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中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)英语听力频道为大家整理的初一英语听力练习mp3文本,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站英语听力频道。

I 听下列5个对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话读一遍)

  ( )6. A. Because he fell off the bike.

   B. Because his leg is broken.

   C. A and B.

  ( )7. A. Subjects. B. Math. C. English.

  ( )8. A. The man has not listened to Jackson's songs.

   B. The man doesn't like Jackson's songs.

   C. The man needs some CDs.

  ( )9. A. Yellow. B. Purple. C. Orange.

  ( )10. A. She was with her father.

   B. She gave her friend a ring.

   C. She visited her father's friend.


  ( )11. Who called?

   A. A nurse.

   B. A friend of the woman's.

   C. The boy's mother.

  ( )12. Who is the woman calling?

   A. Ambulance. B. Her son. C. The baby.

  ( )13. Why did the woman call?

   A. She was injured.

   B. Her baby had an accident.

   C. She saw an accident.

  ( )14. Who was helping her?

   A. No one. B. Her husband. C. A doctor.

  ( )15. Where did the accident happen?

   A. In the street.

   B. At the woman's home.

   C. In the hospital.

  III. 听短文和短文后的问题,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)

  ( )16. What can we know about one person from his clothes in Britain today?

   A. Health. B. Background. C. Nothing.

  ( )17. What clothes do the upper classes like to wear better?

   A. In red.

   B. In dark colors.

   C. In bright colors.

  ( )18. Who likes to spend lots of money on clothes?

   A. The lower working class people.

   B. The upper class people.

   C. Young people from all social classes.

  ( )19



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