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《我的读书笔记—远大前程-孤星血泪 Great Expectation》
远大前程读书报告 第一篇

我的读书笔记/远大前程/孤星血泪 Great Expectation 个人认为,要适应狄更斯的文笔,可能需要花半本书的时间。







? 第一部分——铺垫,Pip的童年,可怕的逃犯回忆 & 美好的初恋回忆;


? 悬念:他爱上的Estella究竟会与他又怎样的命运纠缠?

? 第二部分——展开,Pip的好运,被富人收养,学习上等人的生活;


有一天,村里来了一个律师,也带来了好运。他声称Pip被一位富人收养,但必须答应2个条件: 其一,永生永世使用Pip这个名字;


? 悬念:他的恩人究竟是谁?

? 第三部分——高潮,Pip的命运,钱和爱情,都是“镜中花,水中月”,没了才自由。






? 悬念:他的命运会如何转变?


远大前程读书报告 第二篇

Review of Great

Expectations by Charles




朱琴 0401100208

About Great Expectations

Great Expectations, written by Charles Dickens in his late life, set in early Victorian England, is an autobiographical novel, in which Dickens’ life experiences are reflected. The original meaning of the work’s title actually is about a heritage, but not something really great. The novel is comic, satirical, critical, dark and sympathetic. It makes us mediate about self improvement, morality and social class. In this novel, Dickens used many ironic words and made it dramatic.

First of all, I would like to review the interesting plot. The hero Pip was brought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband Joe. Though their life was hard, Pip didn’t wish to be an upper-class person and his aspiration was to be a blacksmith like his brother in law and take over the blacksmith shop.

One day, Pip was caught by an escaped convict with heavy chains hanging around his legs. The man threatened to cut Pip’s throat unless he took him a file to cut his chains. Little Pip was so frightened that he did just as the convict told him. What’s more, he stole some food from the kitchen for the poor stranger. The convict was shocked by Pip’s kindness, and he promised to reward Pip with his heart though he was brought to foreign countries by the police as punishment finally.

Several months later, Pip met Miss Havisham and her adopted

daughter Estella. Miss Havisham was a very rich woman who had been abandoned by her lover on the day of their weeding. From then on she heated every man in the world and swore to revenge by Estella. Her adopted daughter was actually an instrument of broking men’s heart for her. And Pip would be the first boy to be hurt by Estella in her plan.

Pip loved Estella deeply though she was so proud and detested him because he was not a gentleman. On seeing this, Pip began to realize his ignorance and his wish of being a gentleman became stronger and stronger until he got the unexpected chance to inherit an inconsiderable fortune from an anonymous person.

Pip went to London and accepted education in famous law school. In order to deserve Estella, he bent himself to becoming a gentleman. Pip bought expensive clothes and furniture, and he always appeared in luxurious bars with his rich friends. However, he became ashamed of his poor background of his family where he was once brought up.

On a rainy night, an unexpected man visited Pip’s place and stated that he was the convict that once had been helped by Pip. The man made Pip know that it was he who gave him the heritage as a reward. Pip was shocked as well as full of hatred, because he held the conviction that it was Miss Havisham who gave him the money.

That the convict escaped back again to see Pip was out of law, so Pip had to hide him in his house. But during the process of sending him

abroad the old man was attacked and lost his life and all the money he had earned in foreign countries. After this Pip lost everything he had inherited and became a common person. Fortunately, he realized his stupid thoughts of becoming a gentleman for vanity, because he changed a lot during that time. He once became vainglorious and even was ashamed of Joe, his affectionate brother in law.

According to my point, the so called Great Expectations in this novel may symbolizes temptations of something that unachievable but desired by most people, including money, fame and big fortune. But we have to realize that some of them are things that you may get it by chance, but not effort.

It is our vulnerability to compare unrealistically with people around us. If they own sums of money, we can’t bear without money. If they are as poor as us, we also ignore how poor we are. We will not care what we have lost if we have not possessed it once. Though little Pip had never been educated, he didn’t feel himself inferior. For him, it was just his real life. However, once he knew that he would have great expectations, he became upset and even lost himself.

《英文原著阅读报告 great expectations 远大前程》
远大前程读书报告 第三篇

Great Expectations


The novel I read this time is “Great Expectations” written by Charles Dickens

(1812-1870). He is the greatest representative of English critical realism. Dickens was born

in a poor family. At the age of 12, his father was put in prison and young Dickens was sent【远大前程读书报告】

to work in a factory. From 1827 to 1829, Dickens worked as a clerk in a low firm and later

as a newspaper reporter. Dickens was horned by the Queen of England three months before

his death on June 9, 1810. The words of his grave read as follows “by his death, one of

England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.”He has many masterpieces, such as “A tale of

cities” “David Copperfield” “Hard time” “Oliver Twist” and so on. “Great Expectations”

is one of his masterpieces. The story in this book happened in middle of 19 century and it

reflects the gap between the rich and the poor in the capitalistic society.

The summary of the book【远大前程读书报告】

This story tells us about a young man who wished for the unreal/imaginary lives, and

eventually his hope was extinguished by the real life. Pip was an unfortunate boy. His

parents both died when he was a baby. He was brought up by his elder sister and her

husband Joe Gargery. Joe was kind to Pip and he also wanted Pip to be a good blacksmith.

But the emergence of Estella has changed his life. He fell in love with Estella and he wanted

to be a gentleman for her. Then a mysterious person came to help him to realize his great

expectations. At first Pip thought that it was Miss Havisham, a strange woman made plans

for him. But at last, it proved that an escaped convict who he had helped when he was a

little boy was his benefactor. When the escaped convict was arrested again, his expectations

were at an end. Finally he realized that he only wanted to be a gentleman but he had ignored


his old friends. He came to the real life again eventually. After suffering so many pains he

and Estella came together at last. My view on this story

“Great Expectations”, I think there is an irony included in this title. It relates to some unrealistic dreams. From this novel, I have learnt a lot.

Firstly, I pick up several lessons from Pip. One can have great dreams, but we should achieve our dreams by our own effort instead of depending on other people. In this story, Pip had an unrealistic dream. He didn’t want to be a poor blacksmith like Joe. He wanted to be upper class people, to be a gentleman and he imagined that there was someone had made a plan for him. It is true that Abel Magwitch helped him secretly. But when Abel Magwitch was arrested, it put an end to Pip’s great expectations. He had nothing left. And in this book, Herbert and Pip form a poignant contrast. Herbert made great efforts to realize his dreams. In the end, his business was doing well, and his company had offices overseas. Therefore, we should realize that if we want to achieve something or fulfill one of our ambitions, we must make efforts by ourselves. There is no one in the world that makes plans for us. And there is no short cut for success.

Secondly, I have learned from Pip’s experience that we should be grateful to others. We know that Pip was brought up by his sister and Joe. And Biddy was also friendly to him when he was at home. But when he was helped by a mysterious person, he moved to London to learn being a gentleman. He began to be proud and look down upon those people at home. He wanted to forget his poor life and his poor friends. But when his “great expectations” were ruined, it was still those people who helped him out of trouble. However, when he began to realize it, his sister has died; it was too late to say thanks to her. What I want to say is that no matter how successful we are, we should not be proud; we should not forget the people who had helped us, and return for them. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now .Don’t hesitate until it is too late to give our thanks.

Thirdly, I also learn some lessons from Miss Havisham, She is a woman full of hatred, and she lived in hatred for so many years. She brought Estella up in order to revenge on man. I think what she did is not worth at all. On one hand, she was not in real happiness, although she revenged on other people. On the other hand, she had ruined Estella’s life. In addition, she also made other men miserable. As for as I’m concerned, if I was Miss Havisham, I will choose another different kind of life. I will make myself live better than before to prove that I can live better without that man. From her experience, I think we should learn to forgive,

learn to give up some bad things that had happened. No matter what had happened in the past, we should not be always lost in the past and we are supposed to look forward, and continue our new life. There is no doubt that if she had chosen a positive way, she will have a satisfactory life.

What’s more, when it comes to Estella, I want to say that we should live our own life, and do not only live up to others’ expectations. We know that, Estella was brought up by Miss Havisham to revenge on man. She did everything that Miss Havisham told her. We can say that she was “made” by Miss Havisham, and she was proud, cold. At last, following Miss havisham’s requirements she married to a man she didn’t love at all. I think she lived an unhappy life. She only did as other people told her. And she didn’t do something what she liked. I think this kind of life is meaningless. We should have our freedom. It occurred to me that nowadays, parents have high expectations on their children. They decide so many things for their children without getting their children’s permission. I think children should have their choice of life. Parents should not put their children into cage. It is wise for them to set their children free to look for their own sky.

In a word, from this book, I have learnt how to be myself, how to realize my dreams and how to live my own life.

远大前程读书报告 第四篇





















































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