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Welcome to Sunshine Town

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Welcome to Sunshine Town篇一:7B课文翻译Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Reading

7B课文翻译Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Reading













Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Task





Welcome to Sunshine Town篇二:7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!单元复习归纳

7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!单元复习归纳


1.mine我的 2.nothing没有什么

3.quiet安静的;寂静的 4.air空气,大气

5.fresh新鲜的 6.local当地的

7.underground地铁 8.famous出名的,著名的

9.western西方的 10.theatre<英>戏院,剧场=<美>theater

11.teach教 12.soon很快,不久

13.postcard明信片 14.key钥匙

15.ring环,圈;戒指 16.key ring钥匙圈

17.yours你的;你们的 18.ours我们的

19.theirs他(或她、它)们的 20.hers她的

21.miss错过,失去 22.work作品,著作

23.museum博物馆 24.row划(船)

25.hotel旅馆 26.hometown家乡

27.friendly友好的 28.raise饲养

29.corn玉米 30.smell嗅;闻到

31.yard院子;码 32.drive驾车送(人);驾驶,开(车)


1.an old friend of mine 我的一位老朋友

2.wait a minute等一会儿

3.exchange student交流学生

4.not far from靠近……,离……不远

5.by underground.乘地铁

6.1ook forward to 盼望,期待

7.all over 到处,遍及

8.under Sandy’s chair 在桑迪的椅子下

9.pencil case 笔盒,笔袋

10.work of art 艺术品

11.Chinese paintings 中国油画

12.at the museum 在博物馆

13.1earn all about 全面了解

14.row a boat 划船

15.how far 多远

16.each other 互相

17.go shopping 去购物

18.on a farm 在农场

19.hear the birds sing 听到鸟儿歌唱

20.raise cows 养牛

21.show sb.Around 带领某人参观

22.a wonderful place to live 一个居住的好地方


1.An old friend of mine is coming to see me,Hobo.霍波,我的一位老朋友要来看我。 an old friend of mine意为“我的一位老朋友"。

英语中冠词与物主代词不能同时放在同一个修饰词前,要表示“我的一个„„"“他的两个„„"则须用“冠词/数词+名词+of+名词性物主代词”结构。如:a pen of Jim’s(吉姆的 一支钢笔),a book of hers(她的一本书)。

2.Is it enough for a can of dog foo d?这钱够买一听狗粮吗?

此处的for相当于to buy a can of dog food意为“一听狗粮"。

3.Shopping is fun.购物真有趣。

句中shopping是动名词作主语。此结构可以 转换成:It is fun to shop.

动名词在句中作主语看作单数,但如果是两个动名词作主语时要看作复数。如:Running and swimming are good for US.跑步和游泳对我们有好处。

4.Shall we invite them to have dinner with us?


invite sb.to do sth.意为“邀请某人去做某事"。

5.Welcome to Sunshine Town.欢迎到阳光镇!

welcome是及物动词,意为“欢迎";它还可以作形容词,意为“受欢迎的"。如: Maybe they don’t welcome visitors like you.也许他们不欢迎像你们这样的游客。 You’re welcome! 不用谢!

6.There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.在阳光镇有许多事情可以做。

句中动词不定式to do作后置定语,修饰things。如:

I have something to tell you.我有事情告诉你。

7.It takes only 40 minutes by underground.乘地铁只需花40分钟。

(1)by underground意为“乘地铁”,表示交通 方式。by后直接接交通工具,且用单数,相当于“in/on+the/a+交通工具”。如:I go to work by bus.=I go to work on a bus. 一I take a bus to work.我乘公共汽车去上班。

(2)此句是缩略句。完整的句子应是:It takes only 40 minutes by underground to go from Sunshine Town to the centre to Beijing.此句型中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定 式。It takes(sb.)some time to do sth.表示“(某人)花费时间去做某事”。如:

It takes him an hour to do the homework every day.他每天花一小时做家庭作业。

8.Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera?为什么不去我们本地的剧院欣赏京剧呢?

“Why not+秒.v.+„”相当于“Why don’t you +..."是用来提建议的句型。用于提建议的句型还有:What/How about„?Shall we...?Would you like„?Let’s„等。

9.We are looking forward to meeting you soon.我们盼望不久就能见到你们。

look forward to意为“盼望,期待”,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。如: We look forward to a holiday without homework.我们期待着一个没有作业的假期。

10.They’re all over the place.它们到处都是。all over意为“到处,遍及",相当于around。如:I want to travel around/all over the world.我想周游世界。

11.How far is it from the hotel? 它离宾馆有多远?

how far意为“多远”,对距离提问。

12.I’m going to show you around my hometown.我打算带你们参观我的家乡。

show sb.around意为“带领某人参观”。

13.I can smell the.flowers and hear the birds sing.我能闻到花香还能听到鸟儿在歌唱。

(1)smell意为“闻,嗅”,后接名词作宾语,或 接形容词作表语。如:

The dish smells good.这道菜闻起来很香。

(2)hear意为“听到”,强调听的结果。后面可 接动词原形作宾语补足语。用法与see一样。如:

I often hear them sing English songs.我经常听到他们唱英文歌。

14。Usually my mother drives us there to do the shopping.通常我的母亲开车送我们去购物。 drive意为“驾驶,开(车)",drive sb.to someplace意为“开车送某人去某地"。

15.People here know each other.这儿的人们相互认识。

each other意为“相互,互相,彼此”。如:

They put presents into each other’s bags.他们把礼物放进各自的包里。

16.I think it is a wonderful place to live.我认为这是一个居住的好地方。

句中to live是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词place:如:

I have lots of homework to do today.今天我有许多作业要做。



英语名词的所有格表示所属关系,它分三种形式:(1)’s所有格.主要用于有生命的东西,但有时也可用于无生命的东西:(2)of所有格;(3)既有’s又有of的双重所有格。如: Tom’s best friend is Mary.玛丽是汤姆最好的朋友。(Tom’s是所有格.)

The title of th,e book is interesting.这本书的

标题十分有趣.of the book为所有格) ’s所有格的构成方法:

(1)一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加’s 如:

children's books儿童图书

today’s newspaper今天的报纸


girls’school 女子学校

the Smith s’叫史密斯家的小汽车


the boss’s plan老板的计划


Dickens’ novels 狄更斯的小说

Charles’s job查理斯的工作


Marx’s works 马克思的著作


Tom’s and Jim’s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间

Tom and Jim’s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间



There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。 双重所有格:

所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)",是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词与of构成的所有 格,即"of+名词所有格”。如:

a friend of my wife’s我妻子的一个朋友

a friend of Jim’s 吉姆的一个朋友




a pen of mine 我的一支钢笔

(2)名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs)则不能用作定语,但 可以用作主语、宾语、表语;它们在意义上相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。 如:my books=mine

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇三:《Unit_3_Welcome_to_Sunshine_Town》词组及重点句子

《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》词组及重点句子

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

1. find your way 找到你的路

2. follow me 跟着我

3. know the way 知道/ 认识路 ( to sp.)

4. be sure 确信

5. Let’s go down here. 我们从这儿下去吧。

6. Don’t be afraid. 别害怕。

7. Come with me. 跟我来。

8. have to do sth. 不得不/一定要干某事 (否定形式 don’t have to do sth.)

9. I think we’ll have to go up again. 我想我们得再上去了。

10. where to go 去哪里

11. what to see 看到什么

12. Let’s go on an outing. 我们出游吧。

13. plan a spring outing 计划一次春游

14. Taiwan is in the south-east of china.台湾在中国东南。

15. be north-west of the zoo 动物园西北面

16. Japan is to the east of China.=Japan is east of China.日本在中国东部。

17. get there 到那儿( get to the zoo 到动物园)

18. How do you get there? 你怎么到那儿?

19. the way to get to the zoo /(the way to the zoo)到动物园的路

20. go by bus /(go on a bus)乘公交车去


21. a lucky escape 一次幸运的逃脱 (luck—lucky—luckily n.adj.adv.)

22. read a play about some robbers 看一本有关一些强盗的剧本 (rob—robber)

23. three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人

24. live nearby in Hill Building 住在附近希尔大楼

25. drive to Hill Building quickly 赶快开车去希尔大楼

26. get out of their car 出他们的汽车

27. at once 立刻,马上

28. run out of the building 跑出大楼

29. push Justin and Paul into the back of a green van 把Justin and Paul推进绿色货车的后面

30. drive away 开走

31. try to open the door but fail (try to do sth.; fail to do sth.) 努力开门但失败了

32. It works. 成功了(起作用了)。

33. Let’s run to the police station on Fourth Street. 我们跑到第四大街的警察局吧。

34. take different routes 走不同的线路

35. go along Sixth Street 沿着第六大街走

36. turn left into Park Road 左拐到公园路

37. turn right into Fourth Street to the police station 右拐到第四大街到警察局

38. take another route 走另一条线路

39. stop at the traffic lights 在红绿灯的地方停了

40. meet at the police station 在警察局见面

41. report to a policeman 向警察报告

42. stop talking 停止谈话 (stop doing sth. 停止干某事 stop to do sth 停下来


43. He is surprised to see the three men in the police station. 他很惊讶地看见那

三个人居然也在警察局里。 (be surprised to do sth.)

44. The back door of their van was open. 他们厢式货车的后门是开的。(be open 开


45. ask them about that 问他们有关那个的情况

46. laugh happily 开心地笑

47. make something move forward 使某物向前移

48. go from one place to another 从一个地方到另一个地方

49. a play about a story of twin brothers 有关双胞胎故事的话剧

50. call them for help 打电话给他们求助

51. open the back door of the van with his knife 用他的小刀开货车的后门

52. tell the police about the robbers 告诉警方有关强盗的事

53. go down Seventh Street 沿着第七大街走

54. ask me to run along Fourth Street to the police station 叫我沿着第四大街到警


(ask sb. to do sth. –ask sb. not to do sth.)


55. straight on 直行 go straight on walk straight on

56. To get to the zoo, turn left when you come to the crossroads. 为了到动物园,你来到十字路口时左拐。 (get to the zoo—arrive at the zoo—reach the zoo)

57. The entrance is on your left. 入口在你左边。(on your left—on the left of you)

58. at the entrance to the zoo 在动物园的入口处

59. Which map is the correct one? 哪一幅地图是正确的?

60. Cross the road and you’ll see the museum. 过马路你就能看见博物馆


61. swim across the pool. 游过水池。

62. gothrough a tunnel.穿过隧道。

63. go through the woods 穿过树林 come through the window 通过窗户进来

64. walk along the road. 沿着路走。

65. climb up the hill. 爬山。

66. walk round the table. 绕着桌子走。

67. jump over the chair. Eddie 跳跃椅子。

68. walk down the stairs. Daniel走下楼梯。

69. walk from the sofa to the window. Amy 从沙发走向窗户。

70. get to Sunshine Town Railway Station 到达阳光镇火车站

71. Can you tell me the way to Sunshine Town Railway Station你能告诉我到阳光镇


72. walk down the steps to Sunshine Park. 走下台阶到阳光公园。

73. Then walk across Sunshine Park and up the steps at the other side of the park. 然后穿过阳光公园并沿着公园另一边的台阶向上走。

74. see a bridge over a small river. 看见小河上的一座桥。

75. Walk over the bridge to South Road t. 过桥走到南路

76. Will you join us? 你愿意加入我们吗?

77. at the school gate – at the gate of the school 在学校大门口

78. take the bus to the Summer Palace 乘公共车到颐和园

79. take her dog with her 随身带着她的狗

80. I don’t want to carry it all day. 我不想整天带着它。

81. We are going to win the game. 我们要赢比赛了。

82. The other team is not strong at all. 另一个队根本不强壮。

83. It is so cloudy.I think it is gong to rain. 天这么阴,我想要下雨了。

84. Are you going to see the doctor tomorrow? 你明天要去看医生吗?

85. There will be a sports meeting next week.下周将开运动会。

86. start a campfire 开始篝火活动

87. bring paper plates and forks 带纸盘和叉子

Integrated skills

88.take the second turning on the right =turn right at the second turning在第二个拐弯处往右拐

88. Walk past the police station. 走过警察局。

89. walk past the wooden house 走 过木屋

90. walk along a small path next to the river 沿着河边的小路走

91. walk across the field 过田野

92. walk towards the bridge 朝着大桥走

93. walk straight on 一直往前走

94. It’s easy to walk from your building to mine. 从你的大楼到我的很容易。

95. live in Flat 603 住在603公寓

Study skills& Main task& Checkout


Welcome to Sunshine Town篇四:7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 教案

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town



Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town



Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town


Welcome to Sunshine Town篇五:7B UNIT3 最新welcome to sunshine town

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!

Welcome to the unit and comic strip


1.To know all kinds of visiting places and doing activities.

2. To make suggestions about visiting different places.


To use some important words and short phrases.

2.To talk about what you can do in your hometown.


教 学 流 程

Step 1. Lead-in

Ask students about what they like and could do in their areas, e.g. T: What do you like doing?

S1: I like shopping.

T: Where can we do some shopping?

S1: The shopping mall/center. In the same way, present “eating” “restaurant” “watching” “cinema” “playing” “sports center”

Step 2. Presentation

The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are planning a visit for the UK exchange students coming to their school.

Do part A and B to activate students’ ideas about what people can do in their community.

Ask students to do Part A and B on their own using the information provided in the picture prompts.

Underline some phrases.

1) love/enjoy/like doing sth 喜欢

2) watch/see films 看电影

3) take sb to „ 带某人去„„

Step 3. Presentation

1.Say: What does Eddie like? (sleeping and eating)

There is nothing in the fridge now. Eddie and Hobo are going to the supermarket.

2.Listen to the tape and answer:

How much money do they have?

3.Play the tape. Listen then check the answer.

4.Students listen and read after the tape.

5.Go through the dialogues

Step 4. Homework

Copy the words and dialogue.

Recite the dialogue.

Do exercises.

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!



1. To read and learn about something about Sunshine Town..

2. To grasp the main idea of each paragraph..

3. Ask Ss to write an article to introduce their own home town, using the context as a model. 教学重难点 1.To use some important words and short phrases.

2. Ask Ss to write an article to introduce their own home town, using the context as a model. 教学方法 task-based approach


教具 New Tape , pictures


Step1 Lead-in

1.Ask some students some questions “Are there any tall buildings in your home town?” “What can you do in your town?”, etc..


(1).Use the pictures to teach the new words.

underground air fresh opera famous theatre

(2) Now let’s listen to the tape and say “T” or “F” according to the text.

Check the answers with the whole class.

① It is only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by underground.

⑤ Sunshine Town is far from the centre os Beijing. Sunshine Town’s dir is fresh. There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town. You can eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town.

⑥ You can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.

(3) Ask Ss to read the text after the tape.

(4) Read the script again and try to answer them

① What can people do in the park?

② What can the exchange students buy in the shops?

③ Where can the exchange students enjoy Beijing opera?

④ What can the exchange students eat in the restaurants?

Step3 Language points:

① It takes only 40 minutes by underground.

② Why not visit our local theater and enjoy Beijing opera?= Why don’t you visit our local theater and enjoy Beijing opera?

Why not do= Why don’t you do

e.g. Why don’t you go swimming?

Why not come with me?

③ If you do not like Chinese food, there are some Western restaurants too.

④ We are looking forward to meeting you soon..

be looking forward to ding sth. 期待做某事

Step 4 Sum-up

Go through the new words and language points.

Step 5 Homework

Finish some more exercises.

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!



1. To use Noun+’s

2. To use possessive adjectives and pronouns


1. To use Noun+’s

2. To use possessive adjectives and pronouns

教 学 流程

Step I Presentation

1. Show a picture of a dog .

T: Look at this little dog. Is it cute? Who’s its master?

Present a picture of a boy: The is the master. The dog is the boy’s.

2. Show a picture of shoes. T: There are a lot of shoes in this picture.

Whose shoes are they? The shoes are these women’s.

3. Show o picture of the bedroom.T: Whose bedroom is this?

It’s the brothers’.

( Write down above the words of underline.)

4. T: We add’s to a singular noun to show that something belongs to someone or something.

5. rules:

(1) We often use ‘s with names.

(2) We add’ to a plural noun ending in –s.

(3) We add’s to plural nouns that do not end in –s.

Step II Practice

1. Finish the exercises in Part A

2. Make a dialogue.

Whose „is that? Whose „are they?

Step III Presentation

1. Using some things present possessive adjectives and pronouns.

T: Where is my pen? There’s one on the desk.Is this my pen? Let me have a look. Oh,no. It isn’t my pen. It’s not mine. Whose pen is this? Let Ss say: It’s „’s. And then T says: Oh , it’s his/her pen. It’s his/hers.( Write down the words of underline.)

Present the other possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs, its Explain

We use possessive adjectives and pronouns to show that something belongs to someone or something. Look at “work out the rule!”

Step IV Practice

Finish the exercises in Part B

Step V Homework

1. Do《Exercises and Test》

2. Revise the grammar.

Integrated skills


1. To know some information of Palace Museum by listening.

2. To talk about make plans for visit.


1. To know some information of Palace Museum by listening.

2. To talk about make plans for visit.

教 学 流 程

Step I Presentation

Free talk

What do you do when you’re free?

Do you know Palace Museum?

Have you ever visited the Palace Museum?

Do you know any palace?( Taihe Palace, Baohe Palace, Huangji Palace, Fengxian Palace and so on)

Step II Practice

1. Look at the poster.

Answer some questions:

What can the exchange students see in the shows?

( golden throne, work of art, Chinese paintings)

2. Listen to the tape. Finish the table partA2.

3. Finish the exercises part A4.

Step III Presentation

1. Listen to the tape .

Answer the questions:

(1)Where and when do Neil and Simon meet?

(2) What can they do in the park?

(3) How far is the park from Neil’s hotel?

Step IV Practice

1. Read the dialogue after tape.

2. Act it out.

Step V Make a dialogue

Where would you like to go?

How far is it from?

How can you go there?

What can you do/see there ?

When will you go there? What time will you meet?

Where will you meet?

Step VI Homework

1. Remember some words and short phrases.

2. Recite the dialogue.

Study skills


1. 能了解英语句子的重读原则。

2. 能通过不同的重读方式达到不同的强调目的。

教学重难点 能读出英语句子中重读部分。

教学 流程

Step I Presentation

1. Free talk

T: I’d like to ask you some questions about your city/town. Would you please give me your own answers?

What’s your favourite place in your city/town?

How do you get there?

How far is it from your home to the city/town centre?

Who’s famous in your city/town?

What food is famous on your city/town?

2. 教师从学生的回答中挑选一些写再黑板上,并再对应特殊疑问词的部分下用彩色笔划线。T: The information underlined in the these sentences is very important.

3. 鼓励学生阅读例句和讲解,归纳出重要和非重要词。

重要词:nouns, main verbs, adjectives and adverbs

非重要词:articles, prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions

Step II Practice

1. Listen to the tape in part A.

2. Read part A after the tape.

Step III Presentation

1. T:I think„reads English very well.将句子写在黑板上,并用不同方式朗读句子,将重音落在不同的单词上。

2. 指导学生阅读例句。

Step IV Practice

1. Finish the exercises.

2. Read more sentences

(1) Kitty is going to Sunshine Park to have a picnic this Sunday.

(2)It takes about two hours to watch a Beijing opera in our local theatre.

(3) We can go to visit the museum by underground with the exchange students.

Step V Homework

Read some sentences on English book.

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇六:Welcome to Sunshine Town 教案

牛津7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town


西来桥中学 许晶

课 型:阅读课



词汇:life ,underground, less, air ,pollution, than, country, lake,

building, close ,example, far, hey, shop, until

词组:tell…about by underground go walking most of be close to for example have to

need help with… at night air pollution local theatre


Welcome to Sunshine Town.

There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.

It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas

of Beijing.

You can shop until ten o’clock at night in most shopping malls.

Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us?

Never mind.


本课时的主要内容是Reading,他主要讲述了Sunshine Town的建筑起居和特色,使学生对自己的家乡有了一个详细的理解,同时激发对学生的热爱。运用介绍自己家乡的方法让学生参与进来,通过听说读的训练达到学习的目的。











阅读设计思路:快读(Fast Reading)——精读(Intensive Reading)——操练(Practising)——巩固(Consolidation)。

五、教学用具: 教学图片、录音机、多媒体




Step 1 Presentation

T: Show your pictures to us.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Present new words.

T: Look at this picture. This is a photo of Sunshine Town. We can see there are many tall buildings and flats. (板书building 和flat) It is

beautiful. OK, now can you tell us? Would you like to live in a modern city or a small town?

S: I like …


T: I love living in a big city. First because there are lots of shopping malls and I find anything I like there. (板书shopping mall For example, I can buy different school things and some souvenirs. (板书souvenirs)I like to go shopping. I can go to many shopping malls by bike, by bus or even by underground. (板书underground ) Because the shopping malls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. so I can stay in the malls until 10 o’clock at night. (板书until)

T: There are also lots of restaurants in a big city, like Chinese restaurants. (板书Chinese restaurants) In them, we can eat Chinese food like Beijing Duck. Of course, there are some Western restaurants, like

KFC and McDonald. We can eat some western food, like hamburgers and chips. (板书Western restaurants和western food) But there is only one problem in the city. That is air pollution. (板书air pollution) I can’t see the blue sky often, so we should protect the environment.

T: Maybe some people like living in modern cities, but some people don’t. they enjoy life in a quiet small town. Do you know why? I think there is less air pollution in the country. There are may beautiful parks. People can go walking there. You can also see green hills, trees and lakes, too. At the same time, we meet our friends easily in the country, because we are close to our friends. (板书be close to)So I think living in the countries is also better.


2. Recite new words.

1) Read the new words fluently and then recite them.

2) Match the new words with their meanings.


Step 3. Pre-reading

1. T: As we all know, the city is too busy and the country is too quite. However, where is the best place to live? I think Sunshine Town is the best place. Do you want to know something about it. Let’s go.

2. T: OK, now if you want to know more about Sunshine Town, please answer two questions.


Step4. While-reading

T: Here is something about Sunshine Town. Would you like to read it

with me? Now open your books, turn to P.26. Read it quickly and answer the following questions .

1. Where is Sunshine Town?

2. What can we do in Sunshine Town?


T: Now , first listen to the tape and read after it and then answer some questions about Para 1.

1. How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?

2. How is the air there?

T: Next please listen to the tape and read after it and then tell us the sentences true or false.

1. The buildings are short in the Sunshine Town.

2. We like to live in tall buildings because we like tall.

3. Millie’s home is two floors below Simon.

4. They have to go far if they need help with their homework. T: Third listen to the tape and read after it and then match the sentences.

T: Next listen to the tape and read after it and then answer these questions.

1. How many restaurants are there in Sunshine Town?

2. Can you choose any food you like in Sunshine Town?

3. Are there lots of Western restaurants there?

T: At last listen to the tape and read after it and then fill in the blankets.

You can enjoy Beijing opera in the ________ ________. If you can’t sing _________ ___________, we can __________ you.

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇七:7BU3welcome+to+Sunshine+town教案

7B unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town

The first lesson

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

Ⅰ Teaching aims 教学目标

1 Make suggestions about visiting different places and doing activities

2 Learn some new words:mine, nothing, wait a minute, tin, pizza and so on.

3 Master the usage of like, enjoy, love

Ⅱ Teaching important points 教学重点

1 Make suggestions about visiting different places and doing activities Eg: Shall we …?

2 The usage of like, enjoy, love

Ⅲ Teaching difficult point 教学难点

How to use enough

Ⅳ Teaching analyze 教材分析

How to express personality

Ⅴ Learning analyze 学情分析

Students must have known something about sunshine town.

Ⅵ Warming up 课前预习


1.我的一个老朋友 在冰箱里3.一听狗食 4.等一会

5.定一个比萨饼 6.带某人去某地6.邀请他们和我们一道吃饭__________ 8.品尝一些中国食物

9.好主意 10.也许

Ⅶ Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1. Lead-in

Ask students about what they like and could do in their areas, e.g.

T: What do you like doing?

S1: I like shopping.

T: Where can we do some shopping?

S1: The shopping mall/center.

In the same way, present “eating” “restaurant” “watching” “cinema” “playing” “sports center” Step 2. Presentation

1. The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are planning a visit for British exchange

students coming to their school.

Do part A and B to activate students’ ideas about what people can do in their community.

2. Ask students to do Part A and B on their own using the information provided in the picture prompts.

3. Underline some phrases.

1) love/enjoy/like doing sth 喜欢

2) watch/see films 看电影

3) take sb to … 带某人去……

Step 3. Practice

Do a chain work.

S1 says what he/she likes, e.g. I like eating Chinese food. S2 repeat what S1 likes, then adds what he/she likes, e.g.

Paul likes eating Chinese food and I like playing tennis. Step 4. Presentation

1.Say: What does Eddie like? (sleeping and eating)

There is no food now. Eddie and Hobo are goingto the supermarket.

2.Listen to the tape and answer:

How much money do they have?

3.Play the tape. Listen then check the answer.

4.Students listen and read after the tape.

5.Go through the dialogues

Ⅷ Homework 作业

1. Remember the expressions in this lessons.

2. Preview reading part.

Ⅸ Summary 课后小结

The second lesson

Reading A video about Sunshine Town

Ⅰ Teaching aims 教学目标

To learn the information about Sunshine Town

Master the new words and phrases

To learn how to introduce a town or a city.

Improve the students’ speaking and writing ability.

Ⅱ Teaching important point 教学重点

To learn the new words and expressions.

To grasp the main idea of each paragraph

Ⅲ Teaching difficult point 教学难点

Learn how to describe things to do in Sunshine Town.

Ask Ss to write an article to introduce their own home town, using the context as a model.

Ⅳ Teaching analyze 教材分析

Study the main idea, look through the text and learn the reading skill.

Ⅴ Learning analyze 学情分析

Students know something about sunshine town

Ⅵ Warming up 课前预习


1.有许多事可做 2.喜欢慢跑

3.远离 4.乘地铁

5.北京烤鸭 6.当地人

7.北京市中心 8. 仅仅40分钟

9.漂亮的礼物 10 西方餐馆

11.为什么不 12盼望着


Ⅶ Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step One. Lead-in

1) Would you like to live in a modern town?

2) Would you like to live in a flat?

3) Would you like to eat Chinese food or fast food?

4) Would you like to enjoy Beijing Opera?

5) Would you like to go shopping in Sunshine Town?

Step Two. Entering

OK .Today I’ll take you to Sunshine Town for a trip. Sunshine Town is a great new Town. There are lots of things to do there. There’s less air pollution than in other areas of Beijing. There are many tall buildings and you can go any by underground. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There ate also many theatres here. You can enjoy Beijing Opera.

Read and spell the new words and phrases.

Step Three

Ask the students to read the passages quickly and then say “T” or “F”.

1. Sunshine Town is an old Town in Beijing.

2. There isn’t any parks in Sunshine Town.

3. Many students live in tall buildings.

4. We can shop in Shopping Mall until eleven o’clock at night.

5. There’s only Chinese food in Sunshine Town.

6. Everybody can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.

Step Four

Ask the students to read after the tape and sum up some phrases.

tell sb about sth , such a tall building .

go walking , most of us .

by underground , be close to.

have to do sth , buy lots of things there

choose any food you like, Beijing Opera

Step Five

Ask the students to read it carefully then answer some detail questions

1. How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing By underground?

2. Is there less air pollution in Sunshine Town?

3. How many floors do the tall buildings have?

4. Can we buy things in the shopping malls at weekends?

5. Where can we eat Beijing Duck?

6. Are there any Western restaurants in Sunshine Town?

7. Where can we enjoy Beijing Opera?

Ⅷ Homework 作业

1. Remember the new words and language points.

2. Read and recite the passage.

Ⅸ Summary 课后小结

The third lesson


Ⅰ Teaching aims 教学目标

1 To be able to use Noun’s correctly

2 To identify possessive adjectives and pronouns

3 To use possessive adjectives and pronouns correctly

Ⅱ Teaching important point教学重点

To be able to use Noun’s correctly How to use Noun’s and Possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Ⅲ Teaching difficult point 教学难点

To identify possessive adjectives and pronouns

Ⅳ Teaching analyze 教材分析


Ⅴ Learning analyze 学情分析


Ⅵ Warming up 课前预习

1. two baskets of apples 2. six bottles of milk

3. five bags of rice 4. 狗的眼睛

5. 昨天的报纸 6. 这个小姑娘的手表

Ⅶ Teaching procedures 教学过程

A 自学导航:

a. 自主学习书本P35—36并完成有关练习。

b. 掌握“重点词汇”中的生词(4会)。 查阅相关参考书学习“重点词组”和“重点句型”并造句,写在笔记本上。

B 探究展示:

1,在英语中有些名词可以加"'s"来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teacher's book。名词所有格的规则如下:

1) 单数名词词尾加"'s",复数名词词尾没有s,也要加"'s",如the boy's bag 男孩的书包,men's room 男厕所。

2) 若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加"'",如:the teachers’books 老师们的书

3) 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店。

4) 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有's,则表示"分别有";只有一个's,则表示'共有'。 如:John's and Mary's rooms(两间) John and Mary's room(一间) C达标反馈

A) 单项选择

A him B her C them D Those

clothes were dirty after the game .

A player B player’s Cplayers’ D Players

3 Today is A Mother Day B Moher’s Day C Mothers Day DMothers’ Day

4 Tom and Lily are friends. Both of A their B them C they D theirs

5 A reding room is a good place A to read B reading C reads D read

6 Why a Sports Club to practice a lot ?

A don’t join B not join C not to join D not join


1. Is there a bottle of milk in the fridge? (改为复数形式)

_________ ________ _________ _________ of ________ in the fridge? 划线部分提问)

________ _________ ________ of bread ________ ________ for you? 划线部分提问)

_________ _________ ham do you need?

4. There isn’t any chicken in the bowl. (改为同义句)

There _________ _________ chicken in the bowl.

5. Mr. Green is Lily’s father. He is Lucy’s father, too.(合并为一句)

C) 用说给单词的适当形式填空。

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇八:七年级英语Welcome_to_Sunshine_Town教案1

牛津7B Unit 2学案

UNIT2,Welcome to Sunshine Town

Teaching plans for Period1: Welcome to the unit


1、 熟练掌握一下字、词、句。

none order badminton tin pizza maybe sports center

There’s no dog food.

How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?

Maybe we can order a pizza.

Let’s take them to the sports center.

2、 难点:有关地点与活动的词汇的熟练运用。


1、There’s no dog food. 没有狗食了。

=There isn’t any dog food.

no 有时可以和not any 相互替换。

I have no money.==_________________________________________. There’re no calories in water.==______________________________________.

2、 How many tins of dog food can we buy with that? 我们可以用它买多少听狗食呢? 注意此句with 的用法,指凭借、使用某种工具。 你用你的零花钱买了什么? Can you make a kite ____ silk and wood? 你能用丝绸和木头制作风筝吗? 翻译:我用钢笔写我的家庭作业。


3、 Let’s take them to the sports center. 我们把他们带到体育运动中心去吧? “take 某人或物 to 某地”——-把某人或某物带到某地 My parents will take me home if they know I’m here again.


1、 读Hobo与Eddie的对话后回答下列问题:

1) Are they hungry?

2) Is there any food left?

3) Where does Eddie want to buy more food?

4) Do they have any money? How much?

5) What can they buy in the supermarket with only one yuan?

6) Does a pizza cost only one yuan?


打羽毛球________________ 看电影_________________________ 点一些食物__________________ 购物中心______________________ 体育运动中心__________________ 中国菜________________________

3、 根据句意或首字母填空:

1)Li Yongbo is very good at playing b_______________.

2) I don’t know where Mr Wu is. M_______ he is on the playgound.

3) My favourite food is p_______.

4)A big building with many shops can be called a s________________.

5) Simon likes playing football. We can often find him at the s_________________.

6) My home is far from my school. So I have lunch at a r___________ near school.

7) I watched the film“the world without thieves” at Hongxing T__________ last Sunday.


Step1:Warming-up activities.

Step2: Listen, read and say.

Step3: Read and learn.

Steo4: Do exercises for consolidation.

Step5: Play a game

Teaching plans for Period2: Reading1


1、 理解课文大意,识记课文内的新单词和词组。

tell sb about sth such a tall building

go walking most of us

by underground be close to

have to do air pollution

want help with one’s homework at night

2、 难点:


二、 预习导学:

1.There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

less…than…. “比….少…. ” 其反意短语为:more…than…

less是little 的比较级,more是much 或many的比较级,than是比较级的标志


There’s less water in my glass than that in yours. 我杯子里面的水比你的少。

I have more comic books than you. 我的漫画书比你的多。

2. Most of us live in tall buildings.

Most of …. …..中的大多数

Most of the students are Young Pioneers.



3. Here is such a tall building. 这里就有这样的一幢高楼。

such +a/an+形容词+可数名词单数 “一个如此….的….”


He is such a smart boy. 他是一个如此神气的男孩。


4. We like it because we are close to our friends.

Be close to… 与….关系好;离……近


I work in my hometown because I want to be my parents.

5. We do not have to go far if we want help with our homework.

have to.. “不得不…” 强调因客观条件的制约而不得不去做某事。(情态动词)

否定: don’t have to=needn’t “不必…;没有必要”



“不必” needn’t(相当于don’t have to)

请尝试用must, have to, needn’t, mustn’t来把下列句子补充完整:

_________ I finish my homework now? No, you ____________.

Tonight I don’t ___________ do my homework because I finished it at school.

You __________ cross the road when the light is red.


1. 预习课文后你能正确回答出下列问题吗?

How far is Sunshine Town from the center of Beijing?

What can you see and do in the Sunshine Park?

Why do most of them like living in tall buildings?

When does the Star Shopping mall close everyday?

Are there any Western restaurants in Sunshine Town?


Step1: warming-up

Step2: skim for general ideas

Step3: listen, read and say

Step4: read and learn

Step5: practice

Teaching plans for Period3: Reading2

一、 教学目标:

1、 理解并熟练掌握以下句型:

There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

Most of us live in places like this.

You can shop until 10 o’clock at night.

If so, you are in the right place!

You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.

2、 难点:用所学单词和词组描述和讨论学校生活。


1、 You can shop until 10 o’clock at night in Star Shopping Mall.


until: “直到…”.常用于固定搭配not…..until…(直到…才…;不到…不…)

In the last winter vacation, I didn’t get up until 9 o’clock in the morning.


He works________, and _______ go to bed _______ half past ten at night.

2、 There’s lots of good shops in the center of Beijing.

In the centre of Beijing: 在北京市中心

Xin Jie Kou is a busy place. It’s __________________.(在南京市中心)

Miko lives ___________________.( 在东京市中心)

3、 If so, you are here in the right place!(如果是这样,你可来对地方啦!)

If so: 如果是这样的话。 用so 可以代替上文出现过的陈述句,避免句子重

复。本文if so 的前一句应是“Would you like to eat Chinese food?” 因此,if

so 在这里就相当于:If you want to eat Chinese food.

类似的用法还有 if not.

例如:Can you swim? If not, you are in great trouble!(你会游泳吗?如果不会,

你就有大麻烦了!)此句中的if not 意思是 if you can’t swim.

4、 You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.


句中的you like 作food 的定语,因为you like本身主谓齐全,是个完整的


我们曾经见到过这个句子:I also thought the boots you tried on were nice.这句

话中的you tried on 就是the boots 的定语从句。

5、 Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us?


Why don’t you…..?并不是真正的疑问,是提出建议的一种表达方式。也可以

用Why not….?

例如:Why don’t you go shopping with me?

== Why not go shopping with me?

== Let’ go shopping, shall we?

(回答可以是Why not?“有何不可?”是肯定回答。)


1、 你能正确写出这些单词吗?注意有些是要变化形式的。

1) People in Nanjing can go shopping by ___________(地铁) soon.

2) There’s less air__________(污染) in the country than in the city.

3) Children in poor________(地区) need help.

4) People in _________(西方的) countries celebrate Christmas every year.

5) I can’t believe _______(如此) a young girl can swim so well.

6) Jerry watches TV every night and he doesn’t go to bed _______(直到) eleven

o’clock at night.

7) _________(当地) people usually know much about the traditions there.

8) My school is about three miles________(远) from my home.

9) Most of us live in tall __________(楼房) today.

10) Who____________(教) you English this year?

2、 试一试能否改正下列句子中的错误:

1) There is little water in this cup than in that one.

2) We have to wearing school clothes at the assembly.

3) Simon often goes walk in the park.

4) Everyone in Sunshine Town speak Chinese.

5) Such big an egg surprised(使…惊讶) all of us.


Step1: listen, read and say

Step2: read and learn

Step3: practice and do exercises

Step4: Discuss in groups

Teaching plans for Period4: Vocabulary

一、 教学目标:

1、 巩固课文中所学的词汇。

2、 识记表示各种职业和工作地点的词汇:

waiter shopper doctor cook cashier supermarket hospital

restaurant etc.

3、 难点: 熟练运用这些表示职业和工作地点的词汇。

二、 预习导学:

1、 waiter: person who servers others, usually a man or a boy


联想记忆:男演员 actor~女演员 actress


___________________________________________________________. 服务员大多很有礼貌且乐于助人。


2、 shopper: person who shops 购物者;顾客

对应词:售货员 shopkeeper; shop assistant

Suguo Supermarket is a good place to go shopping. Every day there’re lots of _____.

3、 cook:person who cooks very well or makes dishes for customers in a restaurant or a hotel. 厨师

重点区别于 cooker( 炊具)


His father is a _________. He __________ very well.

4、 hospital: a place to go if someone is sick 医院

相关词: doctor 医生 nurse 护士 patient 病人

试译: 我妈妈是护士。她在第一医院工作。

My mother is a ________. She works in No.1 ___________.

5、 cashier: person who you give money to when you are shopping 收银员


The_________ in supermarkets are always very __________.


1、 翻译以下词组及短句:


像这样___________________ 唱京剧__________________________





2、 请尝试写出下列句中表示职业或工作地点的单词:

1) I’m a _____________. I study in Qinhuai Foreign Language School.

2) Sam is a good___________. He is very kind to the people who are not well.

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇九:7B_Unit3_Welcome to sunshine Town!单元复习归纳 (无答案)

7B Unit3

Welcome to Sunshine Town!

单元复习归纳 一.重点单词

1.(名词性物主代词) 2.没有什么 3.安静的;寂静的 4. 5.新鲜的 6. 7. 8.出名的,著名的 9.西方的

10.戏院, 11.teach教 12.很快,不久 13. 14.钥匙 15. 16.钥匙圈

17.你的;你们的(名词性物主代词) 二.重点短语


2. 3. 4.……,离……不远

5. 6.盼望,期待 7.到处,遍及 8.在桑迪的椅子下 9.笔盒,笔袋 10.艺术品 11.中国油画

18. (名词性物主代词)


20.她的(名词性物主代词) 21. 22.作品,著作 23. 24.划(船) 25.旅馆 26.家乡 27.友好的 28.饲养 29. 30.嗅;闻到 31.院子;码


12.在博物馆 13.全面了解 14.划船 15.多远 16.互相 17.去购物 18.在农场 19.听到鸟儿歌唱 20.养牛 21.带领某人参观




,Hobo. 2.这钱够买一听狗粮吗?




. 6.在阳光镇有许多事情可以做。

. 7.乘地铁只需花40分钟。



We are looking forward to meeting you soon. 10.它们到处都是。


11. 它离宾馆有多远?


I’. 13.我能闻到花香还能听到鸟儿歌唱。

. 14.通常我的母亲开车送我们去购物。

. 15.这儿的人们相互认识。

. 16.我认为这是一个居住的好地方。

四.重点语法 名词所有格:

( )1. Today is September 10th. It's ________ Day.

A. Teacher B. Teacher's C. Teachers' D. Teacher'

( )2. It's June 1st, it's ________ Day. A. Childrens B. Children's

C. Childrens' D. Childrens's

( )3. This year, ________ is on May 9th. A. my mother's birthday C. my mothers birthday

B. my mothers' birthday D. My mothers's birthday

( )4. Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________ . A. doctor B. doctor's C. doctors' ( )5. Where is Mr. Zhang? He is in the ________ . A. teacher's reading room C. teacher reading room

B. teachers' reading room D. teachers reading room

D. doctor'

( )6. This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind. A. woman's

B. womens'

C. women's

D. womans'

( )7. Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be ________ . A. somebody else's B. somebody else' C. somebody's else

D. somebody' else

( )8. These are ________ . A. newspaper of today C. today's newspapers

B. today's newspaper D. today newspaper's

( )9. It's about ________ from my home to our school. A. twenty minutes' walk C. walk of twenty minutes'

B. walk of twenty minutes'

D. twenty minute's walk

( )10. ________ is very small and white. A. The hat of your brother's C. Your brother's hat

B. The hat of your brother D. Your brother hat

( )11. This is ________ . A. Mike and Jim's bike

B. Mike's and Jim bike D. Mike and Jim bike

C. Mike's and Jim's bike ( )12. He is ________ . A. one student of my father C. my father's students ( )13. Ken is also ________ . A. one cousin of mine C. one cousin of me

B. one of my father's student D. one student of my father's

B. one cousin of my D. one cousin of I

( )14. ________ has travelled to Beijing.

A. A friend of her B. A friend of hers C. A her friend D. Her's one friend ( )15. These are ________ books. Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore.

A. Li Lin's and Jill B. Li Lin and Jill's C. Li Lin's and Jill D. Li Lin's and Jill's ( )16. This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago. A. a picture of Mr. Cox B. a picture of Mr. Cox's C. a Mr. Cox' picture D. Mr. Cox's picture

( )17. Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time? A.20 years’

B. 20 year’s C. 20-years’ D. 20-years

( )18. This is a ________ bike. ________ is over there. A. visitor’s; My

B. visitor’s; Mine

C. visitor; My

( )19. It’s about ________ from my home to our school. A. thirty minutes’ walk

B. walk of thirty minutes’ D. thirty minute’s walk

C. walk of thirty minutes’



A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine ( )2. Whose pen is it? It’s A. her B. hers C. she D. his A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her A. they B. them C. theirs D. their ( )5. Whose pencils are there? They’re A. my B. me C. mine D. our ? Yes, it’s A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine A. me B. mine C. my D. I A. its B. her C. hers D. his ( )9. It’s a dog. I don’t know A. its’ B. its C. it D. it’s ( )10. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is A. he B. him C. his D. her

A. Jims, my B. Jim’s, mine C. Jim’s, me D. Jims’, I

A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she

A. She B. her C. hers D. his


A. me, she B. mine, her C. my, her D. I, hers

Welcome to Sunshine Town篇十:七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》检测题(含详解) 牛津译林版

Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town检测题


一、 听力测试(满分20分)

I. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。句子读一遍。(5分)

1. A. In the school. B. To the mountain. C. At the pool.

2. A. Yes,it was. B. Yes,it is. C. No,it can’t.

3. A. It is crowded. B. I’m heavy. C. I am reading a story.

4. A. I stay at home. B. I come from Nanjing. C. It is sunny.

5. A. She’s friendly. B. Twice a month. C. She’s fine.

II. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(5分)

6. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he do.

7. A. New York. B. Mountains. C. London.

8. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. It was sunny. C. It is hot.

9. A. This summer. B. Last week. C. Last summer.

10. A. Because it’s cheap and safe.

B. Because it’s comfortable.

C. Because it’s slowly.

III. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) 11. It was last Sunday.

A. rainy B. windy C. snowy

12. Carla is Maria’s .

A. sister B. aunt C. cousin 13. Carla visited .

A. the Palace Museum

B. the Great Wall

C. the Palace Museum and the Great Wall

14. Maria’s parents at home.

A. stayed B. weren’t C. watched TV 15. They had noodles for lunch. A. vegetable B. beef C. mutton

IV. 听短文,填表格。短文读两遍。(5分)


21. Millie often helps me my English.

A. in B. for C. with D. on

22. Are there boys than girls in your class?

A. less B. many C. more D. much

23. It’s getting late. Let’s take the little girl home.

A. to go to B. go C. to D. /

24. —Sorry,I don’t know how to look after these flowers.

— .

A. Not at all B. You’re welcome

C. Never mind D. That’s right

25. —Does this knife belong to ?

—Yes,it’s .

A. your;mine B. you;mine

C. him;he’s D. his;mine

26. — glasses of juice do you have a day?


A. How many B. How much

C. How long D. How far

27. —How many people are there in the room?

— .

A. No B. No one C. Nobody D. None 28. He enjoys badminton.

A. playing B. to play C. play D. playing the 29. I like going into town my bicycle.

A. by B. at C. on D. before

30. —Must I hand in my composition today?

—No,you . You may give it to me tomorrow.

A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

31.I live in the building with my friends,so I am my friends.

A. close B. closed to C. close to D. closing

32. — try some Shandong food for dinner today?

—Good idea.

A. Why not B. Why don’t

C. Why not to D. Why not we

33.—I hope you my birthday party next Sunday.

—OK,I .

A. to come;will B. to come to;am

C. can come to;will D. can come to;am 34.They are fathers.

A. Dick’s and Lily’s B. Dick and Lily’s

C. Dick’s and Lily D. Dick and Lily

35. I can’t swim. What you?

A. about B. can C. are D. is


Bill likes football very much,and he often 36 to watch matches in our town on 37 .He doesn’t go to the best seats, 38 they are very 39 . There was a big 40 match in our town last Sunday. 41 it was very cold and cloudy,but then the sun was 42 ,and it was very hot.

There were a lot of people on benches (长凳) 43 Bill at the match. Bill was

on one bench,and there was a fat man on a bench 44 him. At first the fat man was cold, 45 then he was very hot. He took his coat 46 and put it in front of him,but it 47 on Bill’s head. Bill was not angry. He took the coat 48 his head,looked at it and then laughed and 49 ,“Thank you...but 50 are the trousers?”

36. A. goes B. likes C. sees D. watches

37. A. Fridays B. Mondays C. Sundays D. Tuesdays

38. A. because B. but C. if D. so

39. A. cheap B. dear C. near D. nice

40. A. basketball B. football C. reading D. riding

41. A. At the time B. At first C. First D. Then

42. A. cold B. round C. shining D. yellow

43. A. behind B. in front of C. near D. round

44. A. before B. behind C. by D. over

45. A. and B. but C. for D. so

46. A. away B. of C. off D. on

47. A. fell B. held C. kept D. put

48. A. away B. from C. off D. on

49. A. answered B. asked C. said D. spoke

50. A. how B. when C. where D. whose

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Skin-diving(轻装潜水)is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you are under the water,it is easy for you to climb big rocks,because you are no longer heavy.

Here,under water,everything is blue and green. During the day,there is plenty of light. When fish swim nearby,you can catch them with your hands.

When you have tanks of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water. To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides,there are more uses for skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep sea.

Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting. 51. Skin-diving is a popular sport. It can take you to .

A. deep water B. the mountains

C. a new world of land D. the moon 52. In deep water .

A. there is no light at all

B. there is plenty of light

C. there is a new world of land

D. it is like a visit to the moon 53. You can climb big rocks under water easily because .

A. you are very heavy

B. you are as heavy as on the land

C. you are very thin

D. you are not so heavy as on the land

54. With tanks of air on your back,you can .

A. catch fish very easily

B. stay under water for a long time

C. climb big rocks

D. have more fun 55. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Skin-diving is a new sport.

B. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.

C. Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.

D. Skin-diving is not only interesting but useful.


Yesterday wasn’t a good day. The weather wasn’t very nice. It was cold and rainy. The bus wasn’t on time. It was late. My boss (老板) wasn’t very happy, because I was late for work. He was a little angry.

At one o’clock I went to a cafe for lunch, but the food wasn’t hot and the coffee was cold. I wasn’t very happy. Then I went back to work, but my papers weren’t on my desk. They were missing. I looked for them everywhere, but I couldn’t find them. Later someone gave them back to me. I left work at 5 o’clock and it started to rain again. I got very wet. Yesterday was a bad day for me.

56. How was the weather yesterday?

A. It was a nice day.

B. It was rainy and cold.

C. It was humid and hot.

D. It was snowy.

57. Why was the boss angry?

A. Because the weather was bad.

B. Because the writer was late for work.

C. Because the food was cold.

D. Because the papers weren’t on his desk.

58. What does the underlined word “missing” mean in Chinese?

A.空缺的 B.被损坏的

C.丢失的 D.被去除的

59. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. The writer had a nice lunch.

B. It stopped raining at five o’clock in the afternoon.

C. The writer went home after lunch.

D. The writer took the bus to work.

60.Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. A Great Weekend B. A Bad Boss

C. A Bad Day D. A Nice Job



30 minutes to go to school by bus from my home.

62.你想去购物吗? you to go shopping?

63.一些家庭饲养奶牛,另一些家庭种植小麦。 families raise cows,and grow wheat.


Let’s go to the station .

65.我们期待着不久就会与你们见面。 We are looking forward you soon. 六、根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词完成对话(每小题1分,满分10分)

A:You’re going on a trip to Beijing,right?

B:Yes. We will fly to Beijing for a four-day trip.

A:It must be fun. When will you l 66 ?

B:We will fly to Beijing t 67 morning.

A:What’s your plan for the trip?

B:Oh,we have a lot of p 68 to go and we will go to the P 69 Museum first. A:Are you going to the Great Wall?

B:Yes. We will go there on the second day of our trip. We will enjoy a f 70 day there.

A:That’s great. What about the t 71 day?

B:We will go to Laoshe Tea House on the third day. We want to enjoy Beijing o 72 there.

A:That s 73 wonderful. W 74 else are you going?

B:We plan to go s 75 in Wangfujing Street,too. I shall buy some works of art as souvenirs.

A:That’s a good plan.






4.在那里可买到很好看的丝巾(silk scarves)。





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