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篇一:《团结协作 认真工作》

团结协作 认真工作
















在平时,我们教研组的几位老师经常在一起交流的话题往往是围绕着我们教学中的热点问题展开讨论,比如,识字教学是低段的重点和难点,针对识字量大,一篇课文十几个生字,如何巩固消化,让学生完全掌握呢?而书写的生字每课至少有六个生字,就得花上一节甚至更多的时间,而课时是有限的,这种种问题经常在我们的相互探讨、交流中得到了解决。 一年级孩子活泼好动,高效的利用课堂时间至关重要。因此,我们在教研组活动中特别强调直观形象的教学手段的运用,老师们多动脑,勤动


2、 抓好教学研究

“ 识字写字”是低年级语文教学的重点,我们组的工作重点之一放在了注重学生良好写字习惯的培养上。每课的写字教学中,我们每位老师都能做到认真在写字板上范写,细化到每一个笔画起笔和收笔的位置,在田字格中数虚线点的个数,笔画的穿插与避让。并在行间具体指导,凡是没按要求做到的,都要反反复复多次修改,直到写规范、写正确了才行,在期末课堂作业本大检查中,看着孩子们书面干净整洁、书写规范漂亮,非常有成就感。我想这与我组老师的高标准、严要求是分不开的。本学期,光识字教学我们就进行了三次集体研究。“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”,为了让学生更好的记住字形,了解字义,我们还拿来了《说文解字》,通过形象生动、孩子们能听懂的语言讲给他们,更加激发起学生们对我国语言文字的热爱。





1. 重视对学生口头语言表达的能力,本学期,在3月中旬开展一年级学生的“看图说话”“看图写话”比赛,组内老师制定了详尽的检测评分标准,鼓励每班学生人人练习,踊跃参与,课堂上老师再加以方法的指导,使学生的看图说话和写话训练迈好了第一步,为下一阶段的书面写话和习作打下基础。









4、每班人数接近50,比中高年级有的两个班的人数还多,如何面面俱到,顾及到每个学生 ,如何把学生的课堂常规和各种习惯的培养成为一种常态化,培养学生的自主管理是我们今后继续要加强的。

教学工作苦乐相伴。本学期,我们教研组虽然没有轰轰烈烈的业绩,但每一位老师都能踏实,认真地工作,在自己的岗位上勤勤恳恳工作,默默无闻地奉献,在下学期的工作中,我组教师将在教研室的统一带领下,将本着““踏实工作,扎实教学””的准则,一如既往,再接再厉,在今后的教研组工作中更要 在“实”字上下功夫,在“研”字上做文章,真正把教研与提高课堂效率结合起来,与解决教学实际问题结合起来,与教师的成长结合起来,切实提高教师的教学能力和业务水平。成为一支让领导放心、家长满意的团队。

一年级语文组 杨艳萍 2014.7.












































题目要求:In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

I In the picture, we can see a circle of bricks standing next to each other. The first brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the next one. In the end, the whole circle will be ruined.

The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individual step. When each individual step is given full attention, it is quite likely that the whole project will be a success. In the same way, a mistake in one step may lead to a complete failure of the whole project, as is shown in the picture. So each individual step can make the difference between success and failure.

We should try our best every step of the way.对于工作团结的语言


题目要求:In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

In the picture, we can see that two goats are tied to each other with a rope. They both see some grass in opposite directions, and try to pull to get their own food. They are unsuccessful, because the rope is too short to allow them to eat the food at the same time. The picture is trying to tell us that cooperation is better than conflict. Both of the goats want their food at the same time, which has formed a conflict between them. However, if they decide to cooperate and eat the grass on the left first, and then the grass on the right, they will both be able to get their food. Thus things will turn into a "win-win" situation. Therefore, I think sometimes our goal is not that we get something and the other gets nothing, but that all people get what they want. Cooperation will benefit everyone.


题目要求:In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.


As can be seen in the picture, some people are standing hand-in-hand, forming the shape of a heart. They are all smiling happily.

This picture conveys the message that sometimes we need to be united. There are basically two ways to accomplish things: working alone or working together with others. We are born with all kinds of ambitions, to conquer the world, for example. Yet very often we are awakened up by the plain fact that there are certain things we cannot accomplish alone. Therefore, it is essential for us to work in a united way. United, we stand; divided, we fall.

We should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we need to unite with others to achieve our goals.



As can be seen in the picture, many children are standing merrily in a circle, hand-in-hand. The circle is heart-shaped.

The simple picture conveys a deep message that the world will be full of love when everybody passes their own love to others. Love is important for us. Just as the picture above, only when love is delivered from person to person can we sense each other’s trust, concern, warmth, friendship, etc, which are vital for everyone’s happiness.

In a word, if every one of us can devote a bit of love to others, our lives will be more beautiful. (100 words)


In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.

two men

are holding sticks ready to kill the mouse .

When they drive the mouse to the common

area, both of them expect the other to catch

it. If they work together , they will surely kill

the mouse.

cooperate to overcome the difficulties . The

two men we students and the

mouse the difficulties shared by us. In face of difficulties, each of us should take on our own responsibility and work together to achieve success.

Just as an old saying goes: unity is strength. Only when we work together will

success come.


题目要求:In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

Cooperation. which has always been a hot topic, plays a very important role in today's world d. But not everyone knows how to cooperate well.

In the picture, we can see two men are trying to make a bench together. Both o f them are working hard, sweating a lot But obviously they are fixing the legs on opposite sides. Seeing the picture, I can't help thinking how ridiculous it is. The two men work as a team and both of them do make their effort. But unfortunately they just mind their own business without communicating with each other. It appears to me that they are not cooperating in an effective way. Working without cooperation leads to inefficiency.对于工作团结的语言

But how can we cooperate more effectively? From my point of view, cooperation calls for effective communication, without which people will do things blindly. We should exchange ideas with our partners and work out a careful plan before taking actions. Otherwise, all the efforts will be in vain, just like what the two men do in the picture.


题目要求:You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.

Jim, as you can see, there is a river and a group of ants in the picture. Some ants are working together to build an “ant bridge” so that their group members are able to cross the river and reach their final destination.

In my opinion, this picture vividly shows the importance of teamwork. It is impossible for a single ant to cross the river, but when they work together as a group, they can achieve their goals. Similarly in our life, an individual person cannot easily carry out a challenging task on his own without joining hands with others. In fact, there are a lot of occasions when teamwork is needed, such as ball games, project learning and even parties. As long as every one of us combines our efforts, we can surely cross the “river” in our life, just like what the little ants do in the picture.

This is my understanding of the picture. Don’t you think so, Jim?


You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.


1. 在我看来,这幅图片生动的展现了合作的重要性。

In my opinion, this picture vividly shows the importance of cooperation.

2. 只有彼此合作,我们才能创造双赢。

Only by cooperating with others can we create a "win-win" situation.

3. 合作将使每个人获益。

Cooperation will benefit everyone.

4. 我们应该记住,我们不可能一个人活下去,我们经常也要和别人团结起来实现目标。

We should bear in mind that we cannot survive alone and frequently we need to unite with others to achieve our goals.

5. 我们应该相互合作来克服困难。We should cooperate to overcome the difficulties.

6. 面对困难,我们每个人都应承担起自己的责任,一起努力取得成功。

In face of difficulties, each of us should take on our own responsibility and work together to achieve success.

7. 在我们的日常学习生活中,要想高效完成工作,我们必须学会与人合作。

In our daily life and study,if we want to accomplish our work efficiently,we must all learn to cooperate with others.

8. 合作可以为我们节省大量时间和精力。

Cooperation can save us a lot of time and energy.

9. 不彼此合作会导致没有效率。

Working without cooperation leads to inefficiency [ˌɪnɪˌfɪʃənsɪ].

10. 和我们生活中相似,不与他人合作,一个人不容易独自执行一个有挑战的任务。

Similarly in our life, an individual person cannot easily carry out a challenging task on his own without joining hands with others.

11. 只要我们每个人齐心协力,我们就一定能像图中的蚂蚁们那样渡过我们生活的“河”。

As long as every one of us combines our efforts, we can surely cross the “river” in our life, just like what the little ants do in the picture.

12. 在我看来,似乎他们没有用有效的方式合作。

It appears to me that they are not cooperating in an effective way.

13. 我们应该和工作伙伴交换想法,行动前制定详尽的计划。We should exchange ideas with our

partners and work out a careful plan before taking actions.

14. 不幸的是,他们只管自己的事情,不和搭档交流。

Unfortunately, they mind their own business without communicating with each other.

15. 正如大家所知,合作很重要;但合作中的沟通更重要。

As we all know, cooperation is of great importance; but the negotiation in cooperation counts more.

16. 没有沟通的合作是无力的。

Cooperation without negotiation is powerless.

17. 合作需要有效的交流。如果没有,我们会盲目地做事情。

Cooperation needs effective communication, without which we will do things blindly like the two workers in the picture.

18. 否则,就像图中的工人一样,所有的努力都会白费。

Otherwise all the efforts will be made in vain, just like what the two workers do in the picture. 习语、谚语表达

1. 正如一句老话所说,团结就是力量。Just as an old saying goes: unity is strength.

2. 毫无疑问团结就是力量。/众人拾柴火焰高。

There is no doubt that together, individuals can make a difference.

3. 很显然一个人的力量是有限的,而众人的力量是无限的。

It’s obvious that a person’s strength is limited, the power of people is unlimited.

4. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。Two heads are better than one.

5. 工作中团结协作至关重要。团结则存,分裂则亡。

It is essential for us to work in a united way. United, we stand; divided, we fall.



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