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looking good feeling good 教案

Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

Teaching Plan of the Unit

Unit 3 Welcome to the unit 第 1课时

Unit 3 Reading 第 2 课时

课时编号: 复备时间: 上课时间:

Unit3 Looking good, feeling good (welcome) 教学设计

Unit3 Looking good, feeling good (welcome) 教学设计


牛津高中英语模块一unit3的中心话题是“Looking good, feeling good”, “welcome” 引入本单元的话题,本部分以四幅描述人近况的画为中心,让学生说、写结合,从looking good引入,激发学生对feeling good的理解。在这个部分中间,希望学生通过对looking good的讨论让学生带着 “Is looking good the most important thing in your life?” 这样的问题进入本单元重点——书上四幅图片的演绎,总结归纳出健康比外表更为重要。通过让学生自己创设情景,自己编造对话,并且走上讲台展示成果来激发学生学习本单元的兴趣,并能通过辩论,表演等方式锻炼他们的口头表达能力。然后再度升华本单元主题,让学生思考:除了健康,是否还有其他的方式能使我们feel good?通过图片的展示,让学生自己发现,总结,自由讨论 “How can we both look good and feel good?”总结得出,健康和美丽的心灵是feel good 的两个方面,并且,feeling good is more important than looking good. 最后,在教师的指导下罗列观点,让学生发挥创造力自己把故事写下来,并且课堂展示。通过学习,帮助学生找到 “feel good”正确合理的方法——You can’t choose you appearance, but you can choose your smiling.(你不能选择自己的容貌,但你可以展现你的微笑。)让学生情感得到升华。


(1) 知识目标:

了解与looking good, feeling good相关的新单词以及词组,能够熟练运用一些之前所学的词组来进行口头表达。

(2) 能力目标:


(3) 德育目标:

通过对looking good和feeling good的讨论,让学生了解外表并不是最重要的,重要的是健康和美的心灵。让学生学会展现自己的微笑,笑对人生。


美丽和健康是永恒的话题,尤其在这样的时代,学生虽然年纪还轻可是却很在意自己的外表。本节课的中心话题就是讨论这两者,利用不同的图片,不同的表演,人物的举例,故事的编写使学生从内心当中真正去体会什么才是最重要的,让学生去总结本堂课的精髓。 教学重点:

1 Encourage students to express their own ideas by showing pictures and performances. 2 Help students to learn how to look good and feel good.


1 Help the students understand the meaning of looking good and feeling good.

2 Stimulate the students’ skills of speaking and writing


Debate, competition and discussion【looking,good,feeling,good】

Individual, pair or group work


Multi-media and blackboard


Step I Preparation for the performance before the class

Ask students to make up a dialogue according to four pictures and prepare for performances. 课前准备:


Step II Lead-in

T: How’s it going today, boys and girls?

S: fine/ not bad.

T: Ok. Good beginning. Today, we will do a competition. That is to say, we must try our best to be the best one. Are you ready for this competition?

S: yes.

T: boys and girls, when you’re watching TV, when you’re reading magazines, you will know many different famous people. Among these people, who is your idol? That means who is your favourite person? And can you tell me why you like them?



T: someone said I liked him or her because he/ she is good at acting or good at singing or something else. But can you pay attention to these people; they are all beautiful and handsome. So I think most of them must look good first. That is to say, generally speaking, the first important thing for them is good appearance. Do you agree with me? (write down the title ——looking good)

T: So about your appearance, are you satisfied? And why?


Step III: Debate

T: Just now, someone said he/she is fat, so do you want to lose weight?

S: yes/no.

T: Many famous people, especially people in entertainment, to be attractive, they make great efforts to change their appearance. For example, some Korea actors or actresses (show some pictures). They’re fat before, but now they keep slim figure. Nowadays losing weight is hot topic

in our society. Do you think losing weight is a good idea or not? Why?

T: If you think losing weight is a good idea, please raise you hands and you’re group A. and if you are against this idea, you will be group B. I’ll give you five minutes to discuss. Give your full reasons to support your idea. Let’s look at which group will be more reasonable?

S:… (debate for 8 minutes)

T: Maybe losing weight is not a bad idea, because everyone wants to be attractive, wants to be good. So, is looking good the most important thing in your life?

S: yes/ no.【looking,good,feeling,good】

T: What do you think is more important for you?

导入:通过对一些明星的讨论,对自己体形的满意程度,让学生对减肥这个话题进行辩论,引出学生对looking good的看法。给予学生一些词汇的指导如:energy, vitamin, slim, figure等例举在黑板上。并在环节最后带着问题进行下一环节,外表是最重要的吗?到底在我们生命中什么才是更重要的?

Step IV Performances

T: we can look at the four pictures on our text books. Try to make a story or dialogue according to the instructions and then I want to choose some groups to go to the front of classroom to act them out. Yesterday I’ve asked you to prepare for them. I’ll give you another five minutes to improve your stories and dialogues. Now you can begin.

Picture I: …

Let’s think over this question: Do you think we can change our appearances by wearing different clothes?

Picture II:…

Questions: is doing sport regularly beneficial to your health and to your outlook on life? Picture III:…

Questions: Do you really care abut your health in your life?

Picture IV: …

Question: Do you think eating more fruit makes you feel better?

After performances, can you tell me what is more important? Still good looking?

S: keep healthy, feel good

T: Ok. Good. Keeping healthy can make us feel good. (write down the title—feeling good on the blackboard)

Can you give us some advice to stay healthy?

S: exercise more/ eat vegetables/ enough sleep

T: thank you for you advice.

设计意图:(时间控制在15分钟左右)通过角色扮演,给予学生不同程度的评价,不仅仅是good, excellent, a good job等的评价,可以针对学生不同程度的表演给予自己独特的理解,并且每幅图表演之后都设置了一个问题的思考,不需要回答,只是引导性的问题,让学生自己去思考,最后总结出健康这个话题。并让学生给予一定的建议。

Step V Understanding of feeling good

T: if we want to feel good, we just stay healthy?

What else can we do to make us feel good?

(show some pictures)

T: Are they good-looking and good feeling? Why or why not? (some pictures about bad manners, and some pictures about good manners)

S: ….

After looking at these pictures, can you sum up how we can both look good and feel good? You can use simple words to describe it. You can use adjective or nouns. Let’s still look at which group can express “looking good and feeling good” perfectly.

T: You did a good job. Step VI Summary

T: Do you know this little girl. Before she sat on the wheelchair, she had a dream. She wanted to be a ballet dancer. But the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan province happened, she cannot realize this dream. Have you seen this picture? She is dancing the ballet in the ceremony of Paralympics Games. She is realizing her dream in another way. Is she looking good and feeling good?

S: Yes.

T: Of course. Sometimes, appearances are born, so “you can’t choose your appearance, but you can spread your smile”.


Step VII Writing

T: After discussing this topic, let’s try to search in our mind to write a story happening around us.

根据黑板上looking good, feeling good的板书,给学生一些关键词,让学生自己写身边的故事或是发挥想象力编写故事,如果时间还足够,可以进行全班交流。或者课后批改下次交流。把说和写的能力充分结合。


After class, continue finishing the short story about beauty and health.


本课时在尊重教材的前提下,大胆地对本节课的内容上把说和写结合,并在课文原有基础上对其进行情感的升华,虽然整个课堂看似有点乱,但整个主线比较清楚,围绕本单元主题looking good, feeling good,让学生充分参与,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在具体操作过程中,学生积极配合,能大胆地发表自己的所思所想。但本堂课进行下来在每个环节的时间分配方面还应当紧凑一些,对自己的备课,以及本身的知识面还要有所改进,对课堂的输入量还应该加大,从而让学生上完这堂课的同时也能获得知识。

Blackboard Layout:

牛津高中英语教案 模块一 Unit3 Looking Good, Feeling Good

Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good



Focused on the topic of “beauty and health”, this unit tries to reveal the relationship between beauty and health. Also the unit makes it clear to the students how to look good and feel good. The reading material intends to convince that health is priceless, which is considered as the most valuable treasure. It is not worth obtaining the temporary beauty at the cost of damaging health. Also, it shows the students the harmful side effects of taking weight-loss pills blindly. The part of Word power teaches students vocabulary concerning sports. The part of Grammar continues talking about non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags. In conclusion, the unit tries to convince the students that the most effective way to lose weight is a balanced diet as well as regular exercise.

Welcome to the unit

In this part, students will be presented with several pictures representing different people‟s current situations and their states of mind about looking good and feeling good.


The reading material of the unit is made up of three letters written by two good friends who exchange their opinions about appearance and health after one of them has suffered after trying to lose weight in an unsafe way.

Word power

This part focuses on types of sports with relevant exercises designed to expand vocabulary. Grammar and usage

This part is made up of two sections: non-restrictive attributive clauses and question tags. Task

This section deals with inviting a friend to join a gym. Integrated relevant tasks and activities about finding information about a gym and recommending one to a friend by note-taking and writing an e-mail are presented.


In this part, understanding how to keep health and fit, and making a booklet about fitness is the main assignment.


The self-assessment section at the end of the unit aims to allow the students to determine what they have achieved, and what else they can do to improve their study.


Period 1 Welcome to the unit

Periods 2-3 Reading

Period 4 Word power

Periods 5-6 Grammar and usage

Periods 7-8 Task

Periods 9-10 Project

Period 1 Welcome to the unit【looking,good,feeling,good】



This unit presents the topic of “beauty and health”. Beauty is an eternal theme. The whole unit tries to reveal the dialectical relationship between beauty and health and various ways of keeping healthy as well as beautiful. “Welcome to the unit” is the introduction to the unit, which discusses the topic “Beauty and health”. The “Welcome to the unit” part is composed of four pictures showing four common but effective ways to look good and keep good at the same time. In this section, some pictures describing people‟s current situations and their opinions on looking good and feeling good are presented for the students to think about and discuss. Following the four pictures are three questions for students to discuss. These three questions are so designed that students are able to share with each other their knowledge and ideas concerning the topic in the unit “Looking good, feeing good”. In this way, students are well prepared for the further study later in the unit. In this part, students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health in order to practice their spoken English. Considering the function and features of “Welcome to the unit”, this part is usually designed as a speaking lesson. Generally speaking, teachers are supposed to put forward more questions besides the ones in the text book so that students are able to have a free discussion centered on the topic “beauty and health”.


1. Encourage the students to discuss about the essence of beauty and how to make them more attractive.

2. Make the students to pay attention to their health and work out their own idea of living an ideal life.

3. Arose their interest in learning this unit through activities. And convince them that the real beauty is based on health.

4. Encourage the students to express their own ideas by meanings of pair work and class discussing and debating.

5. Help the students to learn to talk about various ways to keep one looking good and feeling good.

6. Learn some important words and expressions make me look slimmer, feel strong, get enough sleep to stay/remain healthy, an other way to stay slim

(Print out these words and expressions and hand them out to the students. The students are supposed to get familiar with these words and expressions before coming into the unit. )

7. Learn some key sentence patterns

What do you think of beauty and health, which is more important?

Do you think looking good is as important as feeling good?

In your opinion, how a person can both look good and feel good?


1. The students are supposed to express their own ideas by comparing the importance of beauty and health.

2. The students are encouraged to carry out a debate and competition about what is beauty

and how to become beautiful.

3. Ask the students to collect some information about Audrey Hepburn, Princess Diana, Christopher Reeve and David Beckham and get ready for the discussion before class.



1. Discussion in pairs or in groups.

2. Task-based in-class activities.

3. Explanations of some language points.


A tape recorder and the multimedia


1. Ask the students to prepare for a free-talk for about two or three minutes on the following topic: what is beauty? The students may have various opinions on the topic. Encourage them to form a proper idea on the real meaning of beauty, which obviously contains not only physical beauty but also spiritual beauty as well. If the students can realize that the eternal beauty comes inside from the person, they will not try to lose weight blindly.

2. They are supposed to search for the information in the library or on the Internet about four famous people: the film star Audrey Hepburn, the football player David Beckham, Princess Diana and the legend actor who once acted as the superman so that they can carry out a brainstorming about the four people in the class.

3. Divide the whole class into several groups, with four to six students in a group so that they can share what they have found and their ideas.


In the new English textbook, many activities have been designed on the basis of a coordination of topic, function and structure. By means of taking part in all kinds of language activities, students have more opportunities to improve their ability of using simple English to express their feelings and ideas towards different problems. In this way, students are supposed to develop receptive ability including listening and reading skills as well as productive ability including speaking and writing skills. In terms of the “welcome to the unit” part, emphasis is usually focused on the training of speaking ability, which is basically in the form of task-based teaching methods, such as discussion in pairs or groups, oral presentation, debate and so on. All the activities should be centered on students and be used to develop their skills of both independent thinking and cooperative communication.

→Step 1 Lead-in

1. Play the English song What Is Beauty at the beginning of the class(present the words of the song on the blackboard and ask the student to listen and sing together). An English song might be an enjoyable start of a lesson of Welcome to the Unit, which can help the students to have a better understanding of beauty. Also, if the students in the class are to some extent introverted, such a happy and strong song will get students to become excited. It will be a good warm up which can make students more relaxed and interested in what they are going to learn in the part of Welcome to the Unit, preparing them for the coming lessons in this unit.

2. Ask the students to think about the following questions which should be presented on the blackboard:

1)What is the real beauty?

2)Do you think beauty is totally determined by appearance?

3)Will good looking have a great impact on one‟s confidence?

(These three questions will help the students have a consideration of the meaning of beauty and its impact on people‟s life, thoughts, value and psychology, which will help to make good preparations for the study later. )

The teacher can divide the whole class into several groups with four students in a group and ask the students to have a discussion with their partners in the groups so that they can share with one another the information they have searched for before they come to the front of the whole class to give a presentation.

→Step 2 Brainstorming

Show the pictures of some famous and attractive people. Ask students to talk about them. Present such questions as follows on the blackboard:

1. Do you think the people look good?

2. What do you think has made them so attractive that they are in people‟s memory all the time?

Then ask the students to discuss with their partners for two minutes and share ideas with all of the students. Start a competition in the following way. Divide the whole class into four groups—G1, G2, G3, and G4. After the discussion, anyone in the four groups can stand up directly and say whatever he knows about the person in the pictures. Make the rules clear to the

students: one good idea will get one star. And the first student to stand up will be given two stars.

These pictures are famous film star Audrey Hepburn, football player David Beckham, Princess Diana who is known as the England rose and the legend actor who is a real “superman”. The reason for choosing these pictures lies in that all of them are popular with the students. Students know something or even a lot about them. Also, they like them so much that they are to some extent the idols or, in other words the heroes in their heart. They have something to say and they are willing to say. The following are some possible answers.

Possible answers:

1. They are among the most attractive people around the world in history.

(The teacher can give some encouragement and give the first student to stand up two stars

because it would be a good start and set a very good example to other students. Other students become excited. Most of them want to win a star for their groups. Also, in this way the teacher can encourage other groups to catch up.

2. Audrey Hepburn has always been my idol. She stands for elegance, benevolence and beauty. She has set an excellent example for all women who want to become beautiful. And even her hairstyle and dress became a fashion after she starred in the romantic movie Rome Holiday.

(The teacher should give her a star too and a good remark. Such kind of answer shows that the student is very interested in the person and has made good preparations as the teacher has required. )

3. There is no doubt that Audrey Hepurn is beautiful. To me, Audrey Hepurn is very charming. There‟s something very special in her eyes, in her smiles, in her timeless and natural elegance. Also, she was not only known for her beauty and acting talent but also for her selfless love for the suffering children around the world and set up a fund to help those African children in need.

(As the teacher asks for other ideas about other famous people, students will compete with each other in stating their opinions. )

4. The people in the three pictures have amazing appearance and perfect figure which attract people‟s attention. I want to say something about Diana. She was called the Rose of England. She was beautiful of course; also she has made a great contribution to the control of AIDS, which made her loved and respected by the people all around the world.

(Such answers are considered wonderful. Encourage the students to say whatever they know about the pictures and thus try to create a warming atmosphere. As is often the case, boys are more interested in football. So there is no wonder that some of the students maybe say something very interesting about David Beckham, who seems to be one of their best football players. Since David Beckham is so handsome and fashionable that there are millions of fans throughout the world who are crazy about him. Students believe that it is his great skills in playing football that make them crazy, which can hardly be matched by other players. )

And the last one is the „superman‟. Some students know he is Christopher Reeve and he starred in the series movie Superman and became world famous due to his amazing performance. However, other students think what attracts people most was not his handsome appearance or great acting but his strong mind, his bravery, his love for life as well as his contributions to the medicine after he became seriously hurt in an accident.

In conclusion, it has been proved by the speaking activity that the students has searched for a lot of information. Now present the question on the blackboard (with the competition continuing. ) as is often the case, some groups are in the lead, while others are behind. The teacher should give some encouragement so that those lagging behind can catch up.

→Step 3 Discussion and sharing opinions and information.

With discussion and competition going on, the teacher can present the following questions on the blackboard.

1. So in your opinion, which is more important? Health or beauty?

2. Do you think it really worth losing weight in as many ways as you can think of?

Give the students two or three minutes to discuss the questions. Then when time is up, ask them to state their opinions freely.

高一英语必修一 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

高一英语必修一 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

1. work out vi & vt.

[口]练习,锻炼。Whatever the weather is like, my sister works out in the gym every day.

计算出,解决问题 Can you work out how much money it will cost? 详细拟定(计划, 方案等)He worked out all the details of the plan.

巧妙地处理 I hope the new project will work out well.

(结果)成功 How did his suggestions work out?

2.stay 保持,是系动词,后接形容词,副词,介词。

stay up 不睡觉、熬夜

stay in 呆在家里

stay still 静止不动

3. figure

n.体态, 体型 She has an attractive figure.

人物,名人 He has become a figure known to everyone. 数字 Add up these figures.

画像,肖像 The stone figures in the temple look frightening.

【短语】 figure out = ①come to understand by thinking 弄明白,理解

= ② calculate 计算出

have/ keep a good figure 拥有/保持好身材

be good / poor at figures 擅长/不擅长计算

4. weight n (U) 重量,体重

lose weight put on weight = gain weight

watch one’s weight 注意体重

buy or sell sth. by weight 按某物的重量买卖 in weight 在重量方面

发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量

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be of a weight=be of the same weight 一样重 (be of an age=be of the same age 年龄一样大)

提问“ „„多重,重量多少”时用what, 不用how much. 例What’s your weight?

6.priceless=invaluable adj 贵重的 无价的

I think your advice priceless。

worthless=valueless=useless 无价值的These old papers are worthless(valueless=useless.)

7. recover v. 1.恢复(健康等) He recovered from the operation. recover oneself 恢复健康;清醒过来

2. 挽回,弥补(损失等) We soon rearranged our

8. attractive adj. 吸引人的, 有魅力的


Suzhou is one of the most attractive cities in China.


【拓展】 attract vt. 吸引 The beautiful dresses in the store attract many young girls.

attraction n. 吸引, 吸引力, 吸引人的事物

attract one’s attention

发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量

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a tourist attraction have an/ no/ a little/ much attraction for sb.

This exciting online game is an attraction to these boys. There are quite a few tourist attractions in Beijing.

9.embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,难为情的,不好意思的

be /feel /get /become embarrassed about 对„„感到难为情/困窘不安

embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj. (an embarrassing situation)

embarrassment n. much to one’s embarrassment

1)He was embarrassed about that stupid mistake.

2)Don’t feel embarrassed about being different from others

10. diet

指习惯上吃的食物,又指规定的食物,特指维持健康的定质或定量的食物。put sb on a diet 限制某人的饮食。be / go on a diet在节食,吃规定的食物。


1)Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.

2)The doctor put his patient on a diet of low fat and sugar.

3)I mustn’t have chocolate ---I’m on a diet.

11. consider v.

①考虑(可用于进行时) consider sth. / doingsth.

发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量

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②认为, 把„„当作 (无进行时) consider sb./sth. + (to be/as ) + n./ adj.

= regard„ as...= treat„as„= count„as„= recognize„as„= think of„ as„= look on/upon „ as„

consideration n. take „ into consideration under consideration

considerate adj. 体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was sleep.

12. in no time 立刻,很快 I’ll be back in no time. 关于time的短语:

on time 准时 in time及时 once upon a time 从前

ahead of time 提前 at a time每次,一次 at times有时 sometime某时 sometimes有时 some times一些次数 some time一段时间 take one’s time不急不忙 at

one time 曾经,一度

13. control vt. / n. 控制

(control-- controlled---controlling) Try to control your temper

I lost control of myself and hit him.

control oneself take control of be in/ out of control of be under control

be under sb’s control keep/ have/ bring/ get sth. under control lose control of

14. concentrate v. 集中,全神贯注 concentrate (on / upon) concentration n.

I can’t concentrate on my work when I am hungry.

focus /fix one’s attention on / upon 把注意力集中于

发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量

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15. in no time 立刻,很快 I’ll be back in no time. 关于time的短语:

on time 准时 in time及时 once upon a time 从前

ahead of time 提前 at a time每次,一次 at times有时 sometime某时 sometimes有时 some times一些次数 some time一段时间 take one’s time不急不忙 at

one time 曾经,一度


Ex 1:完成下列句子翻译(共30分。每句3分)

1. 我很想吃点东西。(dying for)

2. 你应该为说这些谎话而感到羞耻。(ashamed)

3. 你的主意听起来不错, 但是就是行不通。(work)

4. 他的感冒彻底痊愈了。( recover) .

5. 这帽子和上衣很相称。(match)

Ex2 Phrases 1. 极想做„ ________________ 2.收到„来信________________

3.锻炼身体________________ 4.苗条身材________________ 5.减肥________________

6.对„感到羞愧________________ 7.从„中(疾病、灾难)恢复____________ 8.后悔做过„________________

9.含有有害化学物质________________ 10.使„做„;导致„(P42)____________


发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量

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