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译林版五年级上册Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears(第三课时)

课题: 译林版五年级上册Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears

课时: The third period ( Cartoon time & Culture time )



1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:really, then, find, their;

2. 能够流利地表达There is … There are…的意思;

3. 能够理解并掌握There are …句型的否定句式There aren’t any …; 4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Really?

5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话;


1. 学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品;

2. 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;

3. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。

(三) 情感目标:





1. 能正确并且熟练地运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品。

2. 能用简单的英语介绍中西方传统的饮食。



2.学生准备:提前预习Cartoon time和搜集Culture time资讯


1.Quick response “Yes or No”

1. T: First, let‟s play a game. The game is called „Yes or No‟. Now you will see some sentences on the screen. Read and try to judge. If it is right, you may say „Yes, yes, yes!‟ If it is wrong, you may say „No, no, no!‟ 学生试说2遍。Say loudly and quickly, please. Ready? Go!

1) There are 55 students in your class. 2)There are a lot of books in your bag.

3)There is a beautiful teacher in front of you. 4)There is a TV in this classroom.

2.教师在黑板上示意比赛规则。男女生分别在1分钟内用There be…句型说出教室里的物品,说得又对又多的胜利。教师给予评价。

3 Talk T: This is Bobby‟s house. They‟re in the sitting room now. Look at Bobby. Is he happy? Ss: No.

T: No, he‟s kind of hungry, I think. How do I know? Because he says: 引导学生回答I‟m hungry. Can Tina help him? Let‟s listen.

(出音频You can have some cakes. There are some in the kitchen.) So, can Tina help Bobby?

Ss: Yes, she can.【goldilocks,and,the,three,bears的cartoon,time,PPT】

T: What does Tina say? Let‟s listen again. Who can have a try? S:… T: Let‟s try together. 教师指导朗读。

about the pictures.

3. Watch and think

T: So Bobby goes to the kitchen and try to find some cakes, but can he find any cakes there? Let‟s watch the cartoon. 集体看卡通。

T: OK. Can Bobby find the cakes in the fridge?Ss: No, he can‟t.

T: What does Bobby say? Listen. (出音频:There aren‟t any cakes here. 教师板书句型,带读3遍

4. Imitate and remember

1). T: This time, let‟s read the story after the computer together. 跟电脑一句句齐读。

2). T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 大声自读。

3). T: This time, I‟d like to be Tina, boys, you could be Bobby, and girls, you‟re the narrator. OK? (师生间分角色朗读对话)

4). Read in roles. 学生间分角色朗读。

5. Culture time

T: Look, Bobby‟s cousin eats so many cakes. Now he‟s very thirsty, I think. Here‟s a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, and a glass of juice. Which one would he like? Guess. 学生猜一猜。

T: I guess he‟d like a glass of juice. Look at the coffee and the tea. Maybe our parents like them. Which is popular in China, coffee or tea?

Ss: Tea.

T: Yes. Follow me: Tea is popular in China. How about coffee? Oh, coffee is popular in Western countries. (Teach: popular, China, Western countries)

5. Homework

1..Read and act Cartoon time.

2..Dub for the story.

3.Take a picture or draw one about your favorite room in your house.


Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears ( Cartoon time & Culture time)

译林英语五年级上教案 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears


Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears



Cartoon time and Grammer


能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:There is...



T: Hello , Every one,Nice to meet you .

2.Free talk

T: Where is Goldilocks?

S1:She’s in the forest..

T : What’s the matter with me ?

Ss: You are cold.

T : What’s in the forest ?

S2: there’s a house.【goldilocks,and,the,three,bears的cartoon,time,PPT】

. T : Where’s my book?

Ss: It’s in the bag.

T : Where’s the soup?

Ss: It’s on the table.

T : How many beds are there in the house? There are...

Ss: There are three.

T : What’s in front of Goldilocks?

Ss: there are three bears.

Step 2 Presentation




There a house the forest

There three bears her The soup is too

T:将学生分成五人小组,一起完成学生用书P14、P15Check out time中的look and say 和look and write

2.Cartoon time

(1).Ask and answer

Where are Bobby and Tina?

What’s the matter with theBobby?

Where are the cakes?

Are there any cakes in the fridge?

Who is eating thecake?

(2)Read and judge

Bobby andTina are at home ( )

Tina is hungry. ( )

There are some cakes in the fridge ( ) Tina is eating the cake ( ) Bobby is angry ( )

Step 3 Consolidation

Act out the cartoon time

Step 4 Homework



5A Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears第一课时教案

教学内容:5A Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears第一课时


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:hard,soft,afraid,in front of

2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is …. There are ….

3. 能运用所学单词和句型进行简单的交流。


1. 能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。

2. 掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子。


Step 1. Lead in :

T: Hello, boys and girls.

S:Hello, Miss Wong.【goldilocks,and,the,three,bears的cartoon,time,PPT】

T: First, let‟s look at the screen.

T: Do you like fairy tales? Look at the picture, do you like them? What is in this picture?

Ss: Yes. Three bears and a girl.

T: Ok, and today we are going to learn a new fairy tale about a girl and three bears. (呈现课题 Goldilocks and the three bears)

Step 2. Presentation :

一, 1.T:Now, boys and girls, look at the picture .what is in the picture? Ss:

Three bears and a girl.

T: Yes. Today we can answer it in a more detailed way.

呈现There are three bears and a girl.

2.T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”? Learning tip: There be 句型:分单数There is …和复数There are… 两种,不可数名词统一用There is… 它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。 如: There is a teacher. There are some teachers.

二, Text learning T:I like reading storybooks. Do you like it? Let‟s listen to it together. After listening, you will answer me some questions. Look at the

picture, where did the story happen?

引导Ss: It happened in the forest. (教forest)

Questions: 1) What‟s in the forest? 2) What‟s the matter with the girl? 3) Why does she run away (逃跑)? (在读题时候教授 run away) Ss:She is afraid. (在引出回答的时候教授 afraid)

Task 2 : Read and judge

1)Goldilocks is not hungry, but she is afraid. ( )

2)The three bowls of soup are for the bears. ( ) 教授a bowl of soup, 归类总结如 a cup of coffee, a glass of milk 等。

3)There are three hard beds in the room. ( ) 通过图片选择软床和硬床,同时教授 hard 和 soft。

4) She wakes up. There are three bears in front of her. ( ) 通过图片教授wake up,领读,小组读,请学生做动作. 教授 in front of .

Step 3 Practice:

Task 3: Let‟s read! Read after the tape. Play in roles. (小组活动,选择一幅图表演)

Task 4: Let‟s retell!

There is a beautiful ________ in the forest. In the house, I can see ________ bowls of soup on the table. I‟m ________ and _________. I like the ________ soup. ________ three beds in the room. I‟m ________. I sleep in the ________ bed. Whose house is this? It‟s the three bears‟!

Step4 Review


Step5 Homework:

1. Copy the new words and phrases, try to memorize them.

2. Use “there‟s & there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom. (用所学句型写一段话介绍你的书房或卧室。)

课题: 译林版五年级上册Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears

课时: The second period ( Grammar time & Fun time)



1. 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of, beside, between ;

2. 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型:There is … There are…



2. 学生能够熟练掌握There be…句型描述某处存在某样东西;

3. 学生能够理解并掌握Grammar time中There be…句型的用法和规则以及单词too的用法;

4. 学生能够完成Fun time中的任务。

(三) 情感目标:





根据所描述的对象正确运用There be…句型。



2.学生准备:复习Story time,熟读、会复述,会合作表演。


1. Review the story

I‟ll give you some sentences. You just to judge if it is true or false. 带领学生说一说true和false

2. Learn the words Brain storm

T: Big hands for yourself! In this story, there‟re three bears. But in our classroom, there‟re two bears. Where are they? 教师从讲台下拿出两个玩具熊。They‟re here! Let's say hello to them.

Ss: Hello, bears!

T: Are these bears the same? Ss: No, they aren‟t.

T: They‟re different. Can you try to describe these two bears? For example, this white bear is big, and this brown bear is small. Can you try? 学生试着描述一下两只玩具熊。

T: Good job! Look at this brown bear. How does it feel? 教师敲击小熊提示学生。

S1: It‟s very hard.

T: Yes. How about the white one? Is it hard too?

S2: No, it‟s soft. T: Yes. Touch it. 让学生说一说然后摸一摸感受一下。(复习hard和soft)

3.Look and learn

T: I have some pictures for you. Try to tell me which is hard, and which is soft. S: _________ is hard. ________ is soft.

4.The opposite.

T: Hard and soft, they‟re antonym. What is the antonym word of hot? S: Cold. 学生练习学过的反义词,以此引出:

T: What about „behind‟? Ss: In front of.

(复习词组in front of)

5.Look and answer PPT显示图片

T: Where is the baby bear? S: It‟s in front of the mother bear.

T: Now, where is the baby bear? S: It‟s beside the mother bear.

T: Now, where is the baby bear? (Teach: between)

Ss: It‟s between the father bear and the mother bear. 全班说到个别说。 T: Look, I am standing between XX and XXX.

Do you understand me? Can you say something like this? 学生模仿老师说出自己在谁和谁的中间。

6.Grammar time( too 的运用)

1)Look and say

2) Look and complete

7.Grammar time( There be…句型)

1) Think and sayT: OK. Grammar 2. The usage of There is / are…

2) Follow me, there is, there are. 教师带读。

3)First, let‟s think and say. Tell me, what‟s in the forest? What‟s on the table? You may say: There is / are … You can choose any pictures you like.

4)S: There is / are … 学生选择书上的喜欢的图片用There be…句型描述, 教师板书句型。

5)T: Look at these four sentences. Let‟s read them together. 适时提醒缩写There‟s / There‟re 的用法。Who can tell me the difference between „there is‟ and „there are‟? You can discuss in pairs first. 学生同桌间讨论区别。T: OK. What‟s your opinion? Let‟s listen.学生可以用中文总结他们发现的规律。

3) Look and write

Welcome to the bears‟ house! Look! There ____ a picture of them ____ the wall. There _____ a table in the house. There _____ some honey ____ the table. There _____ two balls _____ the table. There ______ a toy car ______ two balls. There _____ a clock ______ the window. There _____ a cap ______the clock. Do you like their house?


8. Fun time

1). T: After visiting the bears‟ house, Goldilocks feels very sorry, so she writes a letter to the bears.

Dear Bear Family,

Sorry for bothering you last time. I would like to know if you have time to come and visit my house in the town. Hope we can be good friends!


Do you think that they can be friends? Will the bears be happy to get this letter? Ss: Yes.

T: So the bears are coming. This is Goldilocks‟ house. What‟s in the house? Can you draw something in her house? Maybe you can draw some food on the table,

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