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l. Rome was not built in ______ day.

2. Jim is ______ honest boy. We all like him.

3. —Can ______ child finish the job?

—No, at least two children can.

4. We have a music class once ______ week

5. It's ____ pleasure to talk with you.

6. ______ hundred and twenty people attended the meeting.

7. I'd like ______ coffee and two beers.

8. Come in,or you'll catch ______ bad cold.

9. Li Lei, take _____ medicine . Three times _____ day.

10. He bought _____ new house. I have been to _____ house.

11. This is _____ umbrella that I lost yesterday.

12. _____ rich are not always happier than _____ poor.

13. _____ man/Man is _____ only animal who can talk.

14. Autumn is _____ best season in Beijing. Many people from all over the world come here in autumn.

15. Do you know _____ girl in red?

16. _____ fifth lesson is very easy.

17. Lucy is _____ taller of the two girls.

18. I like playing _____ violin, while he likes playing _____ football.

19. Look, all _____ books are here now.

20. June lst is _____ Children's Day.

21. Tom works as _____ worker in the restaurant and he is paid by _____ hour.

22. _____ Greens live next the door.

23. _____ music/Music can bring people pleasure.

24. I have visited many cities since _____ September 2007.

25. She is not so smart _____ girl as I thought.

26. Could you tell me _____ answer to the question? I can't work it out myself.

27. In the United States, _____ Father's Day falls on _____ third Sunday in June.

28. I like _____ chemistry though it's a bit difficult.

29. Wendy was made _____ monitor for this month.

30. _____ doctor/Doctor, I'm not feeling myself today.

31. What do you usually have for _____ breakfast?

32. Today, I have _____ special breakfast.

33. I was ill _____ last week.

34. Did you go there by _____ ship or by air?

35. —Did you enjoy your stay in Shenzhen?

— Yes. I had _____wonderful time.

36. Two birds were sitting in _____tree not far from the airport.

37. _____ China is _____ old country with _____ long history.

38. _____ Changjiang River is one of _____ longest rivers in _____ world.

39. He dreamed _____ sweet dream last night.

40. Some old men play _____ chess under the tree every evening.


陷阱突破 单项选择。

1. Japan lies _____ east of China.

A.The B.An C.A D. /


2. _____ wounded and _____ sick must be taken to _____ hospital at once.

A. The; the; a B./; /; the

C. The; the;/ D. The;/; the

3. This is _____ only expensive dress I've got.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

4. —Will you get there by _____ train?

—No, I'll take _____ taxi.

A. /; a B. a; the C. /;/ D. the; a

5. —It's _____ nice day, isn't it?

—Yes, what _____ fine weather!

A. a; a B. the; the C. a;/ D. the;/

6.What _____ exciting football matchl Our team beat Tom's team at last.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

7. The differences between _____ are not clear.

A. the town and the country B. a town and the country

C. town and country D. a town and a country

8.Jim is now making _____ kite.He is going to fly _____ kite after lunch.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a

小升初 冠词 练习题

小升初 冠词 专项练习题

一,在下列名词钱填上a 或者an,不需要的地方画 /

1, tree 2, picture 3, apple 4, rabbit 5, bee 6, arm 7dog 8umbrella(雨伞) 9 10 11orange bag 12,old man 13beautiful flower English boy 15,old man 16, ink bottle(墨水瓶) 17, library (图书馆) 18, art lesson(美术课) 19, eye 20,big apple 21,book(有趣的书) 22umbrella(雨伞) 23, milk 24, desk(课桌) 25, tiger(老虎) 26, nice milk

二,读短文,在需要的冠词的地方填上冠词,不需要冠词的地方画 /

My name is Tracy. My English teacher is Ruth(露丝). She old woman. I have sister. We are twins(双胞胎). We look same. I have horse of my own(我自己的马). I call(叫) her Lily(莉莉). She is smart animal(动物), but she is not nice horse.

三,在需要的地方填入the,a/an,不需要的地方画 /

1, Do you like apples?

2, This is a book.. book is new.

3, This is Huangpu Park(黄浦公园). It’(黄浦江).

4, The pen is red.

5, We like sports(运动). We like playing football best(最喜欢踢足球).

6,Where is your bag?

7, They are students of this school. They are in Class One.(一班)

8,Tom’ my pen.

9, earth(地球) is blue.

10, Today is fine day.

小学六年级 小升初 冠词专项练习

小升初英语知识连接 冠词 班级___________ 姓名___________














3.在表示一日三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名词前不加冠词;4.名词前已有this,that,my,his,every,some等词修饰时,不用冠词;5.在一些习惯用语中不用冠词。 练习


1. ___________ tree 2.__________cat 3.________pupil 4._______picture


5.____________bee 6._________rabbit 7.__________apple 8.________arm

9._________kitchen 10._________dog 11._________orange


1. _________ink bottle 2.__________orange bag 3.__________English boy

4._________red coat 5.___________nice milk 6.__________art lesson

7._________old man 8.__________cold water 9.__________big apple

10._________small glass 11.________beautiful girl 12._________long river


1.What colour is _________ your dress?--It’s white.

2.This is __________Jack’s pen.That is __________my pen.

3.--Is ________ ice cold?--Yes,it is.

4.They are _______ pupils of ________this school.They are in _________ Class one.

5.It’s a fine day.We can see _______sun in the sky.

6.There is an orange on_________ table.

7.We go to ________ school in _________ morning.

8.This is _________ Huangpu Park .It’s near __________Huangpu River.

9.We like sports.We like playing __________ football best.

10.They go to ___________Summer Palace on _________Sundays.


1.Look at a moon. __________

2.My uncle has an sheep. _________

3.She went to the Naning last year. _________

4.There are sixty minutes in a hour. _________

5.Here is an useful book. __________

6.There is cloud in the sky. __________

7.My mother bought a umbrella for me. _________

8.The bus is a English bus. _________

9.What’s in box? ________

10.Would you play violin for us? _________


( )1.This is _______ map of ________ world.

A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a

( )2.Jim is __________ old friend of my mother’s and _________headmaster of our school.

A.an;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a

( )3.________ Whites are watching TV at home.

A.A B.An C./ D.The

( )4.Tom’s mother is ________ teacher.She’s ________ French teacher.

A.the/the B.an/a C.a;a D.a;the

( )5.__________ book on the top of the shelf is mine.

A.The B.A C.An D./

( )6.Tokyo is ________ capital of _______ Japan.

A.the;/ B.the;an C.a;a D.a;the

( )7.________ horse is _______ useful animal.

A.A;a B.A;the C.The;a D.The;the

( )8.________ fifth month of _______ year is May.

A.A;the B.The;/ C.The;the D.A;a

( )9.I don’t like _______rain.Look,there’s _______heavy rain outside.

A.a;a B./;the C.the;the D./;/

( )10.Our classroom is on________second floor.Let’s go into_________ classroom.【小升初冠词习题及答案】

A.a;the B.a;a C.the;the D.the;a


1.Liu Xiang was born on _________ July13,1983,in _____city of Shanghai.He is 188cm tall. Singing and playing computer are his ______hobbies.He won many _______gold medals(金牌).He is ________ superstar.

2.Hello!I am _______ Huanhuan.I am ______child of fire,symbolizing(象征)_________Olympic flame. I am ______ big brother of Fuwa. I stands for (代表)________ red Olympic ring. I am good at ________ ball games.




1. sweater skirt T-shirt ________________

2. grandpa uncle sister ________________

3. pear banana orange _______________

4. rain wind cloud _______________

5. green white yellow _______________

6. cow horse sheep _______________

7. English Chinese music _______________

8. year day week _______________

9. January November September _______________

10. tea coffee juice _______________


1. A. telephone B. office C. park D. playground

2. A. policeman B. worker C. cousin D. driver

3. A. VCD B. TV C. P.M. D. CD

4. A. table B. flower C. fridge D. sofa

5. A. trousers B. dress C. blouse D. wife

6. A. China B. Australian C. Japan D. England

7. A. plane B. car C. tree D. train

8. A. uncle B. brother C. grandpa D. twins

9. A. star B. ruler C. pencil D. pen

10. A. bread B. water C. fries D. noodles


1. _____________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ____________ 5. _________

6. _____________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ____________ 10. ________


1. I want to be your pen friend. Can you give me your ___________ (e-mail, name) address?

2. I’m going to play _________ (football; piano) at the concert.

3. The sign means we should be quiet in the ___________ (street; library).

4. Peter has _________ (breakfast, lunch) in the morning.

5. How many __________ (classes; library) are there in your school?


1. I can see three _________ (woman) in front of the house.

2. Be careful when you use ___________ (knife).

3. We eat __________ (tomato) every day.

4. There are many __________ (sheep) on the farm.

5. Don’t open the gift __________ (box). They are not for you.

6. Have you ever visited these ___________ (city) before?

7. Mum! Some _______ (mouse) are running in the room.

8. How many _________ (tooth) does an adult have?

9. There are some __________ (child).

10. I have two new __________ (watch).


1. People often go there and see a doctor. ____________

2. You can go there to buy some books you want. ___________

3. Students go there from Monday to Friday to learn Chinese, English, maths, etc. __________

4. People can buy food, fruit, vegetables, even clothes there. ___________

5. They are large, black and white. They are very cute. They look like bears. ___________

6. There are many books there. You can read but you cannot buy. ___________

7. It’s a place where you can watch films.

8. Everyone has two of them and people hear with them.

9. We can see it in the sky at night. It’s smaller than the sun.

10. You clean your teeth with it every day.


1. My mother bought a new __________ for me.

A. clothes B. coat C. glasses D. cloth

2. David comes from Australia. He is _________.

A. an English man B. an American C. an Australian

3. There are six _________ on the table.

A. apple B. an apple C. apples D. a apples

4. --- What are those? --- They’re _________.

A. photo B. photos C. a photo D. photoes

5. Let’s buy a ________ for our grandparents.

A. New Year Card B. new near card C. New Year card




3. At birthday parties, we always sing




A B 6. It usually takes me a hour to go to school.

A B ’



A B __________ __________ ___________ ___________ D. Australia D. New year card _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________【小升初冠词习题及答案】




Yesterday was ___________ Sunday. In _______ morning, I had _______ egg, _______ apple and __________ glass of milk for breakfast. Then my friends and I played __________ football in Xinming Park. In __________ afternoon, I played _________ piano for ________ hour. I did my homework at four o’clock. At seven, my family had _______ big dinner. I went to bed at nine o’clock.

十、用a, an, the填空,补全句子

1. Is this __________ eraser?

2. _________ orange is orange.

3. It’s ________ yellow banana.

4. _________ boy is my brother.

5. That is ________ green car.

6. It’s _________ green apple.

7. I can play ________ violin.

8. That’s _________ pencil.

9. That is ________ English car.

10. Can you see the picture on _________ desk?


1. Put this paper ___________ (飞机) on the deesk. 2. I have some piece of __________ (面包) for breakfast. 3. She has a round ____________ (脸). 4. She goes to the _________(公园) with her parents on Saturday.

5. The __________ (建筑物) over there have big windows.


football _____________________________________________________________________ teacher ______________________________________________________________________ orange ______________________________________________________________________ dress _______________________________________________________________________ hot dog ______________________________________________________________________





( )1. He usually goes out for____walk in ___ evening.

A.a; the B.a; / C.the; / D./; /

( )2. China is ____ old country with ____ long history.

A.the; a B.a; an C.an; a D.an; the

( )3. Mary is ____ English woman. She was____ university student. There’s always ____ animal in her house.

A.an; a; an B.a; an; the C.an; / ; an D.the; /; /

( )4. ---What do you think of ___ film abut “dahuaxiyou”? ---It’s ____ good film.

A.the; the B.a; the C.the; a D.a; a

( )5. There’s no living things on _____ moon.

A.the B.a C./ D.an

( )6. Look at ____ eraser on the floor. Whose is it?

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )7. ---Oh,no, where is my phone? ----Don’t worry. I saw ____ black one. Is it yours?

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )8. There is ___”X” on my bag, so it’s easy to find it.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )9. There is ___”u” and ___”l” in the word “ruler”.

A.a; a B.an; an C.a; an D.an; a

( )10. Sally has _____ cats.

A.a white and a black B.a white black

C.a white and black D. white and black

( )11. They want their daughter to go to_____university, but they also want her to

get___ summer job.

A./; a B.the; a C.an; a D.a; the

( )12. Tom is ____ American. He comes from ___ United States of ____America.

A.an; the; / B.a; the; / C./; the; the D./; /; /

( )13. The film is great. I want to see it _____ second time.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )14. My father and my mother are____

A.at their work B.at the work C.at work D.at work

( )15. ---What are you looking for? ---- I’m looking for the picture of _____



1. I am ____ active girl. I speak and laugh loudly in ____ classroom, like ____ boy.

2. It’s ____ evening. An old cock is sitting in ___ tall tree. _____ fox comes to ____ tree and look up at _____ cock.

3. Tom saw a dictionary on ____ table in his room.

4. _____Changjiang river is _____ longest river in China.

5. These ____ books are Mike’s. There are some _____ bookmarks in his books.【小升初冠词习题及答案】

6. Teachers’ Day is at ____ beginning of ____ September.

7. They often go to play ____ basketball after _____ class.

8. At ___ first we go to school by ____ bike.



1. We can’t live without the water.

2. School begins in the September.

3. Jim is leaving for Hefei the next week.

4. One of the three foreign visitors is a Japanese, other two are Australians.

5. We should take good care of an old here.

6. What can you see in the Picture 1?

7. What a fan we had in the park!

8. Katrina has a same skirt as Maria does.

9. Greens are taking a walk in the park now.

10. We have breakfast in morning.


( )1. May I have ___ word with Tom? I must make ____ apology to him.

A.an; a B.a; a C.a; an D./; an

( )2. Man can’t live without ____ air or _____water.

A.an; a B.the; the C.an; / D./; /


( )3. We all know that____ elephant is ____ kind of ____ animal.

A.an; /; an B.an; a; / C.a; /; / D.the; a; /

( )4. ---How about ____ charity show? ----I should say it was ____ success.

A.the; a B.the; / C.a; a D.a; /

( )5. ----How do you like your holiday in Mount Yuntai .?

----We enjoy it very much,____ sight is very beautiful

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )6. This is ____ 800-meter race.

A.an B.a C.the D./

( )7. It is ___ hard work, but I am happy to get a chance to do it.

A.a B.the C.a D./

( )8. He is ____ America. He’s speaking_____English with____ smile.

A.an;/; a B.a; /; a C./; a; a D.an; an; a

( )9. In ____ 1980s, he became _____ famous writer in China.

A./; a B.the; the C./; the D.the; a

( )10. As we now, ____ sun rises in____ east and sets in the west.

A./; the B.the; the C./; / D.the; /

( )11. Do you know ____ man in blue? Yes, he is a professor of ____university.

A.the; a B.a; an C.the; an D./; the

( )12. ______Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

A. A B. An C. The D./

( )13. Our life is getting better and better in ____ 21st century.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )14. Before I go to___ bed, I’d like to have_____ cup of tea.

A.the; a B.a; a C./; / D./; a

( )15. Tim likes playing____ violin. Frank likes playing_____ bridge.

A.the; / B./; the C./;/ D.the; the

( )16. ______students of this school watch ____ TV news every evening.

A. The ;/ B./; the C./; / D. The; the

( )17. -----Is Mr. Wang really ill? ----- I am afraid so. He’s ______

A.in the hospital B.in hospital C.in a hospital D.in an hospital

( )18. Jenny is ____American. She is ____American girl.

A.a; a B.a; an C./; an D.an; /

( )19. He is ____ of the twins.

A.the cleverest B.the cleverer C.the clever D.cleverest

( )20._____ People’s Republic of _____China was founded on_____October 1,1949.

A. The; /; / B./; the; the C. The ; the; / D./; /; /



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