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It's on your desk. 教案

一、教学背景 本节课是针对三年级下学期的小学生,三年级的学生活泼好动,乐于参与活动、游戏及表演,所以要采用多种教学手段交替使用,创设情景,尽量利用实物、图片及课件等直观教具进行教学,激发学生求知欲望。


本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册Module8 Unit 1。本模块以Position即方位为话题,Unit1呈现了Daming通过阅读朋友留下的字条寻找自己的生日礼物的场景。本单元的语言功能是描述物品所在的地点及介词in、on、under的使用。


1.知识目标:能够听懂、认读、会说关于描述位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, It’s in the box. It’s on your desk. It’s under the chair.



(1)能掌握、运用单词box, bedroom以及介词in, on, under

(2)能掌握功能句来描述物品的位置:It’s in the box. It’s on your desk. It’s under the chair.




Step1: 热身复习


2、唱歌。 Happy Birthday!


Step 2:课文导入

T: Today is Daming’s birthday. He has got a lot of presents. The problem is he doesn’t know where they are. So, today we’ll help Daming to find out his presents.

Step 3:课文教学

1、(出示礼物)T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a present.

T: (把礼物传递给坐在第一个的学生)A present for you.

S1: Thank you.

T: Pass the present one by one. (让学生一个接一个的传递礼物,并练习说“A present for you.”和“Thank you.”)


on under


1、本节课我通过歌曲《happy birthday》导入,既活跃了课堂气氛,又让学生了解今天的学习内容与生日有关。






总分:100分 时间:60分


把它们的字母编号写在左边的括号中。 (20分)【外研版三年级起三年级下册it,is,on,your,desk,试卷】

( )1、A、red B、dog C、black

( )2、A、Amy B、Sam C、cat

( )3、A、blue B、one C、seven


( )4、A、boy B、girl C、ten

( )5、A、yellow B、window C、door

( ) 6、A、 bag B、 cake C、 book

( )7、A、 kite B、 father C、mother

( )8、A、doctor B、grandpa C、teacher

( )9、A、foot B、ear C、 arm

( )10、 A、what B、 is C、 where


( )1.What is this?---It is ______elephant.

A. a B. an C. the

( )2. How do you go to school?

A. I go to school by bus. B. It’s a bird. C. Let’s go.

( )3. Do you like basketball?

A. I am B. No, I don’t. C. No, he doesn’t.

B. Yes, I do. C. My favorite food is ( ) 4. What’s your favorite food? A.I am Sam.


( ) 5. What do you do at Chinese New Year?

A. I am a teacher. B. I watch TV. C. He likes dogs.【外研版三年级起三年级下册it,is,on,your,desk,试卷】

( ) 6. What’s the time, please?

A. It’s half past ten. B. I go swimming! C. It’s a nice pen.

( ) 7. What do you have at school?


A. I have English and Chinese. B. She likes cats. C. He is a


( ) 8. Where is the pen?

A. It’s on the desk.

A. eight B. Yes, it is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 9. What’s Sam doing? He is______. B. Watching TV C. a good student

B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I haven’t. ( ) 10. Have you got a new book? A.He is a boy.

( )11.What are they?

A. They are lions. B. It is an apple. C. They is a lion.

( )12. I have lunch______ twelve o’clock.

A. at B. in C. on

( )13. What ______ Sam have at school.

A. do B. does C. did

C. watchs ( ) 14. Amy______ TV at the weekend. A.watches B. watch

( ) 15. Has Tom got a pen?

A. Yes, he has. B. No, he has. C. Yes, I have.

( )16.How are you ?

A、I’m fine,thank you! B、I’m nine, thank you!

( )17. What’s your name?【外研版三年级起三年级下册it,is,on,your,desk,试卷】

A、I’m Mr. Li. B、Hello, Mr .li. C. Hi, Mr .li

( )18. How old are you ?

A、I’m Lingling. B、I’m six. C. Tom .

( )19. Good morning , boys and girls

A、Good afternoon, Mr.Li. B、Good morning , Mr.Li. C. Good afternoon.

( )20. Where’s the cat ?

A、It’s in the green bag. B、It’s a bag . C. I t is red.


policeman ( ) driver ( ) brother ( ) pupil ( )


sister ( ) ear ( )

black dog ( ) green cap ( ) eye ( ) yellow chair ( )

四、 同学们,还记得我们课文中的小伙伴是怎样对话的吗?连一连吧。(8分)

1.Happy birthday! B.No,it isn`t.

2. Goodbye! C. It`s a book.

3. How many dogs? D. Bye-bye.

4. Is it pen? E. Six dogs.

五、你会在现实生活中应用英语吗?试一试吧。 (10分)

( )1、 见到一个好朋友,你要问他:你身体好吗?应该这样说:

A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Good afternoon.

( )2、想要知道一个新朋友的姓名时,你可以说:

A. What’s your name? B. My name’s Bai Ling. C. Goodbye.

( )3、老师请你指向门,用英语该这样说:

A. Stand up. B. Point to the door. C、Point to the desk.

( )4、你想知道有多少个男孩,应该这样说:

A.How qre you? B. Good morning. C. How many boys.

( )5、向你同学介绍你的妈妈,应该说:

A.This is my mother. B.He is a boy. C.Hello!


( )1.What’s the time? A. Yes, he does.

( )2.Does he like basketball? B. No, I don’t.

( )3.Do you like apples? C. It’s ten o’clock. ( )4.What’s your favourite song? D. Happy New Year. ( )5.Have you got a car? E. It’s the ABC song. ( )6.What are they? F. It’s on your desk.. ( )7.Where’s my pen? G.Yes, I have.

( )8. Happy New Year. H.They are lions.


I home go bike by( . )

1. ___________________________ (我骑自行车回家) It’s in hot summer( . )

2. ______________________________ (夏天天气很热) I football like play( . )

3. ______________________________ (我喜欢踢足球) She TV watches six at o’clock( . )

4. ____________________________________ _ (她在6点看电视)

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