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中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)英语听力频道为大家整理的大学英语听力练习:吃蔬菜的正确时间,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站英语听力频道。

Timing Your Vegetables Right

Veggie Insect Repellent When a vegetable is growing, it protects itself from insects by producing chemical nutrients that make it taste bad or seem repellant to predators. Some of these nutrients—in particular phytochemicals—have been shown to fight cancer in people. What’s more, many vegetables are able to anticipate when insects will attack, and will ramp up its defenses accordingly.

Light Exposure Even after vegetables are harvested and they’re no longer fighting insects, these garden wonders can still be made to produce more nutrients at certain times. This is done by varying a vegetable’s light exposure to simulate the experience of night turning into day. Studies have shown that vegetables stored this way produce more phytochemicals during the light cycle.

So eating vegetables during this golden period means you’re getting more nutritional value!

It’s not yet clear how people might be able to activate these nutrition-packed properties at home. Perhaps simply storing veggies in the dark and then subjecting them to a flash of light is enough to trigger the process. Or it could be more complex. In any case, more research could help us find ways to maximize vegetables’ nutritional benefits. 吃蔬菜的正确时间









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