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五年级六班 :方清卓 指导老师:黄群 我有一个美丽的梦想,它让我有了前进的动力,也让我的生活更加绚丽多彩;它为我指引人生的道路,那就是我的英语梦。 当我还是一个懵懂的小孩时,经常看见电视里一些黄头发,高鼻子的人,手舞足蹈“叽哩哇啦”地说着“奇妙”的语言。我十分羡慕,我想,如果我也可以像他们那样说着与众不同的语言,那我的同学一定会对我刮目相看。懂事后,有一次,我和母亲去机场买票,这时,迎面走来一个漂亮的金发姐姐,她兴奋地向我挥挥手,热情地对我说:“Hi.”我立刻愣住了,不知该如何回答她,出于礼貌,我只能尴尬地笑着给她点点头,立刻转身跑开了。在家里父亲经常给我说:“我小时候,就因为没有好好学习英语,结果与大学擦肩而过,现在上班了有时候外文资料我真是一筹莫展”。说完以后爸爸重重地叹了一口气,“你千万不能再偏科,要认真对待每一个科目。”我听了若有所思,心中埋下了一颗梦想的种子。


我敢去那个曾经让我“丢脸”的地方了,现在我看见黄头发,高鼻子的人,我就会主动地跑过去,微笑着向他们挥挥手,自信地说:“ hello! how are you?”和他们交谈一些基本的话语,最后他们都会吃惊地瞪大眼睛,然后用生硬的普通话,不,是重庆话说;“小妹妹,你-了-不起,good”。在班上我也时不时的露两手,同学们都非常羡慕我,赞扬着我,同学们甜蜜的语言听得我心里飘飘然的。由于我只顾自己的炫耀,忽略了学习,我的成绩一下就下降了,我也不在是他们心中的“偶像”了,背后还悄悄议论我:“瞧,什么英语天才呀!”哈哈••“我怎么看起来像笨蛋呀!”我听了无地自容,恨不得立刻找个地缝钻进去。我垂头丧气的走回了家,父亲似乎看穿了我的心思,拍了拍我的肩膀说:“孩子,你要明白‘谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后’这个道理,知识可以给你带来快乐,但是学到的知识不是用来炫耀的,而是用来长大后更好地为社会做出贡献,学习是无止境的”。我听后,总结了自己的原因:太骄傲,尝到了甜头就不再努力。从此以后,父亲的教诲时常在我耳边想起。


我一直坚信:As long as we work,dreams will come true.(只要坚持努力,梦想就会实现)。



Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen: With great honor to stand here,in front of you,Today my topic is 《my dream of china》 ! When I was born, my parents told me, I am a Chinese, is a descendant of Huang, inheritors of Chinese culture.When I gr0w up, my grandpa tells me, China has an area of 9,600,000 square kilometers, which is alike a head of cock to stand in the east of the world .From now on ,these two words with shining golden light -----" China", memorizing in my heart with the print of eternal record. When I began to go to school, hoping the The Five-Starred Red Flag rises in the sky gradually, filled up with the kindness in my heart, filled up with heavenliness , and filled up with my profound love to her. Along with the age,I knew that what had happened to my motherland and her scar is filled with clusters of exertion ,with her struggle without stops. In all developed nations for now, the speed of the fastest developed country is not as nearly as China, why?Because there is a great Communist Party in China, because the socialism is a great progress in society, it has the strong vitality and great prospects.Take a wide view of the history , take a view of the world-wide locations, the thriving source of vitality that a performance of socialism has come out, who can match with it? Needless to say,the communist leads the Chinese people to stand up, and needless to say China feeds 7% of the land in world to share 22% of the population in the world, needless to say ,our comprehensive national strength is strong in the whole world , only in a city,for example, looking at the buildings of the row upon row, you have to admire the Communist Party of China leads Chinese people to obtain the achievement that the whole world focus on,which is a shock. The development of China make the world shock, also being good enough to conceive the people of this world , otherwise why most nations support one inside country policy, why Chinese can resist financial crisis …… all these explains a point- China is increasing.As the country is strong, so someone predict THAT THE 21 centuries will be in the Chinese world.I firmly believe that THE Communist Party will lead our country to stand itself in the world! When the five starred red flag rises IN Beijing OLYMPIC GAMES last year gradually, the emotional and clear national anthem rings out in the ear side, I have a kind of impulse, a kind of sacred feeling, a kind of surge in emotion, which I can't express myself in this speech .Because the pride and solemn is called----”My Chinese heart".I’m a Chinese! Let us use our hands to make up the future of our country more and more prosperous!Dear friends,as a member of QTUQC,LET US work together TO build up the more brilliant FUTURE,AND MAKE IT more glorious!Finally,Let us sing the song together: 《 Love my China 》!

各位老师,各位同学: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《爱我中华》! 当我呀呀学语的时候,爸爸妈妈告诉我,我是一个中国人,是炎黄的子孙,龙的传人。懂事的时候,爷爷告诉我,拥有960万平方公里,像一头雄鸡傲立于世界东方的大国就是中国。从此“中国”这两个金光闪闪的大字,在我的心中烙上了永恒的印记。 上学后,望着鲜艳的五星红旗在空中冉冉升起,我的心中就装满了亲切,装满了神圣,也装满了对祖国妈妈那份深深的爱。随着年龄的增长我才慢慢知道发生在祖国母亲身上所有的故事,才知道她的伤痕累累和自强不息。 在现在所有的发达国家中,发展最快的国家其发展速度也远不及中国,为什么?因为中国有伟大的中国共产党,因为社会主义相对于资本主义是一个伟大的进步,它有着强大的生命力和远大的前途。无论纵观历史上下,还是横观世界各地,社会主义中国所表现出来的勃勃生机,谁能与之抗衡? 且不说共产党带领中国人民站起来了,且不说中国以占世界7%的土地养活了占世界22%的人口,也不说综合国力由最后到世界前茅,单单是站在一个城市中,看着鳞次栉比的楼群,你就不能不为中国共产党领导下的中国人民取得的举世瞩目的成就所震撼。回想五十多年前那破旧的茅草屋,那战后的废墟,那成百万、上千万的流浪的人群,处处荒凉,处处萧条,处处冷清,凛凛的寒风吹着那屋顶上夭折的干草,面对着眼前这样的情景,谁又能想到几十年后就在这废墟上建起了一座座高楼大厦呢?于是,楼上楼下已不再是幻想,电灯电话也早已变成现实。中国的发展使世界震惊,也足以让世人折服,不然为什么中国能取得联合国的合法席位,为什么大多数国家支持一个中国政策,为什么中国能抵挡住亚洲金融危机„„这一切不都在说明一个问题——中国正日益强大吗?正因为强大,所以有人预言21世纪将是中国的世界„„这些成就怎能不让人心动、震惊。十六届四中全会的召开,中国共产党人以清醒、深厚、高度的历史自觉,通过丰富执政能力的内涵,在执政理念、政治方略、执政体制、执政方式等方面都实现了重大突破,为中国共产党紧紧抓住改革发展的关键时期,切实肩负起执政兴国这一伟大使命奠定了坚实的基础,执政走出了一条新路。继续领导我国屹立于世界先进民族之林。 当五星红旗在北京奥运会会场上冉冉升起,激昂、嘹亮的国歌在耳畔响起,我有一种冲动,一种神圣的感觉,一种心潮澎湃。不,我说不清楚,那是一种无法用言语表达的感觉。激动、骄傲、自豪、庄严„„都无法表达我的“中国心”。我为我们的体育健儿而自豪,我为国人综合素质的提高而骄傲。但我又想到祖国的未来应当由我们把握时,我又深感责任的重大,尤其作为琴岛学院的一分子,身上的担子更应比别人重,更比别人沉。因此,让我们发奋学习,刻苦钻研,以自己的努力使明天的祖国更加繁荣、富强! 同学们!回顾过去,我们雄心激扬;盛世年华,我们信心百倍;展望未来,我们豪情满怀。同学们努力吧,用我们自己的双手把祖国的明天装扮得更加灿烂,更加辉煌!让我们展开嘹亮的歌喉齐声歌唱《爱我中华》!




My dream (1)

Everyone has a dream, and some people's dream is that when a doctor, police, reporters, actors ...... and my dream is to become a teacher, teacher of the word everyone is familiar with, someone will say what a good teacher is every day to eat chalk. No! If you think you are wrong, the teacher what a sacred profession ah! He is our engineers of human souls.

Some people say, "father as a mountain, maternal Things" is a continuation of the landscape to life. But that life is fragile, pale. What gives life to power? It is what gives life to color? Is love, pure love teacher. Things like the teacher's love scenery, to our intelligence; teacher of love are also deemed as majestic mountains, giving us a sense of security.

The teacher is the key to getting us to open wisdom; teachers are our golden key to open the door to happiness; the teacher is a guide for the voyage of our lives; we played in life is music teacher commander

In a large classroom, a medium build, gray-haired old man, back to the classroom of students. Written in chalk on a blackboard struggling, sweat has soaked the clothes on his back, my eyes hazy. Thought involuntary opened a small difference. Years later, a female college student Normal University graduate, in her leadership of the teacher in the classroom embarked on this sacred pulpit. With their knowledge, give these flowers to irrigate and fertilize future of the motherland. Suddenly the teacher called the students up to answer questions, I just got into the same table to break me, I recovered, when the teacher is just my dream, to realize this dream I have to study hard job knowledge. From now on it for my dream!

Even living the dream to pieces, we also can paste indomitable courage; even today our exile wandering, we have forces can look for direction. It was never discouraged, not abandon, do not give up, can be brilliant one day rise

To the teacher that goal attack!

Sixth grade: Jinchuan Xiong

My dream (2)

Everyone has their own dream, a cute little animal is no exception. But dreams are not the same for everyone, and some people want to be knowledgeable scientists; some people want to be the inventor of mankind; there are those who want to be a dedication of the people's police ...... I also have a simple and common dream is when a teacher.

I think the teacher is a sacred and noble profession; if we are the flowers, the teacher is hard gardener; we are the birds, the teacher is the boundless sky; we are the fish, the teacher is the wide sea ...... from school The first day, we have every day and teachers from morning till evening, and wandering around in the knowledge of the world. Like rain, like the teacher's teaching nourish us,

so that knowledge of brilliant flowers bloom in our hearts.

Two teachers in our class through hard work a semester, the students finally bring them is fruitful. In this case, the teacher feels the warmth flow □ heart, pride wells, was flattered. At this point I feel that a teacher is great.

I think, to be a glorious teacher can teach in life learned on the podium three feet; every day will be able to watch their students grow up happy, that is how happy it desirable! If one day, I became a teacher. Whether students high and low status, I have dedicated my value to them. However, to become a good teacher, I think we should start now, start from every little thing. Develop a gentle, kind, generous good habits; in normal learning and life, self-disciplined and good at discovering the advantages of others, learn from each other; always ready to struggle for the cause of education for life!

A person without a dream, there is no goal, no forward momentum, can not see the road ahead, do not see a bright future. No dream, like a bird without wings, can not fly freely in the sky. Has a dream, let us see hope for the future. Have a dream, there is a half of success. Dream on your own conviction and dedication, to pay hard work, dreams can come true. Therefore, in order to realize this dream, from now on, I want to dream and work hard!

My dream (3)

Everyone has their own dreams, and perhaps more than one, the dream is to make our driving force of progress!

In my heart there is a dream, it is a deeply buried seeds pregnant with my ideal, in my heart take root, sprout.

My dream is to be a writer, like when a child like fairy king Zheng Yuanjie fairy tale writer, since on the school, I more and more like the language of this course, is like one of its reading class, so, reading I found a kind of ideal Fengyun long-buried.

After a year on, gradually understand the composition of charm, class, I was listening to the teacher carefully each segment, when I know the details of this word, I want to understand the written composition, to seize the details to write true feelings. Since then, every time I would find the details of the article, to seize the core article, let my article more exciting. After class, I see extracurricular books, authors understand the content of the article, to accumulate the essence of others, let my article more beautiful.

In four years of study and life, I found my favorite reading classes are - fairy tale, by the fairy king Zheng Yuanjie works attracted me the most attention is that described in the book I am surprised, strange but fresh fairy tale world. Make me into a fairy tale because I've never been the new world, everything makes me feel like an alien into the kingdom. Imagine the future of the story, the story of stationery kingdom imagine that a small member of the owner of the appliance imagine how to

help the owner get rid of bad habits, these fantasies will become a spate of writing ...... Since then, I fell in love with a fairy tale.

Occasionally, I saw in the library of the fairy king Zheng Yuanjie "Pi Pilu" series and "Lu Xixi" series of fairy tales, I liked these two sets of books, and to ensure that I want to be a king like a fairy tale, like Zheng Yuanjie The fairy tale writer.

Language, let me love reading, reading let me write good articles, good articles I read fairy king's work, in short, in my heart, there is a kind of ideal when the writers!

Everyone's dream is different, then your dream, what is it?

I personally believe, dream is the driving force of progress!

My dream (4)

I have a dream that became a traveler. Because the traveler can travel around the world to enjoy the beautiful scenery everywhere.

If I became a traveler, my first place to go is Beijing. Because there is our capital city, it is a place we are all yearning. There, I can see Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace as well as beautiful, I would also like to see Swallow and crape myrtle princess lived in the palace. Of course the most important thing is the 2008 Olympic Games will be held there, Beijing will be more clean beautiful, why do not you see them?

If I became a traveler, my second place to go is Xiaoxing'anling. Because in the text, I know there beautiful scenery, rich natural resources, I really want to take a look swell spring water where the creek, deer in the stream water, the workers in front of the hostel beautiful flowers, but also want the forest Mountains in picking sweet and sour grapes, fragrant and crisp hazelnut and fresh mushrooms and fungus.

If I became a traveler, I'm going to the third place is Hong Kong Disneyland. Every time watching the TV show "Family Story," winner of the family who can go there to play, I envy them. There is a children's paradise, you can go to Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland play, there are many well-known of our children like the cartoon character, we can take their pictures with them.

If I became a traveler, I certainly hope not just on earth sightseeing trip, I also want to go to the moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and so play up the planet, it is possible I will find the rest of mankind on those planets, make more friends too!

Perhaps my dream now seems not easy to achieve, but in the future, maybe in the future I can grow up, I want to learn, create may be my dream!

My dream (5)

In retrospect, my dream is very interesting, and even can be called funny. Four, five, my mother asked me what the future want to grow up? I consider it really the answer to my mother, I want to be a fairy. Cause that some of the kids with "Dan" word group word, someone set "magic pill", which will be lit my fairy dream, crazy thought that one day I wave of the sleeves, the world becomes colorful immediately.

With age, I find that when fairy unaware that my future could eat those goodies, so no longer wanted to be a fairy. Read books, more and more, I will have a princess dream, dreams they will be beautiful Snow White Empress Dowager; selfless mermaid; even life experience poor Cinderella is required. Oh, I'm six years old ah, crazy hair day against comic books. Also bought a princess dress, Zuozhuanyouzhuan the mirror to see if there is no princess elegant dance.

Then, listen to my mother said postdoctoral great degree, the future can have large Offer. As long as the country developed any new products for enterprises made great contributions to the people there as big, then there will be a great amount of research funds, can do what they think something meaningful. Then seen on television Yuan Longping, Qian, Li siguang ...... time, I vowed to become a scientist, as research anything, it did not consider, my mother told I have to learn knowledge, as long as the fundamentals strong, the future all are possible.

Today, I fell in love with a man named "steal Star September day," the comic book, I began to want to be a designer, I hope that I'll be able to design your own comic, and even fashion design, architecture, interior decoration ...... I eight years old this year, and still very far away from my dreams.

I do not know the future will laugh at my idea now, will not think he is now very tricky, but there are people who live the dream was wonderful, no matter how many thorns road ahead, I will strive towards the dream a. Let me dream bright flower it!





My Chinese Dream

YuanMingYuan was started in 1709.It took more than 150 years to build Yuanmngyuan .The great garden shocked the world .Envoys called it “The Garden of Gardens”. The British and French troops broke into the Fort Dagu in

July 1860, shattered the Qing Dynasty feeble defense. On 6th October 1860, the British and French troops stormed the YuanMingYuan, Countless treasures including the 12 bronze statues were pillaged or burned. The fire lasted three days and three nights. This 150 -year-old architectural masterpiece, was burned.

So far, five of the 12 bronze statues were rescued home, they were collected in the Poly Art Museum. It is known that Rat and Rabbit bronze statues are in France in February 2009, Dragon bronze statue is well preserved in Taiwan at present, it will not appear in the short term. But the lost of the Snake, Sheep, Chicken and Dog bronze statues still affects the heart of the global Chinese from all over the world. To retrieve the lost bronze statues is the dream of China.

“As the world becomes more beautiful, more peaceful, China is increasingly powerful, the international status jump to first place in 2050. At this point, the Dragon is also donated by Taiwan to mainland free of charge. While the other four bronze statues also appear in the sale of commercial flavor. The auction is held in France on 5th February. LiZeJu, the son of LiJiaCheng paid 5 billion for the Snake bronze statue. At the same time, The Chinese government explore the effective way to encourage cultural return with a sober and rational attitude, and through peaceful diplomatic policy is one of the most important ways to retrieve the bronze statues among them. Finally, today is a day worthy of Chinese people around the world to celebrate on 21th December 2051. 12 bronze statues were reunited lost in overseas more than one hundred

years. Twelve fountain clocks turn again at HaiYanHall of the old Summer Palace. The Chinese nation will no longer be emotional pricing in the world. Chinese people around the world are all clapping for retrieving the loss of the bronze statues. "

“Jingle bell” the alarm clock rang. Although this is my dream, I believe, retrieving the loss of the bronze statues has also been the dream of all Chinese people around the world. China will definitely make it into a reality, certainly will!







《英语作文 我的梦想》

I Have a Dream

What will our world be like in 20 years? I can’t imagine. It must change a lot. If I meet myself who comes from the future, I will ask her whether my dream comes true or not.

My dream is to become an excellent interpreter. When I was in Grade 1, I began to study English. At that time, I was so excited for learning a new language. Because of English, I know that America is a beautiful and polite country. From then on, I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

Nowadays, English is widely spoken throughout the world. What’s more, plenty of people have realized its importance. In order to make my dream come true, I try my best and work much harder. I start to watch America drama to practice my English. And I also read some English books now. I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can. But the path to the success isn’t smooth. Sometimes I want to give up. But it’s my dream, I can’t give up easily. Shelley said” if winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

On the other hand, with the development of China, more and more people are interested in our culture. Some enjoy Beijing Opera, some study Chinese Kongfu, some even learn to speak Chinese, etc. As a Chinese, of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture. I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America. So if I am an interpreter, I will introduce China to the world. I believe if I work hard enough, my dream will come true.



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