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六年级新教材Unit3 Holiday fun 教学设计


Unit3 Holiday fun(Story time)教学设计

南京市南化第四小学 董振

一、 教材内容

译林出版社义务教育教科书《英语》六年级上册Unit3 Holiday fun 第一课时Story time

二、 教材分析

本课的话题是谈论节日,通过Liu Tao和Mike的对话讲述在国庆节发

生的事情,课文内容贴近学生现实生活,学生容易理解和接受。主要语言功能是引导学生尝试运用过去式描述过去发生的事情。在教学中,教师应尽可能地创设与实际生活相似的场景,引导学生运用本课所学内容谈论他们节假日所做的事情。在学生熟练听说的基础上,鼓励学生在日常生活中运用所学内容。“Where did you go? What did you do ? Did you ..? Yes, I did.等日常交际用语。注重社会交往和文化渗透,能够体现《英语新课程标准》的人文性和工具性。






1)能通过联想、迁移、构词法等学习策略初步掌握过去式:go—went, visit-visited, see-saw, pick-picked, catch-caught, eat-ate及词汇:bund, museum.

2)能在具体的情景中运用句型:Where did you go? What did you do? Did you „? 提问并用过去式结构回答。并运用这些句型就节日话题与他人交流。




























Part One Pre-reading

Step1.Warming-up and presentation

1. Present the learning aims of this lesson


2. Sing a song: Old Macdonald had a farm. Then the teacher asks SS a quesiton:

What did you see just now ?引导学生说:I saw…


3. playing a game: 信息大碰撞(出示一些爱好及节日类图片,让老师或学生来猜彼此的爱好或最喜欢的节日)

T: I’m your new English teacher .I want to know something about you. Do you want to know something about me?

S: Yes.

T: Great! Now, let’s play a game to know each other. The game is Bingo Game: 如果你猜对了,就说Bingo Game. Ready? Go!

T:This time, let’s talk about some holidays. (学习新单词holiday,并在黑板右上角板书)

What’s your favourite holiday? Look and think. (师与一生先交流)

T:Do you know my favourite holiday? (生猜)Yes,because there is a long holiday.

【设计意图】通过玩游戏,学习新单词National Day

T:I like travelling and taking photos in my holiday. Do you want to enjoy my photos?

【设计意图】在与学生自由的语篇交流中,自然地引出“喜欢假期旅游拍照”这一爱好。通过几组照片的对比,直观地体现本课语篇的重要内容“一般过去时”避免了机械的语法讲解,让学生在语篇中学会交际,在交际中学会语言。 Step2. Leading— into

Show the topic and let the students read it

T: Was it fun? Today we are going to learn Unit3 Holiday fun


Step3 Prediction

T: Our friends , Liu Tao and Mike came back to school after the National Day holiday. What do you want to know? You can ask :What, Where, How,When..?


T: I love your questions. Here is my question. Where did they go? Can you guess? Library, park, cinema, zoo…?小组内猜测。预测Mike和Liu Tao 国庆节去的地方。



Part Two While –reading

Step1 整体感知

1)Listen and answer:1.Where did Mike go ? 2. Where did Liu Tao go?

【设计意图】学生带着问题听故事并选择答案,整体感知课文。学生带着问题听的过程中对自己预测进行检验,在听的过程中提高整体感知语篇的能力。 Step2分层理解

1) What did Liu Tao do there?

教师利用插图呈现两个景点,让学生预测Liu Tao在上海做了什么?PPT出示动物园、公园,外滩,博物馆图片及单词,教学bund和museum,接着让学生细读课文28页,打勾,一起完成填空,说出来。(可以先请几名学生说)

2) What did Mike do with his family on the farm?

T: Did he catch any fish?出示 He caught a big fish.


3)We know Mike called 刘涛,and they talked about their Holiday,but Why did Mike call Liu Tao? This time,let’s watch the cartoon。

【设计意图】让学生带着问题自主阅读,学会从文章中搜索相关信息,在同桌合作讨论交流后全班进行反馈,让每个学生都有发表意见的时间。教师把相关信息呈现于黑板上,帮助学生概况和提炼课文信息,理清文章的脉络,教师注重学习方法的指导,通过呈现课文中问题答案的出处,还原了在 原文中寻找信息的过程。


1) Read and judge

2) Ask and answer.


【设计意图】教师让学生根据课文内容提问,不仅要求会回答问题,而且还要能根据文章内容来提出更多的问题哦,这对学生提出了更高的要求,有助于学生对课文的细节有更深入的了解。小组讨论的形式培养了学生与他人合作的精神。 Step4 Listen and imitate



Step5 Happy reading


Part3 Post-reading

Fill in the blanks(第三人称)

【设计意图】高年级语篇教学侧重于对学生“写”的技能的培养。教师指导学生填空,从而将语篇中掌握的词汇、语法和文化知识内化为自身的语篇综合素质。 Step 3 Make a new story


Eg:A: Where did you go for…?

B: I went/ visited..

A: What did you do there?

B I V(ed)…

A:Did you …?

B: Yes, I did.? No, Ididn’t.


Step 4 Summary and Homework

1. Summary

T: Do you want to have fun holidays? I have some recommendation for you. ( Enjoy pictures)

2. Homework

(1) 有感情地朗读课文,并进行录音后传入班级博客。

(2) 将课文对话改编成英语小故事,讲给家长听。(可借助图片帮助家长理解)

(3) 将课上新编的对话故事写下来。


译林6A Unit3 Holiday fun教案

Unit 3 Holiday fun

一、 教学目标


1. 能正确理解、掌握A部分对话,并能朗读和表演对话。

2. 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语,where did you go for the holiday? I went to…

what did you do…? Did you …? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t…

3. 掌握会话中出现的单词holiday, National Day, call, Bund, Star Lake, Shanghai Museum, go



1. 能正确理解,掌握A部分会话,并能熟练的朗读和表演会话。


1. 让学生感到用英语开启话轮询问和交流未来的计划打算很有意义。

2. 让学生快乐学英语,从英语学习中体会到成功。



1. 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写holiday, National Day, call, go fishing.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型what did you do…? Did you …? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t…

3. 难点




第二步,是对话是怎么说的。文本中用了哪些问句来开启和延续话题的,这些问句的前后逻辑关系又是什么。让学生先通过听读,找到对话的主干语言,基本上是那些问句。然后再设计QQ聊天的方式,尝试用这些主干语言来转述从这些对话文本中所学到的信息,学会表达。最后,理清这些主干语言的逻辑关系,进行自主的连贯性表达。让学生学会学习,其实最好的教学应该是学生学会了学,而不是在意教了他多少。在教学生学会学习这方面,我采用是和学生分享我的英语学习方法。就是记笔记和关键词的方式和画逻辑关系图的方式。在背诵和回忆文本的时候,借助这些Key Words是有效的。






Step1.Warming up

1. Daily talk

T: we are having a new lesson.

老师板书,today the topic is Unit 3 Holiday fun.(A)黑板中间

左边第一个板书 holiday

When we are talking about what did we do for the holiday, we should try to use ‘’. 板书

what did …do….?领读3遍。

What did you do …? What did he do…? What did she do…?

T: We are going to learn part A of unit 3.

Step 2. presentation

T: OK, this time I will show you our plans for this lesson.(出示PPT3 本课教学计划-1通过听读等形式学习本课对话2.在对话学习过程中理解并掌握新单词及重点句型3.尝试运用本课所学的语言你过去所作的活动)

T:You know what we are going to do in this lesson. Now follow me. 领读2 times holiday fun. 画龙点睛之笔

Today we are going to talk about Holiday fun. Before that we are going to play a game. And I think all of you like games.

SS: yes.

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Think and guess.(出示PPT4

What did they do last holiday?看图猜猜 加菲猫/母女图/女孩带京剧脸谱图/朗朗)

T:think and guess. Do you know him. Garfield.

SS: yes.

T: Garfield. He is a famous teacher?

SS: No.

T: yes, he is a famous cat. Who are they? Do you know them?

SS: let me tell you they are my good friends. And she is my brother’s daughter and he is

Zhou jielun.

Can you try to read question what did they do for holiday? 领读2遍。

T:you can guess what they did for the National Day holiday. First you can talk in groups. (学生分组对话和猜测2m)

T: Ok. What did Garfield do ?

S1: Garfield …

S2:Garfield …

T: Look at my friends. What did they do?

S1: Maybe they…

T: Look at the girl and the photo in front of her, may help you form an answer.

S1: Maybe she …

T: Maybe she …

Look at Zhou jielun, what did he do ?

S1: Maybe he …

Let’s see the answers.(出示PPT5-let’s play a guessing game. Garfield和上海外滩图片,what did …do? )

T: What did he do for the holiday?

SS: He went to the Bund..

(出示PPT6-母女图片-What did they do?图片显示母女和上海博物馆 visit the Shanghai Museum)

T: They visited the Shanghai Museum.

Who was right?

SS: No.

T: Look at the girl. What did she do for the holiday?(出示PPT-7看农场的图片-She went to a farm.)

T: read together.

SS: She went to a farm near Star Lake..

Can you find this new word. Try to spell Star Lake.(板书Star Lake领读3遍) The boy is right.

T: Look at the last one. Zhou jielun. What is he going to do?(PPT-8朗朗摘橘子和钓鱼图片-he picked some oranges and caught some big fish.)

领读3遍catch -caught,黑板左边板书。

T:And you know what they did for the holiday.

Now look at the two boys. (PPT-9 Holiday fun

Mike-Liu Tao)

T: Who are they?

SS: They are Mike and Liu Tao.(出示PPT-10引言,ss read freely for 2minutes-National Day holiday红色字体)

T: Read together.

Step 3. practice

Now boys and girls. Mike and Liu Tao are talking about what they did for the


(出示PPT-11-listen and answer 听对话,了解主要内容,回答问题-holiday fun-who-Mike –Liu Tao-what did they do for the holiday?)

T: First, let’s listen to their conversation and try to answer the questions, OK?


T: Listen carefully.(播放课文录音) 来自磁带录音。

Can you get it?

SS: yes.

T: What did they do for the holiday? You can take two key words.

S1: Liu Tao-Shanghai.

T: right? Good!

T: Liu Tao went to Shanghai to see his aunt.

S2: Mike went to a farm near Star Lake.


(出示PPT-12-when –what-who-where-went to Shanghai-Mike-Liu Tao-注再听对话,了解更多细节,可以尝试笔记)

T:This time. We are going to listen to the dialogue again and try to get more detail. Before that please open your notebook and take out your pen.(学生拿笔记本和钢笔)

T:Well, boys and girls. This time we are going to listen to the dialogue again. When we are listening to a long dialogue. we then take some notes like this.(出示PPT-13-what-when –where –who-what-…) you can try to take the key words. And try to know how the key words connected. T: Understand? SS:学生无声

T: so boys and girls. Let’s try to take some notes. Are you ready?


T: Ok, boys and girls, do you want to listen to the dialogue one more time? Ok? Ok!(第三次播放课文录音)

T: Ok, boys and girls. Have you got it?

SS: Yes.

T: Do you want to listen to the dialogue again?

SS: No.

T: you have finished it, right? And so let’s look .

I have several questions.(出示PPT-13 answer the questions 快速抢答-根据听到点内容回答问题,可以看笔记但是不可以看书。)

1. Which city did Liu Tao go for the National holiday?

2. Was Liu Tao at home on the National holiday?

3. Who did Liu Tao visit on the holiday?

4. Where did Liu Tao go and visit during the holiday days?

5. What did he see in Shanghai?

6. Where did Mike’s family go for the holiday?

7. What did he do on the farm?

8. Why did Mike call Liu Tao when he caught a big fish?


T: So many questions.

Can you try to answer all the questions?

SS: Yes.

To: you can see your notes, please don’t look at your English book, ok? (去合上一个学生的书) SS: OK.

T: S1: T: yes ,

Questiong2, S2:T: Is he right?SS: yes.

T: question 3. S3:

T: question4. S4:



T: question6. S6:

T: question7.SS: No.T: Watch your notes.


T:I think you answer these questions very well.

Now look, this is my notes about this dialogue.(板书notes并打开遮挡,向学生展示自己的notes.)what about yours?

Have you finished it. Did you do this like that? Now, boys and girls.

When we are listening to a long dialogue, first we take some key words and key phrases. And you should try to know how the key words connected. Do you understand?

SS:学生迟疑后,say no or yes.

T: Now this time. Can you try to say something about the what you did for holidays according to the notes on the right blackboard?

I will give you one minute to prepare and you can look at my notes and you can also look at your own notes.(根据笔记retell the story)

T: Ok, who can try?

S1(a girl):after the national day holiday Liu Tao and Mike are talking about what they did for the national day holiday. Liu Tao went to Shanghai and visited his aunt and he went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. He saw many interesting things in Shanghai. Mike went to a farm with his family near Star Lake and he picked some oranges and caught a big fish. He wanted to give it to Liu Tao but he ate it now.

T: excellent! How about the boys! Who can have a try? Boy!

S2:(a boy)

T: now boys and girls. Open your books, ok?(呈现PPT-14-read in groups-how do they talk about what they did for the holiday小组合作,分组读对话-找出他们谈论周末计划的问句,并尝试理解文中的新单词和新子句子)巡视指导和交流。

S1:Where did you go for the holiday ?(老师板书在黑板) ss: 齐读

S2:What did you do there? 板书板书

S3: We/I … how was your holiday? 板书

S4:It was great fun. We/I….

S5: Did you …?

S6: Why did you…?

S7: Because I ….

Ok, boys and girls, you did a very good job.

Now let’s listen to a dialogue. And try to read. Pay attention to the pronunciation and ready? Look at your books.【Holiday,fun,的教案】



Ok, let’s read together, ok? One, two, three, go!

SS Read together.

T:Now boys and girls. Close your books. Liu Tao and Mike are talking about what they did for the holiday.

After that, Liu Tao talked about the what he did with his friend Peter on QQ.(呈现PPT-15-let’s talk-Liu Tao-peter) Do you often talk with your friends on QQ?


Read the passage. 课件呈现

It is Saturday morning, Liu Tao is having a QQ chat with peter on line. He is telling peter about what he did for the national day holiday.

T:Look, what is he going to talk with peter.

Peter: hi, Liu Tao. What did you do for the holiday?

T: What will Gao Shan say? Can you help Liu Tao?


T:What else is he going to say?


T: see, this afternoon. Pointing to the PPT.



Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai to _____ my aunt.

What will peter say?


T: so many peters.

Peter: what did you do there?.

Liu Tao: I went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum.

How was your holiday, peter?

T: What will Peter say?

六年级英语上册Unit3 Holiday fun 四课时教案

Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time & Think and write

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.

2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

3 Students can retell the story .

4 Students can talk about their holiday life .

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

2 Students can retell the story .

3 Students can talk about their holiday life .


PPT , some photos

Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Free talk

1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .

It was National Day holiday last week .

Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?

( Teach : National Day , holiday )

How do you feel your holiday ?

S: …

2 T: I took some photos on National Day.

Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday .

(Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema)

3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Guess ! S :…

4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ? S:…

Step 2 Presentation

1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .

Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom.

What did they talk about ? Can you guess ?

2 Let‟s watch the cartoon .

What did they talk about ?

A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday 3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ?

( Show “ Think and write “ )

Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks .

( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught )

4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday . So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy „s holiday.

Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?

( Show “ Ask and answer “ )

Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.


5 Read the story in group .

6 Try to retell the story .

Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .

Liu Tao went to ….and

Mike …

Step 3 Consolidation

T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday . Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life . How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them . Please write and read to him.


1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday.

2 Write a story about your holiday life .

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 3 Holiday Fun

Unit 3 Holiday fun (Period 2)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Grammar time & Fun time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.

2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.

3 We can use these sentences “what did you do?\where did you go?\why did …? Did you …? and how to answer.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.

2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.



Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Revision

1.Review the text

T: What did Mike do? S: …

S1: What did Liu Tao do? S: …

S2: Where did Mike\Liu Tao do? S:…

S3: How was Mike‟s \ Liu Tao‟s holiday? S:…

T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because

Ask some students: Did you …? S: Yes, I did.\No, I didn‟t.

2. Writing on the blackboard

What did … do? I\He\She…

Where did …go? I\He\She…

How was …? It was great fun.

Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because

Did you …? Yes, I did.\No, I didn‟t.

3. Read these sentences

Step 2 Presentation

1. Grammar



(2)How to answer these questions?

Turn to P29 ,read by yourselves.

(3)Learn the new past tense. Play the game: Quick respond .

(4)Practice the questions and answers. Work in four and say it one by one. Step 3 Fun time

T: Look at the girl. She is Li Li. She and her family visited Beijing on National Day Holiday(国庆节假日). They saw many interesting things. She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao.

Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日)

T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him?

Ss: Yes.


(1). Discuss in group

(2). Ask and answer.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?„

(1). 四人一小组讨论。

(2). 选出一位当小记者采访其它组。

(3). 小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。

Step 5Homework

1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。

2.看Fan time 中的图片,完成对话。


Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 3)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Culture time, Cartoon time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1能听懂、会读、会说单词、词组:“Easter, summer holiday Christmas holiday, fashion show, excited ,wore ,wonderful, heavy rain”并理解单词的意思。 2能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Where did you go? I„.

Did you…? Yes, I did. No, I didn‟t. What did you …?I ….



5 能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 2能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。 3能尝试掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展。



Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step1 Warm up


2.T: Hello, class. Where did you go for the holiday?

S;I went to…

T: How was your holiday?

S: It was…

T: What did you do there?

S: ….



Step2 Presentation

1.T: Oh dear. Your holiday is very good, let’s enjoy some pictures.(教师展示一些有关节日的图片,为后面的做铺垫)

S: Yes.

Unit3 Holiday fun.doc教学设计

Unit3 Holiday fun (story time) 教学设计

兴化市陶庄中心校小学部 李冬华 225733


译林版小学英语教科书六年级上册Unit3 Holiday fun第一课时storytime


本课storytime主要讨论的是国庆假日,Mike和LiuTao以对话的形式讲述他们是如何度过自己的假日,主要句型是用过去式询问和回答发生在过去的事:Where did you go?I went /visited …. What did you do ?I …. Did you ….? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t .主要词汇是一些旅游胜地和特殊动词的过去式:BundShanghai Museum ate caught came .课文内容贴近生活,鼓励学生学以致用。


1. 知识目标

1)能够掌握一些无转换规则的动词过去式以及旅游胜地的词汇:National Day holiday ,bund ,Shanghai Museum ,farm ,because, ate, caught.

2)能够运用日常交际用语:Where did you go?What did you do ? Did you ….?以及它们的回答方式:I went /visited …. I …. Yes, I did./No, I didn’t .




2. 能力目标



3. 情感目标




1. 学生能够通过图片,动画理解课文。

2. 通过不同方式读,学生能够用准确地语音语调表演故事。

3. 学生能够通过图片简单复述课文。

4. 学生能够在日常生活中运用所学句型。






Step 1 Warming up

1. Sing a song :Rain ,rain,go away.


2. Free talk

T :Why do we want the rain to go away? I can’t go on holidays if it rains.

师板书教授单词 holiday ,并展示一些节日图片作简单介绍。

T: My favourite holiday is ……. Because I can have a rest for a week.

师展示图片学生猜测,师教授 National Day。

T: Here are some photos of my travelling, was it fun?

生回答,师板书课题 Unit3 Holiday fun

设计意图:通过展示节日和旅游的图片,激发学生的求知欲,同时导入课题。 Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen and answer

A :Where did Mike go?

B: Where did LiuTao go?


2. Learn and practice

Where did you go?

I went/ visited……

师展示动物园.超市.公园.外滩.农场等图片,学生分组进行操练,同时教授 bund museum farm单词


3. Read and discuss

T: LiuTao went to Shanghai,Mike went to the farm, what did they do?



4. Watch and choose


T: We know LiuTao went to Shanghai Museum ,what did he do?Mike went fishing ,did he catch any fish.Let’s watch the cartoon.


﹙﹚Liu Tao didn’t see any interesting things.

﹙﹚Mike caught a big fish.

﹙﹚Mlike gave LiuTao the fish.


Step 3 Reading and imitation

1. 学生看文本听音模仿跟读,在跟读过程中教师要注意指导学生的朗读,纠正学生不准确的发音。

2. 学生以不同的形式朗读课文。


Step 4 Consolidation

1. 在理解课文的基础上,学生完成课文内容填空。

Mike and LiuTao talked about LiuTao went to and

Shanghai saw .Mike and a big fish.

2. 结合图片,小组选一个节日,试编一个新的对话故事。

A:Where did you go for …..?

B:I went/visited ……

A:What did you do there?


A:Did you ……?

B:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.


Step 5 Homework

1. Read and act the story

2. Copy the new words.


[新教材六年级英语Unit 3 Holiday Fun教案

Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time & Think and write

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


1 Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.

2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

3 Students can retell the story .

4 Students can talk about their holiday life .

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.

2 Students can retell the story .

3 Students can talk about their holiday life .


PPT , some photos

Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Free talk

1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .

It was National Day holiday last week .

Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?

( Teach : National Day , holiday )

How do you feel your holiday ?

S: …

2 T: I took some photos on National Day.

Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday . (Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema) 3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Guess ! S :… 4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?


Step 2 Presentation

1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .

Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom.

What did they talk about ? Can you guess ?

2 Let‟s watch the cartoon .

What did they talk about ?

A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday

3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ? ( Show “ Think and write “ )

Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks . ( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught )

4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday . So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy „s holiday. Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?

( Show “ Ask and answer “ )

Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.


5 Read the story in group .

6 Try to retell the story .

Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .

Liu Tao went to ….and

Mike …

Step 3 Consolidation

T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday . Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life . How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them . Please write and read to him.


1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday.

2 Write a story about your holiday life .

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 3 Holiday Fun

Unit 3 Holiday fun (Period 2)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Grammar time & Fun time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.

2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.

3 We can use these sentences “what did you do?\where did you go?\why did …? Did you …? and how to answer.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 We can talk about things. We did for the holidays.

2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.



Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Revision

1.Review the text

T: What did Mike do? S: …

S1: What did Liu Tao do? S: …

S2: Where did Mike\Liu Tao do? S:…

S3: How was Mike‟s \ Liu Tao‟s holiday? S:…

T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because

Ask some students: Did you …? S: Yes, I did.\No, I didn‟t.

2. Writing on the blackboard

What did … do? I\He\She…

Where did …go? I\He\She…

How was …? It was great fun. Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because

Did you …? Yes, I did.\No, I didn‟t.

3. Read these sentences

Step 2 Presentation

1. Grammar



(2)How to answer these questions?

Turn to P29 ,read by yourselves.

(3)Learn the new past tense. Play the game: Quick respond .

(4)Practice the questions and answers. Work in four and say it one by one. Step 3 Fun time

T: Look at the girl. She is Li Li. She and her family visited Beijing on National Day Holiday(国庆节假日). They saw many interesting things. She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao. Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日)

T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him? Ss: Yes.


(1). Discuss in group

(2). Ask and answer.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?„

(1). 四人一小组讨论。

(2). 选出一位当小记者采访其它组。

(3). 小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。

Step 5Homework

1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。

2.看Fan time 中的图片,完成对话。


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