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汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价 篇一:《《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆的人物分析(英文)》

毕 业 论 文

题目 An Analysis of the Character Tom

学生姓名:指导教师:________ ______________ 系 专业


摘 要




Uncle Tom, the hero in the writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe, was a sacrifice of slavery. However, he was a supreme model of human spirit. With his Christian love, he comforted numerous people who were suffering poverty and misery. His spirit of sacrifice made many off-springs weep, and shocked and feared a lot of upper rulers. Nowadays, people always remember the honest and loyal Uncle Tom who makes every effort to protect his master. Also, people remember that in order to keep his Christian faith such an obedient Uncle Tom dared to resist his master. In this monetary world today, Uncle Tom‟s spirit of selflessness, purity and nobility edify human‟s soul.

KEY WORDS: Uncle Tom, honest, loyal, resist



Introduction………………………………………………………………………….(9) Chapter One Uncle Tom‟s Obedience………………………………………………(11)

1.1 Uncle Tom‟s Honesty……………………………………………………...(11) 1.2 Uncle Tom‟s Loyalty……………………………………………………...(12)

1.2.1 His loyalty to Mr. Shelby……………………………………………(12) 1.2.2 His loyalty to Augustine St. Clare…………………………………..(13)

Chapter Two Uncle Tom‟s Christian Love for Humanity………………………….(15)

2.1 Uncle Tom‟s Love for the Blacks and the Low…………………………...(15) 2.2 Uncle Tom‟s Love for the Whites…………………………………………(16) 2.2.1 His love for George Shelby…………………………………………(16) 2.2.2 His love for Evangeline……………………………………………..(17) 2.3 Uncle Tom‟s Love for His Enemies……………………………………….(19) Chapter Three Uncle Tom‟s Disobedience of Gentle Impulse……………………..(19) Chapter Four Uncle Tom‟s Tragic Ending………………………………………….(23)

4.1 Comparison Between George Harris and Uncle Tom…………………….(23) 4.1.1 George Harris‟s struggle for freedom………………………………(23) 4.1.2 Uncle Tom‟s sacrifice for freedom……………………………….....(24) 4.2 Introspection of Uncle Tom‟s Death………………………………………(26) Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….(28) Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………...(29) Bibliography………………………………………………………………………..(30)

汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价 篇二:《汤姆叔叔的小屋英语论文》

An analysis of Tom’s Fate in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Class: 2011级英语本科2班


Student No.: 1150210069

Date: June, 2014(汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价)


Uncle Tom is the protagonist in the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin who is loyal, honest, selfless and noble, but becomes a victim of slavery. What caused it? It includes the history of slavery and the influence of Christian which teaches people piety, resign oneself to adversity, fraternity, etc. Uncle Tom is loyal to his masters, and meekly accepts any situation. He regards everyone with the heart of love. Furthermore, Tom has a weak part of the character. While others struggled for the same miserable

condition, Tom chose to endure; Tom is also a stubborn person. No matter what great price he will pay for, he still insists his principles. Through the analysis of Tom's fate, people can understand the evil of slavery, and appeal to the thinking and grasp of his own fate.

Key words: Uncle Tom, master, slavery, Christian, character

1. Introduction

Harriet Beecher Stowe, a woman who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was actually the person who waged the war in literal field. By seeing salves’ poor life and slave

owners’ cruelty in America, Stowe determined to write a book to expose the American law, to show her sympathy on the miserable slaves and to remind the whites’ and the whole world’s humanity. The book is called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This book was mainly written into two parts. For one part, it narrated George Harris and her wife Eliza’s struggle for freedom. For the other part, it described Uncle Tom’s ups and

downs in his whole life. Unlike George Harris, Uncle Tom accepted all prosperities and adversities befalling upon him, he accepted them sedately and meekly by the support of his Christian religion. However, God could not save him. Under the evil slavery, Uncle Tom was killed. Not only did Harriet Beecher Stowe exalt George Harris’ bravery, but also she sympathized Uncle Tom’s tragedy. This thesis is to analyze the reasons of Uncle Tom’s fate from three parts.

2. Historical Conditions

Uncle Tom doesn’t live in a good time like us, instead, he lives in a bad time, when slaves like him are being treated and traded casually.

2.1The condition of American history at that time Uncle Tom lives in the time when slaves prevailed. At that time, most slaves are sold in the plantation, they are terribly treated, like a machine, work from day to night, not enough food, no money, bad living condition, etc. In slaves’ eyes, plantation is a prison. Here they even have no legal or freedom marriage. According to the system at that time, the slave’s descendants are the private property of slave owners, who can be sold. Of course, the slave families always face the separated fate. There are also some kind-hearted slave owners, but this does not mean safe for slaves, they still belong to the private property of slave owners. The miserable fate not only will happen at any time, but also they will be sold at any time because of a variety of reasons. For example, Tom is sold because his good master is in economic troubles.

2.2 Uncle Tom’s helpless situation during that period

Uncle Tom is a good slave, but he cannot escape his tragic fate. His owners can deal with him at any time according to their need. Mr. Shelby is the first master of Uncle Tom. He is kind and generous to his slaves. But when he meets financial problems, he sells Tom though he likes Uncle Tom very much. After Uncle Tom is taken away by Haley, luckily, Uncle Tom meets Eva and St. Clare, who buys him and treats him well. Unfortunately, Eva and St. Clare both dies, after St. Clare’s death, his wife sells Uncle Tom again. In Uncle Tom’s life, he meets two kind masters, but he also meets the cruel Mr. Legree and he begins his tragic fate. In his new owner’s plantation, slaves are badly treated. Uncle Tom even has no right to read his favorite Bible. At last, Uncle Tom was tragic killed by his master.

Uncle Tom cannot change his fate because he is only his owners’ private property.

A slave’s fate entirely depends on his master's character. At that time, the fact is that the whole society system exploits the slaves. No one can protect slaves. This is the condition of American history at that time, so Uncle Tom as well as other slaves has no choice. Maybe there is no person can escape the historical background. A person’s

fate must be influenced by the time environment in which you are living. Uncle Tom’s tragic fate is not only a personal tragedy; it is also a tragedy of the time. 3. The influence of Christian religion to Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom is just a devout Christian. He thinks that God gives people the nature of kindness. People have to temporarily endure the suffering, waiting for God to give people the good arrangement. In most cases, he just listens to the arrangements of the things and will not have any resistance. He only tries his best to do a thing well which the master asks, in order to minimize his own disaster. He never thinks of escape or revenge and he always believes that God has his arrangement and at last God will save him. So whether it is bitterer, he meekly accepts everything.

3.1. His obedience to Mr. Shelby

At the beginning of the novel, Mr. Shelby, is the first and most generous master of Uncle Tom. Mr. Shelby trusts Uncle Tom and believes he is a pious,

steady, sensible, uncommon fellow. Mr. Shelby asks Tom to go to Cincinnati alone, to do business for him, “I trust you because I think you are a Christian---I know you would not cheat’’ (Stowe 1999:2). Tom does good jobs and he wins the highest place in front of Mr. Shelby. But he owes lot sum money that could not be paid off easily. Mr. Shelby is so reluctant; he finally decides to sell Tom to clear the debt. When Uncle Tom knows that his master has decided to sell him to South. He just stays and refuses Eliza’s suggestion to escape. This is Uncle Tom. He believes he should be loyal to the master, and he feels that no matter where he is, God will be with him. 3.2 His obedience to Mr. Legree

Mr. Legree is a cruel slave owner. As long as he is not happy with a slave’s performance, he would be crazy to beat him, until he surrenders. He cannot stand that the slaves have religious beliefs. In this environment, the slaves are insensitive and only care about their lives. Unluckily, Mr. Legree is also the master of Uncle Tom. It is obvious that Uncle Tom suffers from a lot of tribulation. Mr. Legree often beats him and insults Uncle Tom with language. He even is not willing to let Uncle Tom read his favorite Bible. But when Uncle Tom faces such cruel owner, he still decides to tolerate. When Cathy advises Uncle Tom to catch the chance to kill Mr. Legree , then they flee together, he refused. Uncle Tom thinks that they must be patient and wait for God’s arrangement. He gives up the chance of freedom again. In his mind, he insists that God can help him and he must obey the arrangement of God. No matter how hard, he always is in waiting for his God. But obedience can’t help him to escape the suffering. Obedience sometimes only leads to death.

3.3 Uncle Tom’s Christian Love for Humanity

As a Christian, Uncle Tom has all the characters a Christian should own, such as faith, forgiveness and endurance. Uncle Tom loves all the people around him, even

his enemies. But most of time, his love leads to himself a disaster. His master does not like him to be so friendly and he hopes that his salves can do things as his desire. He will use full of any methods to reach his aims for retaining his own master status. 4. Uncle Tom’s Personal Failing

A person’s natural character must influence his fate. If a person has the weak personality, his fate will not be in his own hands. Instead, if a person dares to struggle for what he wants, his condition will better under his own efforts. Comparison between George Harris and Uncle Tom, as the novel ends, Uncle Tom dies, but George Harris gains the freedom. The reason is that George Harris struggles for his family and himself.


4.1 Uncle Tom’s stubborn

Actually, Uncle Tom has two opportunities to escape. The first time, when he knows Mr. Shelby intends to sell him, he has the passport and can use it to escape. The second time, when Legree tortures him and Cassy and Emeline ask him to escape with them, he finally refuses. Uncle Tom insists to stay no matter what happens and no matter what others say, he always insists his ideas. He thinks it is right that he

should believe God and wait for his help. He never considers that the only way to gain freedom is just by struggling. He is so stubborn that he obeys all religious doctrines. No one can change his faith.

4.2 Uncle Tom’s cowardice

The cruel slavery is one of the reason that killed Uncle Tom, but not the same to other slaves. George Harris is an example; he is another slave in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. He is the opposite image of Uncle Tom. George Harris wants to gain freedom, so he sticks to struggle to the last minute of his life. It is no doubt that he and his wife have to face various danger and difficulties, but they never gives up. George Harris makes his declaration:” We stand here as free, under God’s sky, as you are; by the great lord that made us, we’ll fight for our liberty till we die’’(Stowe 1999:195). Finally he gains his freedom. However, Uncle Tom becomes a sacrifice in that society. Uncle Tom always insists to his faith, he is afraid that he doubts God. When the bad things come, he fears to change. He believes that he can only rely on God who would help him. He feels that he has no ability to change the status. He does not want to struggle, just want to wait. That’s why he loses freedom forever.


In Uncle Tom’s time, slaves are poorly treated. They are controlled by their master who can trade and treat them casually. They can’t decide their own fate. However, they can also change their fates by their own struggle. Harriet Beecher

Stowe wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in order to encourage people to struggle for freedom and equality. George Harris’ struggle makes him gain freedom; instead, Uncle Tom’s endurance leads to death. Harriet Beecher Stowe wanted to tell the reader that slavery is so evil and people should have the right to gain their freedom. Actually, Uncle Tom is a good person, but he shouldn’t be so “good” in such cruel society, he should struggle for his fate.


Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. New York: The Modern Library, 1999 贾境,对基督精神博爱为怀的叛逆----评斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,《甘肃教育学

院学报》 第18 期, 2002:73-74.

李海峰,徐小红,反抗或是屈从---汤姆叔叔和乔治的不同命运,《戏剧 之家》 第 4 期,


张秀见, 从历史原因分析汤姆叔叔悲剧的起因,《陕西师范大学学报》 第 32 期, 2003:


薛玉凤,“汤姆叔叔”形象质疑,《山东外国语教学》 第 6 期, 2002:18-20.(汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价)

王艳文,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的《圣经》人物原型解析,《燕山大学学报》第7 期, 2006:


林钰婷,从汤姆叔叔形象看斯托夫人废奴主义思想,《闽江学院学报》第 29期, 2008:


汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价 篇三:《读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》有感》



汤姆给我的印象,起初便只是一个“忠”字,忠于主人、终于上帝耶和华,忠于自己的信仰。他那份过于执着的教条的忠诚,让我有一种头皮发麻近乎窒息的感觉,在列格雷的铁鞭和狂怒的咒骂下,他依然平静地忠于主人,甚至当卡西夫人希望带他一起逃走时,他竟然拒绝砍死睡梦中的列格雷、拒绝逃走,他竟还劝卡西去相信上帝,去原谅、去爱虐待他们的魔鬼-列格雷。就因为列格雷是他的主人,他要一丝不苟地按照上帝的指示去爱每一个人,至死不渝的忠于自己的主人,绝不背叛主人。主人再无情,汤姆也不会无义的。我不禁想尖叫,他的这份忠诚很恐怖,像寒冬里硬把炭火往人的身上泼,对待阴森冷酷的社会,没有反抗,只有顺从、只有忠诚,但这份感情并不会感化像恶狗一样的奴隶主,只会令他恐惧,进而令他疯狂地绞杀。所以那些像比干、伍子胥、寇准、汤姆这种忠诚,不仅不会有益于苍生,反而会使恶人更猖獗,使社会更黑暗 。其实有时候像中国儒学和黑奴们所信仰的所谓忠诚未必是什么好事。




现在一定会有人嘲笑汤姆叔叔教条式的那份忠诚是多么的愚蠢和无知,而今天缺少的恰恰是这份忠诚,追根到底缺少的是爱。 缺少了对朋友的爱,就对友谊不忠诚;缺少了对父母的爱,就是对亲情不忠诚,是畜生;缺少了对国家的爱,就是对国家的不忠诚,是卖国贼。


汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价 篇四:《汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版》

after i finished readinguncle tom?s cabin,it felt like i just finished watching a movie and i myself was a character in the movie, which clearly disclose the nature of capitalism。 meanwhile, this book reconfirmed a thought that the prosperity of some capitalist countries is based on the unknowns? sacrifice。

the story in the article is mainly about this, a slaveholder had to sell his two slaves, one of whom named tom, to pay debt。 faced to this kind of miserable life and being a slave who is loyal to his owner, tom never thought to run away, because he, a real believer in christianity, had decided to pursue to be an honest man all his life。汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版。 tom?s new owner made him live a more unbearable life, what?s worse, tom didn?t change his mind。 until the last second tom?s last owner regretted his decision and wanted to bail tom out, but, unfortunately,tom died of that kind of misery。

this article analyzes the characteristics of loyalty, kindness and generosity embodied in uncle tom who was full of kindness was the true hero in the history of american novels, it also points out that tom was very tolerant and weak to the cruelty of slavery and that the black must fight back to gain freedom。 though died of slaveholders? persecution, tom was a winner in the spirit, which in defiance of the physical injure , perhaps as such, tom got the right to enjoy his dream life in the heaven。

as a white, mrs。 stow wrote this article, the greatest anti-slavery work of america in the 19thcentury, to express her idea to appeal the people in the south to stand up to fight against the slavery sustained in the south of america, everybody in america, including the white, should sympathize with those black slaves on their miserable fate。

nowadays, people still regard tom as a symbol of never giving up pursuing to realize his value。汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感英文版。 tom did not give up his belief regardless of the unbearable destiny, and he proved us that the black were self-governed individualities, not born to slaves working for the white。 to some extent, it is safe to draw the conclusion that tom would be the heretical model at all events。

汤姆叔叔的小屋英文评价 篇五:《汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句》






































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