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Harry Potter

J`K.Rowling, who is a famous writer in the world, is famous with the

novel--Harry Potter.It is a series novel that attracts numbers of people in the world. As an author, J.K.Rowling has written fiction since she was a child. Born in 1965, she grows up in Chepstow and wrote her first "book" at the age of six--a story about a ribbit called Rabbit. She studied French and Classical at Exeter University, then moved to Londonto work at Amnesty International, and then to Portugal to teach Engliash as a foteign language, before settling in Edinburg. The idea for Harry Potter occured to hei on the train from Manchester to London, where she says Harry Potter

"just strolled into my head fully formed",and by the time she had arrived at King's Cross, many of the characters had taken shape. During the next five years she outlined the plots for each book and began writing the first in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stoe, which was first published by Bloomsbury in 1997. The other Harry Potter titles: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, followed J.K.Rowling has also written two companion books, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, in aid of Comic Relief.

In the last book--Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is the final fighting between Harry and Voldemort. Because of the thing that Voldemort don't understand and was not spare a glance for it, he finally died. Even though it was not his mistakes not to get love, he chose to destroyed by himself. Yes, love is the most important thing. Only it can exceed magic. In Rowling's books, we can see it everywhere. Because of love, Harry survived when he was one years old; because of love, many people sacrifice their lives to rescue their families and friends, such as Lupin said about his son,"I'm sorry too. Sorry I will never know him... but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life." The novel shows us about the seven years since Harry knew he was a wizard, and he began fighting against the strongest black wizard in the history with love.

In the novel, there are many characters lefting deep impression on me, such as the clever Hermione, unfortunate Remus Lupin, handsome Sirus Black and so on. Form them, I want to introduce three--Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and Severus Snape.

First, Dumbledore, who is thought the greatest wizard in the world, has much merit. He was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.He is the chief administrator of a School of Magic. he make all major decisions regarding the safety and the day-to-day functioning of the school, and have the power to

override any decision made by any other authoritative facilitator at the school From some respects, he is braver than other people. I respect him not only because of his greatness, wisdom, experience, achievement and humanity, but also because he has a comprehesive mind. He knows everything. He is able to accept, understand even including his mistakes and weakness. He is great because he sees everything brightly and leisurely went to death. He leads Harry to go to the front. Old as he is, he also don't lose the sense and became the only person that Voldemort is afraid of. But none of men are all-powerful, he is not an exception either. The difference is he accept them, understand how to correct them, never free from his fault, and even after dying, he still in struggle for justice--like those people, use their lives as bedding of another person on the way of this justice. I think he is a successful teacher and headmaster,he taught Harry understand what love means,how to insist his belief and how to use his ways to become stronger and stronger.He is an old man ,but he has unbelievable power and strong belief.I like him,even if sometimes he may feel scared,but he still believe in Harry and never have the thought of giving up fighting with devil.

Then, Harry Potter, as the dramatis personas in the novel, I think he is the most perfect one.He is a much-loved figure. He is strong, brave, kind, sincere, responsible, friendly. He and his friends Hermione Jane Granger, Ron Weasley companions, embarked on a dramatic chase battle with Voldemort. he has good talent to retrieval the world. Different from other person in the school, he has much weakness hardness. Lord Voldemort killed his parents , he lived at the home of his aunt and he must bear with the bad treatment the bad boy did.As young, he often gets impetuous, sometimes feel confused, and he also feels afraid of someting. He grows up bit by bit,and

becomes stronger and stronger, and finally becomes the hero in people's mind. On the other hand, he is only a child, who wants to have a peaceful life, to have an intact family that he can live with his father and mother, and get love from them. For that reason, when he knew the story about the Deathly Hallows, he wanted to find them, especially the Resurrection Stone,but later he realized that it is bad to own them and may course big problems, so he gave up and put them in somewhere that nobody can get them. He is so brave that he came to terms with death for others' happiness. In some places, his behave really stands for Gryffindor's spirit.Even when he was scared, he was also brave to go on. So maybe he is the brvest person in the novel. I also admire the friendship between Harry Potter and his partners, no matter what the

difficulties they face are, They never gave up the belief. They always had a conviction: “We must overcome all the difficulties to defeat evil, and we learn to get much strong power, understand and know how to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this belief, they will win, because evil can not defeat justice.”

The other role, Severus Snape, the Slytherin who loved a Gryfindor. His image changes in my heart after I read the Deathly Hallows.when I read the first six books of the series, I hate him very much because he always looked for the bad things of Harry Potter whether Harry potter was really wrong or not. Although before the actual state of affairs has been clear, I have already guessed the Snape was not Voldemort's

servant. I admire him after I finished reading the last book. the last book, I have found all my answers: Snape never betrayed Dumbledore, he helped Dumbledore and in the end he gave up his own life to fulfill Dumbledore’s plan, to assist Harry and to tell Harry the truth, all for the love of Lilly Potter. | Before that I hated him for his prejudice against Harry, and his haughtiness. But when I read the last book, I

suddenly realize that Severus is as Harry told his son--Ablus,"He was probably the bravest man I ever knew." He loves Lily Evans almost all his life. He met her when they was only nine years old. It seemed that Snape had a family that treated him badly and he was quite ashamed of himself, so he dared not approach his angel, Lilly, for fear that she’ll dislike him, so he always hid in the shadows and watched her while she play and laughed. They went to Hougwarts together. He came close to her, made friends with her and loved her at the rest of his life. Snape was sorted into Slytherin while Lilly to Gryffindor; they were move and more apart. And in the end Lilly fell in love with James Potter, Harry’s father, maybe that’s the biggest reason for Snape’s hatred for the Potters. Lily got married to James Potter who Severus hated very much, but he still put the love in his heart.Thanks to his love for Lily, he bears everything,

dumbly protected her son for seven years. Finally, he broke his life down. His love for Lily hid so well that I knew nothing of it until I saw the part in which Harry read the memories of his. And now I understood his last words for Harry when he died:” Look into my eyes.” His last request for Harry was to look into his eyes so he could die

looking at the eyes of Harry, the eyes same as Lilly’s, the eyes of the woman he loved. His love is so great that he can sacrifice himself to protect Harry even if he hates him as he does to James.I still remember his words“I love lily,I protect him,but I do not want him know.”No mtter how Harry potter hate him,no matter how much press he must have to bear,no matter how cruel Voldemort is ,he still love Lily ,he still insist his belief,he still protect Harry Potter.As a reader said that you can not do the evaluation about Severus Snape before you have read the Deathly Hallows.

Hermione is a Muggle-born Gryffindor student, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Rowling states that she was born on 19 September and she was nearly twelve when she first attended Hogwarts.She is an overachiever who excels academically, and is described by Rowling as a "very logical, upright and

good" character.Rowling adds that Hermione's parents, two Muggle dentists, are a bit bemused by their odd daughter but very proud of her all the same."They are well aware of the wizarding world and have visited Diagon Alley with her. Though Rowling has described the character of Luna Lovegood as the "anti-Hermione" because they are so different, Hermione's foil at Hogwarts is Pansy Parkinson, a female bully based on real-life girls who teased the author during her school days.

Rowling claims the character of Hermione carries several autobiographical influences. "I did not set out to make Hermione like me but she is...she is an

exaggeration of how I was when I was younger." She recalled being called a "little know-it-all" in her youth. Moreover, she states that not unlike herself, "there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure" beneath Hermione's swottiness. Finally,

according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character; because of her encyclopaedic knowledge, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter universe. Rowling also claims that her feminist

conscience is saved by Hermione, "who's the brightest character" and is a "very strong female character".

Hermione's name is derived from William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale; Rowling claimed that she wanted it to be unusual since if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would get teased for it and it seemed that "a pair of professional dentists, who liked to prove how clever they are...gave [her] an unusual name that no-one could pronounce." Her original last name was "Puckle", but Rowling felt the name "did not suit her at all", and so the less frivolous Granger made it into the books. Rowling confirmed in a 2004 interview that Hermione is an only child. Hermione later uses Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix when the trio attempt to steal Hufflepuff's cup from Gringotts. She, Harry, and Ron join Dumbledore's Army in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which Hermione destroys Hufflepuff's cup in the Chamber of Secrets with a basilisk fang, eliminating another Horcrux. Hermione and Ron also share their first kiss in the midst of the battle. In the final battle in the Great Hall, Hermione fights Bellatrix with the help of Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood.

However, the three of them are unable to defeat Bellatrix and stop fighting her once MollyWeasley orders them to disengage.

After reading all the novel, I find it has a consummate ending--they finally have a peaceful life, such as after the fighting, Harry said"I've had enough trouble for a life time." Yes, after experiencing all of that. Peace is happiness. Story as it is, I want to believe it is true in my mind. Those men, women and other things are real. Lke Dumbledore told Harry,"Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

In the novel, I learn that love, guardianship, friendship and family are the actual meaning for life. They are far more important than power, money, longevity and anything else. I am moving by the characters in the novel and the story itself. I've just fininshed reading the Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. There's even some pretty satisfying paybacks. The characters are fantastic and fantastically realistic. There are bad people who turn out to be good guys and good people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life.

I think the thing I like best about these books is the message that it's okay to be different - to be not "normal." I would love for everyone in school to have hear that message. It would probably reduce the bullying around the school.

These books value real thoughts. Much has been made of Harry's rule breaking, but only once in the series so far does he break a rule for arbitrary personal gain. Most of the time he makes a decision that what's right is more important than what's written. And you know what? Life's like that sometimes. I think it's great that kids are getting an example of how to do what's right even when it involves breaking rules. The Potter books also show that there are consequences for rule breaking. If not getting caught and getting a detention, then a spell going wrong and someone getting turned into a cat. This shows that when you make a decision to go against the rules that things may not go as you expected and you have to take responsibility for the outcome.


《harry potter(哈利波特1 英文影评)》

中国传媒大学 2014-2015 学年第 1期

题 目

学生姓名 王婷

学 号 班 级 学生所属学院 外国语学院

任课教师 彭展

教师所属学院 外国语学院

成 绩

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first part of the HARRY POTTER FILMS, achieved great success in the global stage in 2002. China just joined the WTO and began to open up bit by bit on films and other entertainment, which is a really good chance for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Furthermore, its vivid

characterization and gripping plot also contributed to its spectacular box office success. But there is another important successful factor which is easy to be

forgotten is the skilled and natural film translation.

The film follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage, as he makes close friends and a few enemies in his first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With the help of his friends, Harry faces an attempted

comeback by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents, but failed to kill Harry when he was just one year old.

In the view of film translation, translation of this film has received widely praise and the translator, who is a skilled professor in the Shanghai Film Studio, has translated hundreds of foreign movies such as Shrek and Garfield. He takes in charge of the oral and subtitle translation for public show and there is another version of translation for just subtitles. By comparing these two versions the conclusion is that the subtitle one is a faithful and at times literal adaptation but the culturally-loaded words in English is difficult for foreigners to understand if they are literally translated into Chinese in a simple way, however, the public one used more slang and idioms and some colloquial expressions which is going to upgrade how the movie sound in Chinese language. Here are some examples to illustrate and explain my ideas.

At the beginning of this film Harry Potter went to a zoo with his aunt and his

elder male cousin, the conversation between Harry and the snake has two types of translation. The subtitle one is:”对不起,他不了解你的感觉,像这样一天又一天地躺在这儿,看人们硬把丑脸贴到你面前。”and the public one is:“真对不起,他从没尝过那种滋味,一天一天的躺在那儿,面对那些凑过来看你的丑八怪”which added “他从没尝过那种滋味” to make the translation easier to understand and turn the word “丑脸”to more oral and vivid word“丑八怪”which makes those sentences like what a 10 year old boy would like to say.

在大胡子去哈利波特姨母家寻找哈利并送上礼物时有这样一段翻译,When Ribus Hagrid went to find Harry and invited him to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and gave him a birthday gift here goes a subtitle

translation:“嗯这才对嘛,我这儿有个东西要送你,好像不小心被我压到了。不过味道是不会变的。”and the public one is:“你不是就没人是了。送你个礼物,被我的屁股压坏了一点儿,不过我想味儿还是一样鲜.” To be honest, I really prefer the public one for it shows how rough but cute Ribus Hagrid is and in terms of intercultural respect, the public one uses domesticating translation method and translate the sentences in a more local tone, for example, when Ribus Hagrid went to borrow the key from a elfin he said: “There is the little evil”the public one

translate it into“小鬼难缠”a native Chinese phrase which is really vivid. And when those students play a ball game the players take their positions as Madame Hooch

steps out onto the field to begin the game and said:“ Now I want a nice clean game from all of you .”in the version of subtitle one it is:“我希望这会是场光明正大的比赛”directly and flat while the public one is:“我希望双方能赛出水平赛出风格。”this is also a domesticating translation,”赛出水平赛出风格” is a typical Chinese

opening remarks but this translation seems not unnatural and rigid, on the contrary this translation highlight the characteristics of Madame Hooch, a frank ,

straightforward lady.

Moreover, language, culture and customs are not separated; It requires

incredible facility to overcome untranslatability. Here are some magic curses to

illustrate this. Subtitle version translate those curses more directly and regardless of the rhyme such as:“阳光雏菊甜奶油,将这只又胖又笨的老鼠变成黄色”while the public one is:“阳光雏菊黄油香香,快快把这笨肥鼠变黄。”which is funny rhyming and impressive; the subtitle version is: “兔子眼,竖琴,快把清水变成酒”while the public one turn this curse into:“兔眼溜溜 竖琴悠悠 把这清水变美酒” a smooth and easy sentence.

Although Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has met with wide approval,

there are still some faults and mistakes to be considered. Firstly, both of these two versions are lack of real emotion. Secondly, those translations are too literary, but film translation should be more oral and native. For instance, the teacher of Harry Potter said:“there will be no foolish wand-waving , or silly incantations in this class .I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses , I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death.”both of those two versions fail to give a good translation, the public one is:“在我的课堂上可不许胡乱挥舞魔杖, 没事乱念咒语,我可以教你们如何对心灵施魔法,如何使感官入圈套,我会教你们贮藏名气,酿造辉煌,甚至能教你们如何造成长生不老药。” Those phrases like“贮藏名气”、“酿造辉煌”and“使感官入圈套”is too literary. There are also many curses cannot be translated for cultural diversity so used transliterated words so that the audience cannot understand what the film wants to express. Secondly, many names of main characters use translated words and there are some mistakes in place names. As the first part of the HARRY POTTER FILM, those mistakes might be excused.

From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that film translation in our country has a systematic framework of theory to guide translating activity but there are still many shortcomings to be improved.













电影开始了,我冷不丁的被伏地魔下了一跳,持续了两秒钟后恢复正常。 看到里面的哈利从孩提时的可爱到长大后的青春活力,看到他的朋友们一起携手并肩作战,当然也少不了他们在魔法学校的欢乐时光。电影讲了哈利、罗恩、赫敏潜入古灵阁,盗取伏地魔的魂器,他们的任务是摧毁魂器。








Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


Ministry 魔法部

Muggle 麻瓜

death eater 食尸人

obliviate 一忘皆空

The Order 凤凰会

Godric’s Hollow 葛德里山谷

Infiltrate 混进 v

Abomination 坏事

Goblin 妖精


Ambush 埋伏 Bequest 遗物 Half-blood 混血 Splinch 分身 v. Lumos 荧光闪烁 treacherous 奸诈的 enchante 施法 piss尿 filthy 肮脏的

Useful expressions

as inspiring as I find 尽管我很欣赏

give one’s way do sth. 用自己的方式做某事

have sb. mate with sb. 让某人与某人通婚

diffuse the tension 缓和紧张气氛

This is a false trail. 这是误导.

I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.我自愿执行这个任务.

We’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later.现在没时间闲话家常。

We’ve got to get the hell out of here.我们要离开这里。

We didn’t stand a chance.我们总算死里逃生。

It’s always been bigger than that.一直都是如此。

Always the tone of surprise.你总是大惊小怪。

Don’t let me spoil the fun. 别因为我扫你们的兴。








Why Voldemort must be the one to kill Harry Porter? Does he envy Porter? How could Voldemort control death eater? Use food or others? Voldemort can’t accept persons mate with Muggle. Is this a kind of racialism? Why did Hermione love Ron not Harry? Does Voldemort finally collected the three deathly harrows? What’s the real identity of Elphias?

Ideas about the movie

From the beginning to the end of this movie, a lot of questions and puzzles come into my mind, for it is my first time to watch the serious of Harry Potter. I have no knowledge of it, however, I still catch sight of some charming scenes of this movie.

(1) Dark times VS. Love

At the beginning of the movie, the director tells us there is no denying that these are dark times, so the movie sets up a tense atmosphere. However, we can still feel the existence of love. In the Hemione’s house, her mother prepares a cup of hot tea for her. At this time, her parents sit together to watch TV. Then the director shows a lot of photos in Hemione’s home. All of those scenes extend us a harmonious family. In order to keep her parents’ safe, Hemione has to erase their memory using the magic “obliviation”. For my part, I think the love among them can enhance the courage of Hemione to fight for Voldemort. For Harry, when he watches the family of Dudley leaving away from the window, he feels sad. In my opinion, this kind of sadness is the reflection of love to friends and hometown. As a result, their battle with Voldemort is righteous.

Then in the wedding of Bill and Lotus, we are moved by the kiss between Harry and Genny, although the coming of Ron disturbs the romantic feeling. This kind of love is also the shinning spot of this movie.

(2) Virtue VS. Evil

At first, we see an entertaining “conference of evil” chaired by Voldemort, discussing how and where to snatch Harry. As the representation of evil, Voldemort says he must be the one to kill Harry Potter. To some degree, for my part, it is a kind of respect to his opponent. Then, in the next scene, Bathilda who is pretended by Nigini, a boa constrictor, plans to attack Harry. Form these scenes, we learn that Voldemort is full of wisdom too. In my opinion, the director want to tell us that evil can not defeat virtue at last.

(3) Hero Harry VS. Common Harry

It is no doubt that Harry is a hero, especially in the teenagers’ minds. He is brave. For example, when he finds the sword is not the true one, he intends to search for it although Ron leaves. He is considerate. After Ron leaves, Harry intends to cheer Hermione up, so he dances with her, listening to a beautiful song. At the same time, he is handsome. It seems that he owns all the features that hero ought to have. These qualities hold him in respect. On the other hand, he is also a common person. He could be ill. Sometimes he is cheated by foxy enemy. He also has conflicts with friends, such as Ron. When he quarrels with Ron, he feels depressed. All of those prove he is a common person too. We like him not just because he is a hero, but also because he is a common one who is related to our real life.


上一篇: 红岩感想


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