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星河夜渡 2009年10月10日21:52 来源:FT中文网 点击 150次

巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日荣膺诺贝尔和平奖,此时距离他就任美国总统只有263天。这一决定更多地是褒奖其承诺、而非成就,在全世界引发了赞扬和怀疑。 Barack Obama yesterday received the Nobel peace prize just 263 days after taking office, triggering praise and incredulity across the world over a decision that rewards him more for promise than achievement.


The US president said he was ―surprised and humbled‖ by the Norwegian Nobel committee's decision, adding that he felt unworthy to be counted among the ―transformative figures‖ of history who had previously won the prize. 然而,这个奖金为140万美元的奖项也被视为对奥巴马某种形式的挑战,批评者辩称,奥巴马迄今未能在外交政策上获得明显的成功。

However, the $1.4m award was also seen as something of a challenge to Mr Obama, with his critics arguing that he has so far failed to secure a clear foreign policy success.


The Nobel Committee praised Mr Obama for ―his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples‖, citing his fledgling push for nuclear disarmament and his reaching out to the Muslim world.

奥巴马获奖令白宫感到意外。在被一家美国媒体要求就此消息予以置评时,总统发言人罗伯特•吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)用电子邮件回复了一个字:―哇!‖

The award took the White House by surprise. Asked by a US media

organisation to comment on the news, Robert Gibbs, the president's spokesman, e-mailed back the one word: ―Wow.‖

授予奥巴马诺贝尔和平奖的决定受到了世界各国领导人的欢迎。刚刚连任德国总理的安哥拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,奥巴马使国际外交的基调向着对话的方向迅速改变。


The decision was welcomed by world leaders. Angela Merkel, the newly re-elected German chancellor, said Mr Obama had rapidly changed the tone of international diplomacy towards dialogue. ―There is still much left to do, but a window of possibility has been opened,‖ she said.



But others were scornful of the decision to reward a president who has yet to score any breakthrough in the Middle East or halt Iran's nuclear programme – and who may soon be sending thousands more troops to war in Afghanistan. 曾获得诺贝尔和平奖的波兰前总统列赫•瓦文萨(Lech Walesa)表示,授予这位48岁的美国总统诺贝尔和平奖为时尚早。

Lech Walesa, Poland's former president and a Nobel laureate himself, said it was too early to bestow the award on the 48-year-old US president.


―Who, Obama? So fast? For the time being Obama's just making proposals. But sometimes the Nobel Committee awards the prize to encourage responsible action.‖


星河夜渡 2009年10月09日11:22 来源:英语点津 点击 1980次

German football player Michael Ballack. German men have been voted the world's

worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.

German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.


A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans are considered "too smelly". 这项民意调查共有1.5万名女性参与。调查发现,德国男人被认为―体味太重‖。 English lovers came second because they are so lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick to finish" and came third.

英国男人因太懒在最差爱人榜中位居第二,瑞典男人被指―办事太快‖而名列第三。 Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.


The poll, carried out by global research site asked

women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.


Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish. 德国男人被认为体味太重,英国男人被指不够主动,而瑞典男人则有点太快了。 Men from Holland were "too rough" between the bed covers and Americans were accused of being "too dominating" in the bedroom.



Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.


Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish).


Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman.


A spokesperson for added: "These results are an

eye-opener for thousands of men around the world and female travellers might judge potential new lovers by looking at these results."



ssstnt 2009年10月10日10:28 来源:中国日报网 点击 2107次

So, you know, it is what it is, but Americans are totally annoyed by the use of "whatever" in conversations.


The popular slacker term of indifference was found "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll released Wednesday.


Whatever easily beat out "you know," which especially grated a quarter of respondents. The other annoying contenders were "anyway" (at 7 percent), "it is what it is" (11 percent) and "at the end of the day" (2 percent).

―Whatever‖轻松击败―you know(你知道)‖位居榜首,四分之一的受访者最讨厌后者。其它入选的最惹人厌的用语还包括―anyway(总之;反正)(7%)―,―it is what it is(这就是事实)‖(11%),以及―at the end of the day(到头来)‖(2%)。 Whatever — pronounced "WHAT'-ehv-errr" when exasperated — is an expression with staying power. Immortalized in song by Nirvana ("oh well, whatever, nevermind") in 1991, popularized by the Valley girls in "Clueless" later that decade, it is still commonly used, often by younger people. ―Whatever‖是一个带有忍耐意味的表达,在语气加重时,它常被说成

―WHAT'-ehv-errr‖。涅磐乐队于1991年演唱的一首歌曲使whatever这个词被人们记住(其中出现歌词oh well, whatever, nevermind),而在同一年代的后期,影片《独领风骚》中的山谷女孩又使之广为流行。如今,这一词汇仍然很常用,在年轻人中尤为流行。 It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy. And it can really be annoying. The poll found "whatever" to be consistently disliked by Americans regardless of their race, gender, age, income or where they live.


中英双语新闻学习法 中英双语新闻学习法对于众多英语学习的同学来说,双语是个令人头疼的难题,在这里欧美加英语培训中心为大家提供最正确科学的双语新闻学习法,希望大家能多多参考一下,从中得到收获哦!1. 尽量先以自己熟悉的语言了解新闻内容  刚到ICRT 国内新闻中心上班的外籍记者,虽然多半中文程度并不差,但是有时候“新闻中文”并不强,在翻译或阅读一些中文的新闻稿时,虽然可以查单字,但要完全了解整体的意思,往往有些困难。 发生这样的状况,我会建议他们先去看英文报纸的同样一则新闻,透过自己的母语,了解其中的来龙去脉,再回来看中文稿时,本来以为很复杂的内容,就变得简单多了。同样的,在进行当天的英文新闻学习前,先从中文的媒体了解当天主要的国际或国内新闻内容,在听英文新闻时,就容易多了。当然,这是在学习期间,过了入门的阶段,就不需要了。  2. 掌握各类新闻英语的有限单词  世界之广,事件之多,大部分的人一定认为,要掌握新闻英语的相关单词,恐怕好几千个,要背完一整本的新闻词库,才有办法听懂。这个想法似乎很合逻辑,但是其实有个极大的错误,从政治新闻到娱乐新闻,当然很可能有几千个单词,但是相关的单词每几个月,甚至每几年才出现一次,就是所谓的rarely used vocabulary(罕见单词),例如:“multilateral currency realignment”(跨国货币调整)或“planned obsolescence”(计划的陈废),如果连这些也要背,那可真是不得了。幸好,每天新闻会遇到的单词,八成五以上,都是我们称为的 commonly used vocabulary (常用单词)。换言之,只要你能掌握这五、六百个重复出现的单词,就可以听懂八成五以上的新闻。其它一些较专门的财经或科学等新闻字汇,等主要的单词会了之后,再慢慢的增加难度。  3. 遇到听不懂的地方不要去想它,继续听下去  你一定有个经验,在听英语新闻或英语节目时,遇到一个你不会的字或没听清楚的段落,就开始想它的意思,往往造成接下来的内容全都没听清楚。所谓 “一心不能二用”,绝不可以在听的同时,边想前一句的意思,要养成一个习惯,那就是遇到不太懂的地方不要停下来思考,专心听下去。某个段落没听懂,可能的原因有几个,也许有个没学过的单字,或有较特殊的句型,也许主播播报的速度一时加快,甚至自己分心没听好。无论原因是什幺,不管它就继续听下去,还是有可能将主要内容听懂,因为九成的时候,漏掉一点,不会是关键到让你无法连接下面的意思,但是如果思惟卡在前一句,肯定全军覆没。但

如果另外那一成确实是关键呢?要是有空,可以上网找相关内容的新闻,了解一下是否有关键单字或内容较不熟悉,如果是重要新闻,一般来讲不会报一次就不报了,可以收听当天其它整点新闻的播报,也许还可以听到同样的新闻,也许听第二次就完全了解了!  4. 不要太在乎特殊难懂的人名及地名  2000年初夏,裴济发生政变,没多久就宣布戒严令,军方的领导人,头衔连姓名叫Fiji militarycommander Commodore Frank Bainimarama,每次我播报新闻,念到这里时,都差点要吃螺丝。想一想,连我都要花时间先练习这些较难念的名字,而听众听我播报,三秒就过去了,难怪有人对这些外国人名及地名叫苦连天。遇到这样的状况时,该怎幺办呢?别理它吧!说实话,我自己听BBC或CNN的新闻,也常常听到不太熟悉的人名或地名,如某国家的人,也许我没听过,很可能听完新闻你再问我,我也答不出来他的名字,但是多半时候对了解新闻内容并不影响,我只要知道他是某国的国会领导人就够了。再如俄罗斯南部某个难念的小城镇发生什幺事,清楚它他是俄罗斯南部的小城镇,足够我了解新闻内容。你也可以试试这种方法,不要为复杂的名称所困扰。当然,重要的新闻人物及地名还是得熟悉一下。  5. 以正确的播报速度来学习  我刚来台湾时,常常有人找我为一些英文教材配音。进录音室时,我坐在麦克风前,拿了稿子开始念,没念几句,负责人请我是否可以念慢些,于是我从头开始,放慢了速度,念了几句,他又问我可不可以再慢些。等到教材出版后,我听了卡带,自认为不但听起来怪怪的,对学会也没有帮助,因为人正常说话根本不是这样的。经常有本地朋友抱怨,我在 ICRT 播报新闻的速度,快得让他们听不太懂,我只能说,这是播报新闻正常的速度,即使ICRT播的慢些,等到你要听BBC或CNN,还是会听不懂。那该怎么办呢?  我来台湾时,基本的中文会话不成问题,时间久了,报纸也能读看,但是打开中广或三台的新闻,还是觉得“雾煞煞”,于是我将中文新闻录音下来,重复的听,如果不会的单字,请朋友帮忙听一下,听到上百遍,直到完全听懂为止。因为我自己这样的练习,现在听中文新闻,一个字都不会漏掉。有了手上的这套教材,你不用自己录音,更不需要麻烦别人帮忙听,但是你会发现,专业的播音员录制在CD片上的新闻都是以正常的速度播报,因为这样才能真正的学会新闻英语,如果听不太懂,多听几次,一定大有进展。但是,如果用一些速度放慢的教材,那只能永远听教材,真正新闻的速度会跟不上。  6. 尽

快锁定大略的新闻内容  不知你是否注意过,听英语新闻时,主播经常会在报某条新闻前,来句类似“And now in sports...”(现在进入体育新闻),或“Turning to the Middle East ...”(转向中东地区...)或“In U.S. election race news...”(有关美国选举新闻...)等,没有一定格式或说法,这样短短的一句,就是要让不同类型新闻的转变自然些。播报某条新闻前,来个这样的“ 自我介绍”,对学习新闻英语是很有帮助的。怎幺说呢?我举个简单的例子,到目前为止,我听得懂的台语还是有限,如果随便跟我说几句,我很可能听不懂,但是若有人先让我知道他准备跟我聊的话题,接下来对我就容易的多了。这个情形跟新闻前给你一个小提示一样,知道即将要接收哪一类的讯息,可以先准备一下自己的思惟。当然,不是每条新闻前都会给你这样的提示,要是没有,自己也得赶快锁定内容及方向,如果看电视新闻的话,可以试着从画面了解是哪一类的新闻;若是广播的话,也应该从第一句就可以判断。  7. 经常听,经常练习  或许你会认为这幺简单的道理不用说也知道,但是你会发现,最简单的道理也是最重要的。我记得刚来台湾不久,中文尚未十分流利,只要回美国几个星期,回台湾之后,讲起中文来,舌头便不听使唤,结结巴巴的。后来,我与美国史丹福大学的一个东方语言学教授聊起来,他说,其实只要每天花点时间接触它,就可以完全避免这样的状况。  8. 虽然要“听”新闻,正确的“说”也很重要  本文的目的,是让你打好收听新闻英语的基础,做个一流的“听众”,但听力再怎幺好的中国人,不会自己想做英语主播,所以为什幺要管发音呢?其实,这个道理是很简单,如果自己对某一个新闻单字的发音不对,很可能会听不懂,例如唱片或记录叫“record”,录音也叫“record”,但是重音不同。如果认为这个字只有一个发音,很可能就会弄混。有时候也很容易将两个不同单字的发音弄混,例如:“Philadelphia battered Chicago, winning 14 to 1.”(费城击败芝加哥,以14比1赢球。)如果这句的“battered”听成“battled”,虽然发音接近,但意思就不对了。如果花一点时间确定自己的发音是否正确,对听懂新闻英语也会有帮助。  9. 了解学习新闻英语的过程及进步的速度  学习任何东西,尤其是语言,就像滚雪球一样,愈滚愈大,到了某个阶段,学习的速度会自然而然的加快。学习新闻英语的起步阶段,也许经常觉得听不懂,但是继续努力,不知不觉会发现,费的精神较少,但听得懂的部分变多了。为何了解这个过程是诀窍之一呢?因为

很多人还不到“半途”就以为自己学不会,但是其实只要有恒心,绝对可以有令人非常满意的成果。  10. 对自己有信心  一定有人说,讲这个谁都知道,但不少人对自己却是没有信心或信心缺乏,而对自己学习的进度及成果大打折扣。英文有句话:“We are our own worst enemy.”(最大的敌人,便是自己),虽然学新闻英语一点都不难,但如果心里想:“我一定学不会。”还没有开始奋战,已经被自己打败了,要突破自己设下的心里障碍,比实际学习的障碍还更困难。我记得在美国刚开始学中文时,有一天在纽约唐人街的书店拿起一本厚厚的中文小说,书名三个字我只认得第一个字 ──“红”,翻开看看,里面只认得几个零星的字。当时我心里想,真的会有一天我能看得懂这个吗?对外国人而言,要认得汉字可是一件极为艰难的事,不过我当时告诉自己,我一定要学会,绝不轻易“罢休”。当时我在唐人街手握着的书,书名的另外两个字是“楼梦”,至今《红楼梦》我看过三遍。如果当时我想:“啊!这个太难了,学一百年都学不会。”我现在认得的中文,可能还是那零星的几个字。所以在强烈的学习欲望及好方法之外,也要对自己有信心,英文有另外一句话,就是“What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.”


娱乐新闻第一期播音稿件 感受娱乐前沿,了解最新资讯.欢迎收听重外广播,今天给您带来的节目是娱乐新闻.大家好,我是袁艺涵,我是姜云芳 范冰冰“艳压”多位一线女星 网友:范爷真霸气 近日,某网友发表《那些年,被范冰冰艳压或力压过的女星》的帖子引发网友热议:“要说写起通稿,国内绝对没有人能比得上范冰冰工作室,无论出席何种活动,只要碰上范冰冰就只有被艳压的份。从好莱坞明星到国外超模,从内地顶级一线女星到初出茅庐的小花旦,范冰冰见一个压一个,见两个压一双,被范冰冰压过的女星加起来可以绕地球三圈。”这名网友把范冰冰参加时

装周活动时各大网站的报道集合在一起,比如,“时装周范冰冰力压姚晨巩俐”“范冰冰红裙戴蝴蝶结,艳压李冰冰”“范冰冰风情万种力压章子怡”等等。有网友笑言:“范爷真够霸气。”也有不少网友指责范冰冰工作室的通稿写得有问题。 对于质疑,范冰冰工作室回应表示:“谢谢各位媒体的支持。另外还请下笔起标题的大大们慎重啊,中文如此博大精深,别总‘力压’‘艳压’拼点击流量了,‘油压’‘指压’再来个刮痧拔罐那多舒坦。中箭真心好痛。”范冰冰工作室副总经理杨思维也为“范爷”鸣不平,她说:“每次受到攻击,最心疼的就是各位粉丝,看到你们为冰冰难过,甚至愤怒地和别人吵架,提


贝嫂维多利亚变身女王 助阵时尚杂志发布会 据英国媒体3月7日报道,英国球星贝克汉姆之妻维多利亚因其出色的设计天分和对时尚的独到品味被成为“时尚女王”。近日,在庆祝英国《星期日时报》旗下的杂志《Style》再次创刊之时,贝嫂和其他49位明星的肖像出现在该杂志首期中。 值得注意的是,这些被成为“50位最佳着装名人”的人物的肖像都是经过后期处理的。比如,贝嫂就被搭配着白色头纱和银质王冠以及蓝色礼服,完全是英国伊丽莎白二世女王的一身行头。英国超模凯特•摩斯也被描绘成伊丽莎白二世女王头戴王冠和银发、穿着裘皮大衣的模样。

前日有网友爆料称,刚刚主持完央视春晚的李咏将离开央视主持人的岗位,传李咏基本确定赴传媒大学任教 课程还在商讨


核实 李咏回母校教播音? 这事有谱


对于李咏的去向,网上很快出现了两种版本,一种说法是他将前往中国传媒大学任教,另一种则称其将签约光线传媒。 邓超孙俪同游厦门大学 黑板留言"到此一游"



双语新闻第一期播音稿件(中文部分) 听众朋友们大家好,欢迎来到本周的双语新闻栏目,我是…




新版《笑傲江湖》中,东方不败化身女儿身、情陷男主角令狐冲并千方百计地想要从任盈盈身边夺走他,令人顿觉荒谬无稽。如此颠覆性的奇葩剧情,原著的精髓早已丧失殆尽。 那么,我们在《笑傲江湖》这类的武侠小说中所追寻的究竟是什么?这些故事又有何种魅力,使之成为无数武侠迷心中的经典?











秀兰·邓波儿去世 生平回顾

著名童星秀兰·邓波儿去世 生平回顾

Iconic child star Shirley Temple Black dies at 85

[ 2014-02-12 11:21] 来源:中国日报网

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免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009


Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85. The dimpled actress found fame at the height of the Great Depression in movies including "Heidi," "Curly



Top" and "Bright Eyes" and later served as US ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.

Temple Black died of natural causes Monday at her home in Woodside, Calif., her publicist confirmed to NBC News early Tuesday.

"She was surrounded by her family and caregivers," a statement released by her family said. "We salute her for a life of remarkable achievements as an actor, as a diplomat, and... our beloved mother, grandmother [and] great-grandmother."

Born in Santa Monica, Calif., in April 1928, Temple Black was enrolled in dance school at the age of three. After a number of bit parts she stole the show with her rendition of “Baby Take a Bow” in her first feature film, "Stand Up and Cheer."

Audiences around the world flocked to see her in films such as "Curly Top," "The Little Colonel" and "The Littlest Rebel." Licensed merchandise including dolls, dishes, and clothing also capitalized on her wholesome image.

Temple Black was the top box-office draw for four years in a row between 1935 and 1938. She won a special Academy Award in early 1935 for her "outstanding contribution to screen entertainment" in the previous year.

At the height of her fame, Temple Black earned praise from President Franklin D. Roosevelt who called her "Little Miss Miracle" for raising the public's morale during times of economic hardship, even going so far as to say that, "as long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right."

She even had a drink named after her, an appropriately sweet and innocent cocktail of ginger ale and grenadine, topped with a maraschino cherry.

However, the star's popularity waned in her late teens. She married Charles Black in 1950, a marriage that lasted until his death in 2005 at age 86.

Temple Black went on to sit on the boards of corporations and organizations including the Walt Disney Company, Del Monte and the National Wildlife Federation. She unsuccessfully ran for Congress as a Republican in 1967. She was appointed as America’s ambassador to Ghana in 1974.


邓波儿周一在加利福尼亚州伍德赛德的家中自然死亡,她的公关周二早间与美国全国广播公司确认了这一事实。 邓波儿的家人发布的一则公告中说道:“她是在家人和护理人员的环绕中去世的,作为一名演员、一位外交官和我们亲爱的母亲、祖母和曾祖母,她这一生取得了非凡的成就,我们向她致敬。”



全世界的观众都蜂拥到电影院观看她的电影,如《小卷毛》、《小上校》和《小叛逆》。许多特许商品,包括布娃娃、餐盘、衣服,都利用邓波儿健康的形象而大卖特卖。 1935年至1938年间,邓波儿一连四年稳居最高票房宝座。1935年初她因为上一年“对电影娱乐事业做出的突出贡献”获得了奥斯卡特别金像奖。


In 1988, Temple Black became the first person to achieve the rank of honorary Foreign Service officer of the United States and a year later she took up the post of ambassador to Czechoslovakia, where she served until 1992.

In 1999, the American Film Institute ranking of the top 50 screen legends ranked Temple at No. 18 among the 25 actresses.

"I have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the lifetime achievement award. Start early," she quipped in 2006 as she was honored by the Screen Actors Guild.

Temple Black is survived by children Linda Susan, Charlie Jr. and Lori, along with granddaughter Teresa and two great-granddaughters Lily and Emma.


还有一种饮料是用秀兰·邓波儿的名字命名的,这是一种清甜的鸡尾酒,为姜汁汽水和石榴汁的混合饮料,顶层是一颗马拉斯奇诺樱桃。 不过,这位明星在十五岁以后就没有那么红了。









Stephen Hawking declares: 'There are no black holes'

[ 2014-02-11 10:10] 来源:中国日报网

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免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009


Wait, so my life may not have disappeared down a black hole after all?

There is a chance for it to emerge and bloom like the career of David Hasselhoff?

It's charming when a phrase enters the language and we think we all know what it means. In the case of "black hole," we think of an infinity of black


等等,你刚才是说,我不会被黑洞所吞噬? 你还说,那黑洞有可能,会在出现之后就不断扩大,蓬勃发展,就像当年大卫·哈塞尔霍夫(David Hasselhoff)的演艺事业以飞速迅猛壮大一般?


但现在,史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)在他刚刚发表的一篇名为《黑洞的信息存储与

nothingness that swallows everything that slips into it.

But now, in a new paper called "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes," Stephen Hawking has cast the cat among the black, holey pigeons and caused a scattering of incomprehension. His precise words were: "The absence of event horizons mean that there are no black holes -- in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity."

It seems clear. There are no forever and ever holes of blackness. There is always the chance that light might emerge.

Hawking continued, however: "There are however apparent horizons which persist for a period of time. This suggests that black holes should be redefined as metastable bound states of the gravitational field."

So there are black holes. It's just that we should redefine them a touch. So what's this apparent horizon?

Well, it's "a surface along which light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole's core will be suspended." But if they're suspended, they will never emerge, stuck in solitary confinement like the Man in the Iron Mask. The result is surely still the same. Once something disappears into a black hole, it's done for.

At times of existential stress like these, I turn to Nature magazinefor help. It suggests that, at least in theory (and,

气象预报》(Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes)的论文中,宣称黑洞并不存在——此语一出,石破天惊,立即掀起一片质疑与不解。 不妨让我们来看看他的原话:“事件视界的缺失意味着‘黑洞’——一种能使光永远无法逃离的物理环境——其实并不存在。”

听上去,这话已经说的很清楚了。这世上从来没有什么黑洞,因为光总有可能逃逸出来。 但霍金继续说道:“不过,可见视界仍然是存在的,并且可以持续存在一段时间。而这就意味着,传统的黑洞概念可以被重新定义为拥有亚稳定边界的引力场。”



但是,一旦光线处于悬停状态,他们也将如同影片《铁面人》(The Man in the Iron Mask(1998))中的“铁面犯人”一般,被囚禁在密不透风的牢笼里,永远无法逃脱。这样来看,光线的结局必然也将和传统黑洞理论所得出的结论一样——任何东西,一旦消失在黑洞中,那里便将是它永远的归宿。

想到这里,一阵无力感涌上心头,于是,我转而试着去搜寻科学杂志《自然》(Nature)上对黑洞的解释。而那上面则说,至少在理论上(是的,我们不得不承认,所有这些假说都还停留在理论层面),黑洞是有可能在某种特定的情况下消失的。 不过,这杂志上刊载的来自加拿大埃德蒙顿大学的物理学家唐·佩奇(Don Page)的一席话又让人倍感沮丧,他说,一些极小的微粒仍旧存在从黑洞里逃逸的可能。 噢,准备好欢呼了吗?

别急,他还没说完呢。这之后他又说,即使是这些微粒成功逃逸,“那将比想着把一本已被你烧成灰烬的书恢复成原样的尝试还糟”。 哈,这感觉我倒是似曾相识呢! (译者 风语河岸柳 编辑 丹妮)




题 目: 浅谈国内汉英双语播音的价值

院 系: 外国语学院

专业年级: 07级英播3班

姓 名: 刘朋龙

学 号: 071190321

指导教师: 王 冰(讲师)





年 月 日



关 键 词: 双语播音;全球化;价值;传播


As a new form of transmission of the background of globalization, under Chinese media for bilingual broadcast in the international media play a crucial role. Today, the us-led western

countries media mastered global discourse hegemony, while China's media is mainly by Chinese as spread the language, the language by certain restriction on that other countries from China's media is difficult to obtain information, bilingual broadcast appeared just can make up the

defects, through a broad general English to disseminate our culture, make the media information from China has more spread value. The author as the main line, the time to develop the origin, current situation of bilingual announcing to the future trend of development, a series of explore bilingual broadcast in China for the media, such as the immediate needs of bilingual broadcast talents, bilingual broadcast's intrinsic value and now our bilingual broadcast some existing problems and so on.

Key words: Bilingual broadcast;Globalization;Value;spread

目 录

一、国内汉英双语播音的现状 ..................................... 1

(一)国内双语播音的发展现状 ........................................... 1

(二)双语播音人才培养的紧迫性 ......................................... 1

(三)国内双语播音节目解读 ............................................. 2

二、双语播音的价值 ............................................. 4

(一)提升国内民族文化影响力 ........................................... 4

(二)增强国内媒体的竞争力 ............................................. 4

(三)双语在全球传播中的作用 ........................................... 5

第三章 国内双语播音发展的趋势 ................................. 6

(一)国内双语播音的走向 ............................................... 6

(二)国内双语主持发展需要注意的问题 ................................... 7

1、双语播音主持人才的培养 .......................................... 7

2、双语中的把关作用 ................................................ 7

3、双语播音主持人的综合素质 ........................................ 8

参考文献 ....................................................... 9

致 谢 ........................................................ 10


双语新闻:中国多卫视停播近百档娱乐节目China Broadcasters Winnow Out ShowsChina broadcasters have eliminated more than two-thirds of prime-time entertainment programming such as dating and reality shows to comply with tough new government restrictions, as Beijing increasingly seeks to rein in cultural trends it finds problematic.中国多家卫视停播了超过三分之二的相亲和真人秀等黄金档娱乐节目,以便满足政府新出台的严格限制,目前北京日益寻求控制它认为有问题的文化趋势。The state-run Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday that satellite broadcasters have winnowed the number of entertainment shows aired during prime time to 38 from 126. A new rule that came into effect on Sunday limits the number of entertainment programs the broadcasters air to two each week and a maximum of 90 minutes daily between 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m.新华社周二报道说,多家卫视将黄金时段播出的娱乐节目从126档减至38档。根据周日开始实施的一项新规,电视台每周播出的娱乐节目不得超过两档,在每晚7点30分至10点的时段,娱乐节目播出时间不得超过90分钟。The rule, first announced in October, is targeted at what Chinese regulators have called "excessive entertainment and a trend toward low taste," to address the rise of talent shows, dating shows and other such programming aired by China tightly regulated, but increasingly competitive, regional satellite broadcasters. Authorities also encouraged broadcasters to air more news and educational programming.这项规定最早公布于去年10月,目的是遏制中国监管部门所称的“过度娱乐和低级趣味的倾向”,以应对受到严格监管、但竞争力日益增强的地方卫视播出的选秀、相亲和其他类似节目的兴起。当局还鼓励电视台播出更多的新闻和教育节目。"Satellite channels have started to broadcast programs that promote traditional virtues and socialist core values,"Xinhua on Tuesday cited China broadcasting regulator as saying.Imaginechina相亲节目《非诚勿扰》在内容上受到新的限制,但据新华社援引中国国家广播电影电视总局的话报道,该节目在最新的清理整顿中得以保留。新华社周二援引广播电影电视监管部门的话报道说,卫星频道开始播出弘扬传统美德和社会主义核心价值体系的节目。The rule is part of a broad government effort to take firmer control of China media landscape, an effort that also includes the nation freewheeling Internet culture. The Internet aspect marks a recognition by policy makers of the Web rising power in a country with few other public national forums for discussing issues of the day. The media part, while targeting low-brow trends, also shows China rising interest in developing its own soft power — in the arts, media and culture — to compete with the likes

of Hollywood as the nation looks to take on a broader global role.新的规定是政府加强对中国媒体行业控制的广泛举措之一,其他举措还包括控制中国畅所欲言的互联网文化。对互联网的控制意味着决策者认识到,在鲜有其他全国性公开平台来讨论时事的中国,网络的力量不断增强。对媒体的控制尽管旨在遏制低级趣味的倾向,却也显示出,随着中国寻求在全球发挥更大作用,它越来越有兴趣发展自身软实力(艺术、媒体和文化),以便与好莱坞等竞争。Newly released remarks by President Hu Jintao also highlight Beijing desire to limit Hollywood influence. In October, Hu warned senior Communist Party leaders that "hostile" foreign forces are seeking to "Westernize" the country. "We should deeply understand the seriousness and complexity of the ideological struggle, always sound the alarms and remain vigilant, and take forceful measures to be on guard and respond," Hu said, according to the Associated Press. The comments were published this week in a party-run magazine called Seeking Truth and translated by Western news services.最新公布的中国国家主席胡锦涛的讲话也显示出北京希望限制好莱坞的影响。去年10月,胡锦涛提醒共产党高层领导说,外国敌对势力寻求西化中国。据美联社(Associated Press)报道,胡锦涛说,我们要深刻认识意识形态领域斗争的严重性和复杂性,警钟长鸣、警惕长存,采取有力措施加以防范和应对。胡锦涛的上述讲话发表在本周出版的中国共产党《求是》杂志上,由西方新闻机构翻译。At the end of that October gathering, Chinese officials publicly called for stricter control of social media, which has challenged the Chinese government traditional hold on the nation information channels. Since then, Chinese Internet companies have announced efforts to crack down on "rumors" — a term often understood to mean information that the Communist Party finds undesirable — while city governments are enacting new rules that would require users of Twitter-like microblogs and other services to register their real names with the companies before posting.在去年10月召开的会议结束时,中国官员公开呼吁加强对社交媒体的控制。社交媒体挑战了传统上中国政府对中国信息渠道的控制。此后,中国互联网公司宣布了抵制“谣言”(一般被认为指的是共产党不希望看到的信息)的行动,而各市政府开始实施新的规定,要求微博等服务的用户在发表微博前用实名注册帐户。Western media face limits in terms of the amount and the subjects that can be shown. But Hollywood continues to have tremendous sway in China —the movie "Avatar" earned $204 million at the Chinese box office in 2010; the latest "Sherlock Holmes" movie is poised to hit theaters later this month. Chine

se Vice President Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to succeed Hu during an upcoming once-a-decade leadership change, once told the then-U.S. ambassador he was a fan of U.S. war movies, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.西方媒体则面临信息数量和主题方面的限制。不过,好莱坞继续在中国拥有巨大影响力,2010年影片《阿凡达》(Avatar)在中国获得2.04亿美元票房,《福尔摩斯2》(Sherlock Holmes)将于本月晚些时候在中国上映。据维基解密(WikiLeaks)公布的一份美国外交电文,中国国家副主席习近平曾对当时的美国驻华大使说,他喜欢看美国战争片。外界普遍认为在今年晚些时候举行的10年一次的领导人换届中,习近平将接替胡锦涛担任国家主席。Nearly two years ago, Jiangsu Satellite TV dating show "If You Are the One" caused ripples around the nation when a female contestant said she would rather be unhappy dating a man with a BMW than be happy with a man who rode only a bicycle.将近两年前,在江苏卫视的相亲节目《非诚勿扰》中,一位女嘉宾说,宁愿坐在宝马车里哭,也不愿意坐在自行车上笑。此话在全国引起了轩然大波。Though "If You Are the One" faced new content restrictions after that broadcast, it was spared the latest culling, according to Xinhua, which quoted the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, known as Sarft. Also spared was a soap opera called "Li Yuan Chun," broadcast by Henan Satellite TV.尽管《非诚勿扰》之后在内容上受到新的限制,但据新华社援引中国国家广播电影电视总局的话报道,该节目在最新的清理整顿中得以保留。其他未被叫停的节目还有河南卫视播出的戏曲比赛节目《梨园春》。The original statement could be found Tuesday on the Sarft website and a list of the canceled shows was unavailable.记者周二无法在广电总局的网站上找到最初的声明,也无法找到被叫停的节目名单。China media watchdogs already keep gritty programming involving crime, violence and social issues off the air. In response, regional satellite broadcasters with an aim to reach a national audience in recent years have turned to reality shows that sometimes pit family members against each other, or dating shows where the outcome often seems to depend on how wealthy the suitors are — a potentially provocative issue in a country with a vast gap between the wealthy and the poor.中国的媒体监管部门已经禁止电视台播出涉及犯罪、暴力和社会问题的敏感节目。相应的,力争获得全国电视观众喜爱的地方卫视近年来转向真人秀节目(有些时候节目中会有家人互相谩骂)或相亲节目(相亲结果似乎常常取决于追求者的财富状况),而这在贫富严重分化的中国是很有争议的话题。The new rules could hurt a pot

entially lucrative market for Western companies. WPP PLC ad-buying unit GroupM estimates that China television advertising revenue in 2010 totaled $27.4 billion. But there could be a plus side for advertisers, since much of China recent output of entertainment programming involves copycat shows that eat away at the originals ratings.新的规定或许会损害一个对西方公司来说可能获利颇丰的市场。WPP PLC旗下广告公司群邑(GroupM)估计,2010年中国电视广告总收入为274亿美元。不过,这对广告客户却可能带来好处,因为中国最近播出的大部分娱乐节目都是跟风抄袭的产物,损害了原创节目的收视率。热恋亲吻鱼拒绝两地分居Two fish deep in love热恋亲吻鱼拆散后绝食Two fish in an aquarium at Zhumadian, Henan, will kiss as soon as they see each other, just as human couples do, according to dahe.cn. The supervisor says that the male and female fish are from Taiwan. In the beginning, breeders were afraid that the fish's frequent kisses may hurt them, so they put the 2 in different tanks. However, the 2 went on hunger strike unexpectedly. After being put together again 3 days later, the lovesick fish kissed for such a long time that the attendants were emotionally moved by the event.据大河网报道,在驻马店一家水族馆内,一对小鱼像热恋中的情侣,一相见就亲昵接吻。水族馆的负责人说:这两条小鱼一雌一雄,来自宝岛台湾。刚运来时,水族馆的工作人员担心它们过度亲密会伤身体,特意将它俩分开,没料到遭到它们的绝食抗议。3天后,工作人员只好将它俩重新放到一个大鱼缸内;它俩3天不见,一见面就长吻不止,令工作人员很感动。研究:周围女性少 男性出手更大方Men turn from penny-pinching savers to big spenders if they think there is a shortage of women around them according to new research.新研究显示,男性认为周围女性数量不足时就会从小气节俭变成慷慨大方。When men believe that competition for wives and girlfriends is increasing they become impulsive with their money and even increase their borrowing.当男性认为娶媳妇或找女朋友的竞争变得激烈时,他们花钱会变得冲动,甚至会借更多的钱。To test their theory that sex ratios affect economic decisions, researchers at Minnesota University's Carlson School of Management told volunteers to read articles that described their local population as having more men or more women.为了测试“性别比会影响经济决策”这一理论,明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院的研究员让志愿者们朗读一些文章,这些文章描述了当地人口男性偏多或者女性偏多的情况。They were then asked to indicate how much money they would save each month from a pay cheque, as well as how much

they would borrow with credit cards for immediate expenditures.然后研究员们要求志愿者指出他们准备从每个月的收入中存下多少钱,以及他们会从信用卡中借多少钱用来应急。When led to believe women were scarce, the savings rates for men decreased by 42 percent.当志愿者们得知女性数量不足时,男性志愿者们的存款率下降了42%。Men were also willing to borrow 84 percent more money each month.此外男性每个月打算借的钱数增加了84%。In another study, participants saw photographs showing more men, more women or were neutral.在另一个研究中,参与者们看到的图片显示男性更多、女性更多或男性和女性一样多。After looking at the photographs, participants were asked to choose between receiving some money tomorrow or a larger amount in a month.看完后,研究人员要求参与者在“明天得到一点钱”和“一个月后得到更多的钱”两者间做出选择。When women were scarce in the photos, men were much more likely to take an immediate $20 rather than wait for $30 in a month.当图片中女性较少时,男性更倾向于选择马上拿到20美元,而非一个月后拿到30美元。Study leader Vlada Griskevicius said: "What we see in other animals is that when females are scarce, males become more competitive. They compete more for access to mates."该研究的带头人伏拉达?格里斯克维修斯说:“我们从其他动物身上可以看到,当雌性数量不足时,雄性间的竞争变得更激烈。它们的竞争加剧是为了获得交配机会。”"How do humans compete for access to mates? What you find across cultures is that men often do it through money, through status and through products."“人类是如何为得到求偶机会而竞争的呢?纵览各种文化,你会发现男性通常凭借金钱、地位和成果来竞争。”"It turns out we have a lot in common with other animals. Some of our behaviours are much more reflexive and subconscious. We see that there are more men than women in our environment and it automatically changes our desires, our behaviours, and our entire psychology."“研究表明,我们与其它动物有很多相同之处。我们的一些行为更具反射性,而且更多地来自潜意识。当我们看到我们生活的环境中男性比女性更多时,我们的欲望、行为和整个心理世界就会不自觉地发生改变。”意大利邮轮触礁 船长弃船逃生被捕Maritime authorities, passengers and mounting evidence pointed toward the captain of a cruise liner that ran aground and capsized off the Tuscan coast, amid accusations that he abandoned ship before everyone was safely evacuated and was showing off when he steered the vessel far too close to shore.近日,意大利一艘豪华邮轮在托斯卡纳海岸附近搁浅倾覆。海事当

双语娱乐新闻篇七:China Daily News

1. The eastern metropolis of Shanghai, the economic hub of Hong Kong and the sprawling city of Chongqing have been named the top three "sexy cities" in China because of their prosperity, charming buildings and beautiful girls, a new survey shows.

People gave a wide range of reasons for naming Shanghai as the sexiest city, including its strong economy, iconic buildings and landscape, hosting of the World Expo 2010 and cultural diversity.

Hong Kong came second because it has many celebrities and is an international city

However, sexy local women were the top reason why Chongqing got such a high ranking. “Sexy" is an outdated criterion for urban development in an age when harmony and livability is most valued in urban life.

The concept of sexy city can be misleading in terms of focusing too much on prosperity and a xenocentric lifestyle, hence undervaluing a peaceful life and ignoring indigenous culture.

2. The air quality in Shanghai was "good" or "fair" on more than 98 percent of the days between May 1 and Aug 31, the best ever, all thanks to the environmental protection initiatives taken before and during the Expo 2010 Shanghai.

Figures show that the quality of air on more than 95 percent of the days in the first eight months of this year was recorded as "good" or "fair", meaning the city's air quality index reached grade II or better.

The city has so far lived up to its aim of witnessing more than 95 percent of days with "fair" air quality this year.

Since the Expo kicked off on May 1, the municipal government has prohibited the burning of straws in suburban and rural areas, which is considered a major reason for the improved air quality.

3. Where is the dream land for women entrepreneurs? The answer may possibly be China. The country has the most self-made female entrepreneurs in the world and 11 of the top 20 wealthiest self-made women in the world are Chinese, according to the Hurun List of Self-Made Women Billionaires released on Oct 12 in Beijing.

4. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for those Expo volunteers who have been lucky enough to land jobs by means of networking or job fairs, writes Yu Ran.

The Private Enterprise Pavilion has launched a series of job fairs for graduate volunteers at the Expo, most of whom will find them out of work on Oct 31 when the six-month event ends.

China's job market is notoriously competitive, which is one of the reasons why the organizers behind these fairs decided to repay the volunteers by giving their job-hunting a boost, said Zhang Lin, the pavilion's executive president.

"Considering that our graduate volunteers will have difficulty finding jobs after the Expo, we launched a recruitment scheme in September among private enterprises and began staging job fairs,” he said. Zhang is in charge of the recruitment scheme.

5. Chile’s 33 rescued miners recovered from their two-month ordeal on Thursday as the

offers and gifts that go along with their new celebrity status started to roll in, including an invitation to Graceland.

Most of the miners were in surprisingly good health considering that they were stuck in a wet, hot and dark tunnel for 69 days.

The men, who set a world record for survival underground, were finally hoisted to the surface in a rescue operation that was watched by hundreds of millions of people worldwide and triggered celebrations across Chile.

Between medical tests, the miners spent time with their families on Thursday and began looking at a flood of offers ranging from financial to musical.

Edison Pena, a fan of Elvis Presley, was invited to visit the Graceland mansion that was his home in Memphis, Tennessee and now serves as a museum to the rock and roll legend.

Real Madrid and Manchester United invited the miners, many of whom are avid soccer fans, to watch them play in Europe.

The miners were also expected to receive job offers, advertising deals and possibly contracts to sell their stories for book and film projects.

6. Old people who keep walking a relatively long distance may be less likely to suffer from cognitive decline, a new study suggests.

7. China's second unmanned lunar probe, Chang'e-2, is scheduled to blast off at 6:59:57 pm Friday from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in Southwest China's Sichuan province, the XSLC authorities announced Friday.

The following are some facts and figures:

Chang'e-2 I was built as an alternative to Chang'e-1, which was launched in October 2007 and maintained a 16-month lunar orbit.

Chang'e-2 will test key technologies and collect data for future landings of Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4, and provide high-resolution photographs of the landing area.

Chang'e-2 satellite weighs 2.48 tonnes

The designed life of Chang'e-2 is six months, compared with one year for Chang'e-1.

The spatial resolution -- the distance between two points that an imaging system can distinguish -- of the newly-developed camera carried by Chang'e-2 will be around 10 meters, compared with 120 meters for that on Chang'e-1.

The launch vehicle for the satellite will be China's Long March 3C rocket, which is 54.84 meters long and with a lift-off weight of 345 tonnes. The delivery capacity of the rocket is

3.8 tonnes.

The rocket will carry Chang'e-2 to a trans-lunar orbit, which has an apogee of about 380,000 kilometers from the earth, and then the satellite is expected to take about 112 hours, or nearly five days, to arrive at its lunar orbit. Chang'e-1 took 12 days.

Chang'e-1 will orbit 100 kilometers above the moon, compared with 200 kilometers for Chang'e-1.

Total expenditure for the Chang'e-2 mission is about 900 million yuan ($134.33 million).

8. We are the change we are seeking.


We are the ones we have been waiting for.


The world has changed, and we must change with it.


Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America.


This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected.

我们的国家也许从来就不完美,但一代又一代人已经证明我们的国家可以不断被改善。 It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.


We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.


We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth.


If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.


We are ready to lead once more.


9. Establishing an American presence at this Expo worthy of our great country was quite a journey.


There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: "After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village." Well, I am very pleased that we have finally arrived at our lovely village.


This was a real team effort, a partnership that brought together our government, the private sector, the Chinese-American community, and so many friends and supporters. So, let me offer a few thank-yous.



To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S. Mission in China, we thank you.

驻华大使洪博培和总领事康碧翠以及美国驻中国使团的全体男女工作人员,我们感谢你们。 To Ken Jarett and the board, staff, and volunteers of the USA Pavilion, including our student ambassadors who represent not just the welcoming spirit of our Pavilion, but the openness of our country. And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners -- your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible. And I am very grateful to each and every one of you.


And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts. It is a great honor to have with us Ambassador Zhang, Vice Foreign Minister Cui, Vice Finance Minister Li, and Vice Mayor Tang here with us this evening. Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion, with its sweeping panorama of a great nation. The ancient Riverside scroll, which depicts another period of dramatic change and development, has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China. This entire Expo, the largest in history, is a testament to the hospitality and energy of the Chinese people. And all around us we see that the glory of the past is matched by the dynamism of the present and the promise of the future.

最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。张大使、崔副外长、李副部长和唐副市长今晚也在座,我们感到非常荣幸。今天我荣幸地参观了中国馆,欣赏一个伟大国家的全景画卷。古老的清明上河图描述了另一个时期巨大的变迁和发展,通过技术的魔力转眼间展现了新中国生机勃勃的形象。整个世界博览会以有史以来最大的规模,体现了中国人民热情好客的美德和能量。在我们四周,随处可见历史的辉煌与现代的活力及未来的希望交相辉映。The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China. If our relations are defined by win-win solutions rather than zero-sum rivalries, we will thrive and prosper together. Now, we may not always agree on every issue, but we should seek and seize opportunities such as this Expo to build greater understanding between our peoples.


This USA Pavilion embodies many of the qualities that make my country a vibrant and prosperous nation: innovation, sustainability, diversity, the free exchange of ideas. And it is a model of environmental responsibility. And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo.


700,000 people have already visited this pavilion. And one of the most moving displays is

the tribute to the millions of Chinese Americans who have contributed so much to the cultural and economic development of the United States. From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M. Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu, Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business, government, the arts, sciences and sports. And, to that end, I was pleased to hear that the Buffalo Bills have recently drafted the first Chinese-American to play in the NFL.

目前已有70多万人参观了美国馆。美国馆最感人的展品之一是,赞颂为美国文化和经济发展做出如此众多贡献的数百万美国华裔的专题。从马友友到贝聿铭,从商务部长骆家辉到能源部长朱棣文, 美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。说到这里,我很高兴地获悉,布法罗·比尔队最近吸收了第一位美国华裔参加美国橄榄球大联盟的赛事。

But we also celebrate those Chinese-Americans whose names are not well known to us. And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States. And it represents a true pageant of American life.


I.M. Pei, the great architect who built the John F. Kennedy library in Boston, along with many other notable buildings, said that he hoped people who went to the Kennedy Library experienced "revived hope and promise for the future." And I believe all of us can see that hope and promise here, in Shanghai.

杰出的建筑师贝聿铭设计建造了波士顿的约翰·肯尼迪图书馆等许多著名的建筑。他曾说,他希望到肯尼迪图书馆参观的人 “重新燃起对未来的希望和信念”。我相信,我们大家在这里,在上海可以看到这样的希望和信念。

And we have already been entertained by some of the young people who represent the future. I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception. We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish (ph) Trio, who will be playing during dinner. These are three young Americans who make their home here, in Shanghai. And then, after dinner, we will be entertained by an extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University, who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called "Meet Me at the Expo."


Thank you again to everyone who helped to make this evening and this pavilion possible. You have enabled me to sleep through the night once again. Thank you all very much. 再次感谢诸位,你们成就了今晚,成就了这个展馆。是你们再次使我能在晚上睡得安稳。十分感谢大家。

10. 海上钢琴师All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You



























3.时尚娱乐版: 共4版,涵盖服装潮饰,美容美体,数码,汽车,影音资讯以及体育娱乐八卦新闻.优雅生活,品位生活从点滴培养。

4.情感休闲版: 情感之约,星座,搞笑,动漫,情商、智商同步节节攀高。



双语娱乐新闻篇九:中英双语新闻 布拉德皮特与朱莉结婚



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The couple reportedly married in a private ceremony attended by family and friends. Pitt and Jolie obtained a marriage license from a local California judge, who also conducted the ceremony in France. 布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉从一名加州当地法官那里拿到结婚证,并在法国举办了一个只有家人和朋友参加的私人婚礼。

Pitt and Jolie's six children were also in the wedding. Jolie walked the aisle with her eldest sons Maddox, 13, and Pax, 11. Zahara, 9, and Vivienne, 6, threw flower petals while Shiloh, 8, and Knox, 6, served as ring bearers.


Jolie, 39, and Pitt, 50, started dating while working together on the 2005 film "Mr. And Mrs. Smith." The couple, dubbed Brangelina, got engaged in April 2012 after seven years of dating.


妇》时开始约会。7年后,这对昵称为Brangelina(Brad + Angelina)的情侣于2012年4月订婚。

The "Maleficent" star spoke to People about her wedding plans in May 2014:


"We're just waiting for it to be the right time with the kids, with work, when it feels right," Jolie said.


"We talk about it occasionally, and the kids talk about it with us, which is verging on hysterical, how kids envision a wedding. They will in a way be the wedding planners. It's going to be Disney or paintball - one or the other! We've got a lot of different personalities in the house. They've got some strong opinions," she continued. “我们偶尔会讨论结婚,孩子们也会和我们一起聊,讨论得十分疯狂,孩子们对婚礼的设想很奇特。某种程度上,他们就是婚礼策划。婚礼要么变成迪斯尼,要么变成漆弹游戏!家里每个人的性格都大不相同。他们都很有主见。”

"It will be fun. That's the important thing. When we do it, it will feel like a great day for our family." Jolie said.





1.沪江 我记得我们当时全寝室用的都是沪江,这基本上是一个人用的好了,然后给我们推荐,口口相传的。我自己用的还不错,把APP下载到手机上面,每天背背词。沪江的资料更新也比较快貌似沪江有很多小编。国内外新闻的更新速度很快啊,而且美剧什么的娱乐新闻更新也很快,都是双语的。

2. 可可英语网


3. n词酷


3. ABC360



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