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牛津英语八年级下册 unit8教案

编辑:zhangyanqing  成考报名   发布时间:10-22    阅读:

  教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据教学大纲 和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。教案包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等。中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编今天为大家精心准备了牛津英语八年级下册 unit8教案,希望对大家有所帮助!

  牛津英语八年级下册 unit8教案

  Teaching steps:

  Step 1 Warming up

  Did you know that all around the world, 3 to 6 billion trees are cut down each year? Have you ever planted a tree?

  Watch a video.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Show some pictures and present the new words.

  2. Read aloud the new words.





  turn off




  牛津译林版八年级上Unit8 Reading课件+教案+习题


  1 有关地震的视频

  2 配套磁带或光盘


  Reading l

  Step I导入

  1教师说:We’ve leant something about natural disasters and accidents. Do you remember the names of any different kinds of disasters? 引导学生回顾前一课时学习的自然灾害的名称。

  2教师说:Now I’m going to show you a video. Can you tell me what kind of disaster it is? 教师播放一段地震的视频,引入地震话题。

  Step II 呈现


  What can you see in the video?

  (I can see some houses shaking.)

  (I can see some people screaming in fear.)

  (I can see some people running in all directions.)

  (I can see some people trapped under the bricks and stones.)



  Step III 操练

  l教师说:There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999. Thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquake. A boy called Timmy survived. Let’s listen to the story to see what happened to him. 播放课文录音。让学生看B3部分的练习,边听边判断正误。


  (1) At first, Timmy felt a slight shake.

  (2) People ran in all directions in the street

  (3) There was just enough space for Timmy to pull himself through.

  (4) People found Timmy hours later.


  (5) Timmy did not try to run out to the street (F)

  (Timmy tried his best to run out.)

  (6) Timmy screamed, but no one heard him (F)

  (Some people heard Timmy scream. They came and quickly moved away the bricks.)

  Step IV 阅读


  Paragraph 1

  (l) What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? (He was sleeping.)

  (2) What did he feel at first? (He felt a slight shake.)

  Paragraph 2

  (3) What was the real noise like? (It was like bombs under the ground.)

  (4) What did Timmy try to do? (He tried his best to run out.)

  (5) What happened to the buildings?

  (Pieces of glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to come down.)

  Paragraph 3

  (6) Where was Timmy when the shaking ended?

  (He could see nothing. He was trapped.)

  (7) How did Timmy feel?

  (He felt nervous and a moment of fear went through his mind.)

  Paragraph 4

  (8) What did Timmy do after shouting for help?

  (He started to pull himself slowly through the dark.)

  Paragraph 5

  (9) How was he saved? (People heard him scream and moved away the bricks.)


  3请学生看B2部分的图片,首先集体朗读框中的句子,复习其中较难的词汇,如:screamed.、trapped等。然后让学生完成练习,最后全班一起核对答案。核对答案时让能力较强的学生加入更多的细节,如:(Picture 4) I was trapped under walls and bricks, and I could not get out. I was frightened as it was dark around me and I did not know if anyone else was near me.



  Step V 家庭作业




  Reading 2

  Step I呈现

  1教师说:We’ve learnt about the earthquake in Taiwan. Now would you like to watch a short video of the earthquake? 给学生播放一段有关1999年台湾大地震的纪录短片,让学生对那次地震有更直观的认识。教师继续说:Please watch it and then answer a few simple questions about the earthquake. 教师呈现几个问题,让学生回顾有关那次地震的基本信息:

  (1) What was Timmy doing when he heard some noise above him?

  (He was trying to find his way out.)

  (2) What was the real noise like? (It sounded like bombs under the ground.)

  (3) What time did the earthquake start?

  (It started at about two o’clock in the easily morning)

  (4) What happened to Timmy when the earthquake ended?

  (He was trapped in the dark.)

  (5) What did Timmy do after he found that he was tapped?

  (He shouted for help and started to pull himself slowly through the dark.)

  2教师说:Let’s take a quick look at the story on page 94. In which paragraphs can you find the answers to these questions? 让学生找出上述问题的答案出自课文哪一段。(1-Paragraph 5; 2-Paragraph 2; 3-Paragraph 1; 4-Paragiaph 3; 5-Para8raph 4)

  3教师说:Can you tell us the main idea of each paragraph? 让学生归纳每一段的大意。在基础较弱的班级,教师可以提供以下内容供学生选择:

  What happened to Timmy after the earthquake?

  What Timmy was doing when the earthquake started?

  How Timmy was saved?

  What Timmy did to save himself?

  What the earthquake was like?

  (Paragraph 3; Paragraph l; Paragraph 5; Paragraph 4; Paragraph 2)

  Step II 操练

  1在学生归纳每一段大意的时候,教师通过和学生回顾各段内容,引出需要讲解的语言点并板书,如:alive、shake、trapped、in fear、run in all directions、pull oneself through…等。

  2 通过创设情境、与学生真实交流和展示例句等方式,帮助学生掌握上述语言点的用法。以shake、in fear为例,教师说:When people found the boy, he was like this. 教师用动作演示浑身颤抖的样子,继续说:He was shaking. Do you know what cause him to shake? Yes. Fear caused him to shake. He was in fear. 在与学生的交流中,帮助学生体会并发现这些语言点的含义及用法。

  Step III 活动



  (1) Where were you when the earthquake started? (I was at home)

  (2) What were you doing? (I was sleeping.)

  (3) What did you feel and hear at first?

  (I felt a slight shake and then I heard a loud noise like thunder.)

  (4) What did you do when the earth started to shake? (I tried my best to run out.)

  (5) Was it dangerous to run in the street during the earthquake? (Yes. it was very dangerous. Pieces of glass and bricks were falling down everywhere.)

  (6) How did you feel when you found yourself trapped?

  (A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down.)

  (7) Did you shout for help? (Yes, I did. But no one came.)

  (8) What were you doing when you heard some noise above you?

  (I was trying to find my way out.)



  (1)Is it safe to run fast during an earthquake?

  (2) Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake?

  (3) Which part of the house is the best to hide in?

  (4) Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?

  (5) Is it safe to hide under a big tree during a rainstorm with thunder and lightning?


  Step Ⅳ 家庭作业



  名称:牛津译林版八年级上Unit8 Reading课件+教案+习题

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