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外研社Sam is going to ride a horse教案

编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:09-10    阅读:

  外语教学与研究出版社由北京外国语大学于1979年创办,2010年完成企业改制,更名为外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司,是一家以外语出版为特色,涵盖全学科出版、汉语出版、科学出版、少儿出版等领域的综合性教育出版集团,是全国规模最大的大学出版社、最大的外语出版机构。以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的外研社Sam is going to ride a horse教案,希望能帮助到大家! 

  外研社Sam is going to ride a horse教案


  1. 能够听、说、认读 “fish hooray”等其它单词。

  2. 能够用 “第三人称单数 is going to do … . ” 及 “其它人称 be going to do……”来表达所要做的事情。


  能运用 “Be going to go to…” 和 “be going to do…” 表达将要去哪里、将要做某事。



  Step1 Warm-up

  Free talk

  a. Review the phrases.

  b. According to part a lead in :I’m going to …What are you going to do?

  【设计意图】 热身环节通过复习旧知,使学生带着积极和活跃的心态投入课堂中,并为引出新知做好铺垫。

  Step2 Presentation

  A. Lead in :

  T: Tomorrow we can do many things.Our life is courful.Enjoy it.Here a story for you. 1. About activity 1

  Listen and fill in the blanks.

  The cat is going to______.

  The birds are going to________

  2. About activity2

  a.What is Sam going to do?(Listen and answer)

  Ss:Sam is going to ride a horse.

  T: Today let’s learn Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.


  b.Sam is going to ride a horse.What about Daming.I know the answer,but you don’t.you ask me .

  Ss:Try to say:What’s Daming going to do?

  The answer:Daming is going to….

  T:Daming is a boy.so we can say:He is going to….

  c. Read picture 3 by yourself try to say what’s Linging going to do?

  d.Listen and repeat.


  Step 3 Practise and consolidation:

  Learn the song.(根据歌词引出)We’re goiong to visit the zoo.

  Try to make sentences.


  Step 4 :Summary ( Retell the text )

  Step 5: Homework

  1. Retell the text..

  Blackboard design :

  Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.

  What ‘s Sam going to do?

  He’s going to ride a ahorse.

  四年级英语上册 Module8 Unit2 Sam is going to ride a horse教案 (新版)外研版


  1、1知识目标:1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit

  2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth.

  2、技能目标:能听懂会唱歌曲:“We’re going to go to the zoo.”


  三.教学难点:stone ,camel,visit



  Teaching steps:

  Step1: Warmer

  1、 Greetings

  2、 Sing a song --听Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。

  3、Say a chant: We’re going to We’re going to go to +place

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