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( )

A.分封制 B.三公九卿制 C.郡县制 D.郡国并行制

25.下列选项不能体现宗法制及其影响的是( ) ..


C.“父死子继,兄终弟及” B.“谱牒不立,则传久而失宗” D.“内举不避亲,外举不避仇”

26.据秦琅邪石刻,皇帝之土,西涉流沙,东有东海。但西汉学者编写的《淮南子》等书说颛顼帝即已“西济于流沙”,大禹“东渐于海,西被于流沙”,更有“纣之地,左东海,右流沙”。上述差异最能说明( )

A.《淮南子》等书以传说贬抑秦始皇 B.年代久远导致历史记述莫衷一是

C.历史材料的运用首先要辨别真伪 D.石刻与文献形成证据链印证历史

27.秦汉时期设立了朝议制度,凡遇军国大事,皇帝往往“下其议”于群臣,议定的结果,通常由宰相领衔上奏,最后必须经皇帝裁决,方能施行。这一制度( )

A.表明军国大事最终由朝臣议定 B.反映了皇权与相权的矛盾

C.起到了限制、监督皇权的作用 D.有利于皇帝决策时集思广益

28.河南尹田歆的外甥王谌,以知人出名。田歆对他说:“如今应推举六名孝廉,多有贵戚书信相命,又不好违背,我想自己选一位名士以报效国家,你助我求之。”这体现了( )


C.察举制的弊端 B.选拔官吏以品评为主 D.自上而下的选官方式



中的李藩行使职权,驳回诏书。由此推断,给事中隶属于( )


C.明朝的内阁 B.宋朝的枢密院 D.清朝的军机处


政。”由此可知,该朝臣( )


C.主张加强相权 B.主张建立内阁 D.反对三省六部制

31.唐宋时期,地方官任职避亲、避籍渐成定制。该制度旨在( )


C.健全地方行政机构 B.防止地方势力膨胀 D.完善地方监察制度

32.《金史》记载:“赞曰:章宗在位二十年,承世宗治平日久,宇内小康,乃正礼乐,修刑法,定官制,典章文物粲然成一代治规„„亦可谓有志于治者矣。”这表明金章宗( )


C.治国理政不如金世宗 B.开始推行内阁制度 D.照搬金世宗时的律令


项讨论,事关重大且意见不同时将实情禀奏皇帝。这表明中书省( )



34.下列地方行政区划级别最低的是( )

A.汉代益州郡 B.唐代扬州 C.宋代扬州 D.元代顺宁府 B.强调集体议决防止大臣专权 D.任何决策之事实时禀报皇帝

35.历史发展既有传承又有创新。下表所列信息,按朝代(唐、宋、元、明)先后排列正确的是( )

C.③②①④ D.④②①③ A.②③④① B.②④③①












1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考籍号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。

2. 答选择题时,务必使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净


3. 答非选择题时,务必使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定位置上。

4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试卷上答题无效。

5. 考试结束后,只将答题卡交回。


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What was the original price of the T-shirt?

A. $ 14. B. $ 28. C. $ 40.

2. What will Jessica do on the weekend?

A. Work on her paper. B. Make some plans. C. Go shopping.

3. What has the man decided to do on Saturdays?

A. To meet a friend. B. To visit an exhibition C. To attend a wedding.

4. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a classroom. B. At a hotel. C. In a store.

5. When does the bank close on Saturday?

A. At 9:00 pm. B. At 5:00 pm C. At 4:00 pm.

第二节 (共15个小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What do we know about Nora?

A. She lives near the central bus station.

B. She likes to work with other girls.

C. She prefers a room of her own.

7. What is good about the flat?

A. It has a big kitchen.

B. It has good furniture.

C. It has a large sitting room.


8. Where has Barbara been?

A. Florence. B. Milan. C. Rome.

9. What has Barbara got in her suitcase?

A. Stones. B. Books. C. gifts.


l0. Who is making the telephone call?

A. Jack Cooper. B. Thomas Jerry. C. Leman Brothers.

11. What is the message about?

A. A visit to England. B. The date for a trip. C. A business meeting.

12. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?

A. His secretary. B. His boss. C. His wife.


13. What color was the small car?

A. Orange. B. Green. C. yellow.

14. What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?

A. Getting ready to cross the road.

B. Walking along York Avenue.

C. Standing outside a hotel.

15. How did the accident happen?

A. A bank clerk rushed into the street.

B. A car ran into a lorry.

C. A lorry hit a car.

16. Who could the man speaker most probably be?

A. A police officer.

B. The driver of the lorry.

C. A person who saw the accident.


17. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The plan for the day.

B. The history of the school.

C. The courses for the term.

18. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A. In the school hall.

B. In the classrooms.

C. In the science labs.

19. What can students do in the practical areas?

A. Attend workshops.

B. Take science courses.

C. Enjoy excellent meals.

20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

A. After the welcome speech.

B. Before the tour of the labs.

C. During the lunch hour.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Thanks for signing up for the 2014 Black Friday Turkey Trot! This email will provide some basics about the race and some great news!【成都2016零诊历史】

First, your race packet (参赛物品包) is ready and can be picked up at the Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa location you‟ve specified during registration.

Hours for pickup.

Tuesday, 10 am to 8 pm (Fleet Feet Kings Point)

Tuesday, 10 am to 7 pm (Fleet Feet Blue Dome)【成都2016零诊历史】

Wednesday, 10 am to 5 pm (both stores, closing early for Thanksgiving)

Packets can also be picked up on the race day at BOK Center, beginning at 8:30 am.

Race Start Times

1) 5 mile, 8:30 am 2) 1 mile fun run, 9:30 am


There is surface parking to the east of the BOK Center, and some surface parking to the west of the Convention Center. Many lots will be pay-lots. Please pay attention to the signs. We suggest arriving early to find parking. Racing Timing

The 5 km run will be timed using the BIB-TAG system. Your race number will have a timing device attached to the back of the race number; don‟t remove or bend this device. Simply wear the Bib on the front of your body on the outside of your clothing so it is visible and facing forward. You don‟t need to return the Bib, which is disposable.

The Turkey Trot is also a kick-off event for our weekend long “FITNATIC” celebration---we also have a huge number of events and specials all weekend. For more information, please visit .

See you on Friday.

21. Where should a runner go to pick up his packet at 8:30 am on Friday?

A. Kings Point. B. Convention Center. C. Blue Dome D. BOK Center

22. How long will the FITNATIC celebration last?

A. Seven days. B. Five days C. Two days D. One day.

23. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To attract sports fans to apply for the activity.

B. To inform the race participants of the activity.

C. To describe details related to the activity.

D. To collect money for the parking-lots.


More than 2.25 billion cups of coffee are drunk throughout the world each day, and it‟s likely that many taste bitter. Now, a new study suggests that coffee fans can make their drink sweeter by changing the color of their cups.

Researchers from Oxford set out to prove whether the claim that coffee drunk from a white cup tastes biter was true. They used 36 volunteers and three different colored cups---blue, white and transparent glass--- to examine the claim.

In one experiment, the white cup increased the intensity (浓度) of the coffee taste relative to the transparent cup. Then, in a second experiment, coffee drunk from the white cup was found to taste less sweet when compared to the other colored cups, while the blue cup made the coffee taste the sweetest.

The scientists believe that the color brown may be associated with bitterness, and coffee in a white cup appears the brownest.


“Our study clearly shows that the color of a cup does influence our sense of the coffee taste,” leading author Dr.

George Doorn, wrote in an article for The Conversation. “The effect of the color of the cup on the taste of the coffee reported here suggests that cafe owners should carefully consider the color of their cups,” he said. “The potential effects may spell the difference between a one-time purchase and a return customer.”

Actually, the idea that color can change the food and drink taste came out many years ago. A study published last year reported that red, strawberry-flavored cake served on a white plate was rated as 10 percent sweeter than the same food presented on a black plate.

24. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. the popularity of sweet coffee. B. an experiment made in Oxford.


C. the effect of cup color on coffee‟s taste D. useful tips on how to make coffee.

25. In which cup will coffee taste the sweetest?

A. A white cup. B. A blue cup. C. A transparent cup D. A brown cup

26. Café owners should consider their cups‟ color in order to ______.

A. reduce the daily expenses B. show their taste in coffee

C. appeal to more customers D. make their café different.

27. We learn from the passage that_____.

A. coffee in a white cup tastes sweeter than that in a transparent glass

B. over 2 billion cups of sweet coffee are drunk worldwide each year.

C. Dr. George Doorn wrote an article about making conversations.

D. the idea that color could affect the taste of drink is not new.


We should feel grateful in our heart when we accept anything others sacrifice for us. However, we often unconsciously do the opposite, which may not be regarded as returning kindness with ingratitude, but have the equal power to harm each other. In particular, the closer the relationship is, the more determined we are.

Jennifer, my friend Randy‟s mother, is already over 70, poor eyesight and weak legs. But due to her character, she chose to live alone in the suburbs. No matter how busily Randy works, he would go there to visit her once or twice every week.

That day as soon as he parked his car, Randy smelt the delicious smell of meat coming from her mother‟s house. His mother said, “Your birthday is coming next week, so I‟m preparing pork trotters (猪蹄) for you!” Seeing the steaming delicious trotters, he couldn‟t help complaining, “I don‟t like these things at all, so fatty.”

On his way back, he called me, saying that he felt sorry. In fact, he longed to thank his mother and eat up that bowl of trotters. But he felt sorry that it took her too much time and energy. If he didn‟t stop her strictly, he was afraid the same thing would continue. He would rather not eat trotters any more than have his mother overwork. I understand how he felt exactly. Each of us has done like that. Because of feeling sorry for others‟ sacrifice, we purposely harden our heart against accepting others‟ favor and even criticize them severely in order to frighten their goodness away and make them never do that again.

This method may work, but it will hurt each other‟s feelings. It‟s not wrong logically, but we always neglect another sound deep in our heart: because we‟re afraid we can‟t repay them, we‟re unwilling to shoulder others‟ goodness. So we reduce its value and refuse it severely. But to destroy others‟ goodness is also to deny you.

28. Randy refuse to eat the pork trotters his mother cooked because ____.

A. he disliked them at all B. they were really very fatty.

C. they weren‟t his favorite taste D. he didn‟t want her to overwork.

29. Randy telephoned the author to _____.

A. express his apology to his mother B. complain about his mother

C. apologize for his rudeness D. ask for a bowl of trotters.

30. According to the author, we sometimes say “no” to others‟ favor so that ______.

A. they can be frightened away B. they won‟t continue doing that

C. we needn‟t repay them later D. we won‟t feel sorry for their sacrifice

31. In the last paragraph, the author implies that we should ____.

A. refuse others‟ favor immediately B. deal with others‟ favor wisely

C. repay others‟ goodness actively D. shoulder others‟ goodness completely.


For a while, I wrote a “Tuesday tip” on my blog Lyonsdenmom.com. It was about easy week-night dinners, organizing parties or perhaps finding time out for friends.

About a year ago, I ran out of tips.

The truth? As a busy working mom with five busy kids, I probably do have a few tips to share. But honestly, the bar is set pretty low---on a recent day when I was walking our dog, a stranger who knew I had five kids said, “Wow! You have a dog, too?! And it even looks like you showered today!” Yes, it‟s true, I shower. Not every day, but most days. See, I‟m telling the truth. Honestly, in this cold winter, I‟m probably taking a shower more to warm up than to clean up.

Other funny truths? I‟m tired. In fact, for the past year, I‟ve been too tired to type up any update on our life here in Lyons Den. It‟s hard to arrange a career with all these kids. Although folks just believe that it must be so much easier now since all the kids are in school, I‟m here to tell you, it‟s not. It‟s really not. When I get home from work, I‟m often tearfully greeted by five kids and five homework folders filled with math facts, invitations, notices and artwork.

All those happy smiling faces I share on Facebook are real. We are a happy family---thank God for that! But we‟re not always smiling, and even in those rare best times when I can get all five kids looking at the camera, the would be that one of them isn‟t wearing underwear, one is pinching (捏) someone behind the scenes and one is just perfectly pronouncing “Damn!” So, less perfectly-posed pictures, but more telling the truth. Even if only on Tuesday.

32. It seems that the author‟s life used to be _____.

A. tiring B. busy C. relaxing D. funny

33. Which of the following is true about the author?

A. She can‟t get along well with her neighbors.

B. She‟s living a happy life with her family

C. She likes to have a shower every day.

D. She has already closed her blog now.

34. Which of the following words can best take the place of the word ?

A. answers. B. chances. C. solutions D. ways.

35. The passage mainly talks about _____.

A. the happiness of a working mother B. the worry of a working mother

C. the hardship of a working mother D. the bittersweet of a working mother

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


People tend to become more personal and hide less of themselves when using email. Some Britain researchers have found in a recent study that there are good reasons for this.

The team of researchers asked 83 pairs of students, all strangers to each other, to solve a problem. They had to discuss this question: ___36____ The pairs of students had to talk over the problem either face to face or by computers. Dr. Johnson said, “They told their partners four times as much about themselves when they talked over the Internet as when they talked face to face. When the computers were fitted with cameras so that students could see each other, this limited the personal side of the conversation.”

___37___ It was mainly about things such as where they went to school, or where they used to live. But some students discussed their love stories, and personal childhood experiences.

Dr. Johnson believes that emailing encourages people to focus on themselves. __38__ “If you cannot see the

四川省成都树德中学2016届高三上学期零诊考试 历史 Word版含答案


文科综合能力测试历史试题 总分:100分

诸伯,西阶之西;诸子,门东„„九夷,东门外;八蛮,南门外。与此相关的政治制度是( ) 24.《礼记》记述了贵族朝会的列位礼节:天子南向而立;三公,中阶之前;诸侯,阼阶(东台阶)之东;

A.分封制 B.三公九卿制 C.郡县制 D.郡国并行制

25.下列选项不能体现宗法制及其影响的是( ) ..


C.“父死子继,兄终弟及” B.“谱牒不立,则传久而失宗” D.“内举不避亲,外举不避仇”


( )

A.《淮南子》等书以传说贬抑秦始皇 B.年代久远导致历史记述莫衷一是

C.历史材料的运用首先要辨别真伪 D.石刻与文献形成证据链印证历史

27.秦汉时期设立了朝议制度,凡遇军国大事,皇帝往往“下其议”于群臣,议定的结果,通常由宰相领衔上奏,最后必须经皇帝裁决,方能施行。这一制度( )

A.表明军国大事最终由朝臣议定 B.反映了皇权与相权的矛盾

C.起到了限制、监督皇权的作用 D.有利于皇帝决策时集思广益


不好违背,我想自己选一位名士以报效国家,你助我求之。”这体现了( )


C.察举制的弊端 B.选拔官吏以品评为主 D.自上而下的选官方式



的李藩行使职权,驳回诏书。由此推断,给事中隶属于( )


C.明朝的内阁 B.宋朝的枢密院 D.清朝的军机处


由此可知,该朝臣( )


C.主张加强相权 B.主张建立内阁 D.反对三省六部制

31.唐宋时期,地方官任职避亲、避籍渐成定制。该制度旨在( )


C.健全地方行政机构 B.防止地方势力膨胀 D.完善地方监察制度

32.《金史》记载:“赞曰:章宗在位二十年,承世宗治平日久,宇内小康,乃正礼乐,修刑法,定官制,典章文物粲然成一代治规„„亦可谓有志于治者矣。”这表明金章宗( )


C.治国理政不如金世宗 B.开始推行内阁制度 D.照搬金世宗时的律令


事关重大且意见不同时将实情禀奏皇帝。这表明中书省( )



34.下列地方行政区划级别最低的是( )

A.汉代益州郡 B.唐代扬州 C.宋代扬州 D.元代顺宁府 B.强调集体议决防止大臣专权 D.任何决策之事实时禀报皇帝

35.历史发展既有传承又有创新。下表所列信息,按朝代(唐、宋、元、明)先后排列正确的是( )

A.②③④① 40.(24分)古代中国和古代罗马相距遥远,然而两者的历史发展可做一些比较。阅读材料,回答问题。





    2016届成都高三零诊于2015年7月1日-3日举行,成都高三零诊是2016届学生高考复习前的摸底考试,是测试高三学生目前的高考水平,是有助于考生制定整年高考计划的摸底考试,各位同学需要把握好考试机会哦。    下面是中国招生考试网给大家整理的2016届成都市高三零诊历史试题及答案,欢迎大家下载使用:


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