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Unit3 Welcome to our school

Welcome to the unit

Step 1: Lead-in

We have many subjects. Learn Millie’s subjects.

呈现三个新单词:biology, geography, history

Then ask two questions.

Step 2:

Show the video of Hobo and Eddie. Then answer the questions. Ask them read ,then act it out.


Ask what day it is? Then show the Millie’ s subjects. Find out what subjects Millie have today. Then ask the students what lessons they have. Show some pictures of the subjects. 回顾三个新单词。

Step4: 活动

According the model, then make a dialogue. Ask some students to act out. Step 5:

导入open day 的概念。 Then listen and read the dialogue. Answer five questions about the dialogue. Then speak up again.

Step 6: Homework


Step 1: Free talk

1. What is your favourite subject?

2. Our school is beautiful. What can you see in the school?

3. What is in front of your classroom?

4. Is your classroom on the ground floor?

Step 2: Lead-in

Explain the words and phrases in the passage

Step 3: Listening

Listen to the tape, and tick the correct answers

Step 4: Here are some pictures of different places at Millie’s school. Help her write the correct words under the pictures.

Step 5: Read the information about Sunshine Middle School. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

Step 6: Homework

1. Recite this passage

2. Finish exercises on your paper

Content: Grammar I

Teaching aims:

To learn to use the subject form of personal pronouns

Important points:

To understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the

sentences freely

Difficult points:


To understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the sentences freely

Teaching approaches:

Discussion Practice

Teaching aids: A tape recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 : Presentation

1. Leading-in

The teacher introduces himself and other students ,say:

I’m your teacher .You are my students .We are in Class 1.This is…, she is from Li Ji. That boy is…, he comes from Hua Yuan. They have a friend Eddie. It is a dog.

Write down the sentences on the Bb and underline the personal pronouns .Make Ss be clear what they replace in these sentences and they are the subject form of personal pronouns .

2. Learning

Help Ss learn the sentences in the table .ask Ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to.

Help Ss understand the usage of personal pronouns.

(1).Tom is very tall. He likes football very much.

(2). I am Susan .This is Jack. We are in the same class.

Step 2: Practice

1 Write several sentences on Bb, underline the personal pronouns .Ask students to speak out what the pronouns replace in the sentence. This is Tom, he is my best friend.

Mrs. Brown is very nice, she often gives me sweets. Lily, what class are you in?

2. Ask Ss to finish Part A1.A2. , read to check answers.

3. Help Ss understand Part3, learn several phrases, then let Ss finish PartA3. At last, ask some questions :

(1)What does Simon do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

(2)When do the students meet at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School?

(3)What does Kitty do every day?

Step 3: Play a game

Introduce a classmate’s life like:

S1: I’m ….S2: He/She is very tall/….S3:He/She often gets up at….S4: …The person who can’t go on saying should sit down. The person who stands until the last is the winner.

Step 4: Do some exercises.

Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.

1. This is Amy. is a new student .

2 .My sister watches the film on TV. It is very interesting.

3. Sandy likes reading. She has a lot of books.

4. I want to play badminton. Would you like to go with ?

5. I love my parents. Are doctors and are very friendly to sick people

Step 5: Extension activity

Ask Ss to understand all the personal pronouns (subject form) in the reading passage .Order several personal pronouns at the same time . 单数:you , he/she and I,

复数:we ,you and they .

Step 6 : Homework

Content: Grammar II

Teaching aims:

To distinguish the subject form and object form of the personal pronouns. Important points:

To make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily.

Difficult points:

To make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily

Teaching Approaches:

Unit 3 Welcome to our school(Task)教案(津译林版七年级上册)




七年级英语上册 Unit 3Welcome to our school教案 新牛津版

Welcome to our school

七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school教案 新牛津版

Unit 3 Welcome to our school

The first period: Comic strip& Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

( 1)、Learn some new words: “Which ,best ,so, biology ,geography ,history, Date ,meeting ,o’clock, OK ,gate”

(2)、Learn some new phrases: School Open Day/ the parents’ meeting /at the school gate

(3)、Learn some sentence patterns: Which of the subject do you like best?

What’s the date today?/ What time is it?

Importance & difficulty

1.Talk with the simple present tense.

2. How to master these new phrases.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Presentaion.

In school, there are many subjects. What is your favourite one? Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is „.

Step II Practise

Would you like to play a game to learn about your classmates’ favourite subjects? Let’s do chain work! Please ask the questions one by one.

Step III Presentaion

1The teacher asks:Eddie is a lovely dog. Do you know his favourite subject? Which is his favourite subject? Listen to the tape and answer this question.

2 Act in pairs.

3 Suppose you are Hobo. When you hear Eddie’s words, what do you think of him? What will you say to Eddie? Please continue writing Eddie and Hobo’s conversation. Step IV Presentaion

1The teacher asks:You study at „.Middle School for many days. Do you like your new school? Do you tell your parents about your new school? What do you tell them? Students answer:I like my school. I tell my parents about classmates and sports. 2The teacher says: I am teaching English now. So I am your English teacher. Who is this teacher? What subject does he/she teach? He/She teaches „ Write “ biology ,geography, history”

Step V Practise

Finish Part A and communicate with students.

Step VI Activity

1 The teacher asks: What’s the date today? What’s the date tomorrow ? What lessons do you have tomorrow?

2 The teacher continue asks: What time is your Maths lesson? What time does your Chinese lesson begin? It begins at „.o’clock. Do you have a class meeting every week? Do you have a parents’ meeting? Some schools have an Open Day .It’s for parents to visit school. Do you have an Open Day? What’s the date of your Open Day ?Do you want an Open Day ? Would you like an Open Day ?

3 Millie wants her mother to come to school on the Open Day .Please listen to the【译林出版社七年级英语上册Welcome,to,our,school教案】

tape and answer these questions.

(1) What’s the date of the Open Day in Millie’s school?

(2) Can Millie’s mother go to her school? Step VII Homework Recite the comics. The second period: Reading(1)

Teaching aims:

(1)、learn some new words and expressions.

(2)、learn some new phrases: show sb around /in front of

(3)、learn some new sentences:The ground is so big./My classroom is on the ground floor.

Teaching difficulty:

How to introduce the facilities of our school.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Presentation.

Look at our school. Is it beautiful? Do you like it? I think our school is beautiful. It is so good . What can you see in the school? We can see tall trees , beautiful flowers and a playground .

In our school, we can also see some buildings. Look at this building. Some tall trees are in front of it . Which building is our classroom in ? Which building is our art room in? Which building is our school hall in ? Look at this building . How many floors are there in the building? Let’s count. One, two, three, four. Oh, there are four floors in this building . This is the ground. Is our classroom on the ground floor? Our classroom is on „floor. The classroom is so bright .We have a computer room too. It looks very modern.

Step II Practice

Our school is a beautiful school. Today, some foreign visitors come to our school. Would you please look at the map and introduce our school to them?


(1)There are „buildings in our school.

(2) There are „floors in the building.

(3) „ is on the ground floor.

(4) The classroom is „.

(5) „ is in front of„

Step III Presentation

1 Today is the Open Day in Millie’s school. Millie meets her mother at the school gate . She is ready to show her mother around the school.板书 show sb around 2 Here are some pictures of different places in Millie’s school. Let’s follow Millie to visit her school and know the places. “the playground ,the classroom building ,the classroom, the art room ,the music room, the computer room, the library and the hall.”

3 Please read the conversation again. Then I’d like to check how well you know Millie’s school’

4 Look at the information about Sunshine Middle School in Part B2. Read the conversation once more . Then write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false .

Step IV Practice

(1)Where do you meet today ?

(2) How does Millie’s school look?

(3) What about the playground /library?

(4) How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?

(5) Where is Millie’s classroom?

Step V Activity

Role-play time. Work in pairs and suppose you are Millie and her mother. Homework: Read the text after class and try to talk about our school.

The third period: Reading (2)

Teaching aims:

(1)、learn some new words and expressions.

(2)、learn some new phrases: show sb around /in front of

(3)、learn some new sentences: The ground is so big./My classroom is on the ground floor.

Teaching difficulty:

How to introduce the facilities of our school fluently.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Presentation.

Millie and her mother visit the school on the Open Day. Do you remember the places and people they see? Please arrange them in the order of time.

Mr Wu the classroom building □ the school hall the art room and the music room the library Millie’s classroom


2 Show sb around ,in front of , on the playground. Now, I will show you around in another school. It is not very big. It has only one classroom building and a small playground. There is a hall on the ground floor. There are five rooms in the school and they are all very bright. In every classroom, the students have computers in front of them. They can have lessons meetings on the Internet . It’s so modern. Step II Practice

1 Millie wants to write a diary about her school. Can you help her complete the diary in Part B4?

2 Millie’s pen friend Mike sends her an email from the UK. It’s about Mike’s school. Let’s read this email and complete it according to the Chinese.

Dear Millie ,

Thanks very much for your letter and the pictures of your school. Your school is ----------( 多么漂亮)。

I study at Newstar Middle School. We have ---------( 一栋现代化的大楼)。 -----------(在一楼),there is a small park. During lunchtime , I like listening to music there . In my school, there is also ---------( 一个明亮的图书馆)。We always go there to search for information . My favourite place is the playground. It is ---------(在礼堂前面) 。After school, I often play football with my friends. I hope you can come to my school. If so , let me ---------( 带你四处看看)。


( so beautiful, one modern building, on the ground floor, a bright library, in front of the hall, show you around)

Step III Activity

1 It’s the Open Day in our school. Suppose you are showing the visitor around our school. Please look at the map and make up a dialogue in pairs.

2Let students show their fruits.

Homework :

Try to use the new phrases freely

Talk about our school

The fourth period: Grammar

Teaching aims:

(1)、learn personal pronoun: subject form & object form

(2)、learn some new phrases: look at, let me see ,after class, say hello to sb , on the phone【译林出版社七年级英语上册Welcome,to,our,school教案】

(3)、learn some new sentences:【译林出版社七年级英语上册Welcome,to,our,school教案】

Do you know the teacher over?

I have some new friends. / Pardon?

Teaching difficulty:

How to use personal pronoun correctly..

Teaching procedures:

A Personal pronoun: subject form

Step I Presentation

Look at this picture. It is our school. You study here. And I teach English here. We always begin classes at 8 a.m. Look at this man. He is Mr„. He is our principal. Look at this woman. She is Miss„. She is your history teacher. They are very kind. They are good teachers.

(1)It is our school. (2) You study here.

(3)I teach English here. (4) We always begin classes at 8 a.m.

(5) He is our principal. (6) She is your history teacher.

(7) They are very kind. (8) They are good teacher.

We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people or things, so we do not need to repeat the nouns. 将personal pronouns. We use the subject form when the noun is the subject.

Step II Practice

1 Look at the photo on the wall. -------- is a photo of my family. „.and „.study in the same class. ----------- are classmates.

2 Millie and her mother are in the classroom now. Please complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns.

B Personal pronouns (object form)

Step I Presentation

1 Useful sentences

(1)It is our school. Do you like it?

(2) You study here. Teachers can help you with your study.

(3)I teach English here. You can ask me some questions .

(4) We always begin classes at 8 a.m. So let us go to school early.

(5) He is our principal. You can call him Mr„

(6) She is your history teacher. Please say hello to her

(7) They are very kind. All the students like them.

2 We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things. We use the object form when the noun is the object of a verb or pre position .

Homework :

1.Review the personal pronouns

2.Finish exercise.

The fifth period:Grammar

Teaching aims:

(1)、learn personal pronoun: subject form & object form

(2)、learn some new phrases: look at, let me see ,after class, say hello to sb , on the phone

(3)、learn some new sentences:

Do you know the teacher over?

I have some new friends. / Pardon?

Teaching difficulty:

How to use personal pronoun correctly..

Teaching procedures:

Teaching procedures:

Step 1Exercise

1 Complete the sentences

(1)Can you show --------(我) your new volleyball , please?( me)

(2) Swimming is good . It can make -----( 你) strong. (you)

(3) I have a lot of friends .I often play football with --------(他们) after school.(them)

(4) Millie likes reading very much. I often meet --------(她) in the library.(her)

(5) This computer game is interesting . Many boys enjoy -------(它) very much.(it)

(6) Mr Chen is a good teacher. He teaches --------(我们) Science. (us)

(7) My grandfather like music . So I often sing songs for --------(他) 。(him)

2 Help students finish part B: Daniel is talking to his grandfather on the phone. Read the conversation and tell me what they are talking about. They are talking about Daniel’s new school.

3 Check the answers with students. Everybody, please complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns. 4 Read and act.

Step III Show

Do you like your school, your teachers and your classmates? Please work in groups of four and prepare your own phone conversation. Pay attention to use the correct

Unit 3 Welcome to our school(Study skills)教案(津译林版七年级上册)




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