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Unit 9 What does he look like?


1. short hair 短发 2. long hair 长发 3. curly hair 卷发 4. straight hair 直发

5. (be) of medium height 中等个子6. (be) of medium build 中等身材

7. go to the movies 去看电影 8. a little 有点儿 9. look like 看起来像10. a big nose 大鼻子

11. a small mouth 小嘴巴 12. a round face 圆脸 13. black hair 黑发14. big eyes 大眼睛

15. a long face 长脸 16. the same way 同样的方式 17. in the end 最后

18. blonde hair 金黄色的头发


1. What does / do + 主语 + look like? „„看上去什么样?

2. sb. + be + of + medium build / height 某人中等身材 / 个子

3. sb. + has +… hair 某人留着„„发



在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序: 限定描绘大、长、高,形状、年龄和新老;颜色、国籍跟材料,作用、类别往后靠。

注解1: “限定词”包括: 冠词、物主代词、指示代词和数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即: 前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如: both my hands; all his income.

注解2: “描绘”性形容词。如: beautiful、bad、cold、great等。

注解3: “大、长、高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词;表示“形状”的词。如: round、square等;“国籍”表示一个国家或地区的词。表示“材料”的词。如: wooden, woolen, stone,silk等;表示“作用类别”的词。如: medical, college,writing desk,police car等。

Ⅱ. 选择疑问句

结构: 一般疑问句+ or + 选择部分?如:

Is he tall or short? 他个子高还是矮?

回答: 选择疑问句的回答不同于一般疑问句,不能用yes/no来回答,而必须选择选项进行回答。如:

—Does he live in Beijing or Shanghai?



Ⅲ. 进行时态表将来

在英语中,表示计划、安排好的事情,可以使用进行时态表示将来要发生的动作;表示位移的动词(如:go, come, fly, leave, arrive等)的进行时态也可以表示将来。如: We are meeting at seven tonight. 我们今晚七点见面。

He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.


Ⅳ. 部分否定

在英语中not和all, both, always, every在同一个句子中表示“部分否定”,即: 否定一部分而不是否定整体。如:

Not everybody likes soccer. 不是每个人都喜欢足球。


( )1. [2012·铜仁] —Is this a Chinese book or an

English book?


A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't

C. An English book D. A music book

( )2. [2012·安徽] —Let's discuss the plan, shall we?

—Not now. I________ to an interview.

A. go B. went

C. am going D. was going


1.The girl is short. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________the girl ___________ _________?

2. Mary’s hair is blonde and straight. (改为同义句)

Mary _________ blonde straight ___________.

3. Is your mother short? (做肯定回答)__________ ,__________ __________.

4. She has curly black hair. (变为一般疑问句) _______ she ______ curly black hair?

5. I think the girl is clever. (变为否定句) I _______ ________ the girl________ clever.


1. Mrs Smith is kind of h_______ so she needs to play sports every day.

2. My sister has long c_______ hair.

3. Jack is the _________ (队长)of our school soccer team.

4. Do you like this _________( 棕色的)backpack?

5. I think Jay Chou is a popular _________ (歌手).


1. 贝蒂总是穿着一条红色的裙子。Betty ________ ____________ a red skirt.

2、她喜欢读书和下棋。 She likes ___________ and _____________ chess.

3. 我不喜欢他的新样子。I don’t like his ___________ __________.

4. 鲁斯喜欢听流行音乐。Ruth likes listening to ___________ _____________.

5.那个男孩戴着滑稽的眼镜。 The boy wears _________ _____________ .



A: Don't you love Johnny Dean, Danny?

B: Johnny „?

A: Dean. The pop singer.

B: I don't know. 1. ____

A: He's really tall and really thin. 2. ____ And

he has long curly hair. Look, there he is.

B: Oh, yeah, I see him.

A: Hey, 3. ____

B: Oh, wow!

A: 4. ____

B: I like the woman with the long blonde hair.

A: The tall woman?

B: She's medium height 5. ____

A: Oh, Tina Brown.

B: Yeah. 6. ____ She was in that great action

movie last month.

A. here come the movie actors.

B. I think she's really good.

C. and she has long blonde hair.

D. What does he look like?

E. Who's your favorite actor?

F. And he has funny glasses.


I have many good friends.

Johnny is twelve old. He is very tall and he loves basketball. His parents She likes She of medium height. He enjoys computer ( )1.A. year B. years C. / D. years'

( )2.A. play B. plays

C. is playing D. to play

( )3.A. is B. are C. comes D. be

( )4.A. not wear B. do wear

C. doesn't wear D. don't wear

( )5.A. has B. have

C. is D. are

( )6.A. sing B. singing


C. sings D. to singing

( )7.A. works B. working

C. to work D. isn't working

( )8.A. are B. be C. is D. am

( )9.A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play

( )10.A. jokes B.joke

C.joking D. no joke



Unit 9 What does he look like?

Section A (1a-2c)

一、Teaching aims


1. Language goals

1) New words: curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little, cinema, glasses, later


—What does he look like?

—He’s of medium/build.

—What does he look like?

—She has long straight hair.

—Is he tall or short?

2. Teaching emotion and value

Make students describe the people’s looks.

二、Teaching key points

Grasp the new words and the sentences.

三. Teaching difficult points:

What does he look like?

He has long straight hair.

四、Procedures of teaching

Ⅰ. Lead-in

I have a new friend, her name is Nancy. Do you want to know her? Then show some pictures to lead in the new sentences:

What does she look like? She’s of medium/build.

She has long straight hair.…

Ⅱ. Presentation (Section A 1a)

1. Match the words with the people in the picture. (1a)


Now please look at P49, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer. (Keys: c, f, a, a, d, h, e, b, g, e)


2. 引导学生熟悉有关描述人的外貌特征的词

(1). 用漫画画人物教有关height,curly等单词。然后操练“What does he look like? He is really tall.” 注意be 动词的用法。

(2). 一个cartoon girl 教身体的各部位(ear, face, hair, eye, nose, mouth)。然后操练“What does he look like? He has long straight hair.” 注意has的用法。

(3). pictures 来教有关头发的词汇, 注意has的用法。接着教a beard, a moustache, glasses。

Ⅲ. Practice (Section A 1c)

1. Read the conversation and recite it.

2. Practice the conversation according to some pictures.

Ⅳ. Listening (1b, 2a & 2b)

1. Look at the picture of 1a, listen and fill in the blanks . (1b)

Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amy’s friend? We will listen twice.The first time, just listen.The second time,listen and fill in the blanks.And say the look of Amy’s friend.( He's really tall.And he has curly hair.)

2. Listen and answer the questions. (2a)

3. Listen again and fill in the chart. (2b)

4. Listen a third time to understand the key words.

Ⅴ. Practice

Ask three students in our class to the blackboard, a short and thin boy, a medium

height and build boy, a tall and heavy boy. And then ask one student to describe them. VI Homework

Try to describe your mother。





C. has; is


C. She had brown hair an D. She looks like a movie star【7年级下册英语配套第九单元】

3.My teacher is very young. He short, straight hair.

A. have B. has C. haves

4..My little brother likes chess. He joins chess club.

A. plays B. play C. playing

5.―Stop .‖ said the teacher,―There is too much noise here.‖

A. talk B. to talk C. talking

6..Nobody why he is late.A. knows B. know C. knowing

7.My grandfather __ bald, but my father __ short, blonde, curly hair. A. has;has B. is;has C. has;is D. is;

A. Yes, she does B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she is.

9. One of the women gold earrings.A. does B. has C. have

10. My friend is a ___________ girl.A good-looking B good-look C looking –good D look-good

11.----What does your friend look like? -----___________.

A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl

C. She likes music D. She has good-looking

12. Mr Simmons________ a medium build, and he has yellow hair.

A. is B. has C. looks like D. isn’t

13. ----Is he heavy?----No, he is a little bit __________.

A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet

14.----Lucy doesn’t have curly hair.----Yes,, we can say she has _______hair.

A. bald B. blonde C. short D. straight

15.----Which is your teacher?----The one ________ thick glasses over his eyes is.

A. wears B. wear C. with D. has

16.---Is Miss Gao tall?---No, she isn’t tall, and she isn’t short, too. She is _________ .

A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin

17. ---__________________?---He has big eyes and small nose.

A. How old is he B. What does he do C. What does he look like D. How is he

18. ---Who is in the classroom now?

----___________.All the students are on the playground.

A. Someone B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Mary

19. ----Is your friend quiet?----No, he never stops __________.

A. talk B talking C. to talk D. laughing

20. ----Tom is not very heavy.----Yes, I think we can say he is _________ heavy.

A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A,B and C 21.Are you ______ Chinese or Japanese? A.an B./C.the

D.one 22.The boy ______ his father.A.look like B.is loved

C.is liked D.is like

23.Miss Su teaches ______ English______.

A.us;well B.our;well C.us;good D.our;

good 24.It's half past ten now. I think the shop ______.

A.opens B.is open C.is opening

D.open 25.This is ______ sharpener.______ is over there.

A.him; Hers B.his; Hers C.mine; His

D.yours; Mine A. is; is

26.—How do you like the food?— ______.

A.Very much B.Very well C.Very nice

D.Very good

27.I have ______ to do this evening.

A.a lot of works

B.many work C.a lot of work

D.some works

28.They watch TV ______ Sunday evening,but we ______.

A.on; don't

B.in; do C.on; aren't

D.in; are

29.There is ______ food here.We have to buy some.


B.some C.no D.not

30.My grandfather ______ bald,but my father ______ short,blonde,curly hair.

A.has;has B.is;has C.has;is D.is;is

二.完形填空:(20分) A完形填空。

are often killed because they can not hear very well.Children are often killed because they are not A car,.If the car is going very fast,it will travel many meters before it

stops.People don't always understand this.They think a car can a few meters.The faster a car is


The safe way to cross the road is to look both ways,,it is safe

across the road,

they may fall down.

1.A.over B.across C.cross【7年级下册英语配套第九单元】


2.A.and B.but C.both D.or

3.A.care B.careful C.strong


4.A.before B.after C.since D.for

5.A.ate B.early C.quickly



B.among C.between



7.A.easy B.difficult C.busy D.trouble

8.A.few B.only C.often


9.A.if B.before C.which


10.A.hard B.danger C.safe D.dangerous


Johnny is twelve ____1_____ old. He is very tall and he loves ___2_____ basketball. His parents

_____3_____from Anqing. Sally is small and she ___4______ glasses. She _____5____ long and curly hair. She

likes _____6____. She _____7______ hard. Dave _____8_____ medium height. He enjoys ____9_______

computer games. He loves to tell ___10______【7年级下册英语配套第九单元】

( ) 1. A. year B. years C. / D. years’

( ) 2 .A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play

( ) 3. A. is B. are C. comes D. be

( ) 4. A. not wear B. do wear C. doesn’t wear D. don’t wear

( ) 5. A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )6. A. sing B. singing C. sings D. doesn’t sing

( ) 7. A. works B. working C. to work D. doesn’t work

( ) 8. A. are B. be C. is D. am

( ) 9. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play

( ) 10. A. jokes B joke C. to joke D. not joke_________

三.改错,指出下列句子中的错误并改正 (5分)


) 10

4.He looks very cool when he w______ his sunglasses.

5. Do you know the woman w______ long, blond, curly hair?

6.I think every minute c______.

7.Canadians s_____ English and French.

8. N_____ help doctors and patients.

9. Elephants are the biggest a______ on land.

10. Don’t walk a____ the road. It’s too dangerous.



Li Ming likes and computer games.


Wang Lin is the of the volleyball 3.南茜总喜欢穿红色的连衣裙,带一副太阳镜。

Nancy always a red and a pair of 4.老亨利长什么样?

What Old Henny ?


He’s and a little bit 6. He has to____ _____ ______.(住院)

7.Please____ _______.( 安静)


1.Our math teacher does morning exercises with us every day.(一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) — —(对划线部分提问)

3.Betty walks to school on weekdays.(改为否定句)

4.Sandy is watching TV at home now.(用every evening改写句子)


6 戴着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手______________________



9. 她长的好看,但有点害羞._____________________ _________________________

10. 他不戴眼镜了.________________ _____________________




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