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编辑:chenghuijun  成考报名   发布时间:10-28    阅读:

  Listen, everybody's broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了破产姐妹经典台词,希望对大家有所帮助!


  1. And everybody hates everything with the exception,of angelina jolie,who is totally awesome.


  2. Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!


  3. You can't always help who you are attracted to.


  4. Why do you even have a phone if you're not gonna pick it up?


  5. When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic.


  6. How will you ever live with the shame?


  7. Why are the hot ones always gay?


  8. People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.


  9. If I have to strip, I have to strip.


  10. Everyone's as judgmental as me.



  1、 "Look,eventually,you'll learn to do that on the inside.终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。 《破产姐妹》"

  2、 This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢。 《破产姐妹》

  3、 "“我表现得我不喜欢任何事物,是因为我从来就没有得到过我想要的” ——Max 《破产姐妹》"

  4、 There is no luck. There is only work. 世上没什么运气,只有努力去挑战。 《破产姐妹》

  5、 "DNA decides what we are, but not who we are. What we are never changed, but who we are never stop changing. DNA决定了我们是什么,但不能决定我们将成为什么人。我们是什么不会改变,但我们能成为什么则在一直变化着。 《破产姐妹》"

  6、 我这一生有许许多多的不如意 我也确信未来只会愈加艰难 可你却如此之好 《破产姐妹》

  7、 "9、When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic. 当你没钱弥补你犯下的错误时,那就得靠自己创造奇迹。 《破产姐妹》"

  8、 终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流 《破产姐妹》

  9、 The heart wants what it wants. 心之所欲无人能挡。 《破产姐妹》

  10、 你睡觉时枕头底下还藏把刀啊?这是我唯一付得起的家庭安保项目,况且没事也能割割腕咯。 《破产姐妹》

  11、 两年前 我把泪腺卖给了器官银行 《破产姐妹》

  12、 "I act like i don't want anything , because i never got anything i wanted 《2 Broke Girls》"

  13、 "People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.家人就是恨你却又不能杀你的人。 《破产姐妹》"

  14、 We're gonna be successful. Because we have the two things the really matter-you and me.--我们都会成功的,因为我们拥有最重要的两样事物,我和你。 《破产姐妹》

  15、 "姑娘们,受欺凌最可怕的其实是每一次当你被欺负时,仿佛有一小部分的自我被偷走了,于是随着次数的增多,慢慢的,你会变得越来越不像原本的自己,这样真的不酷。 ——李憨 《破产姐妹》"

  16、 "Success depends on staying open to a better idea, even if it's not yours. 要成功就要勇于接受好点子,即使这个点子不是你自己的。 《破产姐妹》"

  17、 舍不得银子上不着妞呀。 《破产姐妹》

  18、 我怕我要是写下来,它会成为我的自杀遗言。 《破产姐妹》

  19、 给多少小费是你的自由,在你食物里吐口水是我的自由www.SiandiAn.com。 《破产姐妹》

  20、 人穷不代表要无下限 《破产姐妹》

  21、 姑娘很努力哟,比霍金戴袖口还卖力。 《破产姐妹》

  22、 谁二十多岁的时候不是穷的,人人都有要逃避的事情,你选择躲进冷藏室,我选择视而不见和用酒精麻痹。 《破产姐妹》

  23、 要是不想被取绰号,就别长成那副德行行吗 《破产姐妹》

  24、 姐戴帽子挡酷寒,二货带帽学酷玩。 《破产姐妹》

  25、 好吧,看在八块腹肌的份上,给你八分钟。 《破产姐妹》


  1、I have two rules in life: Never drink from the same well as a gypsy, and never lend money to friends.

  我人生有两大金科玉律:第一,永远不和吉普赛人喝同一口井的水;第二 永远不借钱给朋友。

  2、Don't run, it's Han. For him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash.


  3、I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.


  4、Listen, everybody's broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I practice ignorance and blackout drinking.


  5、This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.


  6、There is no luck. There is only work.


  7、It's cool if you don't want to join in on the cupcake dream, but at least wait till you find another. It's a dream, not a man.


  8、People who hate you, but can't kill you. That's what family is.


  9、When you don't have enough money to fix your own mistakes, you've make your own magic.


  10、We are two very different kinds of idiots, but we're idiots.


  11. And everybody hates everything with the exception,of Angelina Jolie,who is totally awesome.


  12. Sometimes when you think the sky is about to falldown, you might be standing tilted!


  13. You can't always help who you are attracted to.


  14. Why do you even have a phone if you're not gonnapick it up?


  15. When you don't have enough money to fix your ownmistakes, you've make your own magic.

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