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新起点英语My hobby 教案

Starting Line BOOKⅣ

Unit14 My Hobby

Lesson 81

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Warming up

Teacher’s Activities

First, let’s do something interesting. Let’s chant together. Listen to the tape and do the actions.


Chess, chess, playing chess.

Stories, stories, reading stories.

Pictures, pictures, painting

pictures. Soccer, soccer, playing soccer. Models, models, making models. Games, games, playing computer games.

Ok, let’s chant and do the actions together.

[ Students stand up, chant and do the actions. ]



Now, I divide you into two groups. This is group A. This house is for you. This is groups B. This house is for you. If you do well, I will give you a sticker. Let’s have a competition.

设计意图: 每个小组一所房子,而小粘贴是家庭成员。这样的评价方式新颖有趣,与本课篇章教学有关,并且在总结时可以复习家庭成员的表达方式。 Look at the screen carefully. Say the hobbies as quickly as you can, ok?

[students look at the screen and say the hobbies.]



Step 2 Presentation

1. My hobby is watching TV. What’s your hobby? S1: My hobby is„„.

What do you think of it? S1: I think it’s„„.

Who can ask me? S2: What’s your hobby? T: My hobby is watching TV.

S2: What do you think of it? T: I think it’s„„.

One ask, one answer, work in pairs.

Who wants to show? [Students show the dialogue.]

T: What’s ___’s hobby?

Ss: ___’s hobby is___.




2. Let’s have a rest. Play a guessing game. Look, who is he? (Show the picture )

Ss: He is Liu Xiang.

T: What’s Liu Xiang’s hobby?

Ss: Liu Xiang’s hobby is„„.

Let’s listen to him.{My hobby is listening to music.} Liu Xiang’s hobby is listening to music. What do you think of it? { I think it’s interesting. } He thinks it’s interesting. (Show the sentence.)

[Students read the word—thinks one by one. Students read the sentence two by two.]

(Show the dialogue)

A: What’s Liu Xiang’s hobby?

B: Liu Xiang’s hobby is listening to music. He thinks it’s interesting. I’m A, you’re B.

I’m B, you’re A.

One ask, one answer, work in pairs. Show.

Look, who is she?(Show the picture)【My,hobby,教案】

Ss: She is Zhang Shaohan.

T: She is Angeles. What’s Angeles’s hobby?

Ss: Angeles’s hobby is„„.

Let’s listen to her.{ My hobby is dancing. I think it’s good for our health.} She thinks it’s good for her health.

[ Students read the word—health one by one. Then, read the sentence two by two.]

(Show the dialogue.)

This part is A, this part is B. Read this dialogue. Exchange.

(Show their English teacher’s picture.)

This is—Miss Liu. What’s Miss Liu’s hobby?

Ss: Miss Liu’s hobby is„„.

Yes, Miss Liu’s hobby is reading stories. She thinks it’s fun.

Who wants be A? Stand up. Read this dialogue. Exchange.


本课的难点是He/She thinks it’s „„这个句子,应该说是比较拗口的,所以我将这个句子的教学放在了游戏环节中。在游戏中学习、操练,学生的兴趣得到保持,注意力也比较集中。游戏的设计不仅有学生喜爱的明星,而且有学生的英语教师,比较贴近学生的生活。

3. This is the program Big Pinwheel. I’m the reporter of it. I want to do a survey about your hobbies. Who can talk with me?

A: Hello, what’s your name,


B: My name is „„

A: Nice to you.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

I can report. I’m Shi Ying.

My hobby is watching TV. I think it’s interesting. ___’s hobby is___. He/ She thinks it’s___.

Now, do a survey and report in your groups. Who can show the course of survey and reporting? A: What’s your hobby? B: My hobby is„„ A: What do you think of it? B: I think it’s „„ A: Thank you. Good bye.



中心名称__Honest_Education_____ 姓名___Daphne_______

概述:Genre and sentences Strategy










Enjoy your hobby




Enjoy your hobby

一 课程简介:在新课程理念的引领下,我校开展了英语第二课堂。主要的目的是激发学

生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听说读写四项基本技能,使学生在学中玩, 在玩中学,敢于讲英语,敢于用英语。

二 内容分析: 本课的主要话题是“Hobby”。这一话题贴近学生生活,与学生 息息相关。通过“do a survey”"hobby show" "Search for bosom friends"等各种活动吸引学生参与到课堂中来,同时训练学生的 听、说、读、写四项基本技能,并激发学生对英语的热爱,对生


三 学生分析:1.我所在的学校是一所城镇中学,部分学生不敢张嘴讲英语,害 怕自己讲错,学习英语的兴趣不是很高,所以教师创设各种活


2. 我所教的学生,他们思维敏捷,每个人都有自己的爱好,各个 “身怀绝技”。根据这一特点,我把他们请上课堂,展示自己的 爱好。【My,hobby,教案】

四 教学目标:1. 能够介绍并展示自己的爱好,与他人交流。

2. 通过各种活动,使学生学会“自主学习,互助学习”,


3. 激发学生享受爱好,热爱生活的情感。

五 教学过程:

Unit 9 What's your hobby 教学设计

Unit 9 what’s your hobby? Period I


(一)语言目标hobby, collecting stamps, collecting old photos, collecting storybooks, playing chess, playing the violin, taking photos。

1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词和词组

2. 句型:能用“What’s your hobby?”询问他人的兴趣爱好, 用“I like…”“My hobby is…”表达个人的兴趣和爱好。


1. 能够用句型表达个人的爱好和询问他的爱好。

2. 培养健康的爱好。


1. 重点:能用句型“What’s your hobby?”询问他人的兴趣爱好,用“I like…”“My hobby is…”表达个人的兴趣和爱好。

2. 难点:了解动名词形式和用法。可以通过让学生用动名词的形式和用法。可以通过让学生用动名词说句子,引导学生观察动名词的构成,让学生初步感知动名词的用法。



Step 1 Warm-up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song: I like science

3. Say a chant: Swim, swim, I like swimming.

Jump, jump, I like jumping.

Play, play, I like playing football.

Step 2 Presentation and drill

1. Revision.

T: Please look at these words? Can you read? 课件出示单词,学生读单词。

2. T: These are hobbies. I like dancing. Dancing is my hobby. Today, we’ll talk about hobbies.


3. 教学句型“What’s your hobby?” ”I like…””My hobby is…”

T: I have many hobbies. I like dancing. I like reading. What’s your hobby? S1: I like playing football.

T: He likes playing football. His hobby is playing football.

引用学生用“I like…\ My hobby is ….”表达自己的爱好。

T:Here is our friend Peter. Do you want to know his hobbies? Ask him, please. S1: Peter, what’s your hobby?

播放PPT 课件Peter: I like taking photos. 带读并操练。

4. T: Dongdong also has his hobbies? Can you ask him?


S2: What’s your hobby, Dongdong?

播放PPT 课件: I like collecting old photos. 学习词组 collecting old photos. 教学单词collect 以及词组collecting old photos 出示很多老照片帮助学生理解老照片的含义。

利用课件学习 Stamps, collecting stamps. Storybooks, collecting storybooks.

Playing chess, playing violin.

5. Read and match. 读单词并连线。

6. Learn text A.

1) Listen and answer. How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? What does Peter\Anne\Lingling\Mingming like doing?

2) Listen and repeat.

3) Read and act.

Step 3 Practice

1. 学生根据提供的图片和语段框架操练句子。

2. 复习一遍刚学习的词汇,然后教师与学生做示范,学生两人一组活动,利用刚学的词汇和句型对话。

例如: What’s you hobby? I like….. My hobby is….

Step 5 Homework




What's your hobby教案

一、教学目标 :

1、学生能听说读写:What’s your hobby? I like ……..He likes……. She likes…….



1.本课时的教学重点是句型:What's your hobby? I like collecting stamps.He likes collecting stamps,too.

2.本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用句型:He/She likes…



2.教师准备A Let's learn部分的单词卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元Let's 1earn部分的单词卡片。


4.教师准备各种展览活动的海报,可参照A Let's talk部分的替换图,也可以自己带作一些图文并茂的海报。

5. 教师准备一些名人照片。


1. 热身(Warm-up)

1.free talk: what day is it today ? what’s the date ? what’s the weather like today? What’s your favourite colour /food/animal/ sport?

2. .look carefully : 瞬间出现一些单词,让学生说: riding a bike ,diving, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites, watching tv, reading books, cooking, singing……

3. t : I like singing, what about you?

S: I like ……,


1. hobby

t: I like reading book, so reading books is my hobby.

Practise : hobby,and spell (blackboard)

T: what’s your hobby?

S: I like ……

Write : what’s your hobby?

Practise the sentence : hobby, hobby, what’s your hobby?

I like , I like ,I like reading books.

Practise :

what’s your hobby ? one by one , read louder and louder

Chant: wang tianyi ,wang tianyi .what’s your hobby?

I like ,I like , I like ……

2. She likes/ he likes……

T: What’s her hobby?

S: she likes……

Practise : likes

Write : she likes……

T; what’s your hobby ?

S: He likes ……

Pair work:

S1: what’s your hobby?

S2: I like ……

S1: she likes / he likes……

3.what’s his hobby/her hobby?

1) T: Look at the picture and guess what’s his hobby /her hobby? Show the half of the pictures and let the students guess: what’s his / her hobby?【My,hobby,教案】

2)do the action: 出现一个同学的照片 what’s his hobby? Guess , you come here and do the actions , ok?

Let the students do the actions , and others guess : she/ he likes……

4. let’s try

t: look ,this is bill, there are three tickets ,a ticket for a football match, a ticket for a stamp show and a ticket for a music show, which ticket does bill like ? why ? listen to the tape and tell me.

Content : Boy:Look? This is Bill.He is from the UK.He likes playing

football.This is Daniel. He is a university student.He's tall and strong.He likes diving.

T: What’s daniel’s hobby ? what’s bill’s hobby? Why?

Which ticket does he like?

S: he likes the ticket for the football show

T: there are two tickets ,and I want to give them to wu yifan and sarah, ,please read the passage and find out who likes music, who likes stamps

Content: wu yifan: I’m very thin, and I have short hair. I like Sundays very much. I can stay at home and collecting the stampes. the stampes are so beautiful.

Sarah : I’m 12 years old. I’m a student. I can play violin, and I like playing violin very much. I like singing and dancing, ,too. I want to see the show. Can you go with me ?

T: which tickets do they like?

S: wu yifan likes the ticket for the stamp show

T: why ?

S: because he likes collecting stamps .

T: which ticket does sarah like?

s: she likes the ticket for the music show.

T; why?

s: because she likes playing violin , singing and dancing.

5. talk

t: yes, look ,there is a music show today. It’s in the stadium. There are many tickets. can you go with me ? ok, let’s go together. But first you must listen to the tape ,then get the tickets ,ok ? ok ,. Listen to the tape and read

1) listen to the tape and read

2) fill the blanks , give the tickets to the students

3) change the talk , give the tickets to the students

4) do you want to go the music show ? yes, let’s read the talk , then give the tickets to the other students .

6. music show

1) t: let’s go the music show , look and choose ,

hello, this is a beautiful girl. she’s not tall and she’s not thin, but she’s very cute. She has big eyes .She likes flowers very much , she likes singing , too. She’s a movie star ,too.Her favourite colour is blue, come and enjoy her song. Xiao s and zhaowei

t: what’s her name?

What’s she like?

Come on , boys and girls , you can meet a famous singer, his English name is jay. He is very thin and cool. He likes playing basketball , he likes playing the piano, guitar . many students likes him.

T: what’s his name?

What’s his hobby?

2) show the pictures and let the students say something about it. And last one is a student.

3) t: it’s your turn . let the students fill the information car

name :___________

favourite colour :___________

favourite food:_________


7.sing a song

say goodbye to the music show, let’s sing a song

本课重点句子:What’s your hobby? I like…. He likes …,too. 熟练掌握本课内容并能替换练习.

首先复习上一课所学的单词和词组,自编chant: Riding a bike, riding a biking.

A likes riding a bike. Playing the violin, playing the violin, B likes playing the

violin…. 连锁问答: S1: Hobby, hobby, what’s your hobby? S2: Playing football, playing football, I like playing football….

然后把自己的爱好写在纸上,找一找和自己爱好相同的朋友:What’s your hobby? I like…. Oh , we’re good friends. How many friends can you find? 多媒体出示一场动物服装秀 FASHION SHOW T: Look, the rabbit likes

beautiful clothes. Oh, there is a fashion show on Saturday. Who wants to go together? Listen 接着出示兔子的和猴子的对话,和书本对话基本相同。这个对话学生比较喜欢模仿,熟练朗读,然后在这基础上出示一些公园里周末的情节图:有学生的图画展,书法展,风筝展,邮票展PAINTING\WRITING\KITE\STAMP SHOW….提供对话期中缺失部分要替换的词组。学生们对这个练习掌握的速度比较快,课文内容掌握的较好。

在重点句子写的时候用的是招聘方式,招聘者要知道被聘者的情况包括了解爱好等。招聘者: What’s your hobby? 被聘者:I Like________ 然后根据爱好填写。看看谁能被更多的招聘者所聘用。

PEP 六(上) Unit 4 What’s your hobby? Part A Let’s talk

临沂市第一实验小学 王宁


1.能够听,说,读,写句型:What’s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too.

2. 能够在实际情景中正确运用所学句型表述自己的爱好及他人的爱好。



2.本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用句型:He/She likes….



2. 课件

3. 张贴在黑板上的大幅海报一张。

4. 贴在大海报上的图文并茂的8张不同的小海报。

5. 心形状的四色卡纸。

6. 评价:心形状的四色贴纸。


评价用书写用的心形彩色卡,边教学边分发,为后面的语言输出做好铺垫。 Step1 Warm-up 复习热身

1. 同唱英文歌曲

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