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读书笔记Bit of a Blur

编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:02-08    阅读:

  读书笔记Bit of a Blur




  Alex James, 本书作者,贝斯手;

  Damon Albarn, 主唱;Graham Coxon,吉他;Dave Rowntree,鼓手。



  首单She's So High创作

  There were a couple of things that Damon and Graham had been working on together that we bashed around for a while. I showed them some chords that I’d been strumming in my room. Graham started to play them on the guitar, there was a drum machine going boom whack and I started grooving along on the bass that was lying around. Damon started jumping up and down and saying, ‘Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! You’re a natural!’ He got his lyrics book out and started singing, ‘She is so high, she is so high.’

  It all happened there and then. It was instantaneous, shockingly so. Graham wrote the lyrics for the verse, over the same chords, and sang a backing vocal on the choruses. I’d never been in a band with backing vocals. The two of them sang really well together, they’d been doing it for years. We made a tape and I went home for Christmas thinking, ‘I’m in the best band in the world.’

  我想起Wolf Alice一个采访,主唱Ellie Rowsell说二专里一首歌(好像是Sad Boy)是要离开录音室收拾东西的时候她突然弹了一段旋律,大伙默默捡起自己的乐器加入,当场一块凑起来的,当时听起来就很有WA自己的风格。


  喜爱的音乐人都是中学或更早就开始做音乐了,大学时候就正式入行了,无一例外;他们很多人把大学时候的专业当成后来的副业,比如Graham Coxon大学时候是美术生,后来给Blur和自己个专画封面、办画展啥的。说到这,就不得不摘Alex在大学第一次见到Graham的描写,非常有画面感,如果以后有人拍糊团传记电影请一定要加这个镜头(觉得Asa Butterfield或者Sing Street男主可以尝试一下演Graham,不过真的要拍的时候他们也超龄了)。


  Someone else was getting his stuff out of his parents’ car when I arrived at the student halls of residence with my own parents. I saw him unload a guitar. He was covered in paint, but even if he hadn’t been it would have been obvious that he was an art student: pale and skinny; National Health specs; huge trousers and a stripy, baggy jumper. It’s a moment that I remember very clearly. I liked him from the instant I saw him and I had the certain feeling that one of the main characters in my life had just walked onto the stage.

  But seriously how can you know if this person is one of the main ones in your life when you just meet them? I think I’ll never have that kind of radar……不过倘若像几乎每年出专辑、混好几个乐队的Damon Albarn那样的创新型人才出现在我面前,我一定能认出来。事实上身边似乎有一两个,然而这种人和我八字不合注定不会走进我的生活,只能作为role models供观瞻。

  He was much more direct, full of plans, schemes and determination to make things happen. He had so much energy. That’s what creativity is, really, that vigour. (P31)


  小知识1:其实摇滚乐贝斯Riff大多数情况下不是循环的,但是他们在录I Know的时候,为了制作洗脑单曲,决定像舞曲和嘻哈音乐那样使用循环的八小节。Alex轻拢慢捻抹复挑试了很多次选了最有感觉的一段放进去。

  The subtle pushing and pulling at the rhythm, the exact length of the notes and how hard the strings are hit and bent, mean that no riff is ever quite the same in different hands. Things played with clinical accuracy often sound quite lifeless and mechanical.( P51)

  小知识2:There’s No Other Way里面有段吉他solo是Graham倒着录进去的。

  We turned the tape over so that the track played backwards and Graham played a guitar solo, so that when the tape was back up the right way, the solo played backwards. (P65)



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