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Why Gatsby is Great?

——After reading The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is written by an American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. Scott Fitzgerald is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. The Great Gatsby is his most famous novel. The movie adaptation of The Great Gatsby is very popular during this period, so I read this famous novel.

The story is about the young and mysterious millionaire named Jay Gatsby and narrated by Nick Carraway. Nick is the neighbor of Gatsby and is connected with other characters. As far as I am concerned, Nick is absolutely a good narrator, which offers an objective angle for us readers to have a comprehensive understanding of the story.

However, the story is a tragedy with an ending that Gatsby is killed wrongly. For his whole life after he falls in love with Daisy, an elegant and attractive but shallow and selfish young lady, he strives for years to become a millionaire even in an illegal way. But Gatsby doesn’t realize the truth of his love and still sacrifices for his dream blindly, even by paying with his life. Gatsby takes the blame of killing Myrtle for Daisy, and is shot by Myrtle’s husband who is incited by Tom. Sadly, after his death, all Gatsby gains is Daisy’s indifference.

I am curious about the novel title The Great Gatsby and have my own understanding. Why is Gatsby great? In my opinion, it is about the difference between Gatsby and other characters. Even Gatsby’s dream of getting his first love Daisy’s heart finally leads to his tragedy; Gatsby is pure and idealistic relative to other characters to a certain extent. Gatsby is enthusiastic, sincere and persevering. On the contrary, Daisy is self-absorbed, and Tom is heartless and cruel with a bad faith. Wilson is cowardly and suspicious and Myrtle is adulterous. And the people in the upper ten who enjoy the good wine and dainty food offered by Gatsby actually do not accept him as one of them. People are cold and detached, and we can learn about that with their indifference after Gatsby’s death.


The Great Gatsby

Mengyan Li, September 15, 2013

The film The Great Gatsby is on in the cinema these days. I watched the film last week and felt interested in the story. So I decided to read the novel The Great Gatsby. During one week, I just have read the first half of the story.

The novel describes the break of American dream of Gatsby who was an upstart by selling wine in the 1920s, which indicates the American society's tragedy. On the surface, The Great Gatsby is a story of the frustrated love between Garsby and a Daisy. But this novel actually wants to criticize the situation of society at that time. The novel is a classic fiction of hope and disillusion.

The author describes the leading character Gatsby through Nick’s eyes. Nick Carraway is the novel’s narrator, a young man who was a tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and good listener. And as a result, others tend to talk to him and tell him their secrets. He is the protagonist Gatsby’s neighbor and Daisy’s cousin.

The protagonist Gatsby was born into a poor family, but he had the great ambition to achieve the fortune and ideal happiness. All his ambitions and illusions are for his lover, Daisy. And his lover Daisy is the symbol of youth, money and rich, the " American dream" which is based on the consistent pursuing of wealth. Gatsby paid all his life to pursue the dream though his lover had became the another rich man’s wife. In my eyes, about love, Gatsby is a pitiful guy. Every night he looked the green light across the river, missing his lover. Every Saturday night he hold big parties, invited all the celebrities to his big house, just want to attact Daisy to come. He asked Nick’s for help, just wanted to meet Daisy. His nervousness and before meet Daisy makes me feel he is a young guy who first meet his little girlfriend. Aside all the other things, for love, he is loyal through thick and thin. That’s the point which makes me feel pitiful about Gatsby and the tragedy.



时间:9.16 ——9.28







有逢场作戏,她真诚的眼神让你无法回避你那什么也没有的钱包时候,也许我们抱以回应的只能是尴尬的猜测与沉默了。但盖茨比却坚定的意识到,她是爱他的,只是他没有钱。于是,盖茨比的悲剧也就此开始上演。菲茨杰拉德也伟大的令我们有无数话需要表达却也只好闭紧嘴巴,看着盖茨比无可挽回的渐渐的倒在了后来他自己建造爱情幻想花园的后院中。 准确的说,我们应该讨厌的并不是那个物质主义女孩黛茜,与她对世态的冷漠与玩世不恭一起,她选择了生活的安逸与平淡,尽管她不一定是达到了她选择的初衷。





这本书让我感到一种委屈。为我们自己。 大人们称我们是“浮躁的一代”。 美国人称为“迷惘的一代”。

是的,他们大人们这么轻责我们。站在他们的高度,站在他们的世界。我们不是不想拥有梦想 我们都曾为心中的一个梦努力过。只是它总是那么容易就被打破。





虽然文章中夹杂着别人的想法,但也是我所认同的。 最后:


“我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断的向后推,被推入过去。 梦想幻灭 悲剧人生 ——《了不起的盖茨比》读书笔记 《了不起的盖茨比》一书以第一次世界大战后的美国为背景,讲述了主人公盖茨比梦想幻灭后惨遭枪杀的悲剧人生。战争期间出生贫寒的年轻军人盖茨比爱上了出生在上流社会的姑娘黛西,对他一往情深却没钱娶她。战后盖茨比得知到黛西已经嫁给了富豪子弟汤姆婚后生活并不幸福,因为汤姆有情妇。为了重新赢得黛西的爱情,盖茨比发奋赚钱,短短几年里,便通过走私等非法生意发了财于是他专门在黛西家附近购置豪宅,大宴宾客,挥金如土,为的是引起黛西的注意。后来经黛西表兄的安排,盖茨比与黛西重温旧梦。汤姆发现这段隐情后,妒火中烧。黛西面临在他们之间做出选择,却态度暧昧,始终不肯放弃汤姆。她在心绪烦乱时撞死了汤姆的情妇。

盖茨比承担了责任,汤姆嫁祸于他,致使其情妇的丈夫开枪打死盖茨比。 盖茨比的悲剧源于苦苦等待五年终被爱人黛西抛弃,他死后黛西没有来参加他的葬礼,甚至“没有捎来口信,也没有送来花。”他的死是他悲剧人生的终结,却又是另一出悲剧的开始,这一出剧就叫做人情的冷漠。他生前在海湾豪宅大宴宾客,无论是受邀请的还是没受邀请的,都可以在他的就会上狂欢。书中描写道:“整整一个夏天,邻居家房子里都飘出音乐。他家那呈现蓝色调的院子里,男男女女飞蛾似的在香槟和繁星之间嗡嗡飞舞”,酒会的热闹景象可见一斑。可他死后,昔日来参加酒会的人却只有以为来参加葬礼,“我把牧师拉到一边,求他多等半个小时。可这毫无用处。没有任何人来。”这场面又是何等凄惨。昔日举办酒会的宅子从此无人搭理,“草坪上的草都及膝了”。前后一对比,当时人情的冷漠跃然于纸上。 盖茨比悲剧的实质是他梦想的破灭。黛西就是这个梦想的化身,他将一切都献给了这个梦想。“隔着海湾望着黛西家码头末端那盏绿色的灯,他的梦让他觉得近在咫尺,不可能抓不到。”然后现实无情泼了他冷水,他心爱的姑娘选择了放弃她。他失去了她,也就失去了梦想,失去了一切。 汤姆是盖茨比悲剧发生的客观促成者。他的刻意嫁祸直接导致了盖茨比的死亡。同时他是那个纸醉金迷的爵士乐时代大所数人的典型代表。他只会用肌肉思考问题,粗暴自负,仗着金钱飞扬跋扈。更可怕的是他那简单粗笨的脑袋里装入了那么多浮华的思想,“我们是统治种族,是我们创造了一切,这些构成了一切”,仿佛他坚实实在的自我中心已经不再能滋养他那颗妄自尊大的心了。在那样一个由汤姆这般推崇金钱、享乐至上、无所追求的人构建的上流社会里,盖茨比这样一个拥有纯真梦想的人显然是个异类,他的梦想之花缺乏适合生长的土壤,凋零是无可避免的。 而黛西则是盖茨比悲剧的主观根源。盖茨比将他当做梦想来追寻,渴望有一天能收获她的爱情。而黛西毕竟是上流社会的产物,是一个徒有一副美丽外表的俗物。她需要近在眼前、不容置疑的实在东西来帮助她做决定,这东西绝不可能是飘渺虚无的爱情。而已有的婚姻以及金钱无疑能满足她的要求。于是她抛弃了爱情,选择了汤姆当做金钱靠山,只有如此她才有安全感,即便不幸福。 尼克作为这个故事的叙述者,既参与其中,又是一个以睿智的眼光洞悉一切的局外人。作为盖茨比为数不多的真正的朋友之一,他理解并且同情着盖茨比。“他们是一帮混账,把他们加在一起也比不上你”,这是尼克对盖茨比的评价。他们同样拥有一颗赤子之心。而之所以盖茨比遭遇了那样的悲剧,是因为他过于热情冲动,他的梦想浪漫的近乎幻想,与主流有着激烈的冲突,终不免被时代的浊流吞噬。而尼克富于理智的判断,他尽管不喜欢周围人的虚伪势力、堕落腐化,却能安身其中而不至于被拖下泥淖。 本书的作者菲茨杰拉德不吝






出版时间:2009-05 页数:164


《了不起的盖茨比》,看到这个名字很容易让人觉得这是一部很励志,结局也很圆满的著作。一次偶然的机会,在图书馆看到了这本书,同学推荐说看着挺不错,就借回来看。 仔细阅读之后,才发现与我先前所想的大相径庭,甚至可以说是截然相反,原来这是一个年轻人追求美国梦的悲剧。





1. 出淤泥而不染。盖茨比的豪宅具有宫殿般的奢华:海景别墅,私人海滩,两艘汽艇,八个佣人,跳台泳池,劳斯莱斯。每个周末,宾客满座,络绎不绝。男男女女们在舞池狂欢,豪饮高歌,放纵享乐。这一切都是盖茨比提供的,但她别人从不参与进来,他不喝酒,不狂欢,他喜欢独处,心中有高尚的情操,保持着一份与世俗的与众不同。直到被害前不久,盖茨比才说,“你知道吗,老兄,我整个夏天从来没用过那个游泳池。”即使从小受到家庭教育不轻易评价人的故事叙述者尼克也忍不住第一次直接坦白地评价盖茨比。“他们是一帮混蛋,”我隔着草坪喊道,“他们那一帮子都放在一堆还比不上你。”如果你能体会到这句话的分量之重,你就能了解到盖茨比在作者心目中是多么了不起。在作者看来再多的受到社会腐蚀的人也比不上一颗赤子之心的。

2. 为爱执着,从一而终。






09级4班 李华


梦想幻灭 悲剧人生













在小说中,挥金如土的大富翁盖茨比,夜夜举办着欢歌纵饮的派对,然后他内心唯一的牵绊却是住在河对岸的黛西——他曾经的恋人和如今的女神。“然而,冰冷的现实容不下飘渺的梦,他心中的女神也不过是凡尘俗世的物质女郎。”盖茨比在真相大白后,选择了随梦一起幻灭的归途。生的孤独,是吉光羽片,死的孤独,是永恒。 这本书的文字也是如介绍所说的“诗般梦幻”,唯美的很,就连车祸,枪杀,死亡这些与美沾不上关系的场景,菲茨杰拉德仍然能以诗一般的手法展现。




这本书让我感到一种委屈。为我们自己。 大人们称我们是“浮躁的一代”。 美国人称为“迷惘的一代”。



























二○ ~二○ 学年度

课程名称 读书报告

学 号

姓名 专业年级 评分


正文: 信奉的那盏绿灯-----《了不起的盖茨比》



在不超过十个的人物背后,我仿佛看到了作者在他们身上投射的各色人的形象,与寄寓的关于时代与社会的深刻反思。但我却不无心思索在印象派手法下揭示的那物欲横流的社会矛盾与冲突,或许这也正是我只愿局限于个人情感,而注定不愿将思维遍及于更现实社会的原因。十分沉浸在盖茨比向尼克最后一次,或许也是真正意义上第一次的倾诉。那一晚,盖茨比卸下了面具与华丽的伪装,他的那个无数次用来欺骗他人,甚至欺骗自己的梦如薄纱一般轻轻褪去,露出了他最“肉体凡胎”的一面。一个天真的少年,一个壮志凌云却又荒诞不经的梦,仿佛有着必然的联系,连接了上了盖茨比,也连接上了我们所有的人,仿佛如一盏绿灯,连接了两个原本平行的世界一样。很难想象为着一个梦,曾经那个“身穿一件破旧的绿色运动衫和一条帆布裤在沙滩上游荡的James Gatz,摇身一变成为温文尔雅,彬彬有礼的Jay Gatsby;很难想象那个曾经“穷的只好继续穿军服,因为买不起便服”的穷小子,一变成为可以整夜开无眠派对的风云人物。一个美国特有的励志之梦成就了多少如盖茨比这样的人,我无从知晓,但我最吃惊的还不止于此。


皇迎来送往的海景别墅到如猪圈一样散发着霉臭味的昏暗住宅,从最初斟酌词句谨言慎行到后来面对黛西的不顾一切,奋不顾身,从最初的小心伪装到后来所有“谎言如玻璃一样在坚硬的汤姆面前一样一片片洒落满地”,他的梦想仿佛真的被他落在了身后。我很庆幸作者选择用“摧毁”而不是“创造” 的方式构建了整个故事,否则,也许也就不会有这本书今日的辉煌了。短短三个月,见证了一个站在神坛上,辉煌不可一世的人走向身败名裂。这或许正反映出那个时代,那个社会的种种劣根性。然而这不可否认他对梦想的执着,或许正是这份执着,才使他未曾沉溺于世俗的男欢女爱,金钱至上,而屹立于他们之上,而这种高贵或许注定不被所容,必将走向衰亡。而如汤姆一般“可以退守到金钱,以致麻木不仁中去”的人才可以在喧嚣的时代中行尸走肉的活下去。原来,那荒诞的梦成就了盖茨比,也毁了盖茨比。


“盖茨比信奉这盏绿灯,这个一年年在我们眼前渐渐远去的极乐的未来。它从前逃脱了我们的追求,不过那没关系——明天,我们跑的更快一点„„ 把胳膊伸的更远一点„„总有一天„„ 于是,一条条小船逆流而上,我们奋力向前划,努力的想要前进,但水却承载着我们不断的.后退,后退...”



The narrator, Nick, begins the book by giving us some advice of his father’s about not criticizing others. Through Nick’s eyes, we meet his second cousin, Daisy, her large and aggressive husband, Tom,and Jordon.While the Buchanans live on the fashionable East Egg, Nick lives on the less-elite but not-too-shabby West Egg.We are soon fascinated by a certain Mr. Jay Gatsby, a wealthy and mysterious man who owns a huge mansion next door to Nick and spends a good chunk of his evenings standing on his lawn and looking at an equally mysterious green light across the bay.

Tom takes Nick to the city to show off his mistress, a woman named Myrtle who is married has an affair with Tom. Then,Nick meets and warily be friends with Gatsby at one of his huge party.Gatsby reveals to Nick that he and Daisy had a love thing before he went away to the war and she married Tom. Gatsby wants Daisy back. The plan is for Nick to invite her over to tea.Nick executes the plan; Gatsby and Daisy are reunited and start an affair. Everything continues swimmingly until Tom meets Gatsby.

when Tom has it out with Gatsby over who gets to be with Daisy.As the party drives home to Long Island, Myrtle is struck and killed by Gatsby’s car. Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy was driving, but that he’s going to take the blame for it. Meanwhile, Tom tells George that Gatsby killed his wife. So George shoots and kills Gatsby.At last,Daisy and Tom take off. Nick concludes that our nostalgia, our desire to replicate the past, forces us constantly back into it.

But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as * the method pursue wealthy material life "the American dream". Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost. He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society. He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for

the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall.

Gatsby is a poor young man from the mid west. He fall in love with daisy, a wealthy and beautiful girl. But he is too poor to marry her. After that daisy married to a rich man, tom.. In order to get her love back, he tried his best, and did something illegal. At last, he became rich and bought a luxurious villa. He had parties every weekend to attract daisy to come. Finally she came and Gatsby meet her. But he found the girl was not the daisy in his dream. Gatsby had a sense of loss. Then daisy killed a woman in a traffic accident. Tom and daisy shift the blame to Gatsby, and Gatsby was shot by the woman’s husband.

From his life, we can see the life of some Americans. First, they have a dream, and they work very hard, but at last, they have a sense of failure. In term of Gatsby, love and daisy is all to him. He worked hard to get wealthy for her. He did something illegal for her. He staged party for her. And even he died for her. Gatsby insisted that daisy in his dream is a beautiful

and innocent girl, and she will love him forever, even he was poor, even she married to Tom. But actually, daisy had changed. She became foolish, selfish and meretricious. She didn’t want to return her love. Even she shifted the blame to him. It is not worthy for Gatsby to love her.

In my personal opinion, death may be a perfect way for Gatsby to relieve. The pure girl daisy was his entire dream. But he found that daisy now is a foolish, selfish and meretricious girl. She can’t live with him, she hurt him and shift blame to him. This is not equal to Gatsby. First he thought that he live for her. But she became such a girl he didn’t live. All the dreams broke. There was nothing he could live with. And his future life would be boring and make no sense, because he had no dream, no goal. The death is his best way to get rid of all the sufferings.

The cause of this tragedy is,we can see, is daisy. But as a matter of fact, it is not just daisy’s fault. Mostly, the blame is American society. We can see daisy like to

have a wealthy life and married to tom, but may be most of the people will do this, because most of the people hate poverty and like to have rich life. And after Gatsby’s death, no one would like to attend the funeral. It is the society cause the tragedy. In that society, the people are all selfish. Another problem the author want to describe is that the people have no relief and no dream, and they lead a life in vanity Even Gatsby, such an ambitious man, excepting the love of daisy, has no other dream. He has a luxurious house, lives a rich life, and attends descent party, but he doesn’t know what he really wants except daisy. It is a pity for him because once he find daisy can’t return back, he will no place to go.

Novel describe and buy to sell through perfect art form wine upstart" American dream" that Gatsby pursue unreal the twenties Kill , has announced the tragedy of the American society. Gatsby falls in love with Daisy and departure is actually a very ordinary love story. But the author makes skilful opening moves, regard girl whom Gatsby loved the symbols of the youth, money and status deeply as, Regard U.S.A. as by means to pursue rich material life" Dream of". For pursue Gatsby Daisy exhaust own emotion and ability and intelligence, ruin one's own life. He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem the lost love. It's a pity , he is wrong. He has misunderstood this one of Daisy Vulgar and shallow woman . He has misunderstood the boring society on the surface dissipated and luxurious and hollowly on spirit. Whether it live he the dreamlike China, is abandoned by Daisy, treats for the society coldly, Cast the tragedy that can't retrieve at last.

Gatsby is the typical American youth in the twenties. Experience of him whether joyous song smile at portrayal in" knight's times" of dance. Sweetheart Daisy of one's early years such as Gatsby marry rich and life dissolute Tom. For win Daisy,

《了不起的盖茨比读书笔记 英文版》

The Mirror of the Social Morality

——The Females in The Great Gatsby As an unreplaceable part of the society, females are often considered to be in an unequal status and act a different role from males. By now, they are gaining more and more attention. It’s interesting to analyze their words, their behaviors and their thoughts, because they are usually more sensitive to the changeable society and more likely to react to the change. Therefore, to some extent, they are a mirror of the social morality in their times. In F.Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, there are many female characters. They are of various personalities: some of them look pure while some of them seem to be hypocritic. However, all of them play a vital role in developing the fascinating plot and fitting in the large picture of the theme. From these females, we can learn how they reflect the general corruption of the morality at Jazz Age, especially the value of money and the hypocrisy.

One of the most distinctive subject in the novel is the American values, indicated by Myrtle and Daisy especially when they choose between love and money. To begin with, Myrtle, namely Mrs.Wilson, is the wife of a garage owner George B.Wilson. Wilson loves her so much that he even becomes insane after her death.According to this, she should have cherished their marriage. However, she marries him just “because I thought he is a gentleman”(P41), and she has an affair with Tom, a man who even broke her nose. Her

choice of husband or lover is not depended on how much he loves her, but merely their status. It is strange, isn’t it? Whether she really loves Tom more than Wilson or not is uncertain, but it is clear that Tom is richer. Although Myrtle lives in lower class of the society, she is always

struggling to go up. Unlike her husband, who is “a blond, spiritless man”(P31) without the desire, she is with “immediately perceptible vitality”(P31). So she tries to improve her status but in a wrong way of having relationship with a “real gentleman” who doesn’t love her.

Compared to Myrtle, Daisy is more god-favored. Born in a relevantly rich family, she marries to a equally rich man, Tom as a matter of course. She loves Gatsby, but could not marry him because he was a man of nothing. She does not accept him later because she has no intention to leave the rather distinguished society to which she and Tom belong. When Daisy and Gatsby reunite five years later, the reason she is moved is not the persistent love from Gatsby, but Gatsby’s lavish shirts. How absurd it is!

Evidently, no matter from upper or lower class, both of Myrtle and Daisy worth status and wealthy much more than true love as many people do. At that luxury roaring 20th,

Americans treasure money most. Therefore it’s not difficult to understand why people often trade for some materials at the expense of sacrifying their love, their healthy, or something else valuable. Nowadays, some women still prefer to marry a man with large possessions rather than the one she really love, owing to the appetite of material.

Moreover, another distinctively perceivable character should be hypocrisy. Firstly, it could be noticed from Daisy. She likes to dress herself and her daughter in white, a color that symbolizes purity. In contrary, she talks to Nick with absolute smirk and insincerity, she praises at party while she dislikes West Egg, she ignores Gatsby’s profound affection, shirk responsibility onto Gatsby after she killed Myrtle and so on. Since all of these behaviors have no thing to do with pure spirit, the white dress becomes an ironic satire on her. In no way can she be as pure as she seems, neither can she perceive what purity is. She even sees

something terrible from this purity that she could never understand, which is the reason why she dislikes West Egg. Similarly, Myrtle is also hypocritic. Even though she is not in upper society, She pretends to be noble. So she lets four taxicabs drive away and finally selects “a new one, lavender-colored with grey upholstery” (P33), she acts like a queen “throwing a regal homecoming glance” (P34) at the arrival at the apartment, and she laughs, talks and revolves with impressive hauteur at the party she holds. She strives to be elegant but only to make others feel lousy. Her sister Catherine’s appearance arouses the same unpleasant feeling. She wears heavy makeup with “solid, sticky bob of red hair, powdered milky white,

eyebrows drawn at a rakish angle and pottery bracelets.”(P36) Unfortunately, the restoration of beauty against nature works the opposite way. It doesn’t make her more favorable, but presents a sense of unreal.

All of these pretending deeds may seem ridiculous to us, but it is human nature. At times, it may be quite tired to live in disguise. Daisy complains that she is sophisticated. As she said, “I hope she’ll be a fool-that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world”(P24), it’s better to be a simple-minded fool than a calculating woman. However, as a matter of fact, dishonest

people are still inclined to wear up a mask so as to attain what they pursue and get where they long for. No one wants to be considered as poor, ignorant, or anything bad, so they disguise by instinct. It’s neither uncommon for vain people to conceal their shabby family background to get what they want, nor unusual for illiterate people to conceal their ignorance. In a word, hypocrisy is not only typical among females, but the common characteristic of human race.

As the result, none of the females in the novel has a happy ending: Myrtle dies in the

accident, Daisy becomes a fugitive, Jor dan breaks up with Nick, ect. From above, we can safely draw the conclusion that neither females nor men should make wealth and status the only standard of their life. Life is all about trades. We should never trade their love, their marriage, their happiness of the rest life for wealth. It is essential for us to recognize what is actually valuable in our life. It is also important to take money correctly and pursue it in a reasonable way.



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