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一. 读书报告有没有一定的格式


二. 写读书报告的第一步




三. 不止读一本书


1. 作者的传记;

2. 作者其他作品;

3. 别人对这本书的研究;

4. 其他作者的回顾或有关著作


四. 赞与弹

1 / 7





五. 点与面


六. 不要引用太多









2 / 7























3 / 7

读书报告格式及范文 (3): 2、学生自订; 3、老师指定范围,学生自订。 (三)确立写作的内容与范围 1、基本认知 读书 心得的内容,一般可分为客观描述与主观批评。 客观描述的重点在於所描述的书及其作者,如该书的- -

读书报告格式及范文 (3)-

















4 / 7








(4)写读书心得不一定是要写“书评”式的读书心得 。














5 / 7
















角研究的。如:1. 历史视角,2. 男女关系,3.女性地位, 4. 革命中的人物,5. 个性解放,6.话语风格,幽默,冷峻,讽刺 7. 相关课题的不同见解, 等等】

关键点: 不可以报流水账,简单罗列每个学者的研究和发现,用自己的话语进行综合分析整理。】



五. 参考文献[尤其要注意,每一个字母和标点都有其独特含义,不能省略,不能混淆]:





[3] 杨林.移动电话机:中国,CN99115146.1[P].2001-03-28.


[4] 马克思.关于《工资、价格和利润》的报告札记[M]//马克思,恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯全集:第44卷.北京:人民出版社,1982:505.


[5] 曹凤岐,姜华东. 中国发展股指期货研究[J]. 北京大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2003(6).

[6] 谢希德. 创造学习的新思路[N]. 人民日报,1998-12-25(10).


[7] 江向东.互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统管理[J/OL].情报学,1999.18.(2):4 .[2000-01-18].


The Teacher’s Responsibilities in CALL Environment

Student:He Qian

Professor: Stephen Hoyle


In the recent decades, the computer, as a tool used to assist language learning, has received a great amount of attention among researchers and language teachers. It is used both inside and outside of classroom. It is believed that computers could be regarded as tools promoting independent learning, and thus autonomy. Based on this belief, a large amount of computers are provided in the language centers. However, in the process of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), computer software alone is not able to help students acquire second language. Language teachers‟ influence is still inseparable.

At present, some language teachers complain about the effectiveness of computers. However, they are not aware of their own responsibilities in the CALL environment. They are not in a position to make computers effective with their efforts. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of the teacher‟s role in CALL environment. Teachers‟ responsibilities are separately discussed in three aspects through drawing the related SLA theories.

ⅡLiterature Review

With the development of society and technology, CALL has played an important role in language learning and teaching and has aroused many researchers‟ interest and attention. The term of CALL has been defined by Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (Richards, Platt J. & Platt H., 1992:73) as

The use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. CALL may take the form of: a. activities which parallel learning through other media but which use the facilities of the computer (e.g. using the computer to present a reading text). b. activities which are extensions or adaptations of print-based or classroom based activities (e.g. computer programs that teach writing skills by helping the student develop a topic and thesis statement and by checking a composition for vocabulary, grammar and topic development), and c. activities which are unique to CALL.

This definition gives a basic description of what CALL is. However, the form of CALL is not unchanged across the history. Stephen Bax (2003) has offered a critical examination and reassessment of the history of CALL. Warschauer and Healey identifies three phases of CALL as “Behaviouristic”, “Communicative” and “Integrative” (1998 cited in Bax, 2003:14). In his article, Bax (2003) has made a critical analysis of the three phases and has argued for three new categories-Restricted, Open and Integrated CALL. He states that we are currently in the „Open‟ phase while the „integrated‟ phase will be the future of CALL.

CALL has not been integrated into everyday language lesson until now. With the development of CALL software, it is believed that computers could promote independent learning and thus autonomy. However, Jones (2001) argues that „the effectiveness of CALL depends greatly on teachers and that „it undoubtedly requires more learner training and supervision than other self-access pursuits, and such training and supervision would have to be carried out by teachers‟ (2001:361). Teachers could play a very positive role in choosing and organizing materials, facilitating interaction among learners, and identifying learner‟s special needs.

However, many language teachers are not willing to or not able to integrate CALL into classroom teaching. (McCarthy, 1999) Thus, the teacher‟s role in CALL environment requires more attention.

Some CALL software designers look to research and principles from many cross-disciplinary resources. It is suggested that SLA theory and research might also be consulted to suggest CALL design and to guide research on effectiveness‟ (Chapelle, 1998:21). Probably, teachers could also draw some SLA theories as a guide for their teaching in CALL environment. In this way, teachers could facilitate students‟ language acquisition better. This paper will identify the teacher‟s responsibilities through discussing some related SLA theories.

Ⅲ The Need for Teachers

CALL, as a tool in language learning, is not assumed to be the sole means of delivery of a course of language instruction. There are certain objections to learner-directed modes of study because „they rely on induction and leave the learner to wander aimlessly in a jungle of disordered linguistic data‟ (Stevens, 1992). The teacher‟s role is still important in CALL. Students‟ language development needs teachers‟ appropriate instruction. CALL could be integrated into the curriculum as a supplement rather than a replacement for teacher‟s work (Yang, 2005).

Ⅳ Teacher’s Roles in Traditional Teaching Environment

In traditional language classroom, teachers usually play an important role in helping students develop language proficiency. In different teaching approaches, the teacher‟s role shift from one to another. In the teacher-directed or teacher- determined approach like situational teaching approach or audiolingualism, the teacher functions as a model and manipulator. The teacher models the target language, controls the direction and pace of learning, and monitors and corrects the learner‟s performance. In the communicative Approaches, which is popular in current days, the teacher has two main roles-facilitator and independent participant (Richards and Rodgers, 2001).

Ⅴ The Teacher’s Responsibilities in CALL Environment

In the CALL environment, the way students learn has changed in some degree. Computers could do much of the work teachers do in traditional environment. For example, they could give some model sentences for learners to imitate and they could give some feedback to learners‟ responses. Besides, computers make learners‟ self- assessment available. With the development of Internet technology, more learning resources are brought to learners and computers have more advantages for helping language learning. However, it doesn‟t means that the teacher‟s role is not important in facilitating students‟ language acquisition. In this section, certain SLA theories are drawn to demonstrate the teacher‟s main responsibilities in CALL environment.

5.1 Selecting Input

Computers, especially the Internet provide rich resources for learners to develop their language ability. However, they are presented in a chaos, without any order or arrangement. The teachers are responsible for selecting the appropriate learning resource among the various Internet resources. They have to choose the appropriate material from the perspective of both content and form.

In terms of content, the teachers should concern about the learners‟ interest and cultural background. The content should be interesting and familiar to the learners so that it could hold the learners‟ attention and enhance their motivation. Interesting content is a significant factor which arouses learners‟ intrinsic motivation. According

to Ellis, “teachers see it as their job to motivate students by engaging their interest in classroom activities”(1999:516). Besides, the familiar content is easy for students to grasp. Students‟ confidence could be increased and anxiety could be reduced in this way. In Krashen‟s Affective Filter Hypothesis, motivation, self-confidence and anxiety are important affective factors. If learners have high motivation, much confidence and low anxiety, learners could transform more input into intake. When choosing input, teachers need to select appropriate content, which could lower the affective filters for learners. Various Internet and multimedia resources provides such possibility, and teachers should make good use of them.

As for the language form of materials, teachers make choice based on the learners‟ language proficiency. According to Krashen‟s comprehensible input theory, the language level of materials should be a little beyond the learner‟s current level. Therefore, teachers need to identify the learners‟ current level and determine what language forms are to be introduced. “The learner‟s stage of development affects whether the instruction is successful” (Ellis, 1999:659). Many researchers have stated that the formal instruction doesn‟t change the order of acquisition. However, it is suggested that if the instruction follows the sequence of learners‟ acquisition, it could facilitate the whole process. Therefore, in this process the teachers take the responsibility of identifying correct level and selecting materials.

5.2 Facilitating Interaction

Interaction is considered very important in language development. Long has argued that input which is made comprehensible through conversational adjustment is especially important for language acquisition (1981a, cited in Ellis, 1999). Through the negotiation of meaning, learners could acquire the target language better. Therefore, in classroom instruction, teachers should provide more opportunities for learners to communicate which is in consistence with the Communicative Teaching Approach.

In CALL environment, Internet connects each person closely and makes communication easy. The interaction between the teacher and students, and among students themselves may become more convenient and more frequent. However, teachers‟ guidance and support are still inseparable in order to achieve efficient interaction. It has mainly three reasons. First, in order to help learners acquire the structure through interaction, teachers also have to identify the correct developmental level. „If learners are not at the correct developmental level, they will not acquire the structure; it is supposedly unlearnable, unteachable, and untreatable‟ (Mackey & Philip, 1998:340). Secondly, the teacher should design or select a certain task for students to complete. If learners are left to wander aimlessly in the CALL environment, they may get totally lost. Therefore, certain tasks are required. The chosen tasks should include some need for real information gaps for learners so as to generate the need for genuine communication. Ellis has pointed out that „giving beginner learners opportunities for meaningful communication in the classroom helps to develop communicative abilities‟ (1999: 604). Thirdly, without teachers‟ arrangement and monitoring, student‟s communication may come to a chaos without any order or it may go on in the native language rather than the target language. The teacher needs to arrange the communication in an appropriate order. Students who are not familiar with computer skills may not be able to have chances to respond. Teachers should adjust the amount that each student communicates so that the communication could go on effectively. And the teacher also needs to monitor students‟ output so that the target language is used in students‟ communication. And computers also provide learners a lot of entertainment programs as well as learning





课程:比较文学 学号:200913000789 姓名:王一一

【内容摘要】 田野调查是文化人类学„„

【关键词】 入门仪式;民族志;洞见;知识窠臼


大卫·费特曼在其《民族志:步步深入》作者前言开宗明义:“民族志不是闲暇一日的丛林漫游,而是在社会交往的复杂世界的探索之旅。”【1】可见民族志调查不是一路风光旖旎的赏心之旅。无独有偶,费特曼的前辈列维·斯特劳斯在其《忧郁的热带》第一句话显得那么就牢骚满腹:“我讨厌旅行,我憎恨探险家。”【2】虽如此,其还是在巴西圣保罗附近及巴西热带雨林进行了为期一年多的人类学田野调查,且《忧郁的热带》还成了人类学的经典著作,虽然列维·斯特劳斯的抱怨充溢整本书甚至形成了某种哀怨的风格,不知其是否是有意继承了马凌诺夫斯基在特罗布里恩德群岛的抱怨。田野调查时所遭遇军队的巷战,流氓的敲诈勒索,官员的飞扬跋扈,生活条件的无比艰险,精神的极度压抑等等,任何一种情况足以让我们理解伟大前辈的不易。而田野调查和民族志恰恰又是一个人类学学者入门的仪式,在踏入门槛前,我们如何完成自己成人礼?或许我们需要一本民族志研究方法的说明手册,如Lonely Planet一般的旅行指南,指导自己的蹒跚步履。暑期觅得大卫·费特曼《民族志:步步深入》一书,虽读来不算赏心悦目也未能立刻顿悟,但也能略知晓一二。



地的“他者”(Otherness),也可以是你身处的族群(Ethnic Group)。其发展经过了三个时代,即业余民族志、科学民族志和反思民族志。第一个时代业余民族志是自发性的、随意性的和业余性的。但是随着人类学的发展,科学民族志逐渐成为一种可能,而马林诺斯基和拉德克利夫-布朗二者则共同确立了被后人称为“现实主义”风格的民族志的范本,他们自己从方法上主张他们所开创的是“科学”民族志。在此之后,冠以“科学”二字的民族志应运而生,其田野调查的诸多方法为人类学诸君顶礼膜拜的法则。此后,关于民族志方法论的著作也如雨后春笋般冒出。在人类学发展至新世纪,学界又有哪一本民族志让我们耳目一新呢?或许大卫·费特曼《民族志:步步深入》算是其中一本。








但如果,按照其方法去做一个田野调查,我们能折腾什么“玩意”出来呢?幸而这个暑期跟随XXX赴XXX 田野调查,反省之后,渐觉《民族志:步步深入》其中味了。





象征人类学学者格尔兹曾言“我们不是研究村落,而是在村落中进行研究”。其强调的是田野调查的进行时,即 “步步深入”,话虽如此,实则难矣。法无定法,任其“质性研究”时髦概念为哪般美妙动听,绝知此事仍需躬行。问题是,躬行亦未必能知,更遑论“绝知”。王明珂在其《羌在汉藏之间》后出版的一本田野杂记感慨:“事实上,我从羌族那儿受到再教育:没有一个典型的羌族村落,没有一种各地羌族能用来彼此沟通的羌语,也没有一种共同的羌族文化。羌族似



[1][3] [美]大卫·费特曼.民族志:步步深入[M].龚建华译.重庆:重庆出版社,2009. 前言,1.

[2] [法]列维·斯特劳斯.忧郁的热带[M].王志明译北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009.1.

[4] 王明珂. 寻羌——羌乡田野杂记[M]..北京:中华书局,2009.185.


[1] 费孝通.江村经济—中国农民的生活[M] .南京:江苏人民出版社, 1986.




There is no standard form for a book report. However, every book report should contain the following four parts:

1. Identification. Give the title and author’s name. If the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. Give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.

2. Classification. A word or phrase early in your report helps the reader keep in mind the type of book on which you are reporting; mystery, biography, humor, adventure, and so on. Your reader can then mentally compare it with similar books he has read.

3. Description. A skillful book report gives an overall view of a book without giving away its outcome. Your description of a book may include quotations or brief sketches of scenes or action that you think are representative of the book. Take notes while reading. It will save you the time and trouble of thumbing through the book later to relocate quotations or other information.

4. Evaluation. Your opinion is the most important part of the report. It may be either your

immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. In either case, your opinion should be definite and clear. It should be supported with facts. You will want to comment on characterizations, plot, and recurring themes. Compare or contrast it to other books you’ve read. Write a word of criticism or praise while reading. It will help you recall your impression of the material after you have finished the book.

Writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. It also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own.

*** 题目统一为: A Book Report of Thirty-Nine Steps


英文中没有书名号, 每个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示,不用引号; 省略号为三点; 常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version

故事大意如下 The gist of the story is as follows

主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine

以……为背景 It is set on the eve of…/It is set on the background that…

Sample 1

A Book Report of The Black Tulip

By Li Minli, Class 5, 2005

The Black Tulip is a novel written by Alexandre Dumas Pere, simplified by Micle Wester, and was published by Shanghai Translation Press in 1983.

The story is set in the 17th century in Holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted.

In this story, Cornelius Van Baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. However, Boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. He then supervises every movement of Cornelius secretly for fear that Cornelius may grow better tulips than his own. Besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy Cornelius’ tulips by all means. Once a while, he accuses Cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that Cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation. This nearly causes him to death. Even here, Cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of Rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper. But unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by Boxtel. It’s Rosa who proves the truth and saves Coenelius by herself!

It’s a happy ending in this novel as it says “Those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” This quotation brings the whole story to an end and will certainly motivate readers to go on. Rosa herself will remain as quite a good example, too.

Besides, “justice could defeat evil however difficult it is and whatever the process would be” can be easily seen as the author’s deep philosophy towards life.

By reading it, the reader can both enjoy the plots and be stimulated!

Sample 2

A Book Report of The Black Tulip

By Huang Xin, Talents Class, 2006

I have recently read the simplified version of The Black Tulip published by Shanghai Translation Press. This novel was written by the distinguished French writer Alexandre Dumas Pere, the

pioneer of the Romanticism Literature Movement in France. He was so popular that his works had been translated into several languages and welcomed by readers all over the world.

This novel took 17th century Dutch bourgeois revolutionary period of intense political struggle and the turbulent life as its background.

This gist of the story is as follows. The leading role Cornelius is a young doctor who completely doesn’t inquire about politics. He loves growing tulips and is trying to cultivate a black tulip without any other color on it at all. In order to obtain the considerable bonus offered by the government to the first man who cultivates the very kind of black tulip, Boxtel, Cornelius’

neighbor, tries to destroy and steal the bulbs of Cornelius, even kill him. Fortunately, Cornelius in the prison gets acquainted with the prison-keeper’s daughter Rosa and they fall in love. Under Rosa’s help, Cornelius realized his dream and achieves happiness at last.

It’s firmly believed by some people that when you become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. After reading this novel, I believe that nothing is further from the truth. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest efforts.

Firstly, in order to obtain happiness, you should achieve your successful work, in order to achieve your successful work, you should go through thick and thin. As the writer said, “those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” Take the two leading characters for example. They eventually reach happiness after suffering a lot both psychologically and physiologically.

Secondly, your happiness should live in your contribution towards others’ happiness, but not on the contrary, in destroying others’ happiness. If you get your happiness by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you won’t be happy with it for long, at least, you won’t enjoy the real happiness. People will think you’re a mean person. Boxtel was a typical case. He would never gain happiness.

Thirdly, wealth obtained through dishonest means doesn’t bring happiness. Happiness is not an end, it is a process. It’s a continuous process of honest and productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful and worthy person.

Sample 3

A Book Report of Thirty-Nine Steps

By Ding Xiaobiao, Class 1, 2005

The book I read is an abbreviated version of John Buchan’s Thirty-Nine Steps, which was published in 2004 for a second time by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. John Buchan, a Scotish writer and politician, had written lots of adventurous novels during his lifetime. And the Thirty-Nine Steps, written in 1915, is one of his most popular novels.

The adventurous story took place on the eve of the First World War. An Englishman called Richard Hannay accidentally got a piece of information that a group of German spies plan to

murder the Greek Prime Minister and steal the English military secrets so as to stir up a world war. Leaving aside his own safety and danger, our witty leading role socialized with the sly German spies bravely. After going through all kinds of hardships, he finally conveyed the information to the Foreign Secretary. He shattered the German spies’ intrigue in the end. What was written in the little black notebook? Who was the mysterious Black Stone described in the notebook? Which thirty-nine steps were of great importance? Through reading the book, you will find out how our hero searched for the answers to those confusions.

I am deeply touched by our hero’s determination to defense his motherland. Believe it or not, my heart jumped violently when the hero was in danger and felt released when everything went on smoothly. This book is written very well for its details are described lively. What’s more, it also teaches us a lesson that all of us could do our little bit to contribute to our motherland especially when she is in great trouble.

So, enjoy it while reading!

Sample 4

A Book Report of Tom Brown’s Schooldays

By You Meizhou, Class 1, Grade 2006

Tom Brown’s Schooldays is a simplified version which is written by Michael Wister. And the original work is by Thomas Hughes who was born in Berkshire in the south of England. He was not only a writer, but also a politician and reformer.

Tom Brown’s Schooldays was published by Shanghai Translation Press in 1857. It was Thomas’ first work and also his most influential work. It is famous in England as well as in America. The simplified version has totally 128 pages and it is sold at RMB¥5.8.

Tom Brown’s Schooldays was set on the eve of the Queen Victoria time. It showed how students felt through the vivid narration of Tom’s and some other students’ life in the Rugby school and the school environment.. Rugby was one of the most influential schools at that time. But the public schools were under bad government. In the school, there was a good deal of bullying, physically punishing students and also quarrels between teachers. The teacher-student relationship was intensive. People thought masters and boys were natural enemies. But after some significant

reforms on the school teaching methods by the master Thomas Arnold, the school appeared a new look. It was under such surroundings that leading role Tom was educated and grew up.

At first Tom feared the master, but when he knew how anxiously and carefully the master had watched over these students’ lives he looked upon him with love and respect and thought of him

as a very wise and good man. As the book said, “Now Tom’s faith was complete, and if next term the Doctor had stopped all football ad cricket and fagging, Tom would have supported him with all his faith.”

So when Tom learnt the news of the Dr. Arnold’s death, he seemed to have lost the center point of his world. We can see how much Tom loved and respected him. And this reminds me of the book Harry Potter. Harry had the same feeling as Tom when he watched his old master killed by the enemies. Harry Potter is one of the books I love most. So when I saw some similarities with Harry Potter in this book, something drove me to read on. And in Tom’s school there were some

activities also reminding me of the book Harry Potter. The book interests me in some things more, such as the boys’ catching birds, fishing. This shows me the beautiful life they lived and this is what I look forward to.

Sample 5

A Book Report of Thirty-nine Steps

By Lin Chengyan, Class 3, Grade 2007 The book Thirty-nine Steps is written by John Buchan. This simplified version is adapted by

Roland John. Its publisher is Beijing Foreign Language University. It tells an adventure story. The gist of the story is as follows. Before the World War I breaks out, a British Richard Hannay happens to get the secrecy that the German spies plan to kill the Greek Prime Minister on June 15th in order to cause the world war with this excuse from an American reporter Scudder. He runs the risk of handing the information to the Foreign Officer in time through thick and thin. And then he does the London police a favor to catch the members of the Black Stone.

It’s such a well-done book that I like it very much. The story is so exciting that it catches my attention all the time. I’m holding my breath every moment Hannay faces with danger and is nearly caught by the enemies. The plots change so naturally and the words seem to be attractive. There’s growing a great respect to Hannay from the bottom of my heart. He has a strong

personality. He could have lived a comfortable life in London without hardship. And he doesn’t know Scudder very well, but he likes him. He also enjoyed an adventure.

His most important valuable personality is that he loves peace so much. In order to create a happy life for the people all over the world, he gave up his own happiness to run a risk of handing the information. I can also learn that he is an unselfish man. While reading this book, I realize that Hannay is a person of intelligence. To my surprise, he figures out what the letters mean in

Scudder’s notebook. He learns that the 39 steps points out that the Black Stone lives in somewhere by the sea. He always manages to escape. It shows that Hannay also has great courage in

disguising as the Fishman and some other persons. No matter how dangerous it was, he never gave up.


在知识更新日益剧烈的时代,重视人的再教育、终身教育,是面对新形势的有力举措。接受教育不但是自我提升的手段,更是示范的榜样,感召的力量。    当我拿起学校极力推荐的《第五项修炼》时,看着那些环行线路图和那些专业术语,有些为难,有些看不懂。真奇怪它怎么能以连续三年名列全美畅销书的排行金榜。但我想排行金榜一定自有它的道理,学校的推荐一定也很有道理。再捧起书时我就强迫自己以读小说读散文的感觉来读。还真的有效,看来真的是态度决定一切呀!慢慢我读懂了。呵,那感觉真的像作者彼得、圣吉博士坐在我面前,我像一个小学生样端坐着,听着他从内心深处流淌出的肺腑之言,看着他为我开启了一扇重新看世界的窗,那些经典的事例那些睿智的语言那些寓意深刻的小故事,还有那些我还是有些不感兴趣的图表,都在给我以启迪以思考。    在《第五项修炼》中,五项修炼被划分为:自我超越,改善心智模式,建立共同愿景,团体学习和系统思考。“自我超越”是不断反照个人对周边影响的一面镜子;“改善心智模式”专注于以开放的方式,体认我们认知方面的缺失;“建立共同愿景”培养成员对团体的长期承诺;“团体学习”是发展团体力量,使团体力量超乎个人力量加总的技术;“系统思考”极其务实,可以使我们了解与现实世界之间的距离,它的精髓是用整体的观点观察周围的事物。融合五项修炼的最高境界就是建立学习型企业组织模型,其中的系统思考是核心,是动力,是扫除学习型企业智障的主力军。    读了彼得·圣吉的《第五项修炼》后,对"学习型组织"有了一个初步的理解:    一,创建学习型组织必须是自主的,是自愿的。    这一点非常重要.只有我们自己切实有这种迫切的需求,才会有效果.如果是上级的指令,是上级的要求,这是一种被动的,应对式的工作观;同时必须不是赶时髦,不是追风,否则只会是形式主义.因此主动与迫切,这两点事关创建的成败.只有发自内心的,是出于对事业的爱,才会有成效.创建学习型组织,就是在为事业打造未来。    二,创建学习型组织没有模版,没有模式,没有地图。    创建的实践中,才认识到原来我的认识有误区。其实世界上没有什么放之四海而皆准的东西。过去我们搞什么东西都习惯有什么"模式",强调一套方法和方式,拿过来就能用.现在看,这本身就不符合学习型组织理论.每个组织的具体情况不一样,创建的切入点也会不一样,我们强调的是差异化,是个性.达到的标准是不断变化的,这需要你自己不断设定,

惟有此,才会实现真正的自我超越。    三,创建学习型组织是一个系统工程。    或许我们不知道学习型组织是什么,但我们一定要弄清学习型组织不是什么.学习型组织不是一项活动,我们必须明白创建学习型组织是可持续的,是永无止境的.这就符合学校的"第二曲线理论".这样我们才会使组织内部的变化超前于外部的变化,才会保证组织内部有足够的活力,保持着核心的竞争优势,达到永续经营,基业长青.既然我们找到了创建学习型组织这条路,我们就不怕路远.    四,扩展组织创造未来的能量,保证拥有组织需要的持续增长的学习力,这需要全体成员全身心的投入.既然我们对过去的理论基础研究少,那么,现在市场的要求,需要我们来补上这一课.以改造我们的学习,改造我们的管理,提升我们的业绩。    在这本书中我还喜欢一个水煮青蛙的小故事:如果你把一只青蛙放在沸水中,它会立刻跳出。但是如果你把青蛙放在温水中,不去惊吓它,它将呆着不动。现在如果你慢慢加热,当温度从华氏70度上升到华氏80度,青蛙仍显得若无其事。甚至自得其乐。可悲的是当温度慢慢上升时,青蛙将变得愈来愈虚弱,最后无法动弹。虽然没有什么限制它脱离困境,青蛙仍留在那里直到被煮熟。为什么会这样?因为青蛙内部感应生存威胁的器官,只能感应出环境中激烈的变化,而不是针对缓慢渐进的变化。    大部分动态性复杂都是处于缓慢渐变的过程,极不易察觉。即使察觉了,已经为时已晚。在生活中,想想看,水质是突然变坏的?交通是突然拥塞的?健康是突然变差的?孩子是突然变坏的?……    所以我们要学习看出缓慢渐进的过程,放慢自己认知变化的步调,并特别注意那些细微以及不寻常的变化,避免被煮青蛙的命运。    还有一个印象深刻的就是当阅读到第五章时,有个例子:在学校中,老师对学生的看法,会影响那位学生的行为。珍妮个性害羞,她在新学校第一学期的成绩特别差(因为她的父母感情不睦)。珍妮的老师于是认为她懒散。下一个学期,老师给予珍妮的关切更少,她的成绩于是更不好,因而个性更退缩。随着时间的过去,珍妮陷入一个恶化退缩的旋涡之中,被老师冠上不认真学习的标签后,她更加封闭。于是,被老师视为才能高的学生,得到更多的关切;而被视为才能低的学生,他们的成绩却因增强的反馈而更糟。最后演变成“差者愈差、优者愈优”。我认为老师应该公平对待学生,不应该片面的去评价对待某个学生。    通过阅读,让我们看到了个人及组织中几种潜藏




[1]. 常宗瑜,虚拟原型技术应用中的几个问题[J].机械设计与研究,2006,312-314

[2]. 王辉,虚拟原型逼真设计关键技术及应用研究[J].机械设计与研


[3]. 雷军波,工程施工中虚拟仿真技术的应用[J].施工技术,2003,32(12):20-21

[4]. 陈小桥,刘超,分布式水电工程施工过程虚拟现实仿真系统


[5]. Heng Li, Ting Huang,Integrating design and construction through virtual

prototyping, Automation in Construction,2008,pp.915-922



,令我敬佩也使我感动。这十篇文章虽各自独立,但脉络相通,浑然如一,像一条山脉十座山峰,根本上,他提供人生在世的一种观点,一种哲学。没有哲学和没有面包同样令人活不下去。他从上游解决人生问题,正本清源。这种建设工作,可以使医生、警察减少许多不必要的忙碌。这十篇文章,一方面探讨了人生潜藏於内的幽微,一方面勾勒了人生形之於外的峥嵘,同时也给理想的中国青年摹出风貌典型。人在青年时期辛苦寻觅的东西,大半都在这本书里。 七、评语:朱炎先生是一位热爱学问而有学问,热爱真理而认识真理,热爱青年而了解青年,热爱人生而能奉献自己,不但是一个卓越的散文家,更是一个把墨水变成热血的人。他的笔是一座桥,从他的内心到读者内心,交流互通,如响斯应。推销钢琴的广告有一句话:「学琴的孩子不会学坏」,意思是说音乐能净化人的心灵,提高人的境界,使人发现并追求较完美的模式。我也要说,熟读朱炎教授这本书的人也不会学坏,因为他不会走错路。中国多一本这样的书,就可以少一座监狱。八、附注:本书六十七年初版,时著者年四十二岁。









读书报告题目 (小三,黑体,居中)

摘要:(楷体,五号,加粗) 本尼迪克特的《菊与刀》是……(楷体,五号)

关键词: (楷体,五号,加粗) 等级制度;报恩(楷体,五号,3—5个关键词)

一 工作思路 (题序和标题间空2个空格键,不加标点,四号黑体)

(一) 我们的事业心 (题序和标题间空1个空格键,不加标点,小四号黑体)

1.教育的责任 (题序和标题间空0空格键,小四号黑体)

(1)教学要求 (题序和标题间空0空格键,小四号黑体)


* 文中注释: 采用“页下注”



[1] 作者1,作者2.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年,页数.(五号宋体)

[2] 王邦佐,孙关宏,王沪宁.新政治学概要 [M].上海:复旦大学出版社,1998,12.

[3] [美]E·布莱克.比较现代化(曹卫东译)[M].上海:上海译文出版社1996,11.


[5] 李四光.地壳构造与地壳运动[J].中国科学,1973(4):400~429

[6] Mastri A R. Neuropathy of diabetic ncurogenic bladder.Ann Intcrn Med [J],1980,92(2.2):316~318

注: 期刊为 [J] ,著作为 [M],报纸为 [N] ,论文集为 [C]

































3、上网搜索:如选用专业搜索网站: 或














作者简介: 欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威(1899—1961),美国小说家。1899年7月21日,海明威出生在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥郊外橡树园镇一个医生的家庭。他的父亲酷爱打猎、钓鱼等户外活动,他的母亲喜爱文学,这一切都对海明威日后的生活和创作产生了不少的影响。中学毕业后,海明威在美国西南的堪萨斯《星报》当了6个月的实习记者。这家报馆要求新闻报道简捷明快。海明威在《星报》受到了良好的训练。他对创作怀着浓厚的兴趣,一面当记者,一面写小说。他的创作得到当时著名小说家的鼓励和指点。他的一生非常的坎坷,经历过两次世界战争。战争让他得到荣誉,伴随荣誉的是他身上237处的伤痕和赶不走的恶魔般的战争记忆。因为这些不寻常的经历,他创作出许多经典的作品,《太阳照样升起》、《永别了,武器》、《非洲的青山》、《乞力马扎罗山的雪》等。其中《老人与海》荣获了诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖。这部小说创下了人类出版史上空前绝后的一个纪录:48小时售出500万册,50小时售出530万册!当他被宣布为当年的普利策文学奖得主时,评论界一致称好。海明威自己认为 "是这一辈子所能写的最好的一部作品"。






他与大海,与自然界的强大力量对抗,而我们现在只是面临一些学习上、生活上的挫折,与老渔夫相比,真的只是小巫见大巫。他的双手已经长满老茧,皮肤也已经被刺眼的阳光晒出斑点,那艘破烂的渔船也不能抵御什么风暴,自己那破旧的小屋也是外面下大雨里面下小雨的那种。但是,他没有放弃对生活的希望,他和那个小男孩聊棒球,去酒馆喝酒聊天,仍然天天早上迎着第一缕阳光出海捕鱼。无论有没有收获,他都会坚持出海捕鱼,这不只是因为他要依靠捕鱼谋生,而是捕鱼已经成为了他生活的一部分,他的一种记忆。最后一次捕鱼,他抓到了一条大鱼。虽然,最后那条大鱼被鲨鱼吃光了,只剩下白色的骨架。但是,老渔夫那种不言败的精神,虽然最后失败了,但是他勇敢去付出的那种行为,却是我们应该学习的。 特别是我们大学生,我们还很年轻,还有很多的机会;我们暂时还没有要为生活而奔劳,也就不知道生活的艰难。我们所说的挫折、烦恼,只能说是小小的不如意。


刚读完时我觉得很好奇,为什么作者没让老人最终获得胜利呢?后来想想,老人有句话正好解答了这个疑问。老人说过 “一个人并不是生来就要被打败的。”“人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。”这也正是这本书所揭示的意义。人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者!








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