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1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1) 12.单元测评卷(Unit 7)

2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2) 13.单元测评卷(Unit 8)

3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2) 14.阶段测评卷(Units 7~8)

4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3) 15.分类测评卷(一)

5. 单元测评卷(Unit 4) 16.分类测评卷(二)

6. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4) 17.分类测评卷(三)

7. 期中测评卷(一) 18.分类测评卷(四)

8. 期中测评卷(二) 19.分类测评卷(五)

9. 单元测评卷(Unit 5) 20.期末测评卷(一)

10.单元测评卷(Unit 6) 21.期末测评卷(二)

11.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6) 22.期末测评卷(三)


Unit6 Keep the city clean 知识点梳理

班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字__________


1. keep 保持 ,维持 2. clean 干净的,整洁的 3. make 使„„变得

4. dirty 肮脏的 5. museum 博物馆 6. ground 地面,地上 7. factory 工厂

8. air空气 9. smoke 烟雾 10. rubbish垃圾

11. messy肮脏的,乱七八糟的 12. dead 死的 13. bin 垃圾桶

14. plant 种植,栽种 15. more 更多的 16. throw 扔

17. skin 果皮 18. slip 滑到 19. fall 摔倒

20. put 放,安置(过去式:put)


1. 保持我们城市的整洁keep our city clean 2. 这些城市的图片these pictures of our city

3. 使我们的城市变脏make our city dirty 4. 汽车尾气smoke from cars

5. 使空气变脏make the air dirty 6. 许多垃圾a lot of rubbish

7. 来自工厂的黑烟black smoke from factories 8.脏的河流dirty river

9. 使街道脏乱make the street messy and dirty 10.水里的垃圾rubbish in the water

11. 死鱼 dead fish 12. 乘公交和地铁上学take the bus and the metro to school

13. 步行上学walk to school 14.把工厂搬离城市move some factories away from our city

15. 把垃圾放进垃圾箱put rubbish in the bin 16.种更多的树plant more trees

17. 帮助净化空气help keep the air clean 18. 你的主意your ideas

19. 做得好 well done 20. 扫地sweep the floor

21. 擦课桌椅clean the desks and chairs 22. 把垃圾扔在地上throw rubbish on the floor

23. 两只小画眉two little blackbirds 24. 坐在山上sit on the hill

25. 回来come back 26. 走回家walk home

27. 放学后after school 8. 喜欢住在城市like living in the city

29. 许多博物馆和电影院many museums and cinemas 30. 干净而美丽clean and beautiful

31. 把香蕉皮扔地上throw a banana skin on the ground32.喜欢吃香蕉like eating bananas

33. 不应该那么做shouldn’t do that 34. 捡起它pick it up

35. 被香蕉皮滑倒slip on the banana skin 36. 去医院go to hospital

37. 为了保持公园整洁to keep the park clean 38.使房间变脏make the room dirty

39. 滑倒 slip and fall 40. 如何保持我们的学校整洁 how to keep our school clean


1. What makes the air dirty? 什么使空气变脏?

Smoke makes the air dirty.烟雾使空气变脏。

2. What makes the streets messy and dirty? 什么使街道变得又乱又脏?

Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 垃圾使街道变得又乱又脏。

3. What can we do to keep our city clean? 保持我们的城市整洁,我们可以做什么?

We can take the bus and the metro to school. 我们可以乘公共车和地铁上学。


(龚培福)Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.


We can walk to school. 我们可以走路上学。

We can move some factories away from our city. 我们可以把一些工厂搬离我们的城市。

We can put rubbish in the bin. 我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾桶。

We can plant more trees. 我们种更多的树。



plant—种植/Id/ move—移动,搬 slip—滑倒

make--made制造 throw—扔 put—put 放

/e/ 保持 sweep—/e/ 扫 fall—/e/ 摔倒


1、smoke烟雾 2、rubbish 垃圾

3、air 空气 water 水 We need clean air and water.


1. make+宾语+形容词

make our city beautiful使我们的城市变得漂亮 make the room messy把房间弄乱

make me angry 使我生气 make her sad 让她伤心

make him happy 让他开心 make the room clean 使得房间变得干净

2. keep+宾语+形容词

keep it clean 使它保持干净 keep the room warm 使房间保持温暖

keep the children quiet 使孩子们保持安静 keep the school clean使学校保持干净

3. 情态动词can/can’t/should/shouldn't +动词原形

You shouldn‟t do that! 你不应该那样做!

You should put your rubbish in the bin. 你应该把垃圾放进垃圾桶。

We can take the bus or the metro to the factories. 我们可以乘公交或者地铁去工厂。

4. fish


如:one fish一条鱼 two fish两条鱼 many fish许多鱼



如:have some fish 吃些鱼


如:go fishing去钓鱼 like fishing 喜欢钓鱼


can—could 能,可以 shall将会—should应该,将会

will将会—would愿意,将会 may—might 可以 must—must 必须


(龚培福)Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.


5.make (过去式)made throw (过去式)threw slip(过去式)slipped

fall(过去式)fell keep(过去式)kept

6. Keep our city clean 保持城市清洁。(keep + sth. +形容词)

Keep +复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)表示“保持某人或某物的某种状态”。本句中的宾语补足语是形容词。又如:

Please keep your clothes clean.请保持衣服干净。

Put on this pair of gloves. They will keep your hands warm.把手套戴上。手套可以保暖。

7. What makes our city dirty? 什么让我们的城市变脏了?(make + sb/sth+ 形容词) Make+复合宾语(名词或代词+形容词)表示“使„„变得„„”。如:

Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 垃圾使街道变得又脏又乱。

Fruit can make us healthy and strong. 水果可以使我们健康强壮。

注意:make前是特殊疑问词what, who, which等作主语时,这些疑问词相当于第三人称单数,所以一般现在时谓语动词make加s。

8. What can we do to keep our city clean? 为保持我们的城市清洁,我们可以做些什么呢? 此句中的to keep our city clean 是不定式短语,作状语,用以说明what can we do 的目的。又如:Tina’s friends come to see her.蒂娜的朋友来看她。

9. They help keep the air clean. 它们(树)有助于保持空气洁净。

此句中的keep the air clean也是动词不定式,作help的宾语。接在help 后的动词不定式,通常省略to,尤其在非正式用语和口语中。如:

Can you help (to)open the window?你能帮忙打开窗子吗?

Let me help (to) sweep the floor. 让我来帮忙扫地吧。

10. Pick it up. 把它捡起来。

Pick up 是个由动词加副词构成的短语动词。 在这类动词中,如果有宾语,可以将宾语放在副词前面,也可以将宾语放在副词后面。如:


Pick up the banana skin. Pick the banana skin up.


Put the coat on. Put on the coat.

但如果宾语是人称代词,就必须将它放在这副词前面。 如:

Pick it up. Put it on.

11. Billy goes to hospital. 比利去医院看病。

表示“去医院看病”时,英国英语是go to hospital, 而美国英语则是go to the hospital。 如: 你应该去医院看病。

You should go to hospital.(英国英语) You should go to the hospital. (美国英语) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

2. He starts (dance).

3. We use wood make)things.

4. The little girl drink)many drinks yesterday.


(龚培福)Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.


5. I not visit)the Place Museum, because I was ill.

6. What can we do 7. It’__( you) turn to clean the classroom.

8. It was _____(smoke).

10.Mr Black (clean)the car tomorrow.


1. 请不要把你的狗带入书店。

Please don’2. 我们可以把一些工厂从我们的城市搬走。

our city.

3. 我们怎样才能再利用这些东西呢?

____________ can we reuse these ___________ ?

4. 这个故事令我兴奋不已。

I _______ _______ ______ the story.

5. 什么使你如此开心。

What __________you so ___________ .

6. 躺着读书对我们的眼睛有害。

__________in bed is __________ __________ our eyes.

完形填空 。

We know a lot about different walk the grass(草). We should in the classroom. The sign „Danger‟ we other places(地方), we shouldn’t things. In the library or reading room, we should read books ( ) 1. A. public sign B. publics sign C. public signs

( ) 2. A. mean B. means C. meaning

( ) 3. A. things B. the thing C. thing

( ) 4. A. should B. can C. can‟t

( ) 5. A. in B. on C. to

( ) 6.A. be quiet B. make noise C. keep off the grass

( ) 7.A. is mean B. mean C. means

( ) 8. A.must B. can C. shouldn‟t

( ) 9. A. litter B. no littering C. touch

( ) 10. A. quiet B. quietly C. be quiet

There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self.这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。


(龚培福)Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.




New Frontier English Training Center 6A

Unit 1 The king’s new clothes


Story time

long long ago 很久以前 make new clothes 做新衣服

visit the king 拜访国王 try on试穿

show the king his new clothes 向国王展示他的新衣服 magic clothes 有魔力的衣服 walk through the city 走过城市

clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人

in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服【译林版6年级上册英语书新版】

wear some clothes 穿着一些衣服

look at 看… point at king 指着国王 want to do 想要去做… laugh at 嘲笑

Fun time-Sound time

fit well 很合适 at half past four 在四点半【译林版6年级上册英语书新版】

Cartoon time –Checkout time

play game 玩游戏 each student 每一个学生

one sentence 一个句子

on the mountain 在山上 the next sentence下一个句子

live in the house (住在房子里)


think hard 认真的想

have to(不得不,有人称,时态,以及数的变化)

start the story aga重新开始这个故事 in front of 在…的前面


pick a flower采了一朵花 live with 和…居住在一起 be nice to her 对她很友好 live in 住在…

walk by走过 look after 照顾 turn into 变成


1. Long long ago, there was a king.

2. The two men show the king his new clothes.

3. They looked at the king and shouted.

4. The little boy pointed at the king and laughed.

5. Clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them.

6. There was a lot of people in the street.

7. The king walk through the city in his clothes.

8. The king isn’t wearing any clothes.

9. Come to my party at half past four in the park.





1. be动词的一般过去时

主语+be (was / were) +其他

2. 实义动词的一般过去时,

主语+动词(过去时) + 其他


Unit 2 What a day!


in the morning 在早上 a parrot show 一场鹦鹉秀

by bike 骑自行车 in the sky 在天空里 fly a kite 放风筝 well done 干得好 be time for lunch是午饭的时间 go to the park 去公园 some interesting parrots 一些有趣的鹦鹉 become windy and cloudy 变得有风而且多云

some honey and bread 一些蜂蜜和面包

eat lunch 吃午饭 black clouds in the sky天空中满是乌云

look sad看起来难过 lose my new kite 我的新风筝丢了 climb up the hill爬上山 can’t hold onto it 没抓住它

fly high飞的高 fly away飞走了 near the hill 在山附近 want to know想知道


1. Then, the weather become windy and cloudy.

2. 主语+was / were…

It was rainy.

It was funny in the morning.

3. 主语+V-ed(动词过去式)

I lost my new bike.

We climbed up the hill.

We saw some interesting parrots.

4. You look sad. What’s the matter?

5. I found it near the hill.


1. 直接加ed. eg: laugh-laughed, look-looked

2. 以不发音的e结尾的动词,直接加d, eg: like-liked, live-lived

3. 不规则动词需特殊记忆,eg: am/is-was, are-were,

4. 以辅音字母接y结尾的动词,先将y变为I,再加ed,eg: study-studied, try-tried

5. 以辅音+元音+辅音或r音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,先双写这个辅音字母再加ed. eg: stop-stopped, shop-shopped


六上 Unit 5 Signs单元知识整理(1)

班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字__________


sign 标识 shopping centre购物中心 careful 小心,当心

mean 意思是 floor 地面 around在......周围

litter乱扔垃圾 restaurant 餐厅,饭店 someone 某人

smoke吸烟,抽烟 smell 闻到 outing远足,外出游玩


1.go in 进入,走进 2.walk on继续走路3. take... into带入

4.No eating or drinking. 请勿饮食5.No littering. 请勿乱扔垃圾

6.No parking. 请勿停车7.No smoking. 请勿吸烟8.Danger! 危险!9.Wet floor. 小心地滑10.at a shopping centre 在购物中心

11. be careful 当心,小心 12. a juice shop 一家果汁店

13. Here’s a sign. 这里有个标志。14.want to go in 想要进入

15.take your juice into the shop 把你的饮料带入商店16.in a restaurant 在饭店里【译林版6年级上册英语书新版】

17. eat some noodles 吃些面条 18. smell the smoke 闻到烟味

19. say to the girl 对女孩21. in the forest 在森林里

22. call the metro “underground”称地铁为“underground”

23. feel tired and hungry 感到又累又饿24. No pets allowed. 禁止带宠物。

25. find a sign on a tree 在树上发现一个标志

26.see a lot of monkeys around them看见很多猴子围着他们

27.be on an outing 远足


What does it mean? It means...它是什么意思?意思是„„

No eating or drinking. It means you can’t eat or drink here.

请勿饮食。 它的意思是你不能吃和喝。

No littering. It means you can’t litter here.

请勿乱扔垃圾。 它的意思是你不能在这儿扔垃圾。

No parking. It means you can’t park the car here.

请勿停车。 它的意思是你不能在这儿停车。

No smoking. It means you can’t smoke here.

请勿吸烟。 它的意思是你不能在这儿吸烟。

Danger! It means you should stay away from it.

危险! 它的意思是你应该远离这儿。

Wet floor. It means the floor is wet.

小心地滑。 它的意思是地面湿滑。

No pets. It means you can’t take your pet with you.

请勿携带宠物。 它的意思是你不能携带宠物入内。

School crossing. It means there is a school nearby.Slow down.

学校路口。 它的意思是附近有学校,请减速慢行。


No shouting. It means you can’t shout here.

请勿大声喧哗。 它的意思是你不能在这儿喧哗。

Keep off the grass. It means you can’t walk on the grass.

请勿践踏草坪。 它的意思是你不能踩草坪。

No picking. It means you can’t pick here.

请勿采摘。 它的意思是不能在这儿采摘。

No feeding. It means you can’t feed the animals.

请勿喂食。 它的意思是你不能给动物喂食。

No climbing. It means you can’t climb the tree.

请勿攀爬。 它的意思是你不能爬树。

No running. It means you can’t run here.

请勿奔跑。 它的意思是你不能在这儿奔跑。

No touching. It means you can’t touch it.

请勿触摸。 它的意思是你不能摸这个地方。


What does it mean?它表示什么意思?

It means the floor is wet.它意思是地是湿的。

It means you can’t litter here.它意思是你不能在这儿乱扔垃圾。


No smoking.请勿吸烟。 No+doing


Be careful,Tim!小心,蒂姆!

Do you want some juice?你想要些果汁吗?

Helen wants to go in.海伦想进去。

Is someone smoking?有人在吸烟吗?

I can smell it.我能问到它。

Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest.博比和萨姆在森林里游玩。


1、at a shopping centre的用法

Mike,Helen and Tim are at a shopping centre.迈克,海伦和蒂姆在一个购物中心。at a shopping centre 表示“在一个购物中心”,有时也会说成in a shopping centre,但这两个短语是有区别的。at所指范围不太明确,at a shopping centre表示“在购物中心附近”,可能在里面,也可能在旁边,或在外边。而in a shopping centre则明确表示“在购物中心里面”。例如:We are shopping in a shopping centre.我们正在一个购物中心里购物。

另外,at通常指在一个小的地方,如at home,at the station等,in一般指在大地方,如in Nanjing等。

2、be careful的用法:意思是“小心”,结构为“be+形容词”。

3、then用法:(1)then是副词,表示“然后;其次;接着”。如:First comes spring,then summer.春天先来到,接着是夏天。(2)表示“那时,当时;到那时,届时(指注意:字体加粗的部分为知识点的扩展补充及知识点的重点强调。

将来)”。如:We lived in the countryside then.我们那时住在乡村。(3)表示“那么,就(常用于句首或句尾)”。如:Then,let’s begin!那么,让我们开始吧!(4)表示“而且,此外,还有,再者”。如:And then there are other things to do.而且还有其他的事要做。(5)与now,sometimes等连用,表示“(一会儿.......)一会儿又”。如:Now the weather is fine,then cloudy.天一会儿晴,一会儿又阴。

4、Want用法:“want+名词”表示“想要......”,want后面可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。want sth也可以用would like sth表示。“want to do sth”表示“想做某事”,也可以用would like to do sth来表示。

5、some的用法:some用于疑问句中表示建议、请求或者希望得到肯定的回答。如:Would you like soome coffee with sugar?你要一些加糖的咖啡吗?注意:some一般情况下用于肯定句中,意思是:“几个;一些”,作定语时可修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。

6、or的用法:It means you can’t eat or drink there.它意思是你不能在这儿吃喝。or在这里用于否定句中代替and,or还可以用于疑问句中代替and,如:Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有一些兄弟和姐妹吗?除此之外,or还表示选择,意为:“或,还是”,如:Would you prefer tea or coffee?,还可表示“否则”,如:Come on,or we’ll be late.快点,否则我们要迟到了。

7.我正在寻找我的香蕉。 I’m looking for my bananas.

寻找:look for (表示“找”的过程,是动作)

找到:find (表示“找“的结果)

I am looking for my pencil. But I can’t find it.


①以No开头的,表示禁止做某事,后面动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming; ②以don't或者do not开头的,也表示禁止做某事,不过后面动词要用原形,如:Do not touch;

③以动词原形开头的,如:Be quiet.


①would,shouldn't,can,may都是情态动词:would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth, shouldn't表示不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事;



④变成否定句,在后面加not,有的可以缩写:should not=shouldn't. can not=can't would not=wouldn't

9. 在一个购物中心 at a shopping centre 去购物 go shopping

10. 小心.Be careful ! (careful是形容词,它的名词是care,照顾某人:take care of 注意:字体加粗的部分为知识点的扩展补充及知识点的重点强调。


11. 看见一个标志 see a sign 看这个标志look at the sign

12. 你能(做)…吗?Can you+ 动词原形?

13. 一个果汁店 a juice shop 两个果汁店 two juice shops

14.你想要一些果汁吗? Do you want some juice?

两种特殊类型问句里, “一些”仍然用some a) 向别人要东西 b) 想别人提供东西

15. 这里有一个标志。 Here’s a sign. ( Here’s = Here is 这里是)

16. There be 句型 里的 there be 就翻译成“有”,

17. 海伦想走进去。Helen wants to go in. (一般现在时,主语“Helen” 是单数,want 要加s

进入: go in 想要做某事: want to do sth.

18. 把…带人…take … into…

19. 现在进行时: 主语+ Be+ 动词ing

20. 吃一些面条 eat some noodles 13. 在一家饭店里 in a restaurant

21. 有人在抽烟吗? Is someone smoking? ( someone, everyone, anyone等不定代词,看成单数,动词用三单。)

22. 我能闻到它。I can smell it. ( smell 的过去式 smelled, 或者 smelt)

23. 请不要在这里抽烟。 Please don’t smoke here.

此句是祈使句,动词原形开头,省略主语you. 否定句在句首加Don’t

24. 字母组合ir 在单词里的发音 大多都是 [ 3:] .

25. 对某人说 say to sb (say的过去式 said)

26. 地铁 metro (在UK 叫 underground, 在 US 叫 subway )

27. 叫某人/某物 … call sb …. 在外出游玩 be on an outing

28. 在森林里 in the forest

29. 该做…了。 / 到…的时间了。 It is time for + 名词。= It is time to + 动词原形是吃午饭的时间了。It is time for lunch. = It is time to have lunch.

30. 鲍比感到又累又饿。Bobby feels tired and hungry. (感觉 feel ,通常后面跟形容词,翻译汉语带“的”的词,就是形容词, 如果是“地”就是副词)

31.我午饭带来一些。I brought some for lunch. ( some 就是some bananas) 把某物带给某人 bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth. (从远带到近处)

把某物带去某人 take sth to sb. = take sb. sth. ( 从近处带去远处) take …away

32. 给sam 一个香蕉 give Sam a banana= give a banana to Sam

给某人某物 give sb sth = give sth. to sb

33. 你想要一个吗? Do you want one? ( one 代替可数名词单数)

34. 继续走 walk on

35. 在树上 on the tree (本身长出来的) in the tree (外来物)

36 看见它们周围有很多猴子 see a lot of monkeys around them

37. No + 动词ing = Don’t + 动词原形

No parking. = Don’t park. No smoking. = Don’t smoke. No littering. = Don’t litter.




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