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I can jump far教案

编辑:chenghuijun  成考报名   发布时间:10-10    阅读:

  设计意图:在此环节,教师从学生的心理和兴趣出发,为学生提供了3个与本课主题相关的经典童话故事,下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了I can jump far教案,希望对大家有所帮助!

  I can jump far教案(1)

  本节课是广州市教材小学英语(Success With English) Unit 6 I can jump的第一课时Let’s sing,主要涉及的有动物词汇monkey, rabbit, elephant, kangaroo and lion,动作词汇swing, run, walk, jump. 本课融合了let’s sing里的重点句型… can…,并根据学生言语交际的需要,利用网络的优势,为学生提供了4个小对话,指导学生进行自主学习,拓展了句型” What can … do? Can you …? ”。此外,教师还指导学生拓展学习了3个与本课学习主题相关的、学生感兴趣的英文小故事(The Fox and The Bird; The Eagle and The Mouse, The Ugly Duckling),提高学生的学习兴趣,丰富学生的语言表达,同时将情感教育渗透于英语教学中。


  1. 学生能够听懂认读上述动物和动作的词汇。

  2. 初步达到集体演唱课本的英文歌, 熟练掌握句型”I can… /… can…”。

  3. 学生通过dialogue的拓展学习,初步掌握句型” Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. What can …do?“,并能与别人进行语言交际。

  4. 学生通过故事的拓展学习,初步理解故事的内容,丰富语言的积累,培养语感,同时也将情感教育渗透其中。


  1. 本单元是第一册的第6单元,前面已学习过了5单元,学生已能做到用英语进行介绍自己的姓名、年龄,能介绍自己喜欢的玩具和颜色等。

  2. 学生在前面课时学习时已学过部分的动物单词,如cat, dog, bear, bird, 此外部分学生学前学过英语,认识部分动物单词,如rabbit, monkey等。

  3. 部分学生学前就已经能说出一些有关于动作的词汇,如run, sing等。


  1. 供学生自主听读的资源:4 short dialogues, 3stories (The Fox and The Bird, The Eagle and The mouse, The Ugly Duckling)

  2. 供学生交际的资源:Andy等的头像及相关的动作图片;4 PPT


  第一环节:Revision & Lead-in

  1. Sing a song:

  2. 自我介绍

  T: OK, boys and girls. I think we’re not new to each other, and we have learnt so much English, now I want you to introduce yourselves in English again. Who can try? (T invites one pupil to make a model) … Can you?

  (1) 教师分进行对话内容的示范;

  (2) 同位俩俩互相介绍;

  (3) 学生汇报表演。

  Key points:

  1) Hello, I’m… /My name is…

  2) I’m + age.

  3) I+ a boy / a girl.

  4) I’m big/small/ tall/short…

  5) I like …(color)

  6) I like …(toys)

  3. 引出本课学习的主题。

  T: Boys and girls, Do you like animals? I like dogs. What animals do you

  like?(让学生自主说) … We know Andy, Amy, Bobby and Koto are all animals. And who do you like? Do you like Andy? Is Andy a monkey/…? (引出动物的单词)

  设计意图:通过歌曲演唱 & 自我介绍,复习旧知和唤醒学生开口的欲望, 帮助学生形成思维导图,为下文的学习主题的引出做好铺垫,使到导入自然巧妙。

  第二环节: Learn the dialogues

  1. Guide Ps to self-study 4 short dialogues on Net. (拓展学习动作的词汇及句型Can you …? What can you do?)

  T: Well, I’ve known your name, your age… But now I want to know what

  you can do? Look, I can run. Can you run?... Can you listen? Can you read the English dialogues? Look, here are 4 dialogues for you. Can you learn the dialogues by yourselves? Give it a try!

  2. Feedback: P-P talk

  Key points: (同位比本领,看看谁最棒)

  A: I can … Can you …?

  B: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

  A: What can you do?

  B: I can…

  A: Good!/ Super!/ Great!

  第三环节:Let’s sing

  1. Enjoy the song

  T:You can do so many things. But what can Andy, Amy, Bobby and Koto

  do? Can Andy run? Can Amy jump? (教师边说边做动作,帮助学生理解) Now let’s listen to the song!


  教师在黑板上提出人物的头像及相关的动作卡片,让学生上台搭配图片并做动作表演,同时对个别发音较难的词进行正音,如 swing, jump等.

  A: Andy can swing.

  B: Amy can run.

  C: Bobby can walk.

  D: Koto can jump far.

  设计意图:教师以学生熟悉的4个小朋友Andy, Amy, Koto and Bobby,引出本课有关动物的词汇,同时充分调动学生的积极主动性,发挥学生做小老师的作用,让他们体验到成功感。接着歌曲整体呈现,让学生认真欣赏,获取相关的信息:What can Andy/… do? 在整体感知后,教师通过让学生搭配进行反馈,帮助学生正音,锻炼学生的听力。

  3. Pair work


  S1: Is Andy a monkey?

  S2: Yes, Andy is a monkey. / No, Andy is a …

  S1: What can Andy/… do?

  S2: Andy can swing.


  4. 齐唱、演歌曲



  第四环节:Story time

  1. Guide Ps to self-study 3 interesting stories.

  教师指导学生拓展听读3个学生中文版较熟悉也喜欢的英文故事 ( The ugly duckling; The fox and the bird, the Eagle and the Mouse).

  (1) Picture talking

  T: Well, today we’ve learned more animals, monkey, rabbit,…What animals do you like? What color is it? What can … do? But do you like the fox, the ugly duckling, the eagle and the mouse? Now it’s story time. Here are 3 interesting stories “The ugly duckling; The fox and the bird, the Eagle and the Mouse”. I hope you can enjoy them. Please try to listen and read them aloud.

  (2) Ps self-study

  2. Feedback

  T: Do you like the fox/the bird/the ugly duckling…? Which one do you like? Can the bird sing/…? Can the fox eat the meat? What can the ugly duckling do? Can it swim/fly?



  第2步:将Story 1作为表演内容,给学生2-3分钟重点听读。

  I can jump far教案(2)



  本课例源于广州市教材小学一年级英语口语(Success With English)第一学期 Unit 6 I can jump的第一课时Let’s sing。本课例在“以语言运用为中心”和Blended learning(混合式学习)教学思想的指导下,为学生创设了比较真实的言语交际情境,提供了大量感知语言、实践语言的机会,使学生不断丰富语言,提高言语交际的能力,增强学习英语的信心,陶冶生活的情操。


  本课主要课标内容是歌曲的学习,但是教师在处理方式上摆脱以往“先解决课标内容(学唱歌曲),再进行拓展学习” 的模式,而是以歌曲为主线,贯穿整个课堂教学,将课标与拓展有机整合。首先教师以学生熟悉的4个小朋友Andy, Amy, Koto and Bobby,引出本课相关的动物词汇( monkey, rabbit, elephant , kangaroo)。之后,教师不是马上让学生听唱歌曲,而是根据交际的需要导入拓展内容的学习,让学生在自主学习对话的过程中学到更多的动作词语,如 fly, drive, dance, draw等等,也初步了解如何用英语与别人谈论会做的事情,学习新句型 “Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.”使之构成一个能用于真实交际语境的完整话语,体现为了交际而扩展,扩展是为了学生运用语言。在学生能用英语谈论自己会做的事情基础上,教师自然过渡到歌曲的学习,让学生在听歌过程中去了解并获取What can Andy, Amy, Bobby and Koto do?的信息,过渡自然顺畅。最后,教师又从学生的心理和兴趣出发,提供了3个与本课主题相关的、学生已了解中文故事大意的经典童话故事(狐狸和乌鸦,丑小鸭,鹰和老鼠),不仅可以帮助语言积累不够丰富的一年级学生理解故事的大意,还可以激发学生学习的兴趣,巩固了句型,丰富了语言的积累。本课例已经走出了固定试验模式的框架,灵活处理课标与拓展的关系并进行有效整合,既落实了课标学习,也丰富了课标内容的学习,并且符合语言交际的需要。






  I can jump far教案(3)




  2 mins

  1.Greet & sing:

  2. Sing the song I can say my ABC

  3. Introduce the assessment way.


  2.Sing the song I can say my ABC

  1. 学生进行真实的交际,从学生已学的歌曲着手,为引出本节课的新授知识can热身。




  And drill

  13 mins



  15’ mins





  reading1. Teach “can” by singing.

  2. Teach the verbs: jump, run, throw and swim By TPR .

  3. Get Ss to spell and try to remember the new words.

  4. Introduce the new friends in DVD and

  teach adv. “high, fast, far”.

  5. Game: Left Team PK Right Team.1. Learn “can” by singing and T’s situation.

  2. Act and catch the meaning and become interested in new knowledge..

  3. Try to understand and remember the words.

  4. Have a PK with new friends, and learn the new words.

  5. Have a PK between two teams.




  1. .Introduce Peter’s school‘’s sports meeting and get Ss to read the text or a first time, with the Qs:

  1)Who can jump high?

  2)Who can run fast?

  3) Who can throw far?

  4)And who can swim fast? Watch DVD, listening and reading.

  2. Check the answers andput the pictures of Peter ,Mingming, Anne, Dongdongon the Bb。

  3. Play DVD, and get Ss to repeat. And guide them to read aloud with confident or admiring feeling.

  4. Get the Ss to repeat the text.

  5. Guide Ss to act out the text.

  Watch, listen and read carefully for information and answer.

  Follow the DVD and the teacher.

  Look at the design ----main clue of the text Bb

  Practise and act out the text.







  9 mins

  1. Watch DVD, and get Ss to talk about some famous stars in China or even in the world, using” ...can …” .

  2. Get Ss to show their abilities.

  1. Talk about Liu Xiang … .

  2.Discuss in groups and have a talent show actively.





  ment &Home-


  1 mins1. Sum up: Boys and girls, you can act so well, you can read so well and you can sing so well. You are wonderful! You are superstars!!

  2. Homework : 1) Copy Part B twice.

  Recite Part A. 2) Make a survey , ask ing your parents about the P.E. skills.

  3. T: Can you do it?

  Good. Yes, I can do it! Yes, I can do it!1. Ss count their achievement in this class.

  2. Remember their homework and

  “Yes, I can do it!” , encouraging themselves.1. 老师的总结语(几个can


  2. 作业及关注基础知识,又培养了学生用英语做事情的能力。

  3. 有气势的口号振奋人心,给人以精神上的鼓舞。I can..增强自信,与本节课的句型不谋而合

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