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Module1 man-made natural wonder discussion eastern though loud opinion

in one’s opinion more than electricity millions of below shine sign silent silver sky grey

go through beside reply clear fall away stream nearly on top of canyon remain

Module1 人造的 大自然的 奇观,奇迹 讨论,商讨

在东边的,来自东边的 虽然,但是 (声音)响亮的 看法,主张

按某人的意见,据某人看来 超过 电

大量的,无数的,数百万的 在下面,在…以下 照耀

迹象,标志,招牌 寂静的

银灰色的,银质的 天,天空 灰色的,(天气)阴沉的 穿过

在…旁边,在…附近 回答,答复

(烟雾等)开始消失 突然向下倾斜 小河,小溪 几乎,差不多 在…上面,盖住 峡谷


Module2 ourselves found since then flag until off

all kinds of vacation

take a vacation season kid

have fun band UK

as soon as fourth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth twentieth among speech pioneer grow corn

following lay

lay the table over dish Module2 我们自己 创立,创建 从那以后 旗,旗帜 直到…为止

不上课,休息,不工作 各种各样的 假期,假日 去度假

度假旺季,节期 小孩

玩得高兴,有乐趣 乐队 英国 一…就… 第四 第六 第七 第八 第九 第十 第十二 第二十 在…之中 演说,讲演 开拓者,先驱者 种植,栽培(植物) 谷物,玉米

接着的,接下来的 摆放(餐桌) 摆放餐桌

完了的,结束的 盘,碟

including medal attend abroad once again doctor degree whatever give up amazing will victory simply Canadian sick soldier treat war wound die for wounded realise dying care

take care of tool

invention at that time on one’s own useful rest himself continue die of Canada

包含,包括 奖牌,奖章 上(学),出席,参加(事件或活动) 在国外,到国外 再一次 博士


无论什么,不管什么 放弃(努力) 惊人的,极好的 意志,决心 成功,胜利 实在,的确

加拿大的,加拿大人的 (感觉)不适的,生病的 军人,士兵 医治,治疗 战争 伤,伤口 为…而死 受伤的


垂死的,即将死亡的 照顾,照料 照顾,护理 工具,器械 发明,发明物 那时候 独自一人

有用的,有益的 休息,睡眠 他自己 (使)继续 死于… 加拿大



Module 1综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Hello, Mary. Are you going to Beijing by train?

W: No. It’s too slow. I’ll go there by air

2. W: Sam, where are you going on vacation?

M: We are going to Paris.

3. W: How did you spend the May Day holiday?

M: I saw a film with my family.

4. M: Hi, Amy. Where would you like to visit on your vacation?

W: Hi, Sam. I’d like to go to Hainan. And I know Lily is going to Beijing.

5. M: Will you go to the women's football match with me tonight, Jane?

W: Yes, I'd love to. But I am busy with my lessons. What about tomorrow?

M: OK.

6. M: I went to buy some books yesterday afternoon.

W: Me too. How many books have you got now?

M: I've got fifty.

W: I've got fifteen.

7. M: Kate, do you have any plan for your vacation

W: Yeah, Maybe I’m going to visit Nanjing. Bill, how about you?

M: I’ve no idea.

W: Why not go with me?

M: Sounds great.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes. I’m going to Chongqing. Which flight should I take?

W: Look! Flight 251 CPA from Nanjing to Chongqing takes off at 7:30 on Monday and Thursday, and it arrives in Chongqing at 9:00.

M: Is there any other flight to Chongqing today?

W: Sorry, today is Saturday. There are only those two flights in a week.

M: OK. Thank you.


Two men were traveling in a wild part of America. Many days passed and they didn’t see anybody. They did not even see a house. Then, one day, they met an old native American man. They found that he knew their language and they talked for a few minutes. One of them asked the old man what the weather would be like in the next few days.

“Oh, very cold. The temperature will be below zero. Then there will be snow for two days, but after that it will be sunny,” he said.

“That’s amazing,” said one of the men. “The old man knows the secrets of nature! How smart he is!” Then he turned to the old man.

“Tell me,” he said, “how do you know all that?”

The old man replied: “I heard it on the radio.”

Module 2综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Mary, how are you going to Xiamen for the summer vacation?

W: I’m going by train.

2. M: What bad weather!

W: Yeah, rainy days always make me sad.

3. M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the library?

W: It’s over there, across from the street.

4. W: Do you like moon cakes?

M: Yes. I like moon cakes very much. And I also enjoy the full moon.

5. W: I’d like to give a bunch of flowers to my mother.

M: Why? Is it your mother’s birthday?

W: No, it’s Mother’s Day.

6. W: What is your favourite holiday?

M: I like Spring Festival best. I can get a lot of lucky money.

7. W: Why do so many people go to climb the mountain today?

M: It’s a traditional custom in China.

8. W: Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr. Li! Here are some presents for you, with our best wishes.

M: Oh, thank you very much. But I think the best present for the teacher is your work.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

Sandy: Hello, Kitty

Kitty: Hi, Sandy. Next Sunday is teachers’ Day. Let’s buy some flowers for Miss Wang.

Sandy: Good idea. Tomorrow is Wednesday. We don’t have any lessons on Wednesday afternoon. Let’s go shopping together.

Kitty: All right. Oh, it’s ten to ten. It’s time for next class.

Sandy: Don’t forget to tell Daniel.


Last week I had a good time with my friends in Beihai. The trip was unforgettable. And it wasn’t expensive. It was only 1,250yuun per person. We flew from Shenzhen Airport to Nanning. Then we took a bus to Silver Beach, one of the most famous places in Beihai. We walked on the wonderful white sand and we felt really excited. And the beautiful sunset was amazing. Then we visited Underwater World and stayed there for three hours. It was wonderful! After that, we traveled to Beihai Laojie Area. There we went to Danjia Restaurant to try some fresh seafood. It was delicious. And we bought some pearls in the South Pearl Palace. We also enjoyed the natural beauty of the Mangrove Forest. People call it Forest on the Sea. Beihai is beautiful. I love it.

Module 3 暨第一次月考检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共16分)

第一节 听对话,选图或回答问题。

1. W: Which sport does Mike like better?

M: He likes swimming. He is good at it.

2. W: Who’s that?

M: That’s Yao Ming. I like him best.

3. W: Do you live in Shanghai?

M: Yes, I do. I was born there. I like it very much.

4. M: Who’s Midori, do you know?

W: She is a famous violinist. She plays the violin pretty well.

5. M: How did you like the exam, Joan?

W: Oh, it wasn’t difficult at all.

6. M: Does the film start at six or sixty-fifteen?

W: It starts at six-thirty and ends at eight-forty.

7. M: What’s the time, Mum? Our class meeting starts at nine o’clock.

W: Oh, you must hurry then. You have only 15 minutes left.

M: Goodbye, Mum.

W: Have a good day, dear.

8. M: Did you work in France before you came to China?

W: Yes. I stayed there for less than three years.

M: Why did you change your job?

W: Mm, it’s hard to say.

第二节 听对话或独白,回答问题。


M: What time does our football match start on Sunday?

W: The game begins at 2:00.

M: Cool! Who are we going to play with?

W: A team of soldiers, surprised?

M: Wow, they must be very strong and have excellent foot skills.

W: Maybe. But soldiers usually give a good game.

M: I’ll try my best.

W: Don’t hurt your feet these days.

M: Don’t worry. See you then.


W: Oh, Gone with the Wind. Where did you buy this book, Tom?

M: My sister bought it for my birthday.

W: That’s cool! I have read one in Chinese, but I haven’t read one in English.

M: If you like, you can take this one.

W: How long may I keep this book?

M: A month is enough, I think.



George Dawson wrote a book called Life is So Good. The book is full of stories from George’s life. He wrote it in nineteen ninety-eight when he was one hundred years old. The most amazing part is that George learnt to read just two years before he wrote the book.

When he was eight, his father sent him to work. Life was hard for the poor American family. Food became more important than school.

When George was ninety-eight, he heard about adult classes near his home. He still had a dream that he would lean to read. He went to class. His teacher helped him, and in two years he wrote the book.

Module 4综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. W: Did you enjoy yourselves at the zoo last Sunday?

M: No, we didn’t go there. It was raining.

2. M: How did your sister come to London?

W: She decided to drive her own car. But finally she took the train.

3. M: I have waited for half an hour. Why did you take so long to park the car?

W: I’m sorry, dear. I had to drive very far before I could find a place to park.

4. W: Mark, did you write down the time and place of the meeting?

M: Sorry, Miss Wu. Can you speak more slowly please?

5. W: Jack, why were you late for class this morning? Didn’t you catch the bus?

M: No. My watch broke last night, so I got up late. I will never be late again.

6. W: Tom’s teacher said he didn’t do well in the physics exam. Will you give our son a hand, dear? M: I’m busy with my report for next Monday. Will you teach him this time?

7. W: Where did you say you found the wallet?

M: It was found in the grass between the teaching building and the library.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

W: Hello, Paul! Where did you go on summer holiday?

M: I went to Tibet with Uncle Lambert.

W: Really? How was there?

M: It’s a special place. People there are very friendly and it was cold.

W: It’s great. How were you there?

M: I always felt uncomfortable, but we enjoyed ourselves.


Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow. Some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little.

When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often clouds, gray sky and cold rain in England in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this. But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks “Is it so late?” and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground and on the house and everything. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.

Module 5 综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. M: Must we keep quiet in the classroom?

W: Yes. No shouting in the classroom.

2. M: Don’t cross the rope. Can’t you see the sign?

W: I’m sorry. I can’t see it.

3. M: Hi, Betty, come and see the monkey exhibition.

W: No shouting, please! It’s against the rules.

4. M: It’s warm today, isn’t it?

W: Yes, but it’ll be warmer tomorrow. It’ll be much warmer the day after tomorrow.

5. W: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later. M: Yes. Although it’s fun to watch.

6. M: Mom, I want to go out to skate with my friends.

W: Oh, dear. I must go shopping now. You have to be at home by 3:00pm.

7. M: What’s the matter, Peter?

W: I think I’m going to fail the math test, Dad.

M: You are? Why?

W: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk to school.

第二节 听对话或独白,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的答案。 听第8段材料,回答8-9小题。

M: Hello, Helen.

W: Hi, Bob.

M: You don’t look very well.

W: Nothing has gone right for me today.

M: What’s the matter?

W: I don’t know. It just isn’t my day.

M: Please tell me what has happened to you.

W: My car broke down on the way to work. And I left my papers at home.

M: Well. The same has happened to me once. I’m sure things will get better by themselves.

W: I hope so.【外研版九上英语单词听力下载】


A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English, you have to read stories in English and speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the questions papers, try to understand the exact meaning of each question. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out.

Module 6综合检测试卷

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(每小题1分,共13分)

第一节 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片或答案。

1. W: Mike, you got an A again in the English exam. How did you improve so quickly?

M: I went to the English Corner and spoke English as loudly as possible.

2. M: Are you terrified of dogs, Tina?



wonder n.奇迹vt.想知道,对...好奇 band n.乐队

review n.评论

ancient a.远古的,古老的

composition n.作文

grade n.成绩;年级

pyramid n.金字塔

pupil n.学生

meeting n.会议

listen up 注意听

call vt.叫做,名为;打电话

event n.事件;比赛项目

natural a.天然的;自然的

get out of 从...内出来,离开 light a.明亮的 n.光线;灯

reply vi.回答

clear v.散开;打扫干净 a.清晰的 rise vi.升起

ground n.地面

below prep.在…下面

edge n.边,边缘

on the edge of 处于...的边缘 bottom n.底部

at the bottom of 在...的底部 canyon n. 峡谷

side n.边,面,侧

disappear vi.消失

distance n.距离

huge a.巨大的

face v. 面对,面临 n.脸

sight n.景象,景观

height n.高度

lift n.电梯

view n.景色

attract vt.吸引

description n.描述

location n.地点,位置


work n.(常复)作品

influence vt.影响

respect vt.尊敬,尊重

thinker n. 思想家

wise a.睿智的

as far as 就…来说;至于


not...any more 不再...

monthly a.每月一次的,每月的 literature n.文学

millions of 数百万的

behaviour n.行为,举止

cave n.山洞,洞穴

freedom n.自由

funeral n.葬礼

outsider n.局外人,外来人

social a.社会的

theme n.主题

treasure n.宝藏,财宝

clever a.聪明的

run away v.潜逃,逃跑

dead a.死的

for a time adv. 暂时, 一度

pleased a.高兴的

alive a.活着的

grow up 成长,长大成人

talk about 谈论

southern a.南方的

state n.州,邦;状态

version n.版本

historical a.历史的

editor n.编辑

publisher n.出版者,出版社

reviewer n. 评论家


sporting a.有关体育运动的

allow vt.允许

defeat vt.打败

season n.赛季;季节

stand for 代表;象征

against prep.与...相对,相反;靠,依 tough a.艰苦的;强硬的

encourage v.鼓励

medal n.奖章,奖牌

overnight a. 突如其来的,持续整夜的 record n.最高记录vt.记录

set vt.设置;制定 set up 建立;创立 yearbook n.年鉴

first of all 首先

represent vt.代表,象征

advertisement n.广告 coach n.教练

regularly ad.有规律地

sportsman n.运动员,男运动员 hurdle n.栏架 v. 跨栏赛跑 hurdling n. 跨栏赛跑 sportswoman n. 女运动员 race vi.比赛

discussion n.讨论

award v.授予

finishing line 终点线 marathon n.马拉松

turn n.跑道

taekwondo 跆拳道

belt n.带子


printing n.印刷

advantage n.优点,优势 digital a.数码的

digital camera 数码相机 battery n.电池

charge vt.充电



单词 词性 意思 版本 年级 单元 页码 层次

人造的 man-made adj. 外研 九上 M1 p2 理解 大自然的 natural adj. 外研 九上 M1 p2

奇观,奇迹 wonder n. 外研 九上 M1 p2

讨论,商讨 discussion n. 外研 九上 M1 p2

在东边的,来自东边的 外研 九上 M1 p2 eastern adj.

虽然,但是 though conj. 外研 九上 M1 p2

(声音)响亮的 loud adj. 外研 九上 M1 p2

wow opinion in one's opinion more than electricity millions of below

shine (shone /shined, shone /shined) sign silent silver sky grey

go through beside reply clear fall away stream nearly on top of canyon remain by found since then flag until off

all kinds of

int. n. n.

prep. v. n. adj. adj. n. adj.

prep. v. v.

n. adv.

n. v. prep. v.

n. prep.&conj. adv.




按某人的意见,据某人看来 超过 电

大量的,无数的 在下面,在……以下 照耀

迹象,标志,招牌 寂静的

银灰色的,银制的 天,天空

灰色的,(天气)阴沉的 穿过



(烟雾等)开始消失 突然向下倾斜 小河,小溪 几乎,差不多 在……上面,盖住 峡谷 逗留,留下 在……旁边,靠近 创立,创建 从那以后 旗,旗帜 直到……为止 不上课,休息,不工作 各种各样的 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


外研 九上


九上 外研 九上 外研

九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研

九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研

九上 外研

九上 外研

九上 外研 九上 外研


M1 p2 M1 p2 M1 p2 M1 p2 M1 p2 M1 p2 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M1 p4 M2 p10 M2 p10 M2 p10 M2 p10 M2 p10 M2




take a vacation season kid

have fun band UK

as soon as fourth n. n. n.

num. 去度假

度假旺季,节期 小孩

玩得高兴,有乐趣 乐队 英国 一……就…… 第四 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 p10 p10 p10 p10 p10 p10 p10 p11 sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth twentieth among speech pioneer grow corn

following lay (laid, laid) lay the table over dish parade ourselves including medal attend abroad once again doctor degree whatever give up amazing will victory simply Canadian sick

num. 第六 num. 第七 num. 第八 num. 第九 num. 第十 num. 第十二 num. 第二十 prep. 在……之中 n. 演说,讲演 n. 开拓者,先驱者 v. 种植,栽培(植物) n. 谷物,玉米 adj. 接着的,接下来的 摆放(餐桌) 摆放餐桌 adj. 完了的,结束的 n. 盘,碟 n. (庆祝)游行 pron. 我们自己 prep. 包含,包括 n. 奖牌,奖章

v. 上(学),出席,参加(事件或活动) adv. 在国外,到国外

再一次 n. 博士 n. 课程,学位 pron. 无论什么,不管什么 放弃(努力) adj. 惊人的,极好的 n. 意志,决心 n. 成功,胜利 adv. 实在,的确 adj. 加拿大的,加拿大人的adj.

(感觉)不适的,生病的 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上


九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p11 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M2 p12 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p18 M3 p20 M3



treat war wound die for wounded realise dying care

v. n. n. adj. v. adj. n. 医治,治疗 战争 伤,伤口 为……而死 受伤的 了解,意识到 垂死的,即将死亡的 照顾,照料 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 p20 p20 p20 p20 p20 p20 p20 p20 理解 take care of tool

invention at that time on one's own useful rest himself manage operation continue die of Canada platform meeting miss

shut (shut, shut) lock simple anybody clock

ring (rang, rung) passenger address text

text message couple a couple of actually manage unhappy turn off order

be worried about

照顾,护理 n. 工具,器械 n. 发明,发明物 那时候 独自一人 adj. 有用的,有益的 v. 休息,睡眠 pron. 他自己

v. 做成,(尤指)设法完成 n. 手术 v. (使)继续 死于 n. 加拿大

n. (供上下火车用的)月台,站台 n. 会议,集会 v. 未出席,未出现 v. 关上,合上 v. 锁,锁住 adj. 简单的,容易的 pron. 任何人 n. 钟,时钟 v. 鸣响,发出铃声 n. 乘客,旅客 n. 地址 n. 文本,正文 短信 n. 一对,两个 两个 adv. 事实上 v. 管理,支配 adj. 不高兴的 关掉,关闭(设备) n. 命令,指示


外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M3 p20 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p26 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4




on business sofa snack midnight wake up hand in empty unable

all day long burn (burned /burnt, burned /burnt) cup task upstairs exhibition rule

against the rules in trouble tail rope entry No entry no good no wonder missing downstairs punish

communications physics chemistry dig (dug, dug) coal energe X-ray

experiment sand control truck wheel

compare …

n. n. n. adj. adj. v. n. n. adj.&adv. n. n. n. n. n. adj. adj.&adv. v. n. n. n. v. n. n. n. n. n. v. n. n.

出差 (长)沙发 点心,小吃 午夜,子夜 醒,醒来 提交,上交 空的

不能做某事的 整天

(使)烧焦,(使)烤糊 杯子,一杯饮料 任务,工作

位于楼上的;往楼上,在楼上 展览,展览会 规则,法则 违反规定

遇上麻烦,处于困境 尾,尾巴 粗绳,绳索 进入权,进入许可 禁止入内

不合适的, 不方便的难怪,不足不奇 找不到的,失踪的 位于楼下的;往楼下,在楼下 惩罚,惩处 [复数]通信 物理学 化学 挖掘,掘(洞) 煤

能量,能源 X射线,X光 实验 沙,沙子 操作,操纵 卡车,货车 轮子,车轮 比较……与……

外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 理解 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28 M4 p28

M4 p28

M4 p28

M5 p34【外研版九上英语单词听力下载】

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p34

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36

M5 p36



with … of all ages whole deal exam fail guitar intrument musical adj. n. n. v. n. n. adj. 所有年龄段的 全部的,整个的 协议 考试

未能及格,未能达到 吉他 乐器,仪器 音乐的 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 外研 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 九上 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 p36 p36 p42 p42 p42 p42 p42 p42 habit

get into the habit of

schoolwork volunteer necessary shame instead instead of community knowledge point consider last word come round reason try out angry no longer be angry with sb. repair truth least at least honest apologise bill

pocket money discuss thinker wise review influence sense

n. 习惯

养成……的习惯 n. 学生课业,功课

n. 志愿者 adj. 必要的,必需的 n. 可惜,遗憾 adv. 代替,而不是 而不是 n. 社区,社会 n. 知识,学识 n. (试图表达的)观点,看法v. 考虑,斟酌 最后一句话,最终决定 拜访(某人的家) n. 原因,理由 试用,试 adj. 愤怒的,生气的 不再

生某人的气 n. &v. 修理,修补 n. 事实,真相 pron. 最少,最小 至少,起码 adj. 诚实的,老实的 v. 认错,道歉 n. 账单,账款 零用钱 v. 讨论,谈论 n. 思想家

adj. 有判断力的,明智的 n. 评论(文章) v. 影响,作用于 n.


外研 九上 外研 九上


九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研 九上 外研


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M6 p44

M6 p44

M6 p44

M7 p56

M7 p56 M7 p56

M7 p56

M7 p56



理解 理解



Module 1 Module 2

1. 军队,陆军 1.联合国(英国) 2. 人造的 2.创建 3. 大自然的 3.旗帜,旗 4. 奇迹,奇观 4.假期,假日 5. 讨论,商讨 5.去度假 6. 在东边的,来自东边的 6.季节,节期 7. 虽然,尽管 7.一…就… 8. (声音)响亮的 9. 主张,看法 10. 按照某人的观点 11. 电 12. 天空 13. 灰色的,阴沉的 14. 小路 15. 在…..旁边,在…附近 16. 回答,回复 17. 寂静的 18. 迹象,标志 19. 照耀 20. 在下面,在….下面 21. 突然向下倾斜 22. 银灰色的,银质的 23. 小溪,小河 24. 几乎,差不多 25. 峡谷 26. 逗留,留下 Module 3

1. 出席 2. 在国外,到国外 3. 不管怎么样 4. 惊人的,极好的 5. 意志,决心 6. 获胜 7. 胜利 8. 加拿大人的 9. 手术 10. 生病的 11. 军人

12. 为…..而死 13. 受伤的 14. 战争

15. 了解,意识到

8.第四 9.第六 10.第七 11.第八 12.第九 13.第十 14.第十二 15.第二十 16.在…..之中 17.演说,讲演

18.开拓者,先驱者 19.种植,栽植 20.玉米,谷物

21.接下来的,接着的 22.摆放 23.摆放餐具 24.盘,碟 25.大量,众多 26.丰富的,充足的 17.工具,器械 18.发明,创造 19.那时候

20.有用的,有益的 21.休息,睡眠 22.他自己

23.做成,设法完成 24.继续 25.加拿大

16. 照顾,护理

Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 1. 月台,站台 1.往楼上,在楼上 1.吉他 2. 会议,集会 2.作业,研究项目 2.未能及格 3. 关上,合上 3.展览。展览会 3.考试 4. 锁,锁住 4.规则,法则 4.乐器 5. 任何人 5.违反法则 5.协议 6. 叫(某人)起床 6.遇上麻烦,处于困境 6.习惯

7. 钟,时钟 7.尾,尾部 7.养成…..的习惯 8. 发出铃声 9. 乘客,旅客 10. 地址 11. 文本,正文 12. 短信 13. 一对,两个 14. 两个少数几个 15. 关闭 16. 命令,指示 17. 工作 18. 出差 19. 空的 20. 胃,腹部 21. 同班同学 22. 烧焦,烤糊 23. 一杯饮料 24. 简单的,容易的 25. 任务,工作 26. 收拾,整理 27. 青少年 28. 我们自己 8.粗绳,绳索 9.小孩 10.进入权,进入可许 11.禁止入内 12.难怪 13.找不到的,失踪的 14.楼下的,在楼下 15.惩罚 16.物理学 17.实验 18.沙子 19.操作,操纵 21.卡车,货车 22.轮子,车轮 23.速度 24.按键 25.通讯 26.化学 27.X射线,X光 28.挖掘 29.煤 30能源,能量 31.全部的,整个的


9.必要的,必需的 10.可惜,遗憾 11.代替,而不是 12.社区

13.知识,学识 14.考虑,斟酌

15.最终决定,最后一句话 16.拜访

17.原因,理由 18.试用,试

19.愤怒的,生气的 20.不再 21.是否 22.工程师 23.修理

24.事实,真相 25.最少的,最小的 26.至少,起码

27.诚实的,老实的 28.账单


Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 1. 讨论,谈论 1.是….的缩写,代表 1.挂,张贴 2. 相似的,近似的 2.记忆,回忆 2.网站 3. 思想家 3.决定 3.邮件 4. 有判断力的 4.中午,正午 4.成百上千 5. 评论 5.座位,座椅 5.一页,页 6. 影响,作用于 6.踢 6.电子的

7. 道理,意义,合理性 7.生气的,恼火的 7.满的,充满的 8. 合情理,明智,有意义 8.跳高 9. 猜想,推测,相信,认为 9.能力 10. 冒险 10.跨栏赛跑 11. 南方的 11.创办,创立 12. 逃走,逃跑 12.比赛,赛跑 13. 死的,去世的 13.记录 14. 邻居 14.方法,办法 15. 葬礼 15.跨栏赛跑 16. 活着的 16.颈,脖子 17. 邦,州 17.运动员 18. 为….付出代价 18.亚洲的,亚洲人 19. 举止,行为,情节 19.患有,经受 20. 日常的,普通的 20.勇气,胆量 21. 对话 21.自豪感,骄傲

Module 10 1. 我们这就试试 18.现在,当时 2. 中心的,在中心的 19.阶段,时期

3. 相符的 20.精灵,神灵,精神 4. 根据 21.关系 5. 高度 22.亲戚 6. 羊,绵羊 23.色拉 7. 帽子 24.葡萄 8. 使保持 25.袋鼠

9. 避开 26.懒散的,懒惰的 10. 剪刀 11. 羊毛 12. 日记 13. 写日记 14. 讨厌,憎恨 15. 蚂蚁 16. 刷,刷子


9.存储器,存储量 10.说明书 11.借给,借出 12.合适地

13.浏览,快速的阅读 14.由…制成 15.木材,木头 16.一次

17.用手,靠手做 18.发展,进步 19.交易,买卖 20.扩张,蔓延




17. 把某物从某物上刷掉

Module 11 Module 12 1. 打赌,下赌注 1.造成 2. 整体的,普遍的 2.制造厂 3. 标准,水准 3.工业,行业 4. 感觉,直觉看法 4.污染 5. 困难 5.回收利用 6. 合适的 6.敌人,仇人 7. 添加 7.庄稼,作物 8. 最近 9. 菜单 10. 今晚 11. 获胜者 12. 冲,跑 13. 女衬衫 14. 裙子 15. 歌手 16. 祝贺 17. 男校长 18. 授予,呈递

8杀死,弄死 9.石油 10.较小的 11.土瓷,瓷器 12.分开,分隔 13.塑料

14.政策,方针 15.再次使用

16.用过的,二手的 17.瓶 18.扔掉 19.重说

20.减少,减低,缩小21.午餐盒 22.吨 23.很多 24.橡皮 25.回收利用 26.迅速的 27.步骤 28.孙子 29.孙女



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