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M8U2_I made a kite教案

Module 8

Unit2 I made the kite.

Teaching targets:

Knowledge target:

1、Students can understand, read, speak and write the words drew, cut, put, painted and could.

2、Students can read, speak and understand the words strings, sticks, a piece of and scissors.

3、 Students can use past tense to express how they made a thing. Ability target:

Students can express the things they need for making a thing.

Students can express how they made a thing step by step.

Moral target:

Students enjoy the beautiful pieces of paper-cut and the things made by paper. Students try to think in different ways and be creative.

Teaching courses:

1、Warm up


Talk about the things they did before class. Show the words “draw-drew”, “put-put”.

Guess the colors of the paper. Use the new expression “a piece of_____ paper”.

Do the jigsaw puzzle and use “Put it on ____.” to show the picture of a dragon. Then show the words “paint-painted”, “cut-cut”.


Show the picture of “Daming” and ask What did Daming do yesterday? What did he make? What kind of kite? For whom?

3、New Lesson

Read the text and choose the things Daming needed for making a kite. Listen, then read and number the pictures about the making steps. Listen and imitate the text.

Read the text by themselves.

Answer the questions about the text as quickly as they can.

Fill in the blanks about the text.


What did Lingling do with a piece of paper? Show the pictures of the paper-cut.

Read and match the pictures and the steps.

Read a story about how Sam made the book mark and answer the questions about it.

Show some creative pieces of works made by paper with music. Ask students to think about how people made them.

5、Sum up

We’ve learnt how Daming made the kite, how we could make the paper-cut or a book mark.

You’ve got some pieces of paper. Put some strings on it and write something on it. It will be a nice book mark.


You can make something with paper.

Write down how you made it in English.


Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite

Drew a dragon

Cut the picture

Put sticks

Tied ...



包 头 市 青 山 区 一 机 三 小 教 案【I,made,a,kite.教案】

2015外研社一起_五年级下册M8U2I made a kite.

Module8 Unit2 I made a kite.


1. 能够听、说、读、写词语:drew(draw的过去式), piece, paper 和 scissors.

2. Target Language:I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. I painted it.


1. 重点:重点掌握4个四会单词。用英语描述大明制作风筝的过程。2. 难点:几个动词的过去式,了解词语:sticks 和 strings 的意思。

三、课前准备:1. 单词卡片,彩纸等。2. 多媒体课件。


Step1: warming-up(启)


2.Chant:Enjoy a chant and do the actions:

Black,black. Stand up. Pink,pink. Sit down.Brown,brown. Touch the ground.Orange,orange. Touch the head.White,white. Turn around. 设计意图:在此活动中同学们利用课前领到的彩纸来配合做动作,既活跃了课堂气氛拉近了师生间的距离,也为后面的教学打下了基础。 Step 2 Leading-in and Presentation(学,练,议)

1.New words:T: Boys and girls, I have so much colorful paper. Look, a piece of red paper, a piece of yellow paper, and… 引导学生回答a piece of green paper… 接着板书a piece of 并学习,然后让学生利用自己手中的彩纸来练习a piece of yellow/red/green paper等等。然后老师拿起准备好的图画(在一张黄色纸上画着一条龙)进行如下对话:T: Look, what’s this?S: a dragonT: I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. (板书句子并领读)

2.Practice:T: What did you draw?S: I drew a … on a piece of … paper. (学生快速在自己的彩纸上画一些简单的图画并根据自己的画操练重点句型)I drew an apple on a piece of yellow paper, I drew a book on a piece of red paper……..

3. Presentation of the text:

T: Well children, I drew a dragon on a piece of paper. Daming drew a dragon, too.Now, let’s watch the video and then finish the exercise. A:Watch the CD(看课文动画,判断对错)

(1) Daming drew a dragon on a piece of red paper. ( )

(2) Daming cut the paper with knife. ( )

B: Listen and finish(打开课本,听录音,完成句子)。

C: Listen and imitate.

D: Read the text aloud on your own.。

4. Emotion education主题升华,渗透情感教育。

T: Daming’s kite is very beautiful. Do you like kite?

S: Yes. So we should love Chinese traditional art, love our country. 设计意图:通过课文的学习,是学生了解更多的中国传统艺术,热爱祖国。

5. listen and say,then sing.

T:Daming’s kite is very beautiful. Now let’s fly the kite together.(师生同欣赏同唱)

Step4. Practice(练)

1.SBook A2 :What did Lingling do?(读一读并连线)

Step5.Consolidation and Examination(检)

T: Mother’s Day is coming. Fanfan made a card for her mom. Look at the pictures and discuss how she made a card.

(1) Discuss in groups根据图片小组讨论如何制作母亲节卡片

(2)Write a dairy 用日记形式写下制作过程.

Tuesday May 20th, 2015 sunny

Father’s Day is coming. Yesterday I made a card for my dad. I _____ a flower on a piece of yellow ______.


I ____ the paper with________.

I wrote“I love you, dad!” on it.

Then, I finished my card.


Step6. Homework





Let's make a kite教学设计

Unit 3 Let’s make a kite. (Period 1)


1、 能听懂、会说、认读、会写、运用新单词draw,paint, cut, glue, tie;


3、 能听懂、会说新单词paper, bamboo, brush, string等; 能正确运用First, Then, And then, Next, Lastly逐步说出风筝制作的过程。






Step 1 Warming-up


T: Good morning, boys and girls. You can call me Miss Hu.

Nice to meet you.


T: It’s spring now. What’s the weather like today?


T: It’s a fine day with light wind. What are you going to do after class? Do you have some good ideas?


T: Let’s play football? Watch TV? Read a book? Good ideas! But I have a good idea too. Let’s fly a kite,OK?(课件出示并教学 fly a kite)Do you like flying a kite? Would you like to fly a kite with me?

Now I have some invitations for the festival of flying kites in Weifang in Shandong. Look, so many photos from there. (课件出示风筝节的照片) How beautiful! How interesting! Do you want to go there?

Invitations are not enough. But who finishes the tasks who can get one.(完成任务的可以得到风筝节邀请函) Are you ready? Good,let’s go!

Step2 Presentation and practice

1、 T:I have no kites, I’m going to make a kite? I need some help. Can you give me a hand? Thank you very much. Now, let’s make a kite. (课件出示课题并教学、板书)

Do you know how to make a kite? What do we need to make a kite?

2、 T:Look at these pictures quickly and carefully, then please tell me what we need to make a kite? Please take out this paper and look at number 1,then tick them out. (课件依次出示所需材料和工具)



4、T:What do we need to make a kite?

引导学生回答We need…(课件出示并带读)

5、 T:Things we need are ready, next how to do?

Now, let me show you how to make a kite.(课件出示句子并带读,风筝图片做底)

6、T: listen to the tape and finish exercise 2, numbers the steps. (课件出示习题)

Listen again.

7、Now, can you show me your answers? 查看学生的答案

8、T:Turn to page …,let’s listen and repeat sentence by sentence, then check the answers together.

逐句跟读A部分课文,板书并教学动词cut, draw, paint, glue, tie,分小组读、单个读。分组获取一种制作风筝的材料或工具。

9、T: Now you can tell me the right answer is: 3\2\1\4\5 There are …(依次数数并板书1、2、3、4、5)five steps to make a kite. In other words, it means First, then, and then, Next, Lastly. (依次板书并教读)

10、T: Now, boys and girls, please tell me how to make a kite. (引领学生根据板书整体复述风筝的制作过程)

Step 3 Consolidation

T: Boys and girls, you did a very good job, so everybody has got one or two materials or tools to make a kite. Now, you have to write a report about how to make a kite with your partners. Find your partners in your row. Ok?(小组合作,找齐所需材料和工具,完成风筝制作报告。小组成员每人只能写与自己图片相关的句子,所有成员写完后按正确顺序进行汇报。)

Example: We need______.(成员1)

We need_________(成员2)

We need_______. (成员5)

First,____________________. (成员1) Then, ____________________.(成员2) …

Lastly,____________________.(成员5) Step 4 Homework


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