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there are nineteen crayons.课件

编辑:chenghuijun  成考报名   发布时间:10-12    阅读:

  在导课环节有点牵强,第一部分没有很好的发挥作用。做练习时装水环节可以简便些,还是没有发挥学生的自主学习,老师的主导性太强。授课过程中没有做到纯英授课,在以后的授课中还是得自我约束多锻炼,多给学生时间。下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了there are nineteen crayons.课件,希望对大家有所帮助!

  there are nineteen crayons.课件(一)


  Unit Module 1

  Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?

  Unit 2 We bought ice creams.

  Module 1 What did you buy?

  Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy?

  Module 3

  Unit 1 Where did you go?

  Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father.

  Module 4

  Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.

  Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming?

  Module 5

  Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.

  Unit 2 There are forty.

  Module 6

  Unit 1 You can play football well.

  Unit 2 He ran very fast.

  Module 7

  Unit 1 He can’t see.

  Unit 2 This little girl can’t walk.

  Module 8

  Unit 1 What time does your school start?

  Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school.

  Module 9

  Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?

  Unit 2 I feel happy.

  Module 10

  Unit 1 He was in the kitchen.

  Unit 2 Don’t shout,please!

  Review Module

  there are nineteen crayons.课件(二)


  1)语言知识目标:1.全体学生能理解:nineteen, crayon, fifteen, begin, give out, all right, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, floor

  2.全体学生能运用:crayon, floor , begin,

  3.部分学生能运用:give out, all right,

  2)语言技能目标:1. 全体学生能听懂:全体学生能听懂:

  There are only nineteen crayons.

  2.全体学生能说:There are only nineteen crayons.

  3.部分学生能说:five , six ,seven , eight.

  4.全体学生能认读:crayon, floor , begin,






  Step 1.Warming-up and leading -in

  (1) Greeting

  (2) Free talk :T: How many …can you see ? Ss: two ,three ,five ,seven .

  T: How many faces can you see ? Ss: There.

  Step 2 Task presentation

  (1)Watch activity one .

  a. Look and listen.

  b. Learn : fifteen. Twenty .

  c. Listen and repeat.

  (2) T: Do you want to know more about the numbers ?

  Let’s learn M5U1 There are only nineteen crayons.

  Step 3.Text learning

  1) Listen and answer the question:

  A: How many crayons are there in the boxes?

  B: There are only nineteen crayons .

  Can you count them in English?

  2) Let’s count (展示幻灯片,讲解数字13--19)

  3) 学生练习数13--19

  4) Read and answer : How many children are there in the class ?

  How many crayons did Ms Smart buy yesterday ?

  5) listen and repeat.

  6) Read the text by groups.

  Step 4. Practice

  (1) Activity three

  (2) Activity four

  Step 5 Task completion

  Talk about quantity with “there be ” in the class .

  Step 6 Summary and Homework.


  M5U1 There are only nineteen crayons .

  But there are twenty children in the class .

  There are twenty-one crayons .

  there are nineteen crayons.课件(三)

  1.能口头运用“How many faces can y

ou see?” 这类语句对可数名词的数量提问。



及短语:crayon, begin , give out,all right,thirteen ,fourteen, fifteen
, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen, floor,





  教学重点 难点

  1. 如何对数量提问。

  2. 如何表示11----19的基数词。


  Step1:Lead in

  针对所给蜡笔的图片进行颜色的简单复习,然后提问“How many crayons?”

  Step 2 Drill

  展示幻灯片 学生找规律

  1-100,基数词变化规律 然后练习.

  Step3 Practice:

  快速展示图片How many ……can you see?

  …… we can s



  How man



  Step4 listening and answer

  A 1) How many crayons are there in this classroom?[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]

  2) Are

there enough pencils?


  B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。


  Step5. Imitate and practice


  a) 俩人一组完成AB练习2

  b) SB活动3 [来源:Z.xx.k.Com]

  1) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。

  2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。


  There is too muc

h water.



ere are no
t e
nough cups.





  There is too much paper.

  There are not enough bags.

  3) 必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。

  4) 全班完成AB练习

1 [来源:学§科§网]




  Step6 Homework


  板书设计 M5U1 There are

only nineteen crayons.


  How many faces

can you see?[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K




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