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牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit1 Know yourself-reading







1..听录音,读、划、背本课新单词及重点词组。(P140, 8-11)

不是…就是… 处于领先地位

注意 落后

与…相连 和…几乎一样,简直是

赞扬,表扬 总的;普遍的;首席的

竞赛;赛跑 领先地位;榜样

高速的 连接

错误;过失 注意,专心

标准 先锋,开拓者


2 .听、读、译P8-9Reading(15分钟)



1) Wu wei’s friend does not think that his work is very good. 2) Wu wei’s sculptures are famous all over the country.

3) Su Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant. ___________

4) Su Ning changed her job five years ago.

5)Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge. 6) Liu Hao’s team members find it difficult to work with him.

7) Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her work. ____________

8) Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be very careful. ____________

【质疑拓展】  1. born He is a (bear) leader.

2. either … or …

Either you or I (be) wrong.

3. pay attention to (doing) sth.


You need to maps correctly.

4. not only … but also ..

Not only the students but also the teacher (read) English every day. Qs: 1. careless—carelessness中,大家还能总结和发现什么?


2.to 作为介词的短语你学过哪些?



1. Finish the exercises P11 B3-C



_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



1. —What is your father, Simon?

—He is a (经理) of a company.

2. Now there are lot of new (高速) railways in our province.

3. Remember to check your paper carefully to make sure there is no (错误).

4. The people in my hometown have a higher and higher 标准) of living now.

5. He often gets (表扬) from his teachers because of his good work.

6. —Who came first in the (赛跑),Daniel?

—Simon did. He is very good at it.

7. You need to (连接)the keyboard to the main unit.

8. That boy is old enough to become a young (先锋).

9. —May I have your (注意), sir?

—Yes, what’s the matter?




1.—What does your new English teacher look like ?

—She is a pretty lady ________ long hair.

A. at B. for C. with D.of

2. —Diao yu Island belongs to China.

—Surely it does! We Chinese will never _______ it up.

A .cut B.fix C.give D.set

3. —When you visit a museum you should _______ the instructions and don’t be against them.

A. compare with B. look forward to C. pay attentions to D.try out

4. Peter likes pop music,but _____ his father ________ his mother likes it.【九年级上册【know,yourself】reading,task的翻译】

A. both;and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; or

九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Task教案 新版牛津版

Unit 1 Know yourself

九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Reading教案 新版牛津版

Unit 1 Know yourself

Period 2 Reading 1

一.Teaching aims:

By the end of the lesson:

Students can improve their reading abilities. Students can talk about jobs and personalities. 二.Teaching difficult and important points:

How to talk about jobs and personalities with some new expressions. 三.Teaching steps: Step 1 Leading-in

What jobs do you know? How about your parents? Are they happy with their jobs? Step 2 Skimming

How many people does the passage introduce? What about their jobs? Step 3 While-reading 1. Scanning

Scan the passage and finish exercise B1. 2. Careful-reading

Read the text carefully and finish exercise B2. Step 4 Post-reading【九年级上册【know,yourself】reading,task的翻译】

Listen to the tape and read the text loudly. And finish exercise B3. Step5 Activities

Write a short description of your personalities.

Work in pairs and talk about each others’ jobs and personalities. Step6 Homework

Do exercises and read the text after the tape. 【教后反思】



1.Wu Wei’s best friend said,“He is a _____________(天生的)artist”.

2.Wu Wei,the young artist,has _______________(给„留下印象)the whole country with his create work. 3.His ______________(雕塑,雕像)for Sunshine Town Square have won high __________(赞扬,表扬)from the art community.

4.Liu Hao is the _______(主要的,旨要的)engineer of the high-speed railway ____________(连接)Sunshine Town to Tianjing.

5.Fang Yuan,head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart_____________(外科大夫). 6.Su Ning is ready to take on new ______________(挑战)any time. 7.Liu Hao always works to high _____________(标准),but he’s modest and easy to work with.

8.Su Ning started to work for the ____________________(销售部)in a big company five year ago.

9.Fang Yuan is always willing to work ____________ (额外的;附加的)hours. 10.She has ___________(把„贡献,把„专用于)most of her time to her work. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1.The pioneer heart surgeon said“_______________(care)will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to _________________(patient)” 2.The sad thing made me ____________(happy).

3.Qi Baishi is one of the most famous_____________(art)in our country. 4.Su Ning ____________(give ) up her job as an accountant five years ago. 5.To us ,a miss as _____________ (best)as a mile.

1.Millie is kind and helpful, she _______________________other as usual. 2.As a student ,we should _________________________ our pronunciation and writing when we learn English.

3.Wu Wei’s sculptures for Sunshine Town Square_______________________ from the art community

4.Tom’s father ______________________smoking since he was sent to the hospital. 5.Audrey Hepburn was a famous actress all around the world, she ___________ much of her time __________ charity. 四、 单项选择

1.Though the work is very hard, he doesn’t want to_______easily.

A. give in B. give up C. give away D. give over 2. .Mr. Smith will give us a talk on computers next week.

A.at times B.sometime C.sometimes D.some times

3. We should pay attention to the teacher carefully.

A.listen to B.listening C.listening to D.listen 4. If we don’t study hard, we will in our class.

A. take the lead B. fall behind C. be the first D. be successful

5.As a student, I can’t afford a new mobile phone.

A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought

6.The doctor has devoted most of his time to the patients.

A. look after B. looking after C. looks after D. looked after

7. — Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday?

— No, not at all! I was dead after so much hard training. A. as good as B. as well as C. so good as D. so well as

8. The railway Qinghai to Tibet is the longest plateau (高原) railway in the world.

A. connected B. connects C. connecting D. is connected

9. We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future, but we should be confident enough

to any challenge. A. put on B. get on C. take on D. try on 10. — It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.

— You’re right. We can’t be careful while crossing the street. A. so B. very C. too D. more 五、完形填空:

It is very____1______ to know yourself. In fact, it ____2___ a lifetime for most people. Too ____3___ people worry more about “image(声誉)” and “face” than they do about really knowing their own ____4_____. 5 yourself means accepting(接受、承认)yourself and not worrying excessively(过分地,非常地) about what other people think. Know yourself and be yourself! This is the key _____6_____a happier life.

1.A. easy B. difficult 2. A. took B. have taken takes

3. A. many B.much 4 A. personality B. character D.colours

5. A. Knows B. Knew known

6. A. for B. to

C. necessary C. will take

D.kind D.

C.more C.energy C. Knowing

C. as




【最新】牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself-Reading 教案

Unit 1 Know yourself 教案

Period 2 Reading 1【九年级上册【know,yourself】reading,task的翻译】

一.Teaching aims:

By the end of the lesson:

Students can improve their reading abilities.

Students can talk about jobs and personalities.

二.Teaching difficult and important points:

How to talk about jobs and personalities with some new expressions.

三.Teaching steps:

Step 1 Leading-in

What jobs do you know? How about your parents?

Are they happy with their jobs?

Step 2 Skimming

How many people does the passage introduce?

What about their jobs?

Step 3 While-reading

1. Scanning

Scan the passage and finish exercise B1.

2. Careful-reading

Read the text carefully and finish exercise B2.

Step 4 Post-reading

Listen to the tape and read the text loudly. And finish exercise B3.

Step5 Activities

Write a short description of your personalities.

Work in pairs and talk about each others’ jobs and personalities.

Step6 Homework Do exercises and read the text after the tape.




1.Wu Wei’s best friend said,“He is a _____________(天生的)artist”.

2.Wu Wei,the young artist,has _______________(给„留下印象)the whole country with his create work.

3.His ______________(雕塑,雕像)for Sunshine Town Square have won high __________(赞扬,表扬)from the art community. 4.Liu Hao is the _______(主要的,旨要的)engineer of the high-speed railway ____________(连接)Sunshine Town to Tianjing. 5.Fang Yuan,head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart_____________(外科大夫).

6.Su Ning is ready to take on new ______________(挑战)any time.

7.Liu Hao always works to high _____________(标准),but he’s modest and easy to work with. 8.Su Ning started to work for the _______________________(销售部)in a big company five year ago.

9.Fang Yuan is always willing to work ____________ (额外的;附加的)hours.

10.She has ___________(把„贡献,把„专用于)most of her time to her work. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1.The pioneer heart surgeon said“_______________(care)will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to _________________(patient)”

2.The sad thing made me ____________(happy).

3.Qi Baishi is one of the most famous_____________(art)in our country.

4.Su Ning ____________(give ) up her job as an accountant five years ago.

5.To us ,a miss as _____________ (best)as a mile.

1.Millie is kind and helpful, she _______________________other as usual. 2.As a student ,we should _________________________ our pronunciation and writing when we learn English.

3.Wu Wei’s sculptures for Sunshine Town Square_______________________ from the art community

4.Tom’s father ______________________smoking since he was sent to the hospital.

5.Audrey Hepburn was a famous actress all around the world, she ___________ much of her time __________ charity.

四、 单项选择

1.Though the work is very hard, he doesn’t want to_______easily.

A. give in B. give up C. give away

next week.

A.at times B.sometime C.sometimes

the teacher carefully. D. give over D.some times

九年级英语上册Unit 3 Know yourself Reading 教案 新版牛津版

9A Unit3 Reading Teaching aims and demands:

1.To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

2.To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems. Important points:

To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

Difficult points:

To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

Teaching procedures: Step1. Pre-reading

Ask questions: 1. Do you get enough sleep? 2. How long do you do your homework every day? Step2. While reading

1. What is Millie’s favorite hobby?

2. What is Millie’s problem?

3. How does Millie feel about it?

4. When does Simon play football?

5. What has become Simon’s problem? 6. Why does Simon say his parents are strict?

Step3. Post-reading Can you give some advice to help them solve the problems?

Step4. Explanation Explain some language points and grammar to help Ss understand the text.

deal with have no choice but to do sth

stay up

be worth doing

be crazy about

the cause of

get into trouble

be strict with sb in sth

develop one’s bobby

achieve a balance between „ and „

Step5. Reading

Read the text carefully. Step6. Exercises











Step7. Homework

1. Read the text.

2. Pre-learn the next period.






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