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1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆).

2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人).

3. Would you like something __________(别的)?

4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口).

5. It' s about five _________(天) work.

6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait?

7. A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again.

8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚) ?

9. Bob is no __________(不再) a young man.

10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday.

11. You must stop _________(抽烟).

12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful __________(城市) in the world.

13. Have you visited my ____________(工作场所)?

14. Go to school _________(穿着) your school clothes on Monday.

15. They can't __________(带) the baby with them to go swimming.

16. There are some ____________(桥) over the river.

17. That old man __________(死) five weeks ago.

18. Father looks very _________(担忧的) today.

19. Be careful when you ___________(横穿) the busy street.

20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ________(代替).

21. His father's coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy.

22. Today I came to school ___________(没有) breakfast.

23. I was too busy and ___________(错过) the film "Titanic".

24. I will tell you when he __________(到达) my home.

25. Is the license in one of your __________(衣服口袋) ?

26. --What's wrong? --I ___________(割) one of my fingers just now.

27. If someone ___________(推) hard, the old man will fall over.

28. There are so many ___________(参观者) in the West Lake.

29. You must keep __________(安静) in class.

30. He __________(改变) his name when he was in the USA.

31. It's not good to laugh at others' ___________(错误).

32. There's nothing ____________(严重) with him, I think.

33. The food smells very _____________(好).

34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the _____________(胖).

35. Do you __________(相信) what he said?

36. ___________(或许) he will come here tomorrow.

37. Can you make the baby stop ___________(哭) ?

38. The film is really __________(精彩).

39. I ___________(梦) I was in Shanghai last night.

40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very __________(悲伤)

41. Mike ____________(跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.

42. It's hard ___________(完成) the work in such a short time.

43.The big boy ___________(叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team.

44. Mary enjoys ____________(听) to the music.

45. This is a black cat ______________(有) one white ear and two white legs.

46. My mother _________(担忧)about my health and study very much.

47. The twins enjoyed ________(她们自己) at the party.

48. Her __________(最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.

49. This is an __________(有趣) story book for children.

50. Please drive more _________(仔细).

51. All the _________(跑步者) got ready to run.

52. The teacher stood at the ___________(起跑线) line.

53. The boat is __________(不见了), where is it?

54. Which sports were you ____________(参加) that day?

55. Which is ___________(难), English or Chinese?

56. Lucy did ____________(坏) than Lily in Chinese.

57. To our _________(惊奇), the old man's hair turned black the next day.

58. If you have a lot of ___________(钱), what will you do?

59. Here is __________(另一张) picture of mine.

60. He ________(听见) someone playing the piano last night.

61. The old woman couldn't find her purse, she looked ________(着急).

62. We _______(举行) an English party the day before yesterday.

63. The baby laughed ________(高兴).

64. If it __________(下雨) tomorrow, we won' t go to the zoo.

65. An __________(印度人) showed them the way on the map.

66. Is his father a _________(厨师)or a cleaner?

67. I don't ________(真正地) agree with you.

68. It _________(好象) that Chinese food is very popular in the world.

69. He likes the _________(汤) with popper and oil.

70. She is a good _______(善良的) girl.

71. Don't _______(横穿) the road. It is dangerous.

72. There aren't any ___________(迹象) along the mad. He is lost.

73. That car nearly ________(撞) her.

74. There are many ________(旅客) at the bus station.

75. Don't make any ________(吵闹). You'll wake the baby up.

76. She is studying. You mustn't __________(打扰) her.

77. I often feel weak and _______(疲劳).

78. Waikiki is one of the best beaches for _______(冲浪) in Honolulu.

79. I hope someday diving will be an __________(比赛项目) of the Olympic Games.

80. --Are you doing OK in _________(保护) the environment? --Yes.

81. –Would you be back as soon as ________(尽快)? --All right.

82. Listen ! How _________(动听) he is singing !

83. Come and see us _________(无论如何) you have time.

84. It is a bad manner _________(吐痰) in public places.

85. Don' t throw the __________(垃圾) everywhere.

86--87. The _______(早) you start, the _______(快) you will come back.

88. We were all _________(激动) because we saw an interesting film.

89. Can you tell me what the number of Jim's _________(航班)out of Beijing is?

90. Look at the ________(说明) for the Smiths' trip.

91. The music ________(听起来) like birds singing.

92. If you get a ________(机会) to go there, please take it.

93. The little boy was _______(惊讶) at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea.

94. The sign here _________(警告) you not to smoke.

95. It' s not ________(允许) to take the books out of the classroom.

96. The story happened a few ________(世纪) ago.

97. These days the workers are busy ________(生产) this kind of medicine.

98. His parents always __________(鼓励) him to study hard.

99. Tom is very _________(自豪) of his new car.

100. His son is living ________(国外) now.

101. How many Chinese stamps have you _________(收集)?

102. It's ________(舒服) sitting with him under the tall tree.

103. His long talk is just a _________(浪费) of time.

104. The things can be ________(回收).

105. The policemen are ________(搜寻) the woods for the lost child.

106. What's the ________(人口) of Zhejiang this year?

107. At last a smile ________(出现) on her face.

108. The rules of ________(社会) must be obeyed by everyone.

109. If you want to start it, just _________(按) this button.

110. The boy does well in most of his lessons, _______(尤其是) Chinese.

111. How many _________(直的) lines must be drawn here?

112. Mr Zhang ________(毕业) from Beijing University in 1982.

113. The more careful you are, the _________(少)mistakes you will make.

114. The population of any other country is ________(少) than that of China.

115. Mid - autumn is a _______(传统的) festival for Chinese.

116. A new museum will be ________(建成) next year.

117. English is the most ________(广泛) used in the world.4

118. A river is a _______(天然的) waterway.

119. A _______(数字的) camera is dearer than that kind.

120. The speaker was _______(欢呼) by the listeners.

121. When autumn comes, the _______(树叶) on the trees begin to turn yellow.

122. It's ________(不可能的) that he can come here before noon.

123. The singing sounds quite ________(美妙), doesn't it?

124. The students had their photos ________(拍照) in the middle of the square.

125. To be a doctor for children is very _________(值得的).

126. The children ________(认为) their teacher as a good friend.

127. Who ________(赢)the boys' long jump?

128. Which team _________(打败) the team from No.2 Middle School?

129. The bike is too expensive. I don't think it's worth ________(买).

130. My child _________(更喜欢) drawing to singing.

131. The word "doctor" _______(结尾) with "or", not "er".

132. I _______(收到) a letter from my penfriend every month.

133. That bag is made of ________(皮革).

134. Have you made the ________(决定) yet?

135. Do you know ________(准确地) how the animals feel when they are in cages?

136. Many cows are _________(饲养) on the farm.

137. The football match ended in a __________(令人吃惊的) result.

138. Are those workers good at _________(驯养) animals?

139. All of us are pleased with their _________(演出).

140. Jim is even _______(懒惰) than Bill. 141. Last week our team played _____ __(与…对抗) the team from No. 64 Middle School.

142. Who __________(偷) Mr Green's necklace in fact?

143. My grandfather is a member of the singing _________(俱乐部). 144. When you are crossing a road, you must _____ __(注意) the traffic on both sides. 145. Thank you very much for _____ ___(借) your hike to me. 146. How much did you pay for the ___ _____(一套衣服)? 147. The baby is so young that he can _______ __(几乎不) dress himself. 148. I won' t feel ___ _____(寂寞) with the TV and the radio.

149. _________(合作) is very important for us students to study.

150. The coming exam is a great _________(挑战) for us.

1-5:potatoes,Italian,else,crossing,days' (土豆) (意大利人) (别的) (十字路口) (天) 6-10:necessary,later,clearly,longer,returned (必需的) (后) (清楚) (不再) (归来)

11-15:smoking,cities,workplace,in,take (抽烟) (城市) (工作场所) (穿着) (带) 16-20:bridges,died,worried,cross,instead (桥) (死) (担忧的) (横穿) (代替)

21-25:makes/made,without,missed,reaches,pockets (使得) (没有) (错过) (到达) (衣服口袋) 26-30:cut,pushes,visitors,quiet,changed (割) (推) (参观者) (安静) (改变)

31-35:mistakes,serious,nice/good,fattest,believe (错误) (严重) (好) (胖) (相信)

36-40:Maybe/Perhaps,crying,wonderful,dreamt/dreamed,sad (或许) (哭) (精彩) (梦) (悲伤)

41 -45:fell,to finish,called,listening,with (跌倒) (完成) (叫做) (听) (有)

46-50:worries,themselves,favorite,interesting,carefully (担忧) (她们自己) (最喜欢的) (有趣) (仔细)51-55:runners,starting,missing,in,harder/more difficult (跑步者) (起跑线) (不见了) (参加) (难) 56-60:worse,surprise,money,another,heard (坏) (惊奇) (钱) (另一张) (听见)

61-65:worried,held/had,happily,rains,Indian (着急) (举行) (高兴) (下雨) (印度人) 66-70:cook,really,seems,soup,kind (厨师) (真正地) (好象) (汤) (善良的) 71-75:cross,signs,hit,passengers,noise (横穿) (迹象) (撞) (旅客) (吵闹)

76-80:disturb,tired,surfing,event,protecting (打扰) (疲劳) (冲浪) (比赛项目) (保护) 81-85:possible,beautifully,whenever,to spit,rubbish (尽快) (动听) (无论如何) (吐痰) (垃圾) 86-90:earlier,sooner,excited,flight,instructions (早) (快) (激动) (航班) (说明)

91-95:sounds,chance,amazed,warns,allowed (听起来) (机会) (惊讶) (警告) (允许) 96-100:centuries,producing,encourage,proud,a-broad (世纪) (生产) (鼓励) (自豪) (国外) 101-105:collected,comfortable,waste,recycled,searching (收集) (舒服) (浪费) (回收) (搜寻) 106-ll0:population,appeared,society,press,especially (人口) (出现) (社会) (按) (尤其是) 111-ll5:straight,graduated,fewer,smaller,traditional (直的) (毕业) (少) (少) (传统的)

116-120:built/founded,widely,natural,digital,cheered (建成) (广泛) (天然的) (数字的) (欢呼) 121 -125:leaves,impossible, beautiful,taken,rewarding (树叶) (不可能的) (美妙)(拍照) (值得的) 126-130:regard,won,beat,buying,prefers (认为) (赢) (打败) (买) (更喜欢)

131 -135:ends,receive/get,leather,decision,exactly (结尾) (收到) (皮革) (决定) (准确地) 136-140:kept,surprising,training,performance,lazier (饲养) (令人吃惊的) (驯养) (演出) (懒惰)141 -145:against,stole,club,notice,lending (与…对抗) (偷) (俱乐部) (注意) (借).

146-150:suit,hardly,lonely,Teamwork,challenge (一套衣服) (几乎不) (寂寞) (合作) (挑战)


1. My ________(学生) like me and I like them.

2. Jim and David are my ___________(同班同学).

3. These are my friends. ___________(他们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.

4. Is Jim Kate' s ___________(兄弟)?

5.--6. Those are _________(香蕉) and these are ___________(桔子).

7. These two ___________(妇女) are my teachers..

8. Is ___________(每人) here today?

9. That's my bird, ______________(它的) name is Polly.

10. What's this in English? It's a __________(钟).

11. That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________(我们的).

12. There are many ___________(动物) over there.

13. What's in the ___________(双胞胎的) bedroom?

14. What's your ____________(最喜欢的)colour?

15. Are Tim and Tom in different ___________(学校)?

16. --What's the time? --It's a _____________(一刻钟) to seven.

17. Are there any ___________(警察) in the room?

18. His ____________(衣服) are grey. What about yours?

19. Can you count from one to a ____________(百)?

20. Whose ____________(女儿) are the girls? Mr King's.

21. There are many people in that ____________(市场)

22. Chinese is our first ___________(语言).

23. The teachers say we must do morning ____________(操) every day.

24. Those young men are ____________(士兵).

25. He __________(教) us English well, so our English is very good.

26. Walking after supper is good for our ____________(健康)

27. How much are the ________________(西红柿) ?

28. The Greens are going to London for their ____________(假日).

29. They are from Canada, so they are ____________(加拿大人).

30. I want to buy a _____________(字典) for my son.

31. We must do our homework ____________(仔细).

32. Are you _____________(渴) or hungry?

33. Their _____________(小刀) are all old, I want a new one.

34. Is that ___________(建筑物) a hotel or a shop?

35. There are many farmers in the ___________(田地).

36. Good morning, _____________(孩子), are we all here now?

37. Today is __________(星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.

38. I'd like an ______________(空的) box.

39. How many ____________(动物园) are there in that city?

40. What ____________(别的) can you see in the picture?

41. My bike isn't ___________(坏的), it's OK.

42. Put your __________(书本) away, Lily and Kate.

43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are _____________(饿)

44. Do you want any ____________(水果)?

45. I have porridge and eggs for ____________(早餐).

46 There are some _____________(块) of bread on the plate.

47. Those boys are good at ___________(游泳).

48. Don' t _________(扔) the yo - yo like that.

49. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball __________(选手).

50. Are the boys ____________(骑) bikes?

51. Jim is _____________(浇) the flowers.

52. The shop in our school ___________(关门) at 9 p.m.

53. We have a class ____________(会议) every week.

54. To many people, the meaning of a name is ___________(重要的).

55. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ___________(坏).

56. My grandpa often ___________(讲) us stories.

57. You can give him your best _________(祝愿).

58. Be quiet, the students are ________(上) lessons.

59. They are going to their _________(故乡) next week.

60. ________(或许) that man is a teacher; I think.

61. Would you like to go for a _________(野炊) with us tomorrow?

62. I'm very ________(累), and I want to have a good rest.

63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all big _______(城市).

64. I'm going to give my English teacher some ________(漂亮的) flowers for Teachers'Day.

65. Beijing is very ________(远). We have to go there by air.

66. Let's go _______(划船) on the river.

67. The monkeys climb up the trees __________(快).

68. September is the ________(九) month of the year.

69. Let's meet ________(在…外面) the school gate.

70. Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?

71. We are going to have a party to ________(庆祝) Teachers' Day.

72. They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.

73. Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?

74. Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?

75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ________(拿着) a book in his hand.

76. I think his story is _________(有趣) of the three.

77. You must wait at home ________(直到) he comes back.

78. His door is closed, ________(没有人) is in.

79. The farmers ________(种) potatoes on this farm.

80. It's not a truck but a ________(拖拉机).

81. How many _________(星星) can you see in the sky?

82. Tom runs _________(快) than Jim.

83. 'John wants to ________(饲养) the animals on the farm,

84. Of all the animals, tigers are the _________(危险).

85. Tomorrow we are going to learn the _________(十二) lesson.

86. --Shall we go to the _________(电影院) this afternoon? --OK.

87. --How many _________(婴儿) deer are there? --Three.

88. Please ________(给…看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.

89. Why don't we meet a little ______(早)? Let's make it 1:30.

90. Sheep and rabbits just eat _______(草).

91. Shall we go and see the clothes _________(表演) this evening,9

92. He says we must keep our eyes _________(闭).

93. Can you show me the way to the _________(博物馆)?

94. My home is about three ________(公里) from our school.

95. You'd better ________(说) it in English.

96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _________(瞬间,片刻).

97. I think it's very hard to travel _________(环绕) the big city.

98. There' s a lake _________(在…内) the park.

99. We can't help him, he has to ask a _________(女警察) for help.

100 In a few _________(月)time,it will be covered with green things.

101 Every day he _________(完成) his work at 5:00.

102 Mother is the _________(忙) in my family.

103 --Which lesson is the hardest? --The ________(五) lesson.

104 Let's meet at the shopping _________(中心) at 11 o'clock.

105 I'm going to _________(参观) the Great Wall next week.

106 He works very hard, and ___________(享受…的乐趣) his work.

107 There are going to be two football _________(比赛) tomorrow.

108 Is he good at ________(驾驶) a car?

109 You' d better ________(计划) your work carefully.

110. I think it's much _______(冷) today.

111. His friends are all __________(商人).

112. We sell the machines to many __________(国家)

113. Everything is ________(准备好了). Let's start.

114. Is the robot very __________(有用)?

115. Beijing is _________(干燥) than Shanghai these days.

116. --Who _________(发明) the telephone.? --Sorry, I don't know.

117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott __________(说).

118. Mr Mott finished ________(打包) at 10:40.

119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often __________(忘记) important meetings. 120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _________(睡觉) at night.

121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father _________(找到) work there. 122. Edison was a __________(著名的) inventor in the world.


Ⅰ. Choose the best answer.

1. As an English _______goes, where there is a will, there is a way.

A. say B. sayings C. proverb D. story

2. In job interview, the boss’s first ______of the job hunter plays a key role.

A. impression B. sight C. opinion D. view

3. Paris is famous for its_______shows to show the most resent styles of clothes.

A. flower B. movie C. TV D. fashion

4. Passengers strongly asked the Ministry of Railway to reduce the high-speed train________of standing-room-only tickets by a half.

A. costs B. fares C. money D. prizes

5. Some students should pay______expenses for weekend classes in training centre.

A. extra B. less C. fewer D. no

6. As students, we must make our greatest________ to improve our studies.

A. afford B. offer C. effect D. efforts

7. Jack has a poor sense of_______, so he often losses his way in the center of town.

A. direction B. direct C. director D. detective

8. Mary has a strong_________. She gets angry or excited easily.

A. memory B. character C. responsibility D. power

9. By Chinese law, people are 18 or above are considered as________.

A. teenagers B. adults C. young people D. children

10. Jack is a good student. He always_______well at home and school.

A. behavior B. perform C. behave D. behaves

11. Some students can probably get______ and fall asleep if a class is______enough.

A. bored;boring B. bored;bored C. boring; bored D. boring; boring

12. The class teacher went over to_______the girl crying sadly for failing the test.

A. calm B. play a trick on C. make fun of D. calm down

13. When we meet with new English words, we’d better _______the dictionary.

A. look up it in B. refer to C. prefer to D. refer

14. Air pollution________to be a big problem for the protection of the environment.

A. remains B. requires C. refuses D. continues

15. To show my respect for my grandparents, I pay_______visits to them.

A. regularly B. often C. rare D. regular

16. The recent hazy skies in Shanghai are a warning_______ of serious air pollution.

A. signal B. signs C. sing D. system

17. The flight________worked together to control the crazy hijackers.

A. stars B. air hosts C. air hostess D. staff

18. Henry gave a_______answer to Mr. David’s question to make Mr. David pleased.

A. satisfied B. satisfying C. satisfy D. disappointing

19. China’s______continues to develop so that we are getting richer and richer.

A. economy B. politics C. farming D. industry

20. In England, we often use ‘it’ to_______the weather, time, or distance.

A. stand B. refer C. refer to D. prefer to

Ⅱ. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word given.

21. Li Jin’s exam result were________, so his father gave him a big red packet as an


22. Our first class begins at _______ 8 in the morning.(exact)

23. Liu Hui always goes back home_________after school. (direct)

24. People want to leave a good__________on their friends when they first meet.(impress)

25. It’s safe for a patient to read the________for the medicine before taking it.(direct)

26. We must collect and recycle used_________ to protect environment.(battery)

27. We should discuss questions________ in the reading room.(quiet)

28. We mustn’t jump to a________ before we fully understand it.(conclude) Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentence as required.

29. Schools educate students in order to develop useful citizens. (保持原意) Schools educate students_______the_______of developing useful citizens.

30. Holding the 2010 World Expo was an important event for Shanghai.( 保持原意) Holding the 2010 World Expo was a________ ________ for Shanghai.

31. Children seldom talk about their parents in school. ( 保持原意)

Children seldom________ _________their parents in school.

32. Some students are tired of studies with too much work. ( 保持原意)

Some students are________ _________studies with too much work.

33. Junior 3 students should try their best to improve their studies. ( 保持原意) Junior 3 students ________great________ to improve their studies.

34. Students exit the school every day after school. ( 保持原意)

Students _______ _______ the school every day after school.

35. It is popular for Chinese to wear a pretty scarf around the neck. ( 保持原意) Wearing a pretty scarf around the neck is ________ _________ in China.








1. My ________(学生) like me and I like them.

2. Jim and David are my ___________ (同班同学).

3. These are my friends. ___________(他们的) names are Han Mei and Wei Hua.

4. Is Jim Kate' s ___________(兄弟) ?

5.--6. Those are _________(香蕉) and these are ___________(桔子).

7. These two ___________(妇女) are my teachers..

8. Is ___________(每人) here today?

9. That's my bird, ______________(它的) name is Polly.

10. What's this in English? It's a __________(钟).

11. That' s not your classroom, it' s _____________(我们的).

12. There are many ___________(动物) over there.

13. What's in the ___________(双胞胎的) bedroom?

14. What's your ____________(最喜欢的) colour?

15. Are Tim and Tom in different ___________(学校)?

16. --What's the time? --It's a _____________(一刻钟) to seven.

17. Are there any ___________(警察) in the room?

18. His ____________(衣服) are grey. What about yours?

19. Can you count from one to a ____________(百) ?

20. Whose ____________(女儿) are the girls? Mr King's.

21. There are many people in that ____________(市场)

22. Chinese is our first ___________(语言).

23. The teachers say we must do morning ____________(操) every day.

24. Those young men are ____________(士兵).

25. He __________(教) us English well, so our English is very good.

26. Walking after supper is good for our ____________(健康)

27. How much are the ________________(西红柿) ?

28. The Greens are going to London for their ____________(假日).

29. They are from Canada, so they are ____________(加拿大人).

30. I want to buy a _____________(字典) for my son.

31. We must do our homework ____________(仔细).

32. Are you _____________(渴) or hungry?

33. Their _____________(小刀) are all old, I want a new one.

34. Is that ___________(建筑物) a hotel or a shop?

35. There are many farmers in the ___________(田地).

36. Good morning, _____________(孩子), are we all here now?

37. Today is __________(星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.

38. I'd like an ______________(空的) box.

39. How many ____________(动物园) are there in that city?

40. What ____________(别的) can you see in the picture?

41. My bike isn't ___________(坏的), it's OK.

42. Put your __________(书本) away, Lily and Kate.

43. Yon can eat the cakes if you are _____________(饿)

44. Do you want any ____________(水果)?

45. I have porridge and eggs for ____________(早餐).

46 There are some _____________(块) of bread on the plate.

47. Those boys are good at ___________(游泳).

48. Don' t _________(扔) the yo - yo like that.

49. Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball __________(选手).

50. Are the boys ____________(骑) bikes?

51. Jim is _____________(浇) the flowers.

52. The shop in our school ___________(关门) at 9 p.m.

53. We have a class ____________(会议) every week.

54. To many people, the meaning of a name is ___________(重要的).

55. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ___________(坏).

56. My grandpa often ___________(讲) us stories.

57. You can give him your best _________(祝愿).

58. Be quiet, the students are ________(上) lessons.

59. They are going to their _________(故乡) next week.

60. ________(或许) that man is a teacher; I think.

61. Would you like to go for a _________(野炊) with us tomorrow?

62. I'm very ________(累), and I want to have a good rest.

63. Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan are all big _______(城市).

64. I'm going to give my English teacher some ________(漂亮的) flowers for Teachers'Day.

65. Beijing is very ________(远). We have to go there by air.

66. Let's go _______(划船) on the river.

67. The monkeys climb up the trees __________(快).【中学生世界中考英语考点词汇练习卷答案】

68. September is the ________(九) month of the year.

69. Let's meet ________(在…外面) the school gate.

70. Which month is hotter, _________(十月) or September?

71. We are going to have a party to ________(庆祝) Teachers' Day.

72. They are going shopping ________(一起) tomorrow.

73. Who' s _________(高), Lily or Lucy?【中学生世界中考英语考点词汇练习卷答案】

74. Who is the ________(年轻) in your class?

75. Our teacher comes into the classroom ________(拿着) a book in his hand.

76. I think his story is _________(有趣) of the three.

77. You must wait at home ________(直到) he comes back.

78. His door is closed, ________(没有人) is in.

79. The farmers ________(种) potatoes on this farm.

80. It's not a truck but a ________(拖拉机).

81. How many _________(星星) can you see in the sky?

82. Tom runs _________(快) than Jim.

83. 'John wants to ________(饲养) the animals on the farm,

84. Of all the animals, tigers are the _________(危险).

85. Tomorrow we are going to learn the _________(十二) lesson.

86. --Shall we go to the _________(电影院) this afternoon? --OK.

87. --How many _________(婴儿) deer are there? --Three.

88. Please ________(给…看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.

89. Why don't we meet a little ______(早)? Let's make it 1:30.

90. Sheep and rabbits just eat _______(草).

91. Shall we go and see the clothes _________(表演) this evening,9

92. He says we must keep our eyes _________(闭).

93. Can you show me the way to the _________(博物馆)?

94. My home is about three ________(公里) from our school.

95. You'd better ________(说) it in English.

96. I'm sorry he's not at home at the _________(瞬间,片刻).

97. I think it's very hard to travel _________(环绕) the big city.

98. There' s a lake _________(在…内) the park.

99. We can't help him, he has to ask a _________(女警察) for help.

100. In a few _________(月)time,it will be covered with green things.

101 Every day he _________(完成) his work at 5:00.

102 Mother is the _________(忙) in my family.

103 --Which lesson is the hardest? --The ________(五) lesson.

104 Let's meet at the shopping _________(中心) at 11 o'clock.

105 I'm going to _________(参观) the Great Wall next week.

106 He works very hard, and ___________(享受…的乐趣) his work.

107 There are going to be two football _________(比赛) tomorrow.

108 Is he good at ________(驾驶) a car?

109 You' d better ________(计划) your work carefully.

110. I think it's much _______(冷) today.

111. His friends are all __________(商人).

112. We sell the machines to many __________(国家)

113. Everything is ________(准备好了). Let's start.

114. Is the robot very __________(有用)?

115. Beijing is _________(干燥) than Shanghai these days.

116. --Who _________(发明) the telephone.? --Sorry, I don't know.

117. The robot listened to everything Mr Mott __________(说).

118. Mr Mott finished ________(打包) at 10:40.

119. Mr Li has a very bad memory, he often __________(忘记) important meetings. 120. The memory robot always watched Mr Mott _________(睡觉) at night.

121. We moved to France nine years ago because my father _________(找到) work there. 122. Edison was a __________(著名的) inventor in the world.

123. _______(千)of people are at the concert now.

124. The Reads enjoy __________(看) newspapers.

125. Which __________(部分)of Australia do you come from?

126. He has a friend _________(叫做) Li Ming.

127. It was _________(下雨) hard when I wanted to go home:

128. December comes after ___________(十一月).

129. What _________(发生) in the middle of the concert last night?

130. He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a ________(匆忙).

131. Look! The children are making some __________(雪人).

132. July is the _________(热) month of the year, we don't go to school then.

133. Did you help the farmers with the rice _______(丰收) last year?

134 My mother often does some _________(洗) on Sundays.

135 He _________(写) a letter to his penfriend last night.

136 It was ________(真的) cold yesterday.

137 The students are busy _________(帮助) the farmers with the apple picking. 138 I like _________(下雪) days because I like to play with snow.

139 The shop only sells _________(男) clothes and shoes.

140. Bruce is going ___________(远足) in the Blue Mountains with his father. 141 There will be a _________(强) wind in the northeast of China.

142 The weather here is very fine. We have a lot of ________(阳光) every day. 143 Thank you very much for ________(邀请) me to your party.

144 Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a ________(口信)?

145 Miss Zhan looked at me with a big _______(笑) on her face.

146 I'm _________(恐怕) I may be a little late.

圣诞节) Day.

148 Spring ____________(节日) is the most important in China.

149 Where will you go __________(在…期间) the winter holiday?

150. They will have a big ________(聚会) on December the twenty - fourth.


1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆).

2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人).

3. Would you like something __________(别的)?

4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口).

5. It' s about five _________(天) work.

6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait?

7. A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again.

8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚) ?

9. Bob is no __________(不再) a young man.

10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday.

11. You must stop _________(抽烟).

12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful __________(城市) in the world.

13. Have you visited my ____________(工作场所)?

14. Go to school _________(穿着) your school clothes on Monday.

15. They can't __________(带) the baby with them to go swimming.

16. There are some ____________(桥) over the river.

17. That old man __________(死) five weeks ago.【中学生世界中考英语考点词汇练习卷答案】

18. Father looks very _________(担忧的) today.

19. Be careful when you ___________(横穿) the busy street.

20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ________(代替).

21. His father's coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy.

22. Today I came to school ___________(没有) breakfast.

23. I was too busy and ___________(错过) the film "Titanic".

24. I will tell you when he __________(到达) my home.

25. Is the license in one of your __________(衣服口袋) ?

26. --What's wrong? --I ___________(割) one of my fingers just now.

27. If someone ___________(推) hard, the old man will fall over.

28. There are so many ___________(参观者) in the West Lake.

29. You must keep __________(安静) in class.

30. He __________(改变) his name when he was in the USA.

31. It's not good to laugh at others' ___________(错误).

32. There's nothing ____________(严重) with him, I think.

33. The food smells very _____________(好).

34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the _____________(胖).

35. Do you __________(相信) what he said?

36. ___________(或许) he will come here tomorrow.

37. Can you make the baby stop ___________(哭) ?


38. The film is really __________(精彩).

39. I ___________(梦) I was in Shanghai last night.

40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very __________(悲伤)

41. Mike ____________(跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.

42. It's hard ___________(完成) the work in such a short time.

43.The big boy ___________(叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team.

44. Mary enjoys ____________(听) to the music.

45. This is a black cat ______________(有) one white ear and two white legs.

46. My mother _________(担忧)about my health and study very much.

47. The twins enjoyed ________(她们自己) at the party.

48. Her __________(最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.

49. This is an __________(有趣) story book for children.

50. Please drive more _________(仔细).

51. All the _________(跑步者) got ready to run.

52. The teacher stood at the ___________(起跑线) line.



1. They eat a lot of _________(土豆).


2. Indiren can speak English well. But she is an __________(意大利人).

3. Would you like something __________(别的)?

4. Walk along the road and turn right at the third __________(十字路口).

5. It' s about five _________(天) work.

6. Do you think it _________(必需的) for us to learn to wait?

7. A few minutes __________(后), I saw the plane again.

8. It's not a very good line. Could you speak more _________(清楚) ?

9. Bob is no __________(不再) a young man.

10. The Green family __________(归来) to China last Friday.

11. You must stop _________(抽烟).

12. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful __________(城市) in the world.

13. Have you visited my ____________(工作场所)?

14. Go to school _________(穿着) your school clothes on Monday.

15. They can't __________(带) the baby with them to go swimming.

16. There are some ____________(桥) over the river.

17. That old man __________(死) five weeks ago.

18. Father looks very _________(担忧的) today.

19. Be careful when you ___________(横穿) the busy street.

20. I didn't have bread for breakfast, I had a bowl of porridge ________(代替).

21. His father's coming back ________(使得) him feel very happy.

22. Today I came to school ___________(没有) breakfast.

23. I was too busy and ___________(错过) the film "Titanic".

24. I will tell you when he __________(到达) my home.

25. Is the license in one of your __________(衣服口袋) ?

26. --What's wrong? --I ___________(割) one of my fingers just now.

27. If someone ___________(推) hard, the old man will fall over.

28. There are so many ___________(参观者) in the West Lake.

29. You must keep __________(安静) in class.

30. He __________(改变) his name when he was in the USA.

31. It's not good to laugh at others' ___________(错误).

32. There's nothing ____________(严重) with him, I think.

33. The food smells very _____________(好).

34, Of the three, Mr Brown is the _____________(胖).

35. Do you __________(相信) what he said?

36. ___________(或许) he will come here tomorrow.

37. Can you make the baby stop ___________(哭) ?

38. The film is really __________(精彩).

39. I ___________(梦) I was in Shanghai last night.

40. Her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very __________(悲伤)

41. Mike ____________(跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.

42. It's hard ___________(完成) the work in such a short time.

43.The big boy ___________(叫做) Wu Hai is the best player on his team.

44. Mary enjoys ____________(听) to the music.

45. This is a black cat ______________(有) one white ear and two white legs.

46. My mother _________(担忧)about my health and study very much.

47. The twins enjoyed ________(她们自己) at the party.

48. Her __________(最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.

49. This is an __________(有趣) story book for children.

50. Please drive more _________(仔细).

51. All the _________(跑步者) got ready to run.

52. The teacher stood at the ___________(起跑线) line.

53. The boat is __________(不见了), where is it?

54. Which sports were you ____________(参加) that day?

55. Which is ___________(难), English or Chinese?

56. Lucy did ____________(坏) than Lily in Chinese.

57. To our _________(惊奇), the old man's hair turned black the next day.

58. If you have a lot of ___________(钱), what will you do?

59. Here is __________(另一张) picture of mine.

60. He ________(听见) someone playing the piano last night.

61. The old woman couldn't find her purse, she looked ________(着急).

62. We _______(举行) an English party the day before yesterday.

63. The baby laughed ________(高兴).

64. If it __________(下雨) tomorrow, we won' t go to the zoo.

65. An __________(印度人) showed them the way on the map.

66. Is his father a _________(厨师)or a cleaner?

67. I don't ________(真正地) agree with you.

68. It _________(好象) that Chinese food is very popular in the world.

69. He likes the _________(汤) with popper and oil.

70. She is a good _______(善良的) girl.

71. Don't _______(横穿) the road. It is dangerous.

72. There aren't any ___________(迹象) along the mad. He is lost.

73. That car nearly ________(撞) her.

74. There are many ________(旅客) at the bus station.

75. Don't make any ________(吵闹). You'll wake the baby up.

76. She is studying. You mustn't __________(打扰) her.

77. I often feel weak and _______(疲劳).

78. Waikiki is one of the best beaches for _______(冲浪) in Honolulu.

79. I hope someday diving will be an __________(比赛项目) of the Olympic Games.

80. --Are you doing OK in _________(保护) the environment? --Yes.

81. –Would you be back as soon as ________(尽快)? --All right.

82. Listen ! How _________(动听) he is singing !

83. Come and see us _________(无论如何) you have time.

84. It is a bad manner _________(吐痰) in public places.

85. Don' t throw the __________(垃圾) everywhere.

86--87. The _______(早) you start, the _______(快) you will come back. 88. We were all _________(激动) because we saw an interesting film. 89. Can you tell me what the number of Jim's _________(航班)out of Beijing is? 90. Look at the ________(说明) for the Smiths' trip. 91. The music ________(听起来) like birds singing. 92. If you get a ________(机会) to go there, please take it. 93. The little boy was _______(惊讶) at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea. 94. The sign here _________(警告) you not to smoke. 95. It' s not ________(允许) to take the books out of the classroom. 96. The story happened a few ________(世纪) ago. 97. These days the workers are busy ________(生产) this kind of medicine. 98. His parents always __________(鼓励) him to study hard. 99. Tom is very _________(自豪) of his new car. 100. His son is living ________(国外) now. 101. How many Chinese stamps have you _________(收集)? 102. It's ________(舒服) sitting with him under the tall tree. 103. His long talk is just a _________(浪费) of time. 104. The things can be ________(回收). 105. The policemen are ________(搜寻) the woods for the lost child. 106. What's the ________(人口) of Zhejiang this year? 107. At last a smile ________(出现) on her face. 108. The rules of ________(社会) must be obeyed by everyone. 109. If you want to start it, just _________(按) this button. 110. The boy does well in most of his lessons, _______(尤其是) Chinese. 111. How many _________(直的) lines must be drawn here? 112. Mr Zhang ________(毕业) from Beijing University in 1982. 113. The more careful you are, the _________(少)mistakes you will make. 114. The population of any other country is ________(少) than that of China. 115. Mid - autumn is a _______(传统的) festival for Chinese. 116. A new museum will be ________(建成) next year. 117. English is the most ________(广泛) used in the world.4 118. A river is a _______(天然的) waterway. 119. A _______(数字的) camera is dearer than that kind. 120. The speaker was _______(欢呼) by the listeners. 121. When autumn comes, the _______(树叶) on the trees begin to turn yellow. 122. It's ________(不可能的) that he can come here before noon. 123. The singing sounds quite ________(美妙), doesn't it? 124. The students had their photos ________(拍照) in the middle of the square. 125. To be a doctor for children is very _________(值得的). 126. The children ________(认为) their teacher as a good friend. 127. Who ________(赢)the boys' long jump? 128. Which team _________(打败) the team from No.2 Middle School? 129. The bike is too expensive. I don't think it's worth ________(买). 130. My child _________(更喜欢) drawing to singing.

131. The word "doctor" _______(结尾) with "or", not "er".

132. I _______(收到) a letter from my penfriend every month.

133. That bag is made of ________(皮革).

134. Have you made the ________(决定) yet?

135. Do you know ________(准确地) how the animals feel when they are in cages? 136. Many cows are _________(饲养) on the farm.

137. The football match ended in a __________(令人吃惊的) result.

138. Are those workers good at _________(驯养) animals?

139. All of us are pleased with their _________(演出).

140. Jim is even _______(懒惰) than Bill.

141. Last week our team played _________(与…对抗) the team from No. 64 Middle School.

142. Who __________(偷) Mr Green's necklace in fact?

143. My grandfather is a member of the singing _________(俱乐部).

144. When you are crossing a road, you must ________(注意) the traffic on both sides.

145. Thank you very much for ________(借) your hike to me.

146. How much did you pay for the ________(一套衣服)?

147. The baby is so young that he can _________(几乎不) dress himself. 148. I won' t feel ________(寂寞) with the TV and the radio.

149. _________(合作) is very important for us students to study.

150. The coming exam is a great _________(挑战) for us.

Keys: B:1 -5:potatoes, Italian, else, crossing, days' 6-10:necessary, later, clearly, longer, returned 11-15:smoking, cities, workplace~ in, take 16-20:bridges, died, worried, cross, instead 21-25:makes/made, without, missed, reaches, pockets 26-30:cut, pushes, visitors, quiet, changed 31 - 35 mistakes, serious, nice/good, fattest, believe 36 - 40 Maybe/Perhaps, crying, wonderful, dreamt/dreamed, sad 41 -45:fell, to finish, called, listening, with 46-50: worries, themselves, favourite, interesting, carefully 51 - 55 : runners, starting, missing, in, harder/more difficult 56 - 60 : worse, surprise, money, another, heard 61 - 65 :worried, held/had, happily, rains, Indian 66 - 70 : cook, really, seems, soup, kind 71 - 75 : cross, signs, hit, passengers, noise 76 - 80 :disturb, tired, surfing, event, protecting 81 - 85 possible,

beautifully, whenever, to spit, rubbish 86 - 90 : earlier, sooner, excited, flight, instructions

91 - 95 : sounds, chance, amazed,, warns, allowed 96 - 00:centuries, 1

producing, encourage, proud, a- broad 101 - 105:collected, comfortable, waste, recycled, searching 106 - ll0:population, appeared, society, press, especially

aditional 116- 111-ll5:straight, graduated, fewer, smaller, tr

120:built/founded, widely, natural, digital, cheered 121 -125:leaves,

impossible, beautiful, taken, rewarding 126- 130:regard, won, beat, buying,

prefers 131 -135:ends, receive/get, leather, decision, exactly 136 - 140 : kept, surprising, training, performance, lazier 141 -145:against, stole, club, notice, lending 146- 150:suit, hardly, lonely, Teamwork, challenge



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