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今天我们要讲的三个习惯用语都是形容笨手笨脚的人。1. butter-fingersButterfingers是由两个字组成的,一个是butter。Butter就是黄油,另一个字是:fingers。 Fingers就是手指。黄油手指是什么意思呢?你想一想,要是你手上都是黄油,你会感到很油腻,很滑,要抓什么东西也抓不住。所以,美国人就把那些笨手笨脚,经常会拿不住东西,打破,或打坏东西的人称为butterfingers。在美国,你可能会听到人们说:例句-1: Some Americans are all butterfingers the first time they try to pick up and use Asian chopsticks.有些美国人在第一次用亚洲人用的筷子的时候,都是笨手笨脚的。例句-2: Pete's a hard worker. But he has a tough time holding a restaurant job. He's a real butterfingers and keeps spilling dishes when he brings an order to the table.Pete是一个工作很努力的人。但是他很难持续他在饭馆的工作。在上菜的时候,他经常会把菜洒出来,真是笨手笨脚。2. all thumbsThumbs就是大拇指。你可以想象,要是一个人的两只手全是大拇指,那他还能干活吗?当然不行。例句-3: Dick isn't very good using tools around the house. He's all thumbs: when he hammers a nail he's likely to end up hitting his finger instead. And you'd be shocked to hear the bad language he uses when that happens!Dick在家里用工具干活是不太行的。他总是笨手笨脚,当他要敲一个钉子的时候,他往往会敲到他自己的手指上。把自己敲痛了,他就破口大骂,你听了真会吓一跳。例句-4: Sheila won't let me help her clear the dishes after dinner any more after I dropped her favorite plate and broke it. Now she tells our friends I'm all thumbs.上次我把Sheila心爱的盘子打破后,她就不再让我吃完晚饭后洗碗了。她现在告诉我们的朋友我是多么的笨手笨脚。3. two left feetTwo left feet就是两只左脚。我们每个人都有一只右脚和一只左脚。要是一个人有两只左脚的话,那要走路,跑步和跳舞就很别扭了。下面这个例子就是一个人在说他学跳舞的情况。例句-5: In high school I had a hard time learning all the popular dance steps. At first, you know, I felt like I had two left feet. But I kept trying and these days my wife tells me she even enjoys taking a turn around the dance floor with me.念中学的时候,我学那些流行的舞步可真不容易。你知道吗,刚开始的时候,我觉得两只脚真别扭。但是,我不断练习,现在我太太告诉我她还挺高兴和我一起跳舞。例句-6: Hey, what's the matter with you boots! I told you 'always start off on your left foot.' And watching you clowns stumble around, you've all got two left feet!嗨,你们这些新兵是怎么回事呀! 我告诉你们“总是左脚起步


《笨手笨脚bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo》

笨手笨脚bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo 【解释】:动作不灵敏。

蹑手蹑脚niè shǒu niè jiǎo 【解释】:形容放轻脚步走的样子。也形容偷偷摸摸、鬼鬼祟祟的样子。 碍手碍脚ài shǒu ài jiǎo 【解释】:碍:阻碍。妨碍别人做事。

大手大脚dà shǒu dà jiǎo 【解释】:原指人手大,脚大。后多用来形容花钱、用东西不节省。 毛手毛脚máo shǒu máo jiǎo 【解释】:毛:举动轻率。做事粗心,不细致。

指手画脚zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo 【解释】:指说话时做出各种动作。形容说话时放肆或得意忘形。 七手八脚qī shǒu bā jiǎo 【解释】:形容人多手杂,动作纷乱。【示例】:众人~将他扛抬了出来。 手忙脚乱shǒu máng jiǎo luàn 【解释】:形容遇事慌张,不知如何是好。

手舞足蹈shǒu wǔ zú dǎo 【解释】:蹈:顿足踏地。两手舞动,两只脚也跳了起来。形容高兴到了极点。也手乱舞、脚乱跳的狂态。

一手一足yī shǒu yī zú 【解释】:一个人的手足。指单薄的力量。

手足无措shǒu zú wú cuò 【解释】:措:安放。手脚不知放到哪儿好。形容举动慌张,或无法应付。 手足之情shǒu zú zhī qíng 【解释】:手足:比喻兄弟。比喻兄弟的感情。

亲如手足qīn rú shǒu zú 【解释】:象兄弟一样的亲密。多形容朋友的情谊深厚。

情同手足qíng tóng shǒu zú 【解释】:手足:比喻兄弟。交情很深,如同兄弟一样。

手眼通天shǒu yǎn tōng tiān 【解释】:比喻善于钻营,手腕不寻常。【近义词】:神通广大

游手好闲yóu shǒu hào xián 【解释】:指人游荡懒散,不愿参加劳动。

唾手可得tuò shǒu kě dé 【解释】:唾手:往手上吐唾沫。动手就可以取得。比喻极容易得到。 脚踏实地jiǎo tà shí dì 【解释】:脚踏在坚实的土地上。比喻做事踏实,认真。

搬石砸脚bān shí zá jiǎo 【解释】:比喻本来想害别人,结果害了自己。

头重脚轻tóu zhòng jiǎo qīng 【解释】:头脑发胀,脚下无力。形容身体不适。也比喻基础不牢固。 捷足先登jié zú xiān dēng 【解释】:比喻行动快的人先达到目的或先得到所求的东西。

评头论足píng tóu lùn zú 【解释】:原指轻浮地议论妇女的容貌。现也比喻任意挑剔。

中流砥柱zhōng liú dǐ zhù

【解释】:就象屹立在黄河急流中的砥柱山一样。比喻坚强独立的人能在动荡艰难的环境中起支柱作用。 雪中送炭xuě zhōng sòng tàn


外强中干wài qiáng zhōng gān 【解释】:干:枯竭。形容外表强壮,内里空虚。

百发百中bǎi fā bǎi zhòng


旁若无人páng ruò wú rén


旁敲侧击páng qiāo cè jī


袖手旁观xiù shǒu páng guān


责无旁贷zé wú páng dài


里应外合lǐ yìng wài hé


吃里爬外chī lǐ pá wài


内忧外患nèi yōu wài huàn


外圆内方wài yuán nèi fāng


世外桃源shì wài táo yuán


喜出望外xǐ chū wàng wài


置之度外zhì zhī dù wài


举国上下jǔ guó shàng xià


不相上下bù xiāng shàng xià


上窜下跳shàng cuàn xià tiào


上下其手shàng xià qí shǒu


承上启下chéng shàng qǐ xià


纸上谈兵zhǐ shàng tán bīng

【解释】:在纸面上谈论打仗。比喻空谈理论,不能解决实际问题。也比喻空谈不能成为现实。 箭在弦上jiàn zài xián shàng


月下老人yuè xià lǎo rén


等而下之děng ér xià zhī


寄人篱下jì rén lí xià


左道旁门zuǒ dào páng mén


虚左以待xū zuǒ yǐ dài


无出其右wú chū qí yòu


左右逢源zuǒ yòu féng yuán


左顾右盼zuǒ gù yòu pàn





《笨手笨脚 Bungle》是一款非常有意思的休闲游戏。在游戏中玩家要根据节拍准确的点击屏幕,帮助游戏人物顺利完成各种动作。游戏非常考验玩家的反应能力,越往后游戏的速度会越快,你能坚持多久呢?喜欢的玩家你还在等什么,赶快下载游戏试试吧! 【基本信息】 作者:Ghost Crab Games 更新时间:2015-06-11 版本:1.5.1 系统:Android 2.3以上 语言:英文








jǐng  tì      chí  xù      tān  lán     qǐ  shì     fân  nù   jiàn kāng(        )  (         )  (         )  (         )  (         ) (         )  dīng zhǔ    zī   shì      huǎng  hū    bēi  cǎn     cháo shī gǔ wǔ(        ) (         )   (         )  (         ) (         )  (         )


1、与“珍惜”意思相近的词语是(     )。 A.珍贵 B.爱惜 C.爱护

2、与“喜欢”意思相反的词语是(     )。 A.讨厌 B.厌恶 C.憎恨

3、从对面走过来(     )个人,一边走一边谈话。 A.两 B.二 C.俩

6、选ABB式后两个音节:软(     ) A.绵绵 B.洋洋 C.乎乎

7、认识病句:这是晴朗的一个夜晚。(     )

A.用词不当 B.词序颠倒 C.意思不完整

8、下面这句话犯了啰嗦的毛病,应该删除(     )。

我在光明小学学习,到现在已经有三年了。 A.学习 B.到现在 C.已经有

9、小文抿着嘴,弓着腰,蹑手蹑脚地,一步一步慢慢地靠近它。靠近了,靠近了!只见她(     )将右手伸向蝴蝶„„ A.悄悄地 B.慢慢地 C.稳稳地

10、霞光中,山溪丁冬,鸟雀鸣叫,鱼群戏水;霞光中,露珠儿滴翠,花苞儿含笑;霞光中,鸡鸭扑翅,牛羊撒欢,炊烟袅袅„„ 这段话写了(     )种景物。

A.8 B.9 C.10


千年老树为衣架,。 不怕无能,。眼看千遍,。

取长(   )(   )  一丝(   )(   ) 精益(    )(    ) 日积(    )(    )如饥(   )(   )  持之(   )(   ) 

四、照样子,给下列句子加上适当的词语,使句子意思更具体。(4分)例:我们建设家乡。 我们建设(可爱的)家乡。









(  )开始,海的远处是一片雾。

(   )一转眼,鲜红的太阳跳了出来,射出了万道金光。

(   )老师带着我们在海滩上等候日出。

(   )我们迎着初升的太阳欢呼起来。

(   )接着,东方越来越亮,天边的云慢慢地红了,太阳露出了头。


耸立  挺立  激烈  强烈  寂静  安静  节省  节约

1、由于水资源缺乏,所以我们要(          )用水。

2、战斗正在(          )地进行着。

3、夜晚,校园里一片(          )。

4、雄伟的人民英雄纪念碑(          )在天安门广场。



大哥说话先脱帽,二哥说话先用刀,三哥说话先喝水,四哥说话雪花飘。大哥:   二哥:   三哥:   四哥:


《爬天都峰》《美丽的小兴安岭》《一个小村庄的故事》《富饶的西沙群岛》谷的小象》 《难忘的八个字》     《曼




这则童话通过________________________说明了________________________ 。(4分)





“返老还童?”流浪汉抬头将老人打量了一番,“扑通”一声跪下,苦苦哀求,“假如再给我一个青春,我一定从头学起,做一个勤奋好学的人!”“好吧!”时光老人说完便消失了     惊呆了的流浪汉低头一看,自己变成一个十来岁的少年,肩上还背着书包呢。

     他想起自己刚才的话,便向自己熟悉的一所小学走去。路上他看见几个孩子在玩玻璃球,他不觉手痒了,也挤进去玩了起来。他仍然按老样子生活,到了老年,他又懊悔的痛哭起来。正巧,又碰到时光老人。他“扑通”一声跪下,哀求时光老人再给他一个青春。“我做了件蠢事!”时光老人冷笑说:“给你再多的青春,你也不会得到真正的生命。”   时光老人那么生气。从此,他给每个人的时间都一样,谁也别想多得一分一秒! 

1、“返”用部首查字法,查(    )部,再查(     )画。(1分)








     有一 天,班上的同学排演一出话剧,不料,在演出前,扮演主角的学生突然病了,大家发起愁来。"我很熟悉这个角色,就让我来演吧。"突然,维克托自告奋勇地说。同学们立刻转忧为喜,都从心里感激他。





   "这样重要的事情怎么可以忘记?"不管男同学还是女同学都提高了嗓门责备他。    同学们气愤极了,大家约定在两个月之内,谁都不理睬维克托。



①自己主动地要求担当某项任务。(    )

②像没有那回事一样。 (      )









辩(    ) 建(    ) 踮(    ) 波(    ) 状(    )辫(    ) 健(    ) 惦(    ) 坡(    ) 壮(    )急(    ) 邻(    ) 抱(    ) 跳(    ) 熊(    )疾(    ) 领(    ) 跑(    ) 逃(    ) 能(    )

二、选择正确解释的序号填在( )里。(8分)


1、中国人并不比外国人笨。 (  ) 2、他显得笨手笨脚。  (  )意思:①指意义、含义。②指趣味。③指意见,愿望。

1、你这句话是什么意思。      (  )

2、这棵柏树长得像座宝塔,真有意思。(  )


     温暖    温和

1、听了他热情的话,我心里感到一阵(     )。

2、李老师说话时态度亲切,语气(     ),大家都喜欢她。

   耐心   细心   虚心

1、做算术题特别要(     ),不然容易出错。

2、帮助别人要有(     ),听取别人意见要(   )。


 贫穷(     ) 落后(     ) 失败(     )

 同意(     ) 安全(     ) 安静(     )


 抽出(     )    商量(     )   朗读(     ) 打扫(     )    观看(     )   (     )的羽毛 (     )的眼睛   (     )的贝壳  (     )的树林


松鼠是一种美丽的小动物。它玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。崐一身灰褐色的毛,光滑得好像搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格崐外漂亮。八、作文 (20分)




1 somebody's cup of tea

英国人对茶情有独钟,无论什么饮品都代替不了茶在他们心中的位置。因此somebody's cup of tea指的就是to be something that one prefers or desires 对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西。

例句:Football/Opera/Chemistry is not his cup of tea. 足球/歌剧/化学可不是他的爱好。 This spy novel is just my cup of tea. 这本侦探小说正对我的胃口。

2 At sixes and sevens

一看到这个短语,聪明的读者可能立刻联就想到汉语中类似的表达如『乱七八糟』、『七上八下』、『七零八落』等等,这些词语大多都是杂乱无章乱糟糟之意。说来人类思维还真有相通的成份,作为思维载体的语言就表现出在表达上的相似性,英语中以数字组成的词语也有相似的含意。at six and sevens 的英文释义为:not in order; in confusion; in a mess,和汉语中的『七零八落 』、『乱七八糟』如出一辄。例如:

They held a party last night and everything was at sixes and sevens when the guests left.



It's far from the only authorities who are at sixes and sevens on this problem.


After the captain of the team broke his leg, the other players were at sixs and sevens.


The menbers couldn't come to an agreement. They were at sixes and sevens.


3 Jekyll and hyde

Jekyll and Hyde 是英国作家 Stevenson 的作品,是一部脍炙人口的经典小说。书中的主角是善良的 Jekyll,他将自己当作实验对象,结果却导致人格,变成夜晚会转为邪恶 Hyde 的双重人格。Jekyll and Hyde这部着作曾经被拍成电影、编成音乐剧,流传十分广泛,使得 Jekyl land Hyde 成为“双重人格”的代称。

Jekyll and Hyde 杰科尔与海德

single person with two personalities, one good (Jekyll) and one bad (Hyde) 有善恶双重人格的人

[例] I'd never have expected him to behave like that;he's a real Jekyll and Hyde. 我从来没有想到他会那样,他真是有善恶双重人格。

由来:此语(又可说成 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)出自英国作家斯蒂文森(Stevenson)的著名小说《化身博士》(The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,886)。主角Jekyll医生为探求人心之善恶,发明变身药并以自己为试验,结果创造出一个化身 Mr. Hyde,而 Jekyll 把身上所有的恶给 Hyde,自己则保有善。后来此故事成为双重人格或双面人的代名词。

4 a storm in a tea cup

这是18世纪法国哲学家孟德斯鸠的一句名言。有一次他听说圣马力诺发生了一场骚乱,就用了a storm in a tea cup这个比喻来形容整个事件。圣马力诺是欧洲最小的共和国,人口稀少,因此孟德斯鸠认为那里的骚乱对整个欧洲局势无关紧要。If someone exaggerates a problem or makes a small problem seem far greater than it really is, then they are making a storm in a teacup. 顾名思义,“茶杯里的风暴”自然算不得什么大事,所以就被用来表示“小题大做,大惊小怪”的意思。

例句:That couple often quarrel, but it is a storm in a tea cup. 那对夫妻经常吵架,没


Storm in a teacup是大惊小怪的英式英语表达,美式英语的说法是tempest in a teapot。此外,

大惊小怪相似的说法还有:a storm in a cream-bowl,a tempest in a glass of water,a storm in a hand-wash basin.

5 英语里称呼大拇指为thumb。五指相互配合会很灵活,那要是五个都是大拇指呢?就会是非常不灵光了。英语里的all(fingers and ) thumbs表示的就是“笨手笨脚”的意思,

6 To let one‟s hair down is an idiom used to describe letting go of your inhibitions or to behave casually or informally. For instance when two sisters meet up they would let their hair down and discuss all their problems. The expression dates back to the 17th century when letting one‟s hair down was a common part of daily life. Hair, in those days, was normally pinned up and let down for washing or brushing.

7 Reader question: In this sentence – Traditional newspapers and magazines are going to the dogs – what does “going to the dogs” mean exactly?

My comments: Have you ever taken food from a restaurant?

Waiters and waitresses wrap it up into little boxes for you to take away with and those boxes are called “doggy bags”. Why? Because presumably when people first started asking for the bags, they said they wanted to take the food they couldn‟t eat to feed their dogs at home.

Presumably because leftover food wasn‟t considered fit for people but were good for their best friend.

Anyways, that‟s the literal meaning of “going to the dogs”, an age-old American (I think) idiom widely used on both sides of the Atlantic.

Figuratively, the idiom can be used on people or businesses. If a person is said to be going to the dogs, he‟s suffering either poor health, financial trouble or some other dire situation.

In the case of newspapers and magazines going to the dogs, it means that in face of growing competition from online, the traditional print media are losing customers, some even facing bankruptcy. For example, the hundred-year old Seattle Pose-Intelligencer, covering the State of Washington and other areas, last month closed its print paper altogether and is now Internet-only.

In short, if something is going to the dogs, it‟s in serious decline, wasting away or staring rack and ruin downright in the face.

Alright. This, from the Daily Mail (Going to the dogs: How Nature magazine featured

Obama and McCain ... with an unfortunate ad on the back, DailyMail.co.uk, September 26, 2008):

Has the American presidential campaign gone to the dogs? One could be forgiven for thinking so after seeing the latest issue of Nature magazine. The world‟s leading scientific journal has featured a powerful image of John McCain and Barack Obama on its front cover. The pair radiate statesmanlike-authority, the image is suitably sombre for the weighty interview inside. Then, however, you see the back cover (See picture).

8 1. Saved by the bell.

这是一个idiom,意思是:rescued from a difficult or dangerous situation just in time by something that brings the situation to a sudden end. (From the sounding of a bell marking the end of a round in a boxing match.)

当时Serena正在步步紧逼,质问Dan,非让他说出原因来,这时候Serena的电话响了,Dan觉得如释重负(what a load off)。这其实又是一个双关(pun),因为在英式英语里面give someone a ring/bell就是给某人打电话的意思

9 My comments: First I checked the story up. In a gist, it says: "Facebook defines itself as 'a social utility that connects you with the people around you'. This could not be further from the truth. Far from serving as an umbilical cord of friendship for the socially deprived, Facebook actively damages interpersonal relationships, harms job prospects, wastes time, and ultimately turns die-hard users totally reclusive. It leads your girlfriend to ask

questions about your photos, your friends to ask questions about your girlfriend, and her

friends to ask her questions about your friends. You don't need this headache, nobody does. Facebook complicates our lives."

In other words, Facebook has its drawbacks and pitfalls, according to the author, and those who use it must beware or face up to the consequences.

Why "face the music"? One listens to music, naturally. When one faces the music, it's odd – therefore, there's probably some unpleasant prospect to face (or hear). Anyways, "face the music" is an idiom, meaning one has to face the consequences of one's actions and live with them, however unpleasant the situation may be.

In searching for its origin I found that there are many different theories, some more

plausible than others. Some Americans claim that it's an American expression borne out of the American army. That may very well be the case but somehow, hearing Americans claiming English expressions to be theirs feels like hearing a Japanese saying Zen is

Japanese or a Korean saying Confucius is Korean. To be sure, the Japanese popularized Zen as the world knows it today and it sometimes does feel as though Koreans hold

ancient cultural traditions of China in greater reverence than the Chinese themselves do. But, to claim Zen and Confucius theirs outright always sounds a little jarring to the ear – the Chinese ear at any rate.

Anyways, of the many theories regarding the origin of "face the music", I find this one most plausible. It's The Hindu (Indian newspaper) theory (August 30, 2004): "According to some scholars, it comes from a practice that was common in the British military. When an officer was court-martialed, the charges against him were read out for all to hear. The man was made to stand in front of the military band and while the charges were being read out, drummers used to tap their drums. Since the prisoner was facing the band and the drums were being played, he was literally „facing the music'. This practice of tapping the drums while the charges were read out gave rise to another expression as well – 'drummed up charges'."

Drummed up charges, by the way, means exaggerated or invented accusations of crime.

Finally, is "face the music" a common expression?

Yes it is, and very much so, as demonstrated by these headlines in the past months:

1. John Cuthbert: Water chief must face the music on prices as costs rise (The

Independent, 21 June 2008).

2. Dr. Death decides to face the music in Australia (News-Medical.Net, June 26, 2008).

3.Croatia coach Bilic forced to face the music (Bangkok Post, June 22, 2008).

4. Copyright tough guys, Tories face the music for using song (Canada.com, February 22, 2008).

5. South Korea should face the music for funding terrorists (LA Daily News, September 11, 2007).

6. Indicted Opera Patron to Face the

10 My comments: It means merely saying "I'm sorry" isn't good enough. Whoever feels sorry should do more to pacify those he's saying sorry to.

"Doesn't cut it" is an idiom – and a nice little expression to learn. If something doesn't cut it, it means that it's not quite up to the standard required to accomplish a particular task. This is a good idiom to learn because it is so simple.

I have a hunch (only a hunch) that the expression is a variation from the age-old English idiom "doesn't cut the mustard" , which means the same thing – that something doesn't quite work to one's satisfaction. This phrase may have come from the fact that mustard is easier to cut than butter at the table, meaning it's an easier job. If something doesn't even cut the mustard, it is hence no good. Some say the expression may have derived from the American cowboy expression "proper mustard" , meaning the genuine thing, the best. Others trace it to traditional mustard making, in which a special knife is used to "cut it" (whatever that means) during the course of its making. If the knife "doesn't cut it" , the overall quality of the finished product is somehow affected. If the knife "cuts it fine" , on the other hand, the finished product is tasty and good...

Does my explanation cuts it fine with you?

I know, I know, I know. Explaining English is a thankless task. Never mind. Just remember that "doesn't cut it" means the same as "doesn't cut the mustard" . In fact remembering "doesn't cut it" alone will do. It's much simpler than "doesn't cut the mustard" and is much more popular anyway. It is on the strength of its simplicity that I advise you to master it – it is good everyday English.

By the by, the expression is more often used in the negative than in the positive. That is, if something "cuts it" , say it works. Only say "doesn't cut it" when it doesn't, indeed, quite cut it.




A teacher's most basic rule of thumb is: be patient. 教师最根本的法则是耐心。

只有五指相互配合才很灵活,那要是五个都是大拇指呢?就会是非常地不灵光了。英语里的all (fingers and) thumbs来表示“笨手笨脚”的意思。 You are all thumbs. Let me help you fix the broken wheel. 你笨手笨脚的,我来帮你修理这个破车轮吧!

Speaking of chemistry, he is all thumbs. 谈到化学,他真是一窍不通。


食指又称index finger。前缀fore-表示“位置靠前的”,从功用上看,这个手指伸出时有标示或指向作用。

He tightened his grasp upon my hand, and raised a forefinger threateningly before my eyes. 他握紧我的手,伸出一根食指在我们眼前威胁地晃动。

中指——middle finger


If we had used our right hand,we would not have been able to point the middle finger in the correct direction. 如果我们使用自己的右手,我们将无法用中指朝向正确的方向。

无名指——ring finger

从世界各地的婚俗习惯来说,结婚戒指(wedding ring)戴在这一手指(通常指左手)之上,表示已婚,所以无名指也就成了ring finger了。

She and her husband have bought that finger ring in a pearls and jewels shop. 她和她丈夫在一家珠宝店买了那枚戒指。

By wearing the ring on the ring finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other. 将婚戒戴在左手的无名指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老。

小指——little finger

小指的英语说法也很汉语化。在美国和苏格兰,人们赋予小指一个爱称——pinkie(pinky),因此后缀-ie(-y)有“小巧可爱”的意思。 I would give my little finger to go to Japan. 到日本去,在我是求之不得的事。

Jane has always been able to twist her parents round her little finger. 简总是能够让父母顺着他。




1.thumb :大拇指。英语中的“all(fingers and ) thumbs”也表示"笨手笨脚"的意思,例如:

(1)I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning. I don't seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。

(2)He was so excited that his fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the teacup.他激动得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。

2. forefinger :又称index finger,即食指。前缀fore-表示"位置靠前的"(placed at the front),所以从排位上说,forefinger应为"第一指"。从功用上看,此手指伸出时有标示或指向的作用。

3. middle finger :中指。此指居中,名正言顺,且与汉语说法也一致。

4. ring finger:无名指。从世界各地的婚俗习惯来说,结婚戒指(wedding ring)戴在这一手指(通常指左手)之上,表示已婚。

5. little finger: 顾名思义为小指。在美国和苏格兰,人们又赋予它一个爱称—pinkie(pinky),后缀-ie(-y)有"小巧可爱"之意。



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