, which I had already assumed.

— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) September 12, 2016


— Kumail 2016年9月12日(@kumailn) 2016年9月12日

The notion that Hillary Clinton, who has basically worked 16 hour days for years, is too soft is 120% about gender. Full stop.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) September 12, 2016

希拉里•克林顿多年来几乎每天工作16小时。说她太柔弱,120%是基于性别吧。句号。 — Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) 2016年9月12日

Cheney’s bad heart, Bush 41 spewed, FDR had polio ... but a lady gets the vapors & it’s a crisis.@HillaryClinton

— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) September 12, 2016


— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) 2016年9月12日

Interviewer: “What’s your biggest weakness?”

Hillary: “I work too hard. I can be sick af and I’ll still go traipsing around”

— Lynn Bixenspan (@lynnbixenspan) September 12, 2016



— Lynn Bixenspan (@lynnbixenspan) 2016年9月12日

Antibiotics can cure pneumonia but they can’t cure misogyny, racism, xenophobia, ignorance or wanting to bang your daughter. #HillarysHealth【希拉里,健康】

— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 12, 2016


— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) 2016年9月12日

Why didn’t @HillaryClinton tell the press years ago she might get pneumonia? Release the surveillance cameras. #DripDrip #FeedsTheNarrative

— (((Andy Kindler))) (@AndyKindler) September 12, 2016

@希拉里克林顿为什么没早几年告知媒体她可能会得肺炎?公布监控吧。#滴答滴答# #增添叙事#

— (((Andy Kindler))) (@AndyKindler) 2016年9月12日

At the very least, I’m far less concerned about Hillary Clinton’s physical ailments than I am about Donald Trump’s mental ones.

— maura quint (@behindyourback) September 11, 2016


希拉里或特朗普若因健康问题退出大选 谁来接替
希拉里,健康 第五篇

希拉里或特朗普若因健康问题退出大选 谁来接替?

2016-09-13 09:19:00环球网






最接近的答案在于相关政党--两者都有挑选替换人选的规则。 民主党内任何人都可争夺提名


那就是说,在替补投票时,希拉里的竞选伙伴提姆·凯恩(Tim Kaine)并不受到特别关注,桑德斯或副总统拜登也都没有什么特权。


共和党程序更为模糊 或再次召集全国代表大会




正如宾夕法尼亚州前州长伦德尔(Ed Rendell)指出,有些州允许已辞职或死亡的候选人继续出现在选票上。例如,密苏里州长卡纳翰(Mel Carnahan)在投票之前不到一个月死亡,他仍然赢得参议员选举。 他说,还不清楚这些法律同两党规则如何协调。伦德尔说,显然那个程序很不理想。



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