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新人教版七年级英语下册Unit11 教案

Unit11 How was your school trip?

I. Review

II. Presentation

1. Be 动词的一般过去时态

在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词, am is 的过去式为was; are的过去式为were.


肯定句:主语+was (were) +表语 如:I was late yesterday.

否定句:主语+was (were) +not+表语 如:We weren't late yesterday.

She wasn't a teacher three years ago.

疑问句:一般疑问句:Was (Were) +主语+表语

如:Were you ill yesterday?

Were they once your classmates? 肯定回答: Yes, I was. 否定句: No, I wasn't.

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ Was (Were) +主语+表语

Who were your best friends in your primary school?

2. 助动词和情态动词过去式如下:

shall―should(将要)用于第一人称单数 will―would(将要)用于所有人称

can― could(能,会) may―might(可以) must―must (必须) have to―had to(不得不) 助动词和情态动词的过去时态要使用他们的过去式,后面的动词还使用原形。

如: I had to do my homework yesterday. (昨天我不得不做作业。)

3. 实义动词的一般过去时态

肯定句要使用动词的过去式,否定句和疑问句要使用助动词do和 does 的过去式 did.

肯定句:主语+动词过去式+ 其它 如:I went home at nine o'clock yesterday.

+didn't +动词原形+其它 如:I didn't go home yesterday. He didn't tell me about you. 疑问句:一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+宾语

如:Did you go home yesterday? Did you study in the school?

肯定回答: Yes, I did. 否定回答:No, I didn't.

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did +主语+动词原型+宾语

When did you finish your homework last night? What did you do the day before yesterday?

4. 一般过去时态动词变化形式


1) 一般情况下在词尾直接加ed。 如:play―played work―worked

2) 以e结尾的动词只加d. 如:like--- liked love―loved

3) 以辅音字母+Y结尾的动词,变Y为i,再加ed. 如:study―studied carry―carried

4) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写最后这个辅音字母,再加ed.



i. 在清辅音后面读[t]。 如:work―worked help―helped

ii. 在浊辅音或元音后读[d]。 如:learn―learned

iii. 在[t] 和[d] 后读[id]。 如:support―supported (支持)

5) 不以ed 结尾的过去式,称为不规则动词,如: write(写) --wrote

go-went do-did have-had see-saw take-took make-made come-came buy-bought

5. 即标志词。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,恰巧与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。

1. farm & farmer

2.worry & worried


4. too many & too much & much too

5. 不定代词:


2. 形容词放在不定代词之后


Eg. something interesting

6.quiet & quite

7. –ing & -ed


骑马___________________ 喂鸡___________________

许多___________________ 在乡下___________________ 消防站___________________

总的说来___________________ 对…感兴趣___________________ 和农民交谈___________________ 照相___________________ 散步___________________学到许多关于务农的知识___________________ 上周___________________去年_________________钓鱼__________________在晚上___________________ 玩得愉快___________________ 出来___________________ 参观博物馆___________________

爬山___________________ 做机器人模型___________________ 为父母买礼物___________________ 一点儿也不___________________ 去学校郊游___________________

1.Did you see any cows?你看见奶牛了吗?

Yes,I did. I saw quite a lot.是的,我看见了许多。

2.Did you ride a horse?你骑马了吗?

No, I didn’t. But I milked a cow.不,我没有,但我挤牛奶了。

3.How was your school trip?你的学校旅游怎么样?

4.What did Tina do?蒂娜干什么了? She picked some strawberries.她摘了一些草莓。

5.I visited my grandparents in the countryside.我看望了我在农村的祖父母。

6.I went fishing every day.我每天钓鱼。

7.The farmer showed Tina around the farm.农场主带领特纳参观了农场。

8.It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain.天阴得很厉害,我们担心将要下雨。

9.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后,导游叫我们怎样制作机器人模型。

10.All in all, it was an exciting day.总之,这是令人激动的一天。

11.Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.一切事情都是关于机器人的,我对那不感兴趣。

12.The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos.房间真的很暗,拍照很困难。

13.Lucky you. 你真幸运啊



1.Tom _______ (visit) a farm last week.

2. The twins _______ (water) the flowers in the garden yesterday morning.

3. I _______ (watch) a film with my friend last Friday.

4. My father _______ (be) in London last year.

5. What_______ (do) you do three days ago?

6. _______ (be) there any parks here in 1950?

7. What_________(do) you do just now? I (wash) my clothes.


1.Were there ____________ farmers?

A. some B. any C. a lot

2.What ____________ did you do?

A. other B. else C. others

3.—Were you at home yesterday? —____________.

A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I was.

4. — Did they take any photos? —____________.

A. No, they didn't B. No, they did C. No, they aren't【unit11childrens,day教案】

5.My mother ____________ some cakes for us last night.

A. makes B. maked C. made

6. After two hours the children got to the mountain, tired ___ happy.

A. and B. but C. although D. however

7. I went out and ________ in the river.

A. swim B. swam C. swimming D. to swim

8. The music sounds _______, I like it very much.

A. good B. well C. bad D. beautifully

9. I ____ late ______ class yesterday morning.

A. was, for B. was, to C. am, for D. am, to

10. -_______ did they play games? --`For two hours.

A. What time B. When C. How long D. How often

11. -When did you go to bed last night? -About 11 o’clock. I _______.

A. slept early B. slept late C. got up early D. get up early

12. ---Were there any seals in the zoo? ---________some seals in the zoo.

A. Yes, there weren't B. No, there weren't C. Yes, there were. D. Yes, there was.

13. What _______he do on his last school trip?

A. does B. did C. is D. was

A. was doing B. did C. does D. would do

A. saw B. didn’t saw C. didn’t see D. see

16. _______the horses exciting?

A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were

17.Finally, __________, we took the bus back to school.

A. tired and happy B. exciting but happy C. tired but happy D. tiring and happy

18.Did you buy________ in the supermarket?

A. something B. everything C. anything D. some thing


过关时间:12min 满分: 15分 得分:

1. I went to the beach. Where did you go the school trip?

A. on B. for C. with D. in

2. What _______he do on his last school trip?

A. does B. did C. is D. was

3. Aunt Zhao often ____ photos_____ her daughter.

A. makes, of B. does, for C. takes , for D. takes, of

A. funny to camping B. funny camp C. fun to camp D. fun camping

this morning.

A. ate B. eating C. to eat D. eat

6. The toy is so _____ . I don’t have much money.

A. cheap B. beautiful C. expensive D. exciting

7. Finally, tired happy, we took the subway back home.

A. and B. but C. or D. more

8. I carefully, but I can’t anything.

A. listened ; heared B. heared; listened C. listened; heard D. heard;heard

9. Each of us was very happy the end of the day.

A. at B. on C, with D. for

10. Mike and I to the zoo and some tigers there yesterday.

A. go; saw B. go; see C. went; see D. went; saw

11. She is not interested _____ math at all.

A. for B. in C. to D. about

late yesterday?

《KB2》Unit11 My birthday!教案

《KB2》Unit11 My birthday!



1. 能正确认读burgers,sausages ,lemonade, watermelon;

2. 复习旧知,能正确并熟练运用What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is „与同伴交流。

3. 能正确并熟练运用 What is he/she doing? He/She is __ing.与同伴交流。






教学重、难点:能正确并熟练认读burgers, sausage, lemonade和ing的运用。


教学方法:songs, chants, pair work, games.

2.前置作业 :

① P66—67 听5读5


任务1:能用 “I see Simon, he is riding a bicycle.”的句子描述P67图片。


② 查找食物名称并写在67页书上。




Warm up

1. T: Good morning , boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss Fan.

T: How are you?

S: I am fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine. How is the weather?

S: It’s a sunny day.

T:Do you like the sunny day?

S: Yes, I like the sunny day.

T: How do you feel?

S: I feel happy.

T: Let’s sing <If you are happy>

Super boys and girls, let’s enjoy some happy pictures.(PPT)

T: What are they doing?

S: They are having birthday party.

T: What can you see on the birthday party?

S: I can see„ T: We know lots of delicious food. Do you like the delicious food? My favourite food is apple. Apple is sweet. What’s your favourite food?

S :My favourite food is fish. It is delicious. →pairwork【unit11childrens,day教案


T: Today on Simon’s birthday, there are many delicious food, too. Let’s listen and tell me: What food can you hear?

1. Sausages l love sausages. Yummy yummy 2by2

2. burgers

Mr Star is cooking sausages and…..burgers

T: Do you like burgers?

S: Yes, I like burgers.

T: Look , what’s this?

S: It’s a donkey.

T: What’s this?

S: It’s a burger.

T: It’s a donkey burger.

3. lemonade

Look, what’s this?

S : It’s a bottle of water.

T: Look carefully, what’s this now?

S: It’s lemonade.

T: Follow me, cake baby name, what’s missing?

S: a

T: Fingers, l-e-m-o-n-a-d-e lemonade 2by2

Who wants to taste it?(students taste it)

How does it feel?

S: It’s sour.

T: I like the sour lemonade.

Do you like the sour lemonade?

S: Yes, I like the sour lemonade. (T—S S—T )→Pair work

4. watermelon

T: Look , what’s under the lemonade?

S: watermelon

T: Let’s call it out.

S: watermelon watermelon

Watermelon watermelon

Water melon watermelon (2by2)



Open your books, turn to page 66

1. Listen and point.

2. Listen point and repeat. (little teacher)

3. Pair work

4. Let’s play stand up and say and what’s missing?

T: Now look, on Simon’s birthday,what’s Mr Star doing?

S: He is cooking sausages and burgers.

( T—S S—T S---S) pairwork

On Simon’s birthday, Mr Star is cooking sausages and burgers. Simon is riding a new bicycle. Meera is eating the watermelon. Suzy and Mrs Star are talking about the present. Meera is taking a photo.

But where are grandma and grandpa? Listen and tell me. (P67 星4)中的内容;提高层-除描述图片中的内容外,加入深层次的联想内容。) S: Grandma is getting the fries from the kitchen.

Grandpa is helping her.

Let’s read and answer.

1. What’s Mr Star cooking?

2. Who’s taking photos?

3. What has Simon got?

4. What color is his birthday cake?

5. How old is Simon?

(read the questions, read and follow )

Questions ( T—S S—T S—S )

Let’s chant: I love watermelon, so do I .

I love pineapple , so do I .



Look, I have three tasks for you.

1. Say the chant for Simon.

2. Interview(采访) Simon.

3. A new party for Simon.

Group work: choose a task and show.

T: Whose mum and dad know your birthday?

Who knows your parents’ birthday?

Homework1. KB---P67星4 任务1:朗读


2. KB---P68,69 任务1:会唱P69 Chant

任务2:能用Would you like „?

I’ like „与同伴交流。

Unit11-A Pneumonia in Children

Text A Pneumonia in Children



Introduction Signs and

symptoms Professional


Treatment Home Treatment

Prevention of Pneumonia


家庭疗法,肺炎的预防 Introduction


Every year, pneumonia kills more than 2 million children ages 5 years and younger worldwide. In the United States,525 children 15 years old or younger died from pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections in 2006,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While pneumonia can be caused by different types of bugs,in infants and preschool children it usually is caused by a virus,which doesn’t need to be treated with antibiotics. However, antibiotics are needed for bacterial pneumonia,which is the most serious type.


Pneumonia is a general term that refers to an infection of the lungs( Fig. 11-1),which can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Most cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses, including adenoviruses, rhinovirus, influenza virus (flu) ,respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV) ,and parainfluenza virus ( which causes croup). Often, pneumonia begins after an upper respiratory tract infection (an infection of the nose and throat),with symptoms of pneumonia beginning after 2 or 3 days of a cold or sore throat.


Signs and Symptoms


Symptoms vary depending on the age of the child and the cause of the pneumonia, but common ones

include :


• fever _



• cough咳嗽

• nasal congestion鼻塞

• unusually rapid breathing (in some cases,this is the only symptom)不正常的呼吸加快

• breathing with grunting or wheezing sounds呼吸时伴随鼾声或者肺部喘鸣音

• labored breathing that makes the rib muscles retract (when muscles under the ribcage or between ribs draw inward with each breath) and causes nasal flaring


• vomiting呕吐

• chest pain胸痛

• abdominal pain腹痛

• decreased activity活动减少

• loss of appetite (in older kids) or poor feeding (in infants),which may lead to dehydration食欲减低(大一些的儿童)或者喂养困难(在婴幼儿)可能导致脱水

• in extreme cases, bluish or gray color of the lips and fingernails


Children with pneumonia in the lower pan of the lungs near the abdomen might have fever and abdominal pain or vomiting but no breathing problems. Kids with pneumonia caused by bacteria usually become sick fairly quickly and will have a sudden onset of a high fever and unusually rapid breathing. Kids with pneumonia caused by viruses probably will have symptoms that appear more gradually and are less severe ,though wheezing can be more common in viral pneumonia.【unit11childrens,day教案】


Some types of pneumonia cause symptoms that give important clues about which kind of germs is causing the illness. For example,in older kids and adolescents,pneumonia due to mycoplasma (also called walking pneumonia 1 ) is notorious for causing a sore throat,headache, and rash in addition to the usual symptoms of pneumonia.


In infants,pneumonia due to chlamydia may cause conjunctivitis (pinkeye) with only mild illness and no fever. When pneumonia is due to whooping cough 2丨(pertussis),a child may have long coughing spells,turn blue from lack of air,or make the classic “whoop” sound when trying to take a breath.


Professional Treatment


Doctors usually make a pneumonia diagnosis after a physical examination,but also might order a chest X-ray,blood tests,and (sometimes) bacterial cultures of mucus produced by coughing.

医生诊断肺炎主要是通过体格检查,也会涉及胸部X片,血液检查,有时候会有咳嗽以后的粘液细菌培养 In most cases,pneumonia can be treated with oral antibiotics given at home. The type of antibiotic used depends on the type of pneumonia. In some cases, other members of the household might be treated with medication to prevent illness.

大部分病例,肺炎可以在家中使用抗生素就能治疗。抗生素选择的类型取决于肺炎的类型。有些病例,其他家人可以通过药物去预防肺炎。 Children may be hospitalized for treatment if they have pneumonia caused by pertussis or other bacteria] pneumonia that causes high fevers and respiratory distress,or if:


• supplemental oxygen is needed需要吸氧

• they have lung infections that may have spread to the bloodstream肺部已经感染而且有可能已经扩散到血液里

• they have chronic illnesses that affect the immune system慢性疾病影响了免疫系统 they are vomiting so much that they cannot take medicine by mouth呕吐严重以至于不能经口吃药 • they have recurrent episodes of pneumonia反复发作的肺炎

Home Treatment


If doctors have prescribed antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia, give the medicine on schedule for as long as directed. This will help the child recover faster and will decrease the chance that infection will spread to other household members. For wheezing, a doctor might recommend using a nebulizer (Fig. 11-2).Parents should ask the doctor before they use a medicine to treat their child's cough because cough suppressants stop the lungs from clearing mucus, which may not be helpful in some types of pneumonia. Over-the-counter cough and cold medications are not recommended for kids under 6 years old. Parents are supposed to take their child’s temperature at least once each morning and each evening, and call the doctor if it goes above 102° F (38. 9° C) in an older infant and a child, or above 4°F (38°C) in an infant under 6 months of age.

如果医生已经开据处方抗生素药物去治疗细菌性肺炎,就按照医师指导去服药。这样子可以加速孩子的康复并且减少感染传播给其他家人的机会。对于哮喘患儿,医师可能推荐喷雾剂。父母应该在给孩子治疗咳嗽之前询问医生的意见,因为止咳剂可能会组织肺部粘液的分泌,这可能不利于某些肺炎的治疗。对于6岁的孩子,非处方的止咳以及感冒药是不推荐的。父母应该做到至少每天早晨和晚上测量体温一次,对于一个大一点的婴幼儿或者儿童如果体温超过38. 9° C或者6个月以内的婴儿体温超过38.0° C,则需要请医生了。

Check the child’s lips and fingernails to make sure that they are rosy and pink, not bluish or gray, which is a sign that the lungs are not getting enough oxygen.


Prevention of Pneumonia

Some types of pneumonia can be prevented by vaccines ( Fig. 11-3). Kids usually receive routine immunizations against Haemophilus influenzae and pertussis ( whooping cough) beginning at 2 months of age. Vaccines are now also given against the pneumococcus organism (PCV),a common cause of bacteria! pneumonia.


Children with chronic illnesses, who are risk for other types of pneumonia, may receive

•I vaccines or protective immune medication. at special additional The flu

chronic heart or lung disorders or asthma,as well as otherwise

healthy kid ages 6 months through 19 years.

Fig. 11-3 Vaccine Because they’re at

risk for serious complications, infants born prematurely may be given higher

treatments that temporarily protect against RSV,which can lead to pneumonia in younger kids.


Doctors may give prophylactic (disease-preventing) antibiotics to prevent pneumonia in kids who have been exposed to someone with certain types of pneumonia,such as pertussis. Antiviral medication is now available too, and can be used to prevent some types of viral pneumonia or to make symptoms less severe.


In addition, regular tuberculosis screening is performed yearly in some high-risk areas because early detection will prevent active tuberculosis infection including pneumonia.


In general,pneumonia is not contagious,but the upper respiratory viruses and bacteria that lead to it are, so it is best to the kids away from anyone who has an upper respiratory tract infection. If someone in your home has a respiratory infection or throat infection,keep his or her drinking glasses and eating utensils separate from those of other family members,and wash hands frequently, especially if used tissues or dirty handkerchiefs are handled.

通常来讲,肺炎是不传染的,但是上呼吸道感染的病毒和细菌会导致传染,所以最好让孩子远离有上呼吸道感染的人。如果在家中有人出现上呼吸道感染或者咽痛,保证他或者她接触过的杯子餐具与其他家庭分离,并且勤洗手,尤其是接触过已经使用的卫生纸或者脏手绢以后更要洗手。 New Words

adenovirus [ laedsnsu'vaiarus] n.[微]腺病毒腺病毒群(亦作 APC virus) rhinovirus [丨

rainsu'vaiarss] n.[微生物学]鼻病毒 parainfluenza [丨psera丨influ丨enz3] n.

副流(行性)感(冒),类流感;副流感菌 nebulizer [丨nebjulaizs] n.喷雾器 mycoplasma [ imaikau'plaezma] n.[微]支原体属,支原菌,支原体 pertussis

[ps'tAsis] n.[内科]百日咳 pneumococcus [丨nju:m3u丨kokss] n.肺炎球菌 haemophilus influenzae n.流感嗜血杆菌

prophylactic [ iprofi'laektik; iprou-] adj.预防性的预防剂;预防法 pneumocystis[ injumsu'sistis] n.月市孢子菌

suppressant [sa'pressnt] n.抑制药,镇静剂;抑制剂,压制剂


[1 ] walking pneumonia (行动性肺炎):When people have mild symptoms of

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