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编辑:huangtingting  成考报名   发布时间:07-10    阅读:








  Good afternoon, everyone:

  It was so nice to meet everybody this term and I am so happy to learn English with all of you. Although we have known each other for half a year, we don’t know each other very well, because we could only meet on Sundays. How time flies! We are going to graduate today. There may not be a chance to study together again, so I’d like to introduce myself to you.

  I’m feely,I was born in a beautiful small village. There are four brothers and sisters in my family and I’m the second. when I was a child, my family was poor. At that time, my biggest dream was to leave the country and see the outside world. When I grew up, I finally left my hometown and went to the city to work and live.

  At first, I enjoyed the city life very much, because the life in the city is very colorful and rich. I was full of interest and curiosity. But I slowly felt that the life and work in the city were not as easy as I thought. It’ s also full of competition and challenges. If we don’t work hard, we may lose our jobs ,so we have to live under great pressure.

  Living in a fast-paced environment, we get ourselves in great tension every day. We are becoming busier and busier with work and life.We hardly have time to enjoy life or relax ourselves. We often feel stressed out.

  However, life still has to go on and work still needs to be done. We can’t change the environment around us. What we can change is only ourselves and the way of thinking. Let me summarize my speech today with one popular sentence from the Internet: Life is not only the struggling in front of you, but the beauty and dream as well. You know, tomorrow is another day.

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